"E 'i$ r 4m. "n im tt $iir burning Herald nwincTAL, OFFICIAL NEWIPAPER OF DJUTH vfALLi OP KLAMATH COUNTY V K AsafrL Thine Year. No. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1918 Prl Ph MM - mmmmmeSSBKSSSSSnSi FRENCH HAVE REACHED AVRE RIVER HUNS ARE DRIVEN FROM 1ST BANK l.-.-.v.u.-.u.-.v.v. . . ' " " ' ; ' " NEAR MOHIDIER EFFORTS OF THE HUNS TO DISLODGE THE ALLIED FORCES WHICH HAVE CROSSED " VESLE RIVER, PROVE FUTILE BIG ZEPPELIN AIRSHIP BROUGHT DOWN AND ANOTHER DAMAGED LAST NIGHT IN AIR RAID OVER ENGLAND SHEEP HERDER LOST IN US ISDISHD CITY PEST WATER RUNS HOUSEWY BE REBUILT (By Associated Pratt) PARIS, Aug. . Tha French troop, tarq ww rejielMrd At wott Wak of Um Avre River to tit Nortty ft Mo didler, acceding to announcement free the "n Itiay. This stroan Iowa from Um Roye cliatrictfaa a aotta waster direction pa MorouiL r. tL --i- at. VmU Riva tha MM? hat IpSOSi raotdaad in Ma etforte to distodg o the AIM naila which heva affected a creaeinf . The stoblliiation of the Alliod treat on the Vaala ramaina undisturbed by tbe Goraaaa attack. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, Auf . 6.-The Get- mm ara mow facing the Anterican. acroaa tne vaaia iut tv. . WMMJ hta artillery lata today, and am- playad f ana projectors and machina guna. ThaGarmans aba rakad Am Mil tops with gas shells, and bosaWardad Um Araarfeaaa with heavy guns. The Aatorlcans who capturad Fissaaa wore the i eaase wha ocetsdjfcd Colognos, Cohan and Dravigay In tho ad Taaca fraitho Marna. At Fismaa tha Amarkana cap. MAN IN CHARGE OF RAND OK SHEEP W LOOT ON RANGE AT HKAD OK JRNNV CREEK IB FOUND RY FORKftT RANGERS Discovery of sheep kerder name Kennedy, who wm lost for a abort tin In tka bllla Beer tho head of Jenny creak, li reported by aaarckara who spent tha day yesterday la that district. Tha harder wag la charge of a part of a head of aheap owaed by George Watt, Toai Wattere, "Bloa dy" Craao aad Oleaa MeCormlck. Hla abaeaco was flrot aated by Clar ence Mitchell, the camp leader at Jenny creek, whea bo fallal to shew ud with hla bla ahaea at alfht Ho at once com mua tea tod with aoaio of Jackaoa KlmbeU'a forest raagera wko commenced to boat tka wood. Mr. Wattera aad otkar owaera of the akeep alto Jolaed tha naarek yeetor- day. Nawa that tho atea M foaad PLAN FOR THIS CARE OK CONTA GlOVa DISEASES DISCUSSED AT COUNCIL MEETING ORDIN. ANCB REMOVING DAIRIES Tha queatlon of repairing and reno- vating the city peat bouie at the foot of Second aareet was one of the prin cipal subjects of dtacuulon at the meeting of tho city council lut night. City Health Officer Warren Hunt ap peared before tho council and sdvo- aatad that tkla actloa.be taken ai the bulldlag la aow declared to be un bailable for tbe care of patlenU. The natter waa referred to a committee to be takea up before tbe County court, there being a previous ar rangement for tho joint action of the city aad coaaty regarding the care of coatagloua diseases An ordinance nrevleuilr discussed which wilt eauaa tha removal of. all .. IN EiOM GHLSN1 DltNNRK HOTELS BHERK SUGAR RULES LAROR KART OK NKW KVMPINO PROJECT AT CI-OVKn LEAP TOWN NOW IN ACTIVE OPERA TION 1000 ACRES COVERED CANDY MANUFACTURERS ARR FORCED TO SUSPEND OPERA TIONS AND GIVEN SEVERE PUN. IHHMENTJ FINE AID A. R. O. waa taleohoaod la Uai alikt.k Tka a are aow buay NkMlar.m tha nana oi iwir wunmmiw be acattered widely mar tha raage. m MM FOR RED CROSS THURSDAY HUGK AFFAIR ANNOVNCRD TO RAMOC'irUNM FOR RQUlFMENT OF ROOMB IN MILLB ADDITION -URUO INVITED LONDON, Aug. 6.-In last night's raid by the Gmn airships ovar England, one Zeppelin waa brought down and another waa damaged badly. WASHINGTON,' D. C. Aug. 6.-The casualty list issued today contain, a mmJ2tt were Killed in action, six aiea oi wuuim-, u-r;T''-j-ed more or lea. aeverely. One man ?P taken Pris oner. Sergeant Garrett Franklin of Pendleton is among those listed as aeverely wounded. The Marina Corpa casualty Jirt includes ergeant Carl W. Wataon of Buxton, Ore., and Private Albert G. Skelton of Corvallii, Ore., both woundecLaMrfM to cort IMS Pf aquare yard, la to be coropTtted wlthla 10 dayi. ; ; HEAT WAVE SWEEPS HAST New York, Auguat 6. Four daathe and a acoro of proatratloaa resulted ,. niB from the extreme heat. Sis deatba and many proatratloaa are CONTRACT SIGNED FOR . NEW COUNTY PAVING Tbe County court met for a abort time yesterday afternoon to complete arranging and signing tho contract with J, H, Garrett for the Improve ment of the mile stretch paat tha Al ternant ranch. It la reported that the oil macadam Improvement, which lejolso reported from St. wuia, Schooner? U-Boat Yesterday lyi v Canadian 'Atlantic Part. August!. Ina near kere yeaterday, -Tha But.w ..kW... ni.l t Hnl. bare Of the CreW ara B Tka mam belag landed "oriiMBKBOOBer uiaaya. nu. ---- J,,.. -i-- Bd waa suak by a Oarataa BMbmar-jaafelr today at Haya Scotia Iowa, Tha big. social event af August la Klamath Falle to going ta be held oa Thursday ovaalag at taa miiw Addltlaevhall wbea tka War Saflkga society there la to give a big daaoa tor the purpose of buying aewlng ma chlner for tha Rod Croee rooms. The Peerless orchestra haa been secured to furalsb music for the oc casion aad It la eipected" that the public wlllv respond to thla worthy cause In tha same manner tkat has boon shown at former areata la otk- er districts of tka city aad couaty. ThU wlU be a flao chsaca to, nave the best klad of a Ume aad 'help tho bast aauae oa. aarth. Tha. geaeral imbllc la eortlally lavlted.. ' ' CREDIT GIVEN LATH FOB) NURSING WOlaK TAKBW? WSBW to be of feral tha yeuag glrli af Kla math Fallf aider tha iaatraetloa at Mrs. Pauf.aogatdus. U.abouU be noted that apechll coBalderatloa will be aim tkqea eaMMatos wao aaairo to ba aimlttid to th amy aehooi of nuralag.aad who bate takaa tka oourse m alamatary kygMe, aad a.- AwJaLKt.al tt'mtlit aamallA Abba bbUsb. plc,'e jb AmtfleaIteCeea, pro viding taey maw w r?i rwv. rS'Maraaa'ar daslaaad to la mi tki ' in asraaaalaad bavalvsiBM. Taaawraeaea 6ttBg. to amtMaabaM M w fatrbws:' ' Mlrrle : wastas 4. af KCra.wUhchlldraat !; p., p. WMnaaaay. , For iiamarrled woaiaa aad slrta over II aara at age. at,l! . si. Wednesday at doemeetle selaaoa room a( tha PubUe Mbool. 1 Irlaa trnai tka aitv limits after May v - 7 ;- 1. Hit. waa Introduced and aaaaaa after roadlag. Under.'-te provisions of tbh-ordinance, no dairies keep- lag mere than two cows may operate and aell any Portion of the product within tho city limits. Mayor C. B. Crlsler was authorised to purcbaae ate algns warning people ragardlag antes at tbe prlBclpal 'cros sings Plana for a btg bill board to be coBBtructed aad malnulaed jointly by tho city council, the school board aad tbe Cluta Advertising Agency, were discussed and a' committee ap pointed to take ateps In tbe matler. It la proposed to erect a large sign board, I by IS feet, at the Central school aronnds which will bo used entirely for patriotic purposes. Reemlagheuse permits were grant ed ta tka Jackson Apartments, the Denver rooming bouse nnd tbe Hot Springs Roomlag House. A bulldlag permit waa Issued to S. B. Tysoa to construct a frame bulldlag at 10th and Lincoln streets. Louta Boldlahar waa given n permit ta erect n garage at 10th-and Wash ington, aad R. J. Sheets given per mit to repair the Sanderson building at tbe corner of Main aad Seventh. Parmlta for personal sheds and small buildings were graated. Allowing of monthly bills occupied a large por tlon of tbe evening. That water la now running In five of the seven Irrigation ditches In tbe new pumping projects In the Bonan sa district, Is reported by J. O. Ha maker, who was In town last evening for a short time and who Indicates that the farmers of that aectlon are moat Jubilant over the actual realisa tion of their hopes and plana of years. Mr. Hamaker estimates that tbe wa ter la now covering about 4000 of the 6000 acres which have been prepared for It. The water for these landa Is secur ed by pumping from Lost River un der a recent offer made to settlers by the government. Tbe cost Is much mora' reasonable' than any before of fered to tbe farmers and communities all over tbe couaty ate fOrmlaaMrri cation districts and settle's their lands nnder .rrigstloB- rapidly 'as Dosalble. It la expected that several other large tracts here will be cover ed before next spring. New York. August 6. Five of ths lesdlna- hotels' of New York City and two leading restaurants have been' found guilty of violating tbo food regulations by having In their pos session an over supply of sugar, tbe federal board announced today. The eetabllehmeata, with tha pea allies Imposed, are: Hotel Imperial, public eating to be closed two days. Foe. may be serv ed to tensnts aad emaloyes. St. Reals and Hotsl Plata Tka baking, pastry aad rce;cream lleeai have been suspended for 30 days. a ureeiey aauare now company, op erating tha Hotel McAlpla, Hotel! Clarldge, Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, tha Sarvartsa anaJaKb Avaaua restau- rant. ThoaBafar fctaaafaeturlBg II- aass have baaa. aasaaBdad aad tho .........i ni .Mii-ninf. sia.aoa Yo'W equally divided between the Red Cross sad tbe Y. ,M. C. A. war f uads. FOCH NOW BELIEVED AWAITING SUPPLIES 1 . RETREAT OF GERMANS INDICATtONB ARR THAT UUL LIANT GaWnUlTWILIi OORTDC. US OPERATIONS WITBI AMIT. AL OF MEN AND MAI BbsIIIB F1SMES MELD BY AllmThiriRa fR NEW FEATURES ISMHTTEO . BERLIN DECLARES THAT TEU TON FORCES RETREAT ACROSS ANCRE RIVER WITHOUT OPPO- SITION BY ALLIES IN WM ' . m DILL PROVISIONS BUGGESTCD RY GEN. CROWDER TO PREVENT UPSET- TING INDUSTRIES RY WITH DRAWAL OF MEN FEARFUL END OF QUARREL AT DALLAS SPECIAL TAROBT aUNStTRRNCtrARS) T 'cmti'imiMwurK y.tui jf.Vn .r D.tT3pWtV:-0.tBBBSS , Sotoaona froat the altsatloa kaa.hsam aUbtltaed -lor the moment, whadBBaT,' opposjagjforcea prepare for farBhac , moveaaeats. '.-., ..: On tha Bortbern fraat Orawa Prince Ruppreekt MBaiwria, mfmi ' rlcd out aaather withdrawal "'k Tbe Fraaak ,aad AmsrlBtaa mv small unlto haTa .erases aYaalrn river at tartons points. , ." Flsmes, which is hstd by tka Aai erlcan f areas, la tf sassUl-tarastBr for tbe Oeraaaa guns. Tha artillery actloa aMstUa Veale ladlaatar tkat Geaeral Fash la , not thru with tbo crown prteea aad Is awaltfag tke arrival of troope aad guns la atroag force to eoaMase hla operatleBS. 4 t Dallas. August I. William Crane, a farmer, Jamee Crane, kla eon, ana Mrs, Claudia Crane, wife of another aoa, ware found dead oa tne farm a Claude Crane wken ba returned from work lata yeaterday. All tbe vic tims bsdibeen shot to death. Tka eoronor'a Jury today turned In aiverdlct to tha effect that William Cfaaa hadkilled bis sob anc aaugn- toHa-law, vk tha klataslf. Tha family' had avafMed, asaardlag to r 'J-T l" - i. Berlin, via London, August 6 The Germans on both sides of Albert have retreated from the -western to the eastern bank of tbe Ancre river, ac cording to the German official com munication Issued today. Tbe state ment sava the withdrawal waa made without opposition. The text of tbe statement follews: "During the night there waa a re viving artillery activity, which In creased 'to a great Intensity at times south of Ypres, and on both sides of tbe Sommo. . "On both sides of Albert we with drew, without enemy Interference our posts on the west of the Ancre to tbe eastern bank of tbe river. "In successful forefleld engage ments south of the Luce broke, and aontbweat of Montdldler we captured prisoners. . "There have been no fighting oper atlonson the Alsne north and. east of Botssons. On the Vesle we are In fighting contact with the enemy." MUNS STILL BOMBING PARIS ' Parla, Auguat 6 The German long range' bombardment of Parla has Washington, August . Broader provisions for the exemptions have been written Into the new man power bill now before congress so that tne nation's war Industry fabric may not be unduly upaet by withdrawals of men over St years of age for military service. Provost Marshal Crowder made thts recommendation before the senste committee today. 1 RED CROSS OFFICIALS MEET THIS EVENING DICSOWFOR ' (RHEUMS FROM COHGERT BBBMBBBWaSSB ;. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the executive committee of tha Klamath chapter of tbe American Red Cross will be held this evening at the White Pelican hotel, at which time matters of Importance are to be brought up for discussion. All offi cers and membera of tbe executive committee and heada of the varloua departmenta are urged to be preaeat at thts meeting1. CAMEL FVNBRAL TOMORROW pka uaeral services of tha lata A Waa UBBW, ws.ufo rwawia beea brought frees North Bend, will b held at tha Whltlook chapel at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. been resumed today'. " The ladles of the Musical, Study club have completed the tlaaacee ot the recent very successful concert given for the benefit of tbe eutter- ' lag Armenians. The abowlng is a usual In the amounta they have turned ln for thla moat deserving" patriotic purpose. Tho sale of tick eta and donations received, amouniea to I3I3.S5. The disbursements for all purposes amounted to' $10.75, . leaving a substantial balance of , 1292.50 which haa beea paid over to Capt. J. W. Siemens, chairman of. tbe Armenian movement la Klamath county. Allied Fortes Are V a V WEATHER REPORT -: . , e Oregon Fair toalgbt and a Wednesday with gentle westerly s winds' 1 . Maximum yesterday 70. a w v , . O -Minimum today 4. MtMvtMvMMt Rwak sv v. wi M & J'irftiwT.iiA '. -S "M-y.ArS ' . . iijij.i London. August 6. Allied forces, angel, asearatag 10 vntemMBiiiijsiii J, XK . .... . . . meat hero today. .s KhJlviFi ootn miliary ana nBvai, bbvb u.. x, taMlar tka. Alllaf .iftA.watA'A'vt landed at tha Russian port of Arch- corned by tka Rua'watottca, A 4 . ( - r tT 1 "