imv t '.''v "V 5t vjt t, iticiAL NUWIPAM OF KLAMATH wunaa MAli'Vi,MKv t Will Build New Court House BUILDING CONTRACT AWARDED BY COURT ICOKTRAIT IH AWARDED HERE ArTKHNOON TO PORTLAND rUM AT PIUCB OK 9181,973. nVK BUM NlilMITTKD. coxtrait IS SIGNED BY TWO MKMBMtH OF COURT OOMM1H. MOXKH lll'IIREI.L HMORT UK. rTHKKTO SIGN PAPERS MUCH WOTKMK.NT. TU County Court this afternoon mried a contract to J. M. Dugaa ft Co. of Portland for the construction; ( a aiw court houaa on the alte vim the old one now standa for IIII.T75. Tk contract waa made by Judge Hnka and Commissioner FraBk Mc Coruck. Commissioner Durrell Mort refused to sign the papers. Tit old court house trouble, which bm lor yearN been a source of conten ts between different factions of the county, has been renewed with all the iPMreat old Intensity. The award lf of the contract today, which waa morally predicted on the atreet, la Ik tvlalnatloD of a serious differ we of; opinion between llaaka and on toe oaa haad. and Hart representing the other factloa. TitfMrt room waa wall AIM with tetsrsetss cltlseaa aad architects. Uo sir was somewhat tease with tksiaamaleicllomtat. Rich architect submitted his fig no oa the completion of the Hot Wags building and on a new build. M en another alte. tie folowlng waa the order In kh the bids were read! White A (Hour, Baa Francisco, "HuP building, I1,S00; row MlMlag. $138,000 without elevator, WW M.700. and without alectrlc "tres, deduct 13.600. jjserge Isaacson, Portland, original MUlag,; aew building. ',00, Including elevator aad S tares. aeaad Construction compaay, teat. v wiginsi bulldlag, $117,111; atw wMtog. $137.41$, without elevator, "wet 17,000; without futures, de t 11,500. i..'.' J1, Duwn Co- Portland, orlg J JjIMIai. $111,641; now build, J i.T75, without elevator, de "t 17,500; with flituras add $.,650. maehell & ptrtUi PorUand, W Gliding, $111,114; now ""alag, 9137.854; without elevator, Baker Mil Employees Are Out On Strike "T" AKER, ore., March iWA-pui-raars, Hlil veaty.i v. emtyystw "flU CtBM nt lb. rVaaafcaAa.U '.uiubor (ompaloibave. struck J &l?g uimmq Wl00l0i00i0WWtw0i0wwwwk HUBBKH BOMBS FILLED WITH Ugi'lU Ml'STAltD GAB ARE DROPPED HV GERMAN AIRMEN ALONG AMERICAN SECTOR WITII THE AMKRICAN AKUY, March 10. A Osrman airplane last night and this morning flaw over tho Amerlcsn aector to the nortbweat of Tout, and droppad rubber ball II Inches In diameter, Oiled with llqul fled mustard gas. It la the flrat time the airplane have been employed for this purpose. General Pershing has approved the awarding of the flrat New Mexico war crosses for extraordinary heroism to Lieutenant John Green, Hergeant Wm. Norton and Sergeant Patrick Walsh. These men have nil been dec orated by the Preach government. ALASKA MERCHANT WILL PATRONISE HOME INDUSTRY ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Keb. IS. " mall) Merchants hero have iMjl Ikil will ,inrfliMajt tin ... ...',.,. .... this spring or summer, but will buy Irom farmers In the Matanuaka Val ley. local business men have like wise petitioned the Alaskan Engineer ing Commission to purchase what available supplies It can from Anchor ago merchants In preference to deal era In the "states." INSANE INMATES ESCAPE FROM HAI.KM HOSPITAL SALEM. aMrch 10 Johu II. Otter, aged 60, an Inmate of tbo hospital for the Insane hero for twenty years, has escaped from the hospital farm. He cams from Jackson County, and waa considered to be harmless. W. K. Peyser of Portland, another Inmate escaped from the Institution Monday. s REPLY FROM HOLLAND 18 NOW ON CAULKS WASHINGTON, I). C. March SO. Hollaad'a reply to the United States and England regarding the shipping demaada la now on the cables, and Is expected to arrive bars today. BIRDMAN DROPS TO DEATH BAN ANTONIO, Tax., March SO. First Lleutennnt Walter H. Johnson, aged St, of Belleville Ills., waa killed Instantly hare today when his air plane fell 1,600 feet at Kellyfleld. deduct 17,100;, with futures add 14,160. The J. M. Dugan company la the firm which built the court bouse at QraaU Pass. protesting sgslast the sight ilieur wags seals, which la aUghtly Ism FUMUefemeroae. Tkeyawsmw GAS BOMBS DRQPPEDON AMERCANS that IPOS ftwm ssvw wmu jw , some of the camps. " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WE0NE5DAY, i,BBisBWa IS. STAMPS HOUSE TO HOVBB CAMTAKW WHICH WAM LAUNCHED YHb TKKDAV BID8 FAIR TO RBAF KXCKLLRNT RESULT sasBBSBBBBBaaBBBS) Ths Klamath Falls, money markst waa considerably upaet yesterday aa a rssult of the opening of ths hones to house canvas for ths saleef Thrift and War Saving Stamps, accordlag ts the statement of local baaksra today. Complete reports art aet la for ths day'a work, but all those la ths Sold declared that the receptloa accorded them by the public was all that could be desired, aad ths Individual aalea In many cases ran well up toward $100. The Idea of ths preseat earn pnlgn Is to get the people started with' the habit of puttlag their spars cbangs Into lbs sumps sack day, lather than to run up a Urge amount of sales. Members of the Central committee are planning to hold n meetlag st Al goma on Thuraday avaalag to discuss the Thrift Stamp movomeat before the residents of that district. Other meetings will be held at dlfereat placea In the county la ths near fu ture. PUNNED CHAIRMAN HURLEY ORDERS IN VKHTIOATION OP ALL SHU'S NOW BEING BUILT TO SEE IF THEV CAN BE HliNDERBD UN. SI.NKADLK WASHINGTON. V. C, March SO. ImmedUte Investigation of all ahlpa now bulldlag to see It they oaa bs equipped with say of ths devices sub mitted to make them naalakable or torpedo-proof, has bsea erdarsd by Chairman Hurley at las aalppUc board, atur rscstvUg a esafldeatlai report from ths navy department oa auccssa that to being achieved la the protection of war vssssla. Ths scops of the aaval board, head' sd by Rsar Admiral Wlaterhaltsr, orlglaally created to atudy Uo prac ticability of ths dsvless deelgaed to make the steamer Lucia uasUkable, has been greatly salsrgad. The board haa been Ustructsd to Btudy fully all otbor theories of aon-aUkak)s eoa- structloa. BecreUry Daalsls .eoafar red today with Admiral Wlatet-Mlter, who said a report on the Xante con struction principles waa belag pro nared. . Navat'oRclals generally are frMkly doubtful that any means will be Mnad to preveatdeettucUea of eargo craft which would aet also respire atvjci addltloaal tlsM for cwaetnetfoa.' i SecreUrp . Daatels. lowovori, eea sot prepese. BothMi tsirteBk-:am vimmz'm?f,w!P.;! "i " . . f . rr.. '- - - - i. i-y..- v'- mMVBummfm iiSBeVisjsl MANY ME MWBUW UNSHE mm JWfz JgttiiMsVMM uttVaVlalKv AiTV.W'"i,'vV V mm io i M GQOkTACTS 1 ACnON BTARTaaV TO PREVENT -COUNTT COURT FROM ARAN. DOrHNO HOT STRINGS BTRL'C TatTOBUnL'ONNEWHtTR Aa lajuactloa oak asking that ths Couaty Court bs oajolaed temporar ily from oatorlaf lato any contract, with the Bsoaoy'atw la the hands of tbo couaty treasurer or otherwise col, lotted from Uo 'aipayerB for ths MBStractlea of a court houss la Hot Sprtags AddMioa. for the construction of a new court house on another site, waa tbto morning tied In the omee of ths Circuit Court clsrk by John KoonU, a couaty taxpayer, thru his attorney, E. R. Elliott. Ths complaint rectus tbst a site waa ascursd la April, 1113, In Block 10. Hot Sprlaca Additwa, for lbs raetlaa at a Mart anuur that tha ooavsyaaco deed W'ths county was coadltloasi'oa taoBpletloa st ths court konas, aad that la.1010 a spe- ctol Ut waa provided for the. con stractlon of a court house. Slace that time $400,000 has been collected,'!! Is asserted. It alleges that" $180,000 haa alrsady been expanded on 'the building started, and that sufficient money Is now la ths handa of the couaty treasurer for lu completion. Ths expense thus far iaeurred, ac cordlag to the complaint, will bo lost to- the county soon unless tha bulld lag la completed, and the County Court Is now negotUtlng for a new building on another sits. It Is assert od that oa January SCtk coatraeU wore entered lato with -archltocu to submit blda for a new court house with a commission of 7 H per cent of Uo cost of Uo building aad travollag oapsaess. If ths bids were accepted.' It Is Uo belief of Uo plslntlf that Us court lateads diverting tb funds collected for the Hot' Springs -court houss towsrd the construction of one oa Uo old sits In block 35 of ths orlgtaal towa. It la asserted that the eoanty Judge ordered the couaty clerk to advortiss the blda-without the auUerlty of the court. BE OH) H DIFFERENT BRANCHBS OF BERV. K FOR PBOPLB IN COUNTRY TO aW BUNDLED BY FERMA NBNT OROANISATION la response to a direct request of Uo tovsrameat, a serlea of meetlags Uraoat Uo dlfereat aeetlons of Us oouaty are to be asM eommeacUg about Ue 1st of AprH ay Csuaty Ag rkattarlat Ageat H.iR. Owiarer aad County School SupsrUteadeat Bdaa WsHs '"for 'the purpoee of aorfoetlaf pemaaoat orgBlette to aid Uo aa toatla Uedffereat breaches ot war li U also probebU the H. C, Bey- BBoar.M tho. Ccaea -AatUulurarl cr.Wsd-.sseiat.U U) ' tMlUw.Tve mml msotiaas will be arrsagsdHtiabd otfterfllel at later da4es. , MY 11 NWARWORK Brrald MARCH 20, 1918 BIO MEETlNa LAST. NIGHT. AT ELKS HALL, AT WHICH IMF FERENT.l'LANH FOIt OltGAN IZATION ARE DISCUSSED o In the belief that during the period of 'the war,4 an urgent need for some organised protection of the city and county was urgent, nnd that the' move alrsady started In most ''other com munities for something of this na ture could well be started here, about one hundred men gathered' last night at the Elks Hall to talk over plans for organisation. Both the home guard nnd national mllltln methods of organisation were discussed nt length, and It was finally decided to proceed with the home guard organ isation first nnd Ister form a mllltln company If It wna found advisable. At ths doss of the meeting a com mittee ot twelve men waa selected to make further plans nnd report at a msstjng Uulght-alhla meeting .a number'' of suggestions were'made which will be 'presented nt tonight's gathering. No leaders have been selected as yet, but It la probable that some of the city'a business nnd professional men who have seen government serv ice will be called upon to drill the men here for n night or two n week during tho coming summer months. OREGON SENATOR GOES AFTER" RAILROAD BOARD FOR FAIL. URK TO "COME THRU" WITH PROMISED RELIEF FROM CAR SHORTAGE WASHINGTON, D. C, March 30. Lumber-companies of Oregon have wired. Senator McNary, asking that vlgorous.steps be' taken to secure re. lief from the car shortage and dis crimination against Oregon shippers charged. The senator discussed the matter with the railroad board, and pointed out that promises heretofore made In reference to' relieving the situation had been unfulfilled; that the situa tion waa aerlous, and that something should, be done' at once. , Ths board 'Stated that conditions affecting the shorUge were Improving and that within one week they be lieved ample relief from congestion would bs afforded. .i i a RUBS CAPITAL MAY BE MOVED AGAIN .' V aaaBaaaaasaaBBS) LONDON, March SO. Various re- porta- from' Russia Indicate that the greaUet'aaxlety exists over what ap. poeri to be a groat snvsloplng move-nieat'-walCB Us Austro-asrmsns are carryUg oat against Moscow. .Taars.kaow. strong Ulk of remov. 1st; tkfe'tosttiatef&olsswBsrs. TiaaVj offrstsosraw'as bp-w.iib sUUeMeHfevVi no Indication tkitUsbsbibovlkl will take-atP to oppose It, ' HONE GUARD TO B FORMED IN THIS W IMY NOW .WORKING FOR LUMBERMEN Down MOffi GERMAN DMACY B REVEALED JIISPATfHKS FROM FRANCE THIIOW LIGHT ON RECENT MOVK8 IN NORTHERN EUROPE. Ht;.S ATTKSIPT TO COERCE HWKVIKH WASHINGTON, D. C, March 30. Germany is charged In official dis patches received from France with having attempted to force Sweden to participate at the Brett-Lltovsk con ference recently for settlement of questions affecting the Battle Sea. Falling In bar effort to bring this about, Germany haa resorted to force In occupying the Aland Islands undr the pretext of n request made by the residents of Finland. KI'FICIKNT HOME GUARD AT FAIRBANKS, ALASKA FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Feb. II. (By mall) Attho It seems unlikely that Fairbanks, located In the Interior of Alaska, and consequently many thousands of miles from the war xone. nnU eer fear an Invasion by the en ciny, a company of home guards has beeu formed and Is drilling regularly. It Is composed of men who are woll over I ho droit age. Most or mem hate tpeut years In Alaska, and re excellent rifle and revolver shots. U. S. CONSUL ESCAPES FROM HUNS WASHINGTON, D. C, March SO. Tbe 'American consul at Odessa man' aged to effect his escape before tho German occupation of that city, and Is now safe In Roskoff, according to a dispatch from Consul Summers at Moscow. DUTCH CONDITIONS DECLARED UNFAVORABLE LONDON, March 30 A Router dis patch from The Hague says that tho conditions laid down by the Dutch are unlikely to bo acceptable to tbe allies. RUSS FRIENDLY TO U. S. MOSCOW, March 30. Russian relations with tbe entente remain un changed, M. Tohltcberin, the new bol- shevtkl foreign minister told tbe As sociated Press representative today. He declared that tbe relations with the United States were of a friendly nature. Water Running Over Lost It will now bs entirely unnecessary for the reclamation omclals here to turn water over the Lost River dam, In order that mullets below may run up.'.as tha water has aow comaasaced pouring ovsr the dam itself' at the ratoef 00 seBdfeeV'"W?; cording to aa aaouaceateat mase-Bt the reclamation office, " 7 ' ' ' OPFICIAL NetWtPAPIK OP KLAMATH FALLS Irko Frvo Osaes Town PLEASANT OUTLOOK NOW FOR KLAMATH SPRING SEASON OPENS UNDER FAVORABLE CIRCUMSTANCES. GROUND WELL SOAKED-BTOCK TURNED ON RANGE MILLS OPENING AT UNUSUALLY EARLY DATE WITH PROSPECTS FOR RECORD RUN BU8I.NRSS CONDITIONS GOOD-INDUSTRIES LAUNCHED At tbe close of a winter which could hardly have been 'more favorable to farmers, stockmen and lumbermen In every wuy, spring U opening at a very early date under tbe most prom. IsInK auspices. Seasonable rains are soaking the ground with moisture at the most opportune time; the stock that has been held for feeding In the ards tins been turned on tbe range; the lakes are open to logging opera tions, and tho mills are starting oa a big cenaon'a run", weeks before they cau usually plan to get under wny. At no time In recent years haa Ktaniatli Couuty been "set to go" la tbe condition which she now finds herself. IluMness condition during -. the winter have been of the best. A large number of new Irrigation en- . torprUes are petting under way,. which have been ueld back by lltlga-. tlon nnd ether -au?es for years past. The vast tract of tbe Lower KUaaath; marshes Is now being reclaimed. at a t rapid rate, bringing under cultivations an area of fertile Und on which Uo added production would bs hsrd to estimate. Lumbermen are preparing for n big season's run, the operations of which will only be limited to the amount of help that Is available for them to se cure. Good markets for boxes In suies the steady operation of the year pr.y rolls In these rapidly growing factories, it Is little wonder then tbut with such a backing for future progress Klamath Falls, In spits of the fearful world war and in spite ot tbe fact that the cltlsena who are largely responsible for the progress are devoting a very large part of their time and energy In helping by vari ous ways to win tbe war, Is present- . log such an extraordluary evidence of (Continued on page 4) River Dam Aa the farmers and other residents of the Klamath Basin were belag de prived of tbe excellent mullet taking customary st this seswai.oaaoeouat ot Ue lack of flood water, Uo reel' atatloa-omclals; had pwajudTto'itur oaf a-supply OB.FjrJ4y,,wSd,,w tt to run for three, day's." ;. t '. . It ts believed ;that by tomorrow the ' I Ashing will be One below the dans. m S: V.m !P' - ' U1