ficaw jy .- r- 5." t THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, APRIL aili ,, .iiWPAM,TW I?. ! r$ T up' t TfoEvwiing Herald ,-W. O. SMITH, Editor PabMshed dally except Baadey J ha ImM PvbUehlai Cuuur of ta falla. at 111 Fourth street Rotated at the postofflce at Klamath fBa. Oregea, tor transmission through to aaaUs aa eecoad -claaa aattar. Babaorlatloa tanaa by mail te aay till m ft. tka Called Stataei Of yaar , W-H OMMHk MONDAY, APRIL iS!, 10IH Herald's Classified Advs. ' if A April b Special Bargain Month for the HELP WANTED MMM WANTEU Woman cook for boarding ho.lfr. 1'lione OS J. 20-3t WANTED Frossmnn or presjfeeder. W. O. Smith PrintinB Co. lT-tf FOR RENT Evening Herald... ERSONAL MENTION Lima MDKLtarm on local aptknixcw AafONO TMK PBOPLK OF TIM CITY AND VICINITY. GOINGS AND COMINGS OF LOCAL FOLKS Hm0t0tfm0Amm0ummAA0'A FOR RENT Furnished rooms and housekeeping. 203 Main at. 20-2t FOR RENT- Hnnch In Poo Valley known as the Hazen ranch. For de tails write Mrs. Ida M. Fink. Oxford Apt. No. 29, Berkeley, Calif. lC-fit FOR RENT Pasture for several thousand hsad of stock In lower Klamath Marsh. See A. A. Mehaffey, 431 Main st., Klamath Falls. lC-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Seven fool hotel range It) Reed condition. Phone 9SJ. 20-3 FOR 8ALE Cheap, a pair of good .1. year-old draft horses, well broke, and true pullers. Address A. D. C. Herald. 20-2t FINE CANARY BIRDS for sale cheap single or In pairs. 228 4th st. 19-91 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four log wheels, tires, boxes aand stub of axels; will make excellent four-horse track for logging. Also house moving outfit, consisting of house-moving tracks with capacity of 46 tons, to gether with all cables, Jacks, blocks, etc., necessary. Ninth and Prospect streets. 20-6t LOST AND FOUND LOST On Sixth or Seventh street. leather handbag containing gold watch and check with name of Mrs. Ella Grif fith. Finder return to Herald office and receive $5 reward. 19-51 LOST One sorrel saddle horse, brand V on right shoulder, two bars right stifle. Notify Tyron & McKendree. 16-t MISCELLANEOUS WWMMMMMMMMM FOR SALE Five room modern bunga low, well located; this Is one of the most complete little homes in the cJty. Can sell on easy terms. FOR SALE Good timber claim at $1 per thousand ; on main county road. J. T. WARD A CO., SIB Mala Street ORPHEUS THEATER The Herald will anal" thl year offer a special rate to yearly paJdtn-atvancc niibarriber. In order to cure advantage of UiU spe cial rate payments must be made during the mowth of April. Special Rates ftr Qm Year SibscriptiNS it Afaice: Dally by malt to Mb. crlbera la Klaav ath Couatjr" Dally by carrier to eubscrlaere la city of Klaauth Falls.. S4.0O The rate by carrier k more per year, aa It costa S reata per week to deliver the paper la the city. Do aut delay fat renewing yoar aabscriptloaa, as this rate only applies during the month of April. Mall yoar check today. Evening Herald C. C. Torery left for Chltoquln to day. J. Hutto or Modoc Point Is in town today. R. M. and Dan Wann of Yalnax are hero today. J. C. Jarvls from Texutn was here Saturday. Miss Helen McCumber of Dairy was In town yesterday. Eugene Hammond was in town yes terday from Merrill. Mrs.,W. A. Beck left on the train foi the north today. Irma and Gladys Daley left yester- (day for Portland. rp Buy mere than your share of Liberty Sends and War Stamps, and than buy a heme from Chllcote. 19 Ask Chllcote to show you that four room modern bungalow In the heart of the city, only one block from Main street You should not overlook this opportunity. Price SS,100t on easy terms. , 19 Buy this three room house near the high school for $750, en easy terms, and step paying rent. See Chllcote. 19 s "The First American Life Insurance Co." Investigate the new 1918 pol icies of The Mutual Life of N. Y., noth ing better. Geo. C. Ulrica, district manager, office over First State Bank. 23-tf. Wm. Fox Presents June Caprice In "MISS U. 8. A." A thrilling, patriotic picture for girls, boys, men and women and kids, too. Maalc by Mr. FlUpatrlck and Harry Uoret Auto Comfort Cushions and Camp- Cook gasoline stoves at Telford Bros, garage. is Cf$ Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. 0. O. F Meets Friday night. II. F. Esell, N. O., Nate Otterbeln, Secretary. Swauna Encampment No. 46, 1. O. O. F., meets Tuesday night. W. A. Mastea, C. P., Nate Otterbeln Scribe. A Regular communications Vr Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. V A A. M., second Monday of .each month. A. R. Leavitt, W. M. H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusement s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER BIQ DOUBLE BILL 8sssue Hayakawa In HASHIMURA TOQO" A Japanese College story, and "UNTIL THKY OCT MB" A Triangle drama of the Northwest Mounted Police. Also the returns of the recall election. ' At Bargain Prices, life Ask Chllcote about the new low cost lire, accident and health policies of the Travelers. 19 Theodore G. Young, a Midland mer- eaaat, and C. R. Patterson and Mr. t .. aaJ Mrs. Jaa. Jory. also from Midland, '!,; ' were, la towa Saturday. U vol :. r ' JMY V . '- . . .. OS ,s Arerr returaaa rrcw tae ore- , $.- ;Pf , lASfiaajwrai couege at cerraius,! fSJb'aarmy;'erk. ' J TEMPLE THEATER Paths Prestnts , Baby Maris Osborns In "WHIN BABY FORGOT" "HEARST PATHE NEWS" Latest War Pictures, Current Evsnts ADMISSION TEN CENTS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTCRRS TfTMaU YB AND SATURDAYS W. I. Dixon of Roseburg Is register ed ht the Hotel Hall. Will F. Powell Is hero for a few days from Portland. Geo. H. Kent of Reno is n guest at the White Pelican hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonderson of Duns, mulr are in town today. D. O'Connor of Merrill is anion? the visitors here today. W. n. Freer from the Malln district, It In town for a few days. Mrs. Herman Magnusson of Klam ath Agency la at the Hall. F. C. Bucholt of the Mt. Laki dis trict wus In town Saturday. A. Nelson of this city was among yesterday's visitors at Dorrls. W. J. Gerind of Barnes' Camp, Is registered at the Hotel Hall. E. F. Zuern of 8an Francisco Is bore' for a short time on business. D. M. McLemore of San Francisco Is registered at the Hotel Halt. W. C. Dunning and Uncle Nate Mer rill of Merrill were week end visitors in Klamath Falls. Dr and Mrs. E. D. Johnson bavo gone to Portland. They are expected back on Thursday. Mr. Rose Sutton of Dairy baa been called to Fort Klamath by the Illness of her father, J. H. SaaarL The meeting of the Pythian Club which was to meet at Mrs. Crislers, will be postponed Ull next week. W. I. Dixon, J. W. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lamm went to Ashland by the stage line thla morning. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Thomas arrived Saturday night .from Portland. a Mrs. L. M. Sauber from Klamath Agency was In town this morning. M. O. Hardy was among the train a'rrtval last night from an Diego. J. 11. Bradford of Washington, I). C, is registered at the White Pelican. Mnrle Griffith has accepted n posi tion in the First National bank here. Miss Bess and Inez Kllsuro of Mer rill spent Saturday night In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toddard of Kel lum are registered at the Hotel Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell wore county seat visitors yexterday from torella. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Corpening and A. L. Marshall of Olene were In town Snt unlay. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ethan and son of Santa Monica enme In on last eve ning's train. Among Saturday's visitors here from Meadow Lake were Mrs. D. W. Short and John Odom. Richard ITrcltensteln and John Shepherd from Pine Grove were among Saturday's visitors here. N. J. Brown, Marie 8hanahan, May Shunnhnn and I. L. Wakefield of Lake lev are registered at tho Hotel Hall. Dr. J. C. Gobte started on a motor trip for Bend yesterday. From there he Intended to take the train to Port land. Clarence Underwood of the Under wood Pharmacy has just returned from a ten-day visit with relatives In Portland. George King is back on his rounds here after an absence of about Ave years. Mr. King travels for a hard ware 'Arm. Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Moo have gone to Medford. Mr. Moe Is expected back this evening, while Mrs. Moe will remain there for a short visit. Mrs. Jennie Hum sad Mrs. Dan Walker are expected back from Ash land this evening. Mrs. Walker will spend the summer at Brookalde with Mx, and Mrs. Luc'ien Applegate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis left yes terday for Portland, where they will make their home. While here Mr. Davis has been employed with the Klamath Manufacturing company. ADVERTISED MAIL LIST The following unclaimed mull mat tor reaatala uMalJa for at thla office will be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office at San Francisco, Calif., on Mav 4th. ta calling for these , letters please say "advertised." A charge of one cent win do maue iur each letter delivered.- W. A. Del- tell, P. M. Frank Alberlson, Kmll Anderson, Messrs. Ross and Bliss Anderson, A. Apostolopes. Michael Berados, 1L, II. Blcknell, Bert Blcknell. Sieve lllnlr, John Kurgan, Hellen Caldwell, Chns. Crandell, Albert Cummlngs, Allen Dickey, Johnle Donnell, W. U. Doug las, T. P. Krwln, Walter Ferry, A. T. Fltinatrlck. Itobt. Green. Lester Leslie Hill, Wm. Kinney, Klamath Lumber Co., Caslldo Uni, Mrs. Pauline Uni, Thos. Lyons, C. M. O'Neill, Edward Owrstreet, Master Leon Patterson, T. A. Robertson, J. Slater, Kva HIv, Mrs. Blanche Sly, Bert Thompson, J. T. Williamson, Williams Bros., Geo. Wood, Albert Wolohen. Have you a W. 8. 8. baby bond In your home? COMING The Qreatest Screen Stntatlen DRAFT 258 Metro's Successor to THE SLACKER ORPHEUS THEATER THURSDAY AND FRIOAY TURN HAirDARK WITH SAGE IEA IF MIXED WITH MVM'IIUR IT J iLirniAiin mi .i.tivift.'vi.i.a rtiri IMIDY CAN TKI.I, The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair Is grand mothers recipe, and folks are again using It to keep their hair a good, even color, which Is qulto sensible, aa we nre living In an ago when a youthful appearance Is of the great est advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't havo the troublesome task of gathering tho sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, called "Wycth's Sage and 8ulphur Compound" for about 50 cents a bottle. It is very popular because nobody can discover It has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw thla through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: by morn. Ing the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, la that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, It also pro duces that soft lustra and appearance of abundance which Is so attractive. Thla ready-to-use preparation Is a de lightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It Is not Intended for the cure, mltlga tloa or prevention of disease. Adv. You Ought to Buy Diamonds NOW! Each month Importers have morn dlltlciilty in Retting dia monds, nltlio prices art' con stantly going "l, '" demand does not ilt'crram-. We boiiKht diamonds all thru 1917, and hni a spliMidld stork of lilctily di'Hlralilo utono.t, We art oflVrliiK cxlru good vulucs beriuxt we Iiiivi- not- mixed our original prlrvx to correxpond to IncivtiHox made since then. At $25 to $300 we offer wide selection. Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main Street OBklal H. I. Watch Inspector Early Bird Sayt aBBaaaaaJBH m JUBll AJ1C HATS For Every Man Herri Tho neu Hpring lik ami you'll ilml style f..r mm of every ago and l;i, n new tidor. K. Sugarman No one ever got rich inertly by inxtug money. Yom mutt Invnt K. A good way to Invest It Is to buy War Katlitsa and Thrift Stamps. .-eaSnjISaBaananaMp Two New French Guns Used in Great Battle on West Front new Kawvu Fig. - n I 240 mm tiU J'LglBHiBnBasnsnsBSBSBSBSBsM (UUBW ?JiiWmSmggggggggggggggggggggggg9 r- i ggg&ggggggggggjgggggggggggggggggggggi ' v- jFry MSSIggaSBkwkwknwnkkkkkkkknW h Pja - tHKGsasBSBSBsamlkBngaflv n BBsBBBBBByjamjgsBBKaBBjrcBByflOftOe , H & .jBfJSjPJgJljgPIBiyj F sgSBLgSBBBBBBrBBxsBVmmv abTsaaBBama1sBBiBBBBgftbxaTBBBBFi AOKnx-tva I iNwfflBKBaaaaammSBaMLflamattDte- "HJHmS5j 'ubsmmaatmaaaaaaaaaaaaaamV t1 's a BflRaBBBaHgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH ftf BaaaftlBBajsmHsBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsamBKGftQafi I vsaaBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaK y- 'vsaaMasBaBaaMaBaiamBmKmxSM ) 0000m00WV00&V&WWVk New City Laundry We Ouarantta Our Work. Shirts and Collars Laundered. Wa also wash silk, wool, and col. ered gods vtry carefully. Try us once and be convinced. Our prlees are right Phone 1M. 127 Fourth Street Back of First National Bank Passengers and Baggage Anywhere ii the Qy Quick Service ReasMable Rites PHONE 187 Western Transfer Company iTririiiTTinrii zf aa ss - oi " 'eaaaB. - l v . a irinMLcve RTFI WHFNYniiD LIKE LUMPS OF LEAD" Wlion you wuko up with backacho J and dull mluory In the kidney region i i. .. ii generally moans that you have been outing too much moat, says a well known authority. Moat 'forms uric acid, which overworks tho kld noys In tliolr effort to niter It from the blood, and they become sort of paralyied and loggy. When your kid. neys get sluggish and clog you must ronevo tuem, liko yon relieve your bowels; removing ull the body's urin ous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dlxiy spoils; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when tho weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels of. ton get sore, water scalda and you :mKw.mt9XTcmmmmmmmmm NEW f M' FIC.C OUh MO0UTC0OM RUSSERWHBHf These photographs of new French guas have Just arrived In the United Statet, and the Information came' with them that the weapona had bats eoav pleted Is tima to ks need la tka freet battle, now raging on' the western front The larger gun, that of 140 millimetres in diameter, about H Inches, mutt be shot from a specially designed Iron platform, The other gun, that of 146 mJlimetree, about 6.7 are obliged to seek relief two or UN times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable par slclnn at once or get from your paer maclst about four ounces of Jai Hnlta! talin a tahlesiioonflll IB B fsiai of water before breakfast for a N days and your kidneys will '"V" fine. This famous salts Is mada fraBJ the acid of grapes and lemon J combined with llatilu. and has am" used for generations to cUa bh stimulate sluggish kidneys, atoa noutralisa acids In the urine so US" longer Irritates, thus ending olaaaer weakness, -jar Jad flalia la a life saver for tH meat eaters. It is Inexpensive, a! Injure, and makes a dellhtful amv vescent llthla-water drink. " Inches, la mounted on a carriage, which la drawn on heavy rubber-tired wheala. These are some of the new rreaeh artillery, It la believed, which1 has been used la halting the great Oermaa drive. ' I Mala and Seventh Phone " DR. CLAYTON E. WHEELER PHYSICIAN and SCRORON Specialist In chronic dlMaaaa. Examination and consultation fref Largest X-Ilay laboratory la Southern Oregon. Uteit appliances that are now uaad In the curias of disease. eecwi-v ;? ii :VsV., ji 'rUt .!, v.