- Tijs: 'Z.Mx JFFICIAL NEWSPAPER "V )P KLAMATH COUNTY tlfth Year No. njMl ..dafssfssfsafsnananahaaa mv fgugttfng Herald 1 e Jt $ OFFICIAL ' NXWIFAFO, OF klamAth tWjiijM' l'Jl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL, 12, 1018 Pries Flva Cents 1 VERY VITAL POINT HELD BY ALLIES WMWMMMMMWW AVWVSWWVWV TL- WWMIWWWMMIWWWIWW Lnjmf E R R I F I CiL0AN mw mm FFORTIS ONTNUED AISUIWUA inubbs is ENIHIIMIC N1MD !Y ENEMY SERGEANT COODRIOGE, LIEUTEN.i.WOrtD 18 RECEIVED TODAY THAT ANT KUYKENDALL, CAPTAIN FERGUSON ,MR. RYAN AND MR. UPTON MAKE PATRIOTIC AD. DRESSES INDIAN APPROPRIATION HAS BEEN CUT 1 00,000 MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED UNTIL NEXT YEAR I OREGON LEADS IN SUBSCRIPTION QUOTA WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12. Oregon wan the Aral state 4 to report Hh ovcr-subscrlptlon to Itii Third Liberty Loan quota, and will stand at the head of the Na- lion's honor roll. Iowa claim Hid nap, but ha not filed Hh re port to substantiate the claim. Tort land and Toledo claim the first honor Hag for large cities. ' ? MEETINO'FOR CHILDREN SATURDAY CALLED OFF Olid of I In? iniint iiiIIiiihIiimIIi' Iiiccl- Iiikm wlikh hlivn Ihtii held w iin tlio BACK ,,,, ,., , ..... ,,,...,.. ... ' ( .. iii'iiiiM-in in hh. i.iurriy niiriiH IITISH ARE FORCED LIGHTLY IN SOME PLACES, dexrrlbed the Mlierly Loan inretlni; STRATEGIC POINTS ARE HELD. "' lt("""lz" lIHt ttl1t. IVwslbly IIiIh WEDOE IB DEEPER NEAR BE THUNE IROUND GAINED BY ENEMY ON ME6SINES RIDGE REGAINED IN COUNTER ATTACKS GROUND STREWN WITH CORPSES OF GERMANS LONDON, April 12. Continuing (heir terrific effort to break thru tlm tiled line atonic the northern front, the German have aucceeded In press In the ilrltlsh back for unbtntantlnl tain at two or three polnlH, but tlm strategic position are Mill held by I llala'a force, and nlttiiMlip llmm lire I straining every nerve to overcome tho llrltlah force by number, General !lalg brilliant work In defenslvo hnvn lowed the advance to a marked extent. In the attack yesterday the llrltlnh were compelled to fall back In the vl ' clnlty of Neuve Kallne. TIiIh point Ik about ten mllea In a lino straight south of Yprea. Laat night tho (lermiin captpred Mervllle. Heavy fighting ron- tlnue today In tho neighborhood of Mervllle and the Neuf Uerquln. On the remainder of the northern front little change I noted. North of Festubert the Drltlah have succeeded la regaining tome ground In a counter attack, and tho Germans havo been aueceaafully repulaed between tho Lolaene and the Lawe river. The Meaalnea Ridge and Wsychocto arc vital point south of Yprea which the enemy'a force havo been unublo to reach. American marine have been landed at Vladivostok, and It la exiected that the Russians will be reaaaured nt tho International aapect of the alluatlon there. sanananan9iBBTdBnanananfJ BBBBBBBB-atPaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj i Lfe .vabssnananananaH BsaBnanaaWp F BrSRjBJBBJBgBj I snanananana. (Jk-aBH I AbH Kjr .vbPVPIbVJbI I 7 -rdssi ' XSjaBbatsaTsfJ I HSBBBaB' 9 EtBBaBaBBBBasSBBl I iTPIlf'MaTaBBH I W tlVW VIbBBBBBBbV I H I Si" l&sH IS' T3IbBBBbI i I BBJJ JB'auiPB I I JBI l i I BBJBBBBBBBBB I ili'itcrlitlon U due partly to the fuel that the Liberty Chorus wax especially iiliprirlaliil, tinil waa niplauded tlmo inn) ii Kul n, l.'uptiilu CIiiih. J. IVrguson (old him Oregon wim the lirnl to fend the hum- "lliiiixe and somite confieeit of Iho Kliiiniilli Indian appropriation cut llm mini lo $400,0110, hut wo were hucccks fill In pruventlnK HiIm action. ' CI IAS. L. McNAItY. 'I'lie iilmw iiD'HKnge to the Klamath Ciuiiiiificlul Club wn ii-telveil hero tuil:i.. It liiillt'iile:i that tho sum waa licllrwd HiillHfatlorlly M-ttled at $500, oOo fur use or rrM'ivnllon IndlanH in liii)liig IIWKlink will be cut Mibxtiin tlally. Inillaiirt on the rcBcrviillon are very iiiiich illnlriHui'il over the rumor that ('oiniuliixlimcr Cain hell lui! decided lo delay the ilitttrlbutlon of theae fund until 191!i,'and they are reported' cir. 'ng a petition to prevent audi action. WILL RELEASE POMO F RUM 'HI 8IX THOUSAND ACRES IN LAKE, MALHEUR, HARNEY AND GRANT COUNTIES TO BE OPENED FOR AORICULTURE AND PASTUR. AGE PURPOSES The meeting which wan to be held , for the nchool children on Saturday, , when they were to have an opportun I Ity to hear Sergeant (loodrlch, hat been called off. The action wan taken ' liecauao of tho acarlct fever cane,' I which might have a chance to spread iimong hucIi n group of children. ONLY ONE SLACKER The forty employe of the Lamm Lumber company at Modoc I'olnt sub scribed $4,050 to the Third Liberty I.n.in. Of theso men, thlrtylx aub- srrubed to the loan, and only one turn ed tiic matter down, the o'her three I haviiiK valid excuse. The Lamm j Lumber company ha yet to be jollclt- d for ft ahare. WA8HINOTON, D. C, April 12. A part of the government' plan to encourage the Increased production of food In the reclamation service, It will lease r,6,000 acre of public lands In Lake, Malheur, Harney and Grant counties for agricultural and pastur age purposes. The land Is now with drawn from all form of entry. A por tion of the Truckee-Carson Irrigation pioject in Nevada will also be opened to homesteader. PURCHASE RANCH IN WOOD RIVEN K. M. Lcever of Fort Klamath, ha purchased the Moxier ranch at Fort Klmnatb. The action was thru the A. A. Bellman Real Estate company. (Conlivurd on page 1) Jlrltlxh lines, near Ilelhunn, nnd the point of Hie wedge was driven further l.isl night along Hie Lytt canal to Mer ille. The Cennans an- milking miiiio prog ress today. They gained ground along Iho MeHsinea Itldge, but tho nrltlsh iliove them out again this morning. Tin oo nttacka made In tho great waves at Vlllo Chapelle were repulsed . by the Uritlsh leaving tho ground aitewn wnn ueiman corpses. ftMMMrjr by Aaaorlated I'm With the British hanging grimly to the great bulk of the MesslneH Itldge, the German to the southward am pushing their wedgea deeper Into the I'AUIH. April 1 2. The Germans re newed their bombardment of l'arls with long range guns today. Yester day a shell struck n foundling asylum on tho outskirts of the city, killing three nnd wounding eleven. Thirty women Willi new-born babies were there. One maternily nurse, ono mother and ono baby were killed. Six women patients mid three bablatt were Injured. Farmers Will Discuss New Grain Elevator t To confer with the newly organized Pine Grove Elevator company and all other farmer of the Klamath, district who may be Interested in the bulk handling of grain, L. M. Jeffers, grain supervisor of Portland, will arrive Sat urday night and address a meeting at Pine Grove school bouse, seven miles mt otUUmath Falls, according to an UBoitnceaent made by County Agri cultural Agtat H. E, Olalsjer here to day, A number of farmers In the Pine Grove dlatrtet sow plan to erect a ruin etorator on a co-oyeratlve plan along Iho new Stnihorn railroad, and tho new company has been organized for that purpose. Agent Glalsyer de times that tho grain handling prob lem this year promises to be one of mmIoiis naluro, owing to the great shortage of sacks. Those which can be bought will bring an exhorbltant pilco, b oays, and grave doubt exists a In whether a sufficient amount can be bought at any price. All tho farm ore In lhf Klamath district are urged to bo preseut at the meeting Satur day nlijht. ''--Zr&J,fv. k'3MfBVJJBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVeV What Does BmlC i "War Tune" sWfflme. m aKsSaSBnBVLKv S Mean mlwmlm afS flrfl HleHwi7 MrtsBVVi'. m tm. naff lar I u ariawii i i avaimsiav .- - invi 'aiai -rm illxsr rsssk -Mm v To Yon Are you complaining be cause "war time" means coal hortage; less sugar in your coffee; bad business; less money than you think you ought to make? What about the boys who are fighting for you in France? For you a little economy and deprivation. For them the trenches; the pitiless storms of rain and sleet; the ceaseless deafening bombard ment of the guns; hunger, cold and fever; wounds and death. That you may dwell in peace, plenty; and security, they sacrifice everything, give everything, brave everything, and face nameless , grave with a smile and a song. What are you doing, or giving, or sacrificing for them? The Third '. Liberty Loan is your opportunity to prove the patriotism that to in your heart and on your lip. Your opportunity to show yourself worthy of tho heroism, the devotion, the elf-renunciation of your sol dtera and tailors. Your opportunity to share,insome small degree, th sufferings of thoss who stand ready to maka the sa prsros sserilcs for you. All you can do is little enough. You simply Uni ymr money. Do it, and ba glad that you can do as much and sorry you can do so mora. Bfajajtftjyajlll W gFACB PAD list AND COITOBU1TD MY J STARDRUG COMPANY MINT ON RECAUbVuMOT GETSDENUU. OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF COUNTY FUNDS SUBMIT SWORN STATE MENTS REFUTING CHARGES BROUGHT AGAINST JUDGE County officials today submit sworn statements disproving the charge against County Judge Hanks, that he has diverted money from the new court house fund. The oflclal ballot contains this charge: "That he has allowed over 1100,000 of the tax payers' money to be diverted from the court house funds." It is shown conclusively that the total amount collected In cash In this fund since the Judge went Into office was 1107.969.38. $35,147.48 was paid for indebtedness contracted by the former court, and 172,109.07 In cash was In the fund on Marco 1, 1911. A total of $71,608.78 of the levyrfor court house purposes waa paid In warranta for taxes, and not In caab. The statement that any money from this fond was diverted Is not In secordancewttB tlre-facrsr and la a misrepresentation. The affidavits by the several county officials are submitted to the public In Justice to tbe various officials who have charge of the funds and the keep ing of the records of the county, and. for tbe purpose of correcting this mis statements of facta. State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss: I, Geo. Cbastaln, clerk of the cir cuit court for Klamath County, do hereby certify that in a suit filed in said court on the 13th day of January, 1918, In which a, 8. Grigsby was plaintiff and C. C. Low, sheriff and ex officio tax collector of said county, was defendant, it waa decreed, on the 3rd day of March. 1918, tbat said sheriff and tax collector accept, in settlement of taxes, Klamath county warranta in payment of the levy for court house purposes; and that such decree ever since has been and now Is, In full force and effect. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, April 12, 1918. GEO. CttASTAIN, Clerk of Circuit Court. To the County Court of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon. . Statement showing amount collected, Indebtedness paid, amount turned In on taxes, and amount paid out on the new court house fund from January 1, 1915, to March 1, 1918. Cash on band January 1, 1915 100.08 Amount of cash collected and amount of general fund warrants collected on taxes, new court house fund from Jan. 1, 1915, to March 1, 1018 179,578.11 0 K SITE NOW WITHDRAWN 6YK.D. CO. KLAMATH DEVELOPMENT COM. PANY TODAY DECLARES RE. TURN OF DEED TO PROPERTY ' WHERE BIG 9TRUCTURK a STANDS COURT TODAY SIGNS, ORDER IN. STRUCTING BANK TO DELIVER PROPERTY BACK TO ORIGINAL , OWNERS Klamath County today has aaly oaa court' house site toqMrrH ever, aad whatever the- result of the coating re call election, the court house caa atr er be built on the Hot Springs alt. The Klamath Development oeaapaay. owners of the Hot Springs toeatleei, has demanded the return of thVaaad to lot 10 in the Hot Spriaga AeUttiaa, ' which waa placed in escrow wKav.tka First State and Saving baak aa May 13, 1913. In case of refusal, tka coav nany instructed Its attorneys to ! dlately to file suit for the recovery of the deed. In order o avoid tbe expaaaa of a suit, the County Court today- algaed an order instructing the bank -to deliv er the deed to the Klamath Develop ment company. As both sldea to tho deal requested tbe return of the dead, there waa nothing for the baak to do. In ita capacity of trustee, hot to tara It over, and tbe property now reverts to tbe original owners'. Tho deed waa placed In escrow oa May 13, 1913, and Ita delivery waa conditioned on the conatraetioa aad, completion of a court house oa tka property. Aa sufficient tuaa, for Ita construction has long since elapsed. It has been expected that the company would take some action for the racer cry of the property, Inasmuch as tho policy of tbe present managers of this company has been to keep aa clear aa possible of local politics. SIX WEEKS MORE TILL HIGH SCHOOL END Continued on Fago 4 Pupils nt tho high school are Be ginning to count the days till the aad of school now, as it la Just six weeks off. This is the close for the second six weoks of school, and reports for the work will be handed out on. Monday. First High School Ball Game Played Today Altho the baseball spirit has been permeating the atmosphere at the high school for soma tlmo, It will not really break forth till this Afternoon at 3:15, when tbe Junior and Freshmen will play tha Sealers aad Sophomores at the ball park. The game will enable the leaders to And out what kind of material they have, and thus pick their hJ$s team. Tne nig a seat play the, Ewauna box sea box. factory ihus pick their high sahaot high school , asfaa'ta ,-auna box factory aad0a.;';V The same this: salirasea .Wist Bast Cecil ,Cladtaalag-aaJ Carl 4asj 'at battery for tha Juniors aad laBm, ana Cecil Adams aM,HraU:rsjBV tor the Sophomores sad JBsaioiSj. .,- VtJK.. 1 J