!h :Ka OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Year No. H.IMU HUNS offensive GAINS NO TERRITORY HKAVV HGHTINO COMMKXCK.S IN HMTIOX NORTH OK AHHAM. llltlTIHH KOHCKI) OfT OK OXK TOWN HUT KKCAITt'HK IT LATKH AMKIUCAX KOIU.'KK NOW OX i IIKITIHH HATTLK. ZOXK I'HKS BXt'K WILL NOON IIK KKLT. rtTORTH AOAIXST KIIKXCH WITHOUT RESULT LONDON, April 10. A new field, of endeavor waa tried out by tlio ent. ay yesterday, when an attempt wan made to break thru tlio llrltlsh IIucn north of (he aectur previously at tacked. The lluna succoeded at llrst In forcing their wny into tlio town of Olvenchy, about four hiIIch oust of Latlasse, und fifteen mlleu aouthwcBt of Mile, but tho place wuh later re taken by tho UrltUli. fierce fighting wan continued (ant night lo the north of the UillnsHo canal, and the British are today hold ing their lines on tho I .a wo and Lya river. There Ik heavy lighting nt Kstalrca and Ilaictmaur. The (ierman artillery bombardment today extenda bn far north as Yprei. Severo lighting haa alio begun on the southern portion of the front. The American reinforcements havu appeared In the British battlo tone, according to nowa from tho British headquarters, and the dispatch de clare that their preaenco In the fight ing line will aoon be felt. Aa the day progreaaea the Hermans are extending their attack northward 1 ana are launching drive against tho' British hotween Armentlerea and Mestlnei. PAHI8, April 10. Tho Germans nave launched attacks against the French near llangard and Bantorre, but counter attacks nrevented tha en- my from gaining any advantage. On ! the west of Castol and weat of Noyon all efforts of tha Herman to make progress proved futile. LONDON. April 10. Twice vaster day the Germans gained ground nt, (llvenchy, but the Brlllih fiercely drove them back. The last time the i enemy left over 800 prisoners behind ihem. The tmnv has hronsht tr- mendous concentration artlllory Into, Pershing ON NORTH Issues a Heavy Casualty List ' " ' ' . i " WASH1N0T6N, "l. 0., April 10..a!eYea 6f disease 'aod raven trqm,accL. The largest casualty Hat .for any dayldanti. Two hundred and fortyllva Inca tba United State entered tha jar (Ivan aa slightly wounded atd aa has bean announced today.' It , two mlaalng. ' onuina III name's, five have bean Thirteen lleutanonta ore among the VllltU In action, three died of woundf , wounded, t STl?g JEugtmtfl Herald HAMMER LINES IN YPR ES DISTRICT 'AMMMAMMVWWWMVWWWWWV E VHT HIIMH Hilt COXSTHKTIOX OK COXCIIWK ROATH IH WANT. i:i FIVK OOVKH.VMK.NT l.ltlM, TWO ox twine OAHT, I'LAXXKD WASHINGTON, I). C, April 10. Klfly million ilollnrH In wanted by Chiilrmiin Hurley of Itio shipping board for duclopment of roncrclo hIiI) building. The plan In lo cstab- lw n onrp nv government yard. I two on the 1'nclflc Count find three In the South. Sites for the plant already nro tin ilcr consideration and will bo an iiounrni shortly. The three In the Hon Hi probably will Include ono nl ready planned for Wilmington, N. V. 'Transportation facilities of easy ac I cess lo, cement and rand will govern I tho selection. Aa yet concrete ships are'admltted frankly by expert to be "a gamble", because the behavior-of ntich a vet sel under load In a heavy sea la un known. Success In the experiment la not guaranteed, but Mr. Hurley and .'General Manager I'lei of the emer gency fleet corporation hold that In the present emergency every posilble meana of adding quickly to the tfcir tonnage should be utlllied. Greater chnncon of success is ex pected from tho operation of concrete tankers, bocnure the liquid load will consequently seek n level and not en tall the strain on the ship that n aolld lend would, In u heavy sea. MK.XATOH NTOXK SUKKKH STHOKK OK PAHALVHIH WASHINGTON. l. C, April 10. Senator Meno of Missouri was strlck on with nnrahslK while on a street car en roulo to his office here today, Ills condition la considered aerlous, but nut critical. MANY DIHTItKTM f OVKHMVHHCHIHKD . WASHINGTON. U. C, April 10. Six hundred communities havo now overaubscrlbod their quotas for the Liberty Loan, and have sent In their claims for tho honor flagM. action, nnd la throwing his Infantry In denae masses In a plain effort again to break thru By Associate! Preaa . LATKR The Oermana yesterday pushed back the center or tho alfled Una on an eleven mllo front to a depth of a mllo In some plaros. Ho only entered, however,' tho foremost Kectlona of the territory which he gained. Should tho drive bo con- tlnuod thru beyond Bethune, tho Brlt- lah posltlona at Arras anu press would bo endangered. UMt MAD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AAAA0AAmA warn - ia - REASONS FOR RECALL Ofllclul statement has been filed with tho county clerk by the repre sentative of those faking for tha re call or County Judge Hank. The fol lowing reasons for asking the recall will appear on the ballet: lleaMins for Demanding the Recall or County Jadgn Marlon Hanks For his failure to keep his) pledge lo the people of Klamath County, Or rjron, prior to his election, For hi failure and refusal to pre nerve nnd complete the new court Iiouho on block 10 of Hot Springs Ad dition to Klamath rails, altho the Miild Marlon Hanks haa had during Ms Incumbency of said oflce levied, akcrcd and collected for tho purpose of the Preservation; Knights Tenplara hero this evening and completion of said new court. nml KJjwd K, Klddlo, tho (Irnnd "'". ' Cotnmnnder of Knights Templar of For his grosa neglect to keep ln'u,e state of Oregon, will make an r.):nli tho highways, and. bridges of 'nip,-1.! visit tu tlm' rnivnrv .,. Klnm&th County. That he baa failed to conduct the office of County Judge In a fair and Impartial manner, and in the Interests of all the people. That he haa wilfully permitted the destruction of the county park. That ho haa allowed over 1100,000 of the taxpayers raoaey to be divert ed from the court houaa funds. ' For discrimination In tha purchaso ' Niippllea in favor of Roberts A Hanks, hardware arsa. Aililtrarlly auditing claims of thousands of dollars of architects and contractors to the Injury of taxpayer wplln hla right to do so waa being de. termtned In the, courts of this state. Tsar aw aBsCFVVV,Bsrr' t - -4 . ""w laar ,aV sa VsBaVfal NT sbbbbbbbTt faRaaaw. w Bar aar sVs nsaVaTBm V vwfck; h jaaaaaaaaaaV ESbbW " asaTsBBJBJgsWaBMi fin I Give Your Little Ones An Interest in the Future They are your hold' on the future, and America it fighting to, make their future tafe, They are too little to realize this nowbut tome day must learn to reverence tha traditions of America, tha ideals of America, ' the great cause for which the men of tKair fathers day gave tneir lives. ', v Be ready than to put in their Invest in Liberty Bonds for Your Little Ones -Fa . , . fTfcnvv - I MASONHERE hTATK COMAXDKH KXHJHTS TKM. 1'LAIl ARRIVE THIS KVKXIXG. WILL OIVK IXTKHKKTIXU TALK TO LOCAL MKMHKRH An unusually pleasant nnd In- WIN mm 179, 318. Obstructive evening In promised tlio' official Visit tu tho Calvary Com mandery. Sir Knight Kiddle Is known to ho an eloquent speaker and nn earnost worker In Masonic circles, The local members are expectod to bo out In full forco to get tho benefit of his talk. I'KOMIXKXT OHM'O.X LIVKMTOCK .MAN DIKS SAI.KM. April 10. J. M. Dickson, a prominent Orea-on livestock breed er, died attSn'tdd today, ile often represented the Jersey breeders at Knsteru conventions. THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY liNMOE' CO., MKUmathVStyl Store' APRIL, 10, 1918 vvAnAv - (Av I HANKS JUSTIFIES ACTION I Tho official ballot for tho recall' durtlon will contain tlio following1 I Justlllcatlon or County Judgo Hunks' Jonric In ofllco. Tho ballots aro nowi being printed. I I Minion Hunks' JiiKtlllrntloii of UN J Courxc lit Otllrp Lowest bid to complete Hot j Kpilnga iMilldlng $181,000 I'uvlng HtrcotH, building side walks und necessary work oi grounds 40,000 Forfeiture of Iota 1, 2, 7 and S, block 3fi, If not used for court house purposes ... 40,000 Total $261,000 New lotirt house on block t!., 1 1 .11,77"" Having to tnxpuycrs or coun ty 130,000 .Since the present court took office tlll'f" l'H '"en collected Into tho court ''ohhp fund.' $107,019.95. ('"url ,mH '",ll "1 "f lM ,or t',',,m ''Knl"1 "' Bprlngn Htrticturo, "Irendy contracted, $3.',.,it0.88 J Leaving cash In fund March 1, 'mis, $72,109.07. This Is every cent that has been ('""0CtC(l nml nut ono Ponny has been iinencn. niaiement turn siiu,ui.r: has been collected Into this fund Is a wilful misstatement made for tho purpoio of misleading tho voters. Look at tbo records. ROAD FUND When the present County Court took office tho road fund was $'48.- 048.44 worse off than nothing. It took two years to pay this off and do what little repairing was done. The. court, now haa, funds, and . will i ! build roads thlar year, Inestlgate both sides: be fair, hands bonds of their government They will be for them inspiring evi dence that their fathers planned sac rinced and invested for their sons' future.' Liberty Bonds will mean more to them than money. They will make them proud of the fathers who in America's day of great need proved themselves true American patriots. MWMWMMWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I E E COXUIIKMHMAX KIIO.M XOKTHKKN CMLIKOItXIA IXTHOIIl'CKS HILL WHICH WOL'MI OI'KX TO KX THV M It'll TKHItlTOHV WABHINOTON, U. C. April 10. About 7,000 acres of land In Klamath County, Ore., nnd 27,000 acres across tho state line In California aro ro stored to entry from the bird reserve by a bill of Representative Baker, favorably reported from tho public lands committee of the house. "Preference rights aro given mem bers of the Siskiyou Homesteaders' Association, who havo applied for lands and obligated themselves to ro pay their proportionate tdiaro of mon ey heretofore "spent from tho recla mation fund upon these lands. The preference rights thus granted .will take all the land, It Is understood. The bird reserve Is protected by re taining In It a fringe of lunds around Klamath and neighboring lakes. SPEAKSAT CANADIAN 8KRUKAXT TELLS OK TIIHKK YKAR8 "IX HKLL" 1'IC TIUK8 COXD1TJOXH AT AT OUT. IIIIKAK OK WAR AND CRl'KLTV OK OKRMANS That It must bo either money for ammunition or an unnecessarily long casualty list, was eiupnaslxed by Ser geant Good rich at the meeting held iu Houston's opera house last night. And If every placo in the United State has done as Klamath County in Its Mibkcrlptlons to the Liberty Loan It will be n walk-over for tho United States, according to the sergeant. "Six weeks ago 1 came from hell," said Sergeant Goodrich, "for If the battlefields of Pranio and Flauders aro not hell there Is none. I left just beforo tho great push started, but find I nm In tho big push'over heie. I came hero not to help you go ovor tho Up. but to take flvo lines of trenches." Tho barbarlousnesH of the Germans was Illustrated time und again. Tho Canadians tlrst attempted to light fairly, hut soon found out It was lm poslblo with the linns. D RESERV AREAMAYB REDU SOON mm WM New Industry Will Soon Be Established Mebsrs. 11. M. Hall nnd J. W. Fltz pntrick of tho now Klamuth Iron uud Steel Woiks, have arrived from Grants I'abs, where they have com pleted putting their equipment there in shape for remova'l to Klamath Falls. , ; . "Work on their new,. tmildlng' here, the site' for which "was recently pur chased near tjie Southern Pacific freight depot, In already under way, nnd It U expected thut the uiuculuery OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALL! Price Fir $370,000 FOR BONDS OVf-:it I.Vi,04M AIIOVK QUOTA IS XOW IN WITH MORK REPORTS STILL COM1XO LIBERTY LOAN .MKKTIXOS DKIXG HKLD HK8T OK WKKK AOKNCV IlKltlKTH SSS,ee o KKXDIIKK TVROVM SMWO IIKIIpKHH AXD MAUN DISTRICT HKXD IX KINK RKKORT8 s Llhcity Loan subscriptions hava reuchgdanjninuntnoteven dreasaasl of by' the most enthusiastic menibara' of tho committee. Over $370,009 had been subscribed by 2 o'clock this afternoon, with reports still soaalag In. Liberty Loan meetings, address ed by Sergeant Goodrich and Captain It. II. Kuykcndall will be held la out lying districts for the rest of tha. week. The Klamath Agency has subscrib ed $53,000.townrds the loan. The Tyron & McKendree aheap herders have also greatly exceeded their quota, und have subscribed $2,400 to down the kaiser. Among other large subscriptions was ono by tho Union OH company here of $500. At Wood River every card which had been handed out has been turned) In, exiept one, und the committee aa!4 they would not report till this card camo In, and it it did not coma la, tho person could' not be a resident of Wood River any longer. A. Kallna of Malln reports that they havo turneed in $14,550, which Is $.r,4r0 above their Quota. CIl.tMIIKItLALV ROASTS C.OVUHXMKXT OKK1CIALS WASHINGTON, D. C.,. April 10. Senator Gcortto Chamberlain haa pre sented n lepoit of the senate military committee declaring thut the govern ment aircraft piogram haa been "Kin voly disappointing," and racoaa mending a drastic reorganisation of the production machinery. Tho government officials aro charged with misrepresenting the sit uation nnd misleading the publio with procinstlnntlon and Indecision. SUBSCRIBED BYKLAMATH and other equipment will arrive from Grunts Pass by the time tho bulldln U in shnpo to receive It. A atoek . company was formed here a short ( time ngo In which several prominent 'M Klamath Kails men became Interested ,A in the new venture with the Graata f& rs " 'v .,,?-",u -n. JW plant can he4n condltloa-to eaarnta h 'W"" " V- "- ,-- -w . i.- linn ilalnvfi.l l.nf.. MWm In lAAIIflfl, i P ,.iq Mu.i,;w ,ii.-f, mvivm m i..-B. nt flrnnt Is Puxh to u conlderaWasaa wJ' tout. HI "ii mw & smk w , .i