,B'OT THt tVlHIWO HEKAIft. KLAMATH FALLS. ORfcOON rmoAv,AiiWut,4,. H h wsr -, , ? li iI . 'VW .T".'A Jrt& SP ? I'.L l& . lit. ' L&G r. i Si BfAf . , ,f II. ...a V. .. .1 UAUUHI WIIH 20GALL0NS Ffrrt Ameriam , Winded in France Gets War Cross 0f J. C. ILKVINS OF PENDLETON, STOPPED AT BRIDOE LAST NIOHT AND ASKED TO HAND (OVER CARGO CONCEALED IN STEAMER TRUNK Shortly ntter 1 o'clock yesterday morning Chief of Pol Ice Wilson and the two government offlcera here, Mr. Ittcob nnd Mr. Flanders, were sum moned from their downy beds and sent forth to separate twenty gallons of booze from J. E. Dlcvens of Pendleton. Woven hp.d the liquor In a copper bar rel concealed In n steamer trunk In his nutomobllr, nnd was at the bridge over Link Illvrr when apprehended. Caught with the goods, he plead guilty, and will bo sentenced on May 11th. He was released on furnishing bonds. The booze Is now at the city hall. Local Red Cross Activities- The following were present at the jewing room yesterday: Mesdamea W. 1). Cofer, It Vance Hutchlna, R. H. Dunbar, Claude Daggett, Fred Goeller, A. Carlson, M. McAndrews, M. 8. West, Jennie Hum. L. E. Sulllraa. I aaBBBammBV ?! HveUp i J BBaKroSBBmBmBma1 n STAnWHT HI RfCAU BALLOT GETS DENIAL (Continued from page 1) New Hot 8prlnga court house Indebtedness paid 35,147.48 Warrants paid Inspecting Hot Springs court houso 811.91 Ueneral fund warrants col lected on taxes new court house fund 71,608.73 Cash on hand, March 1, 1918 73,109.07 Stntc of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss: 1. C. R. DoIjip, county clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and coircct statement, showing the finan cial condition of the new court house fund, n the same appears of record Ir. my office and In my custody. In witness whereof 1 hare hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court this 11th day of April, A. D. 1918. C. R. DE LAP, County Clerk. Dy LOYD DE LAP, Deputy. Lieutenant De Vere H. Harden was the first American wounded In France. His leg was torn by a piece of shrapnel when he was on training work In the trenches October 38, 1917. The French government has given him the war cross, and this Is the first photograph of him with the decoration to reach the United 8tates. HIQH SCHOOL PUPILS TO SELL OOODS TOMORROW I For the benefit of the Junior Red Cross, the girls and boys of the Klam ath County high school will hare a special sale at the Wlnnek grocery store tomorrow, The girls will sell cooked food and the boys wilt dispose of articles made In the manual train ing department. DANCING: SCHOOt Learn to dance all ballroom dances. Private lessons by appointment. New class for beginners starts Monday, April 16th, 8:30 p. m., Moose hall. Mr. and Mrs. Klllendahl, 13-3t Instructors. Old hickory ran belts. They are oil and water proof. Once tried al ways used. Telford Bros, garage. 11 Hon. Mailon Hanks, County Judge, Klamath Falls, Oregen: Dear Sir In reply to your request, please be advised that the following U a correct statement of the Klamath County court house fund from January, 1P1S, to March 1, 1918, Inclusive: Amount on hand Jan. 1, 1918 $ 100.08 Cash rerelved from taxes and other sources 107,969.38 General fund warrants re relved In payment of this tax ..? 71.608.73 Amount of court house warrants paid by tress- nrer 35,960.39 Amount of general fund warrants received for taxes apportioned to court house fund 71,608.73 Balance on hand March 1, 1913 73,109.07 Very truly yours, GEO. A. HATDON, County Treasurer. DANCE AT raiPPIXOTON At the pool hall, Friday night. 10-3t Get a standard Are tasaraacv pot. Icy from Chlkote. 8 The Gsthics, Are Easy filtag, Neat Flat Shapes k A A A A A A A A . : ECONOMY Has become the important consideration in selecting footwear. To obtain the fullest value is a duty to know you are getting it when you purchase a pair of shoes, de. pends upon the good judgment of yourself and the merchant from whom you buy. To Select The Florsheim Shoe Is full assurance that your judgment is right, recommending Florsheim's to you means that we know this to be the most dependable of all makes. I W Our Women's Spring Apparel Is Particularly Smart The Coats This spring are right in line with the spirit of the times, with their delf touches or l'Militaire, and their trim, straight-line silhouette. Collars are convertable. Colors in elude sand, tan, beige, blue, gray in I'.naitim's. lUirolla, Delphi and favored weaves. Moderately priced at $15.00 to .."i.OO. Our New Suits s. fe u V Our Brand of Hosiery Wear Their' Good Looks-" Round Ticket Stockings Uta W FOR LADIES. CHILDREN AND INFANTS Made from carefully eleeted l.islc Cotton yarn, four thread in heel and toe. Carefully selected, tested, and of great strength. The children's stockings made with double garter top. ami will wear longer than any other makes of stockings. All styles on display in east s nidow. :t."ie. three pair for $1 .00. Forest Mills Knit Underwear Re . riown for Fit and Comfort Our spring slocks of these garments are all equipped to provide for the needs of all of you. Kacli union suit and separate piece in these stocks is stamped with the well known brand. "Forest Mills." and is known for its comfort-giving and long-wearing qualities. Light and medium weight in all sizes are being quoted at these prices. Summer union suits from 50c up to $1 .25 Summer vests, from 15c up to 50c They Are Wearing Silks For Every Purpose Now Women will wear Silks for every kind of dress and fiock this spring, because the government docs nut need silk like it docs woolen and during the spring and summer season is the time thai Silks can he worn with the greatest comfort ami pleasure. Thciefore hundreds of yards of new Silks arc litre, ready for the call that is already strongly in evidence, livery yaid is unique in its iudivdiual beauty 'u weave ami color. Moe's Special 10-inch best grade all Silk Lrepe de Chine. All spiiug colors, including black and white. Special, per yard $1.50 36-Inch Satin Majestic Many new spring and summer shades.. Quality al ways the best. Per yard . .$1,(55 36-Inch New Summer Foulards They come in six-yard patterns, and onlv one of a pit- rem. 1'er yard ". '. $2.00 PONGEE in many attractive contrasting patterns. Per yard 83c firABicliivA .Olnfli For Children s Wear and Hoose dresses. Big Ihe f New QC LaVenSHire VlOUl P,iteni SneriaUv Priced. Yard . . Joe Wirthmor Waist NCW ASSORTM INT SIZES UP TO 48 ONLY SI. OO MOE'S THE WOMEN'S STORE Economy Hose FOR SCHOOL WIAS FIVI PAIR FOR !. Food Conservation Demonstrations Held LOAN MEETING AT BONANZA ENTHUSIASTIC ((.'oiitlniiod from page 1) FLORSHEIM SHOES prove their esonomy from first to Isst dsys'.wear. A trial will convince you. We have a shape and style to suit your individual needs ready' to show you. cP f. i I ! TiWiwlJTWWWWWWVWwZ K. Sugarman TIm Hcm of Hart Schaf faer Man Clothes Demonstrations of various kinds on food conservaUon are to be conducted at the different grocery stores or the city between this and April 20tb by MIhh Kmlly 1 organ, who is hero re resenting the Wlttenburg King com pany of Portland. Canned goods of frullH, meats and vegetables are made by this, company In plants at Port land, Salem and The Dalles. The proceoHes of dehydrating pota toes and other vegetables, which are SUPREME JUOQI CANDIDATE IS WILL KNOWN HERE Miu "over tho top," and how Klamath County was getting rid of the word fitn'l bt coming more chhciiIIiiI an llic food i hortiiso IncmmrH, are fully explained ' "f '"' ,l,,p,,,l,'n ' tonight," he said, In llic (IfinonstiulloiiH. it whether Lout Illver Precinct Is go- Tlio folldwiiiK Hchcdulo him been an- lr. to bo conspicuous by wearing a limini fill ktr Ifluu ItnHhiiH A lt sa ... .,....vvU ,., ...,nn i.uiKUii. niirii , iiow button Instead of the blue. I Wlnnek & Co.; Saturday and Monday, (lnn., i,,i .. ., ,. Van Riper IlroH.; SunKct (Jrocor;; f" l '""'o any other sections would Tuwilay and Wcdnedduy; Iloberls &. ,ik'' lo "y ,ho honor n,IB wn,,e Donan Whllmore, Thurndoy nnd Krldny. . I " ,H m,,,Ml" I'caturo fllmK will nlHo bo i1IkiIhv...i ' '''nant II. II. Kuykendall told of at tho Tcmplo Tliealor next Tuexdiiy " ,lfc wt CttniP Iow'', "Hiphaslxlng nnd Wednesday, In addition to the rcg. U,n f", ,h,,t u,n """ wcre w1" 'V Hlar program. i "Ml1 wr" rnrr'1 ,or' "The boys are gat- ' M'tior medical attention than ever i- .-- L! . before," ho said. Judgo IlenKon, each tiylng cohch for Hergennt Coodrldgo gave a half hour will not yield to Prunilinkm fiKhtlng against a race of Mr. nyan of Bend I'1!? fact that It was a wsrofHa lhaf Amnrl and 011111 ,1 l .! KKH.A MH.M llB in tun mtuuv nu,. "All must get up oa ""Tl do hi or her bit, or bis " "-I We are not yet alive to "' this war must not be PI,.,V! n Iiuim. than necMSSry. V.. do our best we are prs1 . AHnrnev Uoton of !)'' h. riii.Md with TtmUm ri..n h. IH that we bai I ... .. . winla. "Tfcf I iwnn ine uinrnn m"r - .. be exterminated off W w earlb, he said. imjurkd WHEN cnni" ..vw.vw ' --- .nnituetor .T II. NWIWirii vmm'- - tho othor which I hey could not hear tnll P0nllng out the unity of the two bcenuito of legal nHnoclatlon with the K,,al KnglUh speaking countries, Bng- rnifiu nf-lnt In tlmli ,ln.il. .... .. Iftml nilfl AniAnlMa .kUL as.. .. Judge Percy B. Kelly, one of the "" ' "Z '-':""" " r,seH: . n. 3:. ' "'u" riorxtSsr a broSer oPf M cl Ho. of !bls ! "" ,ar M iwllce wi" "ralt- . '1 wbo wou,d 'un " c" " . inn urn c'"ut "I ..hh r. .u. -VW... w Xo one ever got rich merely by'hPh never l. .. i..h t fJltinV MAn.U Vl. .m.... I . ..... . -WW. w, IIHMU m ...... uu wuii iuvbbi it. vnim Iclty, Judte Kelly has been judge for Linn and Marion counties for sereral years, and Is well known to the legal fraternity here, aa in two Instances he exchanged places with j. ii. nwaarani 'Hum lornl fiflght train M"?Jy ..-.. ..iiv InlurM waTi Ing a car of logs. Ths T . L1. ui ... ih. hack. " anu nu mm eart Is wported to be r-, TOO LATE TO CU LOST Auto crank. belwjJJJ' and Olene. pnone , V. Kuykendall MH ' m FOB 8L-cnsp. -:ji-. fighting in Franc," said ths llitl old, ""Ti IMP t W8y. t?..mr.MtJt u t0 buy Wsr ' Sergeant. "Wo are fighting at.ln.t a might eonilder Uad jo.iv,,,,, Bno -. maapa. f0, iM ,g m-y to t-y-M w)0 MJdUBd. ; ;!c, ML"1 , 7 ..i t!.ii J uTT'ii MA. jJ,'fAk'.wlll