w' - - - ' - Mife; CVgNHitt ' HBKALli. .,t?uKTKknt''sy 2 v 4 ff""""'" " " i" '"'r Barnaul amaBBaaai amBBammml i mmmm BSmmm "" ftr. l . . . """""'""""awaBSBBmmmmammmmmmmmmi I JM icie uUbUll a, bbbbb"-- X TTIaM . ji,J ? 1 1 -ff , ---w rl " ijf!9StlN -af0vmB-a.W 1..H - 4f ? ' mmmmmmmTMra wargaSsaT. jfig.h,Mg wvjsaBm - . : arc .?ff-v jgagBai ifflEasafsar viTOftlH BBBB?I''tl .-BEBBaar KrrrBBBmlBr,'fBUBBBF Jg.--BBmmmmmBaBBBBBBBBBBBMBj i aammmmT.,MammmmmmmmmmmmmmBT ammmaBBsmar ammmmmmhefammBQtwmmmm I ; wfiHHHHBw'HIHiKHHHBSHH' ' iaB4aiBsacftM3rCTi;c raw ia ' iwkwwwM Marquis Okuma, hsrs shows la ths clvlllaa draw, several tlmM premier. of Japan, la hera allows la eoaaul ' tatlon with tha present military chief. a. Commercial With South Serious Washington, July It. Commer cial relatleaa betweea the Ualtl States aad South America are la a serious coadltloa aa accauat of tha war. The lack of ahlaplag baa caused a decrease la tho ameuat el maau- eaa of th.e affaire to occupy the at- IuIumJ' - --! a AMi.'teatloa of AmbasaaAcr Naoa. arhn Uaa, aad tta factories of that cwib - try are unable to moat the demand. r all moaths absence. Seme of taefactetlo mutrarawma-) Matarlala from Argentina aought tarlalanhat have formerly beea ob- by the Ualtod SUtee'aad tha other lalaed la the Ualtod Statoa aad have aalloaa at war with dermaay lacluda beea comaellad to abut dowu or beef, sheep, hldea aad wool, prlnel areatry curtail their fercoa. pally. Accordlag to official figures ""The eatraare of tha Ualtod Stateo roeoatly Issued by tajo) Argentlae gov mto tha war marked tho aad af ei- arameat, there are 10,000.000 aheap teaelve ablaalac betweea this esua- tho republic, as compared with try aad Arajaatlaa. Besides a few 41,000,000 la 1114. tha list year la steamships asms aalllag vaaaata visit (Huree are available. The wool Argeatlaa, accordlag to caaaular ad- ! ' " a situated at 140. vkea, but they are ao amall that nav-1 000,000 hike, valued at approilmate- , Igatloa Is dMgoraua aad they do net evea approalmata the demands of commerco. Tha meat aeeded article! are heavy Iroa aaatlag aad soaL Argentlaa bualaaee mea aro great ly roaceraed because soma of the vessels arrlvlag at Bueaoa Ayres have come la billast. caused, they.say, by the fact that they were seat away from the Ualted States hurriedly to tt the cargoes f products la Ar geatlaa that are aeeded In this coun try. The Ualted States haa a credit of I The Eye fw the Brithh Gtua on Fnnt a? s s j "smVaaBrt 'N t In I :ad$SBBBE8mBafflfc4 I TB?JBamBaBaBM!ttBBBaaaar Li ndsmamaaaPmaaamaaamaaaaMtyrary ' n BmBaBmamBmaaBBBnlf'''" I it wtwWmijfimjMMRmWmmwKsAXi VmaaaaawaaBaaamBBamFfapjf SaWBiapBWSBaBBBVRtfMMtt r ? jWVI:'ii i W. ' ,' ' ao great v . which thla a a'stass awtars, Is ths " - . -- f yM ' attat mM.a.tk .rkwh ths weeton freV Wkat Hm Leader Meets the njraoio'van. ww.ai wi,w rr bjbm fTi eaBBsajawaj S mcb- mitit mmm 6 jUhMMAt winrirair p" " iwwMk.rva Relations 1(0,000,000 In Buenoa Ayres, which will ba lacraased, according to this Informatloa, by 140.0000,000 to be used as a basis of aichange In trade, It la aald thla altuatloa requires dip- lomatlc arrangement and that thla sm Just roturaad to Waahlagtoa af-l ' ISO.AOf.eoo. The total eiports of Argentlaa last year aggregsted "bout 1176.000,000 and the Imports 11(0.000,000. There were 1.000.000 head of cattle eiported, principally to the United States, England and France. To meet the situation caused by the lack of ships the Argentine gov ernment naa aeciaea to cnaage aev- oral old warships to morchaat vea- acta and to buy more ships wherever they can ee round, tbi la aaother oi ip araaiam wna wnica mw -ffM'i f ao. , . '. td ' . . ... ''Lj aauaaa. ar.auBBars annauaa uuhbiw mi . " .' -.'T . . 't... ' Which taey eaaBOi see irsm taew aw. aitteas, weuM, beuaaW to auksf hit. Military Ckitf Vi ' ' ' ', -i r ! ador Naoa will deal. , ' pinllar coadltleaa are rapartadla Chile. Kxporta fraa tha Uattad'aUaaOac toward aaeh 8tates,.f manufactured goada kava been virtually euspeaded asaaat M a, limited aumaar a article. CM - I ". T. 7V "r-""! ?.r,"r..,.v' niBBiuar aaa. aaaaiaaaa waa-BW aa avaiBaB-Bi smaaaBaaa-Bmii T a ess- fea-aa em am aa aajajaaaim aji of vessels from the) Ualtod States ,rlva la Chlleaa acru la ballaat to j bring nitrates to the Ualtod SUtoa. t Urgeat request aa been made to tale country to permit taoae vaaTala to "rry cargoes of aeeded aoauaaMltlaa. '- :P i Tho new isia low cast UH, ikat aadj heaMli aoHrlae ad tKCTra?. olera are war( and they coat ur a THRirr stamp tqdat, GRANDESTON . OALNB aWVBNTRpi ronm r A . TAKING TANLAC AIAO BRMKPITEO "I have gained seveateca aoaada and the oaly reaaoa I.ta'.ISf aty wonderful Improvement Is that Taa e it an eitraerdlaary aisaa1a,M M A. H. Thamaa, a wall Ijamsm),. pl0ye Of the Wright ShlBbUlldSag uav. and llvla at aeiU'aaat-'s)tk Street. Tacama. Wash. " "The cause of my traubls,1 tlnued. "sUrted about alt Vi wnea i aecMeatauy straa taa aaR of my head a very bard blow., I paid llttm atteatloa'to It it ftratr.aat la a short while I esimeaad tovav Bosoacnee, wbwb OB.ajmaBB;,wraB ! until I could' hardly 'tadu tm. . These awful aeadahaat''wtth ims) srart I ry shout my coadltloa Bjiea'ed toaa ldsrmlas my waalTgVaM aaJ'my t general nsalth sat taaa;aMaatvsiV petite tt me, -aay atoswvm'. ft la. terrible coadltloa aad I J,!. ted for several weeks: "fpsi maaaged to. aat1 'gJT2i4Twl4iI gss aad'lataaaa harm lastead af fermeaU sSuslat; pala. I was. vary r"reBtimavaft''BiahLu! would doss oft far r a wUMiadt! aid tosa1 hwanVI ajgvilt e 'tlai waks ua aad roll I was tired aad alajgWialt ana never ji equal :M( ?.. wawa... .. "I tried dlffaf atr medteraea aaa.' lag to flad'metala'tald'B my stomaek aad bilM at at'Ui a eral way. but 1 faHW io ftad tea ithliiK until I iotTaaiae.' ,TbWj , Iclne has pravea ta-bo'etactly what , I needed. It has gotiea my' ato'mach , in .ploudld 'coB(tlo.myaptlVe ia ,flnn aad I ca eai Just gaythlag I want aad oajoylt.tvl don't euffer Ja partlcl with gas gad laaisjaatloa, 'aad I, atoaa. ae. wall, that ' sto to Igetp to tbs maralsBV id.l,aVIi 'tare a headacha. nl.amifesllavt. t4aa In a'vsry. way,;aw;aMaay wa haa oaly sota taJitatiTaaoto a sjatrt Iwhlls. haa baaa hsMRtod 'smt, iclBsaa'arth,'thsraM'asvaA' tkat. . .A1.'. ' . ." . ,t iaai." . -. ."...JsW . Taalas IsWsM la.Klaasaik Fall by aw:,aa'oa5-.,'f'1 'mtt. wmmt fi "it ,'t-jrt t at 1 1 TllillllA v a n raiMfl lis I Is II lUlllffU I II t .. a iihtnotitiA iM - BUBI Leadoa.JuIr S4. (flrltlah Wire- laaa erirlce). A sport which has arises out, of tho war hunting sub- mttimt.tr airship It described In 1V Tiaaa Tha wrltnr'a alnrv ran. Tli writer's story con- i"" -.-. - cimivfl wun iiiiiii iinw mn craw oi tbeL'boat apparently nroferrod death to being captured. . Oae,ef the crew of nn airship spot- tod "a aubaurlM lying on the bed of tha oceaa la fairly shallow wstor. "The wireless sparkled," reads the account la tha Times, "and soon aWay 'oa tha karlion there nouenred a lit- tta destroyer, followed far astern by four aouat trawlers, all racing to- ward tha spot, above which the air- ship cruleed around. "Tha destroyer came up first, of course, aad k' 'wave not long before I guided by, wireless Instructions, her Iguaa ware tralaed In readiness to r i groat the uasuepectlag U-boat, should red a signal aaa upon tae two iraw K bob to tha aarfaca'.' It seemed aged rs UM firing, key ware preeaed. to' rtlto Imtattoat crew before the "rolloweaV thea tha uartslag of a tritWMfa arrived, but thing movefl Keysar of water, aad whew, tha trou rapidly oaee they were at the eceae bled oceaa became calm, ef the eub ef actloa, for they knew their Job marine there waa ao trace other than f ld. ;arMag la aalra they approached their yttUm from opposite directions, other. B- twata each pair a atrong 'sweep' was atratohed aad. allowed to hang In a klft toep. Uat It might traverse the rz'-T " T ' ::"7:!;. "Tl bbbbhbi aaaauai. 'aramam wamBmBBHaa anai ann rrnaaain i aT-jaartataora tracks Immediately above h aaaM Tt. t .i.vl. i .. - it., tt k. tm. aBd.art elaialUaaaaaly and held her la a gisaatla cradle, "Thaa far tha Qermaa boat had ahowa ao algae ot alarm, altho those with, her must have heard the chum trawler's acrewa. Now she suddenly seeased to awake to the men- ace that threateaed her." The artl-' Local Red Cross I a www - - -... -". , t. a-1 I.I Activities Jmtnmum The preetat at the-sewlag room, ysstarday were Meedamea Joha Noud.' Katoll Carrier, Frank Morelaad, M.I Mataeheabacaor, B. J. Boyd, Jennie1 Hum, Chaa. Martin, Henry Newn-i bam, Nellie Halley, M. McAudrows,' iNalUo McAadrews, a. C. Lorens, U. m, Bauuvaa. la the auraleal dresalag room were 'lMssdaiss L. h. Drowaell. Qeorgs .tCaaatala, J. S. Raboura, Al. O. Mela- IL... w wma ! - 'j rt. u w. mwTTjmma, v. u. ioj9, vriatfjT rmvK) mtiri, uvorBO w. wrigat, a. a. osiiman, l. Tar-. wllllger, L. L. Truaa. Paul Bogar-, I f . A . m That present at the Red Cross la, Merrill on Monday, July 19, C. M. Msrrltt, J. A. llrowa.'Rert Barrows.' Ross Flnley, iPj Stuhel, Fred StukelBok Ander-j :," f" Aaasrsoa, J. H. Waaas. Lyash aad Mlas Waada Pope. v m f wj UtTWUin LtO&tT t4jT TT ar,aaei(g ,.r .-, K'-i ,: paaaaBla4dk""v"n .fJaaWmBBBBmBBmBBaV ' amsafil i wRvmBamBamaW aamaaP 1 $ kM&$MsmmmmmmmL i i mVJgflaJ k " t t si v v? tf 'gmBaaamaal IV if BBBBBmamT hss P'i ?- aaaamBBBBBBal . i a.- vScf-t 12 I''viasamammmmami . v I . WCkaaj iff IJ'jmmaaBHgmBBBaBamBl I -mBBBBBBaBaaPffimaaB. I f-'ImHaBaBaaBaBaBf V smBBBBBaMBmwaaarWI f'vjl-aaaPmBBBBBBaT ' i aBBBBBBBBBSmBBBBBBBftari llf.jSsBamBBVmBBtatataV I iBBaaaaaaaaalHHwS HVr I; 1 ImBmalHSlIll VmBmBmBm J ) IHmlaBBmKmC wh r -BmatBrnaHHaWK cdwaamB.alB.aA mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWmB bT tTBaamBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB2 r BaBmaaaaaBaaaaKl aHmBVaaaWmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaf ImaaaaaaaaaaaawlHi mBBmmmmmmmmGmmmmmmmnmmmmn 'PBBaaBavsvssmaBaaaBjaaBw ' tHmaaaal'l ' nm'Pmff'11 lKj aamaBBBBBBBBli ' amBaBamBaaamBaaamBamBBBBf mBaBBBmBaaaB!?amBamnwl n UE!lsmmmv$ii$-mmmm$m 1 HmBBmBBBaHPamaBmr ''.aHBfl " maamBBBBBBBBMIaBBBKtaBM ri SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWfifBBBBBBBBml v aaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmrarET jar... v. maaaaaaavammmmmi I ymaBBasiasaaamwJwtwyTtsHjM aSBBBBBJhBBBUSvwattwMaW1IP4Mii Hunting Is Exciting Sport do goes on to describe the fata of' . "'a suumannes. "Hiio witgied and squirmed about i In it frantic endeavor to escape, but ll wbm uidImi. Not a laanhala waa .. . - . . . . . umro o no loiinoi ana ai innarn, reauxinx mo neipiessne or ner nKiit, sho reused to struggle. This fn" w" ""Ix wirelessed by those on "nrd tlio airship to the destroyer Mow. Trapped securely, the enemy vessel could still rise to the surface did she so desire, aad, tojlre her an opportunity to do so, tha British craft now waited for several minutes. She Pieferred to Ha Hill I and so, at a flagged signal from the destroyer, the starboard foremost trawler and the Prl " one auacae a tin or aign explosevea to each of tha 'cradle wires'. and allowed It to slide dowa- rd until It rested upon the U-beat hull.. Then those In the airship flag- in axteasive patca or on noatiac ua- on the surface ot the aaa." Hef era tha rkw. aat wur RMr policy freea CkMcataw Our a aire level let. la T " " "'."" "T """ mm rote about tho aaw at McCormtlck kdamtr, sos4 at half atir. other li Far. Mor'a vVarehoasa Co. Mowey to toaa em ckjr aa property, K( wMt ' 1 .. .- j-iH('nM mm nui pMMf Tetfard Oi.twac. sitr GRAY HAIR NOW HRl'fKIIMT NAVN LAbUm ARK IHIXO KKlfPK OF SUGR TRA AMI HUM'HUK Hair that loses Its colnrfnd lustre, ... "..v.. .. ,uuca, .! , sun aaa lifeless, li caused by a lack of aul- ,.,, ,. . i,. - -.. , . 8( hor to k htf ockg d - . h,ltlflll .Mil lIlAHHMH M B.MBB.M land men who value that even color, th.t h..u,fui ...k .,. . hmtr wnlch ta w 'attractive, use oaly this nld-tlme roclpe. Nowadsyq wo get this faatou mli ture, Improved by tha odditis of oth er Ingredients by-aaklag at aay drag stora for a 50-ceat bottle ot "Wyeth's i a I It I RtDOtttd Ua& ajyvfftf: JfaFVJISU Marshal vea HJadenburg, In com mand of ths. dermaa. army, was re ported, dead after ( stormy Interview with the kaiser. Von Hladeaburg, wth qeneral tudendorff. haa haadted all the operatloas of tha Dermaa. wwwwwwwwwwwiwaawaaaaaBi fate and lujphur Coapouad;' which airMnf uelhair k naturally, so tttlv, that nctidr ,D P,?Hblr.rtyll it na( tiseo applied. You Jdit damp a a ipetge or soft thrush witatlt and draw, this through your htlr, taking one small itiand at a tiros. By morn Ing the gray hair disappears; hut what delights the IsdlcH with Wyeth's Sags, and Kulphur Compound I that, liesldes bnntlfully darkening the hair alitor a few appllcntlona It Uo brings back the gloss and lustre nnd gives It an appearance of ahundancn. Wyeth's flago nnd 8iilphur Com (toiind Is a delightful toilet rqriulMie to Impart color and n youthful ap pearance to tho hair. It Is not In tended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES eaayaMMjsafctejai HVMHOXH l Kqulty No. 990. la tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregoa, for the County of Kin- Ooldlo M. Avery, Pmlntllf, vs. Ro land C. Avery, Dafendaat To Rolaad C. Avery, defendant abovs aamed: Ia ths aame of the State of Ore goa, Tea are hereby required to ap pear sad aaswsr ths complalat filed fgalaat you la tho. above eatltled ctlt. aa or before Wedaeaday, tha 4lh day of September, 111, that bclavg ths test day of publicatloa ot this Summoaaaad ths last day of the Urn wlthla which you aro required to aaswsr.. aa ftaod by tha ardor ef publleatle af ssummoas. if you faH to appear aad aaswsr, ths plalp tit win apply to tha Court for tho relief demanded 1 said complalat. Bald salt tar brought to secure dm- sslatlaa af tho boad of matrlmoay ealstlag betweea yOuraelf and ptala tit, aad tor tha ear aad custody af tha flva miser ehtldrea batoagtag is youreelf aad tha plaiatlf, aad that th'taUUf a declared; the ewaer of a aadlvMsd, oae-half.la-tereet la aad to your uadlvlded one fourth latorest of tha leads ahd pro-, mtees herelaa'fter described, to-wit: The SH of tha SBI4 of Section Seven, nnd the NRH of the NBU ef SsctlOB Eight, all la Towashlp 40, South it Raag 8, east ef Wll tamett Mi1dlB. la Klamath soaa- ty, Orgoa, sad that ths pfatlatirs andlvldd oaa-foarth.'latareat. la and to aald toad aad premie ba ab solved ef all claim ef lower by you, aad for eeehthr reMef aa to'th Court may seem .'equitable. Raid suit la, aad upon cruel, and Inhu mes treatment, of plaiatlf by you.' This summons Is published In the Xvealag Herald, a dally newspaper of general circulation, printed, pub lished aad circulated dally la Kla math county. Stats of Oregoa, at Klamath Fella. Oregoa. by order ot th Haerbl D. V. Kuykeadall. Judge ef aald Court, aad dated July tae ISrd. lilt, the first publication to be made on Wednesday, the S4th day of July, 1918. and the last pub licatloa thereof to be made upon, Wednesday,-the 4th day of Septem ber, 1911. H. M. MANNING. , , Attorney for the Plaiatlf. Peetoffle address, Loemta Build ing. 409 Mala Street, Klamath Falls, Orssjeav K-ll-T-lt-Jl-JM aWMMONS No. oTtTiqulty. v la the Circuit Court at tha State of Oregwa, tar Klamath Ceuaty: Alwea Dee Jehaaea, Plalatlff, vs. W. Paul Johasoa, defeadaat. To W. Paul Johasoa. dradaat. Ia th Bam at.th State of Oregoa you are hereby required to appear aad aaswsr tha complalat filed against you In the above eatjtled ault oa or hater th 7th day of Aug uat. 1911, that being the day of the last publloatloa of thla summons, and tha Isavdsy wlthla which you are re quired to answer, ss fixed by the or der of publication of thla summons. If you fall to appear and answer, the pktUtlrf will apply to tha court for th relief demanded la aald com, plalat; Said suit Is brought to dissolve the boads of' matrlmoay existing be tween you and plaintiff, and for the custody of one child, a girl, named 1 Alleea; sl years old, the Issue of said marriage. Said. ault Is based on tho ground of habitual gross drunkenness on the part of defeudant, continued for more than one year prior to the riling of said complaint, such drunkenness being eaatracted slitce said marriage. Ta,t, auamoaa u published In the Kvoalag' Herald, a dally newspaper of, genersl .circulation, printed arid mbllshed la tha C(ty of Klamath Falls. Qregoa. iby order of the; Hon orab..D.V.'KuykSDdsll, Judge of sjd'court;aied Jua IS, 1918, ;th first, pwbllcatte to be made oa the f, wAttrtyfer Plalatlff. Itl-lt-lMt-H-T " ' 4HwNHk;M; . ri txssssmmm Eajajan '7 -dM- J-l ., 'lJ.si.v-J .f- "V ' ' W.WJf BRUSHES Of Alt Kind t t.'lotliPM lirMslie, lint brushee, nIioo linmlifN, tootli luwliea Imlr br'HNlies, hand lirHslim ana hniKliCK of Mjvcral oilier kind. j I'likeil carefully for the ron mui that iiiiwt men fori that li wy to buy n gotnl brush aad ms uant Uiem to feel that the host imace to get good, hrash In at this store. v -Mli oB WTJfmiv 1 1 Iw- High Grade Tailoring" at FIT- AXP WmRKMANMIP QUARANTKKD Fare Woetca. Hob lavltad Y das. J. Gzek MKRCMAXTTAIIiOpi SIMata St. t DvrtrBssTOBiAV. raana' H, atJAaaJdWaaWsJsBsJs 'JOHN C.'ctliaaiOM' 1 . S IChrH CITY AMI.COtJXTY ARwTIMCT, (Ml'ANV ' SIT Mala " I iMHMraBce Loana aad Abstract Rent Katate.Luaaa at to'ipr ceat ' DR. KARL G. WISBCAKVaT Whits Bids. Oentletry d Orsl. Suifsry - DR. F. R GODDARD 'oJBlsnsmtolctPayakiaa Saframaa ' twite) IlliJ. t). O. FTasasa (ever K- K. X. Store) (The oaly OateeHthle Phyet- claa aad Surgeoa la aaaath v , K.THKRIXK SCRLRKF, M. D. Physician aad Surgeoa ; Whits Bldg, la Dr. Hamiltoa'a omc Office hours 9:30 to ltm., 1:19 to 6 p. sa., ' Night calls promptly atteaded to W. D. MILLER ' .r lloofiag Contractor MaltUold, Tar and O ravel Roof tug. Roof Coating. Repair, Work a, Specialty. SSI 8. Sixth Street. Phone 193.. w u u ifH ORDIR A YIAR'f SUPP-V Off, a MIIMII.)-', nVla.- sisasi kaua'aka-M atau eisaal sa,'. : Item dry and uaVr, I W,thffIJ,i. T., -... r... wnwy, , der coyer early Ulw"rrrT.rJ"ii taasmaBaMtmammWBmmmsaa Uaa silsaaa ,.. and Week Weid. CiaJ 'and FualilSSK .. , . , , ." ww rvv a "".bB . " ',- 'mMmm,m Kkamatli PM CmMtjBFv Ftfta. aad Baaaa CPtBBaaaaaV m' . iirwAr je, j,iik . ti'jyl m mvk 'i& r'v ii.K m x ;l 1 a k ,aUs . 1Y iWf i-k '.. -',vVjl AKi, . ii .'rfc-'''i V Lf- '!'! m$ - "3 mki aSBBBBBBBBSBSSBBBBSBSSSSBBmasmmBBBBBB i. n i ' ' i '.',l.!n,.i'iii-N(-.J'ft-MT.-TkWWS9i, . ) V iVv i i , ' v ' V.IU.-OT.Ti-B fpTT"'.'.I'( VTB N "V7 . TE"" "J-- -'