' --V-Vr'' ( ' ;fc TO:' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWIPAPXX OF KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH "FALtf "-4 r-"M-i ln Twelfth Year No. 8.IT9) KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL, 5, 1918 v GERMANS START ANOTHER OFFENSIVE 'rl (CV. " W sacrifice MADE FOR TRIFLING TERRITORY HIW ARE THROWN HACK AT AL.jnow rMdy ,0 bogn ,ho worfc of he MOST ALL POINTH IN THEIR actual drive. What tlio result of the ....L.v.w.au .,. I campaign Is to bo Is up to the poo- NTUhMOlH ATTEMPT TO ,,, of Klamath County. No torccaslH DIIIVK Til K.I H WEIK1E DEEPER or ITedlctlon have lcen announced INTO ALLIED LINKS tho campaign to the masthead, "KIght, buy, or show tho reason why." VNDRED THOUSAND MEN ARE A largo map of tho city has been . ,.... , uttnttm ,.. 'prepared by P. n. Olds, who has PLACED IN HHOBT HTHETCII ,,, Q , dep,rtment ( , upon AGAINST FRENCH IN VICINITY, '' map will bo shown the proxress OP MONTD1DIEK LINES MAIN INTACT KK lly Associated Preen Along the big front of the I'lrardy bittli-flcM the great Hun offensive has been renewed with tremendous; It I afo to say that there will bo force, but while thousands and tens fcw e,,ow "on the map. ... ..... j i . . ' fho provlnct quotas hnvo been flg- of thousand, of lllnd.nburg's forces. w up ,, u BQW R raco o ico brc been sscrMced, thoro Is little to t,cn precinct In the county goes show thus far as a result. ' "over tho top" firm. Kadi band or i A ferocious effort has bean md pieclnct workers veom to bo deter tu rencli Amiens on the Somme. which mined that their own precinct wilt be rolnt Rives direct rait cominunlcn-tflrHt, nnd this rivalry will put the tlon with Paris. The attacks weroi punch In tho campaign. Announce tusde from the suuth, and while, ment will be made each evening or (light gains ure reported at Isolated the result of tho day's work. . points, tho enomy has been, repulsed i It Iiiih been announced fiom the everywhere else with heavy losses. Tho frantic effort made by lllu dcnliurg to drive his wedge further l shown by the fact that on a abort front In tho Montdldlor district twon-J ty mlleH southeast of Ainlena, a nun- dred thousand man wore hurled against the Kreneh. i Tho Kreneh have contested the spond to the call or tholr govern ground very bitterly between tho ment? Will they show that they are Avre and l.uco Rivers, and have fair- determined to back up the boys who lyv mowed down the enemy's forces have gone over tho sea to fight the Kith the artillery. Tho Oermana Hun? What messago will tho people used their masses or Infantry In ton' or Klamath County send to the reckloKs assaulta here. LONDON, April 6 Launching an other tremmidoui ntlirk between tha Somtno and the Luce Rivera by the' Germans, tho British have boon pressed back a short, distance on the front east of Amlena to positions enat of Vlllcra Brottoneux. The Oermana ere thrown back In moat places. The Oermana concentrated a huge msj or troops' near Albert, north of the Eomme and the British artillery ought them under Ita fire, with dev-1 astatlng results. There was heavy artillery activity last night In the Dorquoy and Scarpo valleys. Another sector ot trenches has Been taken over by Americana on the Heights of the Mouse River to the outh of Verdun, but there has been omparatlvely little action here. I Third Arrest Made For Sheep Poisoning A third arrest for tha sheep pol. Hammond nnd Kred Pope. Tha com. Onlog near Mnt m.2 .. f T.n- niaint was fllsd before Judge Hank , , eattlasairVt Pa Valley.- '' vBiiaoia rraa Moriay, The Klip jielonged to Eugene wwwwimmwii.wiimii.i. bumntit run u i AFTER WEEKH OK HARD WORK AT LOCAL HKADgUAHTEKH, THE FIELD WOHKKHH HAVE IIEEN PREPARED FOR THE IIIU DRIVE The Arid workers have received their InitrurtlonH and order, and are ri ora headquarters, but the precinct captain have rained tha bnttlccry or of tho campaign In tho city. All blocks are tt U marked with a yel low thumb tack. As the block reach es no per cent of Its quota, the yel low thumb tack U to bo replaced by a red tnrk, and when tho full quota of the block In reached a blue tack will tako Its place. Resldenta of tho city can wntch their own block, and state headquarters that a strenuous effort will bo mnde to send tho state oer the top In a week. This will be by the 13th or April. They have adopted the slogan of "Mako the 13th an unlucky day for Kaiser IIIU." Will Klamath County take her nlace In tho front rank? Will Its pooplo re-J KaltierT Tho coming days will an- awer. The precinct quotas are as fol- Iowa Klamath Kails- Klrst . Second Third 118,300.00 8,750.00 14,600.00 18,650.00 19.660.00 13.000.00 33,600.00 .3,650.00 9,350.00 1,100.00 3,960.00 1,300.00 0,900.00 i e ateeeeeei Kourth Klfth . . Sixth . . Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth . . , Midland .... Worden Kort Klamath Sprngua River 13,700.00 Klamath Agency 3.3S0.00 Malln ."..... 9,100.00 Tulo Lake,. 13,700.00 yesterdar. and tt IU be trie, la'tba justice nvn wuw 10 o'clock IBERTYDRIV - CANHDATE FORGOUNTY JUDGE FILES KLAMATH IIAHIX PARMER PILES RECIjARATION OK CANDIDACY AH OPPONENT OK MAItlON' HANKH AT COMING RECALL ELECTION Hubert II. Bunnell, a farmer resld. lug In the Klamath Baaln between Klamath Kails and Merrill this mora InK filed his declaration of candidacy for tho office ot county Judge, In op position to County Judge Marlon llnnks at the coming recall election on April 23d, with County Clerk C. It. Del.ap. It Is reported that 'peti tions for his nomination are now be ing circulated. ALLIED MNKH HELD INTACT Hiimmarjr by A The Kreneh lines have been bald below Amiens and the Hermans de feated In what probably constituted their most desperate effort yet made to break In and cut off communica tions. The battle rageof yesterday and last night. Aa a whole, the allied lino was maintained In Its entirety. The Oermana gained about 1,000' nrds opposito Castel, where they are still nearly three miles from the railroad. MKHAKKKV LEAVES TODAY l.uwrence Mehaffey, for five yeara assistant cashier at the Klrst 8tate and Havings bank, left today for Mare Inland. Calif., where ho will enter the radio branch or tho service. Later he will bo vent to Harvard College to study the work before he la tent across. Captain Siemens, president of the bank, expressed regret at losing Mr. Mehaffey, who haa been a most effi cient worker. Mrs. Mehaffey accompanied her husband aa far aa Weed. CAITAIN HAMILTON LEAVES TOMORROW Captain R.Jl. Hamilton will leave on the noon train tomorrow for Kort Illley, Kans., In response to a wire received last night. He will take a short course In military tactics, and expects to be sent to Prance la tha uv.tr future, N In terminating a successful raed linl practice of several years. Cap tain Hamilton wishes to thank his many friends for tha many kind nesses shown him during bis resi dence. Ha particularly aapraclatae the many requests for hla photo, but declurca their number makes It Im possible for him to make them aa gifts. They may be secured, now ever, with bis antlra permission, at the Henllne studio. Dairy . 4,900.00 Merrill 9,100.00 Swan 3,450.00 Plevna 6.600.00 Lost River 6,960.00 Mt. LaHl 6,700.00 Langolla Valley ........ 6,360.00 Hlldebrand 4,060.00 Poe Valley 3,100.00 Plna Grove ............ 6,400.00 Klamath Lake 1,400.00 Algomat.. 960.00 Chlloqutn 1;950.00 Topay . (50.00 Exclusive of manufacturing. pUati. Intadtitioa'to toa'akove la Oiell pfaelact.-aif tta- afctfaetjrlif ' it jt iruttoaHV4w' ftM Utter ke. af.a4'vua-tka iyifot f m ployea, . "mion. - .n.v.ruinAnv AAAAAAAAA6AAAA00WWWWWWWWW i HI OUT FOR UBERTY MOPES TO ANNOUNCE "WE'RE OVKR THE TOP" HOON AFTER NINE TOMORROW, AND HO WIN LIBERTY LOAN EMDLEM That Klamath Kails may be the first to go over the top In the Third Liberty Loan campaign, and so win tha honor lac presented by the Cen tral Liberty Loan committee, Is the hope of the local committee. The committee Is working over time ao aa to have everything In read iness, and so be able to make the an nouncement that Klamath Kail has "gone over ike top" in the fewest minutes possible after 9 o'clock to morrow morning, when the campaign officially open. Honor ffaga or the official slsc will be 36x54 laches. The names of the communities winning the flagi will be Inscribed on a special Liberty Loan flag or roll or honor, to be lo cated at each sjate capital. A telegram received by Cbaa 3. Kerguson, captain of the. Liberty ?. committee for KlamaUTcouafyJ reada as follews: "The competition for tho Liberty Loan honor flag will be open at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. As soon as tha towna reach their quotas they will file their telegrams to the Ore gon headquarters. The ranking or the towna will be based on your filing timet This arrangement removes the disadvantage of the towns far dis tant from Portland." INHW MATTER DIHCl'ttHKD IIY PRESI DENT AND CAIIINET TODAY. COAL MINER WHO DENOVNC RD WILSON HANOED BY MINERS WASHINGTON, D. C, April 5. The lynching' of Robert Pragar, a German at Colllnsvllle. Ills., last night was discussed at length at a cabinet meeting thla morning, with tha president and atorney general present. " It la expected that the government will denounce the lawless act of tha mob. It Is alleged that Prager who la a coal miner, made derogatory re mark regarding the president. He prayed In Oerman after being taken from jail by the mob of miners, pre vious to his belug hanged. PROCLAMATION ' To the people of Oregon as loyal Americana, and as resl- dents of a state which haa con- alatently held first rank on all patriotic masters, I earnestly appeal to you to exert every possible effort to make next Saturday, Liberty Day, memor- able aa a red letter day for fer- vant patriotism, and urge upon every eltUen -the Imperative s aecesslty of supporting whole- keartedly each, demonstration 41 celebrating the .opening of tho , Third, Liberty Loan .campaign. . whlernwkrthe flrtt aauivef- air et oltr deeUrttioa of , war 'iialnit . lirwlam.wfloverner :Jo WUkrsamsa. v . 4 HONORFLAG IS LYNCHED WMM UDGEHAHKS mm Editor Herald I thank you for your offer, and will try und make as brief a reply to the charges In the recall petition as possible. In ifiy pre-election campaign I promised, If elected, to act In all mat ters of county business for what I honestly believed to be for the best Interests of the taxpayers of the whole county. I consider this my must binding promise, and I can honestly say that In every matter of amall or great Importance that has come before me In my official capac ity, thla has been my sole guide and aim. I havevever been so conceited aa to feel that I was elected to this Im portant office simply on account ot my personal popularity. But you will remember that a crisis was at hand, our county was on the verge of bankruptcy with an Indebtedness of $530,000, and Klamath County warrants were a drug on the market and a Joke. I was Induced to make the race In an effort to. put Klamath County on a business basis nnd re store the credit of the county to tho end that every warrant Issued should be worth one hundred cents on the dollar. You all. know that you can get lace value for your warrant the moment It Is Issued, and' Klamath County today Is ery nearly out ot debt. Thla haa been no small Job, aa those who are acquainted with the conditions can testify. I yjll say that while I realised that the finances of the county were In very bad shape. I. nor aa I believe, no one else, had nny true conception ot the actual conditions nnd the immense prob lem that contronted the county court when It took office In 1915. We round u big tlu box Jemmed full of claims and bills against the county. Not only had thla mass of bills never been paid, but they had never even been Inspected, approved or audited, and no one knew whether they had been legally authorised, or whether the services had been rendered. There was something like f 50,000 In unpaid bills against the new court house, and 949,000 against the road fund. Wo bad promised to pay every Just debt already Incurred, and to carry out our pledge we were obliged to make a careful Investigation ot ev ery Individual bill on filo. Thla was not a Job ot a few weeks or months, but It meant constant work tor near ly a year. Even then, aa you must realise. It was some Job to pay off these bills, without any money, and still maintain the credit ot the coun ty and keep warrants at par. If any of you have ever tackled a problem like this In your own business you will understand what the court was us against. During thla strenuous period we hnvo been criticised for not spend ing large sums of money, which wo did not have, on the roads of the county. We have spent considerable money on the roads, aa fast as our credit would permit, and now have comprehensive plana for the perma nent Improvement ot the highways, which lack ot space will not permit roe to even outline nt this time. I promised to complete the court houso aa soon as possible, aud I riunkly plead guilty to this charge. I did not at the time, and I do not be lieve anyone else bad any Idea ot changing the location pt the court house, but conditions' have changed. Something like 9160,000 had been spent on this building, and I had ev ery reason to believe that with thla vast sura expended that It was Hear ing completion. When I found that money had been practically dissipat ed and nothing to show for It but the ali and .framework ot a building, Is .It, as? wonder that j would be bim -to. change- mp ,nUJ, l'foun,d that the plana an which tha building was started were on auch an elobor- VirrVrYiYiVYiWuWUfmnMAfUW KMS i TONOCK OK THE HUNH WILL HOON UK A IjANUL'AOK MORE DEAD THAN LATIN Olt OREEK, IK BENTON COUNTY IDEAM ARK CARRIED OCT CORVALLIS, April 5. The locai school board has decided to eliminate the study of the German language here Immediately, and to give the students In the German course full credit for the remaining two months or the term. The action was taken as tho result of considerable agitation against con tinuing the teaching or this language. The war council or Benton County had asked the school board to act at once. There were no applicants In the public school to take the begin ners' course In German this term, and the second year course bad dwin dled to eight pupils. HAUELHTE1N EXPECTED HOON Word bus been received, from Wm. Hagelsteln, now In Southern Califor nia, that his health U gradually Im proving, after his extended Illness, dating alnce last September, and that he expects to return to Klamath Kails by the middle of May, with Mrs. Hagelsteln. While he haa had a very hard time, ho writes that he feels for tunate to be alive after the narrow escape he experienced. His first breakdown was due to typhoid fever. ate a scule that it would cost 950,000 more to finish It tor occupancy than It would to construct an entirely new building. Under these conditions I believe that I would have been vio lating the confidence or the people who elected me bad I consented to go ahead and finish this colossal extrav agance. The tact that a rolstage has been made and ll0,000 or the peo- nle's money haa been thrown away. does uot appeal to me as nn argu ment why your court would be Justi fied In wasting 9180.000 more In the same place. A crime has been com mitted, and tho oeoule of the county robbed, but In justice to myself and to the Doonle I represent, I cannot be a party to another crime, simply for the personal beneOt of a few Indi vidual property owners. In conclusion I would say that I do not claim to be perfect. I know I have made mistakes, as we all have. I have made mistakes In my own personal business, but I have ton estly tried to represent the best In terests ot the people of the whole couuty. I have no excuses or apolo gies to make, as I have done my best, and all I ask is that a full In vestigation and consideration of the accomplishments of the court be made before a conclusion is reached. Very respectrullv. MARION HANKS. mm Dill Stage to Ashland Starts That tha road; over the Graan Springs Mountain Is In passable con dition,' and that the first trip of the year was made by R..S, Van Campan of thla city yiter'dyin six hours, was naws dBralnglrom ChlrlM W.V t Ashland, wao ..w-.,-- annouaeea .the. regula; E FAILS. TO DENT LINES OF FRENCH DEHPERATE ATTEMPT MADE TO CAPTURE PORTION OK RAIL KOAD KXDS IN DISMAL KAIL URE FRENCH LINE HOLDS FRENCH WITHDRAW AT ONE ftlINT WEST OF CA8TEL, BUT CAPTURE SEVERAL OTHER POINTS ENOLI8H ATTACHE . ON WIDE FRONT PARIS, April S.-The enemy baa resumed hla... great -off eiisjve on the western front today with redoubled Intensity, but tho success of bis pre vious efforts I noticeably lacking at this time, for despite his superiority or numbers and the recklessness with which the llveg or his soldiers were sacrificed, ho was unable to attain the,. objective, which was the railway line from Amlena to Clermont, along tha route to parls. Tho French buve maintained their line In Ita entirety, and conquered the greater part ot the Eplnetto wood north of Orvlllera Sorel. German ef forts to dislodge them have been la vain. The French have captured tko St. Algmau farm southeast of Orlvea nes, and have held against their as sailants In the north. The Kreneh have withdrawn their positions wan of Castel and have thrown back tha Germans from the Cour Wood, wast of Mallly and Rameval. LONDON, April 5. The Oermana this morning attacked the British on u wide front from Dernancourt south ot Albert to Moyennevtlle north ot the Somme River. The chief points attacked were Dernancourt, Menln, Beaumont. Pamel, Brlegury and Hoyenncvllle. The enemy was re pulsed with heavy losses at all points' except at Dernancourt, where alight gains were made. BOUNTIES ARE ALLOWED A bounty or 13 each was allowed yesterday for coyotes by the county clerk to the following peeple: R. Thomas ot Dairy, Jlmmle Koster ot Yalnax, D. T. Daujherty and to Joe Scott or Bcutty, Oregon. " !P Next Week . ? ND NBURG icaedule between KUmktkKaJla'aM'v? Ashland wiu commence on mbx mam. ,. day, weather conamena permiiuaf. . One load ot puiegera;,wUl 4, brought ovarktejlpyr7Traaa Vms& acfosatk'o'roUamrasWslto.wlsHlff ," ..... '-- '-'C " Jl-f..4fc iA V- - y"a "V-JU L -.'