'...'ll i1' Vk..' a '- ' i ,. $8, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NIWSPAF11 OF KLAMATH FALLS Ml OF KLAMATH COUNTY J-W ji TwilHh Year No. H,UM7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY,' APRIL, 16, 1918 Pries Plvs emit BRITISH HAVE LOST 1P0RTANT POINT WWWWWMWWWIIW,'WM WWWWMWMWWWWWMWWWMWWWMWWWMWMWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWJ VsVmV, E IS FORCED DEEPER IN TOWN OF BALLEUL, SOUTHWEST OF YPRE8, YIELDS TO GERMAN OOMBARDMENT FRENCH ARE MORE SUCCESSFUL CCRMAN8 ARE DECLARED TO BE I KEEPING DISABLED MEN INi LINES AND CALLING THE CRIP PLES TO ARMS LONDON. April 10 Tho Huns have main jucceedrd In forcliiK tho HrttlHli torre out of a atrong ikjIiiI on the J noilhirn battle front In tho rapture of lUllcul, nliout Ion mllt'H ttouthwi-iit of )'w nml right tnili'M iiorthweM of Armrntlcren, which I hoy gained nev er! ilnn ago. Thoy urn now atrlkliiK dpvrately flr llio town of V)ticlm fir, which occuplea u Mrateglc point nn the Mcanlnea ridge. Tlit wedge dow forced by von lllmlenburg Into the nrlllhh llnea mnkea nn equal aided Irlanttlc of aeven or eight mile, with Ilallcul as tbo apex nml W)achncte and Armrntlcrea nn (bo uuan polnlH. The Ilrltinh buvo fullcn back to now positions north of Ilalcul nml nt Wul whhem. German nttnrka anutbweat of Vlerx Ilecquln bnvo been repulsed with Iokcs. 1'AItlH. April IB. Thero lit heavy artillery In tho Montdldlor aoctlon to day. The French forcca bnvo suc ceeded In capturing u number of ma chine KUnn and prlaoncra near tho Olao canal. 8hell from one of tho Ioiik rnnKo guns killed ono woman nnd wounded another. One man was slightly wound ed slso. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10. The state department dlapntchra any hat twenty-flvo tralna loaded wllh wounded German nro now pnaslng thru Alx la Chappelle ouch night. NEW YOllK, April 10. A copy of the Berlin Vorwaorta received hero In clude an article to tho effect thnt tho Independent soclallat ItUtel In tho relchatug on February 23d declared that permanently disabled soldiers ro retained In tho rmy, nnd crip Plea wcro being called to the colora. LONDON, April 10. Ten German trawlera have been aunk by gun flro In Cattegnt. Tholr crown wore all saved hy the Ilritlah nhlpa. Thero wcro no Ornish caHualllcH. Iown Beats By Just AN FJUNC18CO, April IS. Ore-1 .-., u I "' was beaten Just two hourt by low ta being tbo nrBt atnto lu tho Union to UN WD NORTHWEST MUST PAY SHARE FOR SEWER IRK CITY COUNCIL, WHICH MET LAST NIQHT, RESOLVES THAT WORK IN FAIRVIEW BE CONTINUED ON PAYMENT BY INDIVIDUALS OF THEIR SHARE At the council mcotliiK held last night, It wna reaolvrd that the con Hlructlon work on the newer In Fair view be continued nn I lie payment of their Miaro by the property owners who lire benented by tho newer. The rlt U HtumlliiK ono half tho expenae, but due to the high rout of labor nnd material, the Individuals who are ben efited by the newer are to pay tho oth er half. The Hi reel inmmlttee reported In roitard to the application by the Kord parage for n gasoline pump and air and water tank, to be placed on the rorner of Ninth and Main atroeta, that the pump rhould be placed on Ninth, rath er limn on Main atrcet. An ordinance providing for the aur ey and adoption of Wllllnma Addition WIIH Hf HCll. It was voted that the Irrigation mnt- ler In Mlllit Addition be referred to the city attorney and city engineer. 'I lie htreet committee wan aolnted to look aftt r Third Htreet, below Klam ath .'neiu'e. In regard to the drainage of water. In regard to the matter of Insurance on the elty hall, It wna decided that the I lireo local ngentM, Magulre, Tlolt mau and Drli-coll, who at present havo no pollclea on the hall, should each bo allowed to urlte. n f 1,000 policy. Maor Cilxler wax authorized In piinhaite a plow for city uce, and al lowed Ito a month na payment for .nnltor vmk which he might order done. llulldlng permlta wcro allowed tl. Orem for the construction of a garag nnd to V.. (i. Mitchell for the constnie lion of a modern bungalow. . BOOZE SENTENCE GIVEN ' Hugh Huff, tho Indian who was ar rented for drunkenness on Sunday, hat been fined $50 nnd given thirty day In Jail. William Itnyner, who wna arrested for drunkenneaa at Iho train, nnd in whoso bedding a few bottlea of booio wna found, wna lined $10 and coata and given thirty duya. The cnao of Cecil nnd Matthow Cook who were arrcated on Iho chargo of sollInK Intoxicating llquora, haa been poHt poned till April 2!, when (be gov oinment officers will bo proaent. 8TORK BRINGS DAUGHTER A bnby girl waa born to Mr. and Mr. John W. Magneaa of 331 Main htreet, today. TEDDY. GETS BULLET OYSTER I1AY, April 10. T. n. ItooaoVcIt baa -received tho German bullet which wounded Archlo, who quit but wna anon bnck In tbo tronches. Oregon Two Hours oversubscribe Ita quota for the Third Liberty loan. Oregon, bawsvsr, elites todBy t0 be tne nrat state to achieve the quota In overy county in the Btate. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION In the coming recall election we will have to meet conditions aa thty actual ly exist, and not permit theorise to govern us In reaching a decision on this Important question. Mr. Bunnell has stated that, If elsctsd, he will fin ish ths court house en the Hot Springs site. It Is quite possible that Mr. Bun nets has net made as careful a study of ths conditions as he should havo before making a positive promise of what he would do. A matter of this Importance warrants a careful peraortal Investiga tion, as we have often found that rep resentations ay Interested parties can not always be relied upon. We believe that the voter are en titled to a definite statement from Mr. Bunnell at to what they may expect from him under present conditions. The facts are these: The County Court hss entered Into a legal contract for the construction of a court house on the old elte. The contractor hae ac cepted the contract and filed bonds for the completion of the building In ac cordance with the plana and tpeelflca- Ion. Hie firm hae already atarted the, finished court houses, with the certain construction of this building, purehae-lty of an expensive legal "9" with the ed tho material and entered Into eutneontractor and the burden of additional eontraeta for the furnishing of ma- two or throe years' taxes for legal ex- lal aaaei ASisisaBaiJttlakox si em J aanUMaate ' s sw eviieiiavuvii vB,Jpffiuti of tho building. Now wo believe the taxpayers aro entitled to know if Mr. Bunnell oxpects to attempt to break this contrast thru legal processes, and how much money he believes the county would be Juetl- MMMMMMMMMWMWWMMMMMMMMMMMWMM I I ' Much . '..uULULTiruixnAnfuwiPi jjjvj-rn fled In expending In compromising with the contractor. Placing a low eatlmate of W0,0O0 on the exptr.se to which the contractor haa already gone, and pro viding that the contractor Is willing to compromise at thla figure, we would aek Mr. Bunnell If he would use thle amount of the eounty'e money In set tlement with tho contractor, and still assess tho taxpayers for tho cost of the Hot Springe building. We hon estly believe that thsse matters should be fully understood In advance, so that tho voters may know what to expect as a result of the aketlon. There can bo no question but that ths contract between Klamath County, and J. M. Dugart e Co. ie legal, and that the county Ie bound for the pay ment of this building. All the evidence that would hold In any court la to tho effect that the court did net exceed Ito legal powers In entering Into thle con tract, and acted for the Interest of the county and taxpayer. Thess are tho plain facto that must be considered by tho voters. Klamath County can have a now court houod thle year, and have It all paid for, or by tho recall of Judge Hanks It will have two partially pense and court bouse purposes. Ws havo boon pay'"! taxes for court house purposes sines Mil, and Isn't It bet ter that we voted to stop any further expense and floS)for this purpose. Let us meet ths conditions as they act ually exlet, and veto fsr our own Inter- I BBBJsKexVgggv SBBtfflHigBBBbgBH BsMgP2axe5PB I L BxeT Hft gBxeiBxBT 1 aggeggggfl KB THE CisWWffflngBsslMH fgggggggggggggggggggggggW ggggggggggS ssaaseteessw BESgflxalalalalalaB slaiBial tHggsBeHiiBiBiBB BxflgflxalaT These Bonds Mean So i More Than Your money would be of little uie to you if the Germans should win the wcr mbrotd and come over here to complete their work of world subjufation. Invest your money in Liberty Bondsone Bend arms a soldier and' may save his life. f "It's civilitation against devillzatton" THH BPACK r AID FOR AND CONTMSUTSD BY EARL WHITLOCK ffi HED LOCAL ORGANIZATION WILL AS SIST IN ATTEMPTING TO 8E CURE LEGISLATION FOR SYS TEM OF MILITARY HIGHWAYS The Klamath County Defense High w.iy League waa orgaalsed here last n.lght, with J. A. Gordon president, O. C. Apptegate secretary, and 13. It. Ilcames treasurer. The organization la for the purpose of asslstlng'ln every consistent way In securing the legisla tion pending. In congress for an appro priation of $100,000 for the survey of a tystem of military roads. These tbteo great trunk roads would extend north and south thru Oregon, Washing ton nnd California, and would prove a great agency toward the development of the Pacific Coast country. Permanent plana for the local or ganisation will be discussed at the meeting of the Business Men's Asso ciation to bo held tonight. eats as' taxpayers. Why should wo continue pay'il " hard-sarned money to please a few Klamath Palls property owners, whs alsns will reap any poeel bis benefit therefrom.. Ths taxpaysrs have been the goat In this matter long enough. vV- Money HAYS WES FMETALK LOCAL MAN WHO REPRESENTED EVENING HERALD IN PORT LAND TELLS OF ADDRESS BY NEW REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Captain J. W. Slemena, president of a the First State and Saving bank, haa Just returned from Portland, where be bas spent a very Interesting week. Among other events which be attended was a breakfast at which William II Hays, chairman of the republican com mittee, and about 100 candidates and newspaper men were present. Captain 8iemens represented the Evening Hep aid. The speech given by Mr. Hays was very good, Captain 8lemens reports. He set forth that the main Idea was to win the war, and win It without com promises, and that politics should not enter the question. . Captain Slemena also attended the uneral'of Major McDonald, with whose bs was formerly acquainted. The funeral waa a military one, and very Impressive, according to the captain. WUHELP CAPTAIN SIEMENS APPOINTED CHAIRMAN OP COMMITTEB TO AID STARVING PEOPLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO IRINt risiar rm' t STATE AND SAVINGS BANK The Armenian relief work, which la being carried on loyally In many cities will from now on be taken up here. There have already been a few con tributions made by Individuals and by chili ch offerings, but tho record of Klamath County compares poorly with most other counties, which Is chiefly attrlbutanie to tneiscvutaw"" wur has a yet, not been definitely organ- Ued- ' -c . , Captain J. W. Slemena. who Is al ready helping In a patriotic' way, as chairman or the War Savings Stamp committee, baa also consented to take the chairmanship of this work. It Is not planned to conduct the work in the form of a drive, as Is done In many places, but Captain Siemens will be at the First State and Savings bank to accept contributions, every cent of which will go to the relief of these peo ple who have suffered miseries untold, and are now starving. Secretary of Returns ATLANTIC FORT. April 16.--Sec. rotary of War aUkar rrtTo4 treat Eu rope today es a steamer whisk former ly tow ths Osmaa Bat- Xa woat to Washington Immediately following hla arrival. IN HMD KLAMATH AHANS AMERICANS BEAT BACK DISPATCH FROM GERMAN CAP ITAL SAYS AMERICAN POSITION NORTH OF ST. MIHIEL TAKEN BY STORM SUNDAY NIGHT STRATEGICAL POSITION OP BAL LEUL NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO SACRIFICE OREAT AMOUNT OF LIVES TO RETAIN IT I AMSTERDAM. April 10. That a main portion of the American position north of St Mthleron the right bank of the Muese River and south and oast of Malaey wna taken by storm on Fri day night is Indicated In a dispatch from the Wolff bureau of Berlin, dated Monday. The dispatch declares that a large aectlon of the main line of do fenae en the main road from Rouvrols to St. Mlhiel for a distance or three and a half miles was rolled back des pite tbo resistance of the Americans. The enemy suffered heavy casualties . and loss ot prisoners. WITH THE DR1TI8H ARMY, April 1C. The enemy have tnken Balleul and ulao Lerewetliberg Ridge to ths oast of the town. The loss of this place was not unexpected, as Bailout's k' Jfaal&slAal valita uil nnt It state strategical value coum noi compensate --- ik llAd II wtiifjl ksva mmI 4a wok. IVB, IUC llfC-n 11. nwuit miv vve w nw tain it. The Germans are nowready to attack Wytscbaete, a pivot point on l.i.. n.Mi.1. ll... (Ill; Wllliru iium WILL DISCUSS POOL HALLS The question of pool halls will be discussed at the monthly meeting or the Brotherhood or the Presbyterian church, to be held tonight at the homo or C. C. Hogue, on 615 High street. Tl'.o question or u municipal hall will bo brought up for discussion. Im promptu musical numbers will be giv en. All business men are Invited to attend. The Brotherhood haa been organised only a short time, but the Interest tak en Indicates a steady growth. Ths or ganization plans to discuss problems ot noral and civic welfare. ,, PURCHASES LAND K. G. Argrnves haa purchased 160 acres of land in the Malln district fiom Uoae Elliott or Pendleton. The transfer took place thru tho agency ot Joel T. Ward. War ACCORDING TO BERLi From Europe, He ssld: "I return with a pride and confidence at tbo meats of tbs'ttfslted States s4 -shaCXj allied trpop. sjrasd. that wBjAfttfr.-; m many trips aafiws the water.', ' ft lm& 1 wi '& V-Vlf ji t ''iM J8.A I'iVA Ste m ' 1 WW!i' .. Cf wi;-,- J ,&m' -n t . , l, ''v .?.'.- vv;vW: rtwywr-,-