MA -v.- WT1' "vi , : ' I riAMlTH miWTY NEWS W!flfp rwrt-i- - !; U-. ..-- iv c?A MMlMMflOTii BBsmBSBBaaeanmmneBBBBBaamsesassssasss- r Tim vroto hoald. klamath falls, omoow A aambor ow onr neeple attan td FIm Dm Hnwi'U Klamath Hill nad. family 'were hW About 60 attended Mario. Or.'. "V0" ' ,MMth 'H? .,Mt 31st birthday party. The WW . .rTl The wilp.e. hof weather and no W " "Hi-""!' "fa" Wll Cnejne la able M alt jm -Uki ralnrnln are, (he topics of the day In our ncck of the woods. ! rake and Ice cream was served W.'W. Lewis aad family. O. !. ...A f.ullu . lllinli BNll John Koontt has not fully re- r '"""i S"" "Jl " f wife's "'"" " -igomcry and Mrs. Colllnespeat a jtl.iy at Klamath Hot 8prlafa but visited did not catch any flab, j covered from Irrigating his coop of GO tittle chicks, un aid take ittbt nourishment at g . last rvpon. J. R. Elliott and family have moved to Klamath Agency to spend the summer. Mr. Morrison and rurally st fliUalA itett ktnnitsil' "" """,v " j w. W. Lewis and wife visited Kenneth Cnse Is spending a fort- Lone line ranch Wednesday even- night with his aunt and uncle onl'nR. their Tule Lake place. , . . ... . j Eighteen women were at the Red Mr. nnA Mm. Eerette Griffith ' cross room at mi. uani cnurcn last uttrndwl the Baptist association at. Wednesday. None ahould be urged A party flVM at thf hom, ot Lakolcw. to keep up their Interest la tuts Mr and Mri.Chae. Balls FrldaJ Krcat und much needed work, n,riU i attended and wry- Docld Hollow Mr. and Mrs. D. Dtmmltt and family called oa Mr. aad Mrs. Leroy Rtchtuon Thursday. Mrs. Mair Balln and son spent j, ptcnly of different klnda of work Salunlny In Klamath Falls. jfor ay and all. lister and West, prominent cat-' body reported a very fine time. I rertalnly looked as If all had t food !,. r,. A r,.. iw ' MbT ' unUI tie bu)or. made a business trip to look thf,r g,rtt0 th, j daylight. Nerrin- I same at Merrill. The boys are Mr. Creaays have been attending J. A. Maddox. Mr. Montgomery looking forward to a big time on the cams meeting at Shasta View. .-j w t r.-m.. .i.i.t nr nr the Fourth .at Klamath Falla. U- mA tlrm Inkkw rvikii I HI1U MICT. rft bVUtUfl 1IVI&W T. T. I -. WM..a .vV. Mra. TIim flaekM Mi ehiMrmi have started to WatblutM wlvwrt thty will make aa tteadedvsu Ml Masei Ihaver. oarv frimary teacher, left tor her Athlaad ham 8uaday. BaarwUI -teach hero agala this comlag winter. 'mWo'Brita ot tUfMitb'. awils. haa beea vlalttag her daughter, Mr Ohaa. riaekas. the. past week. Thf gradaatlon eaerclsea frlday night woa. much approval irom iae large audience aad our yoaag grad uate may Jaatly feel proud. The graduates were Lynn Hortoa, Lyle riaekus, Robert Ftaekus. Vara Pearsoa. Chaa. Beck. Erma Woelk and Vlncy Bodnar. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. G.i.mtpci are among tho retnt arrivals frca Portland. CMIIliN FM W.S.S. DRIVE HE SEUC1E0 E. B.' Leag came I mini irom oision. la Taeaway Lewis and family Sunday. 0ur gundyy Kkool MW Pome of our best people visited 50 PPl. Will every oae Dorrls Sunday. They say scenery is lovely down there. called oa Mr. aad Mrs. C. Calls AtaNtlla la tJi."!' i Mra. khtrtla aad daughter, Ora. .of Klamath Falls were visitors at the Pearsoa home Suaday. i Mr. Grltxle Is a flae auperiateadeat land hi ever faithful. Austin Cuse was smiling at ihe' urettr clrli in Klamath FalU Sun-' nr enjoyable IttUe eatartala. day. jment was given at ML Lakt school i bouse Saturday alght, at which i J. S. McClellan and family, ae-'unm Mrs. Eastwood exhUaed Ue companled by the Mhwes PatUas. junior Red Cross 'work aad raised' spent Sunday at Spencer creea. ft to help carry oa thia work. C. A. Mill and farallr attsadad ti. ni. a.i.L . . , the Catholic chnrch -a Klamath Calif ornla to vkdt ter brother. Jay i.rJ?! " T ,'M alia snnmr. i v w. .... .. - c awiia tr nw iraiai Hilderbrand Albert Bock aad Ctareace Parker weat to Klamath FalU Saturday Mrs. Marcum. who has beea hero for her home la Polk Mr. Morrison says It Is cheaper, C"P I coaaty. to raise ranr on eora kr ..4 i. ....- . ..' " w W KiamaiB FBIIS has planted a part of Stukel moan- wearlBg buttonhole beaauetof Cal-i ' tain to corn. Wo hoaihgayoa-foniia flowm thee days.' rhey Chaa. Flachaa was a Klamath vy" rains will be (add greatly to Joe'a looks. ' I Falla vlattor last Wednesday. - K. SL Ulaad of SeatUt If a Klam ath Falla visitor. Alma D. ver Lake. Martin Is hero from HI a-'Tafmn "it rnj' sun ..i mu '-?' Ci" zwy I-V ij. a Wilt F. Powell w aa among the receat trala arrivals from Portland. Rosa Flamy vraa a city visitor from Merrill yesterday. Joha Coldwell from Merrill was la towa oa business Tuesday. Word haa beea received that Hod. i'rlc Smith haa sailed tor Fraaco. C. V. Loealey hi dowa for a abort time from Fort Klamath oa ' busl aes, . , Mr. aad Un 0. N. ipnser and Mm. t. O. Late ti Ity guests from i . s Angeles. Mr. aad Mrs. Jaa. Beaaett an registered at Hotel Hall from Oak laad. Cat. Mr. aad Mra- D. E. Conor m hero vsaltlas tor a fewdaya trim Lakevlow. ' H. E. SelbyU hero from Camilla oa maters of baetaeas. i 1 Ha la a M A War-Time Necessity a ATHLETIC SPORTS urn Mhrngwawti L divorsioM. r - Ewawy MM wn hkamlf istmltliy, rifwretu body aad a cmt amko!. Nwwbmtw tbaa , to bur.tlM burdwM wlsick a vie torioua war raqvarat. Youll b auaria bow ty k it to f lad tkw . Ubm, tba placa aad tb dwif far wrtd r ' rwcraalioa oaca yon ft preparly ytappwd. In whatev-ar dkactiea year taortaiff Mftcliaa' lion auty turn you will b Mtatfiad bora. ' a Frota basabaU to toaab, froai ratbiag to golf, aad back to baseball af aia. 't . . Tbo quality of our cotaaloto liao MocoMralr combines stylo and sorvico. Comploto oquipoaaoat for tbo flihoraiaa and camper. Pricos that satisfy you wboa you pay Goods that please you while you play ' esq Hotel Hall guest A. D. Hamaker, a well kaowa no. Ideat of tho B(y asetlsa. la hat far a bustaea vfilL ' ' Mr. aad iff. 8. T. Altoa of Us' lean Hotel. " Mrs. Wlll'Maaoa has retaraad from fortlaad where aha has beoa for acme time. Helen Wlrta has coae to aaoad the summer" (a PprUaad Vlth' Mr. aad Mrs. J. S."Hogg. ' i"!- ' Mrs..T. J. Tetfora. loft yottatsar. to visit her broUer Floyd 'Maaday la SeatUe. i Roger Torrey has accepted a vl iltloa aa Wells Fargo mass eager, oa the train betweea uero aad Wosa. I T. J. Fititetald. aa omalavao aw the Southern Pacta Railroad Is la the city today oa matters of busi ness. N W. A. Duaeaa, a stoekaua from Upper Laagell. Valley Is la tho city for a few dava looklna attar kiui. neaa iatereata. . H. H. Vaa Valkeaburg was a visi tor to tho couatr seat yeatara r. teraooa from his raaeh aa tho Koao road. i l Mrs. M. B. Blddls of Portland baa arrived for 3 visit with asr aophsw. u. O. Williams of thU H Mrs. 8. B. 'Tailor aad sons era uurlst visitors la Klamath Falls from Dallas Tout They are rack tared st tbs Walio Pelican Total. Freak Crista aad Floyd MeMU-! Ilea who enlisted :ls the aavr aad have been tralalna at Baa - kaa beea deUlled far slaty oa a salt Imt lag for the ChJIroto piooeiu, oa hoaaos, lots, J " JawarJBFJBT'oj wUU'Wm 14 I Do Your Bit By Keeping Fit The Gun Store J. B. CHAMBERS, Prop. wwti sw used PUNCwaoral at Sudanis prices. Toraw. Nasi doer to aasjt I ha, . . .-.R. F, Fell, the' sao .ton., will o In town about July' taL Ordsfs.osa bs loft at Herald adjss. ' !: LUMBER URAUBR; WAJITIU 1 crada and 'tall am alalaaa -ai-tk Lamm Lumbar Compaay mill. tMt LOST.BT rLTET OB STOLBH-' Ooe black sow. branded strew W on. Isft tip, sol oaa'ysUow Jsroay. branded ssaW; with aaltar UK era! reward fsrfnfsrmattoa loadls to tba recovery af US aslswU W. w. uwis, KsrriU Baad. !Mt (Continued from page 1) No. Mrs. M. K. Olncomlnl. Merrill. No. T Edna Norrls. Ft. Klnmatn No. 8 O. C. nrlslow, Keno. No. Mia. Jua. Olvens, Illy. No. 10 Mrs. George Deal, Laa gell Valley. No. 11 Orb Campbell, Klamath Falls. No. II Mra. W. D. Campbell. Lorella. , No. 18 Jeaae Drew, Hlldebrand. No. 14 Oua Keller, Loielm. m IK Mra. Oeo. Aaer, Klam ath Falla. No. 18 Mra. Levi Urlfflth. Olcne No. 17 Cora E. Knman. Merrill. No. It Frank Downing. Worden. No. SI Ed Kerby, Odessa. at Charlotte Tower, Malln. J I Dan Liakev, Dairy. 15- Wro. Cheyae,. 88 C. 0. Hunt, Klamath rails. No. IT Dorothy Weeks, Agency. No. 31 Fred Peterson, Merrill. No. 88 F. M. Cleaves. Crescent. No. SI Mra. Will Humphrey, Klamath Falls. No. JJ Nary Hoover Ueswlrk. No. 33 J. L. Fotherlngmtm, Merrrlll. No. 35 H. E. Wilson. Merrill. No. 38 Mrs. Jim Dixon. ST August Llskey, Midland St Phayo Dlffenderfer.Bwan 40 Leroy llltehson, Daisy Osborne, No. 41 Mb. Boaanss . No. 4t B U. killlott, , No. 80 fid MoBroom, Lorslla. No. B3 l.n. Baal, UPias. No. 63 .Huhel, Chllos.ula. '. 1 Mra. Chaa. l.' CastnsC, chairman 'Woman's Committee, Slate Council of Defenae,! will be la tNtlls Hetunlay and .will meet the women of Various women's organl satlona at the Elku Temple st S o'clock Sittnrtlay afternoon. Mrs, Caatner hiia 'conferenoo wrowaaDAT, nm lfc tJff Ictaa haa baan n,,.7.r7' marksbl. ZZll thualaatln v Tthta1 s Cooper himself, " w. "As Previous uMut M. . oonicnns tnnt nlne-tonih. ... .IT deases and IIM.Uh of th, ! contend aeases Y",uge person Is due to cstarrt.i Klamath ditlon. .km c"Urrh n..,wHf tlon tho food, "In irtr- whlh proiiuritii r...i... irr and ltniir.ui... ...... .... ."It " "'inmioa oa j a recent Intervlnw Ur r just ,ratural from . JZS Wou,d K at WUhlngton. D. C. "iVL1 ,w"Wtl.rt2 ... niuiiani aasin aaata. .. and will toe able to present tho Ti ,: ,r. "" u'r allaaaau heat method, to wnrsus In ths srsat,""1 '" ,hU ct,m"'cl'n. saldi 7 work before tho women of today. "Aa The ladiea of every organisation '"V1"" '"reclly on (he L-. a a.. a, - Mimhrina alnm-.t. .. WW are argwl to bo nreeent. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. MR 10 i nnvo rriioaiAiiu -.a. vlV( feclly on Ihe """'' momacii tnd blood .. pelting from them tho Irapurltls. sld FINE FAMOUS THEORIES 1 .MMKssftmwiui,; mmiicikk At. ..The Ingredlenu or mHlclnal l. CnMriJHHINd WONDKHKttL HK. meuU wh,cn '',e Tanl.c, rout nom mnuy remmo ncilon 0f ta's toala nnUnna .j .-.. . . '"sag a strong, hralttiy condition 7L convinced that tl.r tmich "J Ihe rondltlon of tl blood, and Ink! fountain head of l,.lth ordtwam I! the case may be. Mv .,.... ... . tended primarily fr lht iqta, of tho atnmach and r.trrha 8l?. matlon. but It Is m iincommon thu for psrsons who have tiwd it to coaJ In na m.I ....I.I. .... .. . "" t . .....,., , u r,,W. W.-.I. or rneumatKin and many other aillnenla, not genKrnlly rwonlmi,' having their origin In itunuch Iraae le." " fUXTB IX I.KAIUMfl (1TIKM. enilh the Aliw. tho lrcces r.m lat. .Wis, Wen Indict, inouaui. states near Ihe llocky Mouatalas, Mai Referring to the visit to Portland Ico and Peru arc among th petals end other western cities of Mr. L. T from which the pilnclpat labfraterr Cootivr the millionaire phllaathrop. of the Cooper Medicine Co.. I Merrill. ! It and In inter, who has commanded under tho efllrleni direction mi . 41 Theodorev Case, Klamath mhi m Idiiirrsd interest In th r,,t chemist of note, thou medietas! Fairs. (with his heslth theories and celebrat- nerns, roots snd Uirks tre estaM no. u . n. inn. niniu.iii , No. 43 Mrs. Mat Rgan, Algoma. No. 44 Mrs. It. W. Claye, Klam. arii Falls. No. 48 Mrs. W. R. Cumpbelln. Chlroqul. No. 47 Mrs. Lawrence Horton, Olene. ed medicine, Teniae, K. C, HarrU, In the rough and alnataklagly de recently aal.l In veiopra so a to attain thaf high standard of rmclimcy shown by the uniform preparation Tinlsc." Teniae I now sold In Klaattk Falls by the Htar Drug Co.Adr. IiW reprvffiitntitt mirllanrf! ' . ( "Thousands of the moat prominent people In Cincinnati!, Cleveland. Dan. -vrr, Halt take City, Detroit, Louis villa. Dallas. Atlanta. Memnhla and. I .other cities, where celebrated mad. UV A THRIFT STAMP TODAY Service Fl ags HONOR the absent members of your household by displaying si SERVICE FLAG. We have them for both Army and Navy and for all branches of each arm of the service. FELT 8x12 50c FLAGS 11 x 17 $1.00 sraaBmmnmmmmsmmmaaanmmBwaBsaaBBBBRHv-- We also have some beautiful Silk and Satin Banners 10x12, mounted on standard with gold cord and fringe, price $1.50. We have these for the following departments ' - ' ... Infantry Medical ' Aviation SBBBBBBBBBBBmmmnaaaB) amamawamBamBBBBBBBBi sBSBBBBBBBBnsBBBBBnaB . Cavalry MvmCmy Artillery Engineers Ordnance Any of the above will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Be sure to state branch of service. IMMJ KLAMATH fALLtV OREGON ML TtcutA uv Tnairr Dituaa ' y , i I' - . (