iItZZnUiW. pwioav, April i3i lBg THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALL. OftBGON '! fjr JAJs- tfatffi trig Herald W.O. SMITH, .Editor 'iWs i T, u tolly vet Sunday hy ImM PaaUshlBB Oeapaay of Palls, at 111 Fourth itntt. BMartd lit tkt footofSce at WasBath fills. Otnn, tor transmission through IB aaalla m seooad-elass natter. ft Urn by all to tay la the United BUtMi M.00 OaaaMwtk i.y FRIDAY, APRIL 111, HUH Herald's Classified Advs. HELP WANTED WANTKD Man and wlfo to work on rnch. Inquire HcinlJ offlce. 10-3t WANTKD Inquire Woman to work on ranch. Herald office. 10-3- WANTED UrigUt youug wan for survey work; good opportunity. Bee J. C. Cleghorn, county surcyor. itf At the Theaters ERSONAL MENTION Artefact' relsste of tht latMt Doug las Falrbsnks' production. "A Modtrn Musketeer." mark the reunion ot Allan Dwan as a director with the famous Mar. Dwan formerly directed Fairbanks when both were with anoth er company. "A Modern Musketeer" P 11 Hf SbbbWBbV bbbbf'vBb DOKW rajtraNBTO UjaoMM LITTLK SIDBXrOHTS ON LOCAIi HAFPRMNaS AMONG THK PROPLB OP THIS C1T1T AND VICINITY. GOINUM AND COMINGS OP. LOCAL POLKS door go Tlo.xd of Illy U In town to day, i , Mrs. E. 3. Murray returned to Hooy this morning. Robert Coker ot Pctaluma, Calif., was In town yesterday. E. n. Pierce from Pomona. Calif., is registered at the Hotel Hall. G. W. Oltleld from Merrill Is regis trred at the Hotel Hall. Price Wilson from Portland was a lItor here jesterday. lames Pelton, a prominent rancher In tin- Fort Klamath country, w In the rlty for u short business visit. Frank Oroha Is In town for a few data from tho Rlmrock stock tnnch In Hit southeastern part of tho county. J. Miner from Culatlnn, Calif., ar rived In town recently. Mr. Miner Is Interested In the Chelsea box factory. W. C. Klrkland, trnlnmaiter, and R. T. Merclcr, assistant superintendent for the Southern I'aclilc company, arc In town today. W. C. Dunning town estenlny. FOR RENT MKWWWW Pe)R RENT Pnsturo for several thousand head ot atock In lower Xkuaath Marsh. See A. A. Mehaffcy. 411 Main it.. Klamath Falls. lC-tf FOR SALE - SUCKLING CALVES for sale Ship plagton hotel. 12-31 FOR SALE Cheap. Incubator, R. I. R. .roosters; also stone Jars from size 1 up: Sne for putting down eggs or but ter. Phone 29. J or call 103 Earl street. 12-31 ATTENTION Big reduction Bale Friday and Saturday, April 12th aid 13th. One-fourth off on all goods remaining from Jackson apartments. Ob sale at John Shannon's plumbing' shop. 1023 Main street. 12-lt FOR SALE One five-passenger car In good condition, at a bargain. Tel ford Bros. Oarage. ll-3t FOR 8ALE One heavy duty trailer. Telford Bros, garage. ll-3t ' FOR SALE Thirty dairy cows and 20 2-year-olds; extra good stock. Inquire Williams Dairy or phone 15FH. ll-3t FOR SALE Pure bred Plymouth Rock eggs, 75c per setting IS eggs. Addreas Merrill Creamery, Merritl, Ore. 6-6t LOST AND FOUND LOST 120 bill; taken. In on Liberty Loan. Finder please leave at Her ald ofllce and receive reward. 12-2t MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used stamps, ISc per 100, New City Laundry. 11-Ct WANTED Some one (o board two high school children In exchange for furnished bouse, wood, light, wa ter. Inquire at Herald office. 103t FOR SALE Eighty acres, alt under irrigation, fenced, bouse, barn: wa ter payments half paid up; 180 per art. tells the story of Ned Thacker, who has the spirit of D'Artagnan, and whose chlnlry Is not understood by the present generation. Like the Dumas hero, he manages to get Into Innumerable scrapes, some humorous and others sensational. It will be shown at the Star tonight. ' Some exquisite dancing is shown in one of the scenes In "That Sort," an Essanav five-act feature play, at the Temple tonight. This scene represent a play on the stage. The best dancer of "Chin- Chin," playing In a Chicago theater, were engaged for the part They carry out the action in a way that adds both beauty and realism to the play. of Merrill was In' Mr- nm Mr"- c- " Sobort expected on the evening train from Halt Ijtko. Thev will visit at tho Mr. Stevenson from Klamath Queen, home of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Holmes. J Is In town for supplies today. I iKive Kitier, mo sneep King oi Paul It. Dodge left to bring a truck Southern Oregon, Is In town today to.Mcdford this morning. I from Keno Springs. Mr. Kdlcr Is load of supplies for HAS QKRMAN MEASLES Mrs. P. R. Dodge has n slight cose of German measles. Thl variety of measles. In many places, since the out break or the war, has been known as Liberty measles. 8TORK" MAKSS VISIT A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchln ot "37 Ninth street on Tuesday. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mahoney of Bonanza yesterdayTDr. George Wright wa In attendance In both Instance. Ask Chllcote to show jroa three room hoaae mmr the school for only fTM on easy t that high t SCHfCDULK OF MEETINGS FOR LinERTY LOAN DRIVE For April 12th, meeting at Henley; leave hotel at 7:30 p. m. For Keno, Saturday', April 13. For the above meetings the auto mobiles will leave tho Hall hotel at the scheduled times above. The meet ing will be held at Mt. Lakl church Instead of the school house. They arc, however, not far apart. Ask Chlli-ote shout the new low cost Hfe, accident and health policies of the Travelers. ( J. T. WARD CO., ISMsis) Street ORPHEUS THEATER Orpheus Thester Presents Mm. Petrovs In "MORS TRUTH THAN POETRY" A Metro play of tho Unwritten Law, la Sve acts. Also First Eplsods of "THE PIOHTINQ TRAIL" With Wm. Duncsn snd Csrol Hetlewsy USUAL PRICE8 H OUSTON' Metropolitan A. hubs meats s Miss Muyscl Sanderson Is expected back from Portland this week end. Lizzie Johnson and daughter from Mnlln weic in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Zlnn of Pelican Bay were visitors heie yesterday. ' Mr. Arthur Putney from Mcdford Is now employed at the Roberta A Whit more store. T. B. Griffith, deputy sheriff. Is back at work today, after a couple of days Illness. Clyde Batchelder left this week to Join the ordnance corps at Angel Island. MM MM KTFD JOHN SKELLOQ ARRESTED AT LOST RIVER FOR HAVING BOOZE. AND JOHN STOKES FOR RESISTING POLICE TRIAL TO BE TOMORROW bringing back his ramps. t. j Straw Is down from tho O.lcssa spdton, looking after matteri of busi ness for a few day. He repot Is a One winter In that district, bu: says the grass has not started thcro yet. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM IS STATED BY HAYS PORTLAND, April 12. Will Hay, chairman of the republican committee, says that the lepubltcan party ttaml4 for winning th war. peace by victory and a reconstruction program to solve the problems following after tbe war. lie left for San Francisco yesterday on the Shasta. Have you a W. B. 8. baby bond In your home? John Skellog, an Indian at Lost Rlv er, ha been found with whiakey and arrested by Assistant Chief Special Officer Flanders snd Special Officer Kecnb of the Indian service, who have been here for some time, operating In' concction with tbe liquor traffic among Indians. John Stokes was arrested also for resistance to Jim Johnson, the Indian policeman. The Indiana were sent to the reservation for confine ment, awaiting their trial, which will be held today. The purpose of tbe officer coming hero at this time was that a large num ber of Indian were congregated at Lett River, and they anticipated1 that they might procure Intoxicants in or hbout Klamath Falls. They found, however, that with the exception of this case, tho Indian were free from the vi-e of Intoxicants, and there ha been very little trouble among them. Most or them are returning to the res ervation now, to attend to their farm ing. Mr. Flanders and Mr. Recob stated that tho city and county authorities, especially the city police, are doing everything possible to eliminate the liquor trsfflc here. HiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiMi TELL YOUR WIFE CORNS LIFT OFF HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK 0-S Klaaath Lodge No. 1S7, 1. O. O. P., Friday night. H. F. Esell, t, N. O., Nat Otterbeln, Secrstsry. a ;.."wBBa Encampment No. 46, 1. O. O. P.. meets Tuesday sight. W. A. r J Ifaitaa a. P.. Mate Ottarhaln Scrlba. wp - p - .-. ,... amsBsmmmi 't 'r , M. $Li -w A. M. . .T- Regular communications Lodge No. 77, A. F, . second Monday of l,v .-,, ssesiin. . IjMVHI, . am. '. 1.L STAR THEATER Aitcrsft Plcturss Corp. Presents Douglas Fairbanks In "THE MODERN MUSKETEER" Tho story has an unususl theme, presenting dashing Incidents or ro mance and thrill. Also a , Twa-Rssl Keystens Comedy Doesn't hurt a bit to' lift corns or calluses off with fingers COW SAGE TEA . INTO GRAY HAIR DARKENS DKAUTIFULLV AND RE. HTORK8 ITM NATURAL COLOR AXD LU8TRK AT OXCE &&&&&&&&&&$ The Winnek Co., Inc. 426 .Main Street Klamath Falls i N THESE DAYS of Congested Transportation some lines of goods are bound to be shcrt, however, our stock is as near complete as possible. TEMPLE THEATER Essanay Presents "THAT SORT" Stsrring Warda Howard with Duncan MeRsn and Ernsst Maupln A story of a woman's great renun ciation. Don't miss Chsrlls Chsrlls Crispin In "THE FIREMAN"' ADMISSION TEN CENTS Not a twinge of pain or soreness be fore applying or afterwards. This may sound like a dream to corn-pestered men and women who have been cut ting, filing and wearing torturous plas ters. Yes! Corn lift out and cal luses peel off as If by magic, says this Cincinnati authority. A quarter ounce of freexone costs but a few cent at any drug store. Ap ply a few drop directly upon your ten der corn or callus; and Instantly the sorenes disappears; then shortly tbe corn or callus will be so loose that it lift off. Freexone dries Instantly. It doesn't eat out tbe corn or callus, but Just shrivels It up so it lifts away without even Irritating the surrounding skin. Women sbould keep P on the dresser and never let a corn or callus ache twice. Adv. Common garden sage' browed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux urlans. Mixing tbe Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, is trou blesome. An easier wsy Is to get the ready to.use preparation Improved by the addition of other ingredients, :ostlng shout SO cents a Urge bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wysth's Ssge snd Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot or mups . While gray, faded hair Is sot sin ful, we all desire to retsln onr youth ful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyetk's Sage and 8ulphur Compound, no one can tell, because It Is dose so natur any, so eveniy. rou just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking ons small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. Af ter anotbsr application or two your hair becomes dark, glossy, soft, tad luxunsnt, sna you appear years younger. Wyeth's Ssge and Sulphur Compound Is a dollgbtful tollst requi site. It U not Intsnded for tha cure mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TOMDATB AND SATURDAY! CITY TRANSFER CO. GRIMES BROWN, Proprietors OSS MAIN STREET Freight Manilas d Oeaeral T rawfer Duaiaess. Plane Moths s Herlslty AUTO TRUCK IN CONNECTION Day aad Nlfht SOTlaa . Otsesj Fnom SS mntMiM : Fruit and Vegetables We are 'receiving several times, each week, all the fresh Fruits and Vegetables, crisp and tender. Our Coffee Special We receive weekly our fresh roasted coffee at 30 cents the pound, this coffee not only saves you money, but satisfies. SjsBjBsassZSSE White Bear Soap, the bar 5c Iff AI t Cream Oil Soap, three bars 2."c Wg utter tor ciean E?y sap' fur ba -'c Swifts Pride Washing Powder, large package. . .Hoc C A T II ft 11 A V Schi,,inB,s Baking Powder, pound .So 0 A 1 U H U A I Royal Baking Powder, pound ISo wmOtmaSSSSS i. x. L. Assorted Soups, can lOc.dozen $1.00 Soups are advancing in price, owing to the short age of oils and fats. The Winnek Co., Inc. 426 Main St. Phone .34 Klamath Falls xx:-txKM:.tKMB4s Grabbing Leather f'-yiBKSvfwf-l Is A?ajSBmwMMS iMCBknin&nk. ... i BBmBa'9BBBkv BmajpmmjBBMBBBv Is a custom much ridicule d by th cow punehsra of Klsmath County and ethsr portions of ths West for rtisny years. . " With th searing prices of this commodity, however, any manner of getting one's hsnds upon ths vslusd artlcls Is rfbw eensldsrsd good business, snd a policy which Is rscognlxsd as ons of economy. An unusual eppertun ity of this kind is now afforded at Van alien's, where the Men's Lines of Shoes ars rapidly being clessd out. COMB WHILE THE COMING 18 GOOD. V flLlnBaWH AbBbbt BSmr sBTABmB' lU fLV bbbbbbbBBbw9 BBaMemiBS!SSSSgg"sMMMM), 1 Phono 115 Mala and tear tilth DR. CLAYTON E. WHEELER PHYSICIAN and SUIWKO.N Spinal Treatment Specialist In chronic diseases. Examination and consultation frse Largest X-Ray laboratory In Southern Oregon. Latest electrical applleocss that ars now ussd In the curing of disease. Early Bird Says 3m I Ann j 1918 Spring Styles From etery susslpolBt sad from i-very lewMlat, oar bow Boring Htylm are the A. II. C.' of rorrert llMHlwear. Whfl off buying that ew Hprlag hstT K. Sugarman g i... ...M bsasm At iJisswtr and thrn buy a home from Chlkosfc "The First American Ufa ln,urt"? Co." Investigate tho new Mil IP IcIpm of Th Mutual Life of N. V swa in better. Geo. C. Ulrlch, dtottW inannRor, office over First Ststo Bss 23-tf. ii..l. .w iw. wiiilna to bet y make good U yon Hvo, but ao J M.,t i.. , iiv any naatasr years. !rotevt your okllgaw1... ..- .u.llv urIIH llio ' well aa your family. ante. He ciiiicote. Araorlcan boys are dying tor country. Surely you can I'uy War Bavins Stamp. , & 'vs$ ' rida wUh Chlkote art look Jiffit'itmi asm six rasas heuaa as Ms :'r " ' - s i. .; ?M