M? rK ; tr OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL '-3'-J 0F KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH. FALLS fe iaiJW -rR 1H k r f I -wi V"-' Twelfth Year-No, M.WW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL, 15, 1918 frlc Five Certo ' -. 1 Turning Point Of Battle Now Being Reached mwWWimwwwiwwiww My Brrnld m u mi nuHU OFFENSIVE! OF ENEMY BELIEVED AT AN END SYSIIM BAOLT (LEGISLATION STARTED IN CON. QRE88 REPRESENTATIVE OF COAST DEFENSE LEAOUE HERE TO 8ECURE LOCAL CO-OPERA TION INIMY FORCES HURL THEM. An Important matter lit to be brmiKlit to tho nt (cut Ion of n group of Klntnnth Fulls representative men SELVES IN VAIN AGAINST THE l "nlKU. when M. II. Ollborl, who TAXPAYERS VERSUS PRIVATE INTERESTS LINES OF THE ALLIES AMER (CANS DOING GOOD WORK WAR DEPARTMENT TAKES OPTIMISTIC SIDE LOSS OF MEN REVIEW, VIEW I I.. .L- ..lit. ....auhIm llim llnnlflj. IS III IIH III irj'H'PVIIllll "' ..- Const Defense lnguo will outllno tho system of military highways which hso teen proponed before congress, nntl for which It In hoped by tho Icaguo i to secure tho co-operation of tho peo- OF, Ip of Urn Klamath district. Hit I.. In ft... lllullllUlllut 111 II... inn mailer in in u uimunni-u OENERAL SITUATION GAIN OF directors room of tho First Nutlonal GROUND IV HUNS TRIVIAL (.' " V '' ,, Mr ,. Ill 1'AIHIIU"1F. " r-......w... -. bert declared ledny: "The proponed e)stem of military IiIlIiwiivh as advocutcd by tho Pacific ... rtlL tltll-rlull II1UV Anrll I'linal tlfff-nxO l.l'HKUe. Cillln for three 15.-Vlth tho exception of Ncuvo trunk highway running nor h and nouth thru thu states of Washington. Ksllse. which the Germans have recap- on c(ffflrnta from Canada to turrd. their frantic etfortM to nmko im-1 ....., i,(, iuir,ii mul nost roada prtsilons on tho lines of tho Ilrltlnh 0xteiulliiK eastward from all Important nave been without reiiult, and In tho Pacific coast henpons, enm m iu v I..... .-linn nnw un.lor w.v tho flrll. Cll and Sierra NOVHUIt moun.m..- ln. the midst of tha grtaUtt pros pcrlty known for ysars, and at a tlma when a vary energy ahould bt directed toward tho nooda of our country and tha winning of tho war, Klamath Coun. ty haa boon plunged Into tho threee of Internal dloeord and a bitter aelflah fight, by tho aetlon of a bunch of agl tatora, who placo tholr aelflah Inter etta above tho good of the entire country. Wo wonder how long tho taapayr of Klamath County are going to permit a few real eatato Interoato In Klamath Fade to Jeopardlee their euccoee and preaperlty.by continually handicapping public officiate In tho performance of their duty to tho taxpayers and the county. Tho only question that ahould celve the consideration of honeet and conaclantlouo officials, In tho conotruc tlon of tho court house, lo that of tho best Interests of tho whole county, nnd not or the benefit that might ac erue to some particular property own ero, at public expense. Iven many of tho former advocatoe of tho location of the court houoo on tho Hot Springe site, admit that a mistake waa made. In IBM many people thought that Klamath Fade waa geing: to bo a olty of tf.VMHi or 3O.000 In tho very near future, and naturally their view of public mattoro waa on a rather en larged ocalo. Conditions havo changed alnce Ittltt, and while both tho olty and county havo continued to grow and prosper, this advance haa not been on such a mlraculoua Male ae the on Uh aro pounding tho enemy hard. An other (lerman assnult In expected upon Dallleul, four miles went. a iniiiniivK Hurvev of this system turn been male by Captain V. W. liar tin. 20th Kng. U. S. A- who la now buildhiK romlM In Kurope, nnd Is eopn i.i.. ,.r i.k.vIiil' 1UO.000 troop a din- tnKMinw Anrll in Tho llrltlh'. n tun mllnii in ten hours In any , wwir" --' 1 IIIU11T VI v - .. . . -- ... ' .. ..nr I 111! Mtiirt nave repulsed seven nuacics oy mo uirrciitin, nu iimm-i -" ----Germans In tho Marvlllc sector In may be. Tim system also Includes the which the latter Buffered heavy losses, use. for mllllary purposen, of nil mate To tho nouthwent of Ilallleul tho (Jer- hlKhwnH now belnK used and under . .. I .. .............i tnanx succeeded In trnimrariiy pene trating tho Ilrltlnh poMUonx. but were drUen out by counter attacks. thuslasts of that day axpected. Were It only a question of equal cost, It must bo admlttod that today tho old olto In tho bualnoaa aactlon Is tho moot con- vonlent and aeoessable. Rut thsro la a question of coot, which any public offi cial, If ho la henset In representing tho people who elected him, must take Into consideration. Tha eppenM of tho county Judge point to the number of nameo en the Bctltlon aaklna hie recall, as evidence of the eentlment of tho people of tho county. When Judge Hanks was elect- ed, W. S. Werdon received as many voteo, oe thle does not provo'anythlng. A number of these elgnora have al ready etated that thoy did oo under a misunderstanding ef the facta In the caso. It waa represented to them that a larae oum of money had boon spent on tho now building, and that It was near eomaletlon. but that Judao Hanka, acting ao they Intimated, In tho Interests ef ether property owner m another aeetiM of tho city, waa going to sacrifice thle Investment and build a now court houoo on the eld olto, elm ply for tho benefit ef his friends. It la unfortunate that ao much of the peeplo'e money haa been wastsd on the Hot Springe site, but thle wao not the fault of Judoo Hanks. We do not be. tiavo that any unaroJudlcod neroon, af ter honestly and carefully investigat ing all tho facta In the caoe, would recommend the completion of the Hot .Springs bulldlnj. Wlth.tha tax money WOULD SERVE 0 SECOND TERM 0) ' 0 V. H. McCornack, who haa been county commissioner for the 0 pant three yearn, haa filed bin pet 0 tltlon for the office again. WASHINGTON MOURNS FOR SENATOR STONE WASHINGTON, D, C, April 15. Official Washington turned from war duties today to attend the funeral of Senator Stone of Missouri. RECALL OPPOSERS TO MEET TONIGHT KM UK I OTUHY IRRIGATION IK SERGEANT QOODRIDOK LEAVES FOR CURRV COUNTY AFTER MEETINO HELD SATURDAY NIGHT LEAVES REST WISHES WITH PEOPLE A meeting of the people who are op- . - A .... . .It ...- tt.a I poneo ID IOC recall ut wi nauna will be held at Donanta at 8 o'clock tonight. Local speakers and speakers from Klamath Falls will address the meeting. Several carloads from Klam ath Falls will attend the meeting. LEAVES FOR SAN FRANCISCO Mrs. Lawrence Mebaffey left on the noon train today for San Francisco, where she will spend a few days with her husband, who leaves for Harrara next week for a abort course of In struction la the radio branch of the service. (Continued oa page 4) HAS SCARLET FIVER Little Ruth Lawreace, daughter of Rev. E. P. Lawreaee. has a case of scarlet fever, tlasilar to. the other cases la the eceaaaalty, tho, It It rata-, er light After parting with most of bis war trophies and doing his utmost to give "this areat country" a realisation of (he aariouincaa of this war and Of the necessity of flahtlna it to a finish. Ser geant Goodridge of the First Canadian Volunteers, left yesterday morning for Curry County, where he has been ask ed to apeak. The sergeant will be un able to remain here long, however, un less his leave of absence Is extended. "I have been in that hell over there fnr three Years." said Seraeant OOOd- ildge at the meeting at Keoo on Sat urday night, "and I would gladly go hack for three rears more before I would allow them to patch up a peace which Jo really not a peace. It weald merelrstVe the Hun a chance to cor rect hfa'mlatakea and atart out agate.:' r The seraeant anoke of the value of QUESTION PASSED BY BIG VOTE NO IMMEDIATE ACTION TO TAKEN AS MATTER WILL COMB UP AT WATER USERS MEETING LATER ON AND SAME CON TRACT TO IE SIONED PROCEEDINGS IN CIRCUIT COURT MUST ALSO IE TAKEN IN RE GARD TO LEOALITY AND VALID ITY OF ACTIONS OF lOARD" The vote of whether or not the dk triet shall enter Into a contract wtta PAIU8, April 15. Above tonl tJIdltr the French have tnado nucccs. ful local attacks, and hnvo captured some prisoners. Summary by -Associated Preeo Fighting heroically, the Ilrltlnh havo checked the German drlve to tho west of Armentlerctt, and this effort of tho enemy, like the one In Ilcardy,v seems to have almost definitely stopped. Against the American sector soutn of Verdun the (lerman storming troops hurled themselves 8unday. Tho American Jnfantry beat the enemy lit hot fighting, causing the latter to with draw, with a loss of nearly 100. Neuvn Egllse, an Important strategic outpost or the Messlnea ridge, la again In thu hands of the Germans. must met Ion and surveyed, "It nlno will build east and weM, nnnxil.lo hlcliways whero .noun are now contemplated, which will be neces sary to camplcta the system tor ae- fense purposes. "A military road, as they nro now being constructed In Kuropo for war purposes, nro roads built from twenty four feet lo forty feet In width, of henvy concrete construction, with a six-foot dirt collar on either side. Tho bill for the construction of this system tiioiiwnvH was uresenled In tho house of representatives by Hon. John E. Tlaker of California, January 31, 1A18. Senator Miles 1'olndextor of xt'.Mhinoinn Iuik telecrntihed the I'a rlftc Const Defense Lcuruo turn ne win (Continued on page I) by WASHINGTON, 1. C, April 1C The War Department review Issued to day says the turning point on tho west front Is being reached, nnd the Ger mans have failed to achlevo victory In the field, and will soon be forced to resume their old tactics. They are, nnw seeklni: to gain territory striking at different points. Tho statement declares that It must be remembered that tho enemy Is wag ing a buttle of annihilation to achieve victory, and that the ground thus far tnken counts for little. It Is ndmltted that the Germans hnvo made large gnlns. but they have failed to attain their aim of decisive strategic success Austrian Statesman Resigns From Office AMSTERDAM, April IB. Count. Csornlit, the Austrian-Hungarian for- Oltn nil,ili.,A haa MalM.1 .nwllfte' to a Vjoaaa dlepatcb. EjupcrorCbarlos , ms acespted nls resignation, out nas Btmeri no successor. Tho resignation is declared to bo the outgrowth of Ciernln's recent dec mtlou that France had been ready to talk peace. Efforts to explain to oar many the publication of a iettor from the Austrian emperor ,to bio brother lulaw, Prince 8lstus of Sourbon, ay .. . ' " h.iifi tt-v Alaaee- lac tnsi ronc" - - Lorraine, are also said to nave.a.bew; l. M.MTA Vm la rn. Wg on u.ernm" - - - trusted with the conduct1 of foreign af fairs uulll bis successor is named. You Can't Make an Omelet With out Breaking Eggs TO. win the war it is unavoidable that the rights of the individual be infringed. It is unavoidable that his personal. comfort be temporarily ignored, his personal property" tcm- porarily conscripted, his personal fortunes temporarily impaired. We Must Make Haste We Must Strike Hard .. There is no time to weigh too care- ' fully the questions of individual ' fc! equity. The big jdb.lhe bne'job, is to ' win the war. There will be plenty of time co laiK poouc u u-u aujuow grievances afterward. AUireUimtntt MkUitWt'vt got on big job ont th momnt-t Invest in thTh?n-wWdI.tru.t KttEgT en as soon aa they knew taey w.'""" - " ,. .,, -. t been drinking, and Uiat it deatroyed M; " .JSTaJL 12 votes were counted. Tim vote will not cause any'parUe- lar difference at present, aa the atoek- ln.ldere of the Water Usero Asoocia ti.,n win not meet till the' 1st of May, and then they will have to alga tha same contract which waa voted oa sal in, in v. A decree will have lo be pass ed 'In the Circuit Court determining the legality and validity of proceed ings leading up to the organisation. their morale. "You've got to have your wita about van." he said, "and I would rather go over the top without rum, and with just a glass of water." In illustrating the fact that mere waa nothing too low but what the Huns would stoop to, the sergeant told of Instances where the Huns had abused Red Cross wagons, and used them to bring ammunition on the field, and where they had marched Bed, and wnere wey nan n:uwi --.-----.. ... women and children In front -t..JSSt troop, to protect their troop, and 'P ,"' "7 " " ' -ni-tlo.. move them forward. The same cur la going thruout the country,' be said, "to the Uttle towns and camps, and stirring up '111 feeling and complaining about hard tune.. You have to guard against the wolf In Rheep'B ClOtnes. ll IS up lo eaca mw vldual to do bis part and get arter them. If you don't, your boys will have to suffer, a. Canada haa had to suffer. We were short of men and ma terial, and we wondered If those at home were doing their part. Our cry waa. 'send us the ammunition, ana i.iniitenant Kuvkendall also spoke at the meeting at Keno, telling oi we lira nt tha aoidlera at Camn Lewis. Re emphasized the fact that the men were well fed. and that they received xne very best of training and of medical attention. Captain Chas. J. Ferguson congrat- uinied the Moole On their part In f eoquent to the organisation. m OOTLEQOERS CAUGHT AT DENVER ROOMING HOUSE Mrs. Cecil Cook and her husband were arrested late Saturday night and a search warrant for, .the Denver Roesn- in House taJKei out. They spent Sat urday night la jail, but were released this morning oa furnishing bona. Mn. Cook was arrested once bancs for selling liquor, and waa senteuee in the federal court with thirty aaya Imprisonment and 1100 fine. A small amount of liquor was found at tan , house in this instance, but a nuieanoe case has been filed against them. nnd told of the ready response which the men in the mills on the Upper Klamath Lake had shown. "Bvory ono of the Americans were subscribers Klamath County's answer to the kaiser to bonds, he said. Commissioner Stone J"M "' "1 BONDS Thi 4pw Ptid for md Contributed by ) KLAMATH FALLS GREAMERY Inspects Hatcheries The run of rainbow trout ia prac tically over In Spencer Creek, accord- !.. t'n r. V. fltnna. State Fish and MB rwww - - Onme Commissioner, who made a trip to the hatcheries there yes-.ero.ay. sar. Stone aaya that thoy have taken about two ear oat-half atuuoa traut tgga there this setae. Thar wlU'W ayai .. -i... ciim riMak .t&Hna. aid frees tVa famviT4'. tfl Ike Klamath hntaa ery. near .Tori XlaiMth?wter tko hatching will bo oaiaplotod,. and tno fish held until they reach the tnge ling stage. Then they will be dls- ,v...j - w iim iraat treaaea' .'1 iriuuira m -.. w In the state. M In addition to the egga already tak 1 3 AU- 4a WM nllHU ia ISSS . . -T ea, -- -- ' i, at 8praguo River, sovea Jtuo oai, v mrnnt aivsr a ravr mum i.l . j- Jrl r'l vm,i wivae aJ Hour aflle Lake." -. n n i lie nthor ainltkhnil llnMTIT fijssSaSMik ore'tbaa s.OOMOO'tiwat'OMP'SI, Klamath, County quA,-foar. .ansn,ill, tk uUm atate. no aars. w sssTssanwaw ihUi-s-Ma c'thort'walw4oB1l,s:2 Klamath Couaty, , i . .. ' tVy? ! ' . jwr"--wr ' . J ll Vi .i.. I. ' : -, .rfjj vI.VU