wp n t ' .K'l . ' , fo Hunritm Brrald ka-fClAL NEWS officAi, nbwsmkb 0t KLAMATH COUNTY t OF KLAMATH FALLt ' i Vdi x. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL, 8, 1918 Prlca rlra Oeatt UNDAY QUIET ON BIG BATTLEFIELD yAAMAAAAMAAAAMMAMMAMMVWMMW N (1 T H F R BOP TELLS nruciur BIGCROWDOF EFENSIVE camplewis XPECTED START rTRV TO HM WEAK HIHXT IX ALMKD MX EH, llt'T HAVE MOM PIHAPPOIXTEH THl'H rA-PIOARIY FIEMI QUIET rMttCROAV MMWMMMMMMWWMIMWMMMMMMMMWWWMWIW)WWIW WMWWMMWWWWWWWWVMMWMWWWWWWMWWWWMWWWWWMWWWWMWWWWWMWWWMWWWWWWM H.WM HOVH AUK WELL CAHKI FOItEXI'LAIXH THKIH MORAL Elll'CATIOXAL, H04IAL AMI UK MUNICH LIFE AT IIOl'MTOX'H LAHT XHJHT Tlio llfu of tlio men at Canii l.owU socially, tiinritll)-, educationally and rrllftlouHly, whh depleted In u clonr manner by lllnlioii Paddock, Ulihop of Eastern Orcttoii, who uddrcssod a crowd whlrh Jammed Houston's op- cm liouiu last night. If nuy of thoHti ut liontu had feurs concerning the wolfiiro, of their boyH, limy worn allayed by lilsnop red dock, aa ho told of the clean healthy llvxa wlilrli llmv IomiI. lllnlioii Pad. IXH EXPECTED TO MAKhl , ,bo CirHtmn holiday rTRTRKK ATTEMPT TO RKAtllutU ,mrt f j.mmry at Iho camp. In UIJJNMII AT AMIEXH.I stead of spending It with relative nUCXrii WITHDRAW TO HlUll'xnd frlondi, and thua got a chance R become well acquainted witn "me boya." "You don't live it a well ns these boya do," said the lllihop. "They havt better food of better variety to accomplish tint desired enda, than moat of you at home. They have the finest camp faro In the world. In i regard to stooping conditions, he etat MKX'.M) IX HOl'TII ftf Associated Proae ITI big llindenburg offensive, was launched with such tr- oui preuure tlio laat of tlio twai suddenly calmed down, and was reported quiet on both. d u.-t'-very mun had hla own cot. tU from Arraa on the north to.i,i, ni.iv nt n.v.r. ami that the Dl on the NOUth. Iuin.1rw. alviv. wliln iiiinn. aa Tit Germans aro nibbling at the IMt,v ilaJ .nrned the value of fresh Bit line In an effort to find a weak'...,. Kvorthlnc. Including the II- but have thus far been dlsap- ,rarM( y. m, o. A. hutB, hostess hotiseti, class rooms und the grounds thomselvrs, were described, until one ' could readily understand It, when th lllshop rnld, "the boys tiro begin ning to feel Just a little sorry for us poor civilian!)." "There Is n social secretary In charge of the social life," said tho speaker, "and oven the roughest of the soldlcra are learning manners. I Tie French forces hnve retired to jWr around In the Chnnny-Coury- ' trlanglo, along tho Olso Itlv- tot the extreme eastern nnd sout li lted of the present battle front. It It bellctcd that tho (Icrnuins not clvon up hope of reaching skwi on the Homme Hlvor. and at another heavy attack on tho mm my inra I.IHT OK MEETIXUH AT WHICH TIIK OUTHIDK LIUEHTV LOAX HPKAKK1W WILL APPEAR THDV week ih made pibliu The speaking Itinerary for Captain It. U. Kuykendall and Sergeant (lood rich In Klamath County haa been an nounced aj follews: Tonight at Fort Klamath the meet. Ing will be called at 8 o'clock. To morrow noon they will apeak at the Pelican Day Lumbar company at 3 p. m., at the Klamath Manufacturing company, and at I p. m. at the opera house here, April 10th at th high school here the speakers will appear at o'clock a. ru at 1 0a. at. at th Riverside KLAMATH PEOPLE TO MEET RIHHOP 1 The people, of Kjamutli Falls will have, nn opportunity to meet In a social ,way und to hnve a chat with Bishop Ilnbert Paddock, Plshop of tho Epls- copal dloceso of Hastern Ore- gon, at the White Pelican hotel this evening. Mrs.' Yt. II. Hall of tho Pcllcnn, Is sponsor for tho occasion. It will bo vory In- formal, and pcopl) may come with quostlons which tho bishop will endeavor to answer. Inl nun Dunum VIM I ALLEYSSOLD HtlMY MALI MAN JIUYH EtJl'IPMEXT WHICH HAH,BEEX INSTALLED t.MIKIt.X. K. K. HTOIli: AXU LY MOVE IT TO HOMB TOWN A deal was completed here today school, and at 8 p. m. at tho opera house at Merrill. Cln Ih lllli tnnntlneii will be hld at noon at the Chela Ilox factory' ' wnlch tho PB,m bow,,n" " and at 8 p. m. at Boiuuuu. j operated here (orn extensive period April 12th thy ar arranged as by Don Dale, were taken over by An follows: 10:30 a. m.. Modoc l.um- tone Krupka, a well known resident ber company; noon, Algoma !-. 0 the M.H1 iCCll0n, While definite bcr company during lunch heur: A. . . .. Chlloquln at 4 o'clock, and Kirk tt' announcement "" not been made. It 8 o'clock. ' expected that the new owner will On Saturday, April 13lh a special removo the equipment to Malln. Mr. meotlng for achJbl children only will Dlo was not ready today to make an be held at 8:30 p..m. at the Klamath announcement of bis future plans, van. ,.... hr.nu. kari oi.nih.r ii Tlit consideration of the deal was opera Kcno at 8 p. tn. nut made public. f emmmsmemmmBPmfmammK WMMWMMMMMAMMMMWWMWMWVMMMMVWMMMVWWM rltlih front will follow In a short WITH TIIK AMERICAN ARMY. Many of them never had a chance be fore. These boys ar meeting thous ands of the nicest girls In Heattlo and Tnpninm anil III other InWIH BrOUnd. fill, Two German raids were ro-! wi... ti. .,.ui nirv niam an JJd by the Americana In tho sector Lntertnlnment, ho sends word to some rtkwett of Toul nn Friday night Tit American Infantrymen not on- rtpulted the Invading Iluna, but pwtd them back thru their first lino mm Into their aupport trMches. I LONDON, April 8 Tho British ad Mctd their lines illihtlv on the rn bank of the Boramo River a'sbt. Tho (lermana are cob Ubi Intense artillery action today i of the Scarpe and south of the but there la no Infantry ae- Itltjr evident as yet. I WA8HINOTON, D. C, April 8. war department review Issued to. notes tho Improvement In the Wtilo position of tho allies on the ray battlefield, and deelaroa that P Qtrman plan haa been upset by "luooorn deionse; in which the en- 7 nas been forrrri tn throw In-, . - ,w Vw vnv.. .. i troops to gain tholr limited ob- "'. No roramnrn I. ninila In ono In chnrgo of tho matter In the different towns, and they send only tho best girls from tho churches and lodges. They send only girls they can trust, and If any of tho men should have a thought that wan umlsaj I'm nfrnlil the otner men woman i let him hnve n not nor thought com ing." Rpoaklng In regard to the educa tional life, or tho soldier there, ho said : "Tho boya aro studying French and German. They know hoy are (Continued on page 4) the report of tht, American troops Joining tjje allied forces. ' British attaches declare that every day finds tho alllea In bettor position to successfully combat the effort ot the Huns on tho wost front. Frencs), British and American rcierves are said to bo pouring In dally to defend Amiens. ' I ladivostok Extra Guard May Cause Some Trouble iAlHlNOTON, D. 0 April . I Is to causa the state department ao British crulsar baa landed , Itttla eoacarn. ', k t Vladlvostnw '. ..m th. I Tna Unlud Stat nai assunwo r i ruaivoitok t6 guard th ....... m .,., M(i the Russian ""it thtr. and th JapasM) ' Nattonl Council of Soviet haa an. (tiibeaa laerMiad to 150 aa. nouncd Us Intention of protamine Uuidlna nt 1U..A. ... -.. ' ik. it.lt.rf Btataa aaalnat the Bras- ' onlCtIona Of the bnUhavlkl mob. , ant ataD. WtWMIWWI,iWWIW ....... ......... v.C 'LIi .-!. &' iTT ' $f tt ' E1 ' w? tt- .aVJBBaV IT. iti l'' . V.V .i VL'B e&m ' - mm&: i B Mm .1 -) aL. K M.waBaw fT V f-fTT.. I tiBsa i iMiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT - "fc- HOUSE FIGHT Your Bend May Bring Him Home in Safety The supreme tragedies of war are not enacted on the battlefield, but in the home. Above the shouts of command and encourage ment, the roar and shock of the great gups, and all the swelling tumult of battle which bear the husband and father to a hero's grave and a martyr's glory, there rise the weeping of the bereaved wife and the cries of little children deprived of a father's love and care. American fathers are now on the battlefronts of France. Many must fall; how many de pends upon us who remain safely at home.. Spit DMattYy K. K. K. STORE. , UUitigClotUtnMidl'Hattmrt Wo had hoped Unit both sides In the coming recall election would ac cept tho offer of the Herald In the spirit In which It was made, and frankly present their arguments and tacts beforo the people of the whole J .4 i county. To date the, opposition to County Judge Hanks line not seen Ot to publicly take the voters Intothelr confidence and present their reasons why he should be removed from offlce In the mlddlo of his term, and re placed by their choice. Providing that the location of the court house Is the only question at Issue, It Is probable that very little argument Is necessary, and from tho charges In tho complaint we ,wouli assume that this was the" Jssiik-on which the petitioners ars'asktng the removal of the county Judge. This being the case; It should not bo diffi cult to place the facta before the peo ple In aupport of either location, In order that the voters can reach their own conclusion. If their ore other Issues which are depended on to Influence the voters, these should be honestly presented, In a public manner, otherwise the only conclusion that can be reached is that the opponents ot the court are not sincere In. their data ot working for the Interest of the taxpayer and the county, and hope by creating pre. Judlce and by misrepresentation to Influence votes to their side. We do not wish to Intimate that these are the facta In this case, but It should be remembered that the people are Intelligent and Independent thinkers, and the day Is here when the voters are beginning to look with suspicion on the "gum shoe" campaign. It pays to be houest with the voters, and arguments that will not bear the full est publicity are a detriment to any cause. Robert If. Dunnell is to be consid ered the standard bearer of the op position to Judge Hanks, and we be lieve the people are expecting a state ment from him. Thajjlerald will be pleased to print the platform ot Mr. Dunnell and any message he may hare to offer the people of the county, As previously stated, the Herald realises the injury to the whole coun ty In bitter factional fights, and re grets that the people have agajn been forced Into another controversy, and believes It Is our duty to assist In ev-j ery way to minimise tho damage that Is sure to result. ' We believe this can best be done by the parties on either side of the light, confining themselves to actual facta and making a' clean, open campaign thru the uewspapers, which are tho source of Information ot the people. We again freely offer the columns ot tho Herald without charge. KLAMATH GOES OYER Afe " U-.,;rHi TOP SATURDAY EXACT Fiuvrrfa YET aaT XOT I'ORTRD, BUT.NrjWEmO.OIf nESULT,AtrORDlX0,TO OAT TA1X, t'O IlKIiAMATH DfSnUO I V UEVENTH I'llECIXCT LEADS CRT OK KLAMATH KAMA UPHMv LAKE "f'BEClNCW IX EAJUiY.. IlLt'E LIST TO BE WJBLHHED K1RHT l itf f THERMOMETER KEG18TEH8 OVER THE TOP NOW I The Liberty Loan thermometer, located on Fifth and Main streets, registered "over the top" at 2:30 this afternoon, with Indications that tho tompcraturo would continue to rise. The thermometer was painted nnd Is In charge of Fred Houston ot the K. K. K. store. Klamath County's, message td tk.. kaiser was stated JnapnaejsjJBskaV.. terms. The county went orar theta, In ono day, and tho the exact Agar' are not yet reported, there la no question about the result. The amount actually reported on Saturday evening was the aunt ot $193,850, with no report from four teen precincts. The Seventh precinct was the leading precinct In the cttjr. clearing the top at about 2 p. m. on Saturday. Pelican City and Snip- plngton reported over the top at t o'clock In the morning. The Third und First precincts are on top of th t fence, leady for the Jump, and would have gone over Saturday If the polle Itorg could have located all tha peo ple. Many were away from tkelr residence or place of business, wnlck will cause the solicitors to call again, but thirty minutes' work in each pro clnct will Insure the full quota. Owing to aome, misunderstanding the Fifth and Sixth precincts did not get to work on Saturday. Had theaa. precincts been as active as the Otnra tho city of Klamath Falls would hav reported over before night fall on Saturday. t Many residents of these precinct appeared at Liberty Loan headquar ters and signed their subscription blanks before being called upon by any solicitor. Never In the history ot Klamath County has such earnest co operation been evidenced. Plow were left standing in the field wall solicitors In the outside district ra hionded to the call ot their country, , mid placing personal and prlvata in terests In the background, even at great sacrlflco, took up the work. ' The Blue List now being published slmwr that more than. 90 per cent ot tho people of Klamath .County re sponded to the call .of "their govern ment with subscriptions. Th. Rd and Yellow, lists will not be published until later In-the campaign, for muny who did uki subscrlb are,aW coming reward rind getting' In tha blue-'cMiiMn, not Hlrtbg wwviwvtiwvwnrtnpftff MVla1a1MV11'1sMMVMiMB 8 to faMi rraP T- 3T l'f4Uk fl.i.liul nM'.H.M A afr. Bolo PashaIay: " ' i Malta Disrlnsiires - ; . .. j-. PARIS, April S. Shortly attar iltsry Judicial re nia riiiuMjiw nun ismuurnr i , cy to Bold Pasha, who' baa kaetiMn-1 declared that he had teneed to death hh a traitor thv mil-1 make. twi . -ilVimti revelattana f i' .'.A Irtjpjft, ', S v sm j&v i V s iVf &$k Amiuiy-.w w j - -j en TjV V? ' a V a ,j 'V hft ,... .... .. -.... 1 1W, 'K A .V -,i '1 IfA