! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 3 STl?g JEugnma Hmtld rs? OFFICIAL NEWS jrU OF KXAVATM "" ' tVs'i' 1; Twelfth YearNo. S.B70 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL, 6, 1918 Pi In Hvc HUNS FIND STONEWALL P.MWWWWIW ! ii r.-iriririiii-11-in.ri.n.i-uijuuijuijuu mtwm m GEN. F0CH DECLARES "ALL WELL" AT FRONT MOB M MRS MUX WHO PARTICIPATED IX I M.I. NOIH LYXCHIXfl IX DAXflKIt OK HKVKIIK TIIRATMKXT AT THE IIAXDH OK THK LAW AAAAAAAAAA00AAAAA0AAJV00VAAA0VtWWWWW BIGIUG AT HUNS mm m I COLLINBVILt.ft Ilti., April 6. Application for Iho arrvit of ilro men reported to have been In (he mob GERMANS STILL MAKK HARD, that lynched Itobort Pragcr nlcht bo. BUTFOTILBTIURTTOIIKXI for" ""l by lhc corol,cr of M,d"0D II County, havo been refused by four different JftttlrcM of the peace. District board member of the. United Mine Workers havo promised . to Issue statement "nt the procr BLIC1HT GAINS OK ENEMY EQUAL.) moment." showing that tho mob had .-... .,. ... - 'information which cutmed It to take w" w.-vwi ur ni.iiir.iri ,...,. ...i.,. Th .... .ill ..fa TROOPS IX COUNTER ATTACKH. V. B. KXPEXD1TURK IS BILLIOX Mranunr hy Associated Press Oa the anniversary of the United States entry to the war, tho greatest battle of the conflict U railut . With their attack baited, tho Germans are aklng atrong but Ineffectual efforts; to break thru or bend the allied line' back or to capture Amiens. (Jeneral Koch states that the tidal wave Is broken. "All Is well," he ays, and eipresses confidence In tho future. In the past two days the cnomy gained only slightly on the thirty, eight mile front, and those gains wero equalised partly by the allied ad vances. The end of the year will find a mil lion and a half Americans under eras. The war expenditure has been ore than twelvo billion dollars. The landing of the Japanese at Vladivostok Is declared to havo no connection with the possibility of an armed Intervention In Siberia. LONDON, April 6. The British have Improved tbelr positions south of the Bomme somewhat by a counter attack. The Oermans have made In cessant attacks without success. the United States attorney for the warrants. I'rager was a coal miner, and was lynched by aj crowd of his fellows for alleged, pro-Oarman statements and derogatory remark, about President Wilson. It was declared after the hanging that nobody could be found who could repeat his remarks. fflBHR MM PARIS, April 6. The Herman at tacks along the Krench sector have eeassd. There Is violent artillery ac tlon, but no Infantry, LONDONr April 6. The (tomans st daybreak this morning attacked the little town of Corbie la the Val ley of the Bomme. The enemy ad vanced la dense waves and the out come waa unknown when the dis patch was filed. The main Oerman thrust appears to be west of Valre wood toward the principal Amiens road. A WASHINGTON, U. C, April 6. Krnmis J. Ileney tins resigned ns counsel from the Kederal Trade Com. mUslon on the packing Investigation. The ofllclals said he had completed his work. He will return to Califor nia to campaign for the governor ship. Mrs. Ileney Is already there directing the woman's movement In hi behalf. s SECOND DRAFT ORDERS BOOX WASHINGTON, D. C, April 6. Tho orders tor the mobilisation of the first large number of men for tho heennd draft will go to the governors soon. LAUOR LEADER'S SENTENCE COMUTED WASHINGTON, D. C, April 6. President Wilson will commute the sentence of Krank Horan, formerly president of the International Union of structural Iron Workers, who Is now In Kort Leavenworth serving a term for participating In the dyna miting of the Los Angeles Times building several years ago. THIRTY TOWNS OVER TOP PORTLAND, April 6. Announce ments of over subscriptions have been received fro mthlrty Oregon towns. New Service Station Opens Here Next Week ff-i A new service station for autono mies win be opanadiikKlamatb KaUs o April loto. The station, owaed by fumes lueti, will be oa the earner of Sixth ftnd Klamath. Distillate, Corollas, artlne, heavy oils and tlre.eccessor- tee will be carried, and there will be so air hose for tba convenience of tba public. The distillate and tasollge, aurtpi will be la the front of tba building, w.blch will measure HxSO feet. It Is being built by Cbas. Surber. KPIHXPAL III SHOP WHO IS WKMi KXOWX IX THIS CITY WILL ADDRESS UXIOX GATH ERING OX TOPIC OK VITAL IX-TKIIEHT Tho entire city Is Invited to a union mass mooting to be held at the opera house on Sunday nlgbt, under the auspices of the Ministerial As soclatlon, at which time Bishop Rob. ert Paddock of Eastern Oregon will deliver the address. He has spent a nt'ontb at Camp Lewis, American Lake, and will tell of conditions there the life of the boys, Chris tlan Influence at work among them, and other Interesting matters. The Orogonlan of Portland spoko a short time ego In highest terms of bis ad drcHs which had been delivered there. Continued oa Psge 4 STATE ROAD COMMISSIONER ISSELFCTED KM I SLACKERS TO GOO WORK GOVERNOR WITHYCOMI1E PROM.' PLANS UNDER WAY IIY DEPART- IXKXT EUGENE LUMIIEHMAN AH HiatlWAY OFFICIAL TO Hl'O CED B. J. ADAMS 8ALKM, April C -It. A. Ilootti. MKNT OFFICIALS AT WASHING. TOX TO PIT AX KXD TO LOAF. ING IIY AIILF, IIODIF.D MKX , wealthy lumbermsn of Kngcne, has' accepted appointment by Governor Wlthycombe as a member of the state highway commission, to Httccced E. J. Adams, whose term expired last Sun day, according to announcement msdo by the governor. It waa forecasted that the appoint ment would go to Booth If ho would accept. Ever since Governor Wlthy combe has been In ofllco bo has desir ed to rccognlio Booth for the assist ance he gave the governor when both were candidates for election In 1911. Booth, as candidate for the United States senate, was Wlthycombe'n run- nlng mate on the Republican ticket. WA8HINOTOX, D. C, April ! A plnn to utilize the draft machinery to put the Industrial slackers to work prepared by the war and labor de partments Is now before the presi dent. Officials feel confident that the president will approve the new pro posals. It Is declared that the new plan. If adopted, would affect In some way tho status of every registered man. PARIS BOMBARDMENT RESUMED . PARIS, , April; Tbe bombard ment of Paris by long range guns was resumed here this morning. "THE LIBERTY UNO IS VICTORY'S WAND" tly If. Atltn. Ifnisbore ' K!5W'ii-' aSflgaiiiiiiiHr9ilH 3HRKjfcefcMSBMISI VbbkbbbLHh jlSHfllHAfl-yV IH jjfljPnLkHjkBflEHPa4fl4tPB I La as.Bmjf a-fr PVV J-a-lW W I &k B0-LbJ a rsn-r -ear -bbbbbi warn am bbbb bbbb bbbbbbv-bbbbu i; j. a bbibbbi bbbb -am bbbbbbb sAlUlllKfiiiillll IN UDHNKS UBBCRIUNO for Liberty Beads does not mean giving anything. It does not mean even sacrificing unless you call it that to spend more needfully here and use more heedfuliy there. It means safe, sane, sensible, substantial .INVMTMENT, backed by the best security la the world our wbole United States, snd from which you will receive CaMBra this rteiree of natrletlsas with the ktad that Is taking our sons, brothers, husbands and fathers, across the ea. to jtrsMMa hardship and possible dtttb, ' ,.,... fcJ Tb balance Is in their favor If you were to. mortgage your entire financial future to order that they may be haoked up wit thssa supplloa which repressnt the means for. both PREPAREDNESS snd PROTECTION. ' The third Liberty loan ls st hand. Don't wait to b personally solicited for your subscriptions. Oo to your bank aad YOLONVI-Ul YOUR DOLLARS.' Sict DwMbmI By THE GOLDEN RULE, KUmath's GftatMt Stor ANSWERS Editor Herald In addition to the saving of 150,000 by the construction of a new court house. Instead of corn. pi cling the building In Hot Springs Addition, the taxpayers should not overlook the fart that $20,000 has al ready been spent for street paving and cement sidewalks around the block on which the court bouse Is now building a new court house. Re liable architects have estimated that after the court house In Hot Springs Addition should be completed an ex penditure of at least $40,000 would be necessary In order to put the grounds, streets and sidewalks In proper condition. Another thing the people should keep In mind, that Is that lots 1, 3, 7 and of block 33, where the old court house now stands, and where tho foundation is now being prepared for the new building, were donated to Klamath County npon the express condition thst a court house should be erected and maintained on the property. Should the structure In tho Hot Springs Addition be com pleted snd used as the court house, these lots In block 35 would go back to the heirs of Qulncy A. Brooks pad wife under the terms of tha deed. The lots probably have a value of 130,000, so In .addition to the loss of lhe..$50,000 already jnentloned. It would be necessary to Include 130, 000 for paving and sidewalks oa block 36, 330.000 for loss of the lots donated by Qulncy A. Brooks, and 340,000 required for Improvement of grounds, streets' and sidewalks oa the Hot Sphlngs tract. This would Involve a total loss of 1130,000. All I ask Is that each taxpayer look Into this matter for himself. try respectfully, MARION HANKS. FRONT BIG DRIVE HAS BEGUN FAVORABLY IN COUNTY FIRST AXXIVER8ARY. IS xUHfO CELEBRATED WITH QUIBT BUT VERY EFFECTIVE WORK POR UXCLE SAM .V.rtl W ' a -m BIG TIRE AT KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April . Three blocks of the wholesale dis trict hero bave been ruined by Are, with an estimated damage of 3,i 500,000. The source of the blase has not been determined. 4 ADVERTISING SPACE DONATED Twenty business men In the city of Klamath Falls have con tracted for space In the Evening Herald which will be donated to stimulate the sale of Liberty Loan bonds during the drive now begun. 0 A laree number of these ad- vertlsementa will appear on the front page, this being the only case In which the Herald has de- vlated from Its policy of selling space on the front page for any cause. .MOST RETURNS ARE MOOMV PLETE, BUT SEVBfUIi CINCTS ARE KXOWX TO I READY NEAR THEIR QCOTAS Although Klamath Coaaty Is act celebrating the first aaalvonary of the Nation's entrance Into th wtstt ar with bells and whletlee, the peo ple are demonstrating' their patriot km In a faiTmore-.sfectlvemBBBer by making a record breaking sub scription to tho Third Liberty Loaa. Returns nre coming la so fast is th local headquarters that Captalm Ohaa. J. Ferguson Is not able to asake aa accurate statement of the Ur subscribed, hut It has nounccd that Precinct No. 1 has K ready subscribed 00 per eent t Rs quota, Precinct No. 4 Is very Mar tha top, and No. 7 has 75 per ctat la at 2 o'clock. It Is too early yet to say whero the other preelacta staai, as a number of the workers have aot yet reported the results of their Sorts. From the present ladleatlaaav haw ever. It Is safe to conclude that Klaav ath County will be placed la tha hlaa column ere long. County dhrtrleta are doing exceptionally well, It la e clared. ' . The names listed below have aasa given by the precinct workers aa har Ing subscribed their full quota Bad rated In the blue column. Thara are, however, a large number a! aahaarla. tions .whlchhava been takea aad which have aat yet beea turned la at headquarters. Those who have aVs scribed and are not listed auy ha as sured that their names will appear aa aoon as turned In to headquarters. CITIZENS WHO HAVE THEIR FULL QUOTA AND OVER O. T. McKendree . ! 1,000,0 Tron ft McKendree 50MB (Continued oa page 4) Klamath Songsters Are Found Missing asKemssm-smBpsBms-BBB-BmanaBBKBB-Bl The Liberty Chorus was scheduled I After watting la rail tor bomb tlate, v' to warble at the Liberty Loan meet-1 Miss Parker, director of tha ehoras, '' in hoM U l.akl lait nlht. Part had to taka Miss Houston's DlaOB at Hr of It vajbed mil the othe part did the piano, and the program WM, not. mis wnc not Because iney nam w, r-, rsui -u w. .rK,n failed lo practice sufficiently, but be cause Mr. and Mrs. Job Brett, Miss Elisabeth Houston, Miss Josle Low and F. M. Upp thought that .Mr. Brett' could steer, UyiFprd tot ,n hurry by taunf saort road. The rest of the chorus, bsitavl.Y la tha aid adage of "the longest way round," failed to see tMr, 'Orett's crow wheu.they arlved at Mt. Lakl. assigned the duty of solas after tha u' . . . .- M ...- A ',1 missing crown, ana, rava-ttaess eni on me roan, twv,lJ"Pi fT",. AHamont. trvlne - sssaadatA-SW ' " " ' . --ctw-.--.-nrrnr . . tPgo. They.nsiiyiaMMM Ing her from wt,MKm aad tkte tar.dy aMsataM(lha their tracks'.hossaawrdwhl Plath and Mr: At returae ( 'am aTeaBK- 1.BKV in lime ror tav aeif jieaBsmi v , .tsfMmj&mai.-&: ., JMcaaaaa-,