I 'vH7J ym fit v ,M?i.I "Vtl f tiVl '$ ?fo,'"ar 't Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWIPAPII OP KLAMATH . PALLt OF KLAMATH cuunix j wH "ftth Year X. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 3, 1918 Prlca FIt Oases She ittummn COMPARATIVE QUIET ALONG FRONT 'WMMWWWMWMXWWWMW ITACKSff" , : uj OF ENEMY PROVE OF NO AVAIL WH HAVE HIXMITUIKD nmx or avettk moutiieamt W AIUUH IIUNH MAKE VAIN ATAl'K Mll'lll K MOHEI'IL mn HncHu UNI IIEPUILICAX CANDIDATE Kill HKXATOH l.i:.lH liEAKK'HATIO RIVAL IIY MOIIi: THAN TEX TIIOIHAXD VOTES HIM) IWLAHEH SITUATION' AbOMl FIIONT IH IMPItOYEB. WUKVKO THAT OFFENSIVE PJ ITAIA' IS IMMINENT LONDON, April 3. Except (or die oulbrcuks at dlfferont its atoiiR I ho line, (ho compnru MILWAUKEE, Win, April 3. In (tin exciting riicu (or tliu sountorHlilp of Wlnniimln, tho republican uindl ilnto, Initio L. l.cnroot, hold a lead In lliu return today or 10,547 vote ocr Joseph K. DavkN, lliu democratic rnmllilate, who wan chairman of tho Federal Trndu roinmlftslon. Tho so clallnllc randldnto, Victor I.. Merger, In now 27,000 otCH behind. It U (Milmntcd that l.cnroot will win by is.floo to ir.,ooo. The loyalty Ihhuo which him been prgcliilmcd by Ditvlcs and l.cnroot i.llko hiiM been the controlling factor of tlio election. I'NCI.E HAM WILL I'ltOTIICT SWITZERLAND WASHINGTON, 0. :.. April 3. I In cndiaorlne 'to nrolcit the neu- Ute strict of ycMordoy and tlio lnytrnM from tho conxcuuonce of the rtors continue! today along tho Icormnn submarining tho United ittra front. State I preparing to go oven further Tbs (Jcrim.n. mado a sharp nltnck " original promc to keep U.. li...!.!.,! usisilfiwl U It ll fWltl. ml pou. but their effort were made '" "J'" " Tl !" "'J " , .lf. ..,.1 .1..... .... ......I...I u,UI..""' riiiiivv .........,. i J miii invj nviv ivnnvvu sy lomcu. Tho town of Ayetle, Hutted eight mlleii southeast of Ar-. k toward tlio northern extremity of ieereirnt IiIk offensive, has been re- tfitnr liv ll... llvUlitl. "' " Itil' .'I lll.lll 1 - , , , PARIS, April 3. Tho town of I KI"' A,,m J'-" " ' , Nil. louthwoit of Amiens, which auinoma ..... ...... been taken from tho enemy tho"""''"-"' '- "'l'n nduitod under ultimo during tho laat few day.' '"' J"l"' "" """"" ;""'"v" ifaln endangered by an attack, " "uippiiik i . ..... .,v... tb south liiHt night, but the (ler- " iiwerc unnblo to Rain any terrl-;w)v i.KAVKH FOIl XKW 4KIWKY i (ictpi ot one point. Tho rrcnen IT. H. IKTH MAXV SHU'S FHOM JAPAN WAR VETERAN TO SPEAK FOR UBERTYLOftN HKIK1KANT WHO UAH IIKKN IX TIIKNCHKH FOUR YKAIIH, AM) Willi HAH IIKKX WITH TIIK AMKHICAN TKOOI'H IN FRANCK, IH'K HL'.NDAY Kcrsoant J. C. D. Goodrich of tb Canadian army, who baa bean In the trenches for nearly four years, and who left tho front about ill waeks ago, wilt arrive In Klamath Falls Hunday evening to assist In the Third Liberty loan drive. This Informs tlon was contained In a telegram re eelved last night by Chas. J. Fergu Hon, captain of the loal Liberty Loan committee. Kerj-ennt Uoodrlch, who Is detailed for four days for the exclusive bene fit of Klamath County, was Induced to tome to the atatea by a Mr. Smith, who mado a special trip to Canada In order to secure him for Klamath County. The sergeant Is now ton a leave of absonce from the front, where he has served with the American troops In France. Ho will bring with bin many Interesting souvenirs. Sergeant Goodrich Is ft South Af rlcan veteran' and ha'a participated In tho following battles of the present war: The second battle of Ypres, Keatubucrt, battle of the Somme, Pachendnel, Vlmy Ridge, Hill 70 and titeloi. Mr. Ferguson haa arranged that Bergenia (loodrlch will speak In tho following places: Fort Klamath April 8th, Klamath Falls April 9th, Murrlll April 10th. and Donanta April 11 th. All the meetings will be held In the evenings. Sergeant (loodrlch will leave on the ISth. WMMMWMVMMMMMMMMMMWMWMWMVMMMMVMMMMWMMMMMMMNaWMW ftWMWWWWWWWMWMMWWWWWWWWWWMWMMWWWMWi THE RECALL ELECTION Itlslartamliiftfortuaatotliut Klamath County shoiild be called poa to iuwtM'fi another coart koaea flgftt However, with our ex. perlence to tlM Mtter controversy ot a few years ago, wo should be able this tlate u) settle this disturbing question In a business-like manner and for all time. i broke up a Herman attack near IWinl gnliicd some ground north Pnmont. Lloyd (ioble lent oh today for Camp I Morrltt, N. J., uccordlng to n telegram ....w ., i imiHV liv IiIm mother. Mr. J. Tb beginning of Apt II. a month ,i rini.in l.n ilw-n nt 123 Third 'boHdsteM iiro written large on tho'tr(oti tr. (Ioble Is with llattory E, nor Aineritun history, finds tlio of t, efitli Coast Artillery, and has MU-rs of tho United Ktatos hasten- UC0II HtnllonoU In California for about I to tsko their place In tho aono of a month. "twi ngniiiiK. There havo been Mlcn irnops Involved In tlio utile In I'Uardy slnco the morn- I or March 23, but (lenornl I'crsli nroved. Ho did not glvo any Infor million regarding tho movement of now la loading inoro than 100.000 1 his trooiw. bis men, hut Just how many Is noi It Is thought Improbnblo that the I I.MAK... . . . . . . .-. III t. .... 1tll tltA muhii, io a point assigneu to uermnn sian win no ii - ny Oeiierni Foch. the leader of situation us It stands today. Many " "''leu foncx In France. Thoso I believe hero Is In preparation auoin wn now may be In the bnttla or offensive against Italy. Official ro nd America uwnlts nows from ' ports from Rome say there has been with confidonco that they wlll.tonsldcrable activity on tho Asiago Pre well with the veterans of we anil (ireat lirltaln. i A report from doners! Porshlng to war doiinrtinont inl that tho Itutlon along tho battlo line la lm- nlatonu nnd along the Plavo River, nn.l that In Albnula In the eastorn Bhffie of the Adriatic the Austrlans hno been repulsed nftor an attack on a poiiltlon hold by the Italians er Top In a Week Liberty Loan Slogan GOETTSCH E EWESM i ahvald aot bo iiriwdtled to cater tlib election, as wo oae haa aay' right to eartanger thr prooperlty of the whole ronaty hy factloaal sjaahrls.- The only qiicslkm that should bo allowed to rater tha coatsat la that of tha brat mtcrcsto of the Uxaayers awl c Itlxeas of tha whole county. We beUere lliat the aeople of the tounty are awakealng to the fart that tale aalll "coaK hoose llelil" has beea simply a raee of two sawU factioaa wlm bare been uml are attcatpUag to exploit Uie rouaty for their aaraoaal beaeflt. We mraa, tliat a certain few property ewaara la dlffrreat sections of the city of Khuaath FaUs hate selashly eatarolled the whole county la a light which has cost the taxpayere a aH of atoaey and created a most bitter feeling amoag'tha illliiair, la aa effort to taluiare the value of their prop. erty at tha expeaee of Uie county. IleUertag that It la oar dat) to penult a free dlscasaloa of the merits of this ease la order that the voters of tha whole county will Itave the facta before them, the Herald lias derided to throw Its colawau oaea to thoso who are prennmcd to know tha facts a cither aide, Wa wish to state empirically, however, that we will not prnalt any aarsoaalltlra to enter the dlsrussloB thra the col umn of tha Herald. There Is ao iMaatoa of creating aay farther hltteraeea. tbej votera shoal it Mainly be gtrra the fall facta, in order that they Say bo better able to Jadge whereta their beat later. ela Mt " ., " ' " " The qaestloa to be coashlerrd at the special election on April Md, la that of tha recall of County Jadge Hanks. It la oaly proper that the people shoaM be Informed as to the exact reasoaa why each removal from oeVe Is advisable from the staadpoiat of the good of the taxpayer. We believe fiey want to know whether the real question la the mart's action on the court heuse: on the county roads; IU handling of the Ana nces of the county, or whether there a some other good reason for making n change Let us have an honest discussion of these charges by thoae who are really Inter, estrd In the welfare of the county. The Herald la willing to devote considerable space to tills que, tlon, bat we would request (lint arguments submitted for publlca. Uon bo aot too lengthy. Wcwoiild prefer tao short articles to oae loag oar. Also all communications n the subject must be signed. It should aot prove a dial cult matter to prove or disprove aay charge wind, as the actions of the county court on all matters Is oa record, aad facts are easily obtainable. MOIL HELP HOOVER M THE WAR F1KLD WORKER ON RE8ERVA. TIOX HAYM THEY ARK WILLING TO HELP MJT XEEIIKU IX- TRl'cnOX IX VHE OF WHEAT SVIWTlTt'TEH ..jjjuu') rvwmrrr" ---- R1WRECK FORMER KLAMATH FALLH MAX, EXfllXEER OX LOCOMOTIVE, ESCAPES WITH BUOHT IXJURY IX ACCIUEXT NEAR ORAXTfl PAS8 " executive committee of the Fy Loan hoH adopted for Its offl. llown "Over the Ton In a Weak." rOrdlDf Io a telecram received by J' Fergueon. csntaln of the 'Blth Cnilnlu T Ik..... - lltU 7v "'"trv Koan rem' I uuiuiug, " uram says that the Port ' coramittss hnu i ini. ff luota by Wednssdfty, April 10. They havo solicited the shipyards and otbei large Industrial plants and iv eiul outside counties are alio sending In word that they will be over the top In two or three dsys after the opening of the campaign. "The information that you hive given that your county will be la ft petition to fulfill the slogan ought to .mike April IStb an unlucky day for Kaiser Bill," the telegram reads. HIGH SCHOOL ran BErM The Indians of Klamath reserva tion are willing and eager to help Food Administrator Hoover win the war, but are In need of Instruction In regard to using the wheat substitutes, according to Miss Ada Rice, Held worker at the reservation. Miss Rice l.j at the Hotel Hall at present, as the will be In town for a couple ot weeks having her arm, which was bitten by a dog, treated. Dr. Johnson Is at' tending to the Injury. Miss Rice says that tbe Indiana are very good cooks, for the most part, but that they are very wasteful and throw away food which could, be ited. Aa yet they do not observe tbe meatless and wheatless days, altho they.ave mail hyfaalag a great deal of flsli. Miss Rice had a few recipes for the uie of wheat substitutes, and the In dians have asked for more, so they will be procured from tbe food ad ministration as soon as possible. The Indiana are also ready, to help In a financial way to bring victory, says Miss Rice, and are willing pur chasers of Thrift Stamps and Lib erty bonds. BONANZA TO CENTER IRRIGATED TERRITORY (Ol'XTRY Hl'HROUXDIXa CLOVER LEAF TOWX TO COMB IXTO ITS OWX AFTER YEARS OF HANOI. CAP DY LACK OF WATER MXE PIMPS TO BE INSTALLKB IIY FIRST OF NEXT MONTH FOR IRRIGATION OF FOUR THOUS AND ACRES O FERTILE LAND PRESIDENT GETS THANKS FOR REINFORCING ALLIES AiiKust aoettscbe, who ran a truck for the Western Transfer company here last summer, went over the bank with the locomotive In tbe railroad wreck which occurred close to the granite pit near Grants Paaa last Thursday, Mr. QoetUcho. who was engineer on tho second helper engine, recelv- oil a scaln wound, while Fireman cor boti, tho other man oa tha engine, en- tlrely escaped Injury. The wreck. In which Iva freight cars were completely demolished and much cereal and lumber loot, wu caused by tha shifting of a section of tbe track at a All near tha granite pit. a RAKER AUM ONLY XEW FaWM rlEADQUARTSRS BX TVmUMOD sasBsaasaBanaassa WASHINGTON,. D. C, April . Under .orders cabled to the we. de partment, Secretary laker directed that . all Information ooaoKalag America, foretr Ie,M pttja; lltaad only, fi aee'deerters ef as psumunarr iurv ihi- - NUMBERS TO BE RENDERED BY PUPILS FROM GRADES AXD FROM ACTIVE AND ALUMNAE MEMBERS OF HIGH SCHOOL. ALL INVITED A joint program to bo given by the department of musio and public speaking In tbe high school, by high school alumnae and by pupils from the grades will be given at tha high school Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The public Is most cordially Invited to bo present. ' Tbe program will consist of the following numbers; Vlolla solo KatharineWalton (With orchestra aeoompanlment. Little Beatrice Walten will assist at tke. piano.) Veeel selo . ,.-. . . Pauline fellgman DecUautlaa ..-.,... V.lldaa Gofer Double number , .High school chorus Heading . Miss Burke Wsm selo Pearl Bleba yocaliolo , Clan Calklss rosjiMt.ee .... Carletiae Murseck fiaiefe'la ; ?aretey Duaasm High Nkeol Paps HI SDK PREPARE FOR me BATTLE IIIU EFFORT EXPECTED OX PART OF HUXS TO REACH AMIENS. ALLIED RESERVE ARMY IX. TACT WITH AMERICANS OX WAY TO FRONT ' tmtM iltl. . . AH!, MBM II) Aoclsted Press Local attacks at several points along tbe battletront have kept both sides busy while preparing to renew the cngagomont on a vast scale. Tho entente are hopeful at the present outlook. The British have stormed and captured a strong German point south of Hebuterne, which has men aced the defending positions. Tbe Germans are now believed pre paring for a plunge toward Amiens. Albert on the north and Montdtdler on tbe south may be selected for tbe attack. There Is much significance in tbe announcement that tha allied re serve army Is intact, while over 100,- 000 .Americans are marching toward the front.- ' ,',"... London reports tkat Count Sarnln, in a rscsnt speech at Vienna, declared WASHINGTON, D. C, April 3.- Lord Reading, the British ambassa dor, thanked President Wilson on be half of England for "the Instant and comprehensive measures" taken In response to the request that Amer ican troops be used to reinforce the allies. that 'Austria-Hungary was almost on the point of beginning peace negotia tions with the entente, but the "wind suddenly veered." and that the en tente had decided to watt, hoping tbe dual monarchy would soon be defenceless. This Is regarded at Washington as merely the beginning of a new Ger man peace offensive, and it is de clared tbe Csernln speech was a po litical maneuver timed to follow the breakdown of the Teutonic military offensive. PARIS. April 3. "Csernln lied." declared Premier Clemenceau today, when told that Csernln atated he had Inquired whether Austro-Hungary was ready to negotiate peace. .The biggest progressive movement In tbe 'history of BasternKlaasatb County Is to be made this year, when 4,000 acres of fertile lands tributary to Bonanza, the Clover Leaf Towa, twenty-five miles east of this city, will be brought under Irrigation by the In stillation of nine big pumps station ed at various points along Lost River. Tho various motors and pumps have already been ordered thru tbe Bald win Hardware company, and will be In place by the 1st of May. The largest or tho different units Is the Ulg Springs unit, consisting of ' 2,100 acres on the north aide of Lost Rher, a short distance above Bonnn is. Two pumps will be placed here. One pump will be required for tke 900 acre unit In Yonna Valley, two pumps for the small unit directly ad. jaccnt to Donanta, one for tbe 100 acres near tbe Lytle ranch, one for GOO acres at the Irwin and Keller ranches In Langell Valley and one for 700 acres In the Bowne district below Bonanza. Some of the most productive lands In Klamath County-aro located In the Bonanza district, which baa been aan dlcapped In the past by lack of-Irrigation. Various attempts have beea mado during tho past few years to got water from different sources, but for one cause and another, they have fall en thru. The government has recent ly made the residents a very reason able offer for a water right from Lost River, which may bo paid out In easy Installments, and they have beea quick to nall themselves of the op poitunlty. The power for the pump. Ing Is to be furnished by the Caltfor-nla-Oiegon Power company. This will probably mean tho exten sion ot the Straborn railroad to Bo nanza In the near future. Municipal Railroad Goes Ahead Steadily Ralls on tbe new Klamath Falls municipal line being constructed from this city to Dairy, twenty miles east, by Robert E. Btrahora, have uow reached tbe Iceablce ranch, at Pine Grove, seven miles east of here, und are being laid at the rata of a qusrtor mile a day, according to Chief Engineer Bogus, whe Ir'ggw In charge of the operatkns bare, Tha griding Is praitleally eompUV rd at Olene, and tha roadbed Is ready for the rails at most points to tha Dairy terminus, insbiutv to nrocure steel at any price under tbe abnormal war condi tions will prevent the contempjsieu luimealate extension of tn una ay nnhrt f strahorn from Dairy as to Sprague River, but It Is theUUgtlda, now to go aueaa who me mne.eew -n... n..iiminri h sain 'aa nau utile, yi - .ww wr"f-.-i ,? i the link to DlryXWfJ..4,3 can be sicured, ' c&T?4 i 9. 3a 4. J?S ...... .r.jr IT. .TiS f i" - rKsxi i "W $& .'$ w , 1J