Uhf ihi B'j 3- r k-minm rtmmww fc. . ..... . - v; THE KVMNINO H1RALP. KLAMATH FALLS - - i f y . WDNKSDAV, MAnCH , tu T-, BJ ERSONAL MENTION dw . i tnmv amM.tafma. OM LOCAL MAPFBNnfQSl AMONG THE PBOPLE OF THIS CiTY AND VICIH1TT. I GOINGS AND COMINGS OF LOOM IWH Mrs. S. M. Bradnack It a visitor from Merrill. Ij. M. Robinson or Merrill Is In tho city for a few days. II. II. Edmonds of.OIcno Is In tho city on business. V. II. Sherman Is hero for n short time from Snn Francisco. Earl Ilrooks of Merrill Is attending to business matters In the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dalton of Malln nro sponndlng a few dajjs In Klamath Falls. Mrs. I.ln Skccn returned last night from a ten das' lslt with her par ents at Ashland. Mr. and Mr. McCollum of the West Sldo hate gone to Phoenix, Ore., to live. The Indies Aid ot the Methodist church will meet tomorrow afternoon nt the home of Mm. C. V. Fisher. Mrs. Francisco, who haa been living in Klamath Falls for several weeks. left this morning to. Jeln her husband at Pine Ridge. Captain and Mrs. F. 8. VonBtade, I,. J. Krueger and L.J. Bell of Fort Keog, Mont., are Klamath Falls vis itors, registered at the White Pelican hotel. M. K. dray of Olene Is attending to matters of business In Klamath Falls today. Cbas. Chttwood of Swan Lake Val ley Is in Klamath Falls on business today. K. J. Grant, manager of the Algo itio Lumber company, Is In the city on business. MANY LOGGERS LEAVE FOR WOODS TODAY Two big bus loads of loggers left on the boat this morning for the Pel. lean Day and Lamm lumber camps on the west side of Upper Klamath Lake. There were twenty-seven men in the aggregation. NOTICE There will be a banquet and pro gram at the Rebekah Lodge on Thurs day night. Local Red Cross Activities Those present at the work rooms In the Orpheus building yesterday were: Surgical department: Mesdamee Percy Evans, Paul Bogardna, O. A. Dellman, Cora M. Sanderson, J. H. Garrett, C. C. Low, O. A. Merry man. J. A. Lyle, C. E. Wheeler. N. H. Bogue, J. P. Satterlee.'Joha Martin, Dollle Sbldler, B. E. Wlthrow, Mies Pearl Bolvln. Sewing roem: Meadamea R. R. Hamilton, H. E. Momyer, Homer Humphrey. D. V. Kuykendall, M. Me Andrews. J. A. Ltamaa, H. Bolvln. F. B. Klnnear, L. E. Sullivan. W. J. Roberts frftif Mate ot Fldrizel Bttore ShtSbnk With Mm Than 100, . Off hiwhundland THRIFT STAMP BONUS PAID BY CORPORATION DOULDER, Colo., March 10. A salary bonus of 10 per cent recently granted Its employee by a public utll Ity company here Is being paid in Thrift stamps now. The company op erates In several Northern Colorado towns, and In Boulder alone distrib utes about $1,000 worth of stamps each month. Winning the War Behind the soldier and the sailor, with the fanner, stand business man and banker, bringing to bear for victory, every'retource of this, the world's richest nation. This institution invites the cooperation of every progressive element in the com munity and extends its best services and facilities to insure the early winning of the war. flBBTiBLS:BBBffmi an A T T - jBmmmmmmmmmmFJBsmmmBB'smnem BJ r A New Lot of-- -MBBsBmmmmmmmmmmBBBBBBBBBBBM BPSaammmmffSsR I W saBlaFvsISilC.,4to H Aw J .aaaav J ssBmV BB BJBJ smj gwL mmmm it naTsanajuns mfesmwBX. mmwm" m - - -- w IlilHPpBiii -' I By Express Today, and Specially WSmSmSjet I Priced for the EMter Trade' at iUsBBmmammVB ' I ' WX T 1QGBBtKBBEHKftKlts I BaiBiHiBHBlBilBiBiHH mlm wrx BHHHH dKiBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKeBmmmmmBBmmmlBBmvV IbmsI tBmmmmmmamaBmBmmRBmmBmmmmmV .sBmrnVvsHvi J USWf I "rrrrii-irnrrbmjmj gCMMBBBBBBI"JM"J H owweeViii'i' " IAA V smmmmBmf imV wmWi L 1 sftoiLcArrw.j.MArnN. I L I II I jJ I 5fi? rTr-tv X I II I It Is the last I tlsmaJwBVW J I ' J reBslBjsfB W From this work sml II . H Ul I f 1 ' ' ' pleasant outlook I . & l This photograph of the Red Cross up the recent Ice Jams. liner Florist I, which went down off , picture of the vessel. the Newfoundland coast with more she went on her fatal trip. Cnptalu than 100 persons, was taken In New W. J. Martin was In command when York harbor when she was breaking she went down. MHRLS THE LATEST IN SEATTLE SEATTLE, Wash., March" SO. "Minute Girls," who will talk on food conaervntlon, war saving stamps, lib-. erty loans and other government pro jects, have been recruited from among students at tho University of Washington here. They will be di rected by the Women's League, and will appear before women's organisa tion and high schools, besides lend ing their Influence at gatherings .on tho campus. ' i BONANZA FARMER BUYS NEW RANCH NOW FOR KLAMATH (Continued from page 1) ""wBae W " development. Three substantial brick blocks now in course of construction on Main street. In addition to one completed since last September, a dosen or more flue new residence homes, together with a very consider. able group of smaller cottages, show the enterprise of the residents. The new municipal railroad la to- Ing ahead with remarkable speed, considering the various handicaps that have presented themselves since the outbreak of the war. The growth now underway here Is not In any sense a boom growth, but the steady development due to the fast opening resources of the country behind It. The rate of progress Is of course Impeded to a considerable ex tent by the damper of the war, but once this handicap Is removed the dis trict will advance at a pace which IH astonish the most optlmlstc, A deal has Just been completed by j ADVKRTIHKD MAIL LIST which Jobs McFall, a rancher la the Bonansa district, purchased the 310 ' The following unclaimed mall mat- aere ranch known as the Lee Wright ter, advertised on the 16th of March, ranch, ten miles south of Bonansa, ' will be sent to the Division of Dead from J. C. Scraggy of Berkeley, calif. . tatters, Ban Francisco. Calif., on the The ranch Is adjacent to good range, 80th of March. A charge of one cent and tho new owner expects to move, will be made for each letter delivered onto the property In the near future from this list. In calling for letters and devote his time to the stock busL say advertised. W. A. Delsell, P. M. nese. The consideration was not made public. OFFICER IS KILLED IN FRANCE First Slate 4 SaratiBuk KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A Grand Ball In Malm Hall I Saturday Night, March 23 As Good a Time, as Brer Bad Assured Eres-yoste, . " I MUSIC BY DOBRY ORCMBSTRA. I '$? ' Efmrrm" u CariUUr la A. KAUVA. Plaer,! I .. Oivea by tho MsUcn Clvk PORTLAND, March 10. Lieu ten. ant John C. Kelly, with the United States Engineering forcea In France, son of Major George H. Kelly, a prom. Inent Oregon lumberman, also In France, has been killed In an automo bile accident, according to dispatches received hare. Lieutenant Kelly was bora In One lot of New Coats. Specially Priced at $12.50 Sample Line of Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Wash Silk Waists Specially Priced at $3.95, $5.95, $6.95 Colors are White, Flesh, Coral, Apple, Beige, Tan and Black. Sizes 38 to 46. Elmer Arand, Henry Blssell, T. T. Calringer, Miss Cbaple, Cbas. Cran- dall, Dave DeLapp. Elbert Hunt, Mrs. Mary Hooper, Frank Johnson, H. 0'. Mclnnls, Craig Owens, Frank Paquet, W. B. Smith, Chas. Swansen (I), Wm. Scranton, James SUthopoules, C. L. Springer, Harry Werts, Jack Ward, Lee Yandell. ORKGOMAN GASSED OTTAWA, March :o. The Cana dian casualty list says that Q. 8. Sul- Orant Pass, and to a graduate of the ,,1ran of Brownsville, Ore., has been t7alv.raUvAfOr.am. H. h.. wlf. "" and child living at CorvallU. ENEMY BOMBED WITH CAS SHELLS WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY. March 10. The American artillery near Toul has heavily attacked the Germans with gas sheila during the past two days. Four different attacks have boon launched, and front the manner In which the enemy was silenced It la evident that they bad tho desired elect. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY jTUATiow WANTED Woman Iwith! tor 1. desires' situation e. ranch1. m m . at coca ana general rosea wwrc or. IF KjcoPk and helper. Address Her. so.it ACTION FOR COLLECTION FILED A suit for the collection of money or for a lien against Klamath County property has been filed in the office of the Circuit Court clerk by B. C. and Melissa M. Hamaker against Cbas. T. Powne and Wlltetta Powne, thru tbelr attorneys, Rutenlc & Yaden. It Is alleged In the action that Hamaker and Powne are both owners In equal shares of Klamath property. The land. In question Is slid to be without Income at present, and that Usee to tb. amount of 1141.81 have been paid by the plaintiff and. other expenses Incurred to the amount of 117. No part of the defendant'a share whjlch was advanced haa been paid, altao repeated demands .havn been nude for It. The complaint asks the celleetiea of th money alleged' due or a lien against the land ss security. High Grade Shoes Reduced Broken lines of High Grade Shoes, that formerly sold from $6.00 to $8.00 Reduced Price, $4.85 The lot consists of Black Vamp with White Kid Tops and Brown Vamps with White Kid Tops in lace high cuts; also a very pretty Black Patent Calf in But ton with Tan Cloth Top. All Extra Good Values. J.F. Maguire Co. Incorporated Klamath Falls AID FOR ARMY BOYS FROM ENDS OF THE EARTH NOMK, Alaska, Feb. 12. (By mall) Mall sleds pulled by dog teams ever the snow trails between Ice bound Nome and the open water are carrying large quantities of knit, ted goods tent by the women of this section for use of the men In the na tional army, Thru the long, half dark Arctic winter, the men of this city havn been busy working on sweat- ers, scarfs, socks, wristlets, helmets ami other frtlclea of wear. POSTAL EMPLOYES MAY . GET INCREASED SALARIES WASHINGTON, D. C, March JO. The fceaata postoO.ce subcommittee , ua. mcommenaea gat increases of U per e.nt.ta nay fer all employes now In the postal service. SO NAMES ON CASUALTY U WASHINGTON, D. C, March The casualty list yesterdsy e?r ILI.I. ..' .,. In PhelDS CO""" tuirir umutvm, . . -- .tj'.i i . , a.w jwaa killed In action; iwo --. , by accident! three dIod l"7" dents; three from wounos, ji - . ... . . ar seMeer . ly and eight ora slightly ww'1" ; v a w. ataaa". day ketf 1 kaiser away, ;i5" -..