I .' V'" WW? TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1018 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PACE THRU Big Drive Program and Organization Announced Plan of Campaign and Personnel of Those Participating in This Great Work in Klamath Ccunty is Outlined in Complete Form J By the Chairman PROQRAM Sunday lied Cross hitiikiii lit llm cliuiclies Hominy Solicit business mi'ii nml In dustrloe. Tui-Kilny Solicit bUNlnrKH mrn nml In ilustrlvs. Tuesday nlghttfarndi'. dncda House lo Iioiinii ciiiiwih unit street bootita. Thursday I louso lo Iiouhii riiniin iiihI utrrrt bootha. Friday House In housn cunvnx nml street bootha. Saturday I louao to house cnitvus nml trpit ibootha. Monday night Dancit nml nniioiinrliiR drive rcturna. ORGANIZATION - Campaign Manager II. I). Mnrlonstm 8paker Commit li'i-- II. tf. Uroesbuck, chairman. Publicity Committor W. U. .Smith. chairman. Treasurer John .Siemens. Parade ManoKor 0. A. Kiiium. , 'IVinn No. 1, IIiihIuchh DUlilil -J, V. Hli'inuns. II. N. Mop, AiiiIii'W Ciilllrr, I'i'ir) Cuius, K. II. Iliilc, C'liiicimf Uii. lilt nml, (tfiirgn Wnlton. j Tram No. 2, Imliinttlnl nislrlrts Siiiitlii'iii I'nelllc Co, Mr. Kerry: llwuti im llnx I'litloiy, I'jnl HiIiiiIIoi k, Cluliil 'D-iKKi'll, Klnmiitli MfB. Co, (1. A. Kiiuim', C l. Cliiisliiln, IVIItim liny I Lumber Co, Harrison, CoIIIiih, lliimll liin, lwer, Muxwull; l.niiiin Lunibor I Co, V. i:. I.hiiiiii: AIkiiiihi Lumber Co, i:. J. (iriuii: Otey LokkIiik Co, C. II. Oley; Kti'lKi-r UkkIiik Cy, J. J. Htrl. Cliiule Mink cliiilrnmti; lloimmrn, tliwnltc; Clii'lnm llox Co., C. I'. Helcr, lilt; Lukes llox Co, A. J. Voyu; HIr IIiihIii Lumber Co, West; Acklcy Urns., Hurry Aiktoy, I Twin No. 3, County Districts Mt. I.akl, T. N. (,'iiKii'cliiilrmitn; l'lnu tlrmr Charles Mack cliulriiian; Imniitizii, Mis. Matty Nichols rhnlriiian, Wide lunml, J p.i mi Draw chnlrmau; I'lovnn, J.iiih'm .Mooru chairman; Clillmiuln, Curt llelililcli clinlrinnii; Port Kl.itn nth, l.lmlnny Hlseiiitiru clialrmnn: In- illiin Awncy, Mm. Harriott l'nrkor,1 ihnliiiiuti; Wordcn, II, L. Veil' chair man, Ketio, CLurllfi Tower ihalrraau; Men III, I'lud Peterson chnlmian, Locul Win rund ((iitiiulttppi Mnllii, M. M. Htimtney ihulimuti; Illy, Mrs. A, D. Ilumaker ihulimaii, Loiclln, Mm. A. 1! Unlo iliiilrmuii; Yulrmx, Mrs. U. F.' Woiriinl thai! man; Hhnitu View, John A. MiCuiiib ilialrmnn; Loim I'lne, JuilKf Hubert llumiull chulrinun, Ti'iun No, I, lliiupi! to limine cnnvuii, Ward No I- Mm. 1'iiul llowirilMS chair mini, Mrs. Will llaliluln, MrH. John .Mom i', Mm. (Inrnilt Vim Illpor, Mrs.' V. O. rtmllli, Mih. Charles Moon-, Minn Mniy Moinyer. I Wnid No. 2 Mih. 1,. J. Vim Hollen ilialriiiiiu, Mrn. A. II. I.uml, Mrs. Nntu Ollerlieln, Mih. IIiihu SihiIii llrntlon, MrH. Cnrrle. Itiinmhy. Wnrd No. :i--Mrn. O. W. Itobcrlson chalimaii, Mih. licit Wllhrow, Mih. (J.1 A. Van llelleri, Mih. Charles II. Otey, MIhh Mary Illuth, MIbh Nclllo McAn ilruwH. Wind No. I. Mm. n. II. Hall chnlr- num. .Sirllmi No. 1, Mm. fieo. Walt, Mm Paul Johnson; section No. 2, Mrn. C. V. Seizor chairman, Mm. Charles Thomas, Mm. Kato Hell, Mm. iJiura Miller, Mm. Ar;ms Ilrynn. I Waul No r. -Keitlon 1, Mih. James (lilinei, Mih. Ilert Hawkins, Mm. Dr. W, V. Ilojil, Mih. I. I). Whllmoro. Mm. Cluirli'H (itirutnu Mm. Louis llrnd-j ford. Section No. 2, Mm. II. It. Ynnry, Mm. W. I). Harlan, Mm. Walter Ilelf- HIT. I Tram No. !i, Street IlootliH Mm. A. J. Voo clialrman, Mm. Will l'owcll, Mm. (leo. Huiniiliruy, MIhh Mario Mc- Mlllnn, MIhh Wnlo Jacobs, MIbh Vorda Cii7ad, MhH Pearl Ilohln, MIhh Mnrlo lliimbn, MIhh Claudia Spink, MIhh Mar Jurlu Uulzell, MIhh Mabel Meam, MIhh Helen Dill'milt, MIhh Allco McCourt, Mm. P. U. Patrick, Mm. K. II. Henry, Mm K. T McDonald, Mm. II. M. Mnn-nitit-. Mm. Will Huti.itun, Mm. K. 12. Mnpee, Mm. A. J. Lh, Mm. W. M. Clllntt, Mtk II 1! 0!.ilHor, Mm. I.. O. MIIIh, Mm, Iloso Torrey, Mm. Harold Hell, Mrs. V, H. Mills, Mta. John John uii, Mis. R. A. Mltcbsll, Mn. W. A. Dulzvll, Mrn, C. Browne, Mra. C. K. Driindenburg, Mrn. C, A, Ilaydan, Mra. Wilt Hum, Miss Agnog Drlscoll, Mls Ina Orahnm, Miss Pearl Leavltt, Mist Mabel Luavltt, Mlaa Claia Calkins, MhH IifHH Plckott, Mrs. Owen Adams, MIhh Iza AchofT. .Tenm No. G, Schools H. II. Dunbar, C. II. Ilowtnun, MIsh Edna Welts. ARMKNIAN MAMACR1 HtlNt 1 LONDON, May 31. tht Turk! hT resumad the offnslv aloni thf Cau casian front, and hivt, occupied Van. Anothtr AmMlaa massacra ku 1 gun. Ludlca' up-tc-data- ahoa abialat par lors, f.31 Main. Ducks, auada, elM, etc., a sprclatty. Courteoui trMtatftt. SClra IT I I. .i. I llaffta iJT Stupendous Amount of War Insurance Written WASHINGTON, D. C, May 21. Minn ll.dii 110,000,000,000 Insurance on (ho Uvea of more than 1 800,000 sol illi'iR mid pallors already has been uilticn by the bureau of war rink In luiunrc. That Is said to be more In Huntnic, nil written since the middle f hint October, than Is today on the liQiika nf tho twenty largest life Insur ance nmnnnloft In tho world. All kinds of I'lohleniH have been met with In ncliicliiK this gigantic task, according tn Information furnished to congress by 1 bourns II. Love, assistant secre tary ol tho treasury, In charge of the b'lro'iu, and other officials. The war risk taw provided for pay ment of family allowances and allot mnntH and for administration of a com- pronation Insurance low applicable to' 2.000,000 risks and for the writing of this Insurance on the lives of a possi ble 2,000,000 soldiers and sailors. The applications for allowances and allot ments of the soldier's or sailor's pay lind to be obtained from the ends of the earth to which thoao In war servico agigBaaaaife5l8HBaBLr Bl 1gBBHEBsDSv9?jrBaBBBv '' . HaaB m BkHgagBIPaK3wJlHLS3 W llll I m,,ma" I M iurl SSSS .1 n L m Every Farmer and Every Ruralite Who Does Not Now Enjoy Electric Light & Power should have a Lalley Light & Power Plant It U only a short time ago that the fanner and the mm living away from population centers had to Km satisfied with the oil lamp and lantern. He had to do everything by hand, including the opera tion of his cream, separator, his churn, hia feed aaixers and cutters and all such equipment. He had to put up with these efficiency shortcomings and inconveniences because he could not get elec tric power. But Lalley Light has come to the rescue. Today, the farmer, the mountain resort keeper, the rural merchant, the country home owner, re gardUss of where he is, can have his own Lnlley Lighting and Power Plant, which will provide all the electric light he needs for his home and his It will solve the problem of securing desirable labor and holding it If you are interested in knowing more about Lalley Light write us for full particulars. outbuildings, and it will supply power to do many of the things he has in the past done by hand. The initial investment required to install a Lalley Lighting and Power Plant is comparatively small and the plant will produce light and power at less than city prices. It is neither pride nor prosperity that should in fluence the farmer to install Lalley light, but rather ambition, sound business reasoning. Lalley Light will, from the very day of its installa tion, pay dividends in improved living conditions; in safety fiom fires; in insurance reduction; in economic lighting; in labor saving. It will help keep the young folks at home by making homo more attractive to them. HI) Lalley Light it ideal for Mountain Resorts Country Homes General Stores Mooting Halls and Schools for Churches Lodge Rooms Public Buildings . Mining Properties Construction Camps Dealer Opportunity Thtf u an exceptional opportunity in thiz community tor som aggressive automobile dealer, hardware dealer, implement deal er, electrical or other dealer to handle the agency for Lalley Light, Write us fully stating your qualifications and the territory you can intensively covet. Weinstock-Nichols Co. 538 Golden Gate Ave. 121 1 S. Olive St. SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES Lalley Light Distributors for California and Arizona BBBBBBBB vBBBBBj BBBBBBJ BBBBBBJ ppBBBk geSBaVIBfvV ilggfll anew gagMggflwJ gH have been scattered. From December 20th until the beginnmg of thla month tho bureau mailed, oat 2,300,000 Indi vidual checks to families of dspead cms In the United States, approxi mately 160,000,000 has been paid out la allowances and allotments; tad la ad dltlon many thousand claims for com' pensatlon have been made, some paid and others disallowed. More than IB per coat of the soldiers and sailors listed at tho fcareaa save taken the Insurance aad applleatloas for It have come In at a dally rate In volving from 150,000,000 to IIOS.OW.W of Insurance during the last moata. A clerical force of about 4400 people la employed by the bureau la the work. A bill Is now pending la coagreis, fa vorably reported by the house later state commerce committee, smeadlsg the law In a number of details, pro viding for Instance that autoaaatto la surance shall be parable to tka ssota rr, whether dependent or not, aad to the father as well, aad making other broadening features la tat lateresf ,ot the soldier's neareat of kin. Nettleten'e fine ehee at etf K. K. K. STORE. Tho Third Liberty, Lean drive la ever, but the War and Thrift JMamp drive lasts the whole year. Ask Chll cote about them. t RIMPLB WASH REMOVES RINGS UHDO eras Klamath Falls people will bo sur prised how quickly pure Lavoptlk eye wash relieves blood shot eyes aad dark rings- One young man who aad oye trouble and very unsightly dark rings was relieved by ONE WASH with Lavoptlk. HI sister also re moved a bad eye strain In three days. A small bottle of Lavoptlk Is guaran teed to benefit EVERT CASE weak, strained or Inflamed eyes. Alumlaum eye cup FREE. Whitman Drug Co., Adv. WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF. HOT WATER 1 Wash tho poteens and texhw from system before putting, mere food Into stamseh. Says Inside-bathing one leek and feel eleaa, ( sweet aad refreshed. Dh'I. Safer Wall Ctm Klamath Korn- Knocker ream tbas ajekkh NsPak NtSmten 25c Bottle All kinds of Army Shoes at ttf K. K. K. STORK. an A LIAOIR IN LIP'S INSURANCE ' The Mutual Life of New York, the eompaay that has earned mora aad has paid more to poUey holders than aay other eompaay la the world. Oea C. Ulrica, District Maaager. 14-tf ' Amerieaa boys are dying for their oeeatry. Surety you eaa save for It. Cur War Sarins Stamps. Lemon Juice For Freckles trio! Make beauty tstton at homo for a few eenta. Tryrtl Saueese the Juioe of two lemons lata a-,betUo coatslslag tare ouaees of at shard, whtto, shake wall, aad you, hare a sjaarter plat of tho beet freckle aid Ua lottos, aad oomplealoa baauU Bar, at very, very small coat Yosr sroeer has the lemons, aad aay drag store or toilet counter will sup ply three ouaees of orchard white for a few -seats. Massage thla sweetly fra grant lotion Into tho face, neck, arms and naada sack day aad see how freck les aad blemishes disappear aad how clear, soft aad white tho skin becomes. Yesl It ta harmless. Adr. LBOAL NOTICES Notice Inviting Side for Installing Main Wash yourself on the Inside before ties Into the blood, aaaslac illness. This Is vastly mora Importaat bssauss the akin pores do not absorb impari ties nto the blood, causing Ulaesa while the bowels pores do. For every ounce of food aad drtak taken into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be car ried out of the body. If thla waste ma terial la not eliminated day by day It quickly ferments and generates nets; ons, gases aad toxins which are ab sorbed or sucked into tho blood stream through the lymph duets which should suck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure la to drink, before breakfast each day, a glaaa of real hot water with a tear spoonful of limestone phosphate In K, which Is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases aad toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bewels: thus cleansing, sweetening aad fresh ening the entire alimentary canal be fore putting mora food late tea stent aca. A quarter pound of limestone paea phate coats bat very UtUa at tho drag store, but Is euMclent to make anyone an enthusiast on Inside batatas. Hen waks up with a dull, achlag head or bare furred tongue, bad tests, nasty breath, sallow oomplealoa; others who hare bilious attacks, acid stomach or constipation are assured of prjsaeuneed Improvement in both healtk and ap pearance shortly. Adr. 1ST ME MARS YOUR !rKXt SUIT PERFECT FIT Highest Grail nf Workmanship OUARA.VTKKD Hprlajf Woolen on Display. Your Inspection Invited. Chas. J.jCizek Successor to Loewe nros. MKnCHANT TAILOR Bin Mala St. He does net worry, for he protects himself snd family with fire, life and accident Insurance. Oct a policy from Chllcote. S PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN C. CLEGHORN County Surveyor Civil Engineer City a County Abstract Co. ARTHUR R. WILSON 617 Mala St, FARM LOAXS AT S PER CENT FLAT DR. EARL G. WI8RCARVRR DENTIST OSke, Rooms 7 aad S, White Balldlas DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Salts Sll, I. e. O. F. Tesspto (over K. K. K. Store) Phono SSI . . Res. Phono, (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeoa la Klamath y-tnlla.) KATHERINK SCHLBEF, M. D. t Physician and Surgeon White Bldg, In Dr. Hamllton'a Oatee OHce -hours 1:10 to llm.,.I:l to S p. m. Night calls promptly attended to Wda will received by the Common Council up to aad Including tho SOth day of May, at S o'clock p. ta, for In sulting n six-Inch sower aula in Fair- rlsw Addition "one" and "two," be tween the points named as follews: Boslanlng at the Intersection (cen tor of latersscttoa) of Delta street and the alley aeparattag Falrrlew Addition No. 1 front Falrrlew AddlUoa No, I. raaalag thence south thru the center of said alley to Upham street: theaee o a connection with tho manhole at tho center of the Intersection of Up ham aad Prospect streets; beginning anln at center of Intersection of said (alley aad Fulton street, aad running theaee west on Fulton street to tae west boundary line of Oregon avenue, terminating la a manhole to be In stalled at saM hut mentioned point Thoiateln Is to be Installed under the direction and supervision of tho city engweer, aad will Include the placing of Y"b and manholes and lamp holes as ha may direct and order. . The city will furnish 690 feet of six teen, rttrlled sswsr pipe. The success ful bidder to furnish balance of pipe required. The total length of main to to Installed being MT0 feet The lastallattoa to be completed wlthia thirty days from the date of catering lato boad aad contract for Its last alia Hon i AboudeftWwiUtorsquiredfrom tho successful bidder. , All bids must he accompanied by a aartlled cheek to the amount of 10 par coat of hid. to be forfeited by suc cessful bidder In tho orent of failure to enter Into contract and bond with the city council within tvs days after award. By order of Oommns; Council. A.L.LBAVITT, 1S-W Pallet Judge. DR. J. G. GOBLE) -f Well known Opteaestlst Optician, is agRMANINTLY LOCATED AT 12S Third St Opposite Elks Temple. and he wlH Make call at your hoaao) your eyes for not cell nt hie U W. D. MILLER Roofing Contractor Malthold, Tar and Orarel Roof ing. Roof Coating, Repair Work a Specialty. SSI 8. Sixth Street Phone !l. OOTOOOO0OfrWOfr O. K. AUTO trVKRY Phene S2J 412 S. SIXTH ST. ' vM0 0t0OOteCO AUTO FOR HIRE E. O. ARQRAVES Stand at the "Mecca" phone 183 WOOD ORDER A YEAR'S SUPPLY OP OREENStAB , New, and have them dry and un der cover early In the fall. We also handle Body, Limb and Slock Weed, Cca and. Fuel Klamath Fuel Company Fifth ana Main Phono lift PUti m V3II Km 1 iS r ' Or 1 II 1 u ' 1 i -2' l TftNVe, .: . A .' -'J I l'Z.T, r , .,& - VtiVSJ .Jit ' J ,Ksi&gshi 4 --Pf