p OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Of KLAMATH COUNTY nMtk vMr Jta, ,! Si?? !utntmn Herald OFFICIAL NSWIFAFli OF KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL, 4, 1918 n 0 1 Prlca rtn Cant ERMANS HINDERED BY WET WEATHER - -- ....g.... rvi-i-rmnnnnnnriAAjuiJUL VINE AID M PK nil candidaiIy wwwwwwwww,'w'-' -lj--lAi-nvmnAf OR KAISER -AILS HIM PINCH inXMMH GOTT" LEAVES HIM IX Mill WITH HEAVY ARTII, rtKPAIMTION FOR CXIMIIAT 1X0 WHH IIV U IIOATH LAST WRKK NOMINAL AMEIIIl'ANH In another column wo aro prlntliiR llif eiiiiplcto chnrgos made In tlio pe tition inking (or tlio recall of County Judge llanki. Wo want tlio voter to U'nd the rhariot carefully, and con sider, with nil serlousiicim, tho weight or thp point charged, ho Hint (hey may dctermlno, when IiIn ofllflnl act lire shown, whether Jtidgo Hunks ) fsllod In IiIm duty to (ho peoplo of (he tPimty, or whether he Imi acted (or tho best Interest of (ho taxpayer. .The advantage (ho voter hnvo In a 'recall election I that they do not have (i depend on (he promise of a cnndiilnte uuiloiin for offlco, but can Judgo frrm what (he official haa actu ally drno while In office, Thl being tho f aw. (he Herald desire (o ee (he JudgeN official record placed before . tho people. Thl will bo given to the people, and we would greatly apnrccl- LKKV-IIOTII HIRES X).TIMK ntn nlHtnnrr from partlc on either ldo lu our compilation of tho nclual facia. Personal opinion, prejudices and inUreprerrnlntlnn ntiotild be ellmlnal. ed lu the (onvldernllon of tho que- , tlcii beforo tho people. The Herald miMTKII TO GAH DOMRAHD. J''? """ '.' " on,y ,u,nU I to the pcoplti by honostly printing all WWT, HIT LITTLE DAMAGE i10 fncli obtainable, without conld- oration or who U hurt or which aide ill favor. Any Usui that, will not I hear (he fullest nuhllrltv u not ity Arla4tid Prtw I worthy of the consideration of the Btta sides of the world' flghllngl 0,c"- Thu tcM elecllon will ion (bo grcaM'Icardy battlefield an " ""'"" " " r f taste are doing everything hiu. m' "?' iniiuagnaa or aouara, and i to strengthen their position for "c "'" "' i",iib who win nave am r..i i.l..u ..r ih. a.ht " "" "" "leno are eniiuea io W- - -- f-w-T , SJB.wa . ... . . . .. . kith I. 1...1 . h. m,.r i..,ih.. "" ""'X w"i " " wui. The U (be UK. ! 'or'u renrne nearly every noma in Gtrmin ...,.. rf.!.,. .i,.,! "mawi ..o-iniy. ana 1110 accused ana ir.n.u u-.m i..i(..i i.- i.-.. eceuwra nro offered tlio column of tier, rather than by the reiUt..J' I'"!'" 'r Ihe full prcen(a(lon of (Of tho nllliul fnrr hut It I. ..I ""' ' '""'' "" " Pr"m " -- ww www WW (bat they mwm mm IS 16.000 i TIIACIIKIIH AM) I'UI'ILH IX QRADh MiKMlli TAKK ACTIVK I'AllT IN IIKM'IMI U.NtXK HAH WIN WAII INVENT $8,000 AH THEIlt HIIAIIK WXK f (hit rvldenro In tho rnso, are having a hard 1 1'" U,e IT'"0 ,0 !V0 ,llera." co,n i oriniiiiK up the gun and other applies over tho muddy Bommo area. Amleni, liUh was evidently ono of i tolsf objective of tho great drlvo the enemy, I freo from danger Us present, tho latter bolng held ! mllex up the Bommo lllver. U tlty lias direct rail communlca i with Pari, and Ita loss (o tlio Bias would be a severe one to tho Ulct. folds were made laat night In dlf. U Portion of the Una bv the h and Ilrltlsh troops, In which P"t prisoners and a few anna ware ! The American troop in the Toul SB have been subloeted to a haaw ' kombsrdment, but no great dam- 1 us resu ted. Th Oernmn sea offensive, like the 'B tlio land, fell flat laat week, amy sixteen shin, nt th nijmto JWIobi sunk, nKslnst thirty-seven the previous. pteto a history of tho official act of Jtnlgo Hanks n wo are ablo In ob- J twin, whether Mich Information I vol unteered by either nIiIo or not. llTfAHTIC MKAHUKKM AdAINHT HOnOTAOK WASIIINOTON, D. C. April 4 Tho ronfree have agreed on a bill which provide severe penalties for the destruction of war material and for aabotage. Tho penaltlea provide for thirty year Imprisonment mid Ono up io $10,000. Tho sule of Thrift Stamps for Klamath Counly was 117,861.16, ac cording io advice Just received from Cortland. The Klamath Falls grade school have taken an active part In the cam paign, tho amount Invested In stamp and certificates by pupil and teach or amounting (o 13,080. Of thla amount 12,761 I owned by pupil. Tho amount per capita bought by the pupil In the different schools la as follows; IHverslde, 10.49; Cen tral, IMI; Pelican Day, 11.87; Mills, ft centa; tho average per Aplta for pupils being 14.60. w The amount per capita for the teucbera Is: Pelican Day, $10; Riv erside, f 18.17; Central. $10.IO;vMilU. 83.18; special pupils, 813.13; the av erage er capita being 813.11. The highest percent of Increase In the different schools waa 768.8 In the Seventh grado at the Pelican school The Sixth grade In the Mill school had an Increase of 13S, the Riverside 474.0. and the Plrat grade at. the Central 333.9. I UI LOCAL NAN JWH HAT IN TIW) RIN(1M FOR RRPRK8KNTATIVK IN LOWER HOU6)K HAH HfitlV. tCU DIHTIIICT IX DOTH HOIHB8 lifCFORK By Aaeocaated Pre PORTLAND, April 4. Dr. George If. Merryman of Klamath Pall haa died hi declaration of candidacy for (lie lower house of the legislature. Dr. Merryman haa previously serv ed two years In the lower house, and four ear In the Oregon state senate, having represented thl district In 1909 and 1911. J. O. Hamaker of Donania and Denton C. Burdlck of Redmond are also In the Held from thla district. PMSIO KLAMATH FALLS BflYWfS WEAN TNI E 4444444f'444) Wl'M THKMKNH CAHK INTERNED IN JAIL I James McCannn, who waa suffer- wiiii delirium tremens, waa tak ' 'n off tbo Ktreel. hv It. oh..i Irian.. . . . " """"' E. . . . I",,,' "nd " ody t C Mil. Ilr 8oule Inspected the IIAKttltH MVHT VHK fi MORH Hf IWTITITKH All bakers must use 20 per cent of wheat aubstltute after April 14tb, according to notice .received from County Food Ad ministrator naldwlu thla morn ing. Three of the prominent hotels In San Francisco have cut out the use of wheat entire ly and It 'la thought that others will follow thla example. The hotel not using wheal are (he Palace, (he S(. Francis and (he Falrmount. iberty Loan Drive To Last Four Weeks e Third i.iK... . . . .. . '.. .i.- ... i.. . ... thou """' noan campaign ea way inn, aua m uii iuioib.i .v "Ha on 8a(urday will anil on May pou will be on September 16th, and according t ,.j ... ...aIi . ...u ... h. ik.i. aki k .. " rccsiTan iasi. inroiicr ouiruuumi " w ,. "' nas. j, Perauaon. eantala'of March and SeDtember w i county Liberty Loan commit- Ta Blymsnt. -.. u . m-. .1 .... I"", a r,o ... wi "8U lRll. ml 1-wr.BW OB) The bonds are In denominations of 650, fioo; 8500, 81.000, 65,000 and 810,000. ' , Alette eardi are being put la the nd of tba pretlaet eiptaln? todar. aa ih f.uoUs have bean give for the ceuaty dlalrlets. T. R. MONTGOMERY WRITES THAT HE HAH GOTTEN HIH HEA LKGH, AND EXPECTH TO CROHH TIIK WATERS AGAIN .BOON T. R. Montgomery, who enlisted In (be navy last year when be waa only 16, writes (o Mrs. Carey Ramsby of C31 Fifth street, that he expect to make hla fourth trip across the ocean soon. Mr. Montgomery, alone with two other Klamath Falls boys, la on the U. B. 8. Huntington. The let ter, which waa mailed from Hampton, Va reads aa follews: "Received your letter, and waa glad (o know that you people, think of a sailor. We have returned from our third trip across the Atlantic Ocean, but did not go to England thla time, but If we do go there again I will go and aee your stele. "Well, I hope It won't be long be fore I can come back to Klamath Falls. BUI Otla and I got the box of candy, and were very much pleased with It, becauu It had beea so long since we had had anything ao good, VI don't want to hurt your feelings, but It Isn't the habit In the aary to call a aalior a private but 'we should worry.' "I think we will be going aeroaa again Boon. I don't hardly notice the sea now, aa I am getting used to It. T, R. Montgomery." wrc CtlRTAJlFD RESTRICTIONS ARE PLACED ON MAILING' PACKAGES TO EXPE TIONAKY FORCES IN EUROPE RV POSTMASTER'GENERAL rOOTOFFICK AT OOKMA' ' AS OaUNOED aUNDi aasaapaaaawaaat t Ml Helen-Gray. bMUksa charge of th BMtapee at-04sela;wtah'e. anion waa prevjoasiy tnn- ar Maud Uartla. Order No; 1359. On and after April 1, 1918, parrels for members and Individuals connected with the Acrerlcnn .Expeditionary forcea In Europe shnll not be accepted for mailing or dispatched unless tboy contain audi urtfcles only as are being sent at the written request of the ad dressee, approved by his regimental or higher commander or aa executive officer of (he.organUadoa with which he la connected. A. 8. Burleson, Postmaster General. This order has been laaued at (be request of the war department, and haa bees prompted by military neces sity. Postmasters are Instructed to rigidly enforce It. Parcels which can be teat under thla order are only those which contain the written re quest of the addressee, approved by hla commander, for the articles en cloeed, and the parcel must be ao en dorsad on the outside wrapper. The widest publicity of this order 4s desired, so that the public may Know or tnu restriction Tell your neighbor about It. If the parcels do not strictly conform to thla order they cannot be accepted at the post' office, but must be returned to the Bonder, Thla Important order, occasioned, no doubt, by the pressing need of ev ery Inoh of available apace for trans porting men and provisions, has Just been received by Poatnuster W. A. Delsell from the postmaater general. Commiatlng upon the matter today, Delsell declared that on' an average of two If rge Moks of parcels for the ex- peaitienary .force ien u Meal oce vwy-. ey, aad ,,, prpeftioaat eftennt.aMt from'tbfdlferaat e44 fofthsjiBAWi. It woubj amount te tre mendous gaiiy shipment. THE CHARGES According to the petition died ask Ing for his recall, County Judge Hank h charged a follews: 1 For his failure to keen his pledge- to (he peoplo of Klamath County, Oregon, made prior (o and for (ho purpose- of securing hi elec tion as county Judge of Klamath County, Oregon, as set forth In bis loiter to (he voters, as follews: "Klamath Falls, Ore., Oct. 9, 1914. "To the voters of Klamath Ceunly: "This letter Is sent (o you (o call your attention (o my candidacy for (he office of counly Judge. Flrs( of all, I want you to know that I have made no promise to any man or set ol men regarding my conduct of the office. If elected I shall administer (he affairs of (he county fairly and Impartially (o (ho best of my ability. IT IS MY PURPOSE 1 To restore the credit of the county to the end that every warrant issued shsll be worth one hundred cents on tho dollar. 2 To pay every Just debt already Incurred. 3 To finish the new court house as soon aa possible. 4 To keep the county roads In good order and build new roads as rapidly aa business conditions will allow. C To provide liberally for ALL. lhe schools of the county. 6 To consider every matter that cornea before me on Ita merit, re gardless of who may be for or against lit. "I solicit your vote, and if elected I shall appreciate your co-operation and support. Yours respectfully, "MARION HANKS." 2 For bis failure and refusal to preservo and complete the new court bouse for Klamath County, Oregon, on block (en (10) of Hot Springs Ad dition io Klamath Falls, Oregon, al tho (he said Marlon Hanks has during his Incumbency of said offlco levied, atsmscr and collected 3179,316.53 for tho purpose of the preservation and completion of said new court house. 3 For his failure and neglect to properly protect the records of Klam ath County by Judiciously expending (he money collected for the purpose of completing the new court house, but which funds he has wrongfully diverted, and has allowed the expend Iture of large sums of said funds (o be expended In the repair of the pres ent dilapidated old court house, altho the courts of Oregon have decided that such building, so repaired, Is not a convenient or adequate building for the purpose of transacting the public biulness of Klamath County. 4 For his failure, neglect and re fusal to preserve and complete the new court house on block ten (10) of Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Falls, upon which about $180,000 of the Funds or Kiamatn county, Ore gon, had already been expended prior to the time that the said Marlon Hanks took the office of county Judge 5 That be has neglected to pre serve or continue the construction of the. pew court house In block 10, Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, and now threatens to aban don the same, to the great damage and loss of the tax payers of Klamath County, Oregon, to the value of the building and the land upon which the same la situated. 6 For his wrongful and unjust discrimination In the payinont of county warrants. 7 For his gross neglect to keep In repair the highways of Klamath County, Oregon, wholly falling to eco nomically and Judiciously expend the money assessed and collected In the road fund of Klamath County for that purpose, to the great Injury, loss and. damage of tho farmers and taxpayers .of aald county. 8 That said Marlon Hanks na lfajd to, conduct the office of county juage impartially ana in me wisrest of 6)1. tn people. ' a rnsi o BscoBouciea,ms puo. lie afalra of the county under hla Jurisdiction In such manner aa to ben- MEEK FOR WATER USERS TO BE HELD IN ORDER TO FURNISH INFORMA. TION RELATIVE TO ELECTION NEXT WEEK, FIVE MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED The board of directors of the Klam nth Irrigation District at their meet ing on Tuesday decided to hold meet ings In different parts of the district for the purpose of furnishing infor mation to the voters pertaining tolhe contract with the United States to bo held In said dlstrlc on the 13h of April, 1918. President Offleld, with Albert K. Elder, attorney and acting secretary of the board of directors, together with reclamation officials win oe present to answer all ques tions and explain the various features of the proposed contract. J. T. Hln kle, who has been present a number of times heretofore, Is expected to be with us at this time. The meeting will begin at the Na tional hall' in Matin Sunday next, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Monday night, April 8th, at 8 o'clock at Merrill city hall. Tuesday night, April 9th. at 8 oclock p. m.. Lower Pot Valley school bouse. Wednesday night, April 10, 8 o'clock p. m at Henley School house; and Thursday evening at 8 o'clock p. m., at the Miller Hill school house. All water users are requested to be present at these meetings. 1'RENCH CI VII J A XH PUT AT HARD LABOR WASHINGTON, V. C. April 4 One thousand French civilians, 400 of them being women, have been sent tii Russia by the Germane for hard labor, according to Information re reived here. 4)4444 DEMURRER OVERRULED'. The demurrer to the com plaint, seeking to enjoin the county court from contracting to construct a new court bouse near the site of the present old one, and to prevent the use of the money In the court house fund for such purpose, waa over ruled by Judge Kuykendalt yes terday, after argument, and the attorneys for the county given ten days within which to answer the complaint. - RUSSIANS TO AGAIN RAISE A BIG ARMY STEPS TAKEN TO RAISE AND EQUIP ARMY OF MILLION AND . HALF, EQUAL IN POWER TO GERMANY AND JAPAN PROSPECTS OF PEACE AJUB AGAIN DISCTHHED--MANY ARK KILLED IN ANTI-JEWMH RIOTS IN TURKESTAN PROPERTY DESTROYED . MOSCOW, AprH 4. Aa'th-nTt step toward the arming of the entire Russian nation an army of a million and a half is now being formed, which will be equal In power and equipment to the Germans, according to the announcement of Podovlsky, assistant secretary of war, follow ing a conference of the military heads. It Is hoped to enlist the ser vices of all tbo old officers, and the enlistments are already coming In at n sntlsfactory rato. Peace has been proposed to (be bolshevik! government by the Ukran ian rad of Kiev, a non-bolsbevlkl or ganization, and It is rumored that the chances of peace aro regarded as greater since Germany's reply re- gurdiug the teritory of Ukraine. It. U said that this offers new ground for negotiations. Anti-Jewish riots have occurred la Turkestan. Three 'hundred persons hnvo been killed add much property destroyed In Koktand. The antl-Semetlc agitation at Kiev Is now becoming acute. 4t444)444 efit private Interests rather than as a public trust. 10 That the petition to the county court of Klamath County, of over one thousand taxpayers of said county, concerning the county roads and the completion of the court house on block 10 of Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, haa been by the said Marlon Hanks wholly Ignored and treated with the grossest contempt. WATCHMAN KILLED AT INFORMATION OFFICE WASHINGTON; D. C, April 4. James King, (he night watchman at thu offices of the committee on publlo information was found dead this mor ning with a bullet hole thru bis head. It Is thought' that he was murdered. His pistol showed that he had tried to fire It, and that It had failed to ex plode. There were no valuable papers kept there, so the police do not be lieve that King was killed by some one seeking war papers. A negro employe with whom he had been quarreling was arrested. Preventatives Against Disloyalty Are Urged v ' sr-vt,, ".: s& w. . M WARUTVn-rnN n r. a'iUii i eurhin'of tha German lanmaaaVJa The sUU governors meeting ler to-1 the press. Tby lwadvajs44,r ?Vq3 day wttK th Council of Natlohal D: kntlng the pmchhjiU'0sMMi.P!r &fr fi tea,- urged-tattle action to um hnlnUtwi and ichlngMh'mpiayaicM fc:-J out all manner of disloyalty and the lu the schools, .y -'? IKxv '? JSI 5rj iiA . . rw.A V JjB, u A',. 1'-t u-s ?. a. ,t MM " h.'kZ ??.' " ,-A Mr l! it . .