:;v- H v f v MTUNDAV, AMHIL un .... ', ii-.i-'i 'j tgi' trym .1, ;." '- -.jlaaim ttAiik THK 1VKW1NO H1KALP. KLAMATH FALLS, Q1UM0N ? II. I fully. Punch waa served thrtout th evening. .... ., The Leisure Hour Club met this CelebThfThg her nlxth blrtbdny. iif. k tSfr-Whe'oT MrtiTHeiHetfi nciUMC uu e7aiH "em mossiest in truur. Society tie Mnrlnn Louise Smith cntjrtjilned n few of her friend nt'hcr parent's homo on Wednesday of thin week. She n Iho recipient of many nice pres ent. Her guests were Pearl Johnson, Geotpo Whit mnn, Wilson Wiley. Alex. Is L le, Oeriln Larson, Frances Adams, tlcrtmtlo urn Ilcrthrlsdorf, SelRfreed ton Dorllietvdorf, niton-Johnson, Jean otto Smith, Mntliew Smith and Marian Smith. The Ladles Aid of the Methodist church met this week nl the home of Mrs. 1 11 Klnnear, nl 41C Pine street. h b . -lfAftfedfet S- ah I I rih at 4A Drldgo formed the" chief diversion for the afternoon, after which refresh ments were served. Those present were Mrs. Van Riper, Mrs. K. Whit lock, Mrs. tCIIIon, Mrs. 0. M. Hanaln and Mrs.'C. B. Wheeler. WILL TAKE MANY CATTLt TO UPPER MARSHES (corse Watt of this city Is planning to lake about 3,000 cattle from Fort Plans nere discussed for ft sller tea, Klamath to the Upper Marshes to pa- Local Red Cross Activities .-Those'-present at the work rooms etcrday were: Sewing roem: Meedames & C. Kimball. (1. 0. Fry, T, It 8kllllngton. M F. Coseboom, Louis Bradford. 8. It. Horry, Chas. Martin, II. Newnham, 8. K Martin. M. 8. Sargent. Ulrd McDon ald. Ida Gibson, L. E. Sullivan. Hostesses for the coming week will be as follows, in the order named: Mrs. llrandcnburg, Mrs. Ilobertson, Mrs. Withrow, Mrs. Garcelon, Mr. Newnham, Mrs. Turner. to bo held about n month from now. Thor present were Mrs. F. G. Peltr.. Mrs. O. A. Stearns, Mrs. Phelps, Mrs, W. J. Slclnnietz, Mrs. C. I. Lewis, Mrs. II. U. Momjer nnd Mrs. C. 11. Fisher. Initiation for new members of the turc for the summer tomorrow. DANCE BRINGS $7&7.1 FOR RED CROSS BENEFIT RETURN FROM SOUTH The dance recently given by the was held at their meet- ,adlM of en,,,,!,, t Klamath I ..day. In Odd Fellows I . ,. . ,. , v...u. .. Charles L. Moore and family arriv ed last night from California, where they hac been spending the past winter. WESTERN UNION HAS NEW DESK Ilellcf Corps Ins on Thursday, In Odd fellowsl vi.-,.ii. ,,, ...m i' a np' ,obb' dMl "" w " hall. A committee, composed of Mrs. ! " - TrL rJl Zd I''""1" tor hc " customer. , ..i. ,...iri .i si n n' hk. ' " " tn " Cross. The dance . . . ,.,., . .... ... ... i-.-.i . ..... , was Jnder th management of Mrs.i ... . The olden Rule It not only the name of this store, but it constitutes the policy on which we do business. BY ACCOROINO OUR CUSTOMERS THE TREATMENT WE WOULC WISH OTHERS TO ACCORD US, BY OIVINQ PATRONS THE FULL VALUE OF THEIR DOLLARS SPENT OVER OUR COUNTERS, AND IN A MULTITUDE OF INSTANCES A LITTLE MORE, HAS ENABLED US TO BUILD-UP AN ENORMOUS BUSINESS WHICH IS ONLY LIMITED Y OUR FLOOR SPACE. WE HAVE PROVED IT TO OUR SATISFACTION BEYONO TWt SHADOW OF A DOUBT, AND PROPOSE TO CONTINUE THIS POLICY AS LONG AS WE CONTINUE IN THE FIELD. YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO GLANCE OVER THE FOLLOWING OFFERINGS: m X The Golden Rule Works V. Inson, was appointed to secure more workers for Ked Cross. Letters of thanks from the bojs In the service, t ho had been sent candy and tobacco, vere read. The new Initiates Into the rorps are Mrs. Louise Humphrey, Mrs. M. Ankcny. Mrs. Gilbert Fleet, Mrs. Frri Fleet, Mrs. Ruth Scvita and Mrs. L. D. Hefner. ' Mrs. R. A. Mitchell entertained a few friends at her home on Almeda and Auburn, yesterday afternoon. Sewing formed the main diversion, af ter which refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. L: D. Kin near, Mrs. J. M. Watklns, Mrs. B. C. Browne, Mrs. A'. Epperson and Mrs. Jefferson. The Missionary Society of the Pres byterian church met Friday at the residence of Mrs. Bert Palm, at SOS Pine street. About fifty members of the Elks Lodge and their lady friend enjoyed the dance given by the members In tbelr building on the .corner of Third and Main lastnlghl A "patriotic air was given by the preeeaeclof flags, which decorated the bulking grace- Cora Miller. WILL MOVE TO ARIZONA r cm Union office. SUIT FILED IN JUSTICE COURT A alt It tiita knan Atal lam ataat. In.ll. VA VrtrttvM wtin ham Kv.n vUlilt- " "" """ """ "" "' XWQ juicr . v.s.. wa.w aaww V-v.h '"Hn ill-. k thai C1.t..tik Oa.4 ..u hi a tnolhur anrf hm1hp ii Vnrt Vlim. " " ",D -'" oum Mtwrvj a vaaa k vi I -. PnMa allla I A ...- ! . u, .uiiiin ngniuiu uujr . oauenee. Serf C. Thomas Is attorney for the plaintiff. ath for tbe last week, left this morn ing for his home In Chlco, Cant, where he baa been engaged In the garage business for the last Ave years. Mr. Fordyce baa recently sold out bis business there, however, and will move to Arlxona. . MANY AT MERRILL MUTING Over 100 voters were reported to be present at the meeting held last night at Merrill by those who are op posing the recall of Judge Hanks. Sev eral carloads of people from here at tended the meeting. A meeting will be held tonight at Dairy and tomorrow at 2 o'clock at 1 Malta. A meeting will also be held at Port Klamath tbmorrow. ' Are you savtag for yourself alone of buylag War Basins Stamps and sav ing for yourself and your country t ' Goodyear, Michelin and Firestone lures Telford Brothers ; Garage The Newer Books In our Book Department will be found a large number of New Books of Fiction; also the more popular War Books. Among the latter ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Private Peat Over the Top A Flying Fighter The Great Push Gunner Depew My Four Years in Genuy i Under Fire The Big Fight The First Call The First Hsdrd Tkmui Fighting in Flanders Holding the Line Men's and Boys' New Spring Suits After reading elty store ads, con sulting price lists from various cata logs, and In any ether way familiar. Itlng yourself with present day prices a visit to our men's and boys' cloth. Ing department will be a most agree. able surprise. BOYS SUITS AT BB.SO, S8.50, StJM AND UP TO SfcSS The nine .eighty-five auits are in age from T to IB years are positive. ly ALL WOOL, and made right dawn to the minute style. Extra trousers to match these suits If you want them. v. Ssbfrio. $14.45 1. $27.50 lU A large range of atylos and patterns select from and values we do not believe you can duplicate elsewhere. WHICH ARE RIOHT IN QUALITY, RIGHT IN STYLE, AND ACTUALLY LOWER IN PRICE THAN YOU WILL EXPECT TO FIND THEM. Women's New Spring Coats. Suits, Skirts, nTBs-sm waists and UreitM TJ Sr is Jut Keep This Ok FictbMM Not Just a few but doit nt and dot- ns of them the latest, moil uo-ts. dste styles to be found In Eaittrn markets, and priced at lower marslni of profit thsn most stores atttmpt to handle these lines of mtrchandltt. No matter what garments you tt or what price you are asked for thtm, you will find a lower pries here for es ual quality, or a better article for the same money than you find tliewhirt. Regardlese of the wages you ma be receiving today, or the amount of money you may be making In eiceis of amounts you ever made before, It Is Just ss eseentlsl to save today as It over was. NO ONE CAN PROS PER WHO WASTES, and It Is a waste of money to pay more than whit you can buy here for. IW "WK mUY AND SffU. FO CASH: THAT WHY WC SKLL FOR LTSSM A . h NICEBROM hl-413-418 MAIN STREET KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON KlaMdi GSf Newt ee e)ee --- -4ee SHIFFINGTON &OTBS e . . w i -e. - If you wish to keep up-to-date on all war news and matters of National interest Real the Lkertrr Digest. Issued weekly. 10c a copy. We sell it War Mapp and .Service Flags Patriotic Stationery. Flag Seals. Etc. When in need of practical articles of usefulness for your "soldier boy" don't forget to visit us Tbe steamer Modoc la towing logs for the Algoma mill. M. R. Hats is prepares to place on the waya the large barge owned by J. Frank Adams. , . A large garden acreage will be planted In the northern suburbs this year. The water in the big Upper Lake la gradually falling, which indicates the approach of aummer. Tbe big burner at the Klamath Manufacturing company, Is again In commission after tbe grate bars have been inserted. , , Captain John Llnnman is driving logs on tbe Williamson River. Ho la using bis steamer, Mary Ellen, to aid la this work. SS. 1 War Saving Stamps earn Intoreul for you on Sundays snd holidays. DANCINO SCHOOL The second social of the dancing school will be hejd Mondsy, April 23, 9 p. m., at Moose hall. Ever) body welcome. t Mr. and Mrs. Klllendahl, S0-lt Instructors. Got standard Ire Inanranre) pol. Icy from Chlfcote, 8 0) Ladlse "Kemp-It" Outlna Wear new arriving at K. K. K. Store ISCt Wo guarantee our shot repairing. If you are net satisfied, bring It back. It BRADLEY SUPPLY CO. NOTICE Special communication Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. A. M. Monday, April .31. Work in the F. C. deicrce. A. R. M5AVITT, W. M. 10-It TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALK Seven foot hotel ranuo In good condition. I'bone 98J. 20-3 WANTED Woman cook for boarding hoiiro. Phone 98J. 20-31 FOR BALE Cheap, a pair of Reed ft- year-old draft horses, well broke. and true pullers. Address A. n. ('.. Herald. . 2o.2t SHOES . llAAVll I L-J WV KUMATH FALLSOFEGOH mS I I v WHet fAirricuLAj feofL fl I i ust i sjuy THfci oRua. anstassi- Now! Mr. Farmer Here is your chance to buy a Ford Car With TrfcM Plawiog ArUckmt ' Thej Pricej is Right :Comu41SmUi CEO. BIEHN, Agent 6378 Student White Lace est$4.50 A POPULAR LA3T IN WHITE REIGN CLOTH IN A LACE MODEL. OTHER QUEEN QUALITY SHOES IN WHITE, BOOTS, PUMPS AND OXFORDS, FROM . $3.00 to $12.50 WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR EXTENS IVE LINE OF FINE SHOES, J. F. Maguire Co. f-y m ::??'?t??ttt,tsse):::j;ivvve)s W W0'lJ. J, f- TV.,