US vs 1 M M kX ft. cim K3 'toi fM SI l St- '!tft t SiUNE ' WO. SMITH, Editor '' ftrbttehed daMy eteeat eaAay The Herald Pabttshmg Cmmmv el Elumath rami at 111 Jowl street, gatsred at tk eoetoSJos at Kkswtl nil. Oregon, tor traaamlesloa tsueejg. UM malte m secoad-cleaa matter. BubecrlnUoa (mm wy mag to aay iMnm to tae United atatast One year :UM One month WKDXK8DAY, JUNK 10, ll HELP WANTED WANTKD Two carpenter. Ford (larnce. 18-St WANTED Girl or woman to do housework Call nt Klamath Dept. Store. -3f WANTKD One or two girls to work at hospital. Apply to Minn Keller, minorlntendcnt. l-3t Herald's Classified Adrs. FOR RENT mrmrnririr'nj"-"-,"J"""""'"' FOR RENT Room, garage, barnt etc. S02 Oak Are. l-3t" FOR RENT I'aiture; COc per head per month for cattle; $1.00 for horses. Also several thousand acres title hay to sell at reasonable price and you cut It. 8ce A. A. Mehattey, 4S1 Mala St. 1T-M FOR SALE UMMMMMWMMi FOR SALE Buggy and harness at hair their value. A. A. Mehaffey, 431 Main street. 18-tt FOR 8AI.E household furnltura. dishes, fruit Jars, etc. Mr. P. D, Owen. 101" i High street. Pboae lIT-.W. Is-U FOR SALE If taken by July 10, the best paying business la Klamath Falls. Pays 30 per cent and better oa Investment Absolute proof to right party. Nothing leaa than $5000 cash will handle this. Addreaa W. O.. care Herald. 17-t LOST AND FOUND FOUND Oa Wanrlaad Ave., la Mills Addltloa, crank off of a big cur Herald office. 18-St LOST Betwea bathhouse and Sagar 'Bowl, cola pane coatalalag im- portaat key. Flader please retara to Herald office. lt-Sf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 1C0 acree aorth of Ma lta. All coming under Shasta View Irrigation unit Price la right. J. T. WARD OO, hi New Office Ml Mala Street ORPHEUS THEATER -TO THE DEATH" A Five-Act WonderpUy of Power aad Starrls MME. PCTHOVA Also a -reel Hart and the Local Events of Our City The Red Cross Drive, DecoraUoa Day Parade, Hlgli School at Vacation) Time Prices, 10c, 15c War Tax added COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Netlce Is hereby given that tjiere are funds In the County Treasury for the payment of all Klamath County General Fund Warrants protested (presented for payment but not paid for want of funds) on or before July 2, 1913, excepting warrants No. 29916, 29988, 29989, 29990 29991 and 29992. ' Interest on same will cease from date. Dated at Klamath' Falls, Oregon, this 18th day of June, 1918. GEO. A. HAYDON, 18-5t County Treasurer, MILLS ADDITION LOTS Buy a lot In Mills or Darrow addi tions, close to the Industrial center. Some are priced as low n $115 on 'aasy terms. Will take your Liberty ,: Reads at par. See Chlloote( 833 ' Mala street. 18-tf If yew waat to tarsi year Liberty wCbUcoto. 14 UV A THRIFT STAMP TAV mm COUNCIL ASKRD TO AMEND OR DINANCK SO .TORXKRS CAN BE KEPT WITHIN THE .CITY LIMIT. A delegation attending council meet Monday night asked to have the pig ordinance so modified that: residents In Issolated section of the city could respond to' Uncle Sam's J call for more people to raise pork. It was pointed out that there arc hundreds of acres wlthla the city limits without a house and thut persons living In such sections could could rahe pigs without offending the noatrlta of their neighbors as well as if the tinea of the city did not take In that section, besides pigs do not make a breeding place for files as much as horse barm. The council was disposed to tookj kindly upon any attempt to assist In the production of pork and sym pathised with those who found themselves la a position where they would violate tt.e city ordinan ces by so doing. It waa suggested that the ordinance could be winked at aad Police Judge Leavltt waa asked if that woald embarass the Judicial department of tke city. The accommodating Judge did not think It woald. Just at thla time it dawaed apoa Chief executive Crtealer that the city administration waa bordering on eacouragtag the violation of oae of Its ordiaaaeeg aad tarried oa to the next order of baslaese without settling the matter. The ladastrious residents who wanted to raise pig had to be contented and left feeling uncertain asto whether or not he would be arrested If he attempted to keep a pig wlttla the city limits. UV A THRIFT STAMP TODAY Nones Dr.O. r. Deaereat will be In Mer rill from -aew uatil July 15, to do dental work, aad free July 15 to August 1, will be la'Boaaasa. 18-4 NOTfCK TO DANCERS Ho Yal Look! Tke Meeee lodge expects to hold their regular dance next Saturday Bight. Jaae 33. at the PaavUloa. aad coatlaae (or the eaav ler. Old frteade know Its a alee. cool, roomy place. New friends come we want you, aad know you will have a good time. Tbw U no ladlvldual affair, but are, helplag our 2$ boy that are doing servjee for oar goverameat, aad all! or us. The Peerless orchestra will furn ish the music. The best musicians la Southern Oregon. Come one end all! Welcome everyone! 15-Bt PLAIN and faacy sewing at Under- wood Apts. raoae s. ls-bt; Sarety ChHrete. whUeyow wait. 14 Ask Chilcoto to Ull yon about the new ISIS low root We, accideat aad health policies of the Traveler. They are modern and cost leaa than oth. era. 14 H OUSTON' s Metropolitan HOUSTON) OPERA HOUSE DARaV STAR THEATER "HIS MAJESTY, BUNKER BEAN A Paramount Pktaro Featariag jack Pickford Also, OMt West," A Fatty Arbackle Spasm la Two Parts TEMPLE THEATER 'THE ORELL MYSTERY" A Vitagrapli, Featariac Also "Dnmmiea aad Deceptions," A Comedy ADMISSION ,10s aand lie MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURBS TVBSDAYS AND SATURDATa Merrill Notts Clay WlUon visited Sunday and Monday. Kmmatb Mrs. Ethel Howell waa here from Klamnth Fall Sunday visiting old friends. i Mitchell and George Math ews were bere Monday night of liwt week enroute to the Mitchell ranch In the Oklahoma country with a band of cattle. E. 0. Cherryman la here from the county scut. He la employed In Martin Rrog. flouring mill. Walter l'urdy Is suferlng with a broken nrm as the rosul of being klccken by a horse. We do not know what commer be after -the war but we do know that n liberty bond and other U. S. government securities wilt be sound and secure Every dollar loaned the government now Is a dollar saved for the time when peace comes. With their savings Invest ed In these sound securities, the American people will be well pre pared to meet the problems that peace will bring. It la a species or Insurance for day. UY A THRIFT STAMP TODAY Watch Repairing Watchmakers Whew yon bring yoar watch to Upp's for repairs yon stare it la the hand of an expert watch maker. No apprentice or aa trained worker toncheo k. Vow can aot get greater kill, know ledge aad care. Material aad pert aeed are the beat are dared. The prico Is as rea sonable as is com latent with food work. All work guaran teed. Wo especially solicit work upoa which others have failed. Frank M.Upp JEWELER .511 Main Street OSkial S. P. Watch Inspector Photos of Heavy weight Champion Prove He k Not Too Fat as m BamsBmBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBammTe" Iv''X'T,iWIP,sfsmBBnmmmmmmmmmmj amsw. - '-, -- r . m tmW'mjmiSMiSU rsmBBaaaBaBamBBat MgaamatsammV ' fMBsmBBmBBemn sVbisj4M4rii "0oeaa4t4 aasmeaaaasaateejtatsa Stories tkal Jess Wlar., iKaiyweiril chiipiii, ii to fat tt tight Frd Ftkti tt ftfei. Ms title are Actf ere. y tkis m 90 smasrfMssirfktfMkrfkrfkrfSrftrferfhmkeamM BBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaam wmmsmmsenBaakea THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, ORKOOM American Soldier Finit Among "Blot Dtvih" Stnt to Vnifti Stiff M I i ifaVH V'QmJiS mW ft $mnmnmC ggggggnmWTfV I ammaamamaBmaBmaBmaamaBmmaW ggeRltfslllWr' tl eiVgemamml tgsmmaammVtSvGnaffii Luni Ham Lut? ai "IBSrfJ BlPvi HrJiPljl .MJjcct umcu... Thwir parents left Franc was brought with thcRt, but ircUtivai. Rene joined thw the New York armory when review. He heard the roll brother's name, thus they were Forty-Eight Are Called In June SIX PATRIOTS HAVK ALRKADV DKPARTKD ..FOR TB.UNIXti AND H MORK C.tLLKD TO OO JUNK S3. Klamath county will- send 4 stalwart heroes to the training camps this month. Sis have al ready departed. These were J. E. BBBBBBBBBBBg mmmT tnanm , maBammaf gmmmmf mammml asmmaaff BBeaemml maaaaaaaT 9t ?3L "fe' Ml TU.m ,'Ati BBBBBBBBBWTaSmBBBBBBBK t i s i i i saaarT-i r Hit Lott BrotktT r.c r for tk UaOtwti SUIm. R Msrccl rctroiM! bthiavaj wkh AjsMrkan Army anal was at the "BlueDevilaM wane call in French and heard his united. Hosklng, James Greta, Frits Mar quardt. Jay Falrclo, Ckester Liak eabach wad oae other who did aot leate from Klamath Falls.' These go Into special training tralalag la nest call Is for 34 men who will entrain Juae IS aad the last eight will leave betweea the ISth aad 30th or Juae. .These last oaes will go for meehaalca and will go for special training. Of those called for the 2Glh four have been given permission to en Ml MM Ml I itsis tlkwiimfiaVb I at Clkicaft, Ha kas liarij tit eitra willi iiicti to kfii a siefe ttnkisf. I j- ... r train at other polati. They are John Dabasr, Archie Hosier. Chea ter Zachary, and , .ijr W. r.wo. Thirty-four other have been noti fied and from these the requisite numb wrlll be seUcted by tan time tor departure. The names and addresses of those called aro as follows ! John C. Leonard, Hen Frnnclsco; Archie K. Uoff, Chlloquln; Unrl Rylvester Orchard, Merrills James Nlklaason, Man 'FVanclsco; Fred L. Mahn, Laplnet Tillman King, Klein uth rails; Arel II. tlerglund, Klam ath Falls; IHtrcy W. Slack. Trinity Center. Cal.j Anperlno Ilarlo, Al. gomai Agqstlno Uoae, San Fiun cUco: Antonio Dal Brol, Ktnmuth Falls: Joseph llobeslelll, Klniunth Lawrence Mustard, Klamntl. Fulls; (leorge Clinton, Ited llluffi Oscar L. Urson. Klamath Falls; James Dedemoa, Algonm; Frank E. Tuck er, Klamath Falls; John K. Hchnee berger, Klamath Falls; Ucronlmo Ohl, Klamath Fails: Albert E. Hamilton, Klamath Fulls; Otto Youaa-. Chlleauln: ljwrnc Stew art, Willows. Cal.; (iuy N. Hatterlun Klamath Falls; Charles Kchnnrhon, Chlloquln; Noah K. Nyhart, Klam ath Falls; llrure M. It n in ho. Klam ath Falls; Vincent Jellnek. Malln: Robert A. Ward, Klamath Falls; Marlon ft. Cannon, Chlloquln; llos- roe Dlehn, Or.lloquln; Archie tl. Winter, Fort-Klmnalh; Ulr J. lled- lund, O rants INiss; Kobert It. NoIiIk Merrill; Dick Loulnlnsnout, Ituch,' Oregon; Edward Johnson, Modoc Polat; Arthur 8. Uuernsey, Klam ath Falls; Harry Loper, Teko, Wn.; WlllUm Crewe. Tekoa, Wa. THE BKHT COMTH I.ENN America's oldest. bet nn-l most successful Life Inmiranrr; Co., The! Mwtaal IJfe of N, Y. 'or i;irtlru. lara regardlag our new ikiIIcIun sen1 Ueo. C Ulrlch, dlitrl:t manager. If HEAVY MEAT EATERS . HAVE LOW KIDNEYS KAT LPMn'mKKT IF YOU FKEI, HACKACIIY OK HAVE III.ADDKIt TltorilLK No man or woman who eats meat, regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kldneya occasonally, says a well kaowa authority. Meat forms uric acid, which ascites the kidneys, they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fall to niter the waits poisons from the blood, then wo get sick. Nearly all rheu matism, headaches, liver trouble, ner vousness, dlsslness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you fret a dull ache In the kidneys or your bsck hurts or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of if I T lsmaaaaaaaaaaaUsmaaaH k trnaMM I MmBlllsir ' SSsV'mml I B'lsflnUl I smaaaaaaaaaaaaalnlilUlJJlilllll . afAtBtBtIM' kiff WITH 1 rHP I PEARL I pw v oil Ready to Cook in a Jifly Jtktt tat touch of a match and your New Perfection Oil Cook Stove ie ready for cooking. No waiting for the fire to bum up. Xaaier to operate than a coil or wood steve: No amoke or odor; no dust or dirt. 'Bakes, broils, routs, toasts, all the year round. All the convenience of gas. And cool kitchen in summer, b ili "' burn tlitt, wl or wWMtit evtio or ctblmit Atk yvurtiltrltdty. STANDARD OIL COMPANY r (CrllfnU) , NEW PERFECTION OH COOK STOVE J. E. HOSKINO, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Klamsth FslUf Orans These Stoves (or Sale vfsMRMAVt JDXH in, tntn rmanpnanaBmni Early Bird Sayt T5iWglmmmmmBf X4 v ni Paddle Your I Own Canoe! Don't take snyont's word far the kind of clothes thty want you to buy for 8ummtr until yy fheroly Investigate every claim that they makt for the mattrial and workmanship which Is in, bodied In the garments thty try to sell you. Paddle your own canos It jett snothtr way of warning yM v taKe nobody's word for unsrty. en ststtmtntt. We want yttf to thoroly Invtttlgate our a sortmtnts of Summtr Suits Very csrefully before you sctuatty buy thim. Wt hnow thtH stand your tttt. K. Sugannao Aute Comfort Cuthlont snd cook gksellne stoves. Ttlftrd garage. sediment, Irregular of passage or at- 'tended by a sensation of scaldtsg,Mte eating meat and get about fouretsets of Jim! 81 U from any pharmacy; lake a tabletpoonful In a glass or water M- fore breskfast and In a few days kidneys will act One. This ft! stilts Is made from the acid of gnats nnd lemon Juice, combined with titbit, and has been used for generations I f liush and Htlmulate the kidneys, ska to neutrsllte the acids In urine soft no longer causes Irritation, thut tni lug blsilder weakness. Jnd Rill IcInexperiiiUe, and cssset Injure; makes a ilrllslitfal oStrvts nt llllilii water drink which every one should take now and then to step the kidney clean and active and Ike blood pure, thereby avoiding Mrisst kidney complications. Adv. S By BikJwin Ww. C tJSrfi$? I ' Uitd Is kSMMe ksaiM. I I f SW H'MS'jJJJ Uwffi tl rtsr 4ftlsr.M, '' I I ,3 u&h..,' ' i VVY ,:v Y.w 4 Jf ml tctfki 5 ' !.'."-"" , m ?tflJ ' 'i