VM Eljt? iurttmn x ga i ii n i i j ,, hi -i. jijuiu.1 OFFICIAL NIW1PAPBR OFAL OF KLAMATH COUNTY r t.wi W.r-,21 Twelfth Yfr, No. B.IWH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1918 ,7, tirraia ITALIANS VICTORIOUS AUSTRIAN ADVANCED POSITIONS PUT BACK OKRMANH ATTF.MIT TO RAID AMERICAN POMITIONM IN M)IU RAIKK LAST NIGHT HUTAIIK RHFULKKD I fREttlRKXT URGED HYALLIKD RtU'HMMKNTATIVKH TO MANO TKN AMERICAN IXTKIIVKX. I HON IN MMCHIA Parle, July 8. Th German el tempted (o raid th American j?s tor la tht Lorraine district lint nla'.il at Xlvrlary, but war completely ! pulsed. I Vlenas, July 0. The battle nt tho mouth of tho Plave river waa coatl.t usd yeatorday. The Auitrlan i. vasee division waa preaard back lo their main forraa, according to en official Auitrlan atatement. Washington, July It la rumor. d that the President' baa conferred with Secretary tlaker, Danlela and Uailag and Hanson on the Kutxlan ?!!!! ?: .kn:.,,r"""r hV T" -ii w, iiiHUin rvprvaeaiaurea to approve the Ai ierlva Interventljp la Siberia. a nillt: W WHKAT IN Wuhlniton, July I. Conireu '.mi PProvadbe price of wheat at 13.40 par buihe) aa a aubatltule for IS.r.O wnteBded or by the aenale. Tho bill haa been referred to the Trotl dtat. MW.S.S. The Womana Relief corpa held 'X Plaaaaat meettai Monday aftoi.1 oon after the relator order of bun Itiaaat tL . a L .. . ...-j.., ins raemoera eajoyea the read- n of lettera from aaveral boy bora low lervlng their country In rranco A resolution waa uaanlmoualy adopted to form War Havinan RQJEFCORPS oclety In conaecttoa.wtth the corn, nny of tho above named Indira ""aa lo be known aa the W. R. 0. War not aerve on their atated day, !) "vlnti aoclaty, accordlnaly the ao- ty waa organised with Mra. W.. V. McMillan, nraildaat anil lira A. VS. Robartaoa, seoratary, The W. R. 0, Had Croea hooteee Hat 251,000 Americans On I' 4. WaablBitoa, July a. Qanernl A "arch declared today that tba Am- eBawhhgejjj noVa Mismnary i i4ccwei Poet rv. KtV.JCSt.lWINO SlK RAaMNDtVWSTAOO"': Itev. J. C. ft, Kwlng, preildent of Korman college. Uhora. India, back In tiio United 8tatea to attend con' ventlona of mlMlonarlea. atated at a dinner of the I'reabyterlan' Ualon la N'" Vork City that Mabladraaath ? Im'fiH. ... .VJO.I-Tlk i eBvBammnT'raHaBnammmmme '? ' laaaaanh 2 aBBBBmnamBBBBBi IBkm'WJBOXJPj aBmmmmmmmmj i:2nmTr ' IBamm . 3 y ?Bmri. masnamwl r . aA -' 'tVdavQBmmmY & XetJayjCmmmBB 3 ri nanWmWmWmWM I tcV Y' 9hmmmmB7flBnaBn V 1S X. !smmel BvBaBaBaBaaT rLhJBaas I '.SnWmWmWmWjLvMBnWmBI ' immmmmmmVidmmml KIXKI) AT asi.lo.Tnaore, the Indian poet, and othara who have come to the united Btatea to lecture, are literary plratea whe have taken moat of their Ideaa from the New Teetament and revamped them for occidental coammptloa. ban been rearranged. Waatbera are I naked to watch the paper In erdar to aacorlaln when their day comae. The numbor of worker at the Roil Croat rooma have fallen off, tnorr- .. ti.a a.pnii.l pnineratlon of OV try Corpa member, aa well aa every I iay in imhuihiii rnn, .mcvmww . I ... ...' .1. ....... .. tka Im ' pill llmnin tiir . . - i In -filling Ita quota. An nppeM nlio M made for mx kaMtara. jOoat ba n alacker. 8KW and KNIT. Tbo bonlMiea tho pat week were - 'Mm. I.. Bradford, Mra. O. W. Robar- mm m e tiw.' nM u r.on. ir. jenny urim, mrm, vvo M. Ratntby For tho next week bo- alnnlna Monday, Medrmea Burn, J II. narrcll. Chna. Martin, A. J. Lyle, w. 1.. Moore. Jnnaa and IIIHoa. II nro reqiiented to get aotnooae elae to appear for them. 'fly a vote of tho corpa It was w Klded not to moot again until Ant uat 10. righting Lines , erlcana on tbe fighting llnoa about July i, nutubared 161,000, COUNTY FAI I S Hi WAR STAMP PLEDGES KIHTV-KIUHT PRRaNCTC MAVi: RKPMRTKD UKVIC1T OF S40, ma ON TMOHR UN NINNTRKN IIIHTHICTC TO HKAR KROM The War Stamp quota for tho pre- clnrta reporting to data la Sl'MSO, nut of which I6E,S16 baa been re ported In pledgee, leavlag a com bined deficit la theee preelactc nt I40.0SS, accordlag to Atthar WU- eon, who la checking tba returaa Tbe report complete up to tea tbla morning, follews: Total number of areclncta In Kla- TOath falls, Indaatrlal and ooauty acboal dlctrlcta. la 77. We have heart from Rl, leaving to hear from It. Klamath rails Quota Reports Precinct 1 fll&OO 111440 Precinct I M00 7S09 Precinct S 1SI00 IMS Precinct 4 16050 11 M0 Precinct 5 10000 MIK Preelect 11100 0SII Praclact 7 10100 1M85 Preclact . . . . -,,,.700 . 4 1 SO Precinct 0 ... . SS0O 1010 Precinct 10 .... 1150 107S Totata 1110100 School Dlatrlcts S Bonansa ... 1100 S Topay Orade 450 4 Olen 1700 ft Dairy 1000 flale 100 7 Ft. Klamath.. 000 to lln. Ungell. 100 11 Pine drove USA IJ Urella ... 1S00 IS Illldebrand 1100 141., Un'gell. 700 15 Playna .... 1S00 10 h. Poe .... 800, It Wordta .. 000 10 U. Poa ... 1000 11 Odeaaa .... 700 SI Malln .,... SSSO IS Ii. Swaa .... S00 15 8p. Lake.... 800 SO Orladnle R. 1400 17 Agency ...... 1000 M Merrllr. OS SI gum. School.. 1000 SI Pokegema .. 100 S3 White Lake. 000 31 Shasta. View. 1000 SO rlbaley .... W00 87 Midland .... 800 30 U. Swaa .... 000 40 Dodd Hel .. 000 41 Mt. Lakl .... 1650 41 ralr'vlew ... 1550 Indaatrlal Plant 44 Millar Hill . . 1000 45 Bryant Mt.., S00 40 KawumKan.. 700 47 Horton ..... 800 48 Vinson .... 500 40 Adsms Pt .. 1700 60 Barnes Val . . 300 Yalnax 1500 rMS45 8K8S ISSi 1880 S105 S40S 4M5 810 lost 1300 1905 500 400 '80S 878 4s0 846 S34f 1105 HIS 1035 I80O 10050 1170 00 G3E 3735 S035 855 1005 375 1059 1145 1170 170 110 716 480 1185 ISO 8810 Total ...... MS7I0 115080 in the tabulation recently re torted. Praclact No.3 waa Jletod In stead of Mo. 4. Preclact No. I has now reported ISII6 out of IU qaoU of 111,100, a BM roWDMa EXPLOSION IN NEW JER4UCY PLANT New Vark, July . watarf 1 wera killed aa etheta 4Mrat to aa pleat tha'Trialtratwioal pKut kef artao' toortooa INrtrsaT'O.,,! KeaVlKv'J, ', A , A O-aouad boy a bereft Mr. aed Mra. Sid Eraai Frtday' awmtag, July 6. Mother and cklbl are resort, d doing nicely. StfEPMFHARF HIK WhlRHAY SCANT hAv crop in lakk coon. TV CAl'MKM HTOCKMBN TO IX HCRB THK1R W1NTKR SUPPLY IN KLAMA'Af COt.NTV The abbrtage and failure of the Hd hay. crop In Lake county 'a causing the Irish aheap ownera la that part of the couutry to come Into tbe Merrill country and Surprise Valley for their winter aupply of bay. The Increaalat valut of the a&eip If. rauila vraatar earn iliirln tha wlnterlmoBtha on' the part of the I ownera, who can III ajford the losa of aaimau at tfce present price Under former ooadltloas sheep wew often wintered oa the deetrta of Lake couaty. Jack Flyna of Lnkovlaw, aad Jas. Oweaa of Rouad Grave, with tlvo or ar. othara, were among those buylBg hay in the Merrill dletrin yeaUrdajr. BE COUNTY FLANS TO PAVE MILK OF ROAD FROM LOWER KNU OF .SIXTH. TO ALTAMONT RANCH IN NKAK FUTURE .That the county court contain platea a paving Improvement ft tending a mile beyond the termlniM of the Improvement on lower Slxt'.i atreet, la reported by County Sur veyor J. c. ciegnorn, wno in nq-v getting up specification for the bldi. 'It haa not yet been decided what kind of paving will be used and blda for three varlettea will be received. Thla atratch of the road' la traveled very heavily and la very uneven, VISIT FROM UKJAK J. R. Tbomaa. brother of H. P. Taoaua of thla city, with file tw daughtara Bad aaphew, earn In yt terday from Uklah, CaL, by auto, for a ahrort visit. The party will Malt Crnter take and other Kla math points before returning. 4444444 w DKLAP FILES A . DEMURRER TODAY ' Declaring that there waa. not 4 aufflclent cause for the action, demurrer waa tula moral filed 4 by Couaty Clerk C. R. DeUp in the Circuit court la aaawer to 4, the premptory writ te'.lene a warrant io A, r. Halde,t San 4 rraaeieee. or snow eauee.rer aw aetlea, v DeUp la repreetated by At- ' (eraey Mjirrlee Alien. ( Part' 0''HN, Tb4uprka a4 .:. e.KIamth FWta:' , Tb warraati (a queetlea w; far 4 IIOO;iS for work aHesed t hBve been deae on. the Hot apnnga coun aouae. w mm MM AGAIN ON PLAVE o iWBaaBBataejiM DRAFT CALL E HKX'KSTKKS LKAVIS ON TRAIN THIM MOHMXCi FOR FORT Mo DOWBLL FORTi'-SIX MOKK TO LVK MONTH LATER Seventeen more Klamath county boya answered the call of tbe nation tbla morning. Tbey entrained for Fort McDowell, near San FrancUc-j. Another call baa been made for 43 men for July 80tb, after which there will be 30 left la Cuua I hero. , nccordling to representatives of toe . i ., .-..j Thi. i .,.i...i. r th. vnuav uj.i wk0 regiured la the county ,'Juaa 5 cf .fcu year, which hv not yet en ciaaeuiea. Tbe namea of the boya who left thla mornlag are: Jamee H. Bel denAatonlo Toffoletto, John N. Nlklaaaon, Percy W, Slack, Arthur 8. aueraaey. Harry Loper, Leulgl Pardl. Seldea Walker. Earl U Ste wart, Jamaa D. Davis, Charley . Orchard, " Dolmen H. Kruger, Enf vald M. Martinson. James A. Perry, Everett Gilbert. Deaetrlce Pappaa ataacom, Earl W. Dowllag. r LMMAN CAR COLLIDES WITH TELE PHONE POLK AT CORNER OF ELEVENTH AND MAIN HT8 OCCUPANT CUT BY GLASS To have bl bead badly cut from the flying glass or his broken wind shield and to bo rendered uncon ccloua from the shock of the collision waa the misfortune of Jack O'Leary of Lakevlew, who waa driving on Majn atreet In bis car with some of the departing aoldlera. One other member of tho party was driving nnd In attempting to turn up Eleventh atreet he amashed Into a telephone pole on tbe east corner. O'Leary, who waa the only person hurt, waa ruabed to tho Klnmath General hoapltal where hla Injuries were cared for by Dr. George Merrv mnn. It Is expected that he will re cover In n ahrort time. The radiator of the car, which w.n n Chevrolet machine, appeared to bo badly Jammed. Tbe top of tbe wlnl shield was omaabed entirely out. EXPERT IS RETAINED TO ERADICATE BMIT Oorvallts. July 0. W. J. Qllmoio, hcad'ot the department of farm me chanlea In O. A. C, has been ask4d by the bureaus af markets chemis try aad nlant Industry, to take barge "of the lavlstlgatlon la smut eradieatloa thla aummer lathe no.-th ateetAa J 'eaorBboua sJg.,-laVaT eraaaus eacaear, eaeiaBiaiiy i y ern'Waah'lngto'n, nofthafn- Id aad sometimes In northeastern Ore? gon. T.hls field of activity la coa atdered Important from a war. emer gency standpoint. MSW GROUP TODAY HURT N AUTO SNO DAY MENCfB mmm YESTERDAY HOLHROOK AND PADDOCK BEN. TENCED FOR KILLfNa HMaWP MAN BY JUDGE Kl'YKENDALL NEW TRIAL DENIED One to IS year la the peniten tiary and the coat of the trial waa tbe sentence Imposed aa1- William Holbrook and J. I. Paddock yester day nfteraeoa fethe killing of', a T. McKondree at Dry Prairie April 10, 1018. f A motloa far aew trial eattand by Ua dafeadaata' (aUtr; Jvdge L. R. Weaaier. of Prtw4 and W. H. A. Reaaer, waa asade, but waa overrated by Jadaw D. V. Kaykeadall. . ..- " It I, eapected'taat the WlU be appealed. Mi) baa Mprease eeart. led t ike s Tbe defeaAfgaMtwart feejsd'taHty or maatiSBaWBBVJaat Wi yednsalay..lL lowtat aa eMaji? trial '-.i nraDQE TO OOJfNBCT t - EUROPE AND AS4A Amaterdai July 0. Th ptaa t connect Europe with AaM by brld Ing the Boanhorue baa aew seamed a more Uaglble ahaae, aecerdlac tie the Oamaaiaehe LLoyd. The bridce will bnve separate track for a rail way, n tram line, aad for vehicle and pedestrian tmTftc. It tettl length will be 1000 yard, aad IU elevtioB 140 feet above tbe aea. aa to allow for the passage ef th largest yeaaew.. , I PIGEON MAKES QUICK JOURNEY TO SPOKANE Tbe enly one of the five carrier plgeona which were liberated here by J. J. Parker of tbe Welle Fargo Express company, for 8poknne, a few daya ago, reached their deatl natlon, but this on mad the trl) In record time, according to aew Just received from W. D. 'Saaford Tbe blrda were liberated at 5:15 In the morning nnd the one reached hem at 3:45 that afternoon. Tht distance by air flight would be be taween alx and aeven hundred miles. HOT HPRINOB HOME SOLD Chaa Kaler. ?n employ of tho Southern Pacific' rail. cad. thla aaon- ing purchased the relden.c on Men lo Way la Hot Springs addliicn. owned by Elmer Preach. The new owner takes Immediate possession and plan ts improve aad tnlarge the bouse. Mr. French will move to hla ether lesldence property la Railroad addl tlon. " The sale won made thru, th agec cy of the J. T. Ward Co, VF v' I r , -t-M-irV . . ' .mjjj i Washingisa, July .-Hratt Mar-1 ahal qrewder haa dlreate etat draft aaeevUvaata ceil far Imajidjite WT Ail M.. Dv-iaJESi W4ww MKvmm Staaa aarwawaw am aw " . . - iij-, iY.-s- ,-w-w,Mmmmmmm MJAimuanviM MMmmmimm 1 V,K.V. ill ..V'vli'5-.i. H 15 XL'VrMJ,' y r. . . TmaBBBBBBBBBBBBl . : : " v"'" Y.:V. ..atwemmmmmmmji ,," w-'jj 9 rjvr,ji' : 'iivT-v."' 'TTiTaatieB T E R R I B L 6 1 ACCIINll ONRIYif Ln I BBBBmm I mmfl I H I IbbbbBbb !l, t KXCLWtON atTSAMBR ON ILLl ajOM;.BMVaR gfJOU AT Ni-T.I.W ., :'. NMUCT MCNaRBa AKB PNCAD ItJf- BOAT ' BMBJaTra. IO. MAVR a-" ' !V--j . - - I..',.' av. an.. v. www .- aad fifty I tbe eetamaU ijkUm V tbbbb) aajuaannusm j j - a . . , 'f h-P v f ,s., tkeramH 4"tkrmhUar f tlMTek- :'.. carakw ateaaser Cotambt lav tb "i.t IlUaew river aear here at mldaaiU' laetaighL . ' .The steamer carried ever too pa.; a .a4. atrack aoaa hla4 of t.V L . . "V BtriwiwaL. raaasM7 las- ' o ,- t The eacaralea party ,wa taaa'P-. kla. A paaic e beerd th b!fa( lowed the accident. .(' , ..., -T) ,... area ay voiuateer aivara .n;, mala deck aad daaee nefr.waHa' las ataay w aa a4 yewic aarla. Maay have aat yet been IdeartMled, , The reeene at 700 troefe fresa .baa. Canadlaa traaa ship City f YIomm. by aa 'Amerlcaa patrol boat, waa to ported. ' ,, Peoria, July 0. The grast will Invvatlgcte the slaklM , f ' (he ahip. I , Tbe survivors ehjam that th ehlp raa oato a aaad baj.la tba it nnd tho wkhln t Oast of ahor u waa tacked to dep water. m DIVORCE ACTION ,'VUJm,. Alleging that tho defendant verted him la November, 1010. a tilt for divorce haa bee filed by Francis, R. Hall against Anna M. HaH. m the office of tbe circuit eeurt cUraj. Th custody of the .two yeaa daughters la asked by the ptawtKt Attorney R. C. aroeabeek. apeeara . for the plaintiff. UIG CANADIAN TKANfaPORT lAHf Ottawa July fl. i vCaaadUi irooDahlD City of VleaaabCr: MM T a ' auBk off tne AtiaBiK eeawt. Thts; My, rwaWr' ;.,; crew nad troops were aaOaly, aMadreimaBlaathiataMaww tfae) tarjla; a b ayalaatif aetaaM Is Th vessel la bellevad to b a'totAl '').; 'PStf J v: "' Al rwi T-wi d '?i l k. o . . TA f'Ve rz .''.m '. ' n ' Yf .x:' V. -f. v.t rft' ,' c 1 f? v;M i-l' V J", A1 t v W 'r. - l :v &'& i, -m 1. H vj p S'bl ft & .!:'., ti,- MAI