fyWpl $& .'. m Jf , . wmI LJli f ' Am 11 .u ' r msen V ffM I fJ9f OFFICIAL NEWIPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 0F7KIAL NCWtTAMHI OF KLAMATH tV i-il ' 1 . t i u Twelfth Year., Na. B.BTS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY,' JULY 31, 1918 MMPMiflMil u . .... 1 rnrrirtnAAAnjljXnju1Av 'v, mrnrjir sawawaBpeawasasiejB 7. Stir i litMtirtii i ggrnF SnilATION ON WESTFRONT UNCHANGED ENEMY'S COUNTER ATTACKS REPULSED . rn-P'1 i FORCKH ON BOTH SIDES NOW TRY TO KILL All MANY AH POH. MLKMXK OW RKUUCKD FOURTKKN MILKS . CRACK GERMAN REGIMENTS DK PKATKO RY AMERICAN TROOPS -HOPES OP TRAPPING HUNS IN lAURNT DMMPATKO Mlgkt ckaagee la the geaeral alt- e. tk. Mar.. .Itoat aro l.dl- todtaMtfrtkorto. oay. ., Nrto reporti that tko Americas troops aro autatalalag their posl tleas hi tko ragjoa of Serlages and Nsstas, wkkk tkey carried after a violent fight Tko Preack forces re pslsed four Qonaaa attacks east of Oslcky, Tko llao here was bsld la tact thruout varleua raids last alght Waakmgtoa, July SI. Tbe sole okjoct of tho dermaae akd the Allies la tbe Bolseoas-Rkeims salient bow Is to kill as maiiy moa as possible. asn oral March toM'aewpaper men today. Whatever okfsetlvo either side had at the beginatag of tko offensive, has new beea submerged by develop- sets. THO' sweat flattening 01 me alleat Is'dleWMfag tho hopes of tbe Allies of baaafeS targe. Bumbera of tae enemy. Tho Gorman witnarawai has reduced tho length of tho line 14 Tbe RalBbow'dlvlelOB to participat ing la tho tlgktlng east of Fere Kn Tsrtenols and tko Third Regulars fougkt at Sargy and Clerges, defeat ing tke crack German guards. The essualty Hot Issued today con tains 194 names. Thirty-ali were killed In action, 40 died of wounds, six of disease and S4 nro missing I action. Private William Helnrlch, at Ubsnon, Oregon, wan wounded Mverely. Sergeant William Bower of , Amity, Oregon, to among the missing. Th aairla. mhiMi list eantmlns It namea. ' Espee Income Beats All Previous Records New York, July II. Grooa Income mt tk. .....ft. n.... - ..J - .. v.ui.ra raniiv w.p.. ... Mbsldwrien lor if? amounted to !TI,9T1.4II. aa laorease of nT.eiT.orilittpereeat.sxeesdlRg .i. M..ir.ita. .- ,h. detailed resort last toaaad Thl, gauWaTpartialiy ' olftet by epr.atlng sinenses, whtok lucre - Per eeaTu I1M.I91.III. Net revenue tram railway opera.' iio iroai rauwftu lions inerauad 111 per 001.-10 opening FOR ntn inuuo n IN KLAMATH XKUHMUXT PAPtilt NOW MADR HUCCKHHr'tlMjY IHOM HAW lll'MT IN KNULAXD VNLIMIT. tilt HUPIM.Y IIKIIK Wiiat I the mniior with imvlnic n l'B)or fuctory at Klamath PntU. Tho (allowing despatch front Now York i IcIU of tho miccemful tiianufacturo o( till highly noccssary commodity from inwduit, and with tho Iiuko am- ount of tlili product avalluhlu In Kla- math county It wjuid stem n ihnme to lot an opportunity of H.l. kind by Now print pnpor U steadily In creasing In price and tho munufoc- turers on Monday appealed to the -.,.... j ,i . . Federal Trad. commlMoa for a fur- ther advance. New York, July, I. News print paper from sawduit Is1 a1 fact. Not! P'P" "om sawauu is a- ia. ii. i. ti,. i,u. h.in wnVkiiui i I o y . n. .ue. oe, g worse ;u . .".. ii -V" i ' - .m ' r -. In a recent Usue.' Just received In' this country, the Tlmos says editor. laity: ' "SAwduvt I a by-product producod In Qreat firluln. It takos tho placo' of wood pulp, tho imporutlon of which Is greatly reduced owing to govsrnmont ro.trlctlon. Sawdust , paper Is manufactured by tho Dontlda Paper Mills, Aberdeen, where ciporl- un-nlK have been In progrose for ...... AnaiiiAitiij, lima an.i nro ami uoins carried on In tho hopo of effecting further Improvements." n-ft... ., bmmm t ,Iim nnw tirnr. IIV IHIHII,IV 1 n " ,'. , nil IU tllll uunn 'UI'VI ..i.wt, to ... not r,e overestimated. XB.wdu.t news print pnpor. If entirely successful, means nllovlatlon of tho throatonedj famine. The war, as Is generally . ...j ,..j . nrint n....r 0 new' hfh prIcM and ,ctu, h.s rMUl(ed ,n ccrci of small nowsps-' h ln orcej ou 0f business. !... . - ........... . .... icltnor oecnuso or iniuiiiijr iu uU enough paper for their needs, or In ability to pay tho prices demanded by paper makers. Wh'ATHKIt ItKPOIlT Oregon Bhowcrs and cooler with gentle southwesterly winds. Maximum yesterday 87. Minimum today B6. come Increased 25.13 per cent, to 166.078.811. t n . . ,.---. .f.-"; tha usual deduo J rrom atmud to T,: SO,-',., i,, inVreWer llS.70B.eua. -, 88.70 per ceut:' Current sawn, ln-,i .ii.h tii.TSJjUS cash saJ time drafts snd deposits of,'15, 600.000 fro mthem. aggrmated 83,468,8S8, sn (ncrease Only one chnnce la 800 of , losing a of n,807,i9l. Bd total "1"1; . fi,e,o7o,l6, were larger; by S7S,t Will ivo flvo yearf longer because 0P9.614, while, current iiapHiiiogr?r-ayswai w",a- i"i -...-, -.r -., - - ahowed tbe nominal lacrosse xt ss,- 171,111. F0MRFNROIL I TlinKK GlltLH PROM KLAMATH FALLH AND ONK FROM PORT KI.AMATH HAVK ANSWERED ( UOVKIINMKNT'H CALL Klamath county U giving Ita usual i J generous reply to the call of the gov- crnraont (or student nurses. Enroll incnt began only Monday and on tail ilny Miss Dora Ravage of Pert Kla math, Mir Norma Proptt, Mlat Waive Jacob and Ml Ina Oould of t rn ,Bd. "rollment "Vo'nnwoinen enrolling In the U. lied Htsts student nurse reeerve may chenso either of two group. The preferred class, which does not limit PlW tor service, will be usolgued flmt. The deforrod class consuls of w ecpt . mont onJy wnen tritr preferences are not. Enrollment In the United 8UUs ......... . ... -"-"-'-- student nurte reeerve mesas tkat tha imnni viu vi rmmrm bbii hhb. w. -j-. --- -- TT" S AprU.a l:uko tralnto. 1.. .4. I kAAjR mm sasaal aval osa Ak when she Is offered aa aaslgameat In a tralalag achool, ualeoa eke kaa In the meantime entered otker gov ernment war service. . I Tho committee en nursing of the ol T"""" vm,ma" w'" " re.ponslble for calling candidates to clvl" hospitals, and tko surgeon ss m o.Ai-..a a its .. FOiicuiiR uiiiio win can omuuinw for the army achool of nursing. Those "'"""' ' - " - ' nlnrml nn linth Hit nd Will b CSllM -- , when tho first need arises. It lr of greatest Importance thai candidates should enroll without re nt In tho school so they ' bo Plced whore the greatest need, exists. . LOSES LEG l To catch his left teg In the log car rluge at tbo Algorea Lumber eon puny mill at Algoraa jrestcrdey and to twist It so seriously aa to aeceeal tate Its amputation,' waa tho unfor tunate experience yesterday after noon of Qeorge Dnvto, aaborer at that mllL. The accident oocurred nt about t o'coick. The Injured ana waa rushed to tho Klamath General koo- nltnl here and the operation m formed by Pre. Oeorgo Mwryaum and L. L. Trnns. Tbo patient to reported' to be resUg as easily aa could be expected today, - SOLDIERS' CHANCES . An official bulletin. Juet Issued by our government, sUtea that tea lndl- vldual slldler's chances aro aa fol lows, based on mortality. atotjsU of 'ibfi allied armlaa: i ' ' ASSTUDEN NURSfSHFRE AT ALGOMA YESTERDAY Twentytnlno' chnnoai ft eemlag home to one of. being klllod. t ,v FortyW.. eknneo' o( rewmlag. from wounds to one cknneo'of dying Thlsofflolal ntermatloa will bo a I great comfort toaaiipua pareato IRRESPONSIBLE SLUSH Tho reside to oeKUmath PaUs should reed aa awjBet the Preal. float's speech oa snot) violence. Ne cemnaaaHy ! tho state has canoed, aa aaaeh tawnBte iter the led- vtW owawvawBMjwMtKra 1 There at thro netteaa, aa earh factlea le bIMiar He owa (Mart house! The BeaaboBof sm factte r. Ul betttvle ? atMH' "Tho law to heM hi coaUmpf. A floor assH wmntbmi Tho vatlv acthm Uom, hatac mW. "Secret eerrlce epoaUvee eaves. UgaUd. Hossseody haraed tho asal, U to traa, Bai Iho tacaadtary was arllhor a pia Oei a soristW. W. Tho noerH eonrko asea haaw who haraed tho atHVi Charaas of dtoloyelgr ara ftaac abnat recklassty. Hoaoat aatrtoto are grossly asaHfesi Thar has bom Mttcfli vfWeW)V dlvMaato. ' f Tho UaMed aeaiee.tfstrlet attor. aey's orflro hero weld ha to laagh at the etotol that Patts to a ptn narasaa hothed tf -- . .. a . -! (L. !! WRHf eWJHH) JUaTJtHRIaji ajgajf aavaj The oaly laiastitftoasath Palto . - M. to Vf K!-?J-M SZZTZ.T'irZaZ "' "'- -- """ iUesthereT H to aU silly, Tko above article la guoted from aa editorial la tbo PortUad News of a receat Issue aad will, bo rend with vnrylng emotloaa by tho people of Klamath Falls. v One of tho first queetlona which arises to the mind of the' local per son after Ita perussl la why persons with tbe npparteat knowledge of the writer of this article,' aro allowed to rua free aad perpetrate their venom explosions on a general public, which la many Instances cannot realise' tbe Inferior source from which they arise. For the protection of newspaper readera It would seem only fair and Just tbnt editorial aspirants be. re quired to possess somo meagre know- ledge of geaeral condition mi which they with to voice comments, before being permitted to circulate efforts such as tbe above. That Klamath Falls aad couaty whose monthly payroll from tho huge aaw mills, box factories and other laHustrles now runs close to the quar ter million mark, whose business con dltloaa and general future to coa ceded by nil commercial men to be among tbe best on the Pacific coast, whose commerce will approach ton millions of dollars per year, should bo credited with a destroyed flour mill aa Ita sole Industry, showa at the outset tho thoro Inveettatloa ta ken by this ponderous brained writer before undertaking his caustic com ments. Tknt Klamath Falls to at present mere' or lees Isolated aa Indicated In tko article, Is. due to in no small de gree to tko policy of such,men a tho above editor.' who, Instead of nankins aa koaest effort to aid tbo develop ment .or a 'section whoao. progress would have beea of, the greatest as sets to hto own town, have contin ued to make exhibitions of tbemselvea in the above manner. Had Portland possessed' about n ninth el the poo aad prcgrese of Seattle aad other oa terprWng cities oa the eoaat, Kin math Falls would now bo on, tke aula Mao oJtv (bo Southern Seine aad Portland would ha getting tbj bene fR of .a .vast aneennt of huoUioYthai aaw go, to CaHtoxala. Jaetheugbt 'that n eky of tkle also, nus hnd. tko entorpriee to issue bonds ad build g railway 10 nllnto got into dirtat eemmunlty with a motropoHe which will' print a string of stuff of tkto kind fa decidedly dUheartenlag. Klamatk Falls hu bad a meet ua fortunate ouportoaeo Is tko natter of aaei tho rateal lac FOREST FIRf NURHB I ALL AVAILARLB MKN IN NORTH KLAMATH OUT FIGHTING 'FOR HtT PLANES WHICH THREAT. EN RESERVATION T1MBHR Tkat tho forest firos la nortbera Klaauth which bad beea checked la the Saad Creek district after strsn uous fighting, have broken out with renewed Intensity la tbe vicinity of Kirk and aro seriously threatening tho valuable holdings of tho Pelican Bay Lumber company and the Algo ma Lumber company In that section, lis tbe word brought In by Harry Aekley. a well kaowa local lumber bub, who 'tried to get thru from ChlloaulB to Kirk yesterday and was forced to go arouad another route. Tho 'eatlre erowa of tho Pelleaa Bay aad Algobu logglag well as tbo train erew wm eek'fjswi- tatf tho fire la, aa attempt UprovMt tho afroM to tiraiola vniaablo tiev her. It to declared tk)t Ue roar of the ftomes earn, he heard from a loag dletaaeo aad that oaly the most strlageat ateaaaroa eaa atop tbe sweep cf the destructive blase. Part of the fire baa spread to tbo Sprlag Creek section aad a crow from Splaks camp has beea out fighting. The area burned la tho Sand Creek district Is about 15 miles long by SO miles wide. Tbe new fire, while covering a imaller area, Is seriously threaten ing some of the most valuable tim ber la tbe Klamath district, aad baa already destroyed same valuable tracts. COURT HOl'SK UNDER GUARD A huge porcupine has this after noon token hie position aa guard over the old court house In a tree Just outside the county clerk's office. He has statlonsd himself at a substan tial elevation and any effqrta to move this court house will be promptly nipped In tho bud. . Ita court house location, and that the final declsloa between the two sites Is still unsettled la most re grettable. That there aro throe tac tions, each building a court house, that any faction accused tbe other of burning tbe flour mllL that charges of .disloyalty are flung about reck .essly, of that there kaa beea mob violence hero, are Ilea, pure and. sim ple, aad tho Evening Herald takes this opportunity to braad them aa such. That tha secret service men have found out (Who burned tbo Martla Brothera mill last July Is news to us and wa will bo pleased to give tbo particulars aa soon as tkey are avail able. We. aro Inclined to believe, however, tbnt the secret aervlco mea know about' aa much regarding tha affair aa the editor of the Portlana News. Tbe Portland Newt to quoted to tho public nt 10 canto per month'. Investment In Thrift Stamps at two bits nro urgently recommended by tko Herald. ,' . It mlgkt bo added that tbo edi torial quoted waa. clipped and sent to tbla office by Mr. and Mrs. F..W Hamilton, former, residents, who now live Bear the home of tho author of it and who sent it here with tho news tknt this is tho bsst part of' Oregon tkey kaow of, aad tkat tkey hope MOS SERIOUS to got back hero to live at na early date. . . 1 MUNI MAN KIRN HB mmm MERCHANT ON KLAMATH VATION DROPS PROM SMRT IB THHI COY WHILE DOWN TO PURCHASE SVPPLIBS The straago dlaappearaace of Low Barr. merekaat at, tho Modoc Lua bet eempaay acar' Chtlogala, Jely vth, to proviag k paaale whtok officers aad frleade of tko asaa have tkus far failed to aotvo. altko atroaa. ous offorta are Botaf aaado to kla wbereobeat. ' t Barr, who spaaed hto ptaeo o( has- iBoaaUo tint o( Jaao at CkUoala. :7ft oa tko ocBlasaCJuae Itkfer lUamatk Palto to-'paVskese suppttoe. Ho ratara oa tho Pta. Ho phoaod laafawl t alo frtoaaa) there that he had aioeed tho trata aad would 'ha hoses' tha seat Sip. Thto to thlLaBBBBvWti from am aat nncoe wetajh)s.het of' earnest cf cash aa a temptation tor foal play. He bad aever beea a drinklas asaa and kla dlanppoaraaee la aot told hi dissipation. 'altko aearby CaHforaJa towns hnvo beea earefully gated. Barr kad worked la tbe 'naltM hero for eeveral years aad waa nMo well known. Ho had aa faastty. EFFORT BEING MADE TO SECURE ENLHVMBNTB BBPORE NEW TREATY BETWBEN V. S. AND BRITAIN IB EFFBCnVB To enlist recruits for tho British and Caandtaa armies. Seroaht Kit. Urn of tho BrlUsh-Caaadlaa recruit ing mission, arnvea in .! roue last night and registered at tha White Pelican hotel. He expects to reakln here for tho rest of tho weak ta as effort ta se cure enllstmente from Caaadtoa aad British subjscu who may be hi thia sectlea. '' ' In accordance with a treaty Juet completed with, tho British Stray meat, nit Brittoh aad Caaadtoa resi dents between tho ages of 10 and 44 Eight Steel "' n 1 . : . afaw '-. r mLsneo - "T.-: Washlag4oe. July 1.-Btlbt steel ships, with a total, deadweight toa atgo at si.sto, worn owiverajtoy Amertenn blpyarda Isat sklppist' boars vaaa s UuaehlBgs tor tho week laetado It stes) raSMlf. wltltrs total taaS MJlvrwlttveoSwhl,'wtU mmm mm mm mm ftWH-WSS- a tonnage ot'lliSOt; ' " " ' '., ' Shipyarda oa tho Great Ug M ' it, III I Mil IIWII OFFICIALS MEET DEATH fr and Abnr. rM0k CAB WTO ',.,, r-nr- Mt.VTjmWit & .MfJ',.'. 4 vJV" .: riBLDMARSHAL IB CHAROH OBBfvayiTHOOPS ' , TANT 1TMIH ASSASSOIATl YaWTBHaUY APTHBBOOtT u YOUNG Mllf ami 1ST, WsBSJ MUSSS BJ. - ji .z'-. . ' Imiliilgaj. inky SI. Ijalar- aAiataat Were baaed hr' a 'bees laoawa at taaai-ni'Kiee-'raatarway M T- . ' .'- i ,. Tkobeosb wea tsuw hr' 'aVSlat.: ", ' of 'IS la a eab wbi owvaetooeW, ;'.. J. tho anrraaSB" ta ,whtoh''toSLSnwhJBtBj ..)', BuaisejgonnBBSL awewsnt) dgifSf shaaa' that thaartoM eoelal revolntloatota eordlas u Jotfietol Tho aseaoasa aoolarai ha1 dera from tho .Commuatot to kill tha j GERMANS TO. -'''. ,- mavm.curaasf Amsterdam, Jnly S1T TSo Oor maa aprameat baa jritoaltaal ao tke" ta ao pwlanatirslveap votaa Urily at toast aa aalt of etothos oaeh U tha 'war wwftaaa aad thoarmy. . Failure ta poopMa dsmand,wUl re sult la' rbto rooalsltloB. aad, o llaqueaU will be liable to imprtooa; meat for oae year aad a fine aot ex eeedlnf 10,000 marks. yeara wlH bo glvea uatU September SSth to oaltot U their own amatea after which they are to bo dratted la the mUHary service of Ue Vaited Stntea. Tho same ruling appltoe to Ualted Statea atttoean In Caaada. Tbe President baa issued a procla maUoa givlag' the awn SO days la which, to register, after which they wUl bo dimftoa. It. la Sergeant KUlam'a lntontioa to toko nay rocrulta that ko nay se cure with Aba em hto retnra.. Hoc will tarnish transportation for nay l Ships 11 til Jml Sal sW .svAaL Vaatlaf aa, avHsHS Lasi n ewt m . t - - - ' ." - ttv J 'IC .'f- ..'h tfc'MM In 'aaMtnrlai with . . ettle. eoaat yards turned ii itluoa; ''hVl ships. wkltoUemsro-u, TOJ$ ory.f aa a ovno ir.wavw , 1 ,,:,; tothlohoai MtotaUlSB.erit aoMv.en.en, wasaau. v;,w,; aeto bumfwrtao BBippsagaaara's aau aoawwieww' ?. a - s& m "i a; $'". i , ,-. . --. XJ M , ,(, hi soosi oirafa - "I Av &K2 . .l .0kp,tA. MM.S. msismm 3 ii'u ' lata r, lJ v- 9 $m :ft?i mmmMEE.