V Monday, JtTir n, imn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQI THRIB Honolulu Glorifies the Man Who Kilted I. W. W. Pro-German xa5wyAr,2i:'is.i.-i.uw.iw;' r.jeaa-rj yws" ' " r',nffi- "jsr 3" i m BBBBBBBBBBBSSSSSSSBsVJBbY ItBIW B j yJgH I HjTHrA V . t2LBjnasarJxnrJ i wMijjf gWBBjpj -wi , raw.' . Hcb91i ,uw " ! '. FJaaaBBBsiBMa i l BBBBBBaBBM7gg:Bn 4Bsg44awnnJgBnBV f nnnaagSSSSfSfagSsiJBae&B T'Sgmit-' i Bjjt UBBBJBBByBBaBj c BBBBBSBSr "talmvVCfll.K.I BsnBBBBBnBHBfn BjrrlJ SBBnBBaVBnrJf 4 BBBTmBTA V jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBpdaVBnPBBVwu n"-V ft' I xNlnBBBBBBWW( 1 Afttr P. II, Allan, who had boost in the Untied Htato navy, wan acquttt d of the chargo of killing an I. W. W, agitator, who ho wild had reviled lha AmorlcanflaK and then throntime d hi life, acldlora led him In a parade thru Honolulu, Enormous War Profits Shown Thru Reports Klamath Inriy News . t PLEVNA 4 4f . , tailing a new telephone. It, V. Ess, who haa purchaaed I new 'Combine horveater, haa Juit brotiglit the machine home from Kla math Falle. Washington. July 8.Flgures on 1 Ik- maximum Increase profit llat- Arthur Kenylcy of Egways. Cal.. r nmfit. . .mi in i ho ..n. i cd 2.' 83 percent. wa of a food deal. "I ot Thursday with hla aunt, Mrs. ..1... ........ ,. ... . . I If A I..!.. t lha tro.Miirv In r.nn. to a r.m. "r "" .uuu cnpnai. wnu snowed ' -"" elutlon by Senator llorad of Idaho calling for Information rewriting profiteering. Altho aome cnormoua prof'ti wcro ahowa, the letter aald the report wna Incomplete, that for the preaont names of concern Hated were with held, aad that "no apodal slgnlfl caace" ahould be alfichod to tho' A large number from I'levna anent July 4th In Klamath Palla, and re port having had a good time. 1 n toik of 484 per cent In 1910. An other food concern with $315,000. inniln 31.75 per cent excess. I I In clothing t radon n concern with ' '400,000 capital Incrcaicd It profile' , 4. IS per cent: one with $300,000 capl- Inl raado nothing, and one with I2S00 vvv. capital reported 191 per cent In-! crenird profltH. Mrs. V. P. Rceco li en the sick lUt Chemical manufacturers' capital week. Lake Wool Shipments Are Unusually Heavy Lakovlow, July 8, Mora than 1,110,000 pouada of wool havo been ihlpped from Lakovlow during tho prosont aeaaon, and the total prom li en to reach cloae to 1,260,000, J. I, Connor, local agent for the Nevada Call forn la-Oregon railroad, checked up the ahlpmenta to June 30 and found the total to bo 1,110,000 pounda, since which time a fow more ahlpmenta have beon made. The to tal for last year wan a little In excess material Increase for the present year, All of the wool of hake county la by no means ahlppsd from Lakevlew, much of It going out by way of Band, v title still other lota are shipped Irom Klamath Palls. The total out put of the county for 1918 will no doubt be close to ono and a halt mil lion pounds. In addition there are large numbers of sheep owned by res idents of tho county that are ranged and sheared In adjoining counties and hence the total ahlpmenta do not by anyi meana Indicate the actual be a master gaass meeting to be held this erenUg In the auditorium as, whlch7aWraas will be made by official" representatives of the allied countries, Including England, Canada, FrascoVBelglasx, Italy, Portugal, Ja. pan aid China. Charles M, Schwab la scheduled to address the' convention tomorrow at a general session at which the sub ejet for discussion will be "War Fun damentals Funds, Puel and Pood." There will be Interpretative messages from the United States treasury de partment, 'United flutes fuel admin istration and the United States food administration. , -a CAMP IMPROVEMENTS IN 6 MONTHS COST 908,000,000 of 970,000 pounds, showing a very wealth of tho local wool Industry Mammoth Ad Club Convention Begins San Francisco, Julys. Thousands the American Sugar Refining eoau or aiivrtiin man from avarr sec-.cany: Herbert S. Houston, member tlon of the United States filled the of the executive committee of tho Exposition auditorium hero today, j League to Enforce Peace, aad otb when Temporary Chairman Samuel, era. Washington, July 8. Additions and Improvements' to camps during the six months ending June 1 have leen finished at an approximate coat of 111,000,000 under direction of the construction division of the army. This figure does not Include the addi tions to the hospital equipment ot the camps and cantonments, 'aor the Improvements made at other army stations. The work consisted of additional bultdlasa for aemaUg tho me aad providing for their comfort ana needs. Among the buildings erected were quarters for officers and Bursas, repair shops, additional Barracks, cof fee roasting plaBts, kitchens and bak eries, theaters, saw roads, general 1 sanitation ana lire prereniioa meas ures "Yen's safa" If yen hare an lnanr aaea peMey fresa the CMlroto agen- P. Johnston, president cf the conven tloB ot associated advertising clubs of the world, called the 'meeting toj order. The convention first listened to the annual addrem of William D'Arcy, president of the Associated, Advertising Clubs of the World, and! permanent chairman. Nearly a score of allied and affll- Lloyd Kemaaton haa finished Ip- ,ntd organisations are holding their! A feature of today' program will qr, NOTfOB 14 NPItINO MKK 444 - annual meetings during the four con ventlon days for which delegates have been arriving here for the past ten dsys. Men prominent In all walks of lite arc Hated to make addressee during the -four days. Among these are Charles M. Schwab, head of tho Un ited States Emergency Fleet corpor ntlon; Ralnbrldge Colby, of the same corporation; Oerrlt .Port, of the Un ited, States' Railway administration; George Creel, bead of the United Statea committee on public Informa nt tlon; Merle Sldencr, chairman of the W , . ..... .... .. ... - date, aa It was secured rrom Incomn pud proflitc renpoctlvoty Included and excess proflti returns ns they $34r,,ono, 31 per cent; 9300,000, nono were filed. jnnd $ 100,000 r8 per cent. Information roRnrdln capital stock Rome of tho flour mills' capital and Invested, capital, profits of 1910, ami profit Increpso reported were re 1917. and the percent of oicom of not mnrtlvlv- S5f ahn 11? n , Incom. for la.l vtnr ovr 11C wnu nnn nr. .... ,.. onnnn. 0lcnn Stcomnn loft Wcdneads? Uvea. I per cent; profit. In 1910 ba'lnsMI mfln f0r A,h,Bnd ,0 nUend ,ht The dairy Intereits listed showed 000 nntl $JCO,000 ; In 1917 $15,- roaeo' ', 1 profit Increases from soro to 180 per 000 capital, 437 per cent. I " rent' banks up to 80 per contr con-! Among meat packers listed data ' trnttora aa high aa 1190 per cent, and on nono of tho large concerna was flrur mills aa high aa 437 per cent. I available. ! ICnrl Rlghlmlor tind family spent , the Fourth at Speuio.' creek fishing ' Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Gentry wen Mnmath Palla visitor Friday. national vigilance committee of the Associated Advertising Clubs ot the' World; Earl D. Tladst, president of Notice Is hereby given that oa or before sixty daya from the first day of July, 1911, the County Court of Klaaaata County, Oregon, will. In open court, cancell all warraaU lathe baada of the County Clerk of said County, which hava beea isaued aad aot protested for a period of seven years of mora prior to the first day of July 1911, also all warraata will be held for naught, aad paymeat thereof stopped, where It ap pears that same hava' been protested for a period of seven years prior to the first day of July, 1911, aad hava been duly called by tho County Treaaurer but not presented for paymeat. The following list ahowa the Barnes of payees, date, number aad amount aa shown by warraata to be acted upoa by tho Coaaty Court aa above atated. WarraaU received from the Couaty Clerk but aot pretested: NONE. WarraaU protested by tho Couatv Treasurer aad called: NONE. Warrants la the hands ot the County Clark: Name. W. H. Qrow. A. C. Mulleuax . . Mrs. Dollle Mills Goo. P. Seeds ... P. W. Ounderlack R. O. Gardner . . V.,A." Jones e 0 e e e e e e Data. .Nor. I, lit . . Nor. II, 1919 . . Jaa. II, 1911 ..Jaa II, 1911 . .Jan. II, 1911 ..Jan. II, 1911 .. May SI. 1911 Fund. Oeaeral Oeaeral Oeaeral General General General Qensrat Number. sien S1S14 11131 11114 11713 11714 SS799 Amouat ' $ 1.14 i.oe 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.00 MILLS ADDITION LOTS Buy a lot In Mills or Darrow addi tions, close to the Industrial canter. Soma are priced as low aa 9 IIS on aaay terms. Will take your Liberty Bonds at par. Bee Chllcote 133 Mala street 'll-tf UgJO Total ( State of Oregon, Couaty of Klamath, as. I, C. R. DeUp. Couaty Clerk ot tho above named Couaty aad State, hereby certify that the wlthla aad foregoing la a true aad correct list of County WarraaU subject to cancellatloa aa the same appear ot record In my office and In my earn aad custody. ' In witness whereof, I have hereunto aet ay band aad affixed the aeal of the County Court, thla 17th day of Juae, 1911. , (SEAL) C. R. DeLAP. Couaty Clark. 1-8-15-lt " T By Loyd R. DeLAP, Deputy. As the Battle Line in France Stands Today Big Engineers Meet In Portland Saturday Portland, July 8. The Importanco of co-operatloB between all civil en glaaara tbruout the northwest will be oao of the topics dwelt on at, the quarterly meeting of the Northwest era Society of Highway Engineers to be hold In thla city July II, at which highway engineers of Oregon, Wash lagtoa, Idaho aad Montana will be BfaaanL Preeldeat Herbert Nunn, who will proaMe, will make aa address on the necessity for co-operation at this time. R. II. Thompson, consulting engineer of Seattle, will deliver an address on tho advisability of enact ing lawa for the registration of pro fessional engineers. This will be dis cussed by M, C. Dennett, division en. glneer of tho Oregon state highway department, C. P. Keyser,. superin tendent ot parka of Portland and H. H. Abry, roadmaster of Columbia tounty, Oregon. ' ) Hft. Jry7;Ar' Rations In Berlin Decidedly Scant Amsterdam, July 8. The present rations In Berlin are as follows, the 4)aBtltlaa being for one persfn for ono week! ' Bread aad flour, 4 pounds; 'butter and margarlno I 1-1 ounces; pota toes, 7 pouads; meat 4 1-1 ounces; aoasa, 1 1-4 ounces; sausage 1 3-4 ouaeee; sugar I ounce. , Is addltloa, each parson la allowed one egg a month. Milk Is provided only for children under six years, ot age and for Invalids, Take tha squeak out of thoaa wheals" with flpokatlta. Telfora Bros, Garage. - ll-ttt Surety bond while you wait. .Boo CUllcoU. 14 f ' MaMBBnTJmaa svaMt ! Qasl5araJg' JaPfe --!-""" mmmimm sSBSSIj3Bla esrnm jssaawPQaV. - aJaaW - BBBagsgaggawwwaay mattlm tune ,.-.- .agSiM i . i ' a . f . tr. .-viif. a) "aivwl( '',l,'T Jiy 9lJBs 'ju . 2'aE3SD- Jpt yjgu "T: J'rWaV " -JaSn M faataS-w bbS ii . t' V (f V 0 wt W gl' . m BaslC j -i Bsaak-J4 JT BBBSBXa'a, The big battle line on the Westara Front, to hold which, America Is y .sgm''" Jf'tiY ' centering every thought. Is clearly shrown In tbi above topographical 53W AVfn- , jnkp, The ground gained by tho eaamy la tho operatloaa alnce tho big " ' , . bh -jSl offensive began la March la shown between the dotted Una aad tha heavy r "-fx efleeBiSv3PwpsseiseseiepeMiaepV ym J it TBf WmmM JS55 Prevent Sickness When You Can... One of the bent preventatives id a good illnlnfectnnt.. aii cannot afford to tnko rltancH wltli rewspools, vault or iIIa eiiito lircolinK M'tH at thin ; son. .Wo liave all kind of disinter. UuU liote and ttio rout of any of Uiem Is tery miimII ronipHrtsil nltli the good tliey ulll do. (livfcrwofcHww r HLA.1AI M I ALLS lircuun 'I ft v' ffVVWVVV,v9 High Grade Tailoring f at reasnauible prices FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Pure Woolen. -Your Inspec tlon Invited Chas. J. Gzek Bacceasor to Loawo Bros. , MERCHANT TAILOR SIiMaln Si. PROFESSIONAL CARDS dBBBjaBBMajajfnakjWajBasajVjia JOHN C. CLEGHOSN Conaty Bnrvayer avUKngtoaer art' AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY SIT Main Insurance Loans and Abstracts Real EaUte Loan at O to 8 per cent DR. EARL O. WISECARVKR White Bids. Phone M4 Dentistry and Oral Surgery DR p. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician 41 Surgeoa Suite 811, 1, e. O. F. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone SB1 . . Res. Phone, SB8R I ' (Tho only Osteopathic Pbysl I clan and 8urgeon la Klamath Palls.) KATHERINE SCHLEKF, M. D. Physician and Surgeon White Dldg, In Dr. Hamilton's office Office hours 9:30 to 12m., 1:36 to 5 p. m. Night calls promptly attendsd to W. D. MILLER Cement Contractor Walks, Floors, Foundations. Con crete Building Blocks, Flues and Tiles. Ill 8. Sixth St. Phone WOOD ORDIR A VIAR'g SUPPLY OP QRBIN SLAB New, and havo them dry and un der caver early In the fall. Wa also handle Body, Limb and Block Wood, Ceal and Fuel Oil. KIbbmUi FimjI Company Pbmmm 118 r4 4 K fi s