:' w it 'Tvtr pkh il i?g ugnfttg Herald Ljl u iaMBa ' it UUt.WiU, OFFICIAL NBWIPAPBR OFFICIAL 'NlWtPAJPBII r OP KLAMATH COUNTY OP KLAMATH PALL T -J w I ''jA'SlMi1 Lfc Twelfth Ynr-No. 0,IMI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL, 9, 1918 Price Pfvo BIG GUNS BOOM ALONG 100-MILE FRONT da ' r r H U N S A R EFSaSE. .. ABOUT TO E i' OFFENSIVE ALL FRONTH RKPOIIT HEAVY ARTILLERY ACTION IIV EXE MY. llt'T SO INFANTRY AT. TACKH AH YKT FRENCH CHANGE IKKHTIONH american) in lorraine at tack german pathol drag body of merman ackokh no. ma.vh land to thkxchk8 for identification lljr Associated Pre While the comparatlto calm of tho last few days on the I'lcardy battle field baa not turned Into another acene of carnage euch a waa enacted) during the recent offensive, there aroj trong Indication today Hint thej (una imgiri win onur up auuwior army for slaughter to the ulllca. The heavy guna of the enemy hno been roaring along the great bnttlu line from Arraa on the north to Sol- aona on I ho south, a dlHtuiirn nf moro. than 11)0 nilleH, nnd It In believed Hint an attack along tht untlro linu I coti. templatcd. Parla report violent artillery nil during last night at various iiolnta to the north of Montdldler and between Montdldler and Noyon. There bun been no Infantry activity aa yet. The French are declared to hnvo advanced their llnea at rertuln point south or the Olae River, and to havo with drawn to prepared uoaltlona south weat of the' Lower Poreat at Coucy, to the aouth of Coucy-la-Chateau. American outpoata In the torralne dlitrlct laat nlgljt attacked a Oorman patrol and dragged his body across no man'a land to their own trenchca for Identification. There were no American caiualtlei. London reporta that Oorman artil lery developed In Intonalty tbla morn ing from the Labaaao canal to aomo distance aouth of Armentlerca. I,ater Tha rial-muni encauntored bad weather for tbelr big atUck, and no Infantry action haa aa yet devel oped, altbo violent artillery action hat been continued all day today. The French have withdrawn their force aouth of tha Olta River toj make their Una conform to tho All-, atte Rlvar Valley. The Oermana ui-, talned heavy loaaea In advancing RESUM AN Trans-Atlantic Air Flight Rumored Abroad . LONDON. April .4-That an lr Plana carrying twaiva paiieagers landed la tajUs ltt Bbjbt After a non-itop flight (rial New York,. Is tha lataet war .rimer, about which tH whttrt eit la talkie today. WINUUW5 AKt NDM HEVKHAL KI.AMATH FALLH MEIU C'HANTM EVIDENCE THE HPIltlT OK THE 111(1 LIIIEIITY LOAN DRIVE WITH ATTRACTIVE EX- IIII1ITH The evidence of the big Liberty l.onn drive now on la not only aeen by the worker on the atreeta and tho headline In tho newspaper, but n number of the prominent mer chants aro featuring tho campaign In thulr how window. K. Rugarman ha a most attractive vlndow, showing a Holdlor Hlandlng tit Natutr, surrounded by varlou kind of tome advice on what to do regarding the purchase of Liberty Ilnnd. Tho Golden Hulo toro alo show a window artltlcally decorat ed In patriotic effect. The grave of a-prltatc In No Man'a Land, marked by malt American ling, and surrounded by bobed wire entanglement and shell, at the Vlr all ft Hon' furniture tore, with the Htatomont that he gate hla all, bilnga homo tho fact directly, why everyone Mhould buy a bond. Tho K. K. K. sloro ha a window decorated with firearm which did their bit In former war nnd with other relit, auch a a canteen and knapsack. Pointed literature empha lie the fact that every one muat do their bit. Ilttll CROHN MOLL IIHINGH IX $37 The doll, recently raffled at (he Htnr theater, brought In $57 for tho Junior llml Cnm bonotlt. The doll, which wan donated by the Htnr Drug company, wa won by (lurd VanRJuer. Ill number wa 165. HON AIIHIVEH IX FRANCE Mr. It. K. Ilunaker of 33S South Fourth Mtroet ha received word from her noli Johh, that ho tin aafely ar rived In France. Mr. Hunaakcr waa formorly ut Cump Lewi. a AYIATOIl CADET KILLED TODAY DALLAS, AprH . Cadet John In ilnaner of Colorado wa killed hero today at the aviation camp when two muchlne collided In the air. at an al titude of 600 feet. when the French operation waa pro- rMi' ,. iV.'Jah'l- LONDON. April 9. Premier Lloyd George told the houae of common to day that when the battle commenced the Oerman'a total combatant trenath on the weat front waa ap proximately the aame aa the total of tte entente alllea. He declared hi call for more men would Involve an extra sacrifice on the part of the Bng- llih, but asaarted that thta waa the moat crucial period of the war. Altbo tbe autbortilai declare tbere1 U no foundation for the itory. ac cording to tbe popular veraloa, this U tbo "big aurprlM" which- Lloyd aeorgo aald tbe American; would aeon give the Oermana, NATONASffl ID lUIUf WAHHINGTON OFFICIAL HOPE TO HKK TWENTY MILLION HVB. HtltlDERH AND IKHUK OVER Hl'UHCHIIlHD FOUR TIMKH WA8IIINOTON, D. C. April . A lreury atateraent lnued today atkt the country to aubacrlbe three or four time tbe amount of the Liberty Loan and requeata a total of 10,000, 000 lubacrlbera. Tbla will be dou blo the number of the flrat loan. -I In tbl connection It I atated the' Klamath Fall headquarter that liecaiio the county haa reached Ita Orat quota, ihould not be taken a any elgnal for tbe worker to alacken their efforts or for any othera who bate not done their part to feel that their responsibility la anded. The campaign will be prosecuted to Ita fullest extent here aa well a at all other parta of tha nation, Just aa tho the quota bad not bean reached. There I every Indication that Klam ath' total will reach huge propor tion and tneeo resulta are In accord ance w Ith the expectation of the government. BOND QUOTAS ymf!!j Yu are asked t spend wisely to buy only the things honestly needed to mam tarn your health and efficiency. This is intelligent thrift The Government ash it if you 'as a war measure : s Bonds .Are Not A Burden, But A Blessing Thrift requires the ex ercise of restraint and self-denial qualities without which you .cannot achieve the success in life which it is .your ambition to achieve and for the lack of which you are likely to suffer in later years. Trm monty you acquit by thrift you af atkod to loan not givto your country, it will como back to you when you may nd it far moro than you . do now, and you wilt bo paid intorout for it$ on. This war is a frightful thing, but it may prove of inestima ble benefit to you, if it teaches you the good-habit of thrift. HflpYour Country and Yourself by hvesHngin Liberty Bonds THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY Spec DoMtttl By STILTS DRY GOODS CO., "Whro th. Uditi Shop" t TRAITOR MAKKH IIIQ D1HCLOHURB8 w I'ARII, April 0. nolo Faaha the convicted Herman py held hero under sentence of death I aald to have made revelatfon of tbe hlghent Importance a,nd It la Indicated that another Im portant' caio connected with German propaganda la about to develop. VilVRKD MEAMF.R REACHK8 PORT PACIFIO PORT, April 9. Tho ateamer Coat Rica which waa aerl ouily threatened with destruction by a gale' haa arrived aafely, being towed In by a tug. VILLA XKAR HAX AXTOXIA MARFA, Texas, 'April 9. Villa, with the main command of hi force, I reported to bo approaching flan An tenia, Mexico. Villa's general, Koso Chovex; rejiulscd tho Mexican federal force near 8an Antonla recently, ac cording to federal officials, who re tired to the border, duo to shortage of ammunition. HOITHKRX CALIFORNIA OAININCI DRY TERRITORY LOS ANGKLE8. April 9. 8eveal Bouthera California' towns have voted for prohibition. -Needles and. Watt are Included In tbla list. Venice haa remained wet. mm KILLS MAN AT WEED RIO UALK IILOWH ROOF FROM HOUTHF.HX PACIFIC ROUM) IIOl'HK, KILLING OXK MAN. IILOWH AT RATK OF 00 MILKS PKft HOl'H Tho wind here yesterday which blew such a gale wag only the outer edge of tho nig storm which centered at Weed, where It blow at a rate of ninety-six miles per hour and where Homer Campbell, an employe of the Southern Pacific company was killed when tho sheet Iron roof of the round house blew off, pinning him under neath. Mr. Campbell wag a car re pairer. No other accidents are re ported. DK.MKH GROUND GLASS IN FOOD SAN -ANTONIO. April 9. Major General -Henry Allen denies that ground -glass waa found In the food at CampTraVls. He also denies the atory-that two Mennonlte preachers have been; arretted at camp, charged with disloyalty. ' JbZfWP J IM5H aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa!Kl'yy! jmm. i laHHiia i FORT KLAMATH HEARS OF LIFE ATM FRONT HKM1KAXT OOODIUCH TKLLH OP THIIKK YKAItM OK HKLL IX TIIK TltKXCHKS WILL HPEAK AT OI'KIIA HOl'SK TONIGHT A man who has seen three years of boll and can still smile was the way Sergeant Ooodrlch of the Canadian volunteers was Introduced to his audi. enco at Fort Klamath last night. Sergeant Goodrich, uho for three years at the front, has been looking forward to his trip home to Canada, left, after being there Just a few day, In order that liu might come down here and continue to do his share for the cause of Liberty. At the present tlmo the Sergeant should be resting, as at times he suffers from shell shock. However, altlio, as he admitted, he would almost rather get down In the drat trenches than face an audience, he docs It o that "I mayshelp you, not only to go over tbe top but to take the three tront lines of trenches." .Tbe Sergeant has. with him many sou'enirrincludlngtfophIeirecured from boche prisoner. Desldes'the pieces of shell, bomb, knhes and gas I.. k. I.M- nnliAl ThA t.latAtl.l masks, ho has a paper, "The Listen Ing Tost," published by the men at tho front, which in Its columns shows how the men In the midst -of tbe fight, still have time to think of home and still carry with them their sense of humor. The Sergeant spoke at tho Pelican Uay Lumber company today at 13 o'clock, and at the Klamath Manu rjrturlng company at 3 o'clock, and will speuk at Houston' opera house here this ovonlng at 8 o'clock. Tim nioitHn nt Fort Klamath laat night was presided over by L. C. Bise-i more. Captain Charles Ferguson complimented the people of tbe coun ty for the way they had gone over the top, especially since In the former drive Klamath County waa found on the map with a yellow streak drawn tnru it. i Puniu of tho Fort Klamath school, gave several musical numbers, as did alto the Liberty Cborua ana tno tne Kiueny cnoru auu iuo r'' " J"?!EJ 1. Z dlUrUB VtUIV giUCOita aaaw vw..w -- MM ' at the hotel or dinner "17-4 the 7erltorV aouth lata tha more, Ja..Pelton and Dan R an were particularly In charge of the affair. work,nary and late alac hint and the chorus could not say enough" J- Ill appreciation of tbo hospitaoie. manner In which they were treated. M'MUKH nATKS K.ftT DKCLAItED UNFAIR wash INT. TON. D. C..' April 0. Transportation rates on lumbor froraJ tho Willamette Valley point to points M Montuna, Wyoming, North and South Dakota. Minnesota, Ne- braska, Wisconsin, Michigan and thej In by mall, dated 3 a. m. on tho orn Canadlan provlncca are found to be Ing that tho drive opened, showed unduly discriminatory In a report that halt of their quota had haw filed by the Interstato Commerce' ex-j raised then. Eleven preclncta are anilnor Btlll to be heard from. ' School Closes Because Of Scarlet Fever Case. : - ' iJ$3 H , , School wjU be closed at the River side echool for the next tan days; ac: cording to announcement made by Superintendent R. H. Dunbar. Tbe actlou tg taken as the result of two i 8000 OVER QUOTA NOW SUBSCRIBED FOR BONDS hLAMATH COUNTY OOM OVER AND TIIKX NOMK IN PI'HCIUIK UK LIUKIITY nOXDS MANY Ql'.lltTKHS YKT TO BK HEARD FIIOM I v THKHMOJIF.TKB 8TAXM AT I OOO,' WITH GOOD PROSPHOTaJ OF GKTTIXti HIGHER 00ta AXD 8KVKXTH FRKCIXOTfl OO $2,000 AIMIVK TOP Over f 250,000 has now been aaa- scrlked to the Third Liberty Lama . no ,0 of KUm,th coaaty. ' and reports are still coming In too fast at headquarter to give full data at any time. Tbla amouat exceed Klamath's quota by $18,000, bat Klamath County Is not going to tat the thermometer on the corner of Fifth and Main stand still, and at going to mako It hotter for tha kaieer all tho time. The committee will not bo content tilt every community and district have reached or eseaedad their I"08 At the close of Liberty Loan kaaaV quarters last night, the Irst, aeeoK and seventh precincts la towa war about $2,000 over their Quota, tka fourth about three-fourtha la. wlta more turned In but not couated aad the ninth about 80 per cent la. Tha tnird precinct went over the top thla mornln- The prec.net worker, in th. al.t. whlla Minnflaaaa Mlllal AaUf. they are within $600 of tka top. which Is a remarkable record (or tha district in which they have workad, and they will bo over the top Tory i i B0"; ' , . . 1JM. ui me uunmo ireciui;i, iniuuiuw hus reached two-thirds of Ita quota, and Tula take ana wernii aav reached over two-thlrda. MaIla ax e'eeded Us quota by I860 on the f rat day. '&' Sprague River reporta which coata case of scarlet tevar fevuU..ta.tta', school.. foi ot Joa ,IWM MgU -The '.school Mtiu aa.vthoraJr (mm. 4 reeled and, .'tha-V hooka hialfil coine'In contactijttitatiaa im lio biirned before school Uraai i . ; j&& - $ v (V.'tig&ri AV