w? aaia4aaW THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OtttMti PAGE TREK! iaj ftarta' in France of Fird Americans Killed in War lKBRR?lf M2 .rvii tSiaJ3.SBIWfi lEiiii lttS.tBat1KgailVs.l lii ami rail nrw H KiiYWK9iiI ll'.afRffcHOMHI. 1 .atf8MMnltt3Si!4 I aaBaBBaBBajaBBmv 'BBBBB ahmBBBBDBBfc-KaaaamBBmBVXMljSar .TCIn f SB BU,.2rjV ' BBmBBBmBBBmmBBmaBBmRRRlBaRamhBaBY wnVUP MIPw7'mrrTMtoiv ji M SwanrnsasBr wKusnaaiv ; .acAKOsauJBYtsBaBaYnuamit j".i'rx,iiiiB r" afSrti9LmawXa VflFjIWifTyRfMremBJeBTlMaW -aa.rB.,3agaLi..i.wwwi i i "'" ' lafiw aajaaajauiamagwcsssgte-s. .tj Enemies ot Huns to Destroy Their Trade WASHINGTON, D. C, March 20r swear so long as t live, never knowingly to bur anything made In Germany." Such It tha oath which all onemlos of Germany tha world around are asked to take, and which l to be tho basis of a caropalRn of commercial prcmure which may bring Germany to her kneel, or, falling that, which will collect from her an Indemnity for her outrages afalnnt civilisation. demnlty of SSOO from her. In the course of your life the trade that oth urwlie would have (one to Germany room to her commercial rival! with which the la now at war. You pay to them the indemnity you have collect od from Germany. The whole matter la almple, euro, Irrevocable. It la en tlrolr In tho hands of the Individual. Commercial Oermany might not feel the.-loia of E0O, nor that of a million of your kind. The campaign will not, however, be atopped with a few millions It la believed tnat tne HMMMMIMWV AMXRfCJto'ttttdt naiwateanmni .LONDON, Marsh 10. A aeutral traveler returning trass1 .The Hague haa declared that fifty people were killed and aiioh damage done by bomba from the allied alraaa who raided CobleM, Germany, on March llib. The rsport was spread that tha airmen were Americana, and the as tlvea ran about terror-stricken, cry lag that tho Americana were coming. sc'pctan.usanasatsr The Ian! liouitrH wr paid to tho The plan waa originated oy wiiuam great mate oi me pvopio i -Atherton Du Puy of Washington, a merclal world will be found anxious i.. .it. With ralatlnn tn'tn rollnct their Individual blU Of In- the United SUtea It Is to bo executed demnlty, to thus place thtmaelvee on thru patriotic aocletlea and partlcu- record aa denying their patronage to llarly thru women'a organisations, the nation which teara up treaties, in., .i.ii.. win Mlairlknta tha'ravarta In warfare to caa and llQUld iimiM thru their members. The fire, enslavea women and mutilates membera will aeciiro signatures and rniiirn them to headauartera. Mr. Du Start Tomorrow and Keep It Up Every Morning tot Ito ifes mMi $n fnwwj r RW WalaW, rWW JkAAA afi A ss ti rft jralir-r Yours IkrM Anifrlrnn soldiers who were the ngnltut tho Germans at their funeral I In n small town In Krance. They wre (.'ornoral Jamea D. Greeham of Inl of all Americana to lay down Kvansvllle, 'Indiana, and I'rlvatea tltlrllwln defense of their country Thomas r. Knrlght of PltUburg, Japanese Patriotism Roum luv will receive rcnorta. compile the ., ... , futures and unaeruxe to'appiy me Pennaylvanln nnd Merrill I) Hay of JTmUcttw ot commerc, pre..re Glldden. Iowa. The acouo show, the l" ........,. .,,, . ,hA nroB. uaid of honor at nroaont arms, while '"' "t,u" " w ."""".'. .' '. :"Z 7u. ...-! i.. i... k. ,.;. ... reaa of the campaign wnicn la ue-un- tha open grave. Uy Criticised TOKIO, March 10. Htudylng asparent Indifference of the Japanese people, both towards home politics lid Ibe ureal war question ot the day the Yorodiii, one of the Toklo leading ealllM, says there la nothing In which the Jspaneac teopl, today, are really lattrftled, but In economic questions. Continuing the paper adds: The patriotism of this people re veals It'eir only In the time of war, the with which the weatern people have I ifc.l. HMMriii and 'various aacriuvcu iuth t,wii - other personal Intereata with allent daturmlnatlon la a revelation to tho t.eonle ot this country. Tbo Japanese nnht io aeo. If they have not already aaan. that the DOUtOd patrtotUBt Ot our people Is very narrow and rather aimnrflplal romnared with the dogged -"i'""-"" r . tenacity and the universality oi in vestern patriotism. Furthermore, wal "ipi" "Greatest Social" ii PImI- physCitt'Orpieis Tkeiter, Marck 21-22 children with official sanction, which umiM deny freedom to all people. The Indications are that everybody la lendytoslgn. N The signature of all the people will not be necessary, however, to get the ninxlmum effect. Commercial Ger mnnv knnwa that If. after the war. 6 l.mujr niiuwa i.i .., ... .-- - . -lacB mOTBlag SUM ! ' per cent of purchasers aak a dealer H,,.,, ot &, lataraal potooaou stag Koods are made la Germany Dfor,iDat aaatter. t t- -t... k.ft Ammlmm arlll tint I ... ... -- -. cd to destroy her trado thruout tho world for a generation. Th thanrv la that tha trade of an Individual, your personal patronage buying them, that dealer will not for the reat of your life, la worth ! handle merchandise ao made. It IS IC00 to Germany. Dy signing the1 per cent of tho people take that po- nledae you denrlvo Germany 'of that . sltlon there la no bop for oeri f COO. In so doing you collect an In- trade. We're not hero long, ao let's make out stay agteMbte. Let Uvo well, eat well, digest woll, work well, sleep well, and look won. What a gioriona condition to attala, aid yet, how varr easy It is If om will oily adopt the morning laslde hath. Folks who art aecuetomed to reel dull and heavy wham Uey arleo, aptlt ting headache, stair from sold, foil tongue, Mrty breath, aoic stoauM, ;. lnatMd. feel as trash as a ialsy I by opsnlag tho sluices tenths syttea ach mormlaa- aad osaiac us wwwaaaawwaaaaaaaaawa Your prescription, whan com pounded by our experienced pharmacists Insures best re - aults. Particular people Insist upon our work because they know they can depend upon our ac curacy and promptness. We are prescription specialists and we want to servo you. are In the habit ot considering patrl- j .....i. ..i.. i. ik. (..iil.S.M ll'mlym aa tha Blllrlt Peculiar to SOI aav iani-iiii tj u m. ... ........ .. - - - If not so universal and steady aa the dlerj. The upper class and the gen patriotism of western countries which' eral public have no clear Idea of what fcu been eI.IUItr.l In this great war.! patriotism meana outalde ot tho bat lot tnly on tho battlclletd, hut more tleflclil. Nothing haa been more lg partlculsrly In tho delermluatlon of noble then the way tho rich peoploot the hole people occupied In ueaco- Mil country have pursued thslr seliih fttl Industry at homo to back up the Interests In utter dUregard of the aa work of the battle front. Tho aplrlttlonal Intereat." "TUB 8I.ACKKK" la "American" patriotism crystallted and put Into a 'motion picture. It shows the strug gles, hopes, rears, joys, aorrowa, ott thoae who go to war and those who' stay behind. I It Is the "MOUTIIi'lKCE" ot the, nation. This eneclal la "8UPKR DE LUXE", In every aense of the word ot vital In terest to every one. IX) NOT mlaa thla chance to aee the greatest pic ture ever screened. 20-lt New Verse For Battle Hymn ot the Republic NEWYOIlK, March 20. Dr. Hur-,"We will light for world-wide freedom ilftUruitVvdOharMVV rXAMATH TALIS OttXON PROFESSIONAL CARDS Labor Delegation Will Take Message to Europe If roM have a Standard Ira lamr aac poUcy la a hUaaoard coaspaajTi yoa will aot aecd to worry whoa to Are cornea. Bee CliUoote. 7 ry Van Dyke, formor ambassador to the Netherlands, and now a chaplain In the United States service, haa com posed an additional alanta tor the 'Battle Hymn of the .Republic." Here It Is: "We have passed tho cry of anguish from tho victims of the Hun "And we know our country's peril If tbs wsr lorda will la done till tbe victory la won; "For Qod la marching on." 5.00 REWARD Evenroae. wbothar alllag, sick or waiL shoald. sack asoralag, before hMaJrfaat. drink a class ot real hot water with a Uaspaaatal ot limestone phosphata la It to win rrom we toaaarh. liver and bowels Um previ ous day's ladiiesUbts watU, soar hits and nalaoaotta tOUna: thUS CIoaBSIBg. sweetening aad purifying the entire alimentary caaat before putting more food Into the stomach. Tha aeuoa oi hot watar aad limestone Bhosphats oa aa empty stomach Is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans oat all the soar fermentations, gasee, waste aad .iaiM ...! mtimmm Ma a antaaAIA atw petite tor breakfast Whlla yoa are 'aninvin.? Tour braakfaat tha water aaa phosphate la quietly estracUag a largo ninaia of water from the blood aad gettlag ready tor a thorough lashlag of all tha laelds orgaas. Tha mlliloas ot paapla who are botharai with eoastlpattea, allloas spells, staauck trouble; others who ha sallow aklas. blood disorders aad I sickly eomplealoas are artel to gat a JOHN C. CLKGUORN Coauity Harvayor CIvU Kagtaeor City ft County Abatract Ca AnTHVF R. WTXMlf 617 Mala St. FARM LOANS AT 8 PER CENT FLAT The manager of tha Orphans Ues-quarter pouad of llaaaetaae phesakato .. win ..aa tha ahnva raward to aav'from the rhac atore. This Will COSt body who will toll him tho guilty .vary little, bat is suRdent to auks l-arty or parties who destroyed tha aayoaa a ropaonacad craaak oa tha photographa and other advsrtUIng at1 subject of laslde tathiai batora the theater on March lth. 10-lt J breakfast Adv. HOUGHTALIXG A DOCGAN Arrhltects aad Engineers 507-8 Henry Building WE FINANCE YOU Phone Main 8723. Portland, Ore Official Photo ot Tests ot Browning Gun By the War Department sBBmaKfca5XUMLHJa 1 - - R - - - - V NEW YORK, March 10. A com mittee representative ot American la bar lll be sent abroad by tho Amer kao Federation of Labor to convey to (the workers of France aad England a Mstage ot good will from their brothers In America. Samuel Gompera, president of the organisation, In making tha an SOunremant before tha executive council ot the National Civic Fedsra- tlon, at which numbers of tha BrltWih labor mlssloa wars gueste, said: The BrltUb labor movsment Is smaahlng Qsrmaa ImperUIUm by smashing Engllih ImperUIIsm at boms." a Oat a Leader AocMeat aaUcy aad a Low Coat Health aelscy, la tha Trav alata,froaCtsttasta,Mllala. 7 WWwWwwwmwwwl ! Salte Fine for Aching Kidneys ahaaa XV-' s- I eai .aaaaaaaaaaaaak .aaaaaaaaaaa. ..svriw saaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i -aa. -- an saaHRPasBmamammmaa. ' ' UOHT ft nF"Ffsaaajrv 3 iPlftlaBBr ' I MACmMCOON 1 f-aaa I 'PlsKVihsBmmBmmB 'aW lasfiaBaKsaTslaT m "v 5 aaaalBakaisalalalaa. . ''' iamHaBaV WtC l KMVHaMra(aBfBaaBamiHH WAWSVOITH y .OsPaH M IPIIilNO LkJHT ) iafaalalBlBlBlBlBBaftBlBlBlBlBWSfaBWaW r afaBfaBfaafaafatal - AT V MACINOyH K DalllllllH x. y , DR. EARL O. WI8ECARVER DENTIST OMce, Rooma T and 8, W1UU Bulldlag DR. P. R. GODDARD Oataoaathle PbysicUa Saraaea Salte. Ill, 1. 1. O. F. Tempts (ovsr K. K. K. Stors) FhoaeMl .. Raa.Pboaa,aBR (Tha only Osteopathic Pbysi cUa and lurgsoa U KlamaU i Falls.) W. D. MILLER Oesaeat Osatractor Walks, Floors, Foundations. Coa erste Building Blocks, Flues and Tiles. Ill I. Iuth St. Pboas is BTaSsSBMBMBsBMafaTBsajBBaamBjeBBBmBBBBBBBm vyt ,hwK,, M,M4VnV' .cisrrreCTJva!n."; ;&$!&?: Si?Ki5 -k tmfsn.LimmkMamu .imnsamn 3K'"-vn!sx;$i . .. . ..JivANiVt..kvj..tjMXC;'Vi'x'?yjw'.'r:iiS.". ; p,, sjm' "'','pyvfvus.v WlttM RMtcktmtwWckcJofi dMBtrfatkwti Most people forgot thai tha kid y. like the bowels, get sluggish ad clogged, aad asad a Hushing oo sslouiiy, slss wo hava backacha ud dull misery la tha kidney region, ssvere headaches, rhsumatto twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, alospless- and all sorts ot bladdsr dlsor- usrs. You almnlv mnat kaan vour kid BSyi actlvn anil rlaan. and tha mo- nt you fsel an ache or pain la tho mney region, get about four ouneee of Jsd Baits from any good drug tore here, take a tablespooaful In a tu ot water befora breakfast tor a few days nud your- kldnsys will tksa VWWehsaasabssMsjeBaas it 'Sj.Vt-a SIL-V-i :s -iaisRia1 act who. Thla famous salts is made from the acid of grapes ana lomo ...... u.M.d with lltbla. aad la barm'leea to luah clogged kldaeys aad stimulate them to aoram awivny. .. ..l..llaaa tka aaldB IB tha WlM hb aaMiiMin - w i .aionaar IrrlUtes, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salte ta harmless; Poowo, makes a dsllghttul slsrvssceat ItthU, water drlak which WhodJ " -i.. and than to keep thslr kid ney, clean, thus avoiding sorous com. A well kaowa local druggist says . TV... - .a aalta to folks wha balleva la avaraa-tog klditr traaala while it hi omly a iraae--. These official photographs abow tha tost of tho Browning aicblns guns at Washington. In tbe first, at tha top and left a private with his helper behind him to carry ammunition, is firing tbs gun wrom the hip. -Note tha strap ovsr the left shoulder to help him hold the fifteen-pound wes pon l place. At ths right at the top Is Senator James W. Wadsworth of New York state, Srlag tbs same gua from tha ahoulder with the strap hanging loose. Below is ths hsavy machine gun, weighing 14 tt pounds, being fired by privates from the tripod on the Held. 1. ii MiLmiMaai'i' aaawMwi ...-- ; .,.,- .. -7.aiarw"vv'H&'vVX'. ,.TI v CS4r. wsfc taaamamtSl "ikrlMl'S IL-4 aamammBmBmBmBml4iisBmBmam k h -V aaamHaVaamBmaBihwr W h MKSW'H&i yS PSHsBMsai jbW i"' 1 MsBHamBmBflwamBBBmBmBmsmBlaaBmBmBmBBmBWBm iPBBmBBmmBWBrHSaBmBBlSBmBmBmBmBKaBmm H v I llmHiHaMa.HlfHaHa3aHBl "' & BalmBmBWaBlmBmBmBmBBBVBmBmBmBmBBBlmBm yaBmKalwasBmBHtBmBmaBBtBsBaaBmB '"'' arBtlMaaBmBULneflaHsH ' . ,, BBmBwlKamWamBmBmBBmBmBmBmBmBmBmWSBmBmiB -'i, LmaH tYaBBmBmBmBmBmBmmBmBKSiaamBmBmBmBmBmBm a'4sw,?5nTlBWaTBWaBwa(aBMaa ,t liiaXfelaSMaBaaaBmBmBKjFB q laaTOamiMftsSSBBlaBBBBBPIffiBtiBW ; .-btRBBBBaSBaBBBRSaB. sBmBWaBmBmBmBmBmBmBTBlaBmWaBBmlMr::wlsffR V-ffiV ri BBmBmBmBmBmmB8BBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmn9aaamBmBmm 31 IVFM TlWPWjP DR. J. G. GOBLE Well kaovm OptoaseUst OpUcUa,sa Penaueall; Lsalol at 126 3d Street Oppoaite Elka Temple Phone MM Make engagements, and lie will call at your homo aad examine your ayes for glosses, If you caa aot call at his oalce. yimOSTi!rU7hmto no iwapig. WOOD. Rinrk, alab, Umb and body, aay leagth. Sawll or largo quautl- ties. Pioatpt orvlc.e. Terme Cash. Ofllce Fifth atuThlaia PtwaalSR. ' Kluaath Ftral Cep8y . o:PimN,alr. v i' V A .?! i ?i m if. i ' ' x : sSI '.?! 4n