OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Slir Itmumun Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALL! TwrtClli Year. No, SI.IWII KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918 Frlce Five Canto RENCH AND ENGLISH ON OFFENSIVE IG GAINS MY FOURTH FESMIB NOW UNDER WAY RE MA E 4wMjavsasannae mm mm Y ALLIES HIS DAYS "t VICTORIOUS KNCH AM) IIIUTIHII CEI.E- URATE BIRTHDAY OF AMKItl- m VA IIY PENETRATING LINKS OF HUNS FOR MILK CAPTURE NINETEEN HUNDRED, PRISONERS AM) EQUIPMENT HEPUI.SK AUSTRIAN ATTACK IN GRAPPA REGION SIGNIHCANCE0FJULY44918 IKITIHII LAUNCH SUCCESSFUL SONS MANY PRISONERS Home, Jtily 4. The Italians along llio Plain iletlicreit n number of hard Hlroki'H tit Ihu enemy while fighting ATTACK EAST OF AMIENS AND '",r forward against desperate Austrian rcKlnlanco .ovor the difficult FRENCH NORTHWEST OF SOIS. Tcr-llliis rlior mouth, which waa practically flooded, ! TIik Italians captured 1900 Aus- trlatm and Ihotr equipment. They ..... . . also repulsed nn AuttrUn attack at london July 4-lndlwndrnm day , ,, ,,f Umm Jn ' " " f k ."' , .'" " I ' "'"WW region, trees. Ilrltlah troop delivered nil . tuck today east of Amiens, captur- Vpin(1 Jlly 4Tne ,., , U the vlllngo of llamel. northern! umJ o cnM h. ,,lV0 rw nfmr f Vlllers Uretcnncaux. and ndvanr- (m ,, 1(, ,,, Tney UC. ag their Unci to a depth of oior ... . . caln near i mile. I.rli. July 4. Tlio French foirt kae attacked the Merman i nn it ront of a mile and a quarter In tho ielghborhood of Autrochos, north- rest of Solssons and pmhed Into tlio inemy'a territory for nearly linlf n tile. ChlcRnnuovn, northwest of Cape Bile. Another Italian attempt to croia tlio river near Zenson was frustrated. IKAHFU I.FIKK IN TEXAS llcaumont, Tex.. July 4. The en tire, iilnnt o tlio Ornnga Maritime If there I ono day thoughU of itructure, to protoct It from all harm which would atlr our hearts and ,to mako It itronger than over for the cause our pulses to quicken certainly generations yet to coma. It Is that day which marka our lndo- The sacrifices that Americans are pendence; and the Fourth of July, making today prove that the patriot. 1V18, Is a day of days- In our Na-'lsm of 1776 has not departed from tlon'a history. It has a greater slg- the land. American fathers and Am nlflcnnce than It bas ever bad before, erlcan mothers are sending their be lt tells not alone of the birth of this loved sons and daughters across ho Itcpubllc, but of the birth of a new waters the sons to fight, the dau'gh patriotism, a more sincere devotloi tcrs to succor the wounded. At to our Government, a higher and home the people, rich and poor alike, holler respect for our flag, the beau- are giving all thoy can to the funds tlful Stars and Stripes. for war relief, ore subscribing In an The Fourth flnds'the whole coun- open-handed and open-hearted .way try united, Inspired by a common to every Government security that cause, ready and willing to make any ! Is laid before them, sacrifice to win a victory for thoso It Is difficult to picture the full high Ideals, those principles on which .significance of our country's annl- this Government was founded near ly a century 'and a half ago. Those who budded the striirture bultded well and It Is the solemn duty of our people of today to save that versary. Celebrate It, not with noise and clamor, but with demonstrations that will tell of a new devotion a sacred pledge to give to your country the best that Is In you. I EI HANS mm They later attacked again In the rorllrnion. inlued at 1100.000. andLiffarin. nrivailnn. and lndlnltl-s. roe reaiwn unwwn Am ,.u (,irro hf.romploed schooners !-. -rU.i Dri0ner of the Turks In loullnesous Toulvent. gaining fur- ,,,, nt .22s.000 each, were complete.'" VlMU" pr .T .. . T. . Iher territory. (v destroyed In a fire of unknown The entire operation mado rtalns or,n ,it nfKht. Two men were o a depth of thren-qunrters of a i,rnc, to death, alls along a three mllo front and . v ; e WAR STAMP OUOTA Ml'HT BE REACHED 4 That unremitting efforts on the part of War Stamp Work- ers must bo continued until each county has obtained Its , full quota, Is Indicated In a copy of n message from Frank Van- derllp to State Chairman Jack- son, Just received by Chalrmnn .1 V Rlmn. nf Klamath coun- New York, July 4. Eight bund- , 4 red and forty-two American cltlscns, 't iMWWMWWWWWWMWWWWMWl LOCAL BOYS WU f DRSFTS INTERESTING LETTER FKOM FOKMKH 5IKMIIKK OF HKItALD STAFF WHO CAN' NOW HRtn IIIO OLXS OX WfT FltON'T he French have 1066 prlsoncrn Jielr credit. to NUI.TAN' OF Tl'HKKY IHKH Amnterdiim. July 4. Mohammed London. July 4. No country cvor Fftn 8lUnn of Turkey. died last alebrated the national unnlvorsury nihl CCordlng to a dispatch from If another country as the Koplo of Constantinople. England are today celebrating Jiuy ------ all thru the kingdom. The announcement of the arrival mthered In melting pots n to hul- at ...... ! a AAA MsiMfta maim kf the first million United Btntei. '' """" '."'' -'" -"- roops has aroused great cnthusl- "" "; '"u1' Tho gold W5& paid for by the gov- iirnmont ut the rate of 120.67 an FRRN'CH IMl'ROVE MN'EH I'arls, July 4. The French forces To bo wlthlu hearing of tho big guns on the Western front and In sight of tho hontllo aircraft, Is the lot of Sergeant Fred D. Dunbar, who resigned his position ns city editor of the Evening Herald one yoar ago today to enter tho sorvlce. Fred Is enlisted In the 161st field hospital corps and an Interesting letter from him has Just been received. He says in part: "I desire-to ex press my sincere thanks .to the V. It. C, tho Red Cross and nil the other organizations and good people of Klamath Falls who nro patriotic enough and willing enough to glo up something and do something be sides that which they are compelled to do In thinking of tho boys far nwny from home. We nro having typical Klamnth weather hero now and this part of Franco Is certainly very beautiful "It was certainly a vary novel Idea for those contributing to tho tobneco fund handled by Mr. Ramsey, to place the slips with tlio names of donors 'Damascus and other cities of Ga.Hl- 1 arrnnllnv In rahla mMaacaa ra. ..,.kI.-..I ...l,l- hmbAI. tt UaoIIn ' In ,tA (ll.b.M. flfl It tlflntfa tiaf-lC celved here by the joint distribution " V " ." "L,:: l"... .":::T' ." .." . meif Thero N i alight vashlngton, July 4. Tlio army saualiy list today a-lvim B2 names. II-,- war. Vlllnrf In .,,.11.... aii.l mIt mtO Of t OH OUHCO led of wounds. Thla Includes, e'""8 for mcUln tho mHU'' Wagoner Thomas II. KUton of Os- ego, Oregon, who died of disease. 1 H. MINT TO PVRCHAHF 4 UNCIK 8AM FAST 4 OKTTIXG INTO WAR . PRKCIOVH MKTAI.H Wasnington, JUiy f. nuppie- w meiitlng the President's an- i ' nouncemont that over a million Philadelphia, July4. It Is r.o. American troops have embarked enerally known that tho Unite! for France. Chairman Dent, of Onus Tah t Ati I at n d I ni ti rnVAri committee of funds for the Jewish tnMe iub,,nniu,)r. war sufferers. j Tney mccessfully repulnod several Forced to accomany the Turks' In aerman attacks, their retreat before the Uritlsh ad- f In Jerusalem, the Americans MIHDKMKAN'OR CHARGK vance havo been kept alive, the message says, thru' relief distributed by a branch of the American fundi com mittee In Damascus. A cable mes- vividly to our memories thoso friends at home who urc thinking of us and whom we know will be glud to see ux return whan that day arrival. This also applies to all the worn Do ing dono for tho lmn by tlio organi zations In Klamath Falls. I do not know whether 1 was lucky or who- The case of J. II. McFall. who was,1" 'j10 '" rcce,vo tw charged with a misdemeanor, has b"" of.can,l: th,u ,ho .d or IS 1HSMIS8KD been dlsmliised by Justice K. W. Go- sago from the Swedish ambassador wen for ack of evidence, at Constantlnole, forwarded by the! m state department, reported that the Damascus committee spent 112,00) to foed, clothe and house the refugees. TWO HUM) FOR VAGRANCY SUIT TO KBCOVKR 8HRRP Declaring that the defendants un lawfully aelicd and have held SI head of sheep since June 10, an ac tion for damages hat been Instituted j in tno orrice or me uircuiv court ciem of tho W. R. C.-anywny I did, mid It was moBt'cortulnly enjoyed nt a tlmo whou tho long winter months woro dreary Indeed. I only wish I could wrlto all of thoso -who are do- Ins: this Reed work to express my The cases or welter weaver nnj l.rBCill(ion of thcjr woric, but per O. D. Perry, apprehended by tno , hnpa i Jan porsunde . or rather do offlcors her rn a charpo of Tag- pcmJ upon you. Wnd hcartodncss to rancy and ret for examination ',,n it fnr m thru your columns. Also and ret for examination the Justice rout of B. W, Gowen, have been postponed MKDFOlin MAX VISITS I desire to express my good wlsho- tu the school children who so faith fully wrote the many letters to tho boys In France, for tho many of their names were unfamiliar to me, I Ben Sheldon, a prominent resldcit , knew their thoughts wore with me hv rvKMfa anln.t a. a. Tar. "edford fin, cnndldato for apeako- nnd know mjll0 mo wlth them tctes mint will buy procloiig metals . tho military committee, told the .boll and R W. Tower of Keno, thrw of tne hou M ,ho cora,nK "sslon of. ..0f tne war thoro is llttlo. por- - . . ..... ... --- . . . . I . ..... tha atata InLrlalntlira la In ITIamath1. .. . ...... Ik.l p lota or ioo or more, uui mien is nomo that ztio comnat airplanes attorneys, Renner anu Kent. " ... " .". naps, mai wo can b.hjwv i" tbf fuct. A report Just Issued shov.s e and 2000 Liberty motors had that the Philadelphia mint '.ms ie- ' uIho been sont. 0 ducad Jewerly and other nrdclna 4 IS. P. Freight Conductor Faces Serious Charge The complaint alleges tat the "" ,or " ,ew an' an ron oi,wo uro here to do our work, nnu can sheep ore valued at SI64 and that tu"nw- 144 has already been lost by the owner thru their lack of care A 'FORMER RESIDENTS loss of 10t In lambs from the ewea and 975 la other ways, Is clamed. The return of the aheap or 116,4, and an additional aum of II7 to asked. BOL-HEVIKI MAKE ARREST Washington. July 4. The arrest of aseabera of th Arckaagel ptovto-! years In this city, has taken over the RETURN FOR VISIT Dr. F. M. White, with his wife and family, have returned by auto .for a fortnight's visit with Klamath Falls relatives and friends. Dr. White, ybo practiced many J. F. MUUr, a freight conductor on 1 1 oqtlsgglrt eaie In thli c'ly. Ithn aneaallroad, has been Indlotod I He appearsd thla morning before Ihy the Fednnl grand Jury nt Port- United States Commlfsiriuer Bert C. lis accused of falling to execute soviet to Klamath only work nnd wait for tho duy whon Undo Sam will be In tho swim with both feet, and ploughing straight ahead and it I mistake not, whon he gets both feet in thoro will be some new wrinkles planted on the map of the old world. . "The people at home should, only do what they can to hasten that day, and I feel that for the most part they will. The forces In France must be given the power to turn the wheels or else tho road to Berlin will remain full of ruta and unseen holes that will only remain thorns In the aide Italian Qaeen as a Red Cross Narse in Field I i mv v m' i5il -i Ji " lm t wT jr i H VT1 ll i m S - aaaJ-. i 'S iii-.-a e .,; a axng,; Vuccn Helena of Italy Queen Helena of Italy as a Red Cross nurse Is a familiar figure In tho Italian hospitals. She has scat tered cheer among the wounded Ital ian soldiers. MARTIAL LAW IN' STYRIA Amsteradm, July 4. Marlal law has been proclaimed In the Austrian duchy of Styrla, due to disturbances In that community. BIRTHDAY OF NATION CELEBRATED IN KLAMATH i TOW.V FILLED WSTH VISITORS FROM ALL OVER COUNTY AND OUTSIDE POINTS FESTIVnTES PATRIOTIC REQUEST FOR ONE-DAT CELK RRATION BY GOVERNMENT MEETS RESPONSE IN KLAMATH COUNTY BIG PROGRAM What Is probably the biggest In dependence Day celebration In the history of Klamath county Is now fairly under way. Banda have been playing on the streets since early last evening, the ttnn Is crowded with visitors and ocry mlnuto of the day will bo filled v.lth some part of the big proga-tn. Every available room In the city a taken last night. Men and wo nt i: Indian riders from the Reserva tion, who are here to participate In tl.c big Rodeo this afternoon, par aded on their horses with their war w Loops echoing up and down tho trcets. Those promoting the event have responded to the request of tho gov ernment for u one day celebration, at d will conduct It strictly along the lircs suggested. No fire crackers or gun powder will bo in evidence, but tho birth or (tlio Nation wilt be celebrated In Just ns sincere a manner without this cus tom. lonal governmaat by the Bouhevlkl , practice of .tv. friend at MarsbfleU tut reported In dJtpatehM'irem Am-during his absence at the front, and baaaador Francla at Vologda. The baa been .t there since last fall. He, of the old world the road roller dispatch says the duma at Vologda declares that he In glad to get back having fallen down for lack of and a host of warm i steam However, tne American soi- llsnd on a charge of perjury In con- Thomaa and furnished bonda to the mandates and to Inaction with the resent Paddooc j extent of $2,000, . 'arrest, threatened with friends will be glad to greet the fam- Illy again. " dler is confident In tho future nnd can boo nothing but ultltuuto victory tho only question undd.:lde4 Jls 'when,' with him. Speed and accu racy behind the lines will result in push nnd a solid line In the front trenches that will not only hold the nssaults of the Huns, but will force them back Into their holes from whence they came, to once more take up tho 'lines and work of a civilized country, rather than a pack of raving wolves bent on devouring and de stroying all that Is beautiful In an effort to put It under their power. "If the people of 'America could only see the beautiful wide expanses, the mountains and the country for which France has fought, they would never any or think die, but would be perfectly contented to give their nil that It might be saved for a race of Donald Robinson has been arrested neonin that will not onlv utlilta its by local officers charged with an beauty nnd Its economical values, 'attempt to defruud tho F. C. De but will cherish It. This day Is com-!chalne boarding house In Shipping Inc. a It must come the only ques-.ton of a board bill of $20. Tho caio Hon Is. when will America put on will probably bo taken up for exam tho finishing touches, for she has It.lnatlon In tho Justlco court toraor- In her power." row. HELD FOR ATTEMPTING TO HEAT BOARD BILL Pullman Employes Get Increase in Wage r . ls&. , . ,.v. 1 I .V-4 V J- Washington, July 4. The rail-1 Thla 'aUtystod sleeping ucar ;eonl)eA road administration announced tta tors, OTvfti and maids an Increase decision to retain operating control Ion the 'same basis as advances, r of Pullman company wage Increases'. Icently given to railroad employees. - V fti. . '. ' a j