' .,- I' r.e . -'. Z .,, . Y-CWW 1 -s$f8 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER h5 official NiwtPAnn OF KLAMATH FALLi' it K OF KLAMATH COUNTY .J Twilfth Year No. n,WM OFFENS VEMie Smoin K PUfPKCn FOR NEW MILL BONDS. REPORT AFTER HARD MITIIH LINES BENT, BUT BY NO MEANS BROKEN DRIVE DE CLARED IN IMMINENT DANGER OP UTTER FAILURE (OM UTTER ORDEAL ALONG ELEV. IN MILE SECTOR YESTERDAY WITH FLYING COLORS lljr Associated Prim Allho thj) (Icrnian thrust launched but week against Iho lirltlsh Unci from Glvenchy to Yprea baa bent back lit British 'front badly In the entire ires, the offensive here stands checked today, and in Imminent danger of utter failure, ao far aa larger results nlmed at are concerned. The troop of General HalK met one of the severest teata yet put upon them yesterday by withstanding the German effort to broaden the aallent, and they cam thru the ordeal with flying From Glvenchy to fllvennnt, an elev en mile lector, the German troopa were hurled agalnat the DritUh In graat masses, In an attempt lo break thru behind Rethuno and compel the flritlah to fall back. The defensive line held, however, and the Ilrltlah line la now declared to be more secure than It haa been for lays. Further desperate effort on the part of the Huna are expected, aa their po-' sltions are now too exposed to the rak ing gunflre In a narrow aallent. to rent lo comfort. NEW RATES ON CANNED GOODS TO CANADA WASHINGTON, D. C. April 19. The Interstate Commerce Commlaalon hu, tentatively approved the filing of Wjfates on canned goods from Ore tea, Washington and Idaho polnta in carload ablpmrata to varloua deallna Uoni In Manitoba and Ontario. OYS TO AID RIO CROSt In order to aid the Red Croaa, boya from the manual training department at the Central achool will reaeat cane bottom chain for 60 centa. Anyone taking the work done ahould tele Phone or call at the Central achool. THOMAS CASK DISMISSED CHICAGO, April IS. The charge ttlnit Profeaaor William Thomaa and Mrs. R. m. Granger haa been dismiss d. The judge ruled that the fact that hey were found In a hotel room to Xther did not eonatltuta dlaorderly conduct ENGAG'M'NT Prospects Good For Local Representative Proanecta .are good that Ipamath Uouity guy luYa fta.rafrMMU. Mva lg the ligUlatura'tty yMtwp I the three m rupjrtsoViw (rem Wita Ceusty. Jsypten ef jrj e M waa Intending to run for repre "Native alto, bat lot hi paper tied MAN WHO WILL INSTALL NEW SAW MILL IN LANQELL VALLEY HERE MAKING ARRANQEMENT8 FOR OETTINQ MACHINERY Hawmill machinery fur llu lliiniiilti.r mill on Ilryant mountnln has arrived, and the proprietor. Clark llamakur. la now In town making Mrrangementa for hauling It lo Iho new location. It la expected that most of thin work will be done with auto truck. A large belt of fine timber awalta cutting on the rant and north slopes of thin big mountain In l.angi'11 Valley, IIiIm being the Aral mill to operato In that locality. HIGH SCHOOL BALL .GAME ON TODAY The flenlor claps nt the high school are playing the team picked from the Freshmen, Hophomnro and Junior classes at Ihn ball part thin afternoon. (Ireat Intercut la being manifested In the game, which promises to be hot, aa fourteen freshmen have been detailed to carry water. Thoen who will play on the Senior ram are: Cecil Adam, Ilermle Fox ier. Carl Newbury, Glenn Parker, Karl Humphrey, John McAndrews, Ernest Nltachelm, Howard Orem and George Klgga or Tom Delsell. Thoe on the Kreebman. Sophomore and Junior team are: ' Carl Adam, Cecil Clendennlng, Martin Ramaby, Wayne Beach. "Rook" McCullom, Er- nle Miller, l Keller, W. Dennett and "Spud" Markwardl or Htan HaJIcek. OONE TO ASTORIA Fred L. Applegate, from Algoma, haa left here to work In the ablpyarda In Astoria, and In thl way to help win the war. HI wife and sons will ac company him a far a Medford, where they will vllt Mr. Applegate'a moth er. After her daughter, who are at tending Hchool here, finish their chool work, they will go to Mod ford, and then the family ill Join Mr. Applegate nt Aatoria. FUNERAL HELD TODAY The funeral of Kenneth Hill, who died Wednesday of acute Krlght'H dis ease, waa held today at 2 o'clock nt the Whltlock undertaking parlor. HOMESTEADS ARE GRANTED Homesteads were granted esterday lo Benjamin Wright, an Indian, and to Marie E. Boyce. Mr. Wright wait granted 160 acre In the Klamath re ervatlon, while Marie Uoyco waa grant cd 1(0 acre near Crescent. FOURTH LIBERTY 4 LOAN IS PLANNED WASHINGTON, D. C, April 18. Flrat preparations for' the O fourth Liberty Ioan next Octo- ber are now being made. It baa been aucceated that pasteboard" buttona be uaed in order to aave O celluloid and ateel uaed in thoae heretofore. too Jate. owing to a delay on hla recent Lake Couaty trip. - " - 'The three sen ruining Besses O.'IUfdldc of XedsoM, Geo. M.tMer .au nt Klamath .rails., aid J. 0. Kastskerefioaaau. The above me- tloned men are on tne repueucaa ticket. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1918 ' THIS AMOUNT NO CONTRADIC TION TO EARLIER STATEMENTS OF FUNDS, BUT ARE OFFICIAL REPORTS AS SUBSCRIPTIONS COME IN Over $2ur.,7U0 In Liberty Loan sub scription I ufllclally reported by the bank, with four days' returns from the Liberty 1-oan headquarters not yet turned In, and other subscription com ing In dally. Of this amount jnO.OOO has been subscribed by tho Indiana, moat of whose aubHcripllona aro over f 1,000 each, and rango to 16.000. The total amount subscribed differs from Ihnt reported at Liberty Loan headquarters, in that the reports are not considered official until they go thru tho banks. Thl I done by order of the government, which aska that further reports should not be given out at Liberty Loan headquarters, but thru the banks Instead. These figures do not Indicate that the earlier sub scription amount reported waa Incor tret, but that all the reports have not ct been thru the banks. , I ) iHTnmf II 1 I .SSStw"' i , , MrW'"'"''WMf?mBl.r5. iKf-Zt. W m?W 'v'hWWJmMm '' " I . .4MbV '.Jg-&cm?ZgMr& 11 4namf3amnsamnX. LZ-&SLMrTidmMm Z SSjLaam7TJBJ TST SsSaaw jffsr ?sSB(WEHSsBmW SMaasajjaBH BramWammV V ' tTht) Third Liberty Loan, it our share in the winning of this war. ' Upon it depends the safety and success of five hundred thousand American soldiers in France. Lend Him a Hand Buy All the Bonds You Can 14 V ThU MINES II M GOMD FORCES TO BE RAISED TO 8EV-ENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND SENT TO FRANCE AT EARLY DATE, ACCORDING TO PLANS WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10. The house naval affairs committee haa agreed to Increase tho Marine Corps to 75,000 men, and to provide for a major general of marlnea to accompa ny them to the French front TWO MORI INDUCTED Word baa been received by the local exemption board, asking that two more men be sent to Fort McDowell on May let. The earlier message which waa received aehed that three be aeat at that time. Thoae In addition to the others al ready notified to appear are: Domlnlk Vergea of Summer Lake, Oscar Brick son of Marshneld. Satmatlo Mavis of Aberdeen, and Brraen Oeldl Plerobon of Algoma. COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Mrs. C. L. Burnett, accompanied by attendants, waa taken to the asylum at Salem this morning. Tmid fmr mnd CbhtrikuUd by SEEHORN WOOD COM ANY $2500 QUOTA mmm REMFF FOND ALTHO CAMPAIGN HAS BEEN ON HERE TWO DAYS, NO CONTRIBU TIONS AS YET RECEIVED TO AID SUFFBRINO AND STARVING PEOPLES Altbo for the paat two daya the cam paign to raise funds for the starving Armtnlana haa been carried on here, In a aulet way, there have been no results as yet, reports Captain Siemens, who ia In charge of the fund for Klamath County. Captain Siemens received a letter yesterday from the Oregon secretary, stating that the quota for Klamath Falls la IS.C00, and aaylng that he la hopeful that Klamath Falla will suc ceed In this campaign as It haa In the Liberty Loan campaign and Y. M. C. A. drive. With an estimate of 1,200 people In the county, it would mean only 20 cents apiece, If each one would do hla share, according to Captain Siemens, and 17 centa a day will save a life, or 13 will support an Armenian child for a month. Contributions should be made at the First 8tate and 8avlngs bank. s a e .a o, Mp in Stattmtnt No. I, Isiutd presumably by he rell committee, haa bean dla tributed broadcast ever the county, and .digested by the voters,, but has proven rather ef a boomerang to the cause It waa Intendtd to further. No ens yet has bean found to claim or ad' mlt authorahlp of thla political abor tlon, and whether any attempt will be made to prosecute thoae who thua vio lated the Corrupt Practice law, In their animosity agalnat Judge Hanki, Is not known. ' As this statement was numbered 1, It was presumed that it would be fol lowed by Statement No. 8, but to date no furaher anonymoua printed attaska no further anonymous printed attacks ered. If any eueh haa been Issued It Is being circulated mere secretely than the first edition. The fact Is, the recall campaign la falling flat, aa people are beginning to Investigate the etorlea that have been teld thruout the county In an attempt to Injure the present court The utter failure ef the management opposing Judge Hanks te present any argument that will stand public scrutiny, has stirred the resentment of many who had permitted themselves te be per. suaded Into Joining the movement thru representatleno made te them, which they have since found to be false. It ie hard far the frlende ef the re call te explain te the honest voter who Is leaking for facts, why the recall committee wae unwilling te ge before the people In an honest, straightfor ward manner thru the public press and present their reasons why Judge Hanks eheuld be removed from office, and then, Just en the eve ef election, resort to the contemptible and under hand methede ef attacking Judge Hanks tJtrw.the distribution ef anen ymeuegftlelea, thus violating a law which the very seeale they hope te In- mence, by their' votes, placed en the statute books. 'Sucfc'aesmpalgn cannot but'dlsgwet the thinking people ef the county, and reports are coming In by the hundreds ef a change ef sentiment, und people who were ef a different canton last week, are new determined te ehew by their votes that they energetically dis approve ef such methods. It is practically an admittance of de feat when the recallara have almost been forced to abandon their argu- mente on tho court house location. You dent hear thla subject msntloned to people who know tho facta, as they realise that they have no argument They cannot deny that the present county court Is saving the people over' 9180,600, so they have switched ever te the road question, and are abusing Judge Hanks for net spending mere money on tho reads ef the county. They do net tell the people that the eeunty court haa placed all future road work on a strictly business basis, wrtn a competent and energetic engineer aa head, who is now busy planning a com prehensive eystem ef permanent read Improvement for tho entire county. They say nothing about the work that haa been going on elnce early spring at the reek crusher and the macadamis ing ef tho Merrill road, the wonderful Improvement already made at Modoo Point, the plans for tho Improvement of the Olene hlghwsy, and surveys now under way and read surfacing planned In other parte ef the country districts, or the Keno road, which has been re built The county court cannot reach every section of road In the county In one or two years, and they cannot do it under Mr. Bunnell or any other man that might be put In as county Judge. When anyone talks recall to you, Just Insist on facts, and ask the party how much taxes he pays. Reduction ot Reserve ThPt n bill for the reduction of the area of the uatlocnl bird reserve n-' eluding, .territory In KlaXMtfc Couaty. Oref.ni, nud t?,tk;ou Ceustr, .CaUfoiv lis, u viw up jar ewujswijpu. oeiore the, f&m lend' coswftfM' t, Whs iagtea, is aews'Just jreeeiyediia awire m teaater Charted OftKary. who asks the attitude of the people here be fore laklsg action in the natter. Price Plile Cent) ATTACK ON GIVENCHY REPULSED YESTERDAY ITALIANS WILL AID FORCES OP ALLIES IN FRANCE DECLARED THAT HELP HAS ALREADY AR RIVED CITY OF RH.EIMS UNDER BOM. BARDMENT OF ENBMY FOR MORE THAN WEEK NOW HEAP'' ' OP RUINS 100,000 SHELLS FIRED ROME, April 19. Premier Orlando has announced that tho Italiaa troops nre to reinforce the hard prssnd troops on the battle fronts of Fraaee. The announcement made la the ohim ber of deputies today waa greeted with a storm of applause. WASHINGTON, D. C, April II. The Italian embassy haa aaaauaiid that Italian regiments are already hi nance, and form a right wing of the allied armies. LONDON, April 19. The'Oer wer.repuscd yesterday .In. a number or sttacks made around Olveaehy. Af ter suffering heavy losses, .they had se cured only limited footing on. one or two polnta of mora advanced British defenses. There la no change w the situation of tho entire front ' Several attacks on the British lines in the northern part of the Lys area south of Kemmel were repulsed last night, and the field Is comparatively i quiet this morning, except .for the ar tillery. Six different German divisions were engaged In the Olvenchy-Stve-nant sector. The British captured a few prison era and some machine guns In minor enterprises during laat night. WITH THE BRITISH ARMY. April 19. The British have aucceeded In re-establishing their line to, the west of Robocq and have recaptured tho Rlex Du Vinage farm. Tho enemy I now bombarding tho Kemmel hill, preparatory to fresh as saults today. Exhausted by the failure of yesterday's attests around Olvenchy and the Labasse 'fronts, the Germans spent a quiet night PAR18, April 19. The city of RhleniB has now been afire for mora than a week, and la pow nothing but a great pile of ruins. It is declared that the Germane have fired more than 100,000 shells Into the heart of the city. LANDS WITHDRAWN FROM ENTRY Notice has been received at tho county clerk's office that five sections of land, two townships north of here, have been withdrawn from entry for the Klamath reclamation project Bird Considered As this move was reported recently endorsed by the Business Mea elation here, be wssfsdvise Ue4.tott(,,r.-)rJ effect:. The fsdttsjtwjr !.WkSJ fee ceaWre viU s)m tf- ammmmmmmmnkdhmmurnVn' ' M 'deve.losment YjnwMgraM'i 118 pew aeiag rssssusssu ih w Klamath Lake asaralsa'ST 1 ::... ... .uT7-! j; .iirs:zL. i2.itri Ing over the Klsmatb 'Strait OT- rn, J .".TWM. n ' n7Wl I- VK.Kt i - " m mm; p m- , -. ) r vY7.i M " itVS. "Jiryi K jrfrWW