,-4 &.'".; K OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .. Jf 2' 13 OFFICIAL NSWIPAm OF KLAMATH. COUNTY Of JtXAMATHT ' J " - ' aMBHga',,8gMaBaa"aBaBBnUBBBnBn Twelfth Year No.,HM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1918 k YPRES NOW SERIOUS Me CtflU 4 , ' J 7 r-9 p-. ,$ DANGER IS IN WEST FRONTjM CONSIDERED VERY GRAVE IRI1IIH POSITIONS BEFORE VPSIS WITHDRAWN TO NIW LINES ENEMY OAINS POINTS ON HIGH GROUND MITIIH MAKE SOME SUCCESS. Ill MUMTM ATTAKKl IM. rucTiNO heavy losses on!"0 " lhV"lh! & V""" ENEMY TOWN ETB LOST OP WVTSCHA. By Asearlated Preen The situation on tho northern front Is tbe moat grave today of any limn dertag the big drive, and that tbo British have been compelled to evacu ate valuable territory which bun not beta rellnquUhed previously during Ike var, U contained In tbe dlspatchea frees different aourcee. London report that Drltlnh pottl- before Yprea bare been with drawn to a new line. The British have recaptured Metoren by counter at tacks, and have held tho enemy at oth er points. Repealed counter attacks bare been made to the north or flal leal, tbe town captured yesterday, but they have been without success. Tbe Kxchange Telegraph from I-on-dea reports that the Germans have ad vanced from Wytschaete, which they were attempting to capture yesterday, a far aa Stelol, and also have a grip en taa?outhern slope of ML Kennel. Bet tae'oeemy baa not yet wiped out tae British army, aa they have aimed to do. Mae AfaMBJanAjhA-tfJ PVdjagg. Raving driven the British from Bal bat and Wytschaete, tho Oermana are aew battling desperately to gala other Mate oa high grouad to tbe aouthwest ef Yprea. After flghllag for eight daya with age forces, the dermana have got out from the low lands, hut they must Hh further to make Iheir gains ae- Tbe British are striking back eeggedly. London admite that the aituatioa ia ore serious than at any time since Ike Herman drive In the north began. eme newspapers bavo advised tho evacuation of the Yprea sector and the nucbendaele ridge, which ia a con Uauatlon of the Measlnea ridge. Lloyd aeorgo te still hopeful, and It ld that Cteaerul Foch la still con Mat Nothing vital la loat, it is de tiered, and the enemy'a alma aro by ao ana reallxed. School Industrial dob Work Aided Tat the County Court will co-oper. te with tbo state of Oregon by put- " fag. an active nu la iha aM bora ' '-mt&feSS , i v wu' proew npuemu cmae, T Mooui,enieaCmMe.b.re' to. " y County tseaol;iuterlnta4tBt Welle. The.atata'aad county 7" each contribute $1t per month wwm tae salary aad expenses el a .---i.wjwowwxwmw .MwwpwIIW)W,w,itMtWW)tM)ptMtMM We cannot grt with many of the atttiilent mad by Mr. Cowley In his communication -on tho court houee quootlon on this page. Mr. Cowley hit a perfect rlht to favor tho recall of Judge Hanka If ho bollovoa It lo for tho boot Intorooto of tho county, and wo aro glad to lvo publicity to hla opinion on tho mattor, which aro f lv on In an honeot and conHlontlono man. ntr. Howovor, wo differ with him In hlo otatement that tho location of tho court heuoo waa oottlod at throo differ. ant etictlono by tho people. Wo are eemewhat familiar with thla case, ae we took ao active a part In the fight for a period of five year aa any one elte In tho county. It le true that W. S. Werden favored the building of tho court houee on tho Hot Springe elte, when he flret ran for election, but ho made hlo campaign principally on hla advocacy' of "good roads" and a progreetlve administration. Wo do outalde of a few In Klamath Palle, were vitally Interested In where tho ceurt houee waa built Had It been only a question at that time of the lo ration of the court houee, Judge Wer den would nevar have been elected to bfHce, aa ho ehjy( won aa It wao by a vote of about ButtSe It cannot bo claimed that the people felt very strongly one way or the other on thlo question. Neither can wo aoe whore anything la proven In the recall elec tion against Judge Werden, except tho fact that the people generally do not believe very much In tho recall. In yearly wfy eaee kn,wn " the 'elllo Coast tho recall haa not proven a euc cess, aa It la usually resorted to only by certain factleno or Individuate who use It In an attempt to further their perse good of the whole people, tho voters bsliovo In being fair to a man they hove elected to office, and permit him to remain In office to the end of hla term, thua giving him a chance to make good. Judge Werden had start ed an eatcnalve read program aa well aa a court houee, and the people voted In favor of giving hi ma chance of fin Ishlng hlo work. It cannot bo truthfully said that the ceurt houee question wao a real Iseue In tho election between Hanke and Werden. Tho financial condition of the county waa tho Iseue that decided thlo election. Wo personally know hundrede of auppertere and frlendo of Judge Werden who opposed him at thlo election, aa they realised that ho had placed the county on tho brink of bankruptcy, and that a change must be made In tho hope that the credit of tho county would bo re-established. Everyone realised that thla waa a man'a Job, and there wore mighty few aspiring far the peeltlon, aa they all know that It meant n let of hard work and no ehanco of glory, oven eheuld they bo oueceeaful. Judge Hanke final, ly conaented to run, and waa elected, and haa made seed. Ho may net hava pleaaed everybody, but that would have been Impossible under tho elr (Continued from page 1) man to follow up thla work among tho children during the season whea their . in thla direction might other -i. j r. w. Sexton, toaahoe el ttU. unw Kill sahnnl mnva afcfaoV :r-. -." ; ::JrZ.,L.MJZ ..-. u etaUICB aarocaie ocwe tto r Introduction, has been eeiecte inriaw initial. The Industrial Club work la 'growls- repldly.bare each year, end a much wider new or euTr ready outlined for tho year iif. WARSAW SOTO TO BE ORGANIZED NEW PBATURE OP THRIPT STAMP CAMPAIGN TO IB INAUSURAT. BO KLAMATH AND HOOD RIV. ER COUNTIBS IN PRONT RANK Tbe eEorta aad roaulta of tho cam pain for War Bavinga aid Thrift Stamp of Xlaautk aid Hood Hirer counties aro boM up aa examples aad pointed to with pride at tbo head quartern la Portland, according to a report to tho Central County commit tee Ibis aftornooa by Cbalraaaa J.' W. Siemens, who baa returned roceatly from a confereace with tbo omclala there. Plaaa aro sow belag nude for tbo organisation of War Savings Societies tbruout tbe county. Not only tbo Reboots, but Sunday acboola, logging camp aad other placee where groups of Individual can bo ranked la friend- (Continued oa page ) MMMMMMMWMMMWIWMMflMIMIMMWMMMtMMMMMMMMWW Ha r Ha at Faekag igkt far wkaa ska tka toa - aV AmA - ,".4r .-1 wwwwwiviiiwwwweww ROAD IMPROVEMBNT e IS NOW PLANNED To make reconnaissance of tbe rood north of Klamath Falls to Fort Klamath, with a view to per- e maaeat Improvement, a represen- e) tatlve of tho state highway en- gtaeera oMoo la expected to ar- rive within the neat few daya from Salem, who will go over the matter with County Itoad Super; visor J. C. Cleg-horn. e News to thai elect waa recelv e) ad thla morning from 8Ute High 4 way Bugteeer' Herbert Nnan, who aeeaas favorably Inclined' to co e) operate with 'the county In tbe Improvement of this mueb.trav olod highway. Governor Jameo Wlthyecenbe Baa iatereoted him- self la thla meAter. and la using his lalnonea to, aid the work. It la planned to shorten the road now traveled to go thru by tbe Pelican Bay Lnmbericompaay and to cover the route with cln- den from Upper Lake. ' ' 0 O) 0) 0) ly competloo, wlU.be asked to form these clubs, wbpae members pledge themselves to snhacrlbo for a certain nmountvof tho Stamps- Bach of the aocletioo wlU hava duly elected oPJcers and regular Umee of meeting. Thlo movement Is reported gaining Sao re unite la many sections of tho country. 4' -, ty -;. How Do Your Sacrifices Compare With These? THE Anvirican jboy who goes to' war grvsai up the position which means to much to' hit future, or the little buBuMM which haa jutt begun to ahow of koraa list; ajrvas ap horns frisejas, wits ar ewssthomtt Ha saasa Aa faohahiKraf tasiag oUtfled to aha apt Ma aaaw wlbta Ibt itcuras; el losing all laa Bnftrawlaajai wgaah yean af aWdi .work hava annnnmn aBmnV BBflBnnV. vVwwM VBgT MamYJajB Ha raesa rhe asiniaflbly of eomUbg hack in "for warning m aving, ana at being aaast kis rnaasni ar upoa ekarity. racas sm, poaajenagajr at aavar aL tkasa skaaga, ha gaas to us who tarasla asMy at leornf and baaiibsat ass ka GOES1 far ttan to WWt wsl Ul&nnnelbaw walks faaljif wa aaBa4aai kscaasa wa are aatapi to nmtlsa'a(faw saerf."' iVeMfarlaina saarifk nbafianavt afhaii ssBsparaal wkk fcisT IkswkiaataWtoahtvemtfaUfcsilj gasauis ia aat a SACRIFICE tt a PRlVILEGC-a. aa-re. analkai af his Baariflaal 4 Wkta Ysa Bet-. FIIUT NATKHHA1. BANK tmmmm0mmrBmiMMm00imiffititi0imilt M ,.t,. LOGSDRTVEN WSTOUE MVERNOW CREWS DRIVING ON STREAM FOR FIRST TIME LUMBER TO 00 INTO WILLIAMSON RIVER AND PROM THERE TO UPPER LAKE For the first time logs are being driven, on the 8prague River, accord ing Chas. Otey. logging foreman. A force la driving over 5,000,000 feet of eawed loga down, practically all of which Is pine. Tbe plan la to drive the lumber Into tbe Williamson River and from there to the Upper Lake. Besides tbe crew on tbe'river, there Is the crew at work la the woods, making a total of about aizty men em ployed there. WILLeTRAIN AS NURSE Miss Harlet Foster left on the noon train today to eater the University of California hospital at Ban Fraactece, Miss Footer will trala to be a nurse. iU -f comforts; s? aonung Franca to go avar 1)'l :1. ?'- -ntf .-''? Buv! j -"i-i-,--nnnnrATrinAanjmxrjijmrLVuvuwuxruuwuwinjwuWif OFFERTERACKALLIES HAVE It. M. Torrey, care Klamath Develop ment Co., Klamath Falls, Ore.: Please publish the following In the evening paper: The Klamath Devel opment company will gladly make ar rangements to deed block 10 In Hot Springs Addition to Klamath County wbeaever assured that tbe court house now la course of construction there will be completed and occupied, but they will not agree to having that building torn .down and moved to any other location. W. B. Parker, Vice President Editor Herald The attitude which Judge Hanke baa taken In tho court house queoUeu leada ua to believe that there ia something wrong. Now the court house question has been settled by tbe people of thla county at three elections, namely: 1 Where they elected W. 8. Worden to build a new court house la Rot Springs Addition end to build good roads. I Where they retained him In the recall elee tioa to talon hla work. 3 Whea they elected Marion Hanks on his promise to finish the new court house aa aeon as he gat tho moaey. Now there waa aothlag for Marion Hanks or nay other reaaoaable minded bueiaofd man to do but to carry out thg wmof the people aad fulfill hla ptomke to tho people who elected him. .We hvpaowB him for a long HaaeJ and considered mm a man or aia prom ise, but hare beea deceived by him, end now where we find a man once, we look for him there again. Mr. Hanks cannot explain clearly why he turned dowa'the people oa the court house question, so he pleada guilty pleada guilty to condemning the new court house, which cost the people $180,000, aad let It go. back to the K. D. company without the people's con sentpleads guilty to taking the peo ple's moaey aad building a aew court bouse where he pleases without their consent. We aro at n loss to know how he can aerro the people's Inter est aad do these thlage, aad If he Is not working for the people lataroot he ia aot the man to aerve ua aa coun ly Judge, and ahouM ho ousted. It la not from aa economical business, for and reasonable minded man knowa that the court house cannot he dupll cated at the preeent time for the money it haa coat the taxpayera of Libia county, altho wo may not have gotten value received for our money Inveoted at that time: material and labor haa Increased from SO to 100 per cent; aad again, after thla war la over material and labor will bo at about one-half of what It now Is. Now, it Mr. Hanka had reasons to change hla mind regarding thla mattor, why la he depriving the people the right to change their minds also re garding thla court bouae question. It seems to us that what la good for the cat might be good for the kittens, and should the question of abandoning the court house In' Hot Springs Addition and building a new one on the old elte be left to tbe voters of our county, and they decided to move it to tbe old alte, we would take off our hats to Mr. Hanka aad atand behind him la the matter. Oa the other hand, he la go ing to give the people who elected New Road Tractor jm)?p4J9fc mmMmsmmm alao hero;1 , ,, w -After work there to thru H wW be RECAPTURED PORTION OF LOST LANDS MAKE SUCCESSFUL COUNTER AT. TACKS AND DRIVE fiERMANS HALF WAY BACK TO BAILLUEL, OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED LATEST REPORTS OIVE MORE Of. TIMISTIC NEWS OF WAR SITUA. TION BRITISH FIOHTINS SFOK EN OF AS MAGNIFICENT By Altho the earlier reports received today showed matters very eertewe arould Wytschaete, good newa wan re wired later that the British, thru their counter attacks, had recaptured the, greater part, and' probably1 all of Wytschaete, and had driven .the Ger mans half way back to BallleuL Tho Drltlnh fighting at Wytschaete waa termed magnificent. i- Earlier reports had aald that tho British ere withdrawing at Wytaoh aete, and that the enemy had advance to fjtelol. YOUNtt MAN DIES HERE THIS MORNINB After n brief Illness, Kenneth' Hill, aged 17 years, died at the 'home of Mrs. J. Moore thla morning .at IS o'clock. Mr. Hill waa recovering from tbo measles when he waa taken! with a case o acute Bright disease, which resulted In bis death. Mr. Hill mother, Mrs. Bertha Hill, is also lu town, and haa beea employed at the Moore home. Two younger brother. IaU and Eugene, aro alao survhun. of the deceased, and there are other relative at Ornate 'Pane, where the family Has lived until two months ego. Tbe funeral will be held la areata Pass. him a doae which haa coat them be tween 1300,000 and $4 00,000' to, take, and tell them to like It and no .back talk. We believe that It Is Umo that overy loyal American citizen, taxpayer and voter in Klamath County ahould take a stand for the betterment of con ditions In our county affairs, and on next Monday, April 12, tbe votora and lax payers of our county will have a chance to decide whether they will have government at tbe bands of one Individual or whether the will of tho people shall be respected. ' R. C. COWLBV. wtr Being Tried Out used on the roada between'! flu iu urnm 9mnmimf The' aew. "- ia wan iesuUr.'aeecaiaiio-X'tl'eS road uasVef. 'and la. a'ireat' swaM it ' , M ..- - ,. M.i:'i ,i.Ti ' .ya lime aa ew. ' v .-j'.jPHff' 3 . rtt"-1 WJft-'i, .d V I l -1 -.J 5 t jJ'il ', .t.1 yi.tr '.' 9 wl ? i i-' W . H Artv .T &?' a ..-yiLV- IV S ' . fAil tecaiiZtiiLM