M 1 yiwv 'VTsiJts?''' ' I" -,iHi M,W MOivVA'POtgTB,' sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbbbb - "- f fM Z"BsTBBm- m HK- Wr . A. '. E2S&, BMHHBi IMVi iP. PW1B ,,' .M VBna.ajr;kBMBaABflH, -( 5 ' i. tl .1 (.4lvtifA'lsVl'' " JA1 r . :. j. '-.' - - , i - i II . - ;ff (wa.BVN3.l3fAV ' sBBBBBBBhBBBI MMsMBa i BBJ ii BS.Ha. m T Vm?... T. iBilBVdll JBHHnKIPlfln J. ' . -'- v II u 'bbf; ,IU ifM.. BCTt- t ' Mrr ft ' ..JsvaMsaJSaMeaBas) B , . , ".-...-.. ;,... ,-., - .. Bi.St. .,.i'ti.'ii7 ; .t i. i-h.-JTv vT- v J' Mb. 'ft! .. -H VBB.IIB1HBH HB.M1,. . .. i,':. Mmsm&v.?mm?zr.- "TCraTMV i-j r,,j 7ttjnAn '"-... ".'. -' - - --.!': r'-' KV.:HveJI. 8'vMsfl! .'tfr'fWV ..-... MDAY, AVOUOTXitU w.jt,V7i,K'j SMEWS'! j'i ona i .:-'!'! M ili MS Kite HELP, WANTED . ritfMMMVAMMMMMMAMlWWMMM ;&:. M '. L'l .1 WANTKD Qlrl for general house .,:,Work.'..T(JS Mila St. Phone 1)3. : i, '- - - ... .sr ?45S&ftlg siPi'yw' v fs (wirtfjfliM WAyiamtfe'LCo:, Modoc PoIbL .ifitAilrtl",i f-r nl Jintua Pfl.'W."7TTTZ." LT ,.'?TV" bv --- '-'KB-ArorkU AbdIv S05 8. Fifth. Btf - -" .-.niif - . . - py-f:FOR' RENT ,v r El -i , firs lyj MWMwtMw wmwmwmwUmmwmm ..iWflrYHl''1irVT--Pln' miihH mmm. . . i- . i .. . t . T itW. W.3.t' -rJ-, !'.Vt'r.ji 'V'.'V'.T" ' "", ;L ".v- - 7 I IIIIMM BIMkA nillM nMimMsM&ml &m. lMUn.,TMfor Bret, 0ra. Mt IT rrr : i. i .' fa. ; a A,f, --' ,; Jm it w't i . ffl J- '. "y --w: '1 rM 1 iLkk Vi li! . . .-.-HWlH';ill j-.ll.tTT t.ML,NFlM ::'J: in HKBBBBBBV': ' 3 hVMw?TsbVKwKwKwhk h jftwaaAVB'i ii,b lMiMB.r-v? i i::;)iiiiiif - v fi , f BFJTrVH-iMV-BW ff y5ppppiH i B? H A lBVa IU k rv M iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB -ABBBBBBBW I KBV' 1 MSXlAWHI V2MPWiiJiiB' i , ' wHEthkaiB i 'rN.BlfBm:'-' ww. ' . ... -iiiiiiiiH im - ;.vMvBwBwl U! ' iiMMlA '-'- ''TmS'i i Mt M IMM 1 Oto-. M-U MMw,:vk hi' ERSONAL MENTION ! .V HAPI'K KNINQH W " Jt . t - J t s . mh rwauin a j.un '- -14 rm J iiai ni AMOfM VMK rKWtl Or TitS dlTV.AN'U VICINITY. ootNas And ooMingm or local fii.ks Mn.v J. W. Wltaon l rewnt rlrtl la this city fro Seattit. Jaaala E. Wmki It a county teat vtoltor today from Algoma. C. W. Held Is wittered at tho Hotel Hall today from Berkeley. Glenn D. Hart of Portland la a guest at the P.eltcan hotol. P. W. Tower Is In town rom the . Keno section today on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Carey came, In yesterday from Ashland. i Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas Scott are ref istered at the Hotel Hall from Lake Creek. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Martin were Uce passengers to Merrill this morning. ' - Miss Claudia Spink spent the week nd In town from the Klamath Ag eacyl ,T. 0. Pheaeger Is here for a short time oa matters' of Business from aaaaTUIe, Cat. - ft Local Red Cross tSV in R. 'Kt Brndbury was among the farmer visitors In this city Saturday. Mr. Bradbury has tv ranch In the Ol.eua district. v . ' MIsajMlldred Thrnshor, Meta Chas lain -and'' Mlas Crcata Brown were smongtho week end visitors at Rocky 'Point. v ,, i i "Sfr.and Mrs. I.oallo Itoaera and family wero nmong the visitors yes- tordsy at Sprllng Creek on the Kla math Renervntlon. O. B. Mcrson, Mrs. K. P. Knapp, P. Fairfield. 1. H. Paradise, Mfs. H. M. Ebby'loft on the stngo this morn Ing for Lakevlew. eclvod tho reduced rte! I. Veterans of the civil war wno are not members of Hhu uraml Army of the Ueimbllc. I 1 2. VUIown of forninr niomhors of, tho Ornnd Aiiiiy of tho auiiubllc, n Imh tney urn momburn nf lim W Udlofl or mo Activities Thoee'BresenV In the sewing room .k....i.. ..... MniiUmm Wllllcr niHIlV lUdlct COrli Kennedy, C. Murphy, O. D. Burke. !arml Army of Clio Uunubllc, Army Mary Waterhouse, L. L. Btoln, II. (Nurses nssoclntlon. or Dnughtcrs or B. Catkins, T. R. 8killlnger, II. M. Volorano. Strain, H'. P. Dow, L."-. Brcwnell, 3. Daughlers of .lefooil momhers Ida Orlmes, L E. Sullivan, and Ml of tho Grand Army of tho llopiibllc, Alta Ralph. - - , unless they holung to the orgniilsn 'Attendance for the' weok 88. tlon known m l)?miilor or Voter. Hbstessos for tl(e coining, week arc mis, Woman's Hi'Uof corps, or Ladles In order named! Mrs. Clyde Bran- of the Ornnd Army or mo uepuum.. A Good Time to H, fl K. Petersea, B. W. Gaiaes and' It. M. PtetAer are reeeat arrivals from Oiympia, Waak. W. T. Elliott and Lent McKensle of the Pine Grove district, were ameag the city visitors Saturday afternoon. denberg, C. B. Browne, W. P. Mc Millan, B: R.- WlthroW, Geo. Hum phrey, Robert Sloan. ' Those present In tho Rod Crost room In Merrill on Friday. August S, were Mesdsmes Geo, Wllsun, It. C. Anderson, E. Hammond. K. S. Tor wllllger, C. M.. Merrltt. D. Stukcl, It. If. Anderson, C. Bowman, C. N. Hasklns, Fred Stukel, Ross Flnley, and Misses. Edna "Merrltt, Veda Of- ' nl.l J lta tVIInn ..v.-, ... ..-- ........... ! Those present In the Red Cross rnnai ! ItrVIII nn ftnllirilnv. Auilllst H. H,.tVan Valkonburg transact-1. ,. tkt-. u t. Mnr k od business In Klamath Falls Sat- M, Bubb A u Ccani N, Ofncomln,. urday afternoon from his ranch on' Fred 8tuke, 0e0 w,(on( Jorf 8lu. me xea road. j'kelj'C. M. Merrltt. E. 8. Terwllllger, Mre, William Allen left for her . H""0"''. 0" Hammond, home' la Los Angeles this morning R - Anderson, R. H. Anderson, and 4, Sons of deceased momiiem oi the Grand Army of tlm Republic, 'un less they belong to tho orimnliatjon known as tho Sons of Veterans. Ill't'K HUXTKIW (HIT Till! LIMIT 'If they use our domostlen'ted wild mallard decoy. Birds and Instruc tions from 0. N. Palmer, La Grande,' OrcKou. '2l after'a visit In this city with her daughter,, Mrs. John, E. Moore. J, M,- Dougan. the contractor la t if'iy'i,t',.T?. ;sJM,TiuiMe-.srhy, Isjw tlimiih masasxyec 4ml4k Jsjaatfe rBL:MsV 'i. -'?Ml Sffln'ijHKjL. Batf at Hm vWis- sHaWsfct' 'Js wm m- vQay' Merrill paid the coaity seat a bastaeea visit Saturday afternoon tnm BkrrihV ' '& '?? T?0?? i0 KMITIJfa CONTK8T to fHVM irmMH ws ( simu Hver ta thftr laaaeh yesterday. ' ' W. 1. Keeterse aad B, C. Stuart k4 wife are haw from Wordea to- ., Misses Ella Callahan. Edna Merrltt, Paullae and Mamie, Olacomlnl and Alma Wilson. charge of construction on the Mali I . street eaurt house, has returned from! KKDUCKD RATaM TO (a short, visit to Saa Francisco, 'Mt HELD FOR RED CROSS O. A. R, CONVKXnOX To members of the 0. A. R. Wo man's. Relief corps and others who desire to secure the, benefit of the I MjtHMj' Mta tA ttAA ti nallnnal SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS . FROM THE LIVER tveryens aheuld drink het water with phosahsts In It, .. before breakfast r Jewelry Repaired Knll.rt)nlng Is n,oro U.J mnl 'In tlm lumtuer tlm0, -r slvo hroochei, pins, n, JT nnis aia worn, and th, j valitsblo Jewelry seldom Z? latter totppa for a ihoWSI j I ora ? amlnntldht DereotlvesottitiRs, V tonings, or oilier needed r.i will be' made, and u 5? hienta , polished. The JmLl will be In the bW condilfej rial season. ,lf, you are koIiik uwty (, the summer; Itav,. ur vlry at Upp's to bv rcpti niiiu uu ntm awn)-, Di. safe from loss or tliert. . ns being put In tin, best, I'cumiiun. si i Frank M. Upp 511 Main Street OMclal S, P. Watch Inssejtsft tyro,Balve4iaa Argsr. it Billings, Mont., Aug. 5 Red Cross kalttara 'will rsntltuat tnr nrtrmM thai Mldlaid Empire fair to be held hero ""?". "V PA- AuUit ". this fall. Th. Witt .1 . I w "tisii.w, Will BNI II IDI uos. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8." Peterson and. vldsd the R.rf Pm .rf .In ir.i relloar' bulldlag In this city on Moa- I . -- -a - -a . '&. . -t - thair eaaffeur ware Sunday tourists' i when the their sck. nrrnrdlnr . UM r ' " :.' ff.NyWMWIililMMttosth. hi Klamath while m, sa. autK trip .nVclfication.. Th.7t JT..t. -- "der of the O. A. R. and the Z2!ff!&J&&TZ23ttm I h" mo,t "e"'y nhed at 41ua wlH.lasne Identification car TTTi1.. -"J'""," . I - - . ' thai A . -. ' UlA 'aUaj'sl nf an tinuu aad deaahhals aa'tiria Assarti "'. "" D- Porter are here. T" "". " ,"" "" ".M"""..-! ". i . ir-.i. . b...... -..! dared the winner. hi s nlllii i TWfaat'UaOeniM1 & kwtTtoit fnm PortUad! They sk4lMl'aJl'ah,ta4am;'iwm ag V fatoM ' tl Whit Pallcha .aMsaj;!!"' . I)i ' iMf ' Cha C. Daaaaa aad Daaala Laer T., ! roP time from Leak 'OlST'l '-' c' Tr ' t the ' sMBa,vsvMjar (ptatM f? i'T" ??""' jmmm. I IIIIBJIIIBIB VB J sBBBJsBt "V.""" HW "fchr-ko 5ftr. RatsaHall. '.ii-hwmiumo Urn iJCiV'. b.dsjavarav aBaauamW -i ' - wfww,'a.'iiagia 'ri .- ?-., KM1 ,,. '.' '.' Mlpea Para aad Orac Heaa-Iaad a attejttta T troai Pertlaad, waaro ' : ,Uy haw beaa vtoHlag their aktar far saveral waaaa. . Purchase a Thrift Stamp before re tlrlag. mioy work' whH yoa sleeg,- W . tlNaaUa .It Stu. .u.HU.J a will, be .."'"- u. u ... vT W IW IVW9 - V Will VIIMUIV the recipients to secara tickets at the reduced rata. , ,x , C., M. Hsnt,.Commaadar. The follewtag are eligible te re- 1 Seattle Mr. a4 Mrs. A-'M. Wardea 'spent awaday ta th Harsafly district. st'stA4 . " "f - ") . nae : w . mm ra.i ' PubJic WUI m( k'.s'xj: VtSt ftmmm'iA'h i. . : ' v-'j !" w SBBBBBBSSBBBSmsammmmmMM I I nwll I .!..- ' .' CTV-.B.HH I - m - i'V 3riLiifiiu. . .-.'" , M,wi SBJSCiB J.j.'.... . MmTCT wJI- 4-- ,j I : ! Ysklms.'lAugust 5. The first, ear lead of youag range horses sent from here to the Seattle market for but chering purposes was shipped last week. It was arranced for br th ) Th Near saw hla first wis. k f - ---. Mtsel, Patterson, eon, who hellave that the meat af him iSehlMr. it atx years: aaad- ?.."" Maloaoy 'aad the younr. selected rang anlmsJs - i - . f ... a ww . -BjiLaB swraa - - 'IWHSIWIiSBSbT -"-- ." r- --- . Try Horse Meat To feel a fine as the proverbial riddle, we must keep the liver washed clean, and almost every morning to prevent Its sponge-Ilk pores from clotilna with Indlicstlblo material. sour bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted physlclSB. If you act beidachs. It's your liver. a If wtil a.at,.ti ..nlfl'miallv It vnlip llvn ' V.. SOT. V. .VIM ........f , . w jmw ...w.. If yon wako up with a bad taste, fur red tongue, nasty breath or stomach bocomes rancid, It's your liver. Sallow skin, muddy complexion, watery eyee, sll denoto liver uuclennll.iejs. Your liver Is tho most Important, slro tho most abused and neglected organ of RKCKAM RKVT SKRVifB Mm im Mghl Thane Sg W, D. MILLER tae4 Coatrorts Walks, rioura, Foundstlois. f cret Bulldlag Blocks, Plsmi Tiles, lit S. Slith St. Psoas I Tb new, IBIS Mr cost Ntai the body. Few know Its function or' how to release tho dammed-up body) waste,, bile and toxins. Most folks', teat anfj ! poUdes of thai resort to violent calomel, which is aici-r- ar. wmttwm sHthssisi osngerous, sauvaiing chemical wnicn ajd (h. Mat ig-s. -&. - fTak th saasah smt of . ....- UUJ ... .. ' -, -jiiuvia wns - aspuaviiie, Ml, taarsaBAitr1J :iwV.tM',lte.aawi'L-. Oaa Johasoa. Artkr Laavitt a hwaathfstarVefcs Wssk sad tt. "' f'w mmmi ear. . B-Mky.PMat. where they eajoyed th I T-" JhWsy4.iww ;, ye-M.Wflalag. tl ItMa ehsMcroa. ' " '. i'"" Kwtw, K- '--. Mrs. sUte mes't Inspector, F. E. Header- iwi iBtaa Wt insists. , --- -i iu-iva auiriur tor auai par- ia - ... Bsanuag oa ta auto stage for Ash-looses to that nf th nrnu.. -' " -.--JVB-. ..'. ( - 1 . " --- -".- ---.. lB,laetVg Mrtk I twetv v I will be found auperlbr for. eatlag pur poses, t I animal.. Th herses, which' were to ha slaughtered uadr the aaparvWoa of the, Seattl city meat Inspection de- Apartment, were aeat la the nature of aa experiment, Mr. Henderson said, aad if they are well received he expects to B able to get thous ands -of youag range horses that are ' y&' T '&s.tey.kfw ?mhM stafT?- --U WeislMBI WH-Bi- ZLLL&li&E - ? '-? ... '. aaiss .asvsHjat sttvnBg- wi . - . : ;w.s- -BBBSmaaBBaM'aaaasssst -::-- Vl aw" BBli'-BnBBBMBBJ eBBBSBBBBfrnj fBBBBF t.'.'-..V'i i . ,t- (, T mig&sm mwmt . rftoVi-'B-a.Vria .v- . .'. '?4n';a'"i7S73 ffj.v-t-Vii eaa only be used occasionally because It accumulates la the .tissues, also at' tacks the' bones. ' (Every man and woman, sick or .. - wsll, should drink each morning b-i (ore orcsKissi, a glass or not wster with a teaspoonful of limestone phns- Btkait4S. las.' I . k-aali.tl.niM Ska !.-. ... h-i. tt,.' .!... .- I..I .im-' 8tt P Warden Carl ft' material, the nolsons. .our hit. B.i l"kw' M lr Attoratf) texins: thus cImbiIb. .wm.!..!..' ' ' Portlaad, and and .freshening the entire alimentary Wn pf tht fpttlastl ChatJ canal before putting more food Into"-"""" " ,or ,ne nor,J PORTbANB OVPICIAM 1 following a abort visit In rails ana, Klamath county. ,im Mr. Shoemaker declared thlgl the stomach. Limestone phosphate does not re-1 Strict the diet Ilka calomel, tusratitui im can not salivate, for It Is harmless and ln ,bl -"ara -s found to'he'l you can cat anything afterwards, it '00u ' Crater Lake to suss; I Is Inexpensive and almost tasteless.- trout there. and It Is proposed Is I and ajiy pharmacist will sell you a In n large number of crawfish tsi quarter pound, which la sufficient for Hevo the situation. All nisahMl a demonstration of hdw hot waiter and (he party expressed thrussHM I of no particular value for hay other Kmestone.phosphsto cleans, stimulates greatly pleased with the purpose, .and to seed them to the Beatq market. sBj. WMHgppeks WhenM? Wnt Ohey Mr. Hoover ...l. -.J. . '. , ... - . . ' " ZaJ...' 11- . v--. . . '?'VF'l wis h .aere s. aaafaadBrRish rV i roturaed from Ja trio -" '? a v a " '- '. IPT.tTWTO .f " .B-nV ; 'STAR THIATER 't " I'SaT laaa'aa' '! mmJ - :--i.r,r-i-r ,.- V T r.i sua i-iiiirni-i r -r. . r .. HT'-A -laaaM K; ::ttBt. tiff '.v ; tVtSajSuif' ii " . 5' Kit.iu-Tndr'Xerrrmv? ?. wn t i.Y.'irXiHJWlwJw,c , tovotfar; ' n (.v; i ...LssssssssksiT-i7aBBas .aBSSSSSSsa aH , ana m a' ivt " A.ssiaisLB r,:... '. j Y - Fer aha) aee Tlas Ab ,iai-.WV?.iii ii.'WT'"' -'. Vs-'-7 "is.s.ifvwh-rwut a la w..Tr,,::A-'.'?!'.-' j i't. 'McRjtV4- xi . f ' ! WWin"..si "' rnait S'l-'-' ' -' ' I .. J - .ITIFf nn Sifttl 7fiji ;ibj sSBBgaWSJatiat! . ..-.'. I ' ' i-iiliuA.'i'- "'l!- ' " v I . ' , , i i-aSJt&Slill TS'' sT ' I " II , Wlinf iT Wn,p7l..iifcln,lsaWW nw aap-vsssBssr bisspbbbb mjssssssssssssssssssaa saw '. ' --ansssssissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 3VBV.VBB1 -v- - t, .-.- T7-.T-..- . .Hft-.iV.". i, h ..,.,'.s . ' l9?BSSmBBflsBBJBjBJBB ?- kvF1 JO ALL WHOM ITI AY GbrJCrRN Mats BrtJWw''k . V ' ysassssHcnavaaTnaL'VlS? .,,; ..'V; ' &j?M ' as .- HbosTov -i mffl&szMim&eB&mmmm opera, ho ut. f ItaWnffialSsS S1 ssUsSaaVBtts1ss B-,v' I1. taW.si"ai.vmitili,tR H8lls.-F IXKKIW WHUBIMIWM SMSffMSBBMWi .!lsm I iiAK thxatik SBBsUBlSBSSSaaaBBBVnBBB9nBBBBBBBBBBB:i'BBBBI arararal i-r.-i' " ' ''JaaBBBBBBUamarBBasBBaTaTaaaTa 1 rnaBaWHl ' .0BiREITf lailHlHHB.BBBB MARY GARB UWM IjBJBBBBlJi.igH bbbMbssBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUbbVbbbbbbbbVBbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBABBBBBBBarBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB sBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBaBBBIBBBBBB ..B..................WS.S.S.S.S.SB.S.S.S.S.SirLS.S.S.SH.LS.SHKH.LS.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. ai BmwBBBmmBmmmmmmmmsBuaaBk.k'7m'x'Mv-Mimmi I sBBBBBBBBBBBaHBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHRBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I8SBSSsHaHPliHsBSBBBBBBSBB All Sorrow. m4 joy, -un, Oa E fiePiniPPnr ' fl -. . i1tJBBVsBBBsBWawe ' M'MiiffiKXBjBlBBlilBBBBBBBBBBB Mmtar Iogwrna. WB.! - -----sm- s. -.. f f . - BMBBaVMJ ?aMrj'sm-a ' h. BPMMmj2W - . . I -t 7ft 1 . - sfjBBBBBBVf il"iL.f.f.MBW?T' I 'fAaU.t.j; -.. . ' - ' i ssjiB..rL. ... yar7Tt'. BbbbbbbbbUsbT ( 2 ..'. t4k.Hk &mk i ti , .Mia, iwc sa !, ry B over ,nu wmuow tells Its warningsif' the food sdmlaUtrstor, KmjIKp ',..... re,"::, A,. . Kr. ' BBBBBBBBBB-Eil' " " ""rrnnriniiii '-' j i.-vy and freshens the liver, keeping you brisk business conditions of ttaal leeuag nt day la and, day out. Adv. ; tlon. rou awijeBDiD AnnrKaV . y jw inrtBBi Tb' Most ( a Waaas) Wk 'kW smsl -Jojn Sav Oa i .'f . i oninLiT " ! ) (11 C )iw BBBBBBmasaaHBMl ' I lUL-Wl 1 ' rSW I ' '' 'ci IMm i mmM d HI fear2i ti SBBBlnsKsll " ta -is55ss "sa-s Ir sJ'Va 1 Vl r i s-K. ' - " U I 1 .- .S KIDNEVB FFEL j OF LEAD" ! VKENYOUR LIKE LUMPS T E M I L KTHEATI K AU.,Ta.pto i B- Bhw at th Mar Taoater MaO VbUI FaraW Koila- i MIKRILL OPERA HOUII Th sign over this window tells Its ewa. atery, An Ice1 cream daainp in ii- -t . , -- WBshtartoi. D, p.,.ffalleijl to bsedthe ."f V ..MdBBliBmrri,''; ;v SIBHBlaWSI aim aaawraiaka-aai IK2rMi:t".:VTif,'. ITTTf .It '';' ?..- !i?W' i i.'.ww BM:frgH ' -f ' vvji1'- r ;:.4.yvi'r;w.i: ,.;i;wrajr"" is,.-1' v " . ' sf'" 'yj."- t'"''y'"" "" l.A ..'rtvs?aaM' ixj-i0!flWf.w. ..s.yH.vA . .- v.A''u.. .t -' warnings of th; food, admlalf trator, " il'a , . '- (, ' i , V and his llsansswaa revlked, aad lie ;W ' , ' " thus wenttt of.buslasse. . . ' , . -!'.., When you wako up with backache nd dull misery In the kidney region It generally moan that you have boon eating too much moat, says a well known authority. Meat form. uric acid, wh(ch overworks thb kld-l .. ii uieir enort lo filter It from the blood, and they bocomn -. n. .-.,, ona loggy, when your kid neys get sluggish and ciog you must relievo them, Ilk; yon relieve. Xr ".-r .moving an tho body's urln. S&Wt tff ypu-iinvo backache. Jk headache, dlisy .pellsj your stomacji, sours, tongue Is coated, and when the woathc, I, bad you haye rheumatic twins,, th- ...,' . Y.8 etnYM J i.ii l.! ,. .. """. M"" W )iro obliged to ieek relief two erl times during the'slght. either consult1 good, rellsUtl nuiiiii ov once or get irom yuf r nmclst about, four ounces at:' Baits; taken tableanaonful IB I of v.-ater befora' breakfast forj "ji Hna'your'gMMyt win, flue. Tbi,' Vim WbbIUIs. mi the acid of raBi"and lemos comblnBd wth.1Mthla'iUn.Hl I'todj for eBaifoosMo clsa i)tlmun)aaNiafJi'r.krBeyi. "eutrulli. MlsH Ig the Brine I l"Kcr'lrrh7tr7hn.''sDdlnf 'W()nknM,,, AWM' . 2 -u Daiiaia snaa saver i?r- meat wUrazr U wfaaimsnslTe.1 "'" sWsVVsUtwssWViTs'" y ' - v'?" ' v t ,iVt'rv!rJl ,m,n(iehfnels pf, Inlureani'suWatrWIghMl BBBBBBBaBBTsBa-aTaTaBBM. J '' -