"' 'H, ' MIDAV, APRIL 1, 1H Klamath Boy Praises Work of the Women a u Fountain, now ut Camp Fio-i n't Calif. w" ,no a,mh K,,l,n,','r,, Dirclaiw Hi" wl,rk of ,n" Woiiiuii'h pllfCoriof UiIh lown In wrltliiK to! ,11 ' dlfTurotit boyM of the community, aksow If I'o'y rv PO'vWwl ' ur nml '''f''rl b- ,,"r "f '" teller from Mr. Fountain In iih follews: I bate Iwrii nway from Klntunth ifitrlr Ihreo ,,"rH' ,,ut Hl'" t"" it J L and hnvn n my wnrm spot In Burhwrt for Klamath anil Klamath popl. Socialist Candidate Violates Epionage Act MINNEAPOLIS, April 12. J. O.ihmmi prmilty In twenty yvnrM ImprU IWntkll. Koclallnt candidal!) for Kov- i niniiit mul $10,0(10 line. Iln will bn otior of Mlnnemitn, haw burn found lentenccd toiliiy, Hi, In now undur n nlltr on luudlfferr-nt IndlcliuentH fur WHOPS ,IM n.w..n ...... w .- War Relics Displayed In Main Street Window Rtllr which HerRennt (loodrlch brought buck from the. Front, enn now Vtutn In lhi window of the llpp Jew. rlry More. Th collection Includm tinn mndo from frnRtnentit of xlielU HUNS riCHTINQ IN SOUTH FINLAND STOCKHOLM, Am II 12. Cernnn (. T. Dai Icy. rhll eiiRlneor or Bo Itfopx MinihetliiK 1.1,000 are now up- nnnirii, linn Clod Mm declnrnllon on the ratine iiIoi.r the houthern count i.f rep liilmin ticket for county surveyor. linUn.l. They Imve hud Kevernl nmnll titt'M with the FlnUh rebeln, and It In kllfvrd I hit! Ihoy Intend Io rapture. HfhlnKfnni. PAY ON DELIVERY '1 21 Per Cent More Space Than In Other Cabinets The HootUra Ovar-Slza Mat haa 'J I par cant mora apaca for pota and aana than the averaga kltchan cablnat. And this la only one of ' Haoiltr'a many exctllancea. It haa 17 axelualvo faaturaa that can't bo found In all othara com. alntd. Tharo art placaa for 400 artleUe within arm'a roach all acltntlflcally arranged. Hooslar'a Two-Way Sugar Sin .holds twlco aa much as tho ordl. "ry. Tha Shaksd Flour Sifter shakss out flour light and fluffy, and Ma not grind grit thru a slsvt. In forty ways this cabinet savaa you work that's why mora than a minion women have aslsctsd ths Hooslsr over all HOOSIE D KITCHEri CABINET lV Wo ars nsw offering popular models at monay-oaving prices, lut " allotment Is limited, dus to the enormous wartlms dsmand. Tha Hooalor puts any kltehsn on a warsavlng basis, and It sssms ta svsry woman who svsr thought of gsttlng a cabinet, now wants a Hooslsr. i Corns at ones selsct ths modsl you admlro most ws will ds. "" It for . Fay tho balanot ft a wssk. Your monsy all back If u sre not delighted. Johnstone Furniture Co, "I huvo u swi-nler, but no comfort '"B. "t I "lon't wnnt you to hi any tiouhln for inn. I huw would nppru- Hutu a ruinfoit Iiiik. Ilio, mh limy nni tulKhty hiimly. I think it j wotnlm- ful "'' Y lh miwn of tin, country "" "'ii'lHiK IIiIiikh In tin, HiiMlorit. ' Tlny mi, hum. putting uh thru now, mul finiii tin, tulle Unit Im koIiik on In tnl. II look lilt,,' we will Iriivo lvr In n fnw wh.h. ThimkliiK you for our klmlm-nn, I rmimln, I Ml, ftl, MJUNTAIN." in-vnr sentence for obntiuctlng tlo i.ih... (Sernmii note cap, tear nan nwink, (lor 1 limn rlllo clip, Cennan bolt buckles I and n (leniinn diiKKcr. The sergeant , unlit he would have broiiKht more rel , Im with him had ho known that he wnx koIiii; to bo dolnx lecture work. FILES PETITION FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR Mr Darley lum been n realdent of llnnnnza for noernl yearn. Iln waa formerly connected with the reclama tion nonlro horo. THE EVENING Klamath Liberty Tor tlio benefit of many of those who Imvo ttlioady subscribed tbelr en tire tiiiotu for I ho Liberty bonda, and whomi numn havo not yet appeared In tlio llurnld lists, It In announced Hint the hendquarters force li so rush. Ml with tin, work dovolved upon It that only n certain nmount of the names can bu tabulated each day for publl ret Inn, nnd that while all the nameM will bn Klven full publicity In the or iloi In which they are rocelved, It will tnkn Home time for them all to appear. .1 Hunting, O. A. and M. Veneta Parker, W. II 400 100 Ilurton, Jerome CO, Dclfntil CO Knnmrnd, France ... 200 Jack Dennoby 400 Cleveland C. A. and Florence.... 100 jw- v- an Vnlma Whltlatch .... CO Clxlkr-k, Charles J 100, Inland J. and Mary I. Pope .... 100 Carrier, Mm. K. Entelle C0lp Ifc nnJ ,)orn - Vow 40 t'olcmiin, Curl 100 CouhIiih, JaH 100 Clcndr-nnlng, C. I), and Carrie.. 200 Chlntull, Frank and Orace 100 Dow, II. I', and Emma 100 Duvlilnon, L. A. and wife .,. ' Zl IteUcll, Wm. and Edith M. ... 100 CO Elder, Albert E. and Mildred .. COO Elliott, J. 8. and Mora 100 FroMt, J. I and Vcata 100 C B. Illce $ 300 John Ilrndbury CO rthur Ekwu.l 100 i' ' l.i Johnxon 50 I' 1 1 k llrethane: 100 J. V. Dennett CO Hertlo Ilob CO E. I Elliott 1C0 Jon L'hotard CO I'eler I'. Curllu CO Chan. Head 100 Frank Krlzo CO Klamath hake Land and Live ntock Co 1,000 O. II. Konner SO Frank Mochac 50 Lizzie Hnlounek , CO J. W. Jnquen CO Mat Ergncr .'.. 1G0 It. C. Vorchatzer CO E. W. Tucker , CO John T. Winter 100 Chna. c. DuRgan 100 8. C. Frcuer 100 II. L. Grimth and wife 50 Geo. Mueller 60 Ilyiuan Wechnler CO Edmund Ilrown CO Elhrl Ilrown SO John L. Itlcharda 100 F. Noxata A0 W. M. Lorens 50 O. J. Crawford CO John and Pauline Drener CO Harriet Suicarman CO Faye Sugartuan SO Florence Suiarman 150 K. Sujtarman tBO John F. and Anicela Weller .... Jcmho A. and Mary H. Parker 50 S00 50 60 60 60 60 100 200 100 60 100 60 100 60 Harry nnd Myrtle Nichols .... Sam and Pearl Woodard Chun. I), and Effle Qarcelon .... Kllzubetb Houston Ceo. II. Jnckaon and wire Cheater and Addle Avery lurry E. and Emma Wllaon .. ChurloH and Mamie Thomas .. Steve nnd Jennie Dennett .... J, P. mid Kalherlne Day II. W. and ImoKene Qregory .. ChM. C. and Edna Garrison .. BuHle Hatch ". Fred and Matilda Petrasok 100 Hay nnd Ethel Picket 60 Autone and Paulna 60 Lota Shoffer 50 John Spolek 100 V. J. and Katy Spolek 100 Mathew nnd Anna Staatney .... 60 Joseph Suildl 50 J. V. Thomaaon , .' 60 Mike and Fereile Dobry 100 'Virginia X. Wood 60 John Qaraea 60 nuth Avery 60 H. E. Qulmby and wire 50 Henry and June Crimea 100 Mnry L. Moor 1,000 Jumea and Bertha Bell 100 Wm. T. and Mary Garrett S00 G. W. and Kate Morcu 100 Jack and Jessie Furber 60 Earl & and Delia Walker tOO James Reddln 100 Ed Dloomingcamp 1,600 Oeorsce Dtoomlnicamp 1,600 Vincent and Anna Jellnek 100 Charles and Emma Horalek .... 100 Juck Kelly 100 Henry and Lennle Stout 160 Robt. and Georgia Sloans 60 C. R. Derfsnbechsr and wife .... 80 M. S. Taylor and wife 60 I M. Hannen 100 Archeloua H. and Fannie Hale.. 50 Thomas J. Lyon 100 Auguat Andrleu and wife 60 Cbarlea W. Potter 50 Jamea and Anna Havllna 100 T. J. Telford and wife 60 Jamea and Dora Oivaa 100 Thomas Brown 60 J. P. McAulttfa and wife . 100 HERALD, KLAMATH Loan Blue List CIiom. Adama Wm. Iowry OcorKe nnd Orn Doyd ... . If. B. nnd Ivn Chllders Chns. W. Warren Mlrt and Norn O'Connor I.lzzlo F. OOleld CO 100 too so 200 2C0 COO (loo. nnd Mangle Con I hi 100 Frank and Stella dray ball 100 John and Mary J. Col well 400 R. I., and Hazel I). Dalton .. Joel P. nnd Rue M. linker ... James II. nnd Francis HobbH.. 100 200 100 100 IfiO 200 800 CO Edna Rush waller and Hazel Ilnblson .. (loo. W. nnd Mary V. OOleld .. Hugene M. and Mary Hammond .James A. and Jennie Franklin J. B. and A. J. Hannan CO CO 800 f.) 00 XtiO CO 30 fj0 SO no so W. J. and KIhIo n. Trlvelplece.. K. 8. and Mnry A. TcrwIlllKer.. John H. Fruits Jrhn niitcllfT 8r. C0.Iiclln M. Mnjorwltei EmeHt M. and Nina M. Dubb Suson I'loditclr T M. nnd H. E. Pudham Ruttolph uml Inn bKttonhorn Ionn f. Ady Clay WIlMin II. C. and Mnrgorct E. Moore.. Fred nnd Mlnnlo Slukct ...v 200 8. N. und JoMophlne Chappoll . 100 Joseph and Jonopblne Mlcka . 100 Antone and Blanche Petoxek . 100 Wm. It. and Eupbemlu Freer .. loo Iteatora French CO Ray A. and Mary L. Telford .... .100 I). W. and Belle Ryan 800 8. W. and Ida Dowllnit 100 M. J. and Lllla Nyhart 100 Cha. P. and Elisabeth Maaulre 100 R. C. and Jean Oroeabeck ...... 100 M. W. nnd Bdltb Coseboom 100 J. V. and Anna Posplill 60 Chan. Pickett and wife 100 R. O. and Blanche Pickett S00 Ben H. and Anna Pickett 100 Bonn P. Alexander 100 John and Mary Brothanek 100 W. C. tml Katie Dalton 1,000 Frank nnd Marie Zumpfe 100 Vincent nnd Anna Zti.nt B0 RtMolph and Ano Kg 50 l)iili nnd Mfcrlv. Kii'.na 500 Start Tomorrow and Keep It Up Every Morning at In tho habit of drinking taM at hot watsr; kdfsf breakfast We're not here long, so lot's make out stay agreeable. Let ua live well, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep well, and look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yat, how very easy It Is If one will only adopt tbo morning Inside bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel fWW00WWmmA0AAffAAAAA New City Laundry Wo Guarantee Our Work. . Shirts and Collars Laundsrtd. f Wo also wash silk, wool, and col-1 orod gods vsry carefully. Try ua once and bo convinced. Our prloos are right Phono 1S4. 127 Fourth Street wok of First National Bank VsSMrfMjnswrfiwisiSisi.lfc.t Passengers and Baggage Aiywkre k the City QwkkSenkc ReasMiUe Rates PHONE 187 Western Transfer faquny PALLS, OREGON dull and hoary when they arise, split ting headache, stuffy front a cold, foul tongue, nasty broatb, cld stomach, cap, Instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opsnlng tbo sluices In tho system sacb morning and flushing out tbo whole of the Internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of rsal hot water with a tea-poonful of limestone phosphate In It to wush from tho rttomadi, liver and bowels the previ ous day's Indigestible wasto, nour bile and pnl-onoiis toxins; thus claiming, sweetening nnd purifying the entire iitlmmitnrv ratinl liefore outline mora food Into tlio Htotnacli. The action of! lint wnlr.r ntift llmeatnnn tiliriMtitintii ntt I ii ri empty stonmch Is wonderfully In- vlKorntlnK. It cleans out nil the sour fermentations, gane", waste and tiuiuiljr uilil BI'VM uuv Biiuuum Ml'-1 potite for breakfast. While you arei enjoying your breakfast the water and phosphate Is quietly extracting a large volumo of water from tho blood and Kottfng ready for a thorough flushing of nil' the Inside organs. The 'millions of people who are bothered with constipation, bilious ipclls, stomach trouble; others who have sallow sl.lns, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphato from the rhug store. This will cost vory little, but Is sufficient to make anyone a ropnounced craank on tho subject of Inside bathing before breakfast. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Sale of Real Property Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, made and entered on March 22, 1918, In the matter of the guardianship of the person and estate of Miriam Martin, a minor, the undersigned guardian of said minor will soil at private sale to the highest bidder for cash In hand on and after the 22d day of April, 1918, subject to the confirmation of said court, all right, title and Interest of said minor In and to the following described premises, to-wit: 8ltuate In Klamath County, Ore gon, lots 6 and 7, of section 15, lot 2 of section 23, and northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 22, township 40 south, 'range 8 east of Willamette Merid ian, containing 89.22 acres, more or less. All bids for said premises msy be ad dressed to the undersigned at Klam ath Palls, Oregon. Dated: March 22, 1918. EMMA O. OBENCHAIN, duardlan of tho.porson and estato of Miriam Martin, a Minor. 22-29-5-12-19 I fTassBsmmmV smT SHOE POLISHES An K KEEP YOUR MIS) PASTS. -t miitm FJvl In t?l HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVEif KIDNEYS EAT r.KBB MEET IF YOU FEEL I sediment, Irregular of passage or at rUCKACHY OR HAVE UliADDER landed by a sensation of scalding, stop TitouniJ? No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing tha kldnoya occaaon'ally, says a well known authority. Meat forma uric acid, which escltea tho kldnoya, they become overworked from tho atraln, get sluggish and fall to filter the wasto poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rhsu matism, headaches, liver trouble, nor vousnoss, dliilness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you fsol a dull aohe In the kldnoya or your back burta or It tVo urine la cloudy, offensive, full of AAAaaflss1iitisitfi Aifti Be Good to Your Hair t'o one of our good stiff bris tle finishes ami one i our pop. ular unbreakable combs. Let ua show you some new stylo combs and brashes. Our aasoitcnont I big, prices right we will aavo jroti money. Wo are lieadsaarters for brushes' see us first. , KLWUTM TALIS ORtOONl TTtTVVVttTTVT Come with me and I'll show yon some pretty homes la the city and country. Exclusive agent for some of the best lands In the Klamath Basin. Clillcote. v S A War Stamp kaiser away. a day keeps tho HEADACHE STOPS. NEUGONE Dr. Jams' Kssdaihs Fwwisn give imaUat raBof Ossft dim a pteksg. Nerve-racking, splittlag or doM, IhrobWsg hesdschss ylskita Just a few moments to Or. James' Hssdscbe Pow ders which cost only 10 cents a pack sgsjtt any drug store. It's the quick rat, sureit headache relief In tha whole world. IJont suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men sad women havs found that hesdacbe and neuralgia mlnurj- U needless. Oct What you ask for. SHOES NEAT eating meat ana get anoui tour ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast and In a few days your kldnoya will act fine. This famous salta la made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate tha kidneys, also to neutralise the acids In urine so It no longer causes Irritation, thus sad Ing bladder weakness. Jad Baits Is Inexpensive, and cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lithla water drink which every one should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and tho blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney cempHonMoaa. Adv.. LRnAlj jffsgJsura3sjs&K)ABss sv BWSWSWSWSWSWSJRWBWBB i SWSWSWSWSWSBJ UwJenrwrsPMnBff WKl KLWUTM THIS OftOOtt ff I j3a vyrvxsr mkilm EVssmmmmmmmwK SMOSS. MINI i I JL M anl mV ssf V mjmnmbMJmm AOI THRU LET MB MAWD VOtmjfCXf SUIT PERFECT FIT Highest Oracle of Workmanship GUARANTEED Hprlag Woolens on Display. Vour Inspection Invited. Chas. J. Cizek Muccessor to lioewe Bros. MERCHANT TAILOR nio Main Hi. Flrcpitiof StornRe, lowest into. 28tt KAUMEItH' WAREHOUSE CO. PROFESSIONAL CARDS -1""" - . . . 'VTrrnninir .njijarxruviJUfi JOHN C. CLKUHORN County Surveyor C.lvli Engineer City & County Abstract Co. Afrriiup it. wilson 517 Main St. FARM LOANS AT 8 PER CENT FLAT HOUGIITALING DOUGAN Architect's and Engineers 507-8 Henry Building WE FINANCE YOU Phone Main 8723. Portland, Ore. DR. EARL G. WISECARVER DENTIST Oflee, Rooms 7 and 8, Whit Dulldlag DR. P. R GODDARO ' Osteopathic Physician A Surgeon Suite Sll, 1. e. O. F. Temple (over K. K.K. Store) Phone 881 . . Res. Phoae, 86811 (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon la Klamath Falts.) KATHERINE 8CHLEEF, M. D. Physician and Surgeon White Bldg, in Dr. Hamilton's office Office hours 9:30 to 12m., 1:36 to 5 p. m. Night calls promptly attended to W. D. MILLER Roofing Contractor Malthold, Tar and dravel Roof ing. Roof Coating. Repair Work a Specialty. 2S2 S. Sixth Street Phone 293. DR. J. G. GOBLE Well known OptoweUH Optician, la PtnsutBlly Located t 126 3d Street Opposite Elks Temple Phoae MM ' Make engagements, and be will call at your home and examine your eyes for glasses, If you can not call at his office. WOOD Block, slab, limb and body, nay length. Small or large ejaaatl ties. Prompt service. Terms Cash. Oslce Fifth and Mala -, Pheaa HaR ', KImmIIi Fu1 CosmfMuiy, y, rmmevft, rTf', iP- ' 2 V M Ht". r Wft 1? 5 s' m n i J n , ! . ? i M . : 3. ml ' ffWM t w: i-jm wu " V-. , . Sf Jl & $&$ m . .?, &i. v K.ii . i. . ".v.. .i'i &&' ,.. ' lu-f2i . te'j&2r