. f Vi 'i tf.1 . i1 Wcf? inmhm Hrrald f. tH rt' To ' ,H AMICIAL N1WIPAPBR !4 'V Hi OFFICIAL NIWIPAPIlt OF KLAMATH .FALLt" OF KLAMATH COUNTY t TS? 1 Twelfth Vmp No. ,1MI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, IMS Price Five CenW tt ENEMY IS AGAIN BROUGHT TO STANl . . "" - " ,., ,.,.l.l.l.inninnaa.inn)W.uvu1J1 v , yurXIINIFKSlLIIIIT IZIl'ilK DEW PIMSOF nflSITlflHJLv' HAIG'S LINE IS HOLDING DAY OVER II WEST FRONT ALL GROUND LOST YESTERDAY RIOAINED LATER IV COUNTErj ATTACKS INIMV NOW STRIK. INQ AT POINT FURTHER SOUTH UNMANS ONLY THREE MILES FROM RAILROAD JUNCTION AT ETHUNB FRENCH FORCES NOW REFORTBO IN NORTHERN SECTOR Summary ky Aeeeclated Preee General Haig reports the llnt-n to day to be InUct u they Milled ye In direct violation of tho corrupt praetlco law, clrcula-o hav boon dis tributed thruout tho city today and to tho votora of tho county, urging tho recall of County Judge Hanka. Appar ontly no ono was found who would wll. Ilngly oubtcrlbo hit name to tho vlclouo attack on Judge Hanko, ao tho thouoanda of clrculara woro aant broadcast without a father. Wa do net believe that Mr. Bunnell, tho eppe allien candidate to Judae Hanko. la responsible for tho distribution of thle circular, and we very eerlouely doubt if ho even had a knowledge of the mutter contained therein. But eome one lo responsible, and that party er liartlea are liable to tho ponaltlea Im posed by the Corrupt Practice Act It It quite generally known that At. tornoy B. L. Elliott and Will T. Loo j are the most active partite In manag ing the campaign agalnat Judge Hanka, yet ono would hardly expect a lawyer to be Ignorant of tho provlelono of such an Important meaoure aa the Corrupt Practice law. These laat minute anonymous at tacks on a candidate are a rolls of tho daya of corrupt politico. They used to work In the daya past, but the pa plo are too well pootod In publlo af. falra In thle ago to bo buncoed by ouch methods. Tho oppononto of Judge Hanka wort given an opportunity It present their argii'mgnta thru tho He.'. aid without any coot te them. It waa net tho Intention of tho Herald to Uka any part lrrtriieaM, but, wo did believe that the votera and readtra of the Herald were entitled to have I1M VACATION FLAG ARRIVES The Honor flag won by Klam- ath County for Km record In the ORGANIZATION WHICH PERFORM. ED VALUABLE AND FAITHFUL SERVICE IN SINQINB LAST WBBK, GETS BREATHING SPELL Tbe members of tbo Liberty Loaa Chorus, who won ao faithful to tbeir strenuous dutlea tut week, and wboaa efforts proved such a sabetaatlal addi tion to tho success of tho meetings bold In different parts of tho county, are being riven a breathing spell this week, and will bo prepared to appear at further meeting scheduled later In tho campaign. Tbe members of this cTForu are all actively encaged In various lines of business daring the day, and the strain of riding forty to eighty mtlea In the ocuntry after a Third Liberty.' Loan drive, ban been received' by Captain Chariot J. Ferguson, and la on display In the show window of the Golden Itule store. Captain Ferguson announce that It will be flung from the cetahty flagpole by tbe court house si a later date, wben e) suitable 'tardjnonies . have been arranged fofTthe occasion. 3L ' APPOINTED MINISTER Or? AUSTRIA-HUNGARY AhtBTEHDA; April 18, Baron Dorian has heat appointed tbe Austro- Hungarian foreign minister, to suc ceed Cternln. Be held tbe same posi tion before Csernlfe mm AND mm E PLACED MACHINE GUNS AROUND IT AND FIRED UPON -WOMEN AND CHILOREN BECAUSE RE SISTED ARMY REQUISITION FOR FUNDS MOSCOW, April 18. Because tbe peasants In the village of Novoselkl In Mohlllve resisted the armed requisi tion of money by the German troops and killed an officer, tbe Germans burned tbe village. They placed ma chine guns around It and fired upon day's work, to hppeer on a program, nearly every night for a week, Is no the Inhabitants, Including women and aoft Job. It la 'believed that a great .children, and killed many, deal of credit at' due to tho patriotic) The Russian minister of foreign af members of theochorus for their loyal! fairs protested to Germany against the efforts. F atrocity. i lerday morning. No ground was lost ' presented to them In a public yesterday eicept what was later cap.(roBn J hta ff,r ,j,. . .. ,. ted by both sldee there would have tared by counter attacks. J0 ,eMty for , bH uktrl Tho Germans are now turning their' any part In tho matter, but we are do attention to tho southwesterly sector termlned to have the question die of the Lye battlefield, and have com-' eussed, even If we have to do It our nenced a heavy bombardment bo- ((f, tween lxcon and Rebeoq. It Is now I t , apparent that the Instigators of evident that the enemy will try to tnla recall know they have no sound widen the southern side of the wedge argument to preaent to Intelligent poo- la tbe flrltlsh lines In Locon. Tho Qermana are now only miles north of the Important railway center at Detbune. WITH THE! BRITISH ARMY. April H. The Germans brought up fresh divisions for the hard thrusts which they made yesterday. Allho tho Bril- pie. and their only hope Is that by tho three distribution of such scurrilous atUcka and misstatement of facta, to Influence enough votera who havent had the op portunity or time to Investigate tho actual facta. Wo mlajudga the votera of Klamath County If they do net de clalvely resent the Imputation by the leaders of the recall that they can be n were unable to hold Wytschaetn made dupee of In thla manner. w vj ' ' y rec"l',urc,, I Why de theee people wait until Just by brilliant counter attacka, they beat a f(w daya before election to spread off the enemy at all other points, and these misstatements of facta? Why maintained their entire line thruout do they go about the country and ao tt D,h, eretly attempt to Influence the votera by false atorlss Intended to arouse LONDON, April IS. The Oermana their prejudice or animosity? There ncceeded In pressing the British lino can be only one reason, and that la hack slightly on the southoast of the 'that Ihey have no real, aeund argu Kemmel Hill, but counter attacka byimants to present. They know that the Istter restored the situation. There the County Court hae done Juat what m no change In the1 British front jt premised te do. It has re-establish-during the night. , ad the credit of the county and placed Three attacka by the enemy In the t en a aeund financial basis. They willeul sector were repulsed by tbe know that under Judge Hanka the pee Brtt'h. I p, are getting too eenta worth for ev- apw dollar aaant. Thsv knew that the WITH TUB AMERICAN ARMY, p.eple will be eaved 180,600 by tho -vmi o. m me uorraine aector me construction of a new court house en Americana now control "No Man's" wad. They make nlchtlv visits to the the old ,alte, and that Judge Hanka la going to aave the people that amount enemy's entanglements without ro- 0f money even ehould It Injure a few stance, and are preparing a set of individual property ownera around the nap for future use. I Hot Springs alto. They know that county affaire are at last being con. uitawa, April IS. A Renter dls-' dueled on a etrletly bualneaa basis, Picn saya tbe French are heavily on-(nd that Judge Hanks la not open te sa in action on (he northern battlo area. (Continued on page ) Airplaine Material Is Turned Out Rapidly ' I Vv 'oitUlb, Attil 11,-eloiel (toggia oprtlour. U'sewsre4uelsi - Mtneaj eBeBBwIoeaBfarSB wjatsaVw 1MB HVW in) eii m-w -ar- -r-w culup plant at Vancouver. Wash., due dally. This material la shipped else to imprord methods and accelerated where for manufacture, ..-LiiXMmm. - . : VaiaVaBaBaBaBaBanLL - jaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm .alnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBii'i. .JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,. agBjBififaffflfflfflfflfflfflffl WaafJjaBaPxBBBBHEBEfEfE . i 4 BaBBnaWWBBBBBBBBBaB KBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBeSBB BBaBaBaBaBakfBafaaBaBaBMHaa BBBBBBBBBaflaBBBBBBJCsflBBBBBfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk Worth Fighting For SHALL this little girl grow up in the sort of American home, we know, healthy and happy? Shall she have the advantage of living and learning in a free land, under free in stitutions ? ' Shall such children develop into the Liberty-loving citizens that a free America may be proud of? Let Your Answer Be Your Investment in ; UBERTY BONDS! j TWS SPACE PAW FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY ' V: ' J. f. MAGUlftE CO, INC, "KUautlVs Usdinr 1Mrtt fn I M'.S mm IM DnPMIiJ ANNOUNCED W BELGIUM i; rsB mw vrta)srV ' ii i nil 1 1 n i ii 1 1 DUMDMbm : YESTERDifiY f POLLS TO BE OPEN FROM B A. M. ft TO S P. M. FOR RECALL EL EC TION PRECINCTS DIFFER FROM BOUNDARIES OF CITY YARDS Tbe voting places for the recall elec tion to be held on Monday will be open between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. at tbe different voting places thru out tbe city and country. Tbe voting places In tbe city for the different precincts and the territory kteladed In the precincts are aa fol fel fol eows: Precinct One Including the people on the west aide of tbe river and up to Center street on this side, vote at Bank Exchange building, near Bald win hotel. Precinct Two Center street to Third street, vote In Houston building. Precinct Three From Third to Fifth atroet, vote at court house. Preebtet roar From Fifth to Sev enth 'etrecta, vote between Fifth aid Seventh on Maw atroet. Freeteet Uto' feventh to -Ninth StrMv YDttVyftMMPe WtWYVH eWTBtll and Ninth. Precinct Six Nlnh, to Eleventh streets, vote at Bueslng & Bennett's real estate oBce. Tdeclnct Seven Eleventh east to city limits, vote at Jackson building, near White Pelican hotel. Precinct Elglit West of cemetery and north of government canal to North Klamath Falls, ote at corner of Falrvtew grocery. Precinct Nine East of railroad track to Mills Addition, vote at Mills Addition hall. Precinct Ten Shipplngton, vo'te al Parker building. These precincts do not conform with tbe boundaries of the city, wards. If In need of Information, County Clerk DeLap suggests that you telephone to bta office. ATTACKS EXTEND TO YSER DIS TRICT FIRST SUCCESSES OP ENEMY BALANCED BY LATER COUNTER ATTACKS ELEVEN BIO BRITISH STEAMERS LOST LAST WEEK BY SUBMA RINES AGAINST FOUR DURIPfB PREVIOUS WEEK -r('H: "n I -vl A l WITH THE BRITISH ARMY. AbtM.Vi ,OI 18. The German attack" yesterday ea h tended to the Yser region, new In the hmnAm tf taa Tt14ana ThA flavnaaut r-.-- .rvr r . . T7T ,SI Verrlmsai-eBt,--aaAweataveBjniXa- -r-back after flghtlng all day. The Ger mans took 600 prisoners,-ineradlng oOcera from fonr different Vrlsloaa. f Ily Aseoetated Preen. k The positions of Langemarck, Pass- cbendaele, Poetcahelle, which Berlin now reports In the hands' of the Ger mans, were scenes of the most dee penile fighting In tbe British advance last summer, when they gained the Messines ridge. How large the French forces an that have come to pelp tbe British hae not been disclosed. The submarines have sank eleven; Brittith vessels of over 1,600 tone laat week, while only four were loot the) week previous. ELKS TO HAVE DANCE OPPOSERS OF ELECTION MEET AT POE VALLEY A meeting of those who are open ing tbe recall of Judge Hanka met laat night nt the school house In South Peel Valley, and reported quite unsuccess ful meeting. Speeches were ghen by C. R. De Lap, George Cbastaln and C. F. Stone. Those present were C. R. DeLap, Geo. Cbastaln, Frank Ward, Burt Palm, C. F. Stone, W. K. 8eehorn, Doc Powell and Judge Hanks, Another meeting will be held to night at Lorella. The Elks will give a dance in their building on tbe corner of Third and Main tomorrow night All BUts and their friends are invited to attend. COUPLE MARRIED LAST NIOHT !.le Vomer Gordon and Bertha F Spencer wvre united in marriage laat night at the home of Cbaa. F. DeLip. The bride and bridegroom are both from Warden. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. J. B. Griffith. Mr, Daniel I.. Goidon and Miss Eitreh M. nderson nrted aa witnesses. JUDGE BALDWIN RECOVERS Judge George T. Baldwin, who haa been quite seriously ill for several days at his home here, haa so far re covered as lo be able to leave on the train today for California points, where It is expected that tbe change of ultitude and climate will be of ben efit to blm. LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS PASS BILLION MARK . WASHINGTON, D. C, April 18. The loan subscription now totals 11.059.000,000. i . 'A 4 At; :v' w A, v i . &.,a.i4.--. ' ' l .A'ii:AjK't CONDON,' April If-eWrtoUJUrt receive, memrmmimrmm , anti-eonaeripUon meeUng at . Belfaai Vons. partlclpaW 1a:rrhmiMjiS. - v yesterday, according to a dUpatch' which wRs'calleif by the-les iBflfW, Conscription In Ireland Unwelcome . ft o"ns, partlclprtW $Wmmm Mitch1 which wasWbrtnoiblSflS.. V& fw ' "fit iA tJ.4