is a' t7 L ih" IfA sv u life, ' &f' iC PAW TWO Br K. &;-. ...- :T-y THE EVENINO HERALD. KLAMATH Wu. OREGON ; The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor Fahttshsd dally oxceft Sunday fey ImM PubUshlng Couur of th Falls, at 111 Fourth street atersd at the postofnorat Kteaath ralk. Oregon, for transmission throat Ik stalls aa second-class matter. BubeeripUoa tent by all ta amy i la the United Btatosi M sta. SATURDAY, APRIL !M, 1818 Hcald's Classified Advs. I " as I I H I ff I Bun I I am SBa I gal April is Special Barf til Month for the HELP WANTED mwwwwwwwiww WANTED Pressman or prcssfceder. W. O. Smith Printing Co. 17-tf WANTED Heg: feeder. Shipping ton hotel. 18-3t FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms and housekeeping. 203 Mala at. 20-2t TOR RENT Ranch In Pot Valley, known aa the Hazen ranch. For de tail write Mrs. Ida M. Fink, Oxford Apt, No. 29, Berkeley. Calif. lC-Gt FOR RENT Pasture for several thousand head of stock In lower Klamath Marsh. See A. A. Mebaffey, 431 Mala at., Klamath Falls. 16-tf FOR SALE Evening Herald... The Herald will again this year offer a special rate u. ERSONAL MENTION umi tiDixMim on cocal wArmtot AhfOXS) HI rKOPUB C TUt CtW, AUD VtdKltT. OOnrcM AND COMINGS Of LOCAL VOLKS W. E. Fox from Dorrls, California, Is here. Fred Peterson from Merrill was In town yesterday. Victoria Prue of Mora, Washington Is rcglstcrcorat the Hotel Hall. Ernest Smith from Medford came In town yesterday. O. M. Engle of this city is regis tered At the Hotel Hall. A. J. Klein camo in last night from San Francisco on business. R. H. Conant Is "here for a short time from Portland. to yearly naid-la-advancc.'vlMt Mrs. subscriber. la order to cure advantage of thla spe cial rate payments must be made during the month of April. FINE CANARY BIRDS for sale cheap; single or in pairs. 22S 4th st 19-3 : FOR SALE Dodge car. In good con dition. J. E. Whitlatcb. Merrill. 18-6t FOR SALE G-room modern house, toilet and bath, sink, hot water beat la x tank: completely furnished, Includ ing piano. Price $2,250, on terms; will accept $2,000 cash if sold soon. R. R. Smith Realty Co. 15-8t FOR SALE OR TRADE Four log wheels, tires, boxes aand stub of axels; will make excellent fotff-horse truck for logging. Also house moving outflt, cpnsistlng of house-moving tracks with capacity of 45 tons, to gether with all cables. Jacks, blocks. etc., necessary. Ninth and Prospect streets. 20-6t LOST AND FOUND WMMMMMMMMAfVMMWMVMMArtMAMWM LOST On Sixth or Seventh street. leather handbag containing gold watch aad check with name of Mrs. Ella Grif fith. Finder return to Herald office and receive $5 reward. 19-5t LdflT One sorrel saddle horse, brand V oa right shoulder, two ban right stifle. Notify Tyron McKendree. ic-ct I MISCELLANEOUS BAMMWMMAMMMAMAMMMA FOR SALE Five room modern bunga low, well located; this U one of the most complete utue Domes in the city, Can sell on easy terms. FOR SALE Good timber claim at $1 per theusand: on main county road. J. T. WARD CO., 018 Mala Street ORPHEUS THEATER Orpheus Theater Presents Ruth Storehouse In "FOLLOW THK GIRL" In Five Parts. Also a Two-Reel L-Ko Comedy Spectal Rates ftr Om Year SitariptiMi AiVuce: Dally by Ball to sab scrthera la Klasa ath Coaaty Dally by carrier to subacribera la city of Klamath Falls. .$4.00 The rate by carrier la $1.08 bmm per year, aa It eotts 8 ceata per week to 'deliver the paper la the city. Do aot delay la renewing yoar subscriptions, as this rate only applies during; the month of April. Mall yoar check today. Evening Herald Oscar Bunch came Bertha Hill. last night to P. D. Shcltx of Mt. town esterday. Hebron was In Will Roberts of Fort Klamath wa. In town yesterday. from Will Fordncy, a merchant Lorelln, was In town yesterday. Fred Houston and 1L A. Mitchell went fishing at Chltoquln yesterday. Phillip Beck was among the train arrivals lost night from Portland. Mrs. B. V. Raauby has recently ar rived here. She Is employed la Mist Schneider's millinery store. Ira Orem. Marie Griffith and Fay West are planning to go to the Lost River dam tomorrow to go lahlag, Mrs. Inet Ray, who has been living at 6S6 Waahlagton. Mt for Chllequln today, where aha will live. Miss Wlaalfred nnd Marie Dolan are going out to 8prlngtake tonight to spend the weak' end. J. A. Luke of Beaton Is in Klamath Falls for a abort time. He Is regis tered at the White Pelican hotel. W. E. Lamm ot the Lamm mill at Modoc Point la registered at the White Pelican hetel: C. N. Wannacot ot Portland, who la assistant director ot the War Saving Stamp committee Is expected here soon. W. M. Bunch of Grants Pass aad Mrs. A. a White ot Weed, who were here for the funeral of Kenneth Hill, have returned home. H. E. Voae and wife are In town from Fort-Klaauth. Mrs. J. H. He. alg. Walter Dixon aad J. IL Smartt German Kill American YMX.A, Worn Worker W. B. Kirkland and W. J. McEner- from Fort Klamath are also hero. ney are In town from Dunsmulr. W. Meister was among the train ar rivals last night from San Francisco. H. from visit E. Wlnnard Lorella for arrived yesterday a short business rp Ask Chileete about the new lew cent life, accident and health policies ef the Travelers. II H OUSTOINT'C Metropolitan HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE A girls, SUNDAY AND MONDAY Wm. Fox Prettnta June Caprice In "MISS U. 8. A." thrilling, patriotic picture for boys, men and women and STAR THEATER Artcraft Pictures Corp. Presents Marguerite Clark In t "THK SEVEN SWANS" A picture that will atlr up memories of other days and maka you wish It would never end. Mr. Graham of the Anderson Lum ber company of Dorrls was In town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Baldwin are ex pected back from San Francisco to morrow. Mrs. Hunt of Worden, who has been here visiting, returned to her home this morning. Mrs. C. R. Zlna from Pelican Bay was in town visiting Mrs. J. C. Qoble last night. Qeotg 8parrento:n, a well known met hsnt of Bonanza, cam down yes terday to attend to bin Ineaa matters at the county neat. Kmser'i Vicegerent Living the United Statu C. T. Darley from Bonania wu la town yesterday. He reports that the pumping plant la' the Yoana district, for which he has the contract, la almost completed. ' John Kinney haa gone to Portland, where he will 'be employed In the ship building work. Mr. Kinney haa been lu the employ of the AlaemaXumbor company for the past few years. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sexton from the Miller Hill school are in town today. Mr. Sexton plana on buying a Ford, to enable him to carry oa his work among the Industrial claha of the county this suauaer. KSPIONAOI ACT ' INCLUD1S WOMEN WA8HINOTON. D. C. April 10. President Wllaoa has signed n Mil en- tending the provisions of the esptoa- age act to women. Thta reaulrss all women aliens to mister. OWMMMMWM kids, too. Music by Mrs. FlUpatrlck and Harry Boret &-$ Klamath Lodge No. 117, 1. 0. 0. F meets Friday nlgbt. H. F. Eiell, N. O., Nate Otterbeln, Secretary. wauna Encampment No. 46, 1. O. O, V., meets Tuesday night. W, A. 0. P., Nate Otterbeln Scribe. Sunday Jette L. Laakey Presents Wallace Raid In "NAN OP MUSIC MOUNTAIN" A thrilling modern Western drama TEMPLE THEATER Charles Prohman Presents Olive Tell and an all star east In "THI UNPORSBEN" a and a Qaeree Ovey Comedy dBaVHMBBBnaf' Jaaaa7BxaaV s aanBWBBassaV i f. sssaW 'AV?fe lBBBBBBBl 3 Baasaft"$wllBaBsssssl I i SxaTaTaTlSkBaTaTaTaT j aaaassFfv 'WaaaaaasnT 'A ' taTaBarirfaaaMgaTaBBBBsB r s 5w2aaSBBBVwa1aBBal h 4 'groBTajpBBFSBiSBBSSJ s i JBn';'1alssssl 8 1 vfiSaBBBal It 5 anasasW nkwUbXS'''Mnmnknr m At the Theaters 0t0wi0i0iAmw Mfttttfl V V A A Regular commualcatloaa ' Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F, M., second Monday of ask gaaath. A. R. Leavltt, W. M. w Xeieae ever got rich merely by bsvvmhj money. You must Invest It, ' A aeod way to laveet It la to hay War jaalagaand Thrift Sampa. - Sunday and Menday Paths Presents Baby Marls Osborne In "WHBN BABY FOR00T" "HEARST PATHS NEWS" Latest War Pictures, Current Events v ADMISSION TEN CENTS MERRILL OPERA HOUIE wmoH nexvum TVMBUn MM SATC1UUYS 4t!Stxft,'yiMMr' XT 'u.X2 OR. C. J. HEXAMCK, Of Dr. C, J. Hexamer, preildenfof the National German - American League, Kaiser Wilholm said, accord ing to LeQuex'a book, "German Spies In England": "Even now I rule supreme 4n the United fltates, where almost one-half of the population Is either of German birth or of German descent, land where 3,000,000, German voters do my bidding at the presidential elec tions. No American administration could remain In power against the will of the Gorman voters, who, thru that admirable organisation, the Qer man-American National League of the United States of America, control the destinies of the vaat republm he yond the sea. If man ever waa wor thy of a high decoration nt my bands It was Herr Dr. Hexamer, the presi dent of the league, wbo may Justly be termed to by, by my grace, the acting ruler of all the Germane In the Unit ed States." The fact that the kaiser considered Dr. Hexamer his vita reseat earn out In the saute jfdfclary committee's Investigation tf the alliance under June Caprice, the fascinating Fox star, is so respectably dressed thraout her latest" photoplay. "Mies V. 8. AV that her legion of admirers may aot at Brat recognise her. la every other picture In which she haa starred Juno has made at least one appearance In lags, but In "Miss U. 8. A." she for sakes them. Aa the" Utile Virginia girl whose whoje being throne with love of country June Is called upon to wear many costumes. All of them are pic turesque, anad needleaa to aay, the charming Fox star (a aUmrlag la every, one. nut her old time Mend; "rags - u strangely missing. At the-Orpheus Sunday and Monday. ' At the Star tonight Marguerite Clark will .appear la her very latest Paramount picture, "The Seven 8wans." ThU u MJss Clark's annual offering to klda of all ages, being nothing more or leas than n whim sical, fantastic fairy tale adapted from one of Hans Anderson's by Director J. Searle Dawley. Tat excellent east Includes William Danforth, Augusta Anderson, Dairy Belmore and hand some Richard Barthelmesa aa the Prince Charming. Baby Marie Osborne, the dlalau live star, who baa laid a pathway, ot goou cneer arouna the world, has nev. er before had such an opportnnlty for the portrayal of those delightful baby. hood stories as Is offered la "When Baby Forgot," prodoeed by Laaallda Films inc., and to bo a feature at the Temple Sunday aed ..Monday. Tab story Is by Harrlsh Ingraheat, the di rection by Eugene Moore. Both are famous. The combination assures a perfect production and a leUghtrei evening or eatertaiaxseaL Also Hearst Patbe News, latest war pictures aad current events. - The popular novel, "Haa 'of Maslo Mountain," by Frank H. Spearman, which recently appeared la Evry. body's Magaslne, has been limed by Director George MeKerd of ' Paramount and is to be shown at the Star tonight As will be remembered, this la one of the most vivid and thrUllag of mod- era Western dramas.' The east in cludes such well known players aa Theodore Roberts, Jamea Cruse, Ann sansssKrWH anBssKR'W"UVV tvVi BBaVIBHfhW''' iZ ft 1 Bammr:iaMunt tui,..v i c u X3asnaiJK5ri 4 f t lBsi .' BanSBBBBBBBT - ts V 'aatassssssssanaiw' BaCaSaftmnaTp'SNv laBaBssssssssKnssRy JH '' aassssssHafl'aWV''U BtBBBBBBBjIBWQjS, ISgaw v V tt laaBBBBBBBliT&luBvk. ' ' BBansBssaSMhUSlIv ' C MARTIN slSaVVviNOHA Miss Winona C. Martin, the Krst woman In the casuatty list of the T. M. C. A., died like a soldier. German air raiders killed bar In Paris while she waa on canteen duty for the Y. M. C. A. Miss Martla'a home was at Rockvllle Center, R. I. There are 100 women ot Miss Mar lias' type la the Y. M. C. A. canteen service In France. They are there be cause the American soldiers asked for them. They wanted women sent over who would be mothers aad sisters to them and keep them In mind of their mothers nnd sisters at homo. Like Miss Martin, they may pay the su preme price. Mea and women who aerva la the Y. M. C. A. march to no beat of drums. Tbey gala no Croix de Ouerre. They both go and die Ithout oateatalloa. Theme, "The Restoration of Lost Joy." fipwortu League ut T p, in, I. D. Whltmore, president. At the I o'clock service the Hun. Edwin Rawden, superintendent ot the Anti-Saloon League, will give uu ad dress on waHlino prohibition, Sub ject, "The Last Dig Drive." ' First Preshytarlsii Church, cornet Third and Pine streets, Itov, K. I', Lawrence, pastor. Hubtmtli school nt 10 u, in. Ilun. Kdwlit Ituwuim ot Puitlaml, I lie m(mIi HUierliitiimltnt of the Anll Saloon league, will nienk nt tint morn ing sonlcp nt II o'clock, on "The Uu! 111k Drle." Ho Ih n Htrong, forceful Hpenker, umi Iiiih ilonu vlcto lous work In Michigan fur twelvu year In helping thu ciiuno In that Htato. In the eeliliiK. nt 8 p. ill., the pantur will ieiik mi "Tim Htrong Young Mini," Hlmwlug wlml Uncle wi h doing for the holiller ho) mid what young men at home ought to he. We make a specialty ot fine shoe re pairing en ladles' colored shots. It BRADLKY SUPPLY CO. yWPAV1AMl 11 psssssaraaaaan. XJ.V S, aWA J3ff.fjllsaniT . I Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water i At the Churches The Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls, which Is a branch or gaalsatlon of The Mother Church, The first Church ot Christ Bcleatlsts, In Boston, Mass., holds services at ill South Fourth street, every Sun day morning nt 11 o'clock nad every Wednesday evening at S:00. All are welcome. The lesson subject for Sunday, April list. "Doctrine of Atonement." The Sunday achoot session Is fronf 9:41 to 10:41 every Sunday morning. Pupils are enrolled to the nge of SO. The free readlag room aad free leading library la open from I: SO to 4: SO on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Bible and nil suthor ised Christian Science literature may be road, borrowed or purchased. Regular church, Christian Endeavor, Sunday school aad prayer meeting ser vices will he held at usual at the First Christian church. St. Paul'a Episcopal Mission Li brary hall, coraar Third 'nnd Mala streets. Sunday school. 10:10 a. ra. Yeur'eo-operatloa la our mission of avaageltsm and service cordially wel comed. Church of the Sacred Heart, corner of Eighth aad Jilga, streets. Rev. Hugh Marshall, pastor. First Mass at S:I0 a. my Second; Mass at 10:10 V m. Evening services at 7 o'clock. Eleventh Street Baptist church Rev. W. H. Cox, pastor. Tstepheue ICC neeMeaee. SS5 Teeth street. Sunday school at 10 a. ra.. Miss P.1 D. Owen superintendent. Preachlag' aervlee, subject "Our Guide," at 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. will meet at 7:00 p. m. Mrs. C. B. Murphy president. Preeeblag aervlee, subject, "Jesus the Light efthe World," at I p. m. Wedaesday- night, Prayer service aad Bible' Study. Subject, Book of Telle why everyone should drink J hot watsr eaeh I before breakfast, Why Is man nnd woman, half tlio tlmo, fooling nertouM, despondent, worried; some day headachy, dull and unstrung; hoiuo day reully Itica pacltalcd by Illness. If wo would all practice limldn-huth. Ing, what u gratifying chnngn would take place. Instead of thounniide of half-tick, anaomlc-looklng houIs with pasty, muddy complexion wo should see crowd of huppy, healthy, rosy cheeked people everywhere, Tlio rea son Is that thu human ytom doe not rid Itself each day of all tlio watto which H accumulates under our pre, ent raodo of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the y- tem nearly an ounce of wtuto material mutt he carried out, clae It ferments and form ptomalne-llka poisons which are absorbed Into the Idood. Juit a necessary a It I to clean the ashes from the furnace each day before the flrfe will burn bnght and hot, so we muHt each morning clear the Insldo organs of the previous day' accumulation of Indigestible watte and body toxin. Men and women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a lea spoonful ot limestone phosphate In It, as a harmless menns of washing out of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the Indigestible material, waste, tour bile and toxin; thu cleaning, sweetening nnd purlf)lng the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the Moniach. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks. acid stomach, nervous days and sleep less ulghts have become real cranks about the morning Inside bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate win not cost much at. the drug store, but Is sufficient to demonstrate to any one Its cleansing, sweetening and freshening effect upon the system.-Ad Early Bird fa . fejSE)' vor-i '- i$ You Will Sin, With Joy When )oii n, ii,,, Mn - nml Summer iiegK .i.lru,! l-ninuiK, k,. nre IHillenis, mill iHiahle. prli " wy rtss. K. Sugarroai "Thu First American Lift Ituvtut Co." lueMlgnti thu new 1H pa. Irle of The Mutusl Lift ef N. Y,iluV Ing better. Geo c. Uirkh, ebtrict limiliiKur, UHH'U liter I Irtt 8Ut( suir. SOCIALISTS AND SVMPATHIIU Wilte In the name of J, w, TyrttlM the Imllut at the iiimlng recall tltttks for County Jtnlite. MRS. MAUDK ZINK. l-8t C.r .See bK-sl Kwtiaa. SAGE-TEADAHDY- 10 DARKEN 1 IT'N'H RKCTKTO IIIIINO HACK CUIiOlt AXB Lt Till: TO HAIR You ran turn gray, fadta bilrbtu tlfully dark and lustrous almost cw night If you'll get a SO-ctnt bottleof "Wyeth's Sage and 'fiulphtr Ota pound" nt any drug i.tore. MUlltai of hnttlea of tills old famous SsmTm lteclie, Improved hy the addltloa el ether Ingredients, are sold sniullf, say a well known druggist hr, b caune It darken tlio hair so Mtsh ally and evenly that noonecuttUb hits been applied. Those whoso hair Is turalti tnv or becoming fsded have a saryrw awaiting them, because after oat tr two application the gray hair nt Ishe and your lock becoms Itnrt antly dark nnd beautiful. This is the age of youth. Oity hnlred, unattractive folks srtst mat ed around, so get busy with WjrcM Sage and Sulphur Compousd tstlsM snd you'll be dollghted wlU fl dark, handsome hair and yoar rstUV ful appearanro within a ftw esys, This preparation Is a toilet mka and Is not Intended for the curt, aht gallon or prevention of dltessi.-iiv "' llBJBaassssaHsssssssssssssssssssssssssssad " "lasBaWKasBaaTaaBnaaBnafdBaaana ,-iasBanssMalsssssssaalaassssssssssss BBBanaaanMHBBlTjlHBaBanBBaHj Hebrews, S o'clock. (ho resolution rt .Senator WUIlasi H. Uttlej Raymoad Hattsa, Rary WeeaV KiagofUUh. ward aad othars. , ('l:" Yon'are.very cordially invited to be present at Usee meeUngs. They are for ytoa. , ' There will be no Lutheran services held at the Baalist ehureh. enrnr nf RtgaU'aad Washington streets, since Rav, m. C. Raasmaa has gone to Port land to attend a ministerial confer-eace. , fusday aehoal, however, will be p. avvadsr the direction of MK O. Mtrlm. Servlees will he held on Sunday, April Slth at 7:10 p. m. The Church of the' Cordial Welcome (Metbodltt'liplscopal). G;,0. Ollvsr, A, M B. D pastor; resMsaoe mi East street. Phone ml Sunday school at IV a. m., B. M. OaHosjbjv oaperiatendeat. service at ll:00 a. m. THE NEW CLAREMONT THK HUN8HINK HOMK Under the management of Dr. KlUa A. Ingalla (graduate of University of Michigan Medical) will Uke n limited number H patlenU, or tliose Buffering from nervous ailment or ruaooti couditlgua, or otlier Ulneas. No contagions diseases received. 808 VOU11TH STREET KliAMATH FAW e asssaasra UBBBBBBBBBRBBBsSBBsBBBsBE I S Mala and Seveath DR. Phoae'lll CLAYTON & WHEELER PHYSICIAN aad SLHGKON ' Splaal Treatment Spwlalltt In chronic dsesses. Examination and coniulUl J Largest X-Ray laboratory lu Southern Oregon. Mtett W appliances that are now used In the curing of dlsssse. WN ' f;- ' V si.f ," "Ml ' A jj'Wi. JJ tr.i-ti' I i 'l J.