Cjr Aii THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON !UE0DAVAPnIL 1((i y o.. ?K. lrt I J-f The Evening Herald '9t"'''!0. SMITH, Editor Vt I ft' - iMW ' .'&' i FlMelM dally eieeft Sunday fcy .F .Ike ftNM PeMlantag Couiv of h a SlMMtfc nik. at 111 Fourth street u Comei 7,000 Jtfifo to fight for America r tiered at tin poatofflce at Klamath Oregon, tor transmission throat aha aelle aa second-class nutter. akaarlftloa tense ey nail to any lilriii ha tka United States t (N year. H-M One Boat -M TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 101M Hcnki's Classified Ad vs. HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to work In board ing bouse. Apply Losrom Head quarters, Klamath Falls. 16-2t WANTED Any kind of work; experi enced In almost any line. Herald office. 13-5t FOR RENT FOR IlENT-r-nnnch In Poe Valley, known as the llnzcn ranch. Kor de tail write Mrs. Ida M. Kink, Oxford Apt, No. 29, Ilerkcley, Calif. 16-6t FOR RENT Pasturo for several thousand head of stock In lower Klamath Marsh. See A. A. MehatTey. 4S1 llaln it Klamath Falls. 16-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TRADE Good piano. Enquire 534.Townsend Flats. 16-3t FOR 8ALE dltion. J, 15-Ct Dodge car, In good con E. Whlttatch, Merrill. FOR SALE 5-room modern house, toilet and bath, sink, hot water beat Ins; lank; completely furnished, Includ ing; piano. Price $2,250, on terms; will accept $2,000 cash If sold soon. It. H. Smith Realty Co. lS-6t FOR SALE An At piano, cheap for cash. Phone 19IL 13-3t ' FOR 8 ALE Cheap, 1200-pound mar, a little old, but sound and gentle: night consider trade. See Roberts at 1 Midland. 12-5t LOST AND FOUND 8TRAYED Black and white Holsteln cow, wearing halter and chain. Noti fy 80S Oak street. 16-3t LOST Firestone casing, 32x3 M, and rim, between Keno Power plant and Klamath Falls; reward. Return to -Ooeller's planing mill. 16-2t LOST Black leather hand bag on cor ner of Sixth or Seventh and Main; contains check with name of Mrs. Ev erett Griffith. Return to Herald office, 16-21 LOST One sorrel saddle horse, brand V on right shoulder, two bars right stlffle.'v Notify Tyron & McKendree. 16-0t LOST Auto crank, between Dairy and Olene. Phono or writ to D. V. Kuykendall. 12-Jt " MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used stamps, lSe per 100. New City Laundry. 11-lt HP AsslissssssPi Ssssfsi BssssssslasT P iLsssssssssssI HeW IsBsssssssssI "t bLIbssssssH! ObssssssH ' flHH ILnininWHrleSlnflLniW ! .sllBHilBH P ERSONAL MENTION LITTLE 81DELMHTS ON LOCAL ItAPPKNINOH AMONG THE PEOPLE OF Till!) CITY AND VICINITY. GOINGS AND COMINGS OF LOCAL FOLKS J L. town. Slovens of Gerber, Calif., Is In !"5KisisrtiK.'s;nl - JQSEBM RjQWIEBAS, .4 U. C. Spink of Idlerest win In town yesterday. V. 11. Pnync Is here for a short time fruit) Seattle. J. J. Hamilton Is n city visitor front lot Hand. Urtle Johnson and daughter from Malln are in town. C. L. Holllday of Langcll Valley wni here jesterdny. O. M. KiikIo of this city Is registered at the Hotel Hall. George Deal of Langcll Valley was Ihere estcrday. Mrs. Oldenberg of Seattle, Is regis tered nt the Hotel Hall. Judge Baldwin U 111 nnd confined to UU home nt the Baldwin hotel. J. Tulley and wife from Weed are registered nt the Hotel Hall. T. F. Boggs nnd Lester Boggs are in town from Lorclln today. Joseph R. Gulteras, a young mining engineer, who has been at work In the Broden Copper mine in the Andes mountains , has come to the United States after a trip of 7,000 mites to fight In France. He has gone to Camp Meade In Maryland In the hope that he may enlist. William l'llppln or Rogue came In on the train last night. River t0wwwim0WWWWWi00wwwA0An At the Theaters A beautiful drama showing actual scenes In Texas and Old Mexico, with more than 600 soldiers and full-blooded Indians In their mountain strong hold, U depicted in "Old Buckskin," fcbowrTal the Star this evening. "Old Buckskin and his wife give up a life cf luxury to go to the frontier, where their adventures are both thrilling and spectacular. The fact that Richard larding Davis wrote and the Bluebird Photo play company filmed It and that Frank lyn Fa mum appears in the leading role are nbout all that need be said about The Scarlet Scar," which will be shown at the Orpheus theater tonight nnd tomorrow night. An exciting story of love and the newspaper busi ness. "The Soul Master." James Oliver Curwood'a remarkable drama, has Just been filmed by the Greater Vltagraph Company as a 'Blue Ribbon feature, with Earl Williams In the title role, and wilt be the attraction at the Tem ple today. The play, which has a sweet young girl, a salesgirl, for Its heroine, was directed by a woman, Marguerite Bcrtsch. Ed Noel from near Merrill came to town eterday for supplies. Frank Grohs was In town from the Rltnrock Ranch for the week end. George Offlcld, Justice of the peace t Merrill, was In town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Butler of San Francis co are registered nt the Hotel Hall. C. A. Petit and C. T. Cockburne of Me-rlll are registered at the Hotel Hall. today. They will spend n few day here. J. E. Flatulent, assistant chief In the tittor suppression trntllc In the Indian service, and Prlco Rccob, special olll cer, left town today. Rev. K. P. Lawrence left for Ash land this morning. He will attend -the spring meeting of the Presbytery of Sottlhetn Oregon. Trunk Lovelace and small son, who went to Ashland last week end, were expected back to today. The boy was operated on nt Ashlnml. R. S. Van Cnmpen arrived last night from n trip to Ashland nnd the Roguo River dam. Mr. Van Cnmpen took some passengers over, but, dtte to the win nttd snow, was forced U leavo his car there. PROHIBITION SPEAKERIS COMING SOON K4 The WsffiM WL SlC. 426 Main Street Klamath Fall In the Free Distribution of Clean Easy. Soap The distributor reports th.it numerous ladies were not g at home. The manufacturers want each lady lo have a bar of their soap free. We attach a coupon, cut it i out and present it at our store on Wednesday or Thursday, and we will redeem them while the stock of FREE Soap lasls. ? Fresh Creamery Butter, lb. - - - 40c Fresh Crisp Vegetables and Fruits Mrs. R. Brewbnkcr has returned from Presnb, Calif., after a week's vUlt SUPERINTENDENT OF OREGON ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE WILL TALK HERE NEXT SUNDAY IN INTEREST OF NATIONAL PRO' HIBITION there. K. E. Earl. G. K. Schneider and V. T Hc!U came In Sunday night from Dunsmulr. . J. E. Painter and wife of Wallu Walla, Wash., were among yesterday's visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Satterlee havo moved to Government Camp No. 1, srhere they will make their home. frank Carlson of Fort Klamath pur-1 cunfccu a uuicx "" car iasi Saturday from the White Pelican garage. In behalf of tho national prohibition amendment, Hon. Kdvvard Rawdon, su perintendent of the Oregon Anti-Saloon League, will be In Klamath Palls next Sunday, April 21st, and will lecture A War Stamp kalier away. a day keeps tho FOR SALE Eighty acres, all under irrigation, fenced, house, barn; wa ter payments hair paid up; ICO per acre. TOR SALE Office furniture. J. T. WARD CO., 61S Main Street ORPHEUS THEATER Bluebird Photoplays Present Franklyn Farnum In "THE SCARLET SCAR" Story ot a thrilling refection of ro mance and advent uro founded on the best story Richard Harding Davis ever wrote, of life In an American town. Ask Culleote about the new low cost life, accident and health policies of the Traveler. 8 A Thrift card In your pocket beats half a dozen flags on the lapel of your coat William Irwin, a farmer of the no-; nanza district, Is In tho city for a short time, looking after matters ot business. Guy Merrill is leaving tomorrow for Lee, Elko County, Nevada. He expects to be gone six weeks or two months. Geot'ge and Ed Dloomlngcamp, large cattle owners, are In town from Illy Iluy your share of Liberty tond, nnd then buy home from Chllcote. 8 Take a ride with Chllcote and look at that new six room houite and big lot for only fl.flOO on ctmy terms. 8 Soap Coupon I did not receive the bar of Clean-Easy Soap. I n;rce to use it according to directions. Signed The Winnek' Co., Inc. Phone 34 426 Main St. Klamath Falls aAAAAAAAAAAAAAa -nrnr4r4mr4r'4rw-'nr " - - ' ' ". -j. '.. . a .'t -'. a". " v -- - -f " '" "' ney of unusual ability. Slnc enter ing the work in which he Is now Inter ested, he has succeeded In aiding the. cause substantially. lie Is declared to be it very forceful speaker. moat taittelcns, uxupt fr " sourish twliigu which U nut iitipleasmil. If )on ninit't feeling jour best, If tcngiio Is lualid or ntt A.ikc up with had taste, foul tirc.tth or havo colds, Indlgoiitlon, IjIIIoiimiv?h, riitir.tlp.illon "Tho First American Llfo Insurance or h",lr' nfiii stomach, begin tho phoj. Co." Invcstlgnto tho new 1918 pol icies of The Mutual Life of N. Y., noth ing better. Ceo. C. Ulrlch, district morning and evening on the (tubject,! manager, oftlce over First Stnto Hank. 23-t r. The l4int Illg Drive.' Ho Is to appear at the PreHb)terlan ilitirtlt In (ho morning nnd at tho Methodist church In the uvenlng. Ho pcflkn In behalf of the Antl Saloon l.etgtin of America. I Mr Rawdon Is n graduate of the t'r.lveixity of Michigan, nnd an nltor- BABY CUIV "Y'l-M'li-rrp.iuiMaUPH.1 mi I uriui inclrIMyuitlirk. I .1 lxei il,a , ,,, n, huli'w ch-i,i but iU (,-, Vl'fwa 1,4 iahnua-imi f .c!un, Cil fcml iCastslFirst Vote-102 Years Old H OUSTON' tmrti HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER EXTRA "OLD IUCK8KIN" A melo-drama of the Mexican revolu tion. Portraying actual scenes as they happened in Old Mexico, near the bor der, shown In six parts, presenting Richard I. Homer 4 Anna Mae Homer tWi Klaaatb Lodge No. 137, 1. 0. 0. F., Friday Bight. H. F. Eaell, N. 0 Nate Otterbeln, Secretary. Swauaa EBcampment No. 46, 1. O, O, P., aeeta Tuesday sight. W. A. , O, P., Nate Otterbeln Scribe. WKu ' rAFVA, mmIi aaoatk. TEMPLE THEATER Greater Vltagraph Prtstnts Earl Williams In "THE SOUL MASTER" A fou! stirring drama of .paternal love ADMISSION TEN CENT n f sBBBMB'Syi'i;4it ik? ft wrfay&f'i'uiM.iWSJ i i. I :Xhf-i'ii W"rtPL ' ' iuir JirrTIi i ' fflsTBtnili m mt-4-iiillLiiTiA zrrW!ril.'mUMAW&,iLM JBKlfim b m IrsVdgaMalit swift mr TiWlir'i t t tmVmmM r EssflgamV3WSTr; JAXmi&'ifaAiJVW siHmHi yjzmwmmmi yTJ'S-!' ! 'fcT"WA ?..W"ef? -W .AWMM'tl.l.u .. - 4U-04. 't mrA4bt&AA,itMKtZJliltA-bi.iiiJr.l.ivnMASt4Z i. plintud hot v. ater euro to rid otir a stem of toxins mid nilnons, Itcstills nio itilcl( and It li cl.tlnril tl.nt tlinso who contlniie to Mush nut tho stoinaih, liver and hownls overy morning, never havo any henilaclto or l.niiw a mUcralilu moment. Ail v. EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAI YOU (,'AX Illll.Vd .ric OLOH AMI LL'H'lltu Willi HAfli: TIM AMI hL'l.l'lIl'lt Early Bird Says . a V &L i si m !. n.y Hot Water for Sick Headaches Telle why everyone should drink het water with phosphate K ft kefere ereakfaat I When j on Omltca Jmir hair vvlih B.iRo Tea ntnl Sulphur, no ono can ttll, lierauto It's ilono no iminrnlly, so ou-nly. I'reinilng tlila inlxittro, thoiigli, nt lniino la miiksy and triinhlo. toino. Tor HO ioiiIh ii ir.n l.ity (,t any id'i;; sioro the rily-io-u piop iimlliin, Imrmved hy tho mid 1 1 lo n of H cr li!gei!ont, i tilled W'jcth'a Hnijo ml Bull hut- Cotniiotiiiil " Vdii Jim lumpen it rimnpa or unft liruuli withj It nnd draw tlilx tlirottijli your lulr. r A K'J m ' !. Sv d- , ) y ' l i v New Felts for Spring Tho new niifl felU for Sirl are fclioun. In gteen, hrmvn,!, stis-l, uirl, Mini In I'l'iny srls tloiiH of ilico Kluulivi. Ilieresre legulai- mill niiMi ImihU ttmny Nint'Inl novelly ilelin. L SugarmanJ HOW A.NV C1IIIL t'AX ii.wi: ritinTV vx& Headache otany kind Is caused bv "K ""u "nn" stra"" ,u ,l """. " m mi 1B "rc,ly . . V. to.nto,lwUonwhich m"n . .. ' rayl,r UI,o.a. nnd,1 -tmlnotl or havo dark rings. lining. Liver and bowclTolsZ 8"r"" VT l1 lAd (nlna aitfli. In, ,l.n l.i I u "l; . ...., v..uu nil., uiu IIIUIJU L,n,n.. through the lymph dutts, excite tho ,. heart which pumps tho blood ho fast .. . "y.' Docoinra henii fnliv diiriti.nmt , and luxuriant. faded hair, lliiiugli no din- Regular conaaunlcatloas KUaata Lodge No. 77. A. F. M secead MoaAay efj xeetUk. A. R. Leavltt, W. U.I MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TVMIUTS AND HATCROATS M.iiivut ' jtHtftwwwwww-y ww-mtmtHtKtwfaMHr it-on ,"-, :iiy r."i'- Mrs. Sally Gold of Drooklyn, 102 For soars sholTiid longed to vote, but years of age, cast her first vote in a ""u u " nQl 01 ,no opportunity till this eloctlon, following the adoption pedal election for representative In f woman suffrage In New York State Congress' Tuesday, March 5, 1918( in the November election. norv. ous, despondent, sick, foverNh anil miserable, your meals nour and almost nauscuto you. Then you resort to nco aniline, aspirin or the bromides which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these Irritating toxins. A glass of hot water with a toa- spoonful! of limestone phosphate In It.1 ornnit jorore breakfast for nwhlio, will not only wash those poisons from your system and euro you of head ache, but will cleanse, purify and freshen tho entire alimentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for a auartor pound of limestone phosphate. It Is In expensive, harmless' as sugar, and nl- No girl Is pretty If lior o) " ere ...nt i.mi..i... .I... .mi., ntnl a " )VHI III 11,11 lull im -v-'-l - iibo will nuiprlso you with " '' ('IIKI)IIILK icHiilli. A small WW nnleeil to maw '" vivacious. i jou. AW Iilttnan Dru I UKlllllKllllll -- m -- - -- and look y0ai. yotiiigcr. Till,, ready. Co. Adv. lo-tiso prcimintlou In n iliilliilitfiil toilet rciilnlt, nml not n modlrlno.! ,., ,,,, n,eeclies, 8Wrti It la not Intended for tho euro mltl-" "naJ!. Katinn or prevention of dhpnse.L-Adv tlin It mn..n,, i .i. .fcrnco, in u rikii of o 1(1 nun iiml n. un I.UVOIItlK IS gtllll io j ...i . .... . . . . lull doilio ii vniillifnl n ,,...,., Iiiiillliv mini Mine and violent, throbbing pain nnd dlstnss ,,?I,rt,"ra"r"'' Krt hn" "l "ro Willi ouH'U cluiugo will i-lcaso called headache. Vou hecomo norvl ,oUl's H,,aa ni"1 Sulplnir Comiioiui.l ''"" y fti FIlllL'.-W Mu In mill Seventh 1'h0'10 " DR. CLAYTON E. WHEELER I'HVKIC'IA.V mill riCWil.O.V Hpliml Ti-eJitiiiciit ' SpoclnllBt In chronic dlsonscs. Kxantlnatlon and consultation " Largeat X-Hny luborntory In Southorn Oroson. Lutcst eloctrtoal nppllnntou that nro now uuod In tho curing of dlsoaso. T J X ? T T X T T