-) A f "?J $ . , Ai . i ' , i. J if jgugttmg Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NllPiR OF KLAMATH FALLS OP KLAMATH COUNTY '. ll & Teirth Year No. .H KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1918 phmUt Oe. BRIGHTER OUTLOOK ON WEST FRONT ,WWWNWWWWWW imwWWDWWOWK ,wwW.W,...W MM,,,IIIW Haig's lines Hold Alter Four Days Bombardment TEIUIIIIC EKPOKTH OF THE HUN-J HAVE NOT FOIICliD IMI.AI? IX IIIIITIHH I.IXEH AFTER M)tn DAY OF WUXDIXU mil' UlTllllltAWAL WAS PHKVIOl'HLY ARRANGED IX VIEW OF EXI'I'ITED ATTACK, AXI IH DECLARED MASTERLY EXECUTED U)U ItAMlK ML'XH STILL DROP SHELLS IXTO PARIS, HUT DO LIT TI.E DAMAGE ARE FIRED FKOM DISTANCE OF 71 MILES TAKEN SICK ON WAY TO WEED SENATE BUSY INCREASING PHI'HItlAX WHO LEFT HATCH DAY FOIt NEW YORK Id SEIZED WITH ATTACK OF ITOMAINB POISONING XOW IX WEED HOSPITAL U. S. FORCES INCREASING DRAFT AUK LIMIT TO INCLUDE MKX VI TO AK OF 45 IS DISCUSSED HOME WOULD DOUBLE ARMY FINE RESULTS NEW UBERTY FORCES OF FRANCE ARE mm UHUHUSKUW lljr AaMirlaled Prese IVnlntent attack with strong fort-en of Infantry and Umi lavlali um of artillery Iiju not enabled the Germain. break thru I ho Rritlali drfrnke, and (our days of llio great offenalve In Northern Frame line Hot yet brought Um derlaloa la favor of the attacker. Heavy lighting la -irogreaalng around llapaumo ami near Peronae, nil where Um llrltlslt aad French froaU Join. Halg's withdrawal had beat prevlou.ly planned In rune of a heavy at lark, ami lla execution la deacrlhed a insaterly. Kmall unit often owlaimihrred nine lo one, -lung their MMa, Im prdliig the German advance. The Itrltlah Iwve made onljr a few roturter allarka, but every on haa brew surrenaful. The enemy la being permitted to wrar lilmaelf out be fere Hie llritlali defease. A narrow oucape from death on the train between Klamath Falls and Weed Saturday from ptomaine pols onlnK wss experienced by Dr. George Cathry, who la now reported to be Im proving at a hospital at Weed. Dr. Oathey haa Just terminated a successful practice of three yeara In Klamath Falls, and was leaving for New York City for special Work In brain diseases, after which he plans to locate In Portland. The direct cause of his sudden affliction Is not known, but he was taken 'suddenly verv III. and the train waa etopped while remedies were obtained from a nvirby farm house. a HKII SHEETS DO NOT APPEAL TO LOGGERS IIHITIHH HEADQUARTERS, Mnrrli IM. A further advance by the Germans late yraterdey la reported at aome poliitM. The American en Rlnrmi have aasiln bfaj la tlio thme i of the ratifllrt, ami lwv done escel. Iml work In irannportatlon. I'AHIH, Mnrrli &. Tlir Ionic rnn lMmliarhiiwit of Farla by Uie STAMP DRIVE IKM'MK TO HOLME CAXYAKH LAMT WEEK KXCEKIW HOl'KH OF COMJMTTEK FEOFLK ItK. HIOXD KYERYWHERK TO CALL FOR IIAUY IIOXDH UAK8IIFIKIJ), March 15. Objec. tlona have been registered by a num ber of Coos county loggers to the pro posal that sheets replace blankets In their bedding. In some camps the men are said to be taking united action to retain their blankets aa of yore. They claim the blanketa are more comfortable, and cite the fact that, they would aave $1 per week, or 152 per year over the scheme of iMiutS Marrn an. me long ranne iN.mm.r ... ... .., ....,- lDem ,, weekJr for the (Jfniinna began at t0 till morning but wna Intrrniptrtl aner mo mm ch,IC 0f ... ....... IK,. .1 A. U Hull UtM MM.I il.A lltMtf HI. Mtfliln IUNl'1..l.l..1 til lutililtnc. outlined by ,......... v. .-., -. oud allot. Two more ahota wrro llreil later, and tlio tiring waa again eu. colonel Dlsiue. brmleil ut a uVlnrk. Tlu. Monln did not take fchelter. loggers who belong to the Loytl .. . .... . . t.... i, i... i iMi.i i. !.' 'Lesion believe the order of the ire of 8, obata, T. mllea fmm the Fra-a C.y hall. Shot. wrr. -rr,, -jj-gj hho ine city yrMeraay at laiervaia or inim iwriTn m. mim ....., "-opposition 111. I. .f.H.. .- M I.I.M..0M ff .!. hmh4v na uiiiiv. Tlie street were crowded aa muni yealerday, In spite of the. Inmi. hardment. The nrmaaapem evpreaaed athwlrallon of the wonderful me rhaniral feat, bat referred paaalonat eljr to Ilia Maclean Imriairlty. French force Haturdar went to Ilia -ll-me of the llrlllah, Uk lag over one eertur of the battle front. WA8IIIXMTOX, D. C, March SW. Frraldeal Wllaon haa cabled Clen eral llalg, roMgratulatlag him oa Ida efforta. and aauring him of Ida rowfl dence. The maaaage predlrted a victory for Hie allied force-. Ambaaa dnr hluirp haa advlaed the state dertiiient of the boinbariliiivnt of I'arls b) long range guns, by aa oWrlal atateiiirtit. MtXDOX, March JM. Fresh att4tka by the (lermana have developed round llnpaume. The llrithh liave driven hack tlio Uermaas who rroKiMMi the Homme between Llcourt and llrie yeaterday. IiOXINIX, March 113 Tlie Caaadianaon Haturday-nlght Uuncliedthe grentrar gaH bombardment of Hie war between la d Hill Beveaty, Hhllc the English were battling thederntans further south. AM8TERDAM, March M. Emperor WlUlam Iwa wired tlie empree llwt "by tlie grace of od the battle by Moachy, Cambria, t. yueawn nil litfere iMa been won. The Lord graciously aided, and ny he further 'dp," tlie dlapatcli aaya. Tlie Oermau prean derlnrea that tho dateyfor the utTrnklve waa HM'd long ago, and lieg-tu at cactly the hour set. Two More Candidates Announce Candidacy County Clerk 0. R, DeUp haa Bled bIi announcement 6 candidacy for 'lsctlon on th,rajaubllcanUck'et, ad 6hsrl8 OaorgeMuaipJirey .gu Alfcl for re-eloctlon on the democrat- in ticket. Only one announcement, that of J. 0. Cleghorn lor county aur veyor, ban been oled prevlou to thUj; It U expected that' other will cone i. Mltf traar this on. ta the tlaM limit eiplrca on April 17th. change method. If from they the prefer not to old fashioned IttlAD IXHFECnON IX EAST KLAMATH County Road Supervisor Cleghorn left this morning for a trip of lnipc tlon on the county roads In the vi cinity of Ilonania and Laagell Valley. It Is his Intention to go over the dif ferent roads with the local supervis ors, and determine with them the na ture of Immediate Improvement! de sirable He will probably return to morrow night. ' KLAMATH HOLDIKR PROMOTED Word baa Juat been received that Leland Halnea, who baa been la the offlcera' training camp at Fprt Mon roe, W. Va., haa been appointed sec ond lieutenant of the coast artillery reserve corpi. NOTICE Mt. Lakl Red Crow workers will meet at Mrs. (Hen Bteeman'a Wednes day, March 17th, for an all day ses sion. All ladles Interested are cor dially Invited to attend. PATRIOTIC RALLY PLANNED A patriotic rally Is enaoupeed for Henley on Anrll lltk at which" an elaborate nroiram U being' arranged. Speakers are to nreeMi irem Klamath Falui and . beautiful Plltt atiiu 'rtA h Ifrtr. H. k'NawtOM li W,beil4 pt tor tbs beaeftW U aa. 1 aa1Ll.A. ar.ak thin sallA aissaV mwgeroee.' .! --,a;M aVW.-BTS "J.T' w- ware company. WA8HIN0T0N, D. C. March 25. With the bulletins of the German drive before them, the senate Satur day afternoon sidetracked all other bualneaa to devote Ita energies ex clusively to measure for strengthen Inc America's flahtlna arm. Returning to the canltol from their waeklv conference with the war coun cil, the members of the senate mil itary affairs committee Immediately brought up the hill for the drafting of all young men who have attained the age of SI years since registration day. The measure, It was estimated, would add 709,000 men annually to the list available for the draft. Senators sounded the gravest war alnga to urge unhesitating action. Senator Oiaajberlaln. chairman of the comnrlttee'diclared that 'the re- norts belna- received today made It dear that It mlaht become necessary to advance the age limit for the draft to bring In men pa it 31 and as high as 45. Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia declared the atrength of the army should be doubled. Senator Smith said that the num ber of men should be doubled as welt as the supply of powder. "And what's more, we should get some forco and drive and real ad ministrative ability behind our artil lery program," he declared. Senator Hardwlck of Georgia tried to have the bill amended to let out drafted men aa they attain the ago of al yearn. This was advocated by Secretary of War Daker, but rejected by the military affairs committee. The amendent was shouted down by an overwhelming chorus of "noes." Senator New of Indiana took ad vantage of the crisis to rally the ad vocates of universal military train ing. He proposed to make the 21-year-old registration bill permanent ly operative. Thla would be, In effect, universal military training. He declared would Insist upon a tba measure. BEING FORMED FIIICTIOX AIII8EH AMONG MEM. IIEItH OF FIII8T ORGANIZATION', WHICH IH ORDERED DISUAXD Ell RY tXMJXTV CAPTAIN h'plrudld remits beyond the hopes of the central committee are Indi cated from reports coming In of last week's house to houso Thrift und War Saving Stamps canvass, accord ing to County School Superintendent iMim Wells, iccrotary of the com mittee. It will be omo days yet before tho pnoplo visited Is mostS SUONs- complete returns are In and totaled for n flnal report, but the universal response to the move, both by the campaign workera and the people vis ited la most satisfactory, and It Is be lleved that once the habit of buying the ttamna la established, a rapid rise over the former average dally sales of the sumps will result. The manner in which a large number of the busy farmers In the ouUIde districts left their lelds and other work to take the time ' necessary to visit their neighbors Is believed to merit eie clnl commendation. THROWN IN DAGGER POINTS OX HOOVERIZIXU BK.SUITFDR Lieutenant J. S. DuKKer of the Cunadlan expeditionary forces, who spoko at the community service luncheon on Monday, gave tho Unit ed States a few pertinent points on llooverlilng with the follewing: "I noticed In this morning's paper that Captain Somebody or other had been aentenced to twenty years nt hurd labor for treason. Here was last an opportunity to Hoovnrlze. in the tondon papers this article would have read: 'Spies Nos. 36 and 37 were shot In the Tower of London this morning.' "There Is ono effectlvo way to wipe he the pro-German off tho earth, aud record vote on that In to dig n hole six feet docp and put him Into It." Lieutenant Daiscr will speak at the community service luncheons for the remainder of the woek. DAMAGES HIED COMPLAINT ALLEGES THAT DE FENDANT BY TRICKY METH- OD8 SOLD YOUNG MAN VICIOUH HOR8B, WHICH LATER CAUSED HIS DEATH (Uy (lion. J. Frguon). ' Tho Liberty. Chorus heretofore or ganized to furnish music during the coming Liberty Uond campaign was ordered disbanded by Captain Fergu ran iiiion receiving: a report of the music committee on Saturday even ing, and a new chorus ordered organ ireil at once. For some time trouble has been browing within the chorus on account of some who were unable to place personal Jealousies, petty prejudices and childish rivalries In the background and Join In the work of doing everything possible to assist their government. That this attitude will not be tolerated Is evident by the order to disband the chorus. Bolshe- vlkl methods will not be permitted to interfere .with the work or tho Third liberty Loan, and It the musicians of Klamath County cannot Join-In assist- Ing In the great big work undertaken by tho government and bury all per sonal differences, the meetings will bo held without music. The music committee Is now busy gathering together those who are willing to co-operate with the govern ment, and It is hoped that the new chorus to be organized will be free from all petty annoyances and dis turbances, which have Interfered wun the work of the old chorus. A full report or the difficulty la be. im; made to Liberty Loan headquar- tern In Portland.'as all such matters nre mnde matters of record by the government, for It Is the Intention of the government from this time on to record every matter In connection with war v.ork. Military servlco Is rot the only service that is Important and necessary to succcssrully carry out tho purpose of the government and the department of civilian service will have us complete a record as the unr rinnartment. and those who fall to respond and conscientiously per form tho duties assigned to them win (lud their refusal or failure Is n mat- ler of public record which will per hoiM confront them In after years. Those who are selected for further work In tho new Liberty Chorus are being notified to report at the Cen tral school t 7:30 p. m. Tuesday evening, March 26th. THE BATTLE RECOVERS FROM OPERATION Mrs. Austin Hayden underwent an operation Saturday for appeudlcltls at the Klamath hospital, and Is re ported to be recovering from Its ef fects very rapidly. The operatlou was performed at the bauds of Dr. K, R. Hamilton. TAX LIENS FILED Aleglng that William WhUlatch wan a shrewd, exuerlenced horse trader, that he had In his possession a vicious, unruly animal which he knew to be tricky, that by using un scrupulous methods' he succeeded In disposing of the animal to rrea it. Martin, a minor, and that following the trade the young man. uaacquatnt ed with the habits of the animal, was kicked and injured to such n extant that he later died, a suit haa been Died In -the oalce of the circuit court clerk by. Lola Martin, administratrix of the estate, ef Fred R. Vrtt. ."- thJe'sup' of H.eOO aits oiti. of the etUrtkWli'the'.:c'o,ll,t AU bofey'fteaaer Kent represent the plaintiff. Tax liens havo been filed by J. W. McCoy ngalnst W. Hornby and the Oregon Valley lnd company, and acalnst Frank A. MUIb and the Oro- gnn Valley Land company, thru his attorney, R. C, Groesbeck, In the office of the circuit court clerk. Special Lodge No, Work In the E, Leavltt, W.M. NOTICE communication Klamath 77, A. F. A. M. tonight A. Degree. A. H HAIG REPORTS GREATEST DAX GER POINT NOW FARTHER SOUTH, WHERE ENEMY MAS DRIVEN DIG WEDGE INTO AL LIED LINES IIERUX REPORTS FORTY-FIVB THOUSAND PRISONERS AND SIX HUNDRED GUNS TAKEN THUS FAR DURING OFFENSIVE By Associated Preaa France has now thrown her forces Into the battle. The British are held- Ing fast along the Somme and In the llnpaume regions, according to re ports today by General Halg. The attack by the enemy has been renewed, arid the greatest danger point seems to be farther soutb where the Germans have driven thru, the greatest width In the region they doastated In retiring last year. There Is heavy fighting In the re gion of Neylon, where a wedge has been driven deep Into the allied lines. J Tlie combatants are now fighting for the heights nortn or me wise. BERLIN, Msrch 25 The German are now standing to the north of the Somme In the middle or the former Svimmo battlefield, according to the offlclal statement. Bapaume waa cap tured In the night and Nesle has bees token by storm. The British, American and French forces are streng: backed thru the Pa blesse wooded country. Gulscard ondf.Chauny have,, been captured, and there Is vlolentlght Ing for the possession of Comblee., Over 15,000 prisoners and 600 guns havo been taken thus far. IIUX8 TO OCCUPY FETROGRAD WASHINGTON. D. C." March 25. The German occupation of Petrograd within the noxt twenty-four hours Is predicted. NOTICE The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Grlgsby at 1028 Jefferson street, on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. BRITISH HEADQUARTERS March 25.-1116 British are counter attacking between Nesle and Haas. The Germans attacked hut failed' to get thru the British barrage. HEAVYWEIGHT MATCH SCHEDULED CHICAGO. March 25. Willard and Fulton have signed articles for a fight on July 4th. The place of bat tle was not specified In the contract. Senate Votes Large Indian Appropriation .. .U'EtfHOSPITAlj .ilW'LuVV Walker ','lu.e loft "(he Klamath, hospitalwith her. baby boy, which was born there a few days ago. WASHINGTON, D. C March 25. "The senate today adopted the provi sion, of tbe Indian bill, allowing the Klamath Indians (500,000 to buy stock, tc, and will use every sort lo get th j house to oacur '--Chas. I,: McNary.,' - ' ," The above- message-was; revived. here this morning by tbe Klamath r-V, Commercial Club, which haa used ita Influence to secure tne appreanetraa for tne use or ine -Baa, mi - a start in uvesioca ? from salea to be made during the nut ' few years frHJ , reaertttes tigtber. The Indiana are MWM ,ora ww .tt men, tTlt to taeigM ttwt.tWi menittwyrtamHnttii &: h state of Independnnce, VvJ0 . . -''vai,-' r M ' . i .