&'$!! . . ' 5ffi&s ...,? ,('l " I . ' .. Jv-jii. AtflClAL NEWSPAPER '- " ' ' - OFFICIAL NEWtPAFBI &' 1V; OF KLAMATH'' FALU' ' " i ftl OjfKLAMATrt wvnii . ha'': Hffi --s!9amsmHnaBBBBamsasa mmmmmmmm sssmmn-----m-m----mssS-pm----nHes. .. L..i ? jrtjfth Yesr N. MM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1918 ."'S.u.JPJI "53 .t.J.v-J!ii. J il'il'i.lWl ii ': t J- J m . . GERMAN STRENGTH DECLARED WANING jiqnAnjuiruTjuuuuuuuxnjuwuuwuuu- --------"------------------------"---- .................. , . . Enemy's Advance Not Stopped But Greatly Retarded MRMA.N'H REPORTED COMPLETE LY CHECKED IN VITAL POINT AT NT. IHIHEH COUNTER OFFENMI VK STARTER THERE tfCTtOMM OX NORTH FLANK NOW IFFKII WOOD OPPORTUNITY , FOR KTIIONO COUNTERBLOW ON WEDGE 10X0 RANGE GUN KII.LH NEARLY HUNDRED WORSHIPPING IN r)UIH CHURCH ON GOOD FHIRA V NINETY INJURED lly Akftortatrri Ptmb The Ughting on Im haille front between the Scarpe and Olse rlrere SMdMelshed greatly eseept MtrMn Albert and Ml. IMdler. ThealUea mo mow preparing tor a runnier blow, "awl the ilrrniM mag ha given tmVVatt" of weaving (kMfri Fern U new commending ! Brit, Frearli awl America, natal la IN. wjwrtf)! atlt. The Dm - have drives, forwanl In Urn ini of Uwlr wedge toward tfm,M4mmmMrHkotttumm River, ahont twelve mlto to IktwnlorilMii point. The enemy MNHlnl la pushing U. 1-ritUh line bnik to die west ef Mairierave aad Demnln, but the situation la allll regarded a noperai. neadvaare of tho Hnna, while not stopped, la rertalaly greatly reUrded. The Vrmt h have eompletrly cherhed Ilia Germane lo ilia treat of Mt. Mr, ami am wallaa! Ihalr rtwalrr ufTeiialva In llial,,accli"a. lallieracloaaboMtAn-aaiidlhe OIe, the linn now offera poallloN fcr Hie ealrau. to make a counterblow anil nll up obo alile or Uk. (iermaN -fmwiaVIa-r ran ww Itaa aurpawad Uie alrsUae In frihtful . A -i-rtl l-k l-U rharrli on fituxl KrMair. ilurlnK the mwImn tanslUlllnRoveraaTily.llTeaiMllnjaHaR lUaelr, muaily HmieBaiMl ri-Mrta. More bodlea of women were fouMt xlay. BMTIHH HEAOQVARTEIUI, Ma-rh IM In the vicinity of Albert the are Ajalac thenwdvei la along the lue from Thleprai to i-of U..IKN, MartfcM. HM.f-ermana have prawad Ut UritUh back N NMKtn. The attMatlon la regarded more aatMartorr today from ta wrtrato alandpofait. HUH SPIES AT WDRKHMR PUNE SHOPS WOMAN IH ARfHSTEO WITH UI.IK PKINTH OK AIR MACHINK IN IIKIt POH8rHHION ADMITM WORK OF HI1KM NKWAKK, N. J., March 30. The admUalon that a grouii or (Joruian plfw had been employed In the plant of the CurtU Engineering corpora tlon at Hetnpatead. N. Y., hat been obtained from Mra. I.ydla White, who line been arrested here with blue print of airplane In her poueulon. MAI. JOHNSON TEUJflfE MWUiZONE WAfllllN-TON, D. C, March 30. Investigation Into delay In the air plane program bae begun by tho een ato military committee behind cloaed doom, after dlacuialon In the aenate which culminated In the auertlon by Honator Overman of North Carolina that part of the trouble waa due to Herman plea la the Curtfu plant, which haa cstenelva government con tracta. Members of the committee were pledged to secrecy, and Chairman Chamberlain annonnced that no'stste ment would be Issued until the In quiry had been completed. Benator Overman said allho he would make no charge agalnvt any one employe of the Curtis concern, there were spies there, and were he secretary of war he would comman deer the plant and put In new em ployes. A brace ued In the construc tion of airplane frames, from which a plero of metal had been removed and lead Inserted, so as to weaken It, was exhibited by the senator aa a sample of spies' work. The first machine tested at the plant fell, ho said, and an Investiga tion showed ths) this tampering had been the cause. A delay of two months followed, while government Inspectors want over every airplane part, In order to replace parts which spies had weakened. INTKRRSTINa KPIMTIilC IH RE. CKIYKD BY, CAPTAIN J. W. SIKMKNH CMKCK WITH GOOD WIBHKH ON, SANK OP PKANCH KNCXOHKO f; Condition In the army life at the front from the viewpoint of an oBcer are given In an Itttrtatlag letter Just received by Captain J. W. Blemaas of tbu Flrt State and Saving, bank from Major S, O. Johnson of the Twentieth Engineers, now on duty In Franco. Major Johnson writes that he Is lo. rated lu a city of about 80,000 peo ple, and that be and his companion are provided with, comfortable quar ter and good feed, altbo butter and sugar aro among the thlaga lacking la 4 . . the menu. The bread la rationed lu small portions, but the writer de clarm It Is reeruW war bread, and - i . ' that the smsll quai-Uty received la en tirely suMcleat. Major Johnson' district haa re cently been eitendbd. and his min are placed over a territory of sixty miles. He ha now 1,600 officers and men under his supervision. While very busy with his work, he Is very well satisfied, aa It glves'hlm less time to tMiik or hlmetf, and the time pasties qulrkly. A iheck for 1,000 good wishes drawn on the Hank or France, which Is the that foreign check Mr. Johnton n) lie has drawn so far, Is enclosed In the letter. KfflFUNS FOR JUVENILE ADTOADMY ADVERTUMSI IN PAPKRH FOR 17-YKAR-OLD BOYH YOUNOHTEIW HKNT TO WAR 3BONE IN tlUL IAN tXOTHiNO PAIIIH, Maith aoThe I'Venrli supported by the reserves, are mak. r-m1r nelitnnrr The battle hi now progressing over a twenty He front trim Moreull to n point bo)ond laaalgny. Ily AsMoriatnl I'reoa ' MTKIt The OermaMa have renewed iwwerful attacks In Ui Mt. IM. er region, wliere tlm wedge Itaa been puahed farthest toward Parts, and rest battle la now raging there. Apparently the Fnch have been Nrd bark slightly on the northern edge, aa the town of Moreull now " a part of the Une. OARU HIM. KVADKRd ARK OIVKN HKAHINO Bill Collopulo and A. Mugels, the o men who were arrested yesterday ' fly other for attempting to w a board bill at a Pelican City rtllng house, were given a hearing Jinnee R. w. Oowen late yoster r, and were made to pay the costa the action and the amount alleged' .in nn th bill. The case waa then dismissed on motion of the district at torney. The other Ave men are being held over until April Mth, ATTENTION! KNIGHTS TEMPLAR! Please take notice that church services will bo held tomorrow on the old time schedule, that I, at II o'clock new Ume. B. B. Magee, B. C. Trainload of Livestock Goes North on Monday "a qve carloads ot catt la and two lis. Tn w P0" WB,0 T r bl. eonilggM te 5itsln' p'srl.d. he ta-.tawkagt er Ufi iicomp,8y,ju,tjSw:oewC ..ilkat. ha. km pukuM'.,t DRAFT QUOTA GOES FORWARD APRIL RUST NINE MEN HAVE BEEN NOT1HKO UY MlCAIi EXEMPTION BOARD TO ENTRAIN FOR TRAINING CAMPS MONDAY Five Klamath County boys will leave for Camp Lewi at American Like on April 1st., according to an announcement made by Mr. Will Houston of the local exemption board this morning. These men are five of the quota of seven from Klamath County recently summoned In con nection with the call for 95,000 moro men. They are aa follew: Claude Merrill Lewln or Chlloquln, Peter Bolch of Klamath Fall, James Krejcl Marrni. ciaear ' Bart Cornish of Klamath Fall and Oeaqoma Toresan of Algoma. David J. BIIm, bow at Mountain Home, Iowa, and Nick D. Mallalopou las, who art rWtr4 .wit the KUmlth Fall baad. have bean not! ed te antral for Camp, Lewis alto. Aleue D. Huff 4t Muskogee. Okla., ail ,rit rj4l-Mili.. .i..--idW.k-H haVa-haa'etl d 'ttmkrt. aatura-'t'ralaridt PARIS, March SO. The Oerman consul general at Zurich has Inserted advertisements In 'the newspapers re questing all 'Carman subjects of the age of 17 years to communicate with the consulate, with a view to their be ing called to the colors, according to lurlch correspondent of the Petit Journal. Drafting of the claw or 1931 began In severs! parts or Ger many In the first days or March, ac cording to Information from trust worthy sources and a large number or youths have been aent directly Into the war soae la civilian clothing with out having received preliminary train ing. oaoCKRY MAN WINS M UMMV BOND -. L.. Fes. of the Klamath Cash greeery.lest night won tk MP- Liber ty bend given by the Elk at tbe clos ing session ot their Western nights, Altko the total amount or tne pro ceeds haa not been announced, It Is declared tbat tke at air this year was an unusual success from a financial as wall ss a social point of view. OREOONIANH WOULD BUILD MORE HH1PS MUST BEAT GERMANS 10 ONLY ONE WAY TO OET RIGHTi EOUH ANILAMKNO I'lUCR, DE-CLARI- COLONEL RWWEYELl IN ADDREHN AT IORTLAND, ME. PORTLAND. Me., March 30. There Is but one way to get a right eous and lasting peace, and that Is to beat Germany to her knees, Colonel Roosevelt declared here in a "key note address," which be delivered be fore the Maine Republican State Con vention. Colonel Roosevelt Isudcd as "whole-hearted" support which he declared the' republican members of congress had given to tbe adminis tration In Washington. He decried "mismanagement at Washington," and urged a policy of "permanent preparedness after the war. "War' Is won by brains and steel, not by kid gloves and One phrases," said theVfernYer prealdeat .la Ma- ar- raliniaeat of "some of the meat la- 1. 0. 0. F. BUYS UBERTYBOND ANDW.S.S. WILL BACK THEIR UNCLE WITH ' MONEY AND MEN IN THE OREAT KTHUUQLK FOR WORLD DEMOCRACY , With their service flag showing fourteen members serving their coun try under the Stars and Stripes, Klamath Lodge No. 187, I.,o.o. r., IssC night decided to further back the cause of world democracy by In vesting In Liberty Bonds and War Bavlna stamns. and Treasurer P. L Fountain waa ordered to purchase a 1 100 Liberty Uond and twenty-four ot the baby bonds. O. A. C. PRESIDENT TO TOUR STATE rnnvALLis. Msrch 30. Presl dent Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural College, probably will arrive home .fuiav n tomorrow from his confai encejylth the United States agricul tural authorities, ot kls way mck President Kerr has delivered dresses .at Fargo, ttssmk, Disks son ipilevllle sad Benck. N. D. - Wlthltt a sy or two after bls fit turn-he .wlU'lasvs for tevr tOft? get gndl Waskiagton, to spaik 1 eo. Aftirncosvs 's Hot' ," .T " WA8HINQTON, D. C. March 30. Oregon shipbuilders have made an of fer to tbe shipping board to build 150 motor driven wooden ships without Interfering with the governments program. It Is declared that the tlm. bar and sites sre available for thts work. UNCI! SAM WHERE TO FARMERS V '.T s -J f'l TOTAL OF HUNDRED THOUSAND VU-ULlAIU IB MIVH TW WVWfWM' i SEVEN KLAMATH LARGEST LOAN IS Sit,' DELIEVED THAT THIS AMOUNT WILL BE INCRKAM,TO HAJLT A MILLION WmnX NBXT FHW SfONTHS ? .j"" A-earefaiwamlsntlsn oftke ree- rslffameat of "aome or tne most lm- ord, of Klamath County shewed that portant dlvlslona of tbe government," jv. augera! Land ba'aka have leoMd ' which he Mid were "alssest chemlcal- . ka armaM - thlmatr ale CHICAGO MEAT PACKERS GRANT EIGHT HOUR DAY lre ptoHclept organfiatlonT- In discoursing post helium read justments 'which be declared already have been shown essentlsl to tbe well being of the nation, he said: "We cannot afford to tolerate flint lock methods of warfare In time or war or flint-lock methods or govern ment for meeting the problems or in dustry In timet or pence. We need new weapons, but we need the old spirit back or tbe new weapons. The simple governmental processes which sufficed In the days or Washington, and even In the days or Lincoln, are as utterly Inadequate today In peace as the flint-lock of Bunker Hill and tbe smoothbore muskets of Bull Run would be In war." RESTRAINING INJUNCTION ASKED IN SUIT ,U the iarnwrs si this aegitK.ilg m. CHICAGO, March 30.- A-Q eight hour day, wage Increase snd equsl psy alike for 'men and women were granted Chicago packing bouse em ployes today by Judge Atschuler, arbitrator. FORCED TO CONDEMN THE KAISER TO WINTER RESORT COSHOCTON, Ohio, March 30. A mob of 500 or 600 persons early to day visited sixteen houses and forced twenty-five or thirty propagandists to kiss the Stars and Stripes and say "To hell with the kslser." GOVERNMENT TO ADOPT STRINGENT MEAHUREH WABHINOTON, D. C, Msrch SO. The death penalty for many acts or espionage will be proposed In legisla tion brought before congress, Senator Overman declared today, after hear ing testimony of soveral government agents. BISHOP ON FAREWELL VISIT cullure'i Rt. Rev. Bishop C. J, O'Reilly, who has recently besn promoted to the diocese of Lincoln. Neb., will arrive here tonight on bis fsrewsll visit, and will say flrst mass aad officiate and preach at High Mass tomorrow,. WINS hroOOR.WNNIS . CsUMPIONSUP TODAY , W$ .TOMC.. Msrefc 30-MolU urstedt at astloisrudoor'tan- lis' eksmilewv.telsijr devesting miss Eieaaore uos. Asking that a restraining Injunc tion be Issued prohlbltln.the defend ant from entering his premises with livestock, tearing down fences snd otherwise Injuring bis property, a suit by Fred 8. Bechdolt sgalnst Wm 8. Hall has been filed In the office of the circuit court clerk thru his at torney, Thomas Drake. The action alleges that the defendant over-ran his property with stock during 1916, and set Are to some building thereon, Other relief lu accordance with law and equity I asked In the complaint ALLIES SHIPPING WAR SUPPLIES T OMANCHURIA PEKING, March 30. Japanese, French and British field guns have been forwarded to General Senienoff the antl-bolshevlkl leader, whose troops are opposing the bolshevik! lu Manchuria. Japanese Qeneral Maka Jims' has arrived there, but the place or bU arrival Is not made public. praxlmstely 1M.sWT4mm. teaaa have been.ssadd.to sosse 47 Unpsrs. tbe average being a trifle overM.660 The largest single loan, haa been for 10.000, end -the smallest tloan Is $3Q0. 4 . . - All loans closed thus far have been at 'the rate of 5 pei cent, the pay ments, however, being en the auwtl. sation plan, whereby n semiannual psyment ot 3 per cent la applied M such manner that at tbe end of 36 years the entire debits paid prin cipal and Interest. While tbe system has been In prac tical operation In thla country but a very few months, yet It haa developed that those farraera wboaa mortgegea have been .placed with the Federal Land banka are considered especially good "risks" by the banka, and tkoy are enabled to secure from the vsrl- a ous banks temporary loans where lequlred for the usual spring opera tions upon practically tho same terms as would be accorded by the banks to men in other lines of business. It would sppesr rom nil data that has been collected lr connection with the future prospects of Fedessl Farm Loans in this county that before an other year has psssed unless "the work of this present wsr should seri ously Interfere with loan to formers 'that the government will have loaned to formers or this county by about January 1st, 1919, at least aaU.-.a million dollars. There are now la the hand of the secretary treasurer ot tbe Klamath Falls National Farm Loan Association application for loans amounting to over $56,000, which it Is expected will be appraised by the federal appraiser very shortly. The other Federal Farm Loan Asso clstlons In the county also have loana upon which no progress can be made until the appraiser bss examined tbe maturities and made his reoort to Sno- knne. wt-V l ' V Klamath Merchant Buys New City Home "fcl & V ''impressed by the -continually In crssslng bright prospects for Klam ath Falls sad Klsmsth County after two years residence In Klamath Falls', H. N.Moe of MoeCo.tiis lust couifleUd-a deal her'ey "heUKee ovef 'the' horn ha' pdwi (Hjeunlss, at 3 81 Washington street, from MrsJ. F. Williams, who now.rssldes la FeV. v W Und. .This home la wiikiwmkl ,v M lasmat la that sstloa.o.iJjar..v'vf anoraing a wa Tv."4 ?w T."fr and the valley.- jmw" to have ttratrtn-w nii; 4-'4l. .u fnlyn. -evva - . .. iVtfc. .aar" future. The ISkSdaWa : X' ""- -".-i .w-.-. j...v. .- -T.a.."'.V7..,v l7 ... i .k--.'--L--ki'w-L-r -t"-a-S-i bmbbb. :, ,u i'j uuu.v. r. ,-T " T'v'TK.'-W ti .1 ! ';'! " to iat MOIIMJf 'for TC-.aliWt poiP ruwu -w-. -c wr n , ,; i. . . J1 i' . . '? VW xfT; Lt.i s Al.r. . tiAL.'v;lJ'?