OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAFXK OF KLAMATH FALL! OF KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Year. Nit, ll.HMI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY JULY 8, 1918 Prlco Plvt Canto GENERAL ADVANCE IS ITA!LIAN$WI PRESSING AHEAD THE HILLS EXTENDED OFFENSIVE MOVE OF ITALIANS CONTINUES WITH SATISFACTORY RESULTS ENEMY l'JXKH DESTROYED OVER THOUSAND PRISONERS TA- KEN IIV ALLIES AUSTRALIANS MAKE ADVANCE AGAINST GEIL. MANS OK SOMME I.AHT NIGHT Rome, July 8. The Itnllnns Imvo advanced their front line In tho Ion of Colla Prldle and gained fur- ther ground to the northward of Masslk In the Monte Grapha region. Eight airplanes of the enemy ware destroyed nnd another battlo. Tho Italian and French troopa Irt. Albania on Saturday began nn opera, tlon between tho coail and Tomorlca valley. Thhj offemlvo l itlll In full and aatUfaetpry development. Over a thouaand prisoner have been taken by the Allle. linden, July 8. Tho Australian troopa lat night advanced their linen ait ride the Bommo river slightly on n 8.000 yard front. , Several prlsoncis were taken In tho operation. Tho German artillery waa active along tho Bommo and Handera. Washington, July 8, The, army casualty Hat Iwued today contained SO namoa. 8li were killed In action and IS died of woundi. Parla, July t (fly llavai Agency.) A now offomrlvo I now believed lm ponding on tho Italian front, Lu det.dorff haa vlilted tho Austrian headquartera and hastened the pro. pirn! Ion. Reinforcement! aro being concentrated nt Innibrulck and Trcnt, AIMIK.NTI.NK IIII'MIMATH AltltlVK Norfolk, July 8, A dreadnought, with Ambassador Nnron and tho dip lomatlc minion from Argentina has! arrived here. KNKMY CI.KARRD FROM TIIK I'lAVK RIVKIl Washington, July 8. Tho ; Austrian forrei Imvo now bcon ! 4 completely cleared from the north bank of the I'luvo' river. ))' . I Would Stop Sales Wtshlnon July S. Tho senate rjoultural-committoo has agreed up- lithe legislation prohibiting the ten Oil I I Mlyof distilled liquors, wine and I beer after January 1, 101P, and pro- IN ,l,w,,,l,,,,,,"l hUKAflU lltK HEAVY OWE general march declares ex. i:mv ih gathering ijis hank roit iii:.vy blows allies improve lines iiy .nibbling Washington, July 8. Tho pruitort delay of (lie Germain In pressing at tacks In Franco moans only Unit the arc preparing now and huavy blows, (Icnurul March, tliluf of stuff, said In JiIh weakly toufurenco with tho newspaper men. "It Ih perfectly uvlilvnl.'V lio until, "Itiat this doluy U preparatory to it hwny iiKsuiilt In forn by tlio (lurinnn (ll n,,ml p,urlmiey, wero drowned r.t ther particulars havo" not been ro lilKli roiiimniiil. Tim present roiid.(.CKU.llt U, lust night when tho tcbed. ' t Ion of affairs ili'tn not niunu snv Mng bul ta( T,cy nrc rt.orKMuU. ' thulr troops, filling up lossus. ami picparlug to try It aguln. "Tho slluutlon alonK the various western front Iiuh developed a condl- .1 .... ...... - .. ... lion wuoro niuuiuiK oy. mo nlllid fort ci U going on all tho tltuo, und ro-iulih rciupletu success no far na tho nil led attacks uro concerned. Tho - ...- .. ... most Interesting of theso rulds, from Ww American viewpoint, was tho mic re nsful nttack on Vaux, which .le ctin cil on July t. TliU town wan ta ken by n nicely plnnnod AmerUvn at tack In which tho Dth and 23rd rel ments ofa Infantry furnlMhcd tho In fantry nnd tlio 12th, lGth and 17tti reRlments of Hold artillery mippo-t-v.l tho uttuclc. Those troops form a part of our veiond division which U under tho loniiuauii of Major ISen- eml llundy. Tho huccchscs nttalneil hnvn been onnoldated nnd BUhsu-''' ipunt uttiickn ii tho (icrniiiiis Imvo . not been sufficient tn rniiso our with- lirnwiil fifim ti in infMiin ifi.i..i. i I bvoii occupied "On tho Ituilan front tho situation hub uow como down to complete oc-; cuiiiiiuu uy uaiy or tlio souUinrn iiiiik or mo rine, with tho excop- tlon of ouo small hoi tor. Tho size of I that sector Is threo mid ono-hulf by. one-halt milos. It Is on the delta nrnr (Irlsnloia. Along (hat entire ro glon tho Italians Imvo iniule auccosi (ill advancos oor practically a iiIqo mile front " IMKMIKIIM.l.N OII'Hi.YK IIIIOIFKIFIIOMHi:iVI(:'u,ll,'l8Rr ,IOr thnt th0 I0"0"18 ,n Wellington, July . Official cor respondence Just published h?ro lina dlfcclosod tho fact thnt Cleveland Abbe, Jr., editor of tho Monthly Ri ver Review, was recently dropped from the government service nnd dls. mjsaed bocuusu or his well known ymputhy for Uermany. I.KAYKH OX YAt'ATIO.N . (leorgn Keldovor, an einplojo of tho Klnmath FiiIIh pnstoffloo, . In ipendlng a few days In Mttlo Bliusta vnlloy. Booze January 1st ,hlbltlng tbe manufacture of wne and beer after November 1 next. A provision for tho exportation of liquors already produced Is being cou- Uldered. ProminentMenDrowned In North Klamath Lake Well Known State Political Leader Who Represented Klamath County In Legislature Meets Death in Crescent Lake With Com rade From Bend' Early Last Night Tlmt Vernon A, Forbes, stnto rep rcrentntho from Deschutes county, mill attorney for tho ntn'to I a nil bonrl, ami Itulpli I'olnilcxtnr, proprietor of caina boat In which thoy were fish- I ni; wis Hwniupcil, Ih tho nail nous rccehed hem from llond today. , i no ahkih'i.iiou rrcss iciion iroinnnii nin untimely nnssinr win. ha IUmiiI declared that tho bod Ion of ta?' . .. HUN SOW AREWEARYAND HREDOFWAR By Anoc lated Preia W'll'i Aiuorlriiiri on the, Marno, Ju s' Two Oorinnn dr-Hcrler croMod, tho Amorlcnn lines Inst nlRht When, iiucKtlniied they said they wcro tlrod . . I WUI" "" ,rcrttlnont rccolvoU T ,he ,WnU" "' "'C "iCCn' ' 0no wnB fornlPr ""erclmnt, while ",v """' """ " h thy wore given very nttio to cut. IWMI.NK IH lCI. TIIK Itt'SHI.wk XKXT WI.NTUU VoloKda, Juno 10. (Correspoml enco of The Associated Press,) In- foimatlon has reached tho American tho UKrnlno district, wnonco uermany expected to obtain tho largest part of her iiow grain supply, are sow ing only enough grain for their own ',,0,, Fenrlni? that their land will be con. (B0" h re to lavo for the training flHcnted or divided or tholr grhln tn.1cml, American Lake on July St, koi. away from thorn, they a,re putting 'nve Just bcen mode public by tho I J, In very llltlp seed. In fact. In many cnl Pion board The men will ' , , report here on the 23rd and entrain ciiseu mo Boca iiseu uuh ueou euuus- eated, either by aormane, various fnc-j tlonnry urniloa or roving banda otj soldiers. I As conditions of actual starvation. have prevailed In many Rusil.n iminltlCB for several '"onthi, actual iCrnn0( claronce E MotIchenbacher, famlnelH facing millions of RuMlanaR(lben A R EJwnrJ B Xtbutn novl wlntnr. ' - l ..... ' .... .' . next winter. WIRE CO.NTROL QUESTION TO BE DEBATED TOMORROW Waihlngton, July 8. Tbo ienato.j. intomtite commerce committee do-corl cldad'to report immediately tho home osciuuon aumnruing me rresiaoni e fair a avai Alia AlBfinnli an A tailav. ' to take over the telegraph and tolo - phone cable nnd radio stations dur- Ing the war. It wns reported without change or regompiendatlon. Tho.dobnto will bogin tomorrowi .... men had not been recovered, but a who message rccehed lato this af ternoon by Coroner Soulc, stand triit le body bad been found. Fur- Vernon Forbes, who represented Klamath county In the itnto legist jture. Ih well known In Klnmath Fall mourned by a hostof friend hero U.S.P0UCK Washlneton, July 8. It 8 Intlniat- c! that a formal announcement ro- Raiding tho attitude of tho United stn ten toward Itussh might bo ex- 'jctcd soon 1 It l understood that a definite pol- lc h" bcen dete'mln;' UP". bt no .nnnouncement of Its exact nature miy on given at present for military rea sons. Tho following 46 nuraei of tho ,rx. j.y Thlg will bo tho largest group which has left at any one time from Klnmath Falls and will leavo only uo,'t 30 In Class 1 exclualve of the 1" rranx k, jtrugcr, euie w. nooertn, Charlog Ounnerion, John E. Andrew, Tom Canai, Jonn B, Hawxhunt, Alln R. Yates, Mark A.- Swatman, Anton io Feoltracco, Arthur W, Johnson, Mtipero Antonio, Delbert O. Hawjey, Bartnlo Frareiso. Harry J. Lvtls. - e, 0. Stewart. Leonard Furbuah. r. Young. Floyd B. Halo. Bam- uoi v Qodard. Albert D. Lych. Coin- rnodore Ferry Roblnion, Thomas F, ' uii.ji.ij w ia. r i ' lOWARDRUSS DE1ERMMED FORTY SIX WIN WSOON JLlttlcfleld, Walter Graham.' Bryanj'on. Frank t. Strublo, Gurden Graves Hamilton, Florindo Warla, Tgnailo Stigg, Fredorick M. Young, Morton jProvonsnno, Ord. L. McGregor, 'Leo' lo. White, Charles Lewis, Wallace W. H. Todd, Enrl J, Arnold, Lawrence J, Ucbor, Howard V, Dunn, Lionel Rob- MADE IN SOUTH OREGON PICE OFFICIALS FROM .NORTH WOltK. I .NO WITH MCAL OFFICIALS HAVE IlltOl'OHT I.N MOST OF PEDDLERS I.N liAHT FEW DAYS That a big crimp will be put In tho cuntomary booze peddling which has bcon practiced so promiscuously horo I'bouti recently, ii Indicated by tho work dono In the past few days by Sergeant l. M. Dennett and Corporal IK F. Tcmplo of Portlund, rcprcscn- thtlvc of Company 4 of the Oregon military police, who have bcen work. Inp In conjunction with local offlc lals In rounding up n swarm of boot leggers operating betwoen Klamath Falls und Oorrls. U. 8. Marshal Frank T. nerry has also been very active lu this work. In addition to those already men tioned, another good slsed group was apprehended last night. Jesse Bailey, Thomas Riley, James Madlll, E. W. Cathey and John Hir rlbon were arrested on tho road from Dcrrls on chargoj of having-Jlqnor in their poiaesilon and being drunk on tho public highway. C. Nanl, George 8mlth and J, R. Smith wore taken on their arrival n the train. It li believed that activity of thli nature will soon put n stop to the illlgltlmate practice which hag be come so objectionable. It Is probable that representative or the Oregon military police will be hero permanently, from this time on. Tho casos of Albino Vlchl, (ioor;o (Inrblnn nnd S. A. Oliver, nrrestod Ft Pelican City lato Inst week, will come up In Justice R. W. (io wen's court this afternoon. HEAD .NAMED FOR COAST RAILROAD Superior. Wis., July S. F. H. Elliott, superintendent of tho Orcat Northern railroad hore, has been appointed piesldont or the Spokano, Portland & Seattle railroad with heudquarters at Portland. UiltlVKH TO ATTEND FUNERAL OF WIFE Salem, July 8. United State Sen- ctur Charles L. McN'anry will arrive In Portland from Washington at 7 o'clock tonight. If his train Is on tlmo. Senator McNary la on his way to hi homo In Salem to attend the tun- nri-t nf lila ulfn wlnt wn. blllA.i i. ... ..... .... .....,, n .... .tmo niuvu iii ai. AlltnmnlillA aniilil.t.1 W.n..J... Kl.?.. near Newburg. No announcement f funeral arrangements has yet been made. IIOUHE NAVAL COMMITTEE TO VISIT WAR 7XNES Washington, JiHy 8, Chairman Pcdgott and other members o thn house naval jjfnlrs committee, will Ictuvo on a battle ship this monU to mnko a tour of Inspection of the naval activities In the European war sono. ertion, Adolph Novantny, Homer C. Sinclair, Cart J. Schroeder, Guy Sam Cclvln, Frank L. Ward, Oscar N, Mpr- an. Antonto Zopp, Andrew Martin- Ware, Christopher C, Connelly, Al fred B. Castel. GETTNG MANY BOOTLEGGERS .a..J...........vY(VV)nnmnj1J1 Noted Clergyman OIF to front in France, -'JV.1X. RM PK. UMUT. M.SVUX. Rev. Or. Edward ; M. Stlres, for many years fjtitor of St. Thomas' Eplscoparchtt-,lajKew York City, and one f lio boat known clergy men of his denomination In tho coa- saiLHoik'ViBLLGstaLm mmt " 'j '' " gtB sEl-1. . & 'H1 L aisoflgfiBBaV PvAgfsgfsgfsgfsgfsH m4BSaBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSB M.I. i Vfuwhut - fiii.i try has JCtMM:su4or..Uajaiu.!ary fcontb-) Bcbhovlkl haairo. pices or the Y. M. C. A. to carry 'to, the fighting men home." 'a messago from BK HELPMATE The grand old days for the noble Kedskln seem to be thing of the past. Time was when the Indian braves sat in weighty counsel togeth er while the squaws ground the corn and did the menial work of the home. ' All this, howbver, stoma to be ancient history and things are by no means what they were. This transformation was brought out In a suit brought by Orant Smith of the Yatnax district against his al leged cruel and inhuman wife, Mag gie Smith, to whom he has been mar rled since 1895, The complaint stntes that the' de fendant not only abused the plaintiff with fearful language during a great part ot their wedded, life, but that she frequently went after him with htlcks and her flits, and that his health Is In a percartous condition as a result of this treatment. One con, a young man of 20, is mentioned In the action. Attorney H. M. Man ning Is counsel for the plaintiff. Celebration The city ot Klamath Falls is to be congratulated on the Fourth of , July celebration held, horo last Thur. day. Not only was tho greatest crowd of visitors ever assembled In the city in evidence, but tho unusu ally fine behavior ot the gathering waa everywhere nottcable. Not that the guests had a dull time, for enjoy, mont and enthusiasm waa everywhere manifested, but there was mora fun IK ft MAOEBURDEN RUSSIA IS AGAIN IN THROES OF L ASSA88I.NATIOX OF GERMAN AM DA88ADOR CAU8E8SOUTBRE.K BETWEEN BOLSHEYIKI AMD REVOLUTIONARY FORCES KAIHEK BREAKS OFF NEOOT1A. TIO.N8 AT BERLIN ON BbCAMNO OF A88A88LNATIOX MANY AR HESTEO IN RUSSIA Lndon, July 8. A serious countor revolution between the Revolution- ken out. Another counter revolution waa re ported to havo started In Petrograd but has been suppressed. Washington, July 8. Fighting baa broken out In Moscow between Bol shcvikl forces and the Revolutionary, Socialists, following tho assassination of Count von Mlrback, the German ambassador, according to an official dispatch from Switserland, " On leaving the embassy tho astasi as took refuge in a house occupied b Revolutionary Socialists and were defended by machine guns. The de tails are still unconfirmed. London, July 8. As soon as Em peror William heard of the assassina tor of Count von Mlrack, the German ambassador In Russia, he ordered Foreign Secretary von Kuohlmann to break oft negotiations with delegates at Berlin. Several hundred' Russians, inclu.t Inc Social Revolutionary Leader Alex andiovltch, havo been arretted at Moscow. WAR COUNCIL IS NOW ABOLISHED ; o Waihlngton, July 8. S.ecro- o tary Baker has formally nbol- tailed the war council and turned ovor Its principal func- o tloiis to the assistant secretaries pt war, General March and Ma- Jor General Gocthals. Here VO TON Is Notably Clean and less "rough stuff than has been heretofore customary on similar oc- caslons-. This matter has been commented upon by doions from both In and out of town since the. celebration. Visitors from Portland were Impress ed most favorably, tnej declared' It is declared by those who gvoi eipoclal attention to tbe matter that, there wore 8000 people here on In dependence Day. ,