v.; . t ( , tr i f ft ) 4 tft M 0 t HUM ll(, i t r ,, W juimmg Herald OPFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NtMfe OP KLAMATH COUNTY OP KLAMATH Pi -Hlkt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1918 Pries vtn-timi : HUNS POUND HOLE IN BRITISH LINES I i Twelfth Year-No. &T Defensive lines Are Pierced By Kaiser's Forces COHORTS OF KAISER ACCOMPLISH WHAT MILITARY CRITICS HAVE DCCLARID WAS IMPOSSIBLE-FIFTY DIVISIONS OF ENEMY LONO RANOE GUNS REACH PARIS FIVE ARE KILLED AND INJURED WITHDRAWAL ALONO A WIDE FRONT WILL RE NECESSARY UN. LESS COUNTER ATTACKS RESTORE FORMER SITUATION By Associated Prett For the first tlmt on Hit western been established, the defonelve tono critic have heretofore btlltvtd thla A withdrawal alengis wide front art ablt to rootora tbo oitsatlon by Tht vleltnct of tht artllltry la tht drlvt. Tht unlta competing tho tatclal forms. Tht tntmy haa bttn superior and It It tttlmattd that thart ara 00,000 Germans In tht offensive. It Is not btlltvtd that thty havt althe thty hava broken thru tho daftnalvt tyattm, and art repeating- what tht Irltlth did at tha battlt of tho Sommo whtn thty pltrctd tht Hlndtn burg lint. Fifty German dlvitlona ara In tha reserve. PARI, March 21 Tht Germans range gun, and tan hava bttn killed Enemy alrslanaa hava bombarded alarm wa glvtn In Parla, but tha artllltry forced tht air Invadera baetf. LONDON, March 21 Tha Otrmans havt broken thru tht British dt. fentlvt wtst of St. Qutntln. Tht British ara filing back In good order to po. tltltnt further west, and art fighting heavily with fresh enemy forces. The British on tho northern portion of tho battle grounds are holding their petitions. BRITISH HEADQUARTERS, March 21 The British ara fighting gal lantly, and still presenting a solid front to tho fiercely atacklng Germane, allho th,t dtftntlvo troopa have withdrawn their lines In certain placea for etrategic reasons. The Germans forced their way into Mory, but ware driven out. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, March 23. The Germane have-launch. ed a heavy gaa attack, against a certain town In our lines on the northwest of Toul last night. There waa no wind blowing, and tho fumea of mustard as hung low over tho lines for several hours. The American artillery ret allated on tho batterlea noar Rleh-eeourt ' PROVES UP ON HOMESTEAD W. II. Hadley of tho Merrill district today proved Up on hi homestead here More County Clerk C. It. I Up. AKER VISITS BELOIAN KINO LONDON, March 23. Secretary of War Dakor visited King Albert of Del- lln H'Mtorday, Raider Is Taken By U. S. Gunboat PACIFIC PORT, March . Tte foe Oerman flaf, and was heavily WW tetoener AitjgaU.haa batel.'imed. Tt crow waa loteraed. Oer t:4 e(t Ma:atUa y.M"Amoribai Aao. and H I bellerod tney Jwpedto ""Boat as a Hoxtear raider, ud Is ptura hlirior boat to uo for a MlB brouglit to thla port. ' She (loir' Wider o WITH SHELLS, WHERE TWENTY. OAS ATTACK ON AMERICANS front olneo tht trench lyilimi havt haa bttn broken, thru. Many military to bo imetotlbft. A ' will bo ntcoaaary unloaa tho British counter aUsaka. principal ftaturt of tht entmy'a ataault divisions woro new unl In numbers on all polnta attackad, sltrcsd tht tntlrt British daftnto aont, struggle, with half aa many moro In havt bttn firing on Parla with long and fifteen wounded. Cmnnlone and othtr town. Tht HUNS MAKING SUPREME EFFORT 1IRIHI8H HEADQUARTERS, March 23. It la reported that tho enemy's Infantry linn punned acroag the canal Ik'InBommo and driven forward against the position to which the British have retired. Tho (lerman cavalry are ad vancing behind the Infantry, and It la evident Ihut (hoy nro milking supremo efforts to rupluro tho British linos here. """" -rrrriyryrYwinn House of Common Speaker Is Mentioned tor Premier SSrwV .-l)l. Mfa vun .m m ,V fZS l1 t '.nw j. it . 4f mw ;-... ... . HD;t.J..lOWklHV( Hob. J. W. l-owther, for aiaay years speaker of tbe house of com mons In England, haa boos among those mentioned for premier In cane l.lnyd (leorce ahould be 'forced out. The position of speakers of tha com mono l'a not an Important place, be cause he has very little power. IMtKUON lUHHOl TnANHKKItnKD UOMK, March 2. night Reverend Chorles J. O'Reilly, blihop of tho dlo ceae at llakcr, Ore., baa been appoint ed bUhop of tbe diocese at Lincoln, Neb., by the pope. FREDE K1M1 E FAMILY BARELY ESCAPES WITH LIVES-NO FURNITURE SAVED. HOUSE ADJOINING CATCHEB FIRE-CAUSE OP BLAZB UN. KNOWN Fire at 3 o'clock thla morning utter ly dMirocl the home of Fred Mo Manua nt 224 Michigan avenue, and HrenuouR eKorts of tho Bremen alone saved the house adjoining, which caught flic from the lying aparka. The cauao of tho Are waa unknown, kind tho luiupe waa In a blase before the iilnrm waa turned In, and had tear hed a headway when the big track arrived which made extinguishment Imposhlblt). The McManua family uaiely rat aped with .their Uvea, and none of the household property waa Hved. 'Mr. McManua la so employe at the Jewel cafe In thla city. EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL TOMORROW ' Tito i)'be se )i aWtWIe'lt theSWpal pWeV.S5rTr. .lW day achnol will be held at ioTsO. - " :bKbbbm7 'MJsTaffaffaffaffafaffaH ' m. u!SmmKenmKenmKenTJ 5 'HjJbbHPbH IKSSbB! Jgffgffgl- VidRPBmafl Bm"a"BV t r.'nnoBlt IsfefM 4fBOBMaBTfal BTBTAf 'STKIIbTbTbTi 3 BBl'JsVFlaffafaffj i mmmmm 'jJF bbtbtbb " !Hii mnmmmlli BaBamiaSBH I I BTasmxexeBTasml H mm-'Ml i BmaaBBBBBBBBasmKomKoW L STROYS mwm iruvvufVArtnnfifiivyiiVVvvyTnnnryYViririnrryy MOVE Ml 0 VYIK iff BOsfp OROSS INOOafPBTBNCB AND OTM BR CHARBE1 ARE MADE BY CIT IZBNS OP JOSEPHINE COUNTY, WHO WOULD RECALL OPFICIAL ORANTff' PA8B. March 23,-Petl' tlona are bstaf circulated In Joseph ine County demanding the recall of County Jadajo C. O. Olllette. Four reasons are cited In the petition for recall. They are: First, groaa In competence; eooond. Inefficient hand ling of county 'poor farm; third, un necessary and! unreasonable expendi tures of mosey In maintaining a wa ter master durlag wlater montka whan unnecessary; fourth, unnecessary ex penditure for automobiles ass read machinery, causing lacresesa taxation. ARE HELD TO PRE-WAR CON. TRACTS WITH OERMAN BREW. ERS OF NEW YORK STATE AT TORNEY GENERAL INVBSTIOAT ING MATTER BALEM, March 53. Washington bee (rowers have pomilalaed to tbo Attorney General Brews that theaQer? mas brewers of New York ,bave re futed to cancel their pre-war contracts J for thousands of acres of hope, tew preventing tno farmers rrom aowiaa; grain this year. Brown Is now Inves tigating tho situation. n r ) RETURN FROM-WINTBR ' f IN ROSE CITY Judge L. F. Willlta returned with hla wife from Fortland last night after s three montba' absence from Klam ath Falls. Mr. WllllttH declares that Portland la experiencing the greatest' prosper Ity In many years, due In a large meas ure to the ship building now going on there. Wages are very high, and tbe men are getting extra pay for over time, which Increases tbe general pros perity. Many of the young men get aa high aaa $7 per day, Including their over time, he declares. Tbe war calla are ao many and van led 'that It la hard to keep track of there. Mr. Wllllta Joined ao many or Cganlsatlons and movements that he now has little Idea of what they all are. The last order with which he ofllllated himself waa the Salvation 'Army, whose emblem he wears on hla lapel. SHASTA VIEW NET BIB SUftTATRBD CROSS BENEFIT The sum of 1111 waa raised for the basest of .the Red Cross entertain taest at tbe Shasta View school last night. Following as exeollMt pro gram aa audio waa, sold, at .wllch basket luneboe, chickens, tfthbitt e,ulte d other srtleles wsredftseaed ofit klj Iwm.fWrtfromu tlotj.waaaftteme frost W tha IkaaU View ruteatl;flaattti.' ak a BM tpint iBitootes - toward the cause being aaalatod. . KRECALLQF wmm t - '- .TjiaC BxajBB 1 saVaaSsV a. aftammfMalijB?affMffTs iwiiraiiu SOWGRMN - - - - - - Wall Street Man New Chief of War . Industries Board Erf t -w"s 31. v t L.1 seitN&ftp awtucH. .- Bernard M. Barucb, well knon on Wall street, haa Just been appointed chairman of tho war Industries board m peace el DssJel Wlllard, president 4BBmxeissmfe-. r ammmmVnPVs'MiBSsBKBmmmmmial iftBKBBBBBBBnanBmmmmmmmmmmBBmmV ilmm&SKmwmmnwmmw Y .iBr BBBmmmmmmmmmmmmmii AT" i Bxoa' ssm ' .JBxaaVJ ' iBBBsTa i Bxaam aBBBBBBBTiX ' BBBBWBBV'fa4mmmH BmHaTamiBBBBBBBBBBl J TafaW'jamTafafsfaT' 1 ki ..i i m 'IpMse BalUmoto aVOklo railroad, who realised. MrTBarueh aaa been given very wide powers by the president He will have more to aay In the pur chase of aupplles for tha allies and tha American army than any other person, except, perhaps, the secretary of war. U. S. TO RUN ' WILL RETAIN CONTROL FOR TWENTY-ONE MONTHS PRESI DENT HAS SIGNED RAILROAD BILL BRmO ROADS UNDER CONTROL WASHINGTON. 0. C, March 23. l'rMlilont Wilson has slened the bill bringing the railroads under govern ment operation and control until 21 months after the end of the war. Immediately after President "Wilson signed the railroad bill Director aen- erul McAdoo ordered that construction of new lines or branches or extensions of existing lines should not be started without his approval, and that no new locomotives or cam should be ordered without his sanction. The director general directed that no work Involving a charge to capital account of more than S25.000 should be contracted for or begun uuless au- thoiixed. Authorization will be given onlv when tho work U absolutely nec essary for the protection and develop ment of war time transportation facu lties. GIVES VALUABLE COLT TO JUNIOR RED CROSS lid Sutton, a prominent farmer of tho Miller Hill achool district, haa do natcd s valuable 2-year-old colt to tht Junior Hod Crosa Society of tho Miller Hill school. - It baa boon decided to tell tlekota aad ratio tbe animal off ..lav w n'ma4ti for material' for Jjatfuif refugee artB.ta. F. W.' Box- tea, toacaor sc iae minor nui acsooi, haa charge of the sale of tho tickets. RAILROADS ATI WAR - - - . wmwmwwwmmmwmmm,wwwwmmmwwwwwwwmww HUNRMDER k pjPTnwn on pacific ENEMY VESSEL IS NOW BEING TOWED BY AMERICAN CRUISER TO PACIFIC PORT WAS OUTFITTED ON WEST COAST OF MEXICO 1'ACIFIC POUT, March 23. A Ger man rakler operating In .the Pacific ocean has been captured by a United States crofter, and is now being towed to thin port. The raider is a comparatively small ousel, but capable of (linking any merchant ship on tbe Pacific. She waa outfitted from the west coast of Mexico, and manned by an all-German crew, according to belief. The officials are'' now Investigating how she got her clearance papers. RANEAT TOIWO-flFIY SENATE VOTES TO MAKE SUB STANTIAL INCREASE IN THIS COMMODITY BILL NOW GOES TO CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, D. C, March 23. The agricultural appropriation bill with the Gore amendment, Increasing the 1918 government guaranteed wheat price (o $2.50, has boon passed by the senate. U new goes to confer ence between the two houses, where there will bo another fight over the wheat price. Besides raising the guaranteed price the Gore amendment provides that it shall be based on No.2 northern wheat Instead of No. 1, and also makes it ap plicable at local elevators or railway markets Instead of at the principal primary markets. The price Is applic able to tbe 1918 crop. Tho amendment will now go to con ference with other amendments, sub ject to the action of the house. Senator Gore explained that hla amendment was designed to "minimise mischief" already done by price fixing. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OUT SALEM, March 23. H, C. Stark weather of Oregon City has filed his candidacy for governor of Oregon on the democratic ticket. Demurrer Is A demurrer action iteming that Jho injunction suit Ble4WMt-memhWa of tbe county comlilerf by JoUu Knoatz thru hi attytttey.'sV X IQWt.' did not glro.susUlent ea.uae for a suit aealnst the defendants, aad praying Sf KATE WOULD SHELLS OF ARE REACHING INTO PARIS DISTANCE OP SIXTY-TWO MILES IS COVERED BY TREMENDOUS SHELLS OF HUNS STBPB FOR COUNTER ARTILLERY ACTION BERLIN REPORTS TAKINB OP StV 000 PRISONERS AND MANY GUNS KAISER REPORTED IN COMMAND ON WESTERN FRONT PAniS, March 13. Shells of See millimeters bare been reaching Ue capital and suburbs at 'Interval oT fifteen minutes, killing aid wounding' oome. Tbe shortest distance frost Pails to the front ta over aixty4wo miles. No explanation has bees made an lo bow Paris haa been bombarded. It Is lielleved possible that it la ac complished by some bow Invention. Measures for counteracting the ene my's cannon are under execution. UKIILIN. March 23. Between Fob tain, Les Crolselles and Moveres, the Germans have penetrated into tbe sec ond positions. They have eapturod two villages, Valux Vrasoeart MM Morohles, two and. s. half miles and three miles behind the British Uses. The British counter attacka save fail ed. Twenty-five thousand prteosers have been taken, .lscaddltlon to 400 guna and 300 machine guna. Between Connelleu and Omlgron s atream of Germane have penetefroted Into the first two of the enemy's soeltiosa. Crossing over the. Okte weat of La fore and twelve- miles south of BL Qucntln, poaltletts bare bees forced by the Jalger battaMons. South of the'8omme the Oormssa broke thru Into the third position, driv ing the British back over the Crosat canal, toward the west. Tbe British have evacuated posi tions In tbe bend south of Cambria and have been pushed thru Dealcourt, Flesqulres and Rlbeecourt. PARI8, March 23. Tbe Germans have atacked tho French la the Woevre district, but have been re pulsed with losses. SCRIMMAGES ALONO BORDER EL, PASO, Tex.. March 23. Tho American border patrol yesterday re turned tbe fire started by tbe Mex icans near Fabesn, and it is believed that four Mexlcana were killed. There were no American casualties. Filed has been filed fe'tleJIffaW cult coyn clsrk.;,.Te1 liiij litta renmtsttdbyAttortops-lfm. M. Dbsk Against Injunction J eaa..Cbarlea 1$ ? TB &3 Drake. W .1 i I 'IK. a' ,AUH 'a V t