..w silt A I o 1 . ', " "- s T-Ws. $ " r 'rM r '. m 1 'fcl OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH wuMix Dj? iEurmmi Herald OFFICIAL NEWIPAjpX OF KLAMATH FALLt llfth Y.r . a KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL, 2 1918 Fries) Fff OaaaT DNS ARE STOPPED ON ALL FRONTS - m lermans Despair Getting Further Without Kg Guns UXI, IN INFANTRY OPERATIONS ON 111(1 HA11LEFIELD 44K1I. VANS II WE Si: ENTY-HEYEN DIVISIONS ON I HUNT RUJMV I IIDFAIIIXG FOR BLOW WHICH MUhT MEAN VICTORY OK i ivai. ii:i i:ai bringing up gunk from hear BIIITIHII i:.li:T ATTACK XOItTH 1)1' HOMME Pit EXI'll PREMIER HAH NARROW ESCAPE from beaixi AT NIOM YI-hTEHDAY II) Aolnlril Pre HI11II11I In their efforts lo milk further advance nliing tlm vnrtnua ftoala. the Infantry operation iii large male on Hie Pirnrdy tinlllill(ll kite taken n lull lodity, while Hie iie if ImiIIi altlca nre ntmrlm( them, rhr for the tiet move) In Iho wnrldV r-i-t halite-. II la MIevrd Hint tin Genitalia lime het-niiMi rmivlnred of tho fruit. k ran of nltemptliig further iuned Infantry attack without llir alii of tMrsrrat artillery preparation, and llila Mill prabahjy mtl-bu undertaken Mill the big guiia nuw far In Ihe rer ham been brought up. A total f l,IM,0M) Merman lniiM, roiifttltiitlng neventy-Mnrn dlvl tow, am ir hired In be on llic weMern luttlle linn fitting the guiia of (lie IfcW. With llirao llM)r aro prenrlng tu make llio Mow which they realise mast lie vkliiry iir llnal defeat. All further effort iiimiIm tl'nlrnlnv lit- lln (iVnimna In ailuinre mala inl limnnrAnilrna met with rnmptrte. failure, mid amnll guln are rred- kedtotlie llrllUJi, The laat reMirt ilirl the enemy Ini'hn mite runt of Aailena, anil mn Ihe (own of Moreiill, eM mill ftllghtly lo the miiiIIi, wan re. (stared ljr the French on Humbiy, It ! belle-ted thai this ilMiimo U In. mated. ' The German are now reMirti'il iiium-Ihk Ihelr fori en liefore the limn f Allien, ntNiut llfleeii mllot northeast o( Amleiii. The hnlile line la now a very little ilUtatirr back of the original pxi tines occupied nrvvluua lo llio HrM li.ntli' of the Snnmtc. The furllie! ail. nmelM. lrn) nuiileby tlie llun In lite nerilnn amlunil Moulilliller, where fnr are now about (en mllea Imrk of the alllr' line. rMrrMMMrtMrlrWWWMWNe tVMWvVWM rUTTlAAnjVUVVVtfVaJinXAAAAAAnAA LOCAL CHURCH holds mm PEWG lli:i1IHTH FIIOM VAIIIOl'H VE I'AltT.MUXTH HIIOW I'llOHPRII. Ot'H MHTlfl.H AT I'llKHIIY TICIIIAX (IlltllCII I'XUKH NKW I'AHTOIt An mlilllloii of twvnty-alx members to the I'renbytcrlan church, with a Ions of thirteen by death or removal, ii n (I ii n addition of Sundny school inmbcrnhli from 73 to 133, was ro linrtcd at tlio annual meeting of thin orRiinUatlon at (he church lait night. The different brnncheg oLthe church body hIiowciI nnniiiiil activity by the report linnded In and the moit active yi-ar of tho llfo of (he church la look od forward to, under the leaderihlp of (ho iator, Rev. K. I. Ijiwrence. C. C. Ilogue and Arthur Wilton wore re-elected on eldera. The fo lowlnK.truHtefK wero re-elected: Drr Warren Hunt, y. 8. Slough, F. E. Fleet. Sunday achool officer elected were: C. IChoricnlng, auperlntend. ent; Mrs. II. Hawklna, aaalatant UK' imrintcndent; Mlia I'earl I.eavltt, sec. rrtnry; Mm. F. M. Fleet, librarian. A rnfelcrn dinner wna aerved pro redlne tho bimlnoaa meeting. M.)0,. April 8. The UrtlUli loot. Ilfly prloner ItlMrenniie Avre d l,Hre alleya, and iwule n aurreimrul atiinil near llebuterae, taking ma. rtlae nunx ant prlKoncra. I'AHIH, April . Tlie Frenrli anil llrllMi advanced liint nlglil between fia Konune and lleinuln. The altuatlon Ik relatively calm over inoM of (he frt. IVemlrr llenienreau, while vUitlnix the front Imil n very narrow e. M from liming liJa life yemenlaj't when liU automobile ventured In loo wc range, of (ho enemy' gnaa. The premier fortunately ewniwd unhurt. X the car wna ahelled mo vlgorouaU that all tlie window a were broken. An air raid warning aounded in lurla ut a thla morning, but the antl. rraft Kunn phuvd a rurluln of Hr around the capital, and tlie all clear total naa given an hour later. The rluhdi long range bombardment of lnrla luia commenced Hxla'y. "TIUMKII C'KliTIU NUIIIIi:U i:IU)fTK TO AMEIUCA NEW YOHK. Anrll 2 Tim .inm. hip Coltle, ono of the Urgent White Star steamers, Is reported to have been torpedood while en routo (o America, ultlio she was not sunk. ICffnrtH aro bolng mado to savo her. It U bol loved (lint (hero wore no pa Hongera aboard. New Building to Be Erected on Sixth St. TrArarainrv uArt .. .-.j In, . ? ' Mw l-t9n frma build. ;" b3 fflvered mta cement oa tho umbiog bmiB.il her., will ton. '"t On fllKtl. .Ir..t ..- .. ... --- ., h. nw iUlHVt or Plue. ' The coat of the building will be about 17,000, Mr jxtrenx will live In apartgienta In the upper atory of the building, tnd will have nil anop and aaveral rooma to rent In tha lower atory. eomim MED 6V F, MJJNGROCK i:i,kvi:x.yfaiuom) ukoiiok cu.. nkh has mkmiiku ami'ttatkh ah kkhvlt of acadbxt which occi'itnKO whim: I'l.AYINU Tlo nocond finger on tho left hand of 11-year-old (loorgo Conner wna umputnted ua the rcault of Injuries received whllo playing Saturday. Young George was down by thexwator when, one of hla comradea atarted down the river bnuk (o Join him and accidentally atarted a atone rolling which cauaed' the Injury to the boy'a flngor. (Jcorge Conuer la the aon of W. W. Conner of tho Laraen ahoe repairing ahop. Dr. Schleff performed the operation. ItAMUTS CAKRY lH)HTIiAND MAN OFF TO MOUNTAINS I'EKfNCl, April J. B. h. Puraell. American engineer, baa been reieued from bandlta by aoldlera. George Kyle of Portland haa been carried off Into the mountains Ho la being fair ly well treated. m FAHXEMS WRIST BROKEN IN FALL FROM STOOL While standing on a atool In ordar to wind the clock, John Farnall, who Uvea at tbt Hotel Houston, fell and broke bis right am Just' abet the .wrist. Dir, Wtrren Hunt was .suja rannod, and be is raportsd to.b get-; 'ting along nicely, The aocldeat 6 currtdNysterdoy morning, CONGERAVE. mmm POSTPONED I'ACT THAT LABOR AM) MOSEY AUK NKOKD TO IIKLF WIN WAR C'Al'HRH ACTION TAKEN UY CITY COUNCIL LAST NIGHT That (ho Improvement of Conger avenue be Indefinitely postponed was the dccUlon which the city council, after much arguing on both aides, rrnihed laat night. Tho protest, algn. ed by property owners on tho atroet, gavo ns their reasons, tho ahortago of labor at present, the high price of material, and the need of the money that would be Invested In the Im provement to help win tho war. Mat ters were somewhat complicated by the fact that threo of the original pe titioners had now signed n protest. It was moved and seconded that the remonstrances be placed on llio. The report of D. J. Zumwult, city engineer, was given In. regard to draining off tho hot springs water. It wag said (hat a tt-lnch pipe could lake up (he water aTtilxth slrect and carry It under the railway (rack, (hus creating a dralnngo district of 434 acres at a cost of approximately f 3.S00. It was decided to form thin Improvement district. A report on the committee nn streets waa given, saying that tho ro stdents of Jefferson street wished to have the road Improved (o SU(h and Jcffernon and across Lincoln (o Sixth, sold Improvement to bo financed Jointly by the city and property own ers on the street. It was sURgosted that (he property owners bring In n petition. Tho Illohn Ford garago petitioned to have a gasolino pump, (ogothor wlih air and water tanks, placed six. (y feet west of (he corner of Ninth and Main. Tho mstter was turned over to tho street committee for In vestigation. O. C. I.oreni was grnntod a peti tion to construct a two-story frnmo building with cement on the outside on Sixth street, (bo cost or the build-' Ing to be about 97,000. It waa decided that an additional Insurance or $2,000 for (ho contuuts, be added to tho (8,000 carried on the city hall. Tho council voted that an automo. bile record booic, with new additions every three months, In which tho automobile owners are segregated by counties, bo subscribed to. It Is thought that the record will savo Chlof of Police Wilson time In gottlng on the truck or automobiles. ELKS INSTALL OFFICERS HERE THURSDAY KYENINd Arrangemonte are now being mado for the Installation of the new officers of the Elks Lodge at the regular meeting Thursday evening, at which time the following officers will as sume their new duties: W. S. Wlloy, Exalted Ruler; Dr. Frod Westerfold, Kataomed Leading Kulght! II. R GlaUyer, Esteemed Loyal Knljht; W. L. Smith, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; C. A. tlayden, secretary; A. M. Collier, treasurer; D. V. Kuyken da.ll, trustee, and O. L. Laraen, tyler, k GETS FINGERS LACERATED WHILE FIXING AUTOMOBILE R. A. Bmmltt, while repairing an automobile on Saturday, got two of tli finjars on bis left band caught In the machinery and badly lacerated. Dr, Clayton X. Whaalar attended to tbt iujarles. NTERESHNG TALK HERE NEXTSUNDAY EPISCOPAL niHHOP WILL LEO TURK ON CONDITIONS AT C.VMP LEWIS' AT HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE, TO UNION .MEETING Word has been received from Dish, op Robert Paddock, the Episcopal lilshnp of Eastern Oregon, to' (be ef fect (bat he wilt be In Klamath Falls on Sunday, April 7th, with a lecture which ho has prepared after a visit or a month at tho (raining camp at American Lake. Members of the Ministerial Association of Klamath Falls have completed arrangements for a union meeting of tbclr respect ive churches on tho evening ot this date at the Houston opera bouse, as It Is believed nearly every one will be glad to hear (his address. Dlshop Paddock is well known In Klamath Falls, where his frequent appearances on the lecture platform and In the pulpit have made him very popular. as CANADIANS ARE NOW FIGHTING CONSCRIPTION QUEBEC, April 2. Fighting bo (ween rioters against conscription mid military forces Is now under way here. Men on the house tops bave been picking off the soldiers on the streets for sevoral hours here today. OFFERING OF 932.06 AT BAPTIST CHURCH A free will offering of $52.96 was received at (ha Baptist church Sun day morning for the Baptist million dollar drive. Tho church was crowd el to overflowing. Tho program at night was under tho direction of Mrs. P. D. Owen, and was very good. Mrs. Lund presided nt (tic piano. ' MRS. GRIFFITH SPRAINS ANKLE Mrb. D. M. GrlflUh from Eagle Ridgo Tavern, who Is staying at the Hotel Hall, sprained her ankle last nlKbt. Dr. It. It. Hamilton was sum moned and Mrs. Griffith is said to be getting along nicely. Mr nnd Mrs. Griffith ware In Klam ath Falls on business. DIG EXPRESS MERGER PLANNED The meislng of express companies under a new corporation to operate them as a unit and to work out a basis of distribution of profits, is now being considered. HOUNTIES ARK ALLOWED I,. W. Anderson haa boon allowed a bounty of $3 for one coyote. C. W. Anderson wna allowed $"4 for two bobcats. WANT MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE A complaint for (he foreclosure ot a ajmttle mortgage was filed in the circuit court yesterday by J. 8. Kent npulnst A. Kenny. The 'plaintiff's at torneys are Riitenlo ft Kent. DUTCH PROTEST V. 8. ACTION C, April minister SERIOUS WASHINGTON. D. 2. --The Netherlands has formally proteited ' sgalnit the taking over- ot tho Dutch ships. ' .4444)444w FUG IN EAST ARMENIANS AND GEORGIANS FORM ARMY FOR SELF PREH. ERYATION IN .CAUCASUS AGAINST TURKS, WHO HAYE IIEGUN OCCUPATION , in a desperate effort to stem tho military occupation which has al ready begun by the Turks In (he dis tricts or Batoum, Knrs and Ardapam under (he Brest Lltovsk treaty, the eutirn Georgian population has been mobilised In connection with the Ar menians, and fierce lighting has brok en out fn the Caucasus. Reports are ns yet unavailable as to which side has the advantage of the conflict. CAMPSMUS T HAVEHS UMNOW NEW RULING REQUIRES ALL LUMBER, MINING AND CON TRACTING COMPANIES USING OYER THREE RARRELS OF WHEAT A .MONTH TO BE LICENSED A baker's Ilcenso must be secured vhoro threo or more barrels ot flour a month are used In baking for the employes of logging, lumbering, min ing or contracting companies, accord. Ing to recent notice received by Geo. T. Baldwin, county food adminis trator. The baker's license can bo secured free of charge, by writing. (o the Ilcenso division of the United States fooc' administration. In writing the amount of Hour used should b stated. t U (be Ilcenso Is not applied for the Industry may be compelled to sus pend operations, the notice reads. C.Ut GOES ON JOY-HIDE While standing by itself on the slrect. the car of Roy Moore of the Central garage, decided to (ake a (rip early last evening. As It did not wish to go atono. It rolled down the street till It met the cor of Rev. E. P. Lawrence, which was standing la front of (ho Lawrence home on Third street. The collision resulted In slight injuries to both cars. The runaway car bad l(s radiator lnjured,and the tli.' on Mr. Lawrence's car was cut, In addition to other minor damages. AMERICANS WILL NOW BE RUSHED TO EUROPE TROOPS NOW IN TRAINING WILL BE TAKEN IMMEDIATELY TO FRANCE REGARDLESS OF EF. FICIENCY AND PLACED WTfll YETERANS BRITISH, FRENCH AND AMERI CANS FIGHT SHOULDER TO SHOULDER, THRUSTING ASQHl ALL QUESTIONS OF NATIONAL PRIDE ByJUsorlated The unparalleled offensive of tho Huns now under way on the western front In Franco bas necessitated a cl.ang In the plans of the military, leaders at the capital, who bavt now Indicated their Intention ot sending the unseasoned troops across the wa ter as fns( ns tholr transportation can be effected, and it is expected that tbn raw men will be placed by (he side of (he allied veterans In their conflict with tho enemy. This tremendous man power will be placed nt tho Immediate disposal or the French and English, whoa lighting capacity haa been so severely taxed In tho last ten days. , r.lUTlSH HEADQUARTER8, April 2 The British stormed strongly hM positions In the woods along the Luc Itlver yesterday, driving back the eaw emy'a forces. When the German's withdrew from the Held, tho ground was cohered with their deso HAWLEY APPROVES GRANTS PASS IRRIGATION BOND WASHINGTON, D. C, April I. Congressman Hawley telegraphed John Dubolse at San Francisco, a strong endorsement of his plan to have the bond of the Grants Paas Ir rigation district approved) by the fed eral reserve board. BRITISH CONTINUE PURSUIT OF TURKS IN MESOPOTAMIA LONDON, April 2. The British oB the Euphrates River In Mesopotamia continue their pursuit of the Turks. They bave advanced seventy-throe mites boyond the town of Anar to a point midway between Bagdad and Alepho. Recall Election Three Weeks Hence Monday, April Sid, bas been desig nated by County Clerk C. R. DaLap as tba date of the recall election ot County .Judge Marlon ,Han,ks. wh'oia flv days since-tho petition was Had have elapsed without hiahandlng In his resignation. , A petition was filed laat weak de manding such election signal Ml votars." Tho policy of the Ju4g fk a ....-t .Ua. "lam aa.1- ohangtng ma coun uos ;. . ;,os legad violation to 'hla. -IU lafaHsl'- J W Dledga and hla WW1W&lS&y-. .ins-the county roads ara th iriiaml&ftV. causes named In the lnstrawW J .-i 'hsl , 3 'M a-j3N tt.T'C 5 to '12v' I v'- Lit-