1 "' HTutf5te7'f! v T , -J? S'mJ 5Si JCJ--3W (SUg jguptttttQ Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .. jj ! aW" OF KLAMATH COUNTY urviwiui niiTirww n niuiTu wAr.tm Twelfth Ycr. No. 11,1117 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY,' JUNE 27, 1918 YANKEES ARE MAKING GOOD ON MARNE MMWWWMWWMWWWWWWMMW L.ll. - , 'T VB:-WnBl i V2 Bsssmj - .11 .,.,:SwMSJfI riee Five Oetits "' .12i snMMaMaBbnnnnsBnBBnnnnnnnBMBs t V$1rT 4l I I SUGG EOT M MNG RAIDS ARE WEST FRONT t AMERICANS AT IIALI.KtU WOOD HAVE TAKEN OVER 00 HUH- ONERS MACHINE GUNS AMI OTIIKIl SUPPLIES BRITISH AM) FRENCH MAKE MUCCEMHPUL SALLIES I.AHT NIGHT LITTI.K ACTIVITY ITALIAN FRONT ON MADE ALONG I to the men directly cttjcernea, wan I wan that of n year agoTbe order London, June 17. BrltUh troop In which registrants number I teat night captured a Herman atrong drawn will determine only rh class plant west of Vlsux Berquln and 1 which he will be assigned, whereas ant ef Huebreucke. and captured the flrat drawing, was ;tofli the ret may machine gun and prlaonera. latranfe Place In the order of bin The French forcee alao took prison- call r aedvlce. Alignment oi n en In the raid on Voege. registrant to rl.u 1 I practically eer- toln to entail his early call to the y Associated Press color If ho I physically fit, and If With the American on the Mnrne. ho I given deferred clarification. Juno 17. The number ot prisoner hla poaltlon In the other clasaea Is captured by the Ainorlcan force at of little moment. Balleau wood waa Increased to 311. KnCh local board will be furnlahed Tho Yankee alao captured 11 ma- with, an official report of the order chin iun, 10 automatic rifle and In which the number appeared so a quantity of other material. Ithat they will be able to make up II iblllty Hat for their district. Pre- Rome. June 87. Tho Itnllane have paratlon of such llata, however, will urprUed the Auetrlau advance In bo postponed until tho new regla the Poet mounUln region and wiped tranta which are now being dletrlb t nut. The activity along the Una utcd. Seven daya have been allowed yesterday, waa not Intense'; Washington. June 87. The cal amity list today contained 80 numes. Twenty-nine .were killed In action 'aid all died of wound. THUNDERBOLT CAUSES DEATH OP ! M1NKRM Vlralnls. Minn.. June 87. Twen ty miner are known to be dead aaj a reault of an explosion of dynamtoi r h m holt of llchtnlns at a1 Silver mine here today. Thousands of tons of ore caved In on them. VIKNNA REPORT , ITALIANS HELD ! ... Katun V Vienna, aun . " - torcea who attempted to storm . . t...v k...n itMntna. .d the Allan nlateau. which the Austrian, recently captured .i.t -hi. k..w inuM. ware rvywiam -. according to an Austrian official aUtament. The Italians also failed to crosa the Have river ;; ! asm mw nn ruiini. i Fire Is Destroying Curry County Town ... m t. m.. i..a vi ra the Brooking. Lumber company, near Harbor, In Curry county, al- Bsest wiped out tbs town ot Harbor JBttZn&'j:!JZ u nuu iuuhi IN WASHINGTON first number drawn iiv 8kc. retaiiy barer ih ims diiaw ing for junk registrants took three hours TIif first draft number drawn from , tho bowl In the big drawing of or- der number for the men who reg- Isterod for service June 5, at 9:30 lh, m.0rn,n " B'T"r ""' ""! :sio, mo Kocuno lion, nu me iniru 819. .Tho drawing which last year look 17 hour tlila year was complet- rd In thrcn hour. Secretary Baker ,wns blindfolded at the time ot me drawing. Establishment ot five classes for tho reglitrant. filing relative Habit- . iiv far nrvlc will make today' I drawing ot far lea Importance, even for filling out and returning these document, ABSTRACT PIRN CHANGES QUARTERS pi., uinmaih County Abatract company I preparing to move Ita nuarler nt 506 Main treet to me .r.n rnmn In the MeinaSO OUIIU Ing on Fourth street, oeiween me Hotel Hall and the Christian science hall. The change will be made about the first ot July. ' YANKEES WILL BE KENT TO ITALY A a'a Washington. June 17. Sec- , - T ' j ,j A retary Baker announced today that Pershlnc under instruct- , Ions from Washington, haa se- 0 lected a regiment of Infantry f to go Immediately to Italy The ,.. - , 4 , , i , regiment Is now In training In France. More raenmay-be sent later. t . .. . .. wi.i innar. aesirojina m ,, . me crop.. - ':""'- control. " no low ot life. DEMUR IS OVUM MEDPORD JUDGE DOES NOT HUH. TAIN DEMURRER PILED AND ARGUED HERE RECENTLY MAY ME APPEALED Overruling of the demurrer to the complaint charging former County Judge Marlon Hank and associates lth Illegally paying the sum of $41,648 on the construction ot the new court house recently started, by Judge P. M. Calkins of Med ford, will bring this much discussed action Into the courts again In the near fu ture. Notice of the overruling of the de murrer was received In the circuit court this morning and the defend ant were given twenty daya In which to plead, dating from June 15. The action In question waa Inatl tuted by Klamath county thru DIs- trlct Attorney W. M. Duncan, . L. BlUott. Jay Boworman and,. Fred Mills on May 14. rvintraetor J. M. Dugnn. now In charge ot the construction of the new county court house, former County Judge Marian Hanks, Architect B. e. McClaren, County Commissioner Frank McCornack and County ciern C. R. DeLap are made defendants In the Uw suit to recover lei.ats, made In three separate warrants of 116,800, flB.ltC and iumm. al leged to have been megauy from the county funds fbr the con struction of the county court house. In substantiation of their asser tions Jbat the defendanU fraudu lently secured the sum In question, the action recite, that the court was not sitting as a body at the ume ine contract was given for the construc tion ot the new, court house In March, and that on April 10th, when the business was transacted by which the three warrants were made out, there waa no regular meeting of the court, and no notice of sucti a meet ing given to Commlsaloner Burrel Bhort. it l aliased that E. E. McClaren, in preparing the certificates for the payment of thl money, knew at the time auch certificates were veing drawn that the payments were hot raiiad for by the contract, and that County Clerk C. R. DeLap knew this to be true; it l orobable that the controversy will be finally decided by the su preme court. ,, AMBROSE RETURN! PROM FURLOUGH Kleth Ambrose returned to San Francisco yesterday morning, after a 16 days furlough here. Mr. Ambrose has taken and passed his first ex amination for an officer in the mar ines. The officers training camp op ens at Quantlco, Va., August 16, and after hi training there he will be given a commission as a second lieu tenant. CARTERS RETURN FOR VISIT Lleuteaant and Mrs. J. If. Carter arrived' last night from rsaerton Naval Yards In 'WMhlngton. for a few daya visit with KUntatb Falls relatives. Lieutenant Carter Is wall ...i.ji.i ik th Ufa in the service: uuiun i- r. k.i t.i I. MUia la. hf Drores- iZSXXJZ SSL. " .-.- -.--, ,... m he glad to have them bars - , . Ul I,n JUDGECAUUNS HUGE PAH IS ANNOUNCED FOR JULY 4TH LARGEST PARADE EVER IN KLA. MATH PALLH IS PLANNED FOB THURSDAY FOREIGN-BORN CITIZENS TO MARCH What I expected to be the largest parade In the history ot Klamath Pall I being planned for the big celebration here on July 4th. .The float and decorated vehicles of all kinds are bound to be a spectacle worth coming many mile to see, ac cording to those who are arranging the huge pageant. One unique feature or the parade as outlined will be the section of forelsn-born cltlsen of the city and county, who will appefr together in a ooay. in response o a recant re quest made by prominent men of foreign birth, as to what loyal dem onstration might be made by tbla close of cltlsens, the president sug gested that they march In a body In tha Julr fourth narada. A this Dor. I-- -- - Hon of. Klamath Falls cttlsoas nay l'ar, demonstrated). ttelrheHn toward the ioferrimenT, It Is expect ed that there will be a large number participating . Some tine patriotic speeches are also promised for thl splendid cele bration, and next Thursday Is bound to b a day Iens: remembered by ihiu mhn attaint that varlnn feitlvl. 'ties. The shady, vacant lot In the rear of the Underwood pharmacy on Sev enth and Pine streets Is to be fitted with seats for the patriotic program. The narade to be In charge of Prank Miles of this city, and the mm ot 1100 In prises for the best autos loats. etc.. Is to be distributed. A more detailed announcement, of this Is to be made later. The ball park Is being enlarged and the seating capacity materially Increased. TWO CHARGED WITH CRIMlNAlo ACTIONS Following sn examination In the Justice court late last evening, r. M. Stanford of the Worden district, who was charged with a statutory offense aaalnst the person of a child IS years of age. was bound over to the grand Jury, and bis bonds fixed at $1,000. - Harrv Brown of the same district, who Is charged with' a similar offense has been apprehended and will be given an examination some time to day. He is alleged to have made his escape into California, oui was caught thru the work of Constable Fred Morley. . CARL SCHUBERT WRITES HOME PROM ENGLAND A letter has Just been received from Carl Schubert, Jr., by his fa-thai- conveying the news that the young man la In England, Instead of France, as heretofore believed oy ni narant. He writes that bo likes the country and the life, but aays It is hard to secure candy ana to- vst w harm. Schubert sends retards to all his Klamath Fall friends. He, Is idantlflad with the aviation branch of the service. BABY GIRL ARRIVES A baby alrl weighing eight and ose-blf pounds was born to Mr. and Mr. Lewi BMbn, June ss ur. . A. Soule wss the attending physician. '.'She to a lively lass and knows Blehns already." WHOLE CWJNIV TO ASSEMBLE I CHANT WAR STAMP MEETING FRIDAY EVENINO TO BE OPEN. AIR AFFAIR ON KLAMATH AV ENUE VISIT OUTSIDE POINTS That the huge mass meeting at conclusion ot the War Stamp Pledge drive In Klamath Falls Friday even ing wilt be an open-air affair and will be held on Klamath avenue, be tween Fifth and 8lxth streets, was decided at a dleetlng of tho Central committee last evening. The meet- Ins- will be held simultaneously with others of the same kind and for the same purpose sll over the nstloa, and will be of short duration so that tha crowd will not .be kept standing Wor any great length of time. The public at this time will nave the pleasure ot tearing Rev. W. m. Lowdher ot the Methodist church of Reno. Nev.. who to here In connection with the trial now. going on ana who on one or two previous appear- nnoat has. caused a desire on tha parti of .the resident to hear more rrom thla widely travsled.snd well-Inform ed man. Attorney R. C. Oroesbeck whose talks along patriotic lines are always an inspiration, will make , brief address. Tho Klamath Fall Brass Band will be on hand and will undoubtedly add to the auccesa ot the occasion. In all the school districts of the county meetings are to be held at the. same hour, led oy me cnairmen and In many Inatances speaker from town will talk for a short time In conjunction with the chairmen. Op portunity will be given at these meet ings for those who have not been solicited to make tbelr pledge and for those who wish to Increase tbelr aubscrlntlon to do o. It la ex pected that any deficiencies lacking In the quotas will be made up at the Friday night gatherings. The following speakers have been arranged for thus far for the pre cinct near Klamath Palls, and It Is expected that others will be arranged for before the date set. E. B. Hall, Spring Lake;, C. D. Chprpenlnf. Orindale; Oeorge Uirlch Round Lake; O. J. Eakelson, Lone nina Brhnnl- Cant. O. O. ADDleMte. Summers School; Will Mason, Pine Grove; T. E. arlfflth, Algoma; Rev. Mr. Cox, Swan Lake Rev. Mr. Oliver, Olene; Mr. Rose Torrey, Odessa; Fred Peterson, Bonansa; E. L. El liott. Shasta View; R. H. Dunbar, Mt. Lakl; Carlyle Yaden, Plevna. JULY 18 TO UK THE ' BIGGEST DRAFT MONTH Waahlnston. Juno 87. Crowder aummoned 124.525 white .and col ored draft registrant during July. Tbla, with, other calls, will make a total ot 367,961, the largest number ever called in one month. Oregon sends 1350 to Fort Mc Dowell, Cal., from July 5 to July 19. m FEDERAL LAND BANK REPRESENTATIVE EXPECTED Word has bsen received from U. B. Wlddoes, In charge of the apprais al work ot the-Federal land bank, that their representative wl prob acy be In tha vicinity about July 1, tho It is impoasmi u give w definite date. We are Informed that Mr. Banford, who visited this section last summer, will be here as soon as be can finish rls present assignment. FRIDAY NIGH I (treat Grandson ot "Iron Da' Work Here ITrCOt. 10KD.C Lieutenant ABt-CeJlMl ILoed Oeorge Wettealoy. . tenVgmirandeen of Us Dnke of WdMfgtM, "the Iron Daks irJRCuu tm has coma to. th,.U4td Stataa to Uke,hargebY'tn'-Rbyal AlhForee men In the eastern part Of the Un ited States. He was among the first British aviators la tho war' la lilt, He Is hard at work with tho Brltsb and (Canadian Recruiting mission to Induce Canadians and British la the United States to Join the air service. Up to dste his mission has been sue cessful, but he wants more men. Wsshlngton, Juns 17. The senate agricultural committee has agreed on an amendment to the emergency approprlatlob nlll, providing for na tional prohibition. The sale ot whisky and wine to be prohibited after next June and the manufacture and sale ot beer, three months after the President has ap proved the bill. ' WIATHIR REPORT . Oregon Fair with gentle northwesterly winds. ) Maximum 89. Minimum 55, snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn F-vx yvQlJEmH ;4lnnnBBBV AVVKtrSBJggggggggP llmJsnaBBW jBstTjsHssjBnjgsjgsjar M?ik9bbbbT 1 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSK I M 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK''JgfBBlBBBBBBBBBBL sbbbbbbbwBbbbbbbbbbbbII '' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBgBBBBBBBBBBBBll LnnnnBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBM gtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV&Bnaaaaaaaaam 'ggggggHKaBBBBBBBBBBBl snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnasnnnnnnnnnnnnnm eBBnnnBnBmBYtnRBBnnssmBBnnnnl lawiwjwwiMOfriWaiiir.H t-uimaMKtm MMOk WILLUUV PROHIBITION AMENDMENT . AGREEDUPON Carrier Pigeons Sent Here For Test Flight A crate, of carrier pigeon bava been received at tha express of floe from W. D. Sandford, of Spokane. Wssb. ' These, pigeons ars to bs Uheratad ear)y tomorrow morning sad. they will be' expected home Ih the' even ing of that day. The same birds were liberated at 3 ' jtS INSTIGATES 1 REVOLUTION YOUNG BROTHER OB EMPEROR PLACES AT HEAD OP GOVERNMENT IN S1RERIA-.SSUHS MANlThirO RBPORTB PROM VARIOUS SOUR. CHS t3NFlHM BCATM sT POnV MBR CSAB AT MAJTM .Of-' BOL8HEVna--WAB SMOS Anuterdam, Juae IT. -Grand n. Duke Michael Alexaadrevlteb,. Nlcbotos, Is reported to havd-: himself at the head of a new: I Ian sjovsrhmsnt and lasued a ssanl- festo to the Ruasian people'. " f " - Paris, Jane ,17. A Kiev dtopateb under the date of yesterday dsskjrss, the report;of the aaeasslsatlon.of the former Csar ot Russia lus'.been eoa-r firmed. It to declared ha was killed by the Bolshevik! troops durtag retreat on Yekaterinburg. faaMT-BlBaMf ' " ' By Asseelatsd: Frees Genevs, June 17. The Ukraine. bureau at Lausanne, has announced .-r the confirmation of the report that the Bolshevlkl authorlUes. at Keka- tsrlnburg condemned Nlehetas Rosa-- . anoff, former emperor ot Rnssla; to. death after a short trial, aad then shot him. GR.1N RANGEtIO BE PROIBWRD FROM FIRM Sacramsnto, June 27 A campaign to organise volunteer tire depart menta to protect grain rangesas well a forest, In, practically all ot the 58 counties In California being conducted by the forestry department of the state has resulted In the boards of supervisors of 27 counties adopting the plan outlined, by the state, according to G. ,M. Homans, state forester. i Conferences will be held In the near future In s, number, of other counties that have not been organ ised and the number probably will be considerable In excess ot 27 by July 1, according to Homan. $ . . . i.ljiiJ '.' matiM tMui no awiiaiia Kmjath la wa --- -- -t rrnuTrivrrv A . -k. .. -. . .,,--T - T,; w . -- -." ' z:. t.i q K :. y--vt i:iasr'Bjtitta,T .,:: r" '.ffff-4i7?rir'aStEf!S;i: mm exPKtsaaime, ine wewrVBi,-j.i.i5.w ids nasi .. .' - . -l:-" !. . ik... bsaus' Thav sandford tor mmsmBmfMl'' ner pigeona are miiwpi&um rylng meaEes.'ln.Umant.iws nasiBst ". fii i0 . ;H TM TaTJC 4 "i-.y v : y J 4 .' n 'i- a ,tbeV . i ttaeed' ff(! ? lllsjr S. ft a 1. ' Ik- f - 1 ' v ' , ,? U u " ' I a J M tf d. r-.i 'HI m 1 '.51 :r Hl ( m P' rr.w '&: j 4itK H ft v w