.,'3$ e "V 'rt ' h4 HI rt ,Si'"' iTV H wi. wavfiw . '" V AITW THE BVSNINO HERALD. KLAMATH PALLi. OREGON TheEvening Herald "" W. O. SMITH. Editor FMtsked dally hnH Deadey Herald PiMtoMu CUM r at tk Wit. at 111 Iwartk street Hatered at the aostoaHe at fills Oregon, fof traasBjleslai Ike ssalk aa second-dees saatter ekeerlatlm tnw T aal aMraaa la tke United lutaat 0 year Qua awtt -.. i la aw THUltSMV. JUXK ST, 1IS Herald's ClaaieJAdrj. HELP WANTED aMMWMMMMMAMAMMMMMMMMnAMWWMMM l5 ERSONAL MENTION UTCLH HMLMam OX LOCAL RAtTKMXaS! amokh nHa fhotlk op this city and vicinity. aoiittt Am oomnos or local folk I l(aMfcJJWMWJWMWWaVWW i4( the Theaters R. Callahan It a business visitor today from Dorrls, Cal. front Hand 8. J. Wllktna l here for a short Hotel Hnll, time from Duaimulr, Cal. ..... .. .1 Mrs. ! Mra. J. .Nelson u among me arnv- It yesterday from Paletcy, Mist Carol llolloway, tha faaHaaa little star la "The righting Trail" ' Qreatcr Vltlgrnph's premier serial of adventure nnd the llmttlcM outdoors, IW us handy with n repenting rifle .. TT T Mr. and Mrs. V. II. nishopwer ,. M,, ,. , , ...i.n, ,.. . n... among the. Iraln arrival Inst night vnBrnn,. r.vnru., ...-.... imd Tha- are guests at the mBn nmJ n-nowioja ono of the ! best rider and ccw puncher In tho l and Carl T. fclli.pcl. 8ou,hwMt' """ h?."w" tht ,a n. .... tv.-i. ... ..... smartest little woman witn a noise ll.n.1 are a imrtv nf tm.rl.t. , ... n '"" HdWeveT .. -... riv.i t.i .v.ntn. int may he, Ml llolluway'a mark- Mr. aim mib. i"i ,"""" " , " Im.,.1,11, i .... it. ..v..i In tourist visitor, from Pssadeaa. ...... . I V''"""' ' ' . " """"" "I.-": " I mr. nuu .Mm. ii. k. innnrii ana uo 'inn i 'i L. Turner la here on business for John Noblo came In yesterday after- the saddle, olio ruin with a bullet WANTKO Man or woman to make up rooms. About threo hours work a dar. Oood pay. Apply" Gem Rooming House. 28-3t WANTED One first class woman cook and experienced dining room air, fcr four months, at summer re- sort. Enquire Herald office. 35-5t WANTED Mess cook for Klamath Agency, for 10 to IS persona. Woman a cook and girl as waitress, Write or phone J. M. Johnston. 24-C WANTED Girl or middle aged lady to do housework and help with car of baby. Good home aid good wages. Phone 43. -J-5t WANTED Girl for geaeral house work la private home. Three la family. Telephone Mrs. Lahore. White Pellcaa Hotel. Il-tt MMAajejajBjj FOR RENT WMMMMMMMWMMKI FOR RENT Pasture; 50c per head per month for cattle; 1.00 tor horses. Also several thousand acres tule hay to sell at reasonable price and you cut It. See A. A. Mehaffoy, 4S1 Mala St. 17-tf FOR SALE FOR 8ALE CHEAP Dolbeer donkey engine, 1000, feet 7-8 line aad back liae, blocks, hooks and chela dogs. Enquire at 433 Main St., Loggers' Headquarters. S7-3t FOR SALE One Ford car and oae Chevrolet. Howie Oarage. 3C-lt FOR SALE Household faraltara, 59 Washington street. . 14-41 FOR SALB CoH, about meaUs .eld Iaquire Staaderd OU Co, XlaauU FaiU. IHt FOR SALE 30 head sf youag rat tle. t Joe Vlctoriae, Malla, Ore- . 4-m FOR SALE I have SO lots la Meek IS la Moaat View Addltloa, tou S, aad 7 la block 91, Bueaa Tlata earaer Third aad Callforala; lou 1, s aad 4 la block IS la Kwauaa HelghU Addltoa, oa which I wsat aa orrer. Must sell soon, as I have to return home. Is good property tor speculation. Part cash, part time. Room 231, Hotel Hall S4-t MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To borrow from private party, $1600 oa lots; 5 per cent commission and 8 per cent; good se curity. Address for interview, XYZ, Herald. S7-St FOR BALE Swell little plastered home la Mills Addltloa. Yard footed, garden, diy water, electric lights, large screened porch. '$1100. Terms. TO EXCHANGE Dandy lot at Re creation (Reeky Point). Nearly all clear. Trade for lot In Klamath Falls. a short time from Seattle. F. M. Gordon Is down on business today from Chlloquln. Mrs. F. D. Darrowt Is a Klamath Falls visitor from North Uend, Ore. R. O. Thompklns and family ar rived .last night from Martin, Ore. Frank Fisher Is here for a short business visit from 8t. Helens, Ore. E. W. Hunt ws among the train arrivals last night from Sacramento. K. Klssane and L. Jaenker of Salem are guests today at the White Pell caa. Harry H. KaU Is here on matters of' business for a short time from San Francisco. Mrs. H. Klrshmaa aad Mr. J. D. Watermaa are tourist guests at the White Pellcaa Walter Broadsword, the Bonansa hardware merchant. Is la the city oa matters of buslaess. O. L. Davis Is a Klamath Falls business visiter from Bead, regis tered at the Hotel Hall. George Sparratoa, a prominent merchaat at Bonansa, Is la town at tending the McKeadree trial. B. M. Evans is here for a short time from Seattle. He u a guest at the White Pellcaa. Mr. aad Mrs. W. B. Loweatbal are tourist visitors from San Francisco registered at the White Pellcaa. J. S. Griffith to down today on mat- tors of business from the Esgle Ridge Tavera oa Upper Klamath take. Mr. aad Mrs. A. E. Qale were among the arrivals yesterday at tho county . seat from the Lorslla tloa. noon from tipper Lnngell Valley for a rope attached to tho tail of a horse .BS News - M SHASTA VIEW - - -I bishop of the California district' spent Sunday hei and conducted baptismal services, six being Im mersed, Some of our rancher hnvo begun haying the past few days of hot veu tlier having matured rye Imy very fust, TtllUIHlMV, mK U Mrs. O. E. Hunt received tho sad news that her father, U. C. Miller, whom she visited recently, passeu from this life Juno 18, at the home of his son, A, W. Miller of Compton, Cal., following a paralytic stroke. Mr. Miller wa nearly 84 year old, and had spent the past few years In Klamath Falls, Shasta View and Compton. Ho leave, besides the' ajbovo named children, a son, C. W. Miller, of Klamath Fall, n wife mid O, K. Hunt, wlfn and daughter Miiry, and Ho v. Ilurkuholder wnt to Klamath Fall Tuesday, I lie latter enroiito for his linniu In I'liHitiltinu, Itev. Allen and wife of llotmtita spent Hnlurdny night nt II. K WIN on's nml Hundny Mr, Allen nrimelied at the Ni'hool hoiiue. a, short Mslt at the county seat , which Is dashing no tho desert " "'l ' friends to mourn hi UV A THRIFT STAMP TODAY MILLS ABBRIOM LOTS Bay a lot la Mills or Darrow addl- tleas. close te the ladastrlal eeater. Some are prised aa lew as 8135 oa easy Unas. Will .take year Liberty Beads at par. See Chlleote. 833 Mala street 18-tf ' Yem're safer If reel have as lassr. the CWkote ags-Id H OUSTON' I VssWeFaMINsjW s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE BAM I. T. WARD O0 la New Office 21 Male Street ORPHEUS THEATER STAR THEATER 'Today PreseaU FRANKLIN FARNI7M la THE ROUGH LOVRR" A Kaork-ovt DIueMrd Feature Also Charlott K. Satl Foster SecOarsfcr "BREAKERS AHEAD" A Five Act Metro Screen Drama of HeroiMM aad Romasxw Starriag Wlaaoane VIOLA DANA L Alee Twelfth Episode of "The Fight ? " lac Trail.': ' Frlses, 10c, lie War Tax added Satterlee aad Carrie la the Latest Vocal aad Maslral SetecUoas TEMPLE THEATER Trtaagle Ftoe Arts PreseaU , BELLE BENNETTS -4a "A SOUL IN TRUST' A 7reet Feature Maelci Tharsdsya aad S days b BajiaCavsBBaa)tf4eli ajssl Ym NOTICM There wsM he a kaWlsgteaeaer at Also Hearst Paths News Latest (War Pictures aad Carreat Eveats AOMIMION Its aand lie MERRILL OPERA HOUSE , .fJOtlOat I HHIlHIsl ). BmassjMyiimBMIBjlBSNaSB and dragging her (serpen) husband Ed. Price who has been stationed to his death. At the Orpheus thea at the-local power plant of the Call- tor Thursday and Friday. fornl.vOrogon Power company, ha been transferred to the plant at Proa- peet. I Helen of Troy I reputed to have (been the most beautiful woman of Myrtle I Larson, n. J. Martin and history, but slut had nothing on the family and Superintendent J. M. Helen who Ms tho heroine of "Tho Johnson,, of the Indian Reservntlon, Rough t.over," which rome to the are guests registered at the Hotel stnr theater tonight, either In the Hall frcm the Klamath Agenry. mattor of beauty or perveislty. She .' .. . . i could not tell the difference between Mrs J. II. Rees. Robert Jnure. hpr ,,, ,im,r wlo WM ft ,,, fi. v, sTsvuruiik;. .iirs, nuuen 11, .Mar- am! her tlmlil lover, who wn book ttnrm. until tttn tinnk unrm hunt tin L. Tallman were passenger this ,hn ,-, .,, ,- him llim .. tin nnd son. William Cress and C. morning on the ntito stage for Ash land. a cliff. Hut this provided excitement encugh for Helen for one morning, W. D. Campbell of Lorella. who " ,h" "N01 and b'cnmo racre' loss. The family has the sympathy of their many friends, and especially tho widow, who 'has been deprived of her eyesight for a number of years and hor beloved IflTsband was her constant companion. ,The meetings which hnvo tiemt held In tho tabernacle by the Hreth ren In Christ closed Sunday evening. Itev, Uurkehotder of Pasadena, Cal., cut his foot while chopping wood recently, and who has been In the' city for several days for medical treatment. Is now recovering rapidly i and able to be on the street. I Mrs. riolton. The role of the beaut! ful Helen, Is effectively enacted by Juanlta Hansen, Franklin Farnum'a newly acquired leading lady, Roy LaPralrle. who I enlisted In! "A 8ouI In Trust" I Triangle's a branch of the aviation service, nnd newest photoplay. It deals with was granted a short furlough to at-i Washington society. In this picture, tend the funeral of his mother, the Be nennett. Triangle beauty, late Mrs. Alma Atoxauder, will re-' wo,"" gown of wondrou design and maltf In the city until next Monday, fabuloiu cost. All tho costume were . m j especially designed for Miss Bennett. , In nn attempt to show something unari .w nr.r-n jt now , , u.a). f fMlong for tho TKAN FOR FIRST TIME youn matron. One of the creation, i an evening gown, cost nearly a thou. ' . I sand dollars. Miss Dennett has a Alpine. Wyo.. June 37. When &. hnlrdress fcr each costume, rol Lee. 34 year. old. of this place. At tnB Temple theater tonight. was called Into the service as a re-1 suit of .the selective draft, he f6r the DIES AFTER LONO ILLNESS first time in his life saw a railroad train In the town of Border, where the draftees of Lincoln county en trained. Having grown Into manhood with- Mrs. Ann Rivers died at 1 1 o'clock Wednesdoytntght at her home on Sth St. She had been III since the fire thai rlaialssiiejl id. riArli Maelna asi. out ever having seen a photograph . . . . . . ;. . . -f . ...i- i - .Z..., .! .1. tnbllshment. as she was In the build ing at that time. The deceased of a train, Lee waa amated at the site of the cars. He expected to find them Just about the site of a hay shovlln. HI home Is on the Rnakit rival, mora Slinn Irtft tnlloa frnm if.. ......i ..n...i ..... i ''"on California. was born In La BUV A THRIFT STAMP TODAY in Colorado Crosse, Wis. She came here a little over a year ago with her husband He has been actiag I a chef at Keller' Cafe. Besides her husband she I survived by a sister BUCKHECHW MR. U. J. rVKT. OPT. iiil ARMY SHOEJM H Acknowledge the standard Army Shoe JHP.af'm! I on the Coast -and small wender: jbbssTUsFsbbssssssssT "Extra Service Every Stey)' BHg1afleaVdBll Cessfett Every Mssete" AtpHpFjVI I That's whv it is being worn by ftSJjF I H thousand of men in all walla or sjfPJPjHBs I I u& BLACK I Office Mea HSwrs Metorasee GUNMCTAL I AMeraeys Farasers Ceadecters QD PhysidaM OvckardlsU' Heatsrs INDIAN TAN I I Look for the name Bockhecht ' CaLF7 I H scamped on the sole of every Shoe WM-r gfl 50 For Kale by BRADLEY SUPPLY CO., anil K. K. K. STORK. m to $7; This, lb "L-'-Hss'l tys SU Mum) comtulUom mnflif, rsquirts oU Mul holds Its lubrkilinf qualiilts st cylinder hssf, butni cits i ih com bunion chsmbsfs aad ii oui wlih ubiwit. fKROLINg Us IhtM rtqulrtmtatt iftlly, tiwwi torrtcity n. n4 0m MtocfcW Cslh "Proven Entirely SarJafactor' Only perfect satisfaction can ac count for the use of ZEROLENE by the majority of automobile own ers. Lttdlsg cetrt dlttrlbaters sis ttstllF mat k U "a MUsltctoqr awtoc oil' Thty know from th rscerss of thslr stnrlc asysrtaualt and wt kaaw It om tshssttW Jls ihti ZEKOLgNS, corf telly rsaiwe from Mltcttd Cdlfernla subtil bat crude, Si", P' lubrlcillaa with IttH tsrbee jUpo.lf. Oct our lubrication chin showing in correct coniintacy for your cor. 4 slsoaws nrywhtn u4 Sroassni OU Strrnm SliKoos. STANDARD OIL COMFANY, CtlUorsU) '' ZEROLENE TktStmdudQUhfMbtorQm HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY-TRY THIS! aye tees ef net water with ahseawato kefere breakfast aasaAlhcfjBB. saAtH HiakiskesAHL wsrVewrfwgl fjTejs) g4eneBsa To see the tinge of healthy bloom In your face, to see your shin gel cl-arer snd clearer, to wake up with out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, In fact, to feet your beat, day In nnd day out, lust try laslde bathing every morning for one week. Uefore breakfast each day, drink a glass of real hut water with a tea. spoonful of limestone phosphate In It i a harmless mean of washing from the stomacb.llver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible wsste, hour bile sad toilns; thus cleansing, sweetening aad purifying the entire alimentary caasl before putting more! food Into the stomach. Ths action ot hot water and limestone phosphate oa aa empty etomack la wonderfully la- vlgoratlag. It clsaas out all ths sour fsrmeatatloas, gases sad acidity aad gives oao a splendid appetite for breakfast. A Quarter nausit of llnMinna nhn.. phate will cost very little at the drug' store but Is suBcleat to demonstrate , that Just as soap and hot water! cleaases, swsetens aad freshen the kla, so hot water aad llmsstoae phos phate act on the blood aad Internal or gans. Those who are subjsct to con- stlpatloB.blllous attacks, acid stomach rheumatic twinges, also those whose sale la sallow aad completion pallid. aro assured that one week of Inside! batalag will have them' both looking! ana reeling better In every way. Ad, Kodak Photos ior the Boys in Camp Pictures of hotuu fIM and home sreues am almost llko n visit, Hontl them to Hid los In rahip. A kodak Is not n luxury It Is nn IneipenslVK pastlmo which never grow old. You do not have to lie an expert photo grapher or tin artist, to lake picture wltli'u Kdiluk -h child ran do It, Upp l.nx a complete stock of kodak from tho little llrownlo at 12. M. to the postnl-car.1 slio with speclul luns, at f2r. All Vie arcessorlej, films, print paper, ilevelopor trays, print flames, etc. Any site rcll dekclnped, inc. I. Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main Street (MatUI H. V. Walih Inspector Early BirdSayt 1 jJW TT Negl ected M ...! .1.. .... "" ami niotJia, of, oilier it III upptptUte th, nuiiii-in mteiilloii ,N,(1 , tails timt k i,,,,, , n,,Uw linn nf our ilol'ilne. The liuHon nu, ,( nn wiiiim and Mllrlire ' I inilHiK Hie life f tho , imilll. Tim nilnimii,,, , (t per lent perlcil Thi l)le nn,! ,,r,r ,, Hint lu rnritiiiM itrlMSal K. Sugarman Ak tlillroto tn till yoH i new IIMN lou iut life, , heiilili Hire or the Travelers. Iket nil aniiiirril hiiii Iflot ifacj 14 the ni:sr cosn Llost- Aiuerlra' unlest, l,t( ani bom suu-eiuful l.lf.i lusiimur Co., Tks .Miilunl Life of N. V. Yot parties. ' lur regnnlltig our tmw iibllcles SH , (leo. O, Ulrlch, ilMrht manttsr. If Take tho wheel with Pros, (laragu. S'lurak out of Hpoketlte. Hlfor ll-tf e For General &;i Household Use RBli the hrt rroiiuniy bLi'jHbbV la rtmcU U HKaH fuunil in CitMYiit mSSKiZ SSajSBBBBBBb At all griKf n, i (K-ill) (t Spink's Camp on Spring Creek Is Now Open for the Season nTanrar 'asaHHfsaHaHaViasHav TBnanesaV a awLnHflSBV ssnHr nHavtsnHt jasssBj Lt Has asHaHaHaHaHaffHauBsTH HaaHfTHaaHaarHaaHaaVsnBBBW "JM'CMURBlM Har '?HaW HaVaV XeksS aHnLLainlLHH ,K'(bk .HHHaW Jar alHCjIUaHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHrHiaHaHatdaBaBsHaHaHaHH ?' taBBtBBBBBsHaVaVaVH J. H H08KINO, Saeelal Agent, fUadard tt rt ' i'V wtwj ( sWeHHHV9e(H) vtMssVje sVPPVBaf Klae Fishing, good pare cold Hater, .xrellenl summer climate. Plenty of Boats . Phone at Camp Rates Quoted on Request . Flnii ramplas; iroawls oa ska W.IIUnuon rlrer near mouth of Hariag Creaky Till UU.e eaot o the WillUmHoa aiasto famoua by Its ftoe P . O; KLAMATH AGENCY R. C. SPINKl Managtr y' JtdV&)r ' "'.i'M' tr j, iMMMm .2 te; Vasaifagft.iS&yajuhtf. ' fl' ''( 1