fc pj l I? i nfflClAL NEWSPAPER Of KLAMATH wumi v iEuenmn Herald OFFICIAL NtWIPAPEI OP KLAMATH FALLS & ver-N.n."M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 29; 1918 Price Five Omh 1SERS BIG OFFENSIVE CONTINUES i Allies Fighting Stubbornly Lose Some Territory WTTtK HTII.fi HAOEH AMINO PI FTY MILE FRONT, ALTHO GEIU Mi.Nh THIN MAIN ATTENTION TO WINGS OP HALIEXT PMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMWMMMM nCMH START WHAT IM lli:i.li: VKI TO UK LARGE COUNTER AT. 1.K GERMAN WIXGH DECLARED WEAK IKKRHIXI I'MCW AMERICAN FO lU'EH ENTIRELY AT DIHIOHAL OP i HSI..M ll uiumAa tisuan rtiir. . iinnicii nrr.wi My AmkhUImI lYess The gigantic conSlct over the ground betMeea the Scarp and Oite rlren hM now entered n new pita. An tin effort to break thru the ceu Irrof Iheallie' llMa haa failed, the (IrriihitiN have turna their attention 10 Ike lag f Dm aalieul In the allied I Inca, but heavy lighting, continue loai thr most or a rlfiy.Hve mil front 111 the nmiierat law. General llalit, nllho giving murf gitmrnl, lata reimlaed nmm attacks sad held hla positions bHwwi lloMcu anil Albert, flip Gevaasms Unvo am penetrated lo Mwwtlt, twelve mile eaat of Amiens. HomIIi of the HomMe lllver heavy maimed attack are gradnattjr fore MCUm IbiUvli bark. A French movement in tho south la believed lo be a) beginning of n targe counter offensive. WWMWWWWWWWWWMWWWWWMWWWWWWWWMMWWVW mm E nlLDERTHAN EVERDEHHt E THKIU HKCKLKHMNKHM IM ONLY EXCEEDED IIV THAT OP THEIR WIVEH WHOSE AMHATAXCE TO UXCLK HAM IH VIIRYSUBHTAN TIAL LLOYDGEORG E MAKESAPPEA L Ti QAMEMCANS . HHIT1HII HKAIMJUAirmiK, Manh av. South of the Homme lUver 1 ttvaden mtlnu lo snake tlie greatcat effort, while the British are Muttbornly nnd brilliantly guhit an advance, Mhlth It must be knitted haw been steady. LONDON, March !IV London neMniapcr hint at a Joint Krauco-llrit- !lnremnuiad,derlar1ntliatOeneral Poch, rommamler of tlm allied re ssrvearmy, will be Riven In Important place in the new arrangement. I .' The llritlali han maintain.! tlielr ixtkltlonK on the Homme, and made a la some plaeea. large number of Herman have been taken pria Tim llrltlah have been compelled to retire for n abort dfeUnce in mam piece in the fare of repealed aaaeull. The German have ot very fcfHy. PARIS, March M. (fc-neral Perhlag haa placed at the dUpoMl of the Preach the entire resource of the American army for employment la Ike offensive. The French liave lield village which lliey took yesterday hi the Ml. IMdier region, despite Herman counter attack. Tlie French h v taken Mondel. The German loss are extremely heavy. GKRMAMJ EXECUTE CHAPLAIN AND NUNH WAHII1NUT0N, D. C, March 89. Aa olDclil dlsustch from Prancn uivu Ikit a rbnidnln and two nuiu of tho' phi it 8t. Klliabeth at Autwcrp executed by the Herman In tho "art yard of the barracks at II10 limo with tbo Uelglan oiculUI. Dr. Unlets. prnparlng to go to llonania tonight to attend the patriotic rally Hchodulod at tha Mi-thodUt church. Thli wan announced In lat nlght'a Herald a Saturday night, March 89th, when tbo notlco Nhould have read Friday night, March 89th. ANNOUXCKMKXT "W I'ATIIIOTIC HALLV AT IIUNANZA TOXH1HT I'aitora of the nautlit, Chrlttlan, PreabMerlan and MethodUt churchei announce that Buaday achool In their reipectlvo places will be held Sunday at 10 o'clock, according to the old tlmo achedule, and 11 o'clock, accord inc to the new one. Church icrvlcet A delegation from Klamath Fall la will bo held an hour later. Wilson Intervenes For Thomas Mooney ACRAMENTO, March St. Frail Bt WlUon hit telegraphed to a'ov "' 6tephem,klnt .tkft ejiecutlve ey (or Tfaovu t. Micaey, tow Wt duth Btaa.e,, (t kecua "own today. WA8H1NOTON, P. C, March . White Houie oflelali have refund to affirm or deny the report that tbt preildwt bad InUrviaed la .. U Mooie'esie. The actloa'li deelajfed la have few precedeata la Amefleka judicial history. Altho tho Liberty Loan baa not breu called off and War Saving Stamps are still being bought today, with the unprecedented success of the Klks Western night held here last night, It has been igured out that enough thrift stamps and war saving certificates were purchased to B nance tho war In good ahape, pay of the as. tlonal debt and have money la the treasury to operate the government for some time to come. One of tho surprising features of the occasion at which all bat two Klsmath Palls resldsats were pres ent, was the reckless gamkllag spirit displayed by tke wemea. Many of the Hills who eseorted; tksir . wtvea with tho idea of showing then a taste of real wild life, were noted be fore the evening was old, lUadlag meekly on the side lines, while their better halve frantically waved fat wads or bills under the noses of for tune wheel, chuck-a-luck and other operators. The war prices were everywhere decidedly noticeable. An ordinary waits was valued at 1100. and a hot dog sandwich with a cap of coffee would be worth about the same as ten acres of alfalfa laad. The money that waa not apent laat night will be turned la thla evening. If there is a penny left by Saturday morning it will not bo tha fault of tho Ingenious promoters la charge of tha affair. Everyone who attended, how ever, declared that tho fan waa de cidedly cheap at the price. MM MNS ffiHi I DREDCROSS NEWPLANS FORM GOVERNMENT PMMH MINUTER OF KXOLAXD CALLH OK VNGtVK SAM TO HAS. TEN TO AID 0 THB BOTH NOW . SO aUKD FlUsJMjKD NBW YORK, March 89. A mes cage from David Lloyd George, prime minister of Great Britain, calling on the United States to send "American reinforcements across the Atlantic In the shortest Dosslble space of time" was reed Wednesday' by Lord Read ing, British high commissioner to the United States at a dinner given here In his honor. ' "We are at the .crisis of the war, attacked by a superiority of airman troops," said the premier la his mes aagc "Our army aaa beta forced to retire. Tbo retlrosaeat has been car ried out methodically before the pres sure of a steady wccessloa of fresh Genua reserves, which are. suferlng eaormoua losses. r Tho situaUoa Is being faced with splendid courage and resolution. Thi dogged.ptaekTjf ejlr.traoac has arl the moment cbeckea tacceaeeiess em rush of the enemy and the French have now Joined la tho atruggle, but this battle, the greatest and most mo meatous la tho history of the world. Is only Just beginning. Tbruout the French and British are buoyed with the knowledge tkat the greet republic of the west will neglect no effort which can hasten its troops and Its ships to Europe. k "In war, tlmo Is vital. It Is impos sible to esnggerste the Importance of getting Amerlcsn reinforcements across the Atlantic in the shortest possible space of time." The dinner, given by the Lotus Club la honor of Lord Reading, was the moat largely attended of any la the history of that organisation. '- MO VICTORY BY BRITISH IN EAST LONDON, Msrch 89. The entire Turkish force In the Hit area of Mesopotamia has been captured or destroyed by the llrltlah, according to aa announcement made by the war office More than 3,000 prisoners wera taken. ItKPORT OF GOODH RECEIVED FROM KLAMATH COUNTY OUT HIDE OF KLAMATH FALLS FOR MONTH PAST SALEM, March 89. Pises for a gubernatorial cabinet for atato gov ernment, with nine departments, aad giving the governor power to appolat heads of all departmenU eacept those In which the state coastltutkm pro vldea for election, have been uader consideration by tho eommlssloa oa conaolldatioaa la session here. Tha commission took no actios, but ad journed to meet again at Portland, April 10th. Br the schema now tentatively ar ranged, appointments by the governor would be cut from about 11 to 10, and most departmenU would be un der directors Instead of commission ers.' Each director would have tha appointment of his aubordlaatae, some of whom would bo kaowe as commlsstoaers. Acting as a sub-committee employ ed by tho coasolldatie eommlssloa, Professors J. A.iBeislI aad V. O. Do Dach of the Oregoa Agricultural Col. lege, aad Professor Leigh of Reed College draw up a report. Dr. Leigh sufgsster that tha secretary of state, sloes bo to alsoaudltor; accerdjkg to tki .viaaHttiHAa'vWB. sanirsta'dai Th k-PiU donation; -! - ' OlortWHwwe7wM "rwn up aad eubmlUed to the.commlsilea: The outside towns are a wonderful help to the Klamath Chapter In her efforts to aid our soldier boys. Their work Is excellent In qusllty and of large volume, as Is shown by tbs fol lowing tabulation of work completed by them for the official Red Cross from February 80th to March 80th.: Fort Klamath Fifty pairs paja mas, 83 pairs knitted sox, two knitted mops, two knitted swsatera, nine dresses, eight Jackets, ten squire. seven pairs bootes and two hoods for Dslglan children. Fort Klamath Junior Red Cross Elgbty-four knitted squares. Merrill Twenty-five pslrs pajamai twenty-four knitted tweeters. Biy Thirty-one pairs pajamas, atattaa knitted sweaters, ,tairty-two palrakaltted oea. three afgaaas. Boaaasa Twelve aulta pajamas, als knitted aweatera, fourteen pairs knitted sox. . Klamath Agency Tea pain paja mas. twelve pairs kaltted sox. two knitted sweaters. Mt. Lakl. Malln and some other points which have been doing excel lent work, have aot sent In their re ports, so we are unable, to include them In this statement. RERUN DECLARES LOSSES SMALL BERLIN, March 89. The dermon losses have been kept within normal limits, according to a atatement re cdved from the front lines. About 60- iter cent of tho casualties were only slightly wouaded. a BAPTISTS ARE RAISING FUNDS FOR WAR WORK Tha Baptist denomination is mak ina a drive to raise 81,000,000 dol lars to send more preachers to the camps aad to help Y. M. 0. A. work across tho seas. Rsv. Cox has announced that the weak followlna Easter ha will organ IM thrift sale orgaaltaUons la the church aad Sunday achool. - o COLLaXmON SUIT FILED Suit' for the eolteettoi of a neu for.ftOO, ilgasd. July 34th 1 1911, sa which- MM6 ( allege still due; baf taojs 'lutltutsd la taekwUfoolrt sJtfk'ra'r;7V. 'C UBroas ajaiast. Mi' Heipe,-thru his attftrv ney,Bn v, ibobm. MTM GETS HEW POST N .$. ARMY AT HIS OWN REQUEST OFFICER FORMERLY LOCATED HERE 18 TRANSFERRED' TO MACHINE GUN BATTALION "SUICIDE CLUB" Comlitent with his reputation for courage, Lieutenant J. H. Carnaban hai made a change In his position In the army, and one that will bring lus tcr to his name and honor to this city, hi adootsd home. . Recently, at hla own request, lie has been transferred from the In fantry ssrvice to the machine gun battalion, and with hla usual vigor and enthusiasm has been working In detatlgably to matter the details of hit new atatlon. Thla branch of the tervlce Is nota ble thruout the army as one of the moil hasardous, so much so that It ha bean christened by the boys In khaki 'as the "suicide club," as it Is recognised that a man virtually throws his life away when he join Ita ranks. With Carnahan it ia a case of seeking out that.whlch calls Mr tbo greeted sacrifice, and those who have seea him recently at Fre mont lay that be la ailed with en thusiasm, aad anxious for the time wh,eu he will be ordered to tne trout i , WWMAN KILLED :lRT WORTH, Tag,; aUtca 89. jUfct Dailel.Osywood'et the Royal riyliic. Corps -waa 'killed yseterday durlag aa s,lrp!aae light. ALLIES WW TOCtM E OfFFNSfV E GREAT CONFIDENCE FELT IX PARIS ENEMY HAH FAILED TO SEVER FRENCH AND BRIT IHH CONNECTION ' PARIB, .March 29. The battle front now covers a dlitsnce of seven ty miles, with more of the German re serves engsged. There ti incresied confidence here todsy. It Is believed tbst the allies no longer will be com pelled to permit the enemy to shspe the course of the bsttic. It Is believed that the battle Is vir tually lost for the Germans, while it is about to begin for the allies. The main object of tbe enemy was not to take Paris, but to break the connec tion between tbe French and British t.f . PARIS,. March 37. General Penh. ing called oa Uciwrf.l !' it yestet-Jay and plareJ the whole resources tit tn Aserlca,v si aU dliposal for tha big battie, .to.din.. to uewspipcr in formation. lines. AMSTERDAM, Msrch 38. Bsrlln newspapers declsre tbst the Germsns are about to deliver a new mighty blow on another portion of the front which will "tear a new whole In the already pierced enemy ring." PARIS, March 89. The long range bombardment of Paris started again thla afternoon. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, March 89. The Americana took four prisoners northwest of Toul. Two officers and four men went over tbe top to see if tbe Germans were In tbe firing trench opposite. They stayed four hours, finding tbe trenches un occupied for 600 yards. a bEAMAN RETURNS AFTER VISIT WITH PARENTS DIFFICULTY AMONG THE STOCKMEN IS STARTED PROMINENT RESIDENT! OF FOR VALLEY ARRESTED IX CON. NECTION WITH SHEEP POWON ING IN MERRILL DISTRICT . .TWENTY-THREB SHEEP NEAR MERRILL POISONED AND NOTE LEFT OX GATE WARMNG TO KEEP SHBBf OFF OF BRYANT? MOUNTAIN ' C. J. Barnard of tbe United States navy left on the noon train today for Mnro Island, after a furlough spent with his father and mother, Mr. and Mn. Chss. Bernard of Modoc Point. Following an attack of measles last fall which settled in his hip, young hernard spent three months In the hospital .and Is Just now regaining his atrengtb. "That trouble ia threatening be tween OiTsh'eVmehlsad'cdiUriioa of Klamath County, is Indicated by the fact that six bead of sheep were poisoned night before last at the ranch of Fred L. Pope near Merrill, and seventeen belonging 'to Eugene Hammond of that district by a ma rauder who left a aote warning them to keep their aheep away from tha Bryant Mountain ranges, with a match significantly enclosed. In this connection, Steve Stuket, a prominent resident of the Poo Valley district, waa arrested, brought to Klsmath Falla aad arraigned solera Justice E. W. fJowen last night. Hi, hearing waa postponed on motion of his attorney. H. M. Manning, uatll April 13th, and he was released on bonds of 31,000. Tbe defeadaat Is reported to have atoutly declared his Innocence, and officials, on tbe other hand, allege that peculiar bono tracks were trscsd directly to his ranch, a distance of fifteen miles from the scerig the poisoning. The poison, which la believed to have been sneak, was thrown over tbe corner of a fence at the Pope ranch, mixed with about one-quarter ack of oats. The fact that the ani mals did not frequent thla corner la responsible, according to Pope, for his comparatively smsll loss. The poison worked quickly, aa two of tbe sheep were found dead at 8 o'clock la tho morning. BORDER RAID IS FATAL TO ELEVEN slARFA Tex., March 39 Ten Mex ican raldera and Private Theodore Al bent of the American cavalry were killed today in a running fight be tween the United Statea cavalry and the bandits near Pllares, Mexico, fol- lowing a raid on the Neville ranch. HCHOOLS WILL ADOPT NEW TIME SCHEDULE City School Superintendent R. H. Dunbar announced thla morning that the schools of the city would adopt the now time achedule authorised by the government, which goes Into effect Sunday morning. With the clocks ahead one hour, school will commence at 9 on Monday morning as before. Alleged Board Bill Evaders Are Held Seven foreigners, two Greeks aad five Italians, were brought Wore Jus- Uoe S.-W. QowcJLtJUjmojfBlag. caarg. ed'ap J. M: McottiBU wiut attempt lag to beat thsljpjijrs tor board. aad lodging at bis boarding house la Pel. leaaCity. ' . w f Tha bearing of two of tta mea, tt &$& Coliopuio, aad A. Mujeta;. 'Km ulnd for. this ,U,tioa t .e'sese. . i - w n inn n, iiw wi. .- . r-r-- 1 iJ I V 13th. :1 A -iT- A . ' 5, uttftAX jm: VA'ti.J 0 1 'is ...oi' iywvtXvW '.& ' " -1' 1" !