- ti-'urji A i ' ":"' . 1 ' II ".. . iff J2J .J iiTl K f4 el Herald n.WAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL MBWIft y,l ' l Of KLAMATH COUNTY OP KLAMATH FALLti ' I A Efrg iburnmg 5-Sn, .'JW BRITISH LINES HOLD HUN ONSLAUGHT Avalanche Kaiser's Storm uxw ami: strained undkii tiii: IKT HACK AT HOME POINT, MOHf hTTPr.XHOI'H ATTACK IX TllltKi: AND HALF YEARS WAIC ON WKHT riSOXT ATTACK MADE ALONG 1111 MILK TERRITORY wvsrm attacks iikhteiu: hemi: iuiiiisii position fhint STAGE OK OFFKNHIVK HKCLAKIID OVKU IILT FUR- riit:it maud fighting predicted II)' Ammh'IiImI I'm BrllMiMiMlrmliJive vUIiHmmIi SiH'M MUhuiouh Mltmk hurled phut Ibr wrMern front In three anil n Imir ji-iim warfare. The hliNxly arkhof Frame lire nkmIii Itrlnic nkeil wllli the Irnltilc rnrtutge, the mtlv. kkon Hi1 t '"" for ,UIN ,nv,' '"K""- flit hml of ilrmorrNry ere nt grip wllli PritMditiilsm along n llfty Mile front In the irrlliulnary rouml of nlmt nuty hc-lli ilerUUe t niggle. la the tlrt omdnuglit the enemy imw.nl the llrlll-li niitMf h ill mmimj "liiU sad studied the lint lie line, hut nowhere illil he guilt hl ohjertlvr. KrRlmeiit after regiment was hurled hkiiIiiI the HrllMi In tain nt Inapt to hre.ik thru the Impenetrable ilefenw. The German lo" were Mrrstloiwlly hntvy, and n part f Uic :lOU,tMMl men mI.I.Ii llliulenhurK re. enlly ilrrlaretl he wm prepared to mii rlllro hi the m-Meni offenlve have kern offered Mlttmut m noticeable gal i nf territory. Tie enemy' effortM apparently liml the Intentl f cutting off the MUeat near Cambria imt llevenK thru kalllellrld. Kniixn.r William, von IHndeiihiiiK loaetotheMe.tenifn.nttov.ltnf.Htho troop are miIiI to lie In tlie llehl their. IIIIITIHII HKAIMJCAUTCIIH, M.trrli U2. Hie lllitliiK l rotillnuiiiK. bat the Knit Mnge of the offenlve ha-t mm.fI. Vlgoroua counter atlnrkN late ywtcnlay rnttoreil aome of the m. UMthat the llrltNi Iwtil liren nunmlleil to nhnnilon temporarily. Cuptured docHmenta ahow that the enemy lia falleil mlaerahly In the wwloa; of hU program, which IHImi the actlvlUea arranged fr tho tariy houra of the offewlve. One of the wont brilliant counter iittntk ucrurreil nt- rtlognlea, here UwRrilMi drove bark tlie enemy with tnnka and Infantry lait night. The llrltlNh line la "till Intact, nlllio lient Imrknmtb t m liiti. klg predhtM further hard light log. HKIII.IX, Murrh US. The Uermnna nttnikliiK from the wiuthwoM of ArrMhaiiMapiurrd the tlrrt llrlllHli Hue w far iih Ijifere. WAKIIIXOTOX, l. C, Mawli 22. lutlier tho (irnnnii oiihniKht Is reiilly tho giiiit ilrlw, or fore runner of l, .... ... other movement. There were nt leat forty dlvlsluns IdentllU'd n the iMltlefiiuit. HLTl'UXH FHOM 'FIUNCO H N. Moo of Moe A Co. returned t STenlng from a brief business Jnp to Huu Francisco. Ho reports IlilngH in tlm Hay City aro boom- n& tl't prosperity Is ovory "" evident. Original Gift Ottered . ' "omitting a gold medal, tho "W In which would be valued at jut $2o. which 'was won by their B!lura, In 1007, to the Red JJ Society here, C. V. and F. T.' a. prsmlnent stockmen of tho 8 ai-'rlet, have mad one M the ;"JU unuwa! offers of assistance to 1 tavw o far recorded in tho Of Forces Trenches tihimcmhiih ntKHHiiu: and HUT SUM REMAIN INTAtT the i.hiiIiik lowunl the ohl KniiiinM "' lierul "n l.mlrnloi IT hiivt'j allmk. ItalRtirtan ".l AuMiInn Military iiliservem ' iinrcrtuiii '. .. . .!. .. .... .. fimjiMatitlMH flir 5IOOIIK FCXKHAL HATVIUIAV Tho funeral services of tho late William U. Mooro, which were an iiou'uccd yestordny for today nt 10 o'clock at the Whltlock chapel, aro to bo held Instoad nt that hour on Sat urdoy. Uov. W. II. Cox will have chargo. Is Red Cross Klamath district. It Is pointed. out that tho gold ob tained from Belgium eleven years ago Is now to bo dlvertod a tho relief of oppressed 'residents of that stricken country. The, hqrse has refused to make a statement for puoueauon reiu the matter, but It' Is believed ho Is heartily lu sympathy with the move. KLAMATH FALLS, WWwwwvwW)ywwwWWWWWWMlWMWWWWW H F im. r:.m, V. MORROW, FOKMKH klamath piiyhician, tkllh ok i'hiuhtpul conditions ix i.cttkhiohih father Onu or tliu inosl Interesting and ronllntlc iilcluroii of life on Ilia battle front In l.'uropo received In noma time fiutn nun Hull known locally In Riven In a letter from Dr. Karl V. Morrow In n letter to lila father, Dr. J. W. .Morrow or I'ortlimd. Dr. Muriow Jr. iructlccd hero, sev. vinl yearn iik" iih a partner of Dr. It. II. Hamilton, mid bus a largo number of friends hero. Kxtrurts of bin let ter, which wiih published In full In Ihu OreRonloii, arc given belew: "It U ciy qulot III Paris. lights out ut :30, which close the places of nimiHfincnt, and everything la very high, n decent mcnl coita $8, egga are 12 and K. cents ii piece, a pair of boota costs from $"25 to $r, tobacco la very Mtiirce. People stand In lino for hours to get n pnekaga of cigarettes, and only one paekagn Is allowed to a per son, and cverytlilug vice In accord ance. "Well, here I am, back In the old linrnoHs again my ho) gave; a hearty wukbmo, and I am working, living nud Hleeplng (Homotlmea) down under tho ground thirty feet, with many feet of rouiTcto otur my head and on tho Hlriex, In nn old bochc dugout. The plimka on tl-o floor float around like a ""a f . and wo have to keep men uorKiiiR tho -pumps nay ona ulKlit pumping tho water out. The walls and celling are dripping with water. Wu n're wet to the skin most of the tlmo. Things aro quiet on the lino now, beruuso of the mud and wa ter. If you step off the board walks jou go out of itlght. '"One company was going up the lino to take over. When they arrived there they had a roll call, nud found four of their men missing, aud went back oor tho way they had come up, and finally found two of tho men with all their packs on, standing complete- ly covered over their heads In soft mud and water, sufToratod and dead. They hnd mado a intsstop and went imilnr nut nf Klirht. Aa thin Wu at ,t (me ry wpre ot mUMd unU, .. -f . .. . . ... iL.i. II..... ll was mo una io bhvo inciii. nunn going up tho lino go over their heads In mud holes in tho road. It Is terri ble, nnd.very cold, so wheu you get wot you nearly freeze. "Lucky Is what expresses it, for not long ago I was sitting outside the station on a box when an eight-Inch shell burst near me, and I was blown twenty yurds. When I came to I found my head and shoulders stuck In tho mud, but I didn't get a scratch. I was blown by tho concussion, being so closo tho fragments all went over my hend. A few days later I was standing nt tho entrance of a dugout talking to n sergeant, when a shell burst neur, nud the sergeant dropped dead ut my feet, 'hating been hit by a fragment of tho sholl." OTIIUHN MAY IIK 1NTK11K8TKD WASHINGTON, D. C, March 21. (Special to Herald editorial staff, composing room and linotype depart ments): Here's ono way In which bald-headed men who stay at home can help win the war: Stop buying patent medicine hair-growers -that, won't nork, and put. the money Instead Isia) VamSavlng Stasias Wtrrtnt, trow. halr on a bald-.bHt't.-vtta.of, time and enargy fnd' money what Is? . . PKTURES 0 WARM OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918 WIRE UNES i HERALD WIRE PIIKSH HERVICE ilJHPATCHEH FAIL TO REACH CITY IX TIMK FOIl PUBLICA TIOX IMPORTANT STORIES DELAYED The Kvenlng Herald regrets the fact that telegraph lino troubles have kvrlously Interfered recently with get ting (omo Important news Items be fore Its readers until a day late. Tbn Kvenlng Herald employs the most rxcnslve and'tho most reliable wire fcervice obtainable, the Assoclat cd I'rvss, and by this means can under LrUlnnry circumstances provide the residents of this section with authen tic tit-counts of the world's events as futt us they are circuited. When the wires go down, however, tho paper Is powerless io secure the reports. It would seem that tlie poles between Klamath Falls andi the coast cities must be In a most VortuBatt. condi tion, for twice during the present week tho publication has been held up until the last minute, holding Kpuce for liuportaut dispatches, which were lost on account of the wire service. This handicap has been ex perienced on numerous occasions thmout the past winter. It Is sincerely hoped that with the stormy season passing this situation may bo relieved, and that before an other winter sots in the lines will bo in Minpe to stand weather conditions. MAXY RF.HIDKXTH TVRX OCT TO HKAR IJUKIITV LOAN AXD WAR BAYIXfltt STAMPS ISSUES DIB CTSSKD Ml'CH INTEREST IS SHOWN A very successful Liberty Loan and Thrift Stamp meeting wu held at Al goma last evening, at which these ab. sorblng topics were discussed before a large representation of the people of that section by a group of enthusiasts from Klamath Falls. R, C. (Iroesbeck made a talk In be half of tho Liberty Loan, while R. H. Dunbar and Miss Edna Wells featur ed the baby bonds of uncle Sam with well timed remarks. Miss Augusta Parker gave a solo, which was greatly enjoyed by all present. It Is reported that the Algoma residents showed un usual Interest lu these patriotic move ments, and will bo ready to co-oper ate In the various campaigns that are made. RED CROSS VANCE AT BONANZA The lionania people aro laying plans for a big time at a Red Cross dance tomorrow night, according to J. O. Ilamsker, who Is in tho city for a short time on builnaasl, . MplftMa baa, -lirthatjrjMop 110 laIMvCrtWfrlykruW t county, , be is plk4lg..to1fva.u to hfreatakllsbed ruUtla Hkes with Red Cross dances. mm NEWSDEIAY HGMFK ATAUM LASTHGHT WWWMWWWW(Wl)WMM0MOW0 DUTCHSHIPS ARE SEIZED I'ltOCKAMATlOX IHHIKD IIY I'ltKH. IDKXT WIIJ40X TAKKM OVKU ALL HIIII'I'IXU IX AMKIIICAX WATKItS 77 VKHHELH WASHINGTON, D. C, March 22. All Dutch shipping in Amoricuii wa ters was ordered solsod last night In' a proclamation by President Wilson. The proclamation was Issuod after the war trade board received word from London that Holland had re fused the American iiiitlmutum for a transfer of the ships, according to the original agreement, which (icrmany blocked. All Dutch shipping in Hrltlsli wa ters Is being requisitioned simulta neously. Atiuioslmately seventy-seven ves- els, with a tonnage estimated us high aa 600,000, will bo added to the American merchant marine. The ships la' British waters -will add another 300,000 or 400,000 tons to the allied tonnage. . WASIIINCITON, D. C. March 22.. Secretary Daniels announced that the naval order actually taking over the ships went Into effect at 7:05 o'clock Thru the bureau of navigation, the department began several days ago to concentrate at tho ports where the ships are lying the nnvnt reservists who aro to form the new crews. It Is not exported that there will be enough of these available to man completely all the ships taken over, but fairly complete flreroom and engine room forces already have been electod, with part of tho deck forces for most of the ships. Some of tbciDutch sailors will be used, and others will be kept In this country, If they wish, their wages be ing paid by the United States govern ment. Those who desire to return to Holland will be transferred there as fast aa accommodations can be found. Final disposition of the tonnage al lotted to this government will be a matter for future conference between the executive departments, it is thought probable that tankers nt least will bo added to tho naval supply no- till. PROM1XEXT ASHLAND MAN DIES SUDDENLY Joe Hurt of Ashland, manager of the largo ice plants at Ashland and Medford, and one of the best known cltlsens of the county, died suddenly about 11:30 Tuesday evening. Mr. and M'rs. Hurt and daughter, Miss Grace Hurt, and their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Julius P. Wolff of the Depot hotel, were returning lu Mr. Hurt's super-six car from nn enter tainment at tho Paige theater, and at a point on the highway about at the Medford city limits, Mr. Hurt's head was noticed to drop forward und the cur Immediately left tho pavement and collided with a telephone polo. Tho fore part of the car was wrecked, but none of the occupunts were injur ed. Dr. Conroy, was called and the party returned to Medford, Mr. Hurt being taken to Sacred Heart hospital. STOCK SHIPPED TO PORTLAND Jamas Larkln of Portland has pur ckased a carload of cattle from H. F. ToJIe,of the" Merrill district, and a carload ot.aogi from, different ranch ers In that district. Ha la reported shipping thorn today from the yarda at Midland. BY AMERICA EUGENE BUMS NOT WELCOME AT THIS TIME AHLK-UOPIED MAX WHO SHOWS f.M'ATIUOTIC ATTITl'DK, RE FINKS TO litY UOXDS AXD Hl'GS LAMP POST SKXT OX HIS WAY KUUKNE, March 22 Over fifty de termined Itclzcns of Eugene, riding motorcycles, last night escorted Jake Spores of this city to the Denton County line near Junction city, and admonished him, on pain of severe punishment, not to return. .Mater ials for a coat of tar and feathers were tsken along, but upon promise that he would not return to the city, were not used. Spores, 36 years of age, and appsr cntly .of good physical condition, has held down a street corner here for the past five or six years. His means of support are said to be a small In come from property left by hla par ents. 'He Is alleged to have made se ditious remarks, refused to wock, en list In any branch of the country's ser. vice, subscribe to any war work, buy liberty bonds or thrift stamps. This summary action against Spores U Intended by those taking part In last night's affair, ns n warning to lonfers In Eugene; he belnf picked out hs the worst one of the lot. COMPLETES SPECIAL ENLIST. MKNT SERVICE AT AMERICAN LAKE WILL GQ TO NEW YORK FOR STUDY AND THEN TO POUTLAXD v Dr. George Catbey, who has com pleted his period or service as a lung tipeclnllst with the government at Camp Lewis, Is In Klamath Falls for u few days, terminating his business nffnlrs. It is his Intention, after com iintinir r aneclal course for brain die- " ! .. . ...ll CM DOCTOR WILL LOCATE NPMD cues in now orn, io return wen """tendance. practice lu Portland. Dr. Catbey has won a host of friends during bis three and a half yenrs' residence here, who sincerely regret his departure permanently, but u ho wish him his deserved success In whatever Held he may locate. He ex pects to start for New York tho first of noxt week. First Candidate For County Surveyor J, 0. Clegborn Is the first man In Klamath County to, die notice of candidacy 'for oee at me coming election, uwg " oou'ocadf himself as a eiadMiteV;toi county surveyor en tke reniWUa ticket. 'i ."0 Trt9tnCm DUTCH ARE T OF WAR WITH UNCLE SAM SPIRIT BITTER TOWARD V. . SPEAK OF RECALLING MIXItV TER AT WASHINGTON AND GIV ING AMERICAN MINISTER PASS. PORTS I AMERICAN PATHOL CROSSES TO ENEMY'S TRENCHES ANB FIND THEY MAYS BEEN WIPER- OUT BY ARTILLERY ACTION EAST OF LUXEVILLK AMSTERDAM. March St. A dis patch from The Hague saya a promi nent member of parliament Intenda to ask the government whether It la not time to recall the Dutcb minister at Washington and hand the passports to the American minister at The Hague. The main committee from the Oer-' man relebstag has voted twelve to ten against a motion of the Independ ent social 'democrats to evacuate the Aland Island and not to Interfere with the Internal affairs of Finland by sending troops and supplying arms. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY, March 21. The American Artillery has, destroyed the first and second line positions on a portion of a sector east of Lunevllle. The patrol has crossed to the enemy trenches, and found them wiped eut: ITALIAN FgXT ACTIVE ROME. March 21. The fighting is now more active along the whole front. NEW UOY.AT SWAN LAKE A 0-pound boy was born Wednes day night to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dan iels of the Swan Lake district Dr. Qeorge Wright, of this city wss In at- CAVALRY HORSES BOUGHT Tv.enty-nlne cavalry horses have been purchased from J, Frank Adama by Captain F. S. Von Stade and his party of Fort Keogb, Mont., accord In; to report. County Office Mr. Cleahorn baslwU'ilMg; for the" east year here., and In M4I- Uoa to h.otker,dHUdu-W4 county joad lisHrflw ?,' 4lrslBgtU ,tiB( P "P .. . AtATAp .v ALKNG ko lTMgMJ GSMW see a real ammt K t$S$ 'F : 'iS . HI tff 31 HI .1 Ol 7l. 15. J) J .rr f.t.U r - 4v W r ;" , ."? n .-' 'X.N f. - ! A .5.S5 -. .X T.u' 'H .. .." . .'.." '-) ; i, -v vJiv'. .- :vLLSki "r. 'tsl 4 "Vytr .4 T i. iTl.H