"" MONDAY, M,Mt( It ltM .TH1 BVBflNO HBRALP. lOAliATH PALLS, OREGON Come and See the Spring Models S . . mer He Jfek SsaJ j - k lb ffjZvlfl 7,K m f i ; i A? j Clothes I ,;-,t t Makes that satisfaction '.4 -: absolutely certain That's Why They're Here! oil DISPLAY Y Suits for Every Man, Priced Within Easy Reach, $15.00 to $45.00 K. K. K. STORE Leading Clothiers and Hatters P ERSONAL MENTION urns sidbxmhts ox local APrsxiira among nn fboplr or in crrr axd vkikrt. GOiXGB AXD COMIXOB OF LOCAL FOLK. T. Lanlhan U from Lakevlew. a business visitor J. M. Dougan li from Portland. a recent arrival D. II. Wolff of Seattle U a recent arrival la Klamath Falls. C. L. Smith of Chlloquln Is In the city for a few days. J. N. Branhall of Odesea is In the cltr on business. A. ft. Weber Is here for a short time from Macdoel. W. H. Barns of Auburn, Californl. la a Klamath Falls visitor. Richard Stratum of Keao is a .bust. nets visitor to Klamath Falls. Miss Rose one of the Hosier school teacher was a county seat vUHo Saturday. v- ' R. C. Brlggs of the United States Geological 8urvey is here for a short time on oHctal butlnees. - Arthur Maddox was n county stat visitor Saturday from his ranch jiear NWns CHUMENSWAR h Merrill. u t Ruby L. Sullivan of Worden Is a Klamath Falls visitor. Mbs SulUtan is teacher of the Worden -.hool. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. 8. Pnehett. who have been Inthe city for a few days, have returned to Chlloquln. Mr. Beach, teacher of "the school at Swan Lake was a Klamath Falls visitor Saturday, H. L. Swift of Blue Ridge la la the city on business. V. B. Puckett. C. B. Puckett and P. T. Puckett of Keao spent the week R. H. Martin of Odessa to la the. end la Klamath Falls.-, city for a tew days. ' ...... Geo. Rasmnsson and Al Lisle of B. P. Alexander, teacher at Shasta Everett, Washington, are la Klamath view was u tne city aaturuay. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. FannsUhl of Olene are la the city for 'a few days. Falls for a short .time. . r. aad Mrs. Irvlag 'E. Kestersoa and .W. I. Kestersoa of Wordea spent Mr. and Mrs. W. Strata are Ytollora '' ta KUt from New Castle, California. Sam Short, a well kaowa raaeher L. D. Parks aad brother are la the'0' B? "!2 Co"ty -i.- ... . . a... , bmi.. I seat business visitor today. Vlt IWf H. WMB .W !.. G. C. Fleming of Saa Francisco to spending a few days in Klaauth Falls. Ait bur Jaquett and family of Worden were Klamath Falls visitors Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Luther ilolbrook nre in town from their ranch la Poe Val ley. ismec T. Hanna is hero locking after matters of buslnejt.from San FmariMO. Manager E. J. Grant of the Algoma H. N. Moe toft this morning tor Bin Francisco where he will remain for several days oa matters of busi ness. Peter O'Coaaor, D. C. O'Connor, Chas. McCertlo aad Jack McCartle of Merrill speat Sunday hi Klamath Falls. t j. Mr. aad Mrs. O.'C. Labereo and son are Klaauth FaRs visiters from the Bly district. They, are stopping nt the White Pelican Mr. aad Mrs. .Matt Bgaa, A. B. Harrison. Miss AleVtoh. Chas. A. Lumber Company is registered at the, Wright, Mr. and Mrs.1I. Daisy all of White Pelican Hotel. Algoma were la the city over Sunday U.I. mm ..-! I. ' Wi 7 m 1 Mala aad Seventh ' Pftwao lift DR. CLAYTON E WHEELER PHYSICIAN aad SURGROX Spinal Treatment Specialist In chronic diseases. Examination and consultation free Largest X-Ray laboratory In Southern Oregon. Latest electrical appliances that are now used' In the curing of WMMWVWWMMMMMMAMMMWMMMMMMMAMN A Grand Ball In Matin Hall Saturday Night, March 23 MOPE EXPREH8HP IX LETTER TO SECRETARY LAXK THAT WAR ' GARDEX ARMY WILL BE 1U1H ED IX SCHOOLS. . WASHINGTON, D. C, March 18. President Wilson has written Secre tary Lane, of the Interior Depart ment, expressing the hope that "tr tty school will have n regiment In the volunteer war-garden army" the army of school children that. It is hoped, may raise this year produce amounting to $500,000,000. "Every boy and girl who really sees what the home garden keay mean," writes the President, "will, I am sure, enter into the purpose with high spirits, because I am sure they would nil like f feel that they are la faefcef ghtlag In France by Join. tng the home-garden army." In his letter, which follows, the President approves the design of Sec retary Lane to arouse (the school children of the United 8tetes to "as real and patriotic an effort as the building of ships or the Srlng of a cannon." Big Treasure Carried Under Difficulties SAN FRANCISCOIarcu IS. De- hours to make IweUe'mllee one day tails of the ahinmmt of tsoo.ooo in and nftten hours to make a sixteen .nM K..in.n .i.fci , r.nn ....4. I mllee run the next day. During the ,. . ' T v - ' i battle with the storm R. D. Mensle, through tremendous snow barriers whQ M ,, of , iMpraent, du. from Idltarod, Alaska, to Seattle, a locM his shoulder while aiding In distance of 1045 miles, have been ' shifting the load. He was forced to made known by the Alaska Commer- ride for three and a half hours bi- clal Company officials here. fore he could obtain relief. The shipment was started Dee. 5, While It was being taken on the 1917, from the Rllley placer holdlnge horse drawn stages the bullion had In the Idltarod district Dog teams to be cached In the snow nnd left took It to Tacoma. and regular horse alone several times white the drivers drawn stages to'Palrbanks and Chlt- went to distant road houses for fresh na. It was then loaded on the Cop- horses. The shipment reached Beat per River Railroad tor the scacost, tie February 3. 1918. 131 miles distant. ',' I The stage between Chltna and At Parson's and Yost's stations Fairbanks, a distance of 310 miles, between Idltarod and Tanana, there l( drawn by four horses. A single was one snowfall oUtblrty-slx In- horse stage line operates between ches In twenty-four hours. Because Fairbanks and Tanana, a distance of of this It took the doa twenty-four 181 miles. I At the Theaters Mme. De Kerry bad been rent to nob-Cat Clutch, a Wrate.'n mlnlnc town, as agent of llragdon ilr.ni!. She was famed as thi clevervtt bunlne! adventuress In all New York, thoj woman in whose hands mo woives oi Wnll Street were mere p'ippett. The Hob-Cat mine was a rlcn pu.n. pert, and Brant was dolvrntini'ii to r,iln control of the stock end ltd pur truck railroad. "To do this It was no. notary to purchase the fik liuM by Bob Spalding, dlsintsrvr of the mine, and his partner and lioton) Mend. Leonard Durant. He fell ronfldent that SpaMIng would bo mere putty In thu hniuli of this beautiful aad brnlny woitinu, ami in Mme. lie Berry was In Mob-Cut (lulcb. How she met BpetUInK ntut siitreeded In getting control uf Hi's 'stock nre the thrilling opUouVt of thi- Triangle Play.. "Fuel of AU;" at the Star Theatre tonight. (No. 111.) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Buktf Bstaizi at Boaanm, la the state of Oregon, at the close of business March 4tb, 1918: RESOURCES Leans aad discounts . . . 153,830.94 Overdrafts, secured snd uasecured 3.09 Beads aad warrants . . . 77.75 Banking house 6,400.00 Furniture aad nxturee.. 1,800.00 Dat from baaks (aot re serve banks) Dae from approved re- rerve banks . ChKks sad ther cash llVeBS eeeeeeeeeeeee Cash oa hand eoeeeeeeo 33,865.13 t M15.74 11.88 6,643.43 I- J' As Good a Twse as Ever Had Aseared Evaryoae, sj. MVUO BY DOBBY-OBXVRwTJU Evaryoaa to CoreaiUy Isnttaff. , ' A. KAUXA; Flier Maaaasr J X ( . 'fea"rt,Jtolta CirkimsuTmasal o r fv . 1 'it V Total 191,336.95 LIABILITIES Capitol stock paid la... 115,000.00 Surplus fund Uadlvided arest. lees ex pense aad taxes paid. Individual deposits sub ject to ease ...'.... Demand certllcates of deposit .... Cashier checks outstand ing Time and Savings De- ptMlTS eeeeeseeeeeee Reserved for interest and taxes MILLS ADMTBN 'BIG Hl'HHTOJOIX MAKHHHKI.D HOME Gt'AKD mmm ini lull iirmimi. MAR8HFIELD, Or., March -18.- More men than can be received have I applied for admission to the Msrsh- jfleld home guard company, of which ,Capta'n Fred Fletcher naa command. Only eighty-one can be properly drll- I, led and accomodated, but 106 are on the roll and In good standing. To meet this situation, Captain Fletcher la making out n waiting list from which vacancies la the company of eighty-one wlll be filled. Only men able to serve under all condi tions will be named for reaulara In EIGHT CHILDREN. DEATH DUE 'the outfit. Seventeen members have signed the roll within three days. I'ASSES JUST AFTER RETURN UtOM ARIZONA IX QUEST OF HEALTH. LEAVES WnOW AND TO DROPSY. The death of Wm. Braest Moore who taslded at 144 Visa Streef. Mills Addition occurred her this morning brought on by dropsies! troubles. Mr. Moors had Just returned'from Arlsnna whero he had heea with his wife In ths hops of benefitting his health. The Moors family came here from Fresno, California, list August. The deceased was flfty-oae years of l boo oo.- Tn,r ra '" children, four NEW GIRL THIS MORNING 713.86 50,634.81 4,339.78 1,105.43 33,804.08 eeeeeeeeeeei 150.00 f96.S36.95 l.J,.-y. m Total State of Oregon, County of Klamath I, Dewey D. Horn, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to ths beet of my knowledge snd belief. DBWEY D. HORK, Cashier. Correct Attest: " D. G. HORN. JNO. 8. HORN, Directors. J Subscribed sad swore, to before me this 13th day of March, 1118. LUCRETU C. HORN. Notary Publle. Ify eommtoslea exy-lre Jsauary 3. of vhleh are bow hers. Two boys live la Sacramento and the fuaeral arrangements will aot be announced until they can be heard from. WAR CHEST" IN OPERATION IX GRASS VALLEY, CALIF. ORA88 VALLEY, Calif., March 9. A baby girl was bora this morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pearson of this city Mother and child are re ported to be doing nicely. Dr. A. A. Soule waa la attendance. Mr. Pear son Is connected with the Klamath Department Store. Daaciag School Do not forget to come and learn to dance the "Castle three-atep," one of the most graceful ballroom dances. Taught at Moose Hall tonight at 8 P. Mv Lessons 60 cents. Mr. aad Mrs. Klllsadshl, Instruct ors. - it A War Stamp a day keeps tho kaiser away. II Qms? m !- J l T3msbbB9BIbTwVjFi Bmaaaaaaaal R aaaBVaaaaaareBLi Bring Yours Your prescription, when com pounded by our experienced pharmacists Insures best re sults. Particular people Insist upon our work because they know they can depend upon our ac curacy and promptness. We are prescription specialists and we wan to serve you. aaaaffllAaaaimBaatdBBy I II Mi VtflltUrWrl fAUA OttoorlSwI REMEMBER. ME Soiled muddy shoesT Thst's where A "war chest- has beea placed la ob.' ' , "T! ?ET,S7"wm ratio, h.r. hv .n n..utl. --II.I""" '"'r ! Bre m ,l. n .i,. i, .. . upoa tbem something swell. tot'T. r;" Ing and dlbsursing of approximately L, - .. .. .. " " "'u; 130.000 annually a. loa. a. tb. w.r No $?-"1 issu In monthly instalments of l.Lt ?- . L.! .. ?Z u ..w 666. Ths source of revenue' Is eoa- " ,i J iSS WUh laed entirely to the monthly dons-' J?Ai!l!E!,J ""' ,. .. tlo. pledge, of It. msmbsrs. 8,,! " J " '"." Th A.uu..llnn ... for.l tJ SO gjSt WlSO tO ttls Card. HUrWTMrAUSOnCON HfrdeXHH8 Tho Association waa formed to eliminate the waste of effort laeideat to the drive, and sDpaals for each separate demand, to most which house to bouse caavsases, heaelts Tho Btaad Freak Ward Champion of the 8. P. At tho aad other expedients aro usually re- TOO LATE TO CLAfcSIYV serted te. Under the rales of the im w www" Assoelatloa the ueU oaWslly ask ed (or win b takea from the treas ury asd the laeideat closed. ' W. D. MILLER " Roeriaff Contractor Maltbold, Tar and Oravel Roof Ing. -Roof Coating. Repair Work a Specialty. 333 8. f Ixtb Street. Phone 398. 1 Msa sad wife wants Job oa reach Pboao 333 or eagulre at 305 s.1 Fifth street. lllt'i WOOD Block, elah, limb aad body, any length. Small or largo quaatl ttoe. Prompt service. Terms Cash. ( OMco Fifth aad Mala Fhoae 112R Klamath Futl O. PEYTON, an C6)IRMBy Mge. DR. J. G. GOBLE Well known Optumetist Optician, I PeraUieitly Locate, at 126 3d Street Oppoalto Kilt.' Temple llinne UUM Mahe ragagrmrnl, sml heaal rail at your Ininie and eusaat your eyew for glna, if yea em aot rail at his offlir. LET ME MAKE YOlil MOT SUIT PERFECT FIT Highest Grade of Workmamhle GUARANTKKD Spring Wuoleaa on IHsflsf. Your laapectlon InvltsA t Chas. J. Cizcl Sucreasor te loeire Bras. t MERCHANT TAIIXJBi' Sl Mala St. laBaaaaVSaBESSBBaVJB Why Do Yon Carry a' Worn Out Watch... It disturb! ytnr l' mind. It makM " or", It reflects on your builse acumen and financial ", That's the rub, It Isn't prlco of n new watch? Do you know that nn accursW, durable and dopendablo wte In a gold filled case can bought for aa little IlM; That for I16.C0 to ISO th you can get s watch that r will be proud of In any pany. Let ua show you wstes- Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main Stratt Osamal 8. P. Watch laspsefr laiBM'sBaaaujB i IfeMSS. Pferfcs if