, W$ V - $ (Pjg jSugitf w Iter aid OFFICIAL NBWtPAPBR n-,t V V OFFICIAL KlWIft OP KLAMATH COUNTY 'AXAt I 09 KLAMATH FALLS I- i A i Twelfth Year. No. ,IMKI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 15, 118 HUNS ATTEMPT NEW BLOW IN WEST i Giant Attack Is Made On Allies Along West Front American Soldiers Put to the Supreme Test Are Found Equal to tke Emer gency, Huns Are Held. Struggle Being Waged Over Fifty-Mile Front. Rheims Believed Immediate Objective. Situation Well In Hand. y Associated Preae A new German offensive of main moth proportion, began thli morning at daylight, and at some point. In the night on Ilia French and Ameri ca a force, defending the road to Pari. Early lndon report, received IhU morning Indicated that tho Germans bad crowed Ilia Mama lu several place under a withering fire from the French artillery. The Hum launched a violent attack en the American Unci wet of Cha teau Thierry and near Vnux. hut the American held their line bravely. One report declare that they latur delivered a counter attack nonr Vnux driving off the enemy and advancing their line aovaral hundred yard. Thla report, however, ha not bouti confirmed. At II o'clock nawg from the Amor. lean army waa to the affect that the long rang bombardment from iho If Qerioan guna war becoming more loteaae, Tho day opened bright and aunay. but low clouda later de veloped and rain threatened. I'arla report that Iho big atrugglo t proceeding along a front of ap proximately 60 mile between Cha teau Thierry and Main Demns.lgl. The Germana arc believed to linvo aalacted the road to I'arla for a new offemlve. Tho new bittla line run clear around Ithelms In a big aweep. The rlty of Miclm I believed to ho the Immediate objective. The ky la lit up aa by a great elec trlral itorm. The fighting can ba Plainly heard J6 mllea away. London, July IB. Tho Ocrman at tack began In the Vnuareglon after a bombardment of ga and high ex plosive ahella. The American artil lery replied with a barrage. The all aitlon I now well In hand and Iho davelopmenta are considered quite atlifactory. With Tha Aaaitrlnan Armv An thn Marne. July IB. Carman progress arroaa the Marne rlvor la being atnyod by machine gunner. It I now clear that the German attack nt Vang re- lon ha been completely broken down under the American counter Bolsheviki Being Overthrown In East London. July lB.-The Ciecho I eiovag troopa have captured the city ntiftik. Further sharp fighting I w-ry probable. Iho operation nt Vnux appeared t he n feint, for toon nfior It began the Corinan attacked all along the Mnrnn, where they were gallantly op po.ed by the Amerlrau. and, French. The flr.t crossing m made at thr opex of thn bit hcud of the river. American machine gunnera fought nnil died whore they stood. Other Americans withdrew ntrntcglrally. I Rhortly nftrr 1 1 o'clock thU morn ing the Amerlrnn Infantry launched a rountrr nttnrk In the region of Conile. i Thn enemy made no prcgrera whnt rvnr nmt of Itliolm up to report at It o'clock. In thn Conilo region, however, before the Amerlcnn conn' tiT nttnrk. tho (Icrmnn advance ap poired to hivo etlmlnnted thn river imlli'iit. Itnlrt wn sorlnunly threat ening at II o'clock. The flr.t attack on the American nrmy ramo after a mo.t violent bom bardment which continued thruout the night. Tho American troopa Ktiughl shrltor whorevcr possible. When tho Infnntrv appeared Ihn Am erican .warmed out to meet them with n rain of mnchlno gun bullets. The American, nil wore go maaka. An enemy bombardment of towna .In thn renr of the lino .began at six o'clock thla morning. The heavy l.ollrt from tho German naval guna fell far behind the actual bnttlo area. Somo fell nt Meoux. 25 mllea from Chntcnti Thierry. On the enit of Ithelm the Amerl rnn mnchlno gunnera let the enemy romn clone up to their pocltlona and then opened a deadly fire Into the advancing cloo formation. Tho lon of Oonde mentioned above aa thn scene of tho American counter nttnrk In nrobnbly Oondcen rtrln, four mllea south of the Marnt and eight mllea aoutheaat of Cha teau Thierry. . new ford IV TOWN .lame Lawrence la tho name of tho now Ford which arrived yeater- tiny morning at Iho homo of Mr. and Mr. II. II. Ford on Rose atroet. Dr. A. A. Boule waa In attendance. f Kaaan. ' ot "?,co'r'1 Mf violent resistance of the Bolahevlkl, jt i reportod, LMIPR BLOWSDfiV YESTERDAY STRONG GALE FROM SOUTH IIMIWM STREAM IMiXE DRY FOR NIX HOURS CITY IfPSIREXIS OATHEIt PISH AT .LEISURE Klamath certainly made good It reputation a a famou fliblng ground yesterday .when the heavy wind from- the aouth blew the Link river at the we.t end of town dry. permitting the rcaldenta to go and help them- ..., a --... .a u...a ..... . aclwa to atranded trout, which wero dying, due to lack of aeration. At- tho thla atrearu haa blown nearly dry from almllar wind In year paat, tho phenomena yeaterday la declared by the old realdenta to be beyond nt.ythlng of tho kind before. Tho river acene wa cbangod In mi unbelievable manner to a deep. rcky gorge with coffin like holea I0tfc.n ono yecar lfo, ha rUcn from frrt deep and acooped out of the bot- tom. The river bed could be croied',orw building covering n ipaco of ISO on foot at any point, sucker or mullet died by the thouaand. Tbe'i,v ?n fet adlolnlnc one end. A few trout, which acent danger quicker. than moat any other a pec lea of flh.Lft. . j- dded but the factory In.alve atrip of the old road over the koi uaru into mo upiw ibko urior It waa too late. Rnough ware left, however, o that the many vliltora secured all they desired. Many little bullhead were left, which the water anakes came out from the ahore and devoured. The river waa dry for more than'fnrn)cr pUnt nBi made possible tho Ix hour, ahuttlng off the power aer- conVcnleiit arrangement of the new vlro at the l.lnk river plant entirely. fnclory, n wlilch there Is tho least Fort'inntely, the power from the Con. po.giblo loss of motion, and by which ro plnnt wa available, so that the ,,, conVenlcnro and safety of tho I'liim wn. not uimirucui. uuiciai. of tho power company bellevq that thn .nrvlcn from the Conro dam will not ho affected, owing to the great water storage between the two points. ALLIES ME KXTKXTK DIVIHIOXH ARK OOlXtJ MOUTH AFTKR LAXDIXU OX MURMAM COABT RIB8 NIMH. TKR UKMAMtB THKY DKPART London, July 16. After captur ing the railroad station of Kem on the White sea coast, the American and llritlsh forces In northern Rus sia have advanced toward Torroko. The Ruastan and Dolahavlkl author ities have withdrawn to Nlro Kun. Tho commander of the entente al lied forces haa Issued an appeal to the population o.f the Murman roast requesting help against (Jermany and Finland. It la declared that the Murman roast Is Ruaaian territory now under the protection of the En tente powers. The Ruaaian foreign minister, Teh Itcherin, haa demanded that the Belt Ish detaehananta on the Murnan coast be re-eabarked without delay. IMPORTANT UW MXBTINQ TO MC HKtVD TONIGHT A special meeting of tke Bike lodge will be held thla' evening for the pur peso of aeltcilng the delegates to the Bute convention at Portland In Aug. ust. Other matters of Importance are to come' up nt Ikli time and It la urgently requested that nil membere be on hand. MOffi FROM NORTH yx ......................... HMX A FIXIHIII.Nfa OF IHO WAREHOUSE PRACTICALLY COMPLETES HE RUILDIXG OF PLANT DESTROY. ED IIV FIRE LAST OCTOUEH Ily n iplendldly syaleraltlxed ar rnngemont thru which enough bos ou ,o fm n ,, . . ,. of ,rult "lln ttom Klamath r'l ton mllea oeyona vcea, ,ai., -..a. a I. a m PavaiiMa fflnv rtleitt each year, the new Ewauna Ilox plant which with tho completion of tho large wnrohouao, I now pructlcally flnUhcd, now dally grind the big pine log of Klamath forests Into Kcven carload of ihobk a day. The plant, which wu. Ltirccd to tho ground on it preacnt alto loa ,u ru)ng M , gjmcloui, light airy fnc- k 'm f.i. with a warchouac HO COMPLETES FINE FACTORY ...,. j nli. nf conitructlon are.montha. but will obviate an eaten- l)l0 ltt,, 1. now complete ana unoer lk..j. i1""" "" Tho builneae. which wa launched here a few-yara ago. ha been one of themot ucceaiful and rapidly grow ,n(. industries. In tho Klamath naaln. i-.,i.fir of the official. In their employes I carefully worked out Two hundred cmplojes are now on tho payroll of the company, which aggregate l0 rer day. Thevplant has a capacity of 150.000 feet of shook per day. with the two eight hour shift now employed. Altho started late In the spring, large piles of lumber already cover a consider able part of tho 30 ucre which com prise the company's site. One of the striking features of the new Industry Is the lnrce number of glrl.i and women employed In the In stltutlon. That they are making good at filling tho men's places lu theso times or nntlonal stringency I evidenced by the warm endorse ment or tho officials, who maintain proudly thst they have not only tho best workers but tho "best lookers" of tho entlro Industry. Thirty-five women workers nro now employed nt wagee ranging from $8.50 to 13.00 per day. Stnnt'lng at their machines with their big "overalls or "overall- eettcs." they handle their respective tasks with dexterity and apparent case. The Ewauna Rex company Is head ed by C. R. Crlslor, president: C. II. Daggett, vice-president and man ager, and Pred Schaltock. secretary. Should thla Institution develop ass rapidly In the next six years as It haa In the lat Klamath Falls would have to build Itself double to house the employes. KOVKIi CAHl'AIrY LIST AITKARH IN OF.RMANY Amsterdam. July 15. The first number of a novel casualty list haa Just appeared ta Germany. It con-1 tains tho numbers of watche found among the belongings of men killed ,ln, action who cannot be otherwise Identified. Watches when sold or repaired are usually marked and numbered by the watch maker and recorded, and the German military authorities, by circulating thla new casusltv Hat among watch makera thruout Germany, hope ts establish! tb identlty'of many dead eeldler. COUNTYROAO W K MILL STARTED SOON Ni:V CINDER CUTOFF TO FORT KLAMATH ROAD IIV PELICAN HAY MILIi TO HE XK.XT COUNTY ItOAD WORK UNDERTAKEN That work on the uow cutoff road from the ShlpplnKton highway thru 'via ,. city to thu Fort Klamath I road, will he atarted within a few dtyt g t)o opn(on o Coun,y RoU gu,,orvIl!0r Tj,cinna Dixon, who Intl . . i. li. u.nt i. i. H..a ... J mntca that thla will bo the next road conitructlon to bo undertaken and will probably proccdo tho paving Im provement nt the lower end of Sixth street, for which bid have been ad vertised. The now road via tho Pelican Day mill In to go over an entirely new routo and ''be covered with cinders, making an all year round road to take the place of tho one now urad. Thla rood will not only furnlah the mill employca at Pelican City with nccea to town during the winter hill, which becomes almost Impas sable for northern residents during the winter. Upugr Lake cinders will bo uicd on this route. It Is expected that A. Wlckstrom of Shipplngton will begin their delivery this week. Supervisor Dixon states that the big county road grader Is now at work In the Swnn Lake valley, where a five mile stretch of new road thru by tho KdRwood ranch and the Illb bnrd and ranch nud thence south, U being thrown up. Tho new grader, ho hay. Is working very satisfactor ily. It only requires two men to op erate tho trnctor nnd grader. WELL m DRIVE Dlliy NOW HTHTKD IK LAKGKHT V OF YF.AR IN LKNOTH OF MILES ALUFJt MARK FURTHER PROGRESS IN lLaiNLt y Associated Press Thlrty-threo daya after they were halted In their plunge toward Com plegne along the west bank of the Oiso river, the Oermans today laun ched a new phase of the offensive over a front of 5 miles from Chateau Thierry to Malson do Champaign. north of Masslge and, as far east as Rheims. ' Tho Germans crossed the Marne In several places, probably between Chateau and Rormans. The Ameri cans are handling the enemy welL ihe present drive Is the greatest of the year In length of mllea In volved. In Albantn tho Allied force con tinue theln advance. Ptsnatehee aa. sort they are approaching .a line of reeutanee." probably lag the Semla rlTer. r HAITI DECLARHS WAR AGAINST GERMANY Pert Au Prince, July 15. The jconucll of state unaalaseeaty voted a declaratlen of war anew Germany today, u demanded by the peeet- deat 9t the republic ENEMY HANDLED WHS rnnri-rri-innnnrtrvwinnnnn Woman of hational I ' Fame Is Indicted In New York Mr. William. Cummlng Stery. aemmmmmmmmtL'l ajamfeaajBMjM"', ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmmmmmiammmB' snbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv MbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTsb! ananBiV snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I gdaWl mmrnVVammmmml ammma 'laPgaRBgfa&Zr'-- '' qvlanwTfeailwSV twice PrIeeT-eefal of tk. Dnug.1WM """ y"MWM,.f-TT!:.?r" Ura of the Aaserlean Revolution nnd " represented f cewaTtimin once president of the New York SUte.TelfoN. Lavtalk, Lee nnd aHrnMe, Federation of Wemen'a clnbe, wu in. City Clerk Lea vltt. City Attorney dieted In New York City In coaae;- Oroesbeck and City Treasurer Ste tlon with tke handling of funds of mens, and by tho trust of the tar. the National Emergency Relief secie-'mlnal and right of way fend. The) ty. I last named wu represented hf Cfcott. STRICT RtTIONINO AT BVCKINGMAH PAMCE party. Automlbllc were taken hern at london, July 1C Simplicity , a. ra. and the line waa ctoaely al the order of the day at Rueklagham b" " fo0 hJE?, .... .ii it . the way from. Olcne to the Dairy ter- Pal.ce . Strict rationing applies tot )m mHeM ttlnUn WM mm all meals, owing to the war. At a to tBt Bry work being done la recent dinner party, among the guests joisne gap aleag the'flret hlM laaMnsT of the King and Queen being the, to Pine flat, the greet cut ketaaT irng Dowager Marchioness of Londonder- thru Meyera hlllAaad the -'J"i ry. CapUI. Sir John nnd Udy Ward, ' "' ZSlSll Admir,, Sir Co,,, and Lady K.ppe..! J SXTlt-t' Lord Claud Hamilton and tho Coun-',,, nlUi 4.uwd for the ewav less of' Shaftesbury, the menu con-ipitOB 0f the pesjert slited of turtle soup, filet of sole, a I The return ftamn a little awysm cold dish, asparagua and tmwber-01ene station waa made by a an ant rles. There were II other guesU at train, the fswt trip wRfc " .. . the dinner. . . . , loe strawovrrMB wf.. - ,. mmd t .-,- tm. grown In the royal gardeaa at Wind sor. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ADOPTED IN MEXICO Jauret. July 15. Tke modem chamber of commerce has beea adopt ed by business men la old Mexico. The Jaurea chamber of commerce. organised recently, haa elected offi cer. lnraiiM tnem aa a esw an Ive In prossotlag the better system' of business relstioas with the Ualtedfat party. States. Ambrosia Eecadero. a bust - cess man of Jauree. la president of the organisation nnd Andrea Garcia. Mexican eensnl general In Kl Paao, Is vlce-preeldeat. Allies Are In Nortbern Jalr ! Taw OFFICIAL L RAILROAD it prrv OFFICIALS CJUPJrTH OV KOHKRT K, SVaU. MORN ON TRIP OVER MVNICI PAL ROAD JOt'RXEV OUT MADff RV AtTM PARTY Rrri7RNM UX RAkL ON FIRST PAHSKNOMR COACBI TRIP HEAVIEST WTC A mere than usually thor ! lion of lha Klaasath PalU raHreed ,. t Ebcrllae, Capt. Slemeu ale netac one of tho trnetees, noted Is tk ! capacity. President Strahem nnd Chief Engineer Bogus eeeerted h senger eejeipnivBt, w ir tm - ww- senger equipment. 'OI !! ! !', .-- --- y regarded a historically import ant. Locomotive No. 1 wu rlTe by Secretary Read and fired by Gee Elttrem. and gave the party a delight. ful return trip to the Klamath Pette terminal at the corner ef Ktomatk and First streets, where only a aheet yeer ago ground waa brake aad law silver spike drlvea at the great bratlon Inaugurating the project. The terminal was reached at 1 p. am. Artist Miller, official of the Callfornla-Oresea aad (era railway, accompanied tfc i ana uioa muur iwh wt . or especial latereei, nianwa j whe , ioint4 nu4 sympetkmed wtfcl Mr g,ihorB la eemmetiae (be ntow progress of the werk erlflsT , (Coatlaasd ea peg 4) Active t-tr wkaieefiaw MUNCPA INSPECTIONS j '.1 "-! . 1 Cl