'ra 5 i""'",' ' -r w ..ir r-i' J . - K EWIFAPBK M LW . H COUNT? .pTP ' 1 - I II in i - I ' v f i.'-. - '. t - - ! --trUL NEWSPAI-hk .?: OFFICIAL NEWkPAPfat OF KLAMATH FALLS' JjfiUMATH COUNTY .ffl 'V M fMlflli 'wr 'tt!J KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1918 SH$P Price Mr Owto. 1 , ' JV. 1 Ff" y ''Jama. jg9JBut .kV m ifcugttfitg ttgraltt . .. . ..j.. . -.: - -mmarmmi EAVY HGHTINfi NOW ON WEST FRONT ilG n A I N ?! ,r mnr It lYIAUt IMMKVIKI ATTEMPTING Til IIW SMALL MILITARY OH. tiaXICATIOXS FOR COMBATING , ' , cbwia. nv.inuw. IGMWU.M THREAT OK HK1 ffll.MJ IIIIIVK Ntrj TAKKN gWHH'NI.Y IIV WAU DKI'AIIT.1 MMT. KI'IKH AT WOIIK IN AMKKK'AX SECTOR. . (MaaHnarjr by AMorlalrO I'rcma) T Trench and Merman Troopa it Wen rncnaed In lieavv ilclidnv M both slue of the Mueno In the T."dB lector. To the went of the liver, ,,,c IY FRENCH rneh have gained the euemy'ri po.-d at tho tlnw of hU death had l"",u" " "-( ..The dlergent vlewa coaeern dy MUfM along a front of nearly a built up a largo Imalne. o one of iou ,,mt ,he n'0"t of ,he "Boner j naatlc queatlow and tlie tUchtag to U and linvo penetrated fir a ",0 ,,ci,t '"n"10"" ' l,c clr- Ho ,HW'" ',0 UM',, f,,r t,,e l)Urch,,e r t-,aeraBy of the four Ruaalan Baltic pth of over luilf a mile. To tho tut of tho rlter tho tier- auy.bavo been uniurccaiful In at ntilng alone n nix mlln front. la th r..i ti, in. n.i.u..'tlirrnliteralilnR. Funeral nrrnngn. '' Mil Nlchol)oy and other Important tIb porta, the Gorman hnva con Ui4 to adtnnro northward. Tho avhhfvlkl leader acem to Imve III k) lopa now that the peace treaty vita the Central power will be ef hfUra aad they are calling upon the mal Stared to form military oraanl Uoaale combat the nermann linnM IM lavulon continue. WITH TUB AMKRICAN ARMY.. area u.tIic American Intelle oflcera believe that a apy haa" Hh at work within tho American M- ... to the northwest of Tout. A Wry iaw naslic of a algnal light JWy this morning from a window ""IS tha enemy's llmm. If Arml I . .. - . - ....... -.- I W 'ndow nnd dashed Into the -T7 " louna no-one. Important kins, aon of W. II, llawklna, liar "fhone, Mltlilu the linos hnvo li.v iinihriuib and DoiibIbm I'onro. tut by a py. American troopa which have JJ m action along tho Chemln De wi are a division composed e MiTly of New England unlta par WlMly MawiachuBetteB. WABIUNiiToN, I). C, March 18 "WMny n,rc(lt of a Irellt Bprlnf "Vti l nil Inilirni Intm Attnlnv tltm r diDirimnnt -Z !... . .1.. u . . " "" uvvuruiuaj mo-no "sly Relvlo Review, Issued today. I Rock Crusher Working Near County Infirmary eaaaaaajamBBaBBBBBaaBwaaaiiaBaiaBsaaaaai b's county rock crusher la nowiatretchea on the main traveled road ork macadamisin. . ..r.i.i. 10 rtta f. .. I . lortk.w --v ...pr-iwr) -" fiwui inA rftiiMtu i.Imi.m a,,. ;"" "coraing to county Road --"f-r j. c. cteghorn, who aa- nmrwiai . , 'i linn u one of the worst an m y,, MERfUKT IS UUUUDI CITY MOURNS PASSING OF MKR. t'lLtXT WHO DIED AT HOH, PITAL SATURDAY NIGHT. WAH MANY YEARS IN Hl'HINESS. III thu dvntli ol Kdgar VlrKll Halur day night nt Ilia Klfininlli Hospital, Klamath Pull lose one,of Its prum Inent and most respected buslnc men. Up Vlrwll itMMHA.I nitMt. ..I Ulfl ..!- '"w,n" "l, tncta of serious opcrn-( Hon two dny before. Ho Imil lind vtafaii I'hhmvii i.n.w ii qtgu ,. GRIMREAPER nttacka of lllues at various tline;Uor of tho flto 1123. or an average durliiK reiont yearn and It wiih hoped 0 ny, V(jr ,,.,., t liu t tint operation mlKht remedy tho ..... trouble, but little hoi wan held by tho Hurai'oim wlion It wiu lenrncil u. rrloimncHu of IiIh condition. ,,urln Mr' Vlrgll'a )enra of IminI- newi nere in iiraigntrorwara noncKt mvthoda endeared him to the general public mid It lit probable tliut no man lum been railed from hero ho hud Ju morn genuine retpett from, Ills aa- j unrlntea. j TB ,,.,1 w oora j,r Kk- hart, Indlanu, Martli 10, 18R3. He came to AiihlitndMn 1904 where he ...... i.. . nnrf i.nn.i -i- lui.iri. i,. mi..j i.i uinmiiii ithIU Iii I An.'..1 I .! . ( ... - - 1 IIIh bualnena hern iinmiiercd nnd he.or luter nuirhaaeil n furniture atck iirvicii ny n ih mro, ira. irony Yir-in, uui a pnri win oo uieu lor im fib n, miwiui, whi gll, a aon WIIIU nt I)nlln. Tcxn. and ,,lo,0tH and Improvement of var- ,,n- "nd " " d'-Mgnler Knnnle In fii.blo County,! Colorudo. Ill mother Ih ntlll living ut (Inrlnnd. KanmiH nud lliero nro ... . . ft ..Kill inoillH "III noi no niinoiiiucii mini the arrhnl of Dm two rlillilrin wli" nru now on the way. YOl'Xfi MAN rrr fOM.MIHSHN Mr. Jurkiton Klmbull of this city o'han just received ord that her br0"ff,r Kl . .'ther. Chandler W. Wntnon, Iibh been) 0fl0 J , promoted to tho rank of Klmt-l.lnu-i ' promoted Iteunut In tho flout Kugliicorn Thla nglment I encamped nt Humphrey, Virginia. THIIKK VOMINTKKIW LKAVK .. lt.Hlalk U filial Imvu latft In cnlUt In tho army on tho noon train jjBy with recruiting officer It. n-. u.i... i.m i.mam linv. tnr hhv. ora day. Tho men are Dryan Haw. iiraKH, " v ..w.w .-. Young llHwkln expocte to enter tho 201 h Knglnoora regiment. What do partmonta tho other two will cuter partmonta win not announced. It la not believed that tho enemy -will tuko tho offonslvo unless forced to do bo. Amnrlrnn trooiiH nro now engaged .... n.. ...!. r r,.ii in mii sector ii i' buii- ..-... -. lying closo to tho. Bwlsa border. Marrlll. In the neighborhood of - , hn.i.ann ri are to be Imnroved. w ww -. - Th,, U tne fljat effort of an axten- i)va n.tUra to be made on the roads rhlf iprlng on aa entemlve icBeduie - - , that haa beeu nnnnged. yMMWMMWWM' WMM',,M"' HALF MILLION DOLLARS IN AP. PHOPHIATIOV IIIM. NOW PK.ND. i. to it prorated tct ord. NO TO COMMISSIONER CAT.) SELLS. WASHINGTON, D. C. March 18 J Five hundro I thoutand dollars to be advanced to itm Klamath reservation 'Indian, an proWo I b thi pent'lng Indlannpproprlatlnn bill, will be pro. ritud umon'j lliem, riving each mom. '"," ou"''' f0,,,n,,H ,cr rl ,n,',,0 .n""'. repunn ti Ut mitor Chamber. lain, who ImJ vlRoroua'- urged u nrgT ndvawe, aaya Ihlj la the bet tliat nn bo done now, nud lie consid ered the amount large enough to give the Indiana a Rubntanllat life In growing live (lock, which la tbe chief purpoHc In lew. Where membere of the iribe are In firm or physically unable to engage in niock rniHiiiK ine raonev win imi.i in mail u ttwiv in MmmiMt ' ,' -. . H.w WH.r.wH., EACH INDIAN WILL RECEIVE SUM0FS425 ..la,.,.,! tll ihir credit under UD.'W0, the goerBet on one aide ,.....,., . . ' - delcKiitlon of the Klamatha nhlch nimc to Wuihlngton wanted ..Ami . k. I..J1. Commlaalon. f.iiinu mr vuen iiuiuii. rr PcIIh Knya no aurh mimg that would lie JuHtiricd, iih unlctt of timber belong.! !,! to the tribe but be on a time hiiKlr, with payments extending thru a ucrles of years. Mr. Sells aaya he has arranged for Mlt.iUr lalea of lOO.u.H. feet yearly ears, nnd Is now offering 000 feet more, with other h.iIiis In tho future. Prom these sale the government will be reimbursed fur the money now advanced to mem licrH of tho tribe. - -7 Ill'HHIAX KMIIARHY WILL COOPKItATt: WITH All.lTH WASHINGTON, U. O., March 18 Tho Russian Ambassador BikhmeteC who repudiated the Bolihevlkl last N'ovembor, now denouncea tho ac orptanre by llnnln of the German terms and aaya the ambastay will en. dravor to advocate cooperation with tho Allies. LONDON, March 18. 8paalsh and Swlsa Ambaiaadbra at Berlin fcava been directed by Germany to Inform the United States that Germany will proceed with menurea agalait 'the American property in Germany -In the ism. proportion that haa Man taken agalnit Qerman property aare. - .i. Thera la a nuaoroa nmea aa muca ; .German property in tha UltCVtatoa' aa Amarieaa.proeriy,;in ueamaay. . . . 1 Mostly Btahdard Oil property, ther HUNS SIZE AMEfiKAN MM .,.... , ENLWS LEADERS mm. HQVAIIIILK RBOAMMNa ANNKXA. TIOK OP RVWilAN TKftfUTORY IN PIUKIKB8M BKTWKRN MIL. TARY UCADKSk) AND aVIll HKAD0. WASHINGTON. V. C, March 18. Berloua dlfareacea between tho Ger man civil government and the mill tary leaden over the plan of the gen eral aUff to aaaex the Ruaalan Dal tlc provlacea are reported la an of. flclal dlipatch baaed upon German newapaper reporla received here from Prance. Tba dtepatca. aaya: "A crowa eouacn.at which were preaent Emperor William, Marahat lllndenburg, Count ven Hertllng and many notable perabaagea haa been held to deliberate upon varloua quae, tloaa rotative to tha eonclualoa of peace with Rueata, to the ofer made the emperor of the dual crown of Courjand and anally to tho afalra of Rumania aad Ptalaad. It appear that aorloua dlffereacea have arisen bctwecs the aaaJorMwsf thralck. w t -. trt headquartera on the other. quecnoDi oi me recimcayoo oi mo fronilara of Poland. The cenaral tUff BUpported by the right dealrea the Immediate aolutlon of all thete problema In a manner favorable to Germany. The civil government which conildera the preaeat altuatlon far from atabie pretera to temporue, YOUNG OIRL DIK8 OX WHAT WAH TOMAYK UKKX HER WKODING WAV. CAMK PROM MKDFORO TO MARRY KbANATH MAN. To be called by the grim reaper on tba day on which aha waa to have bean married waa tha unusually aad fate rr Mlse Dorothy Baker who came here from Medfprd a few daya ago villathe Intention of Wadding Pred Carrlch, a mil employee at Worden. Miss Baker waa III on her arrival here and waa taken to the Klamath Hospital where ahe passed away on Saturday afteraoon. Her alckneaa waa caused from a compiles, tlon of trouble Mum Baker waa twanty-two year of age aad waa tha daughter of H. H. Baker of Medfdrd. Tha body waa taken there yesterday and Interment will take place there today, DAHIY AIM CfaOtMl WOMC '-A Rod CroH beait eaterUlnment vr.ia gtvaa at Dairy ItMay night at biea' tarings of lll.Sl wag m'.x an. nn in w rmmi iy- .. . &. . .. .1 County cao6l.iuH'.eaat K v en aw moraiaa; a,raraaa avr i a- a . a s tvlrtaaurer Leslie Rogers.' SADDEATH AT HOSPITAL ON SATURDAY l-l-).inril-ll-lnariJ-u-im-irLa-L-L-J.J..rLf .USE 'i MfKHIPP, WITH HOMK GUARD AND TROOPH HAVK PUT HTOP TO DINORDKRH. ALL TRAIN ARRIVALH ARK KNAMINKD. BT. MARIKS, Idaho, March 18. Sheriff Noland and Adjutant Moody aaslated by the Home Guard have begun the roundup of tho I. W. W. In Beuowaa County by going to Pernwood, a ptaco said to be popu lated moat entirely by members of thla organisation. No disorder haa been reorted since Friday. All arrival on the traina are examined cnreruny ana new members of the Home Guard are being rapidly enrolled. MAN WKLL KNOWN HKRK, NOW RKCOQNIXKD AH OXK OF NA TION'S FORKMOHT STRATE GISTS NOW IN WAR COLLI-XiK. The Dally Princeton Ian, published at Princeton university, reports In Ita-lssue of March 4, the transfer or Major II. II. Sargent of Medford, to the war college, with prospect or work In France. The article follews: "An unexpected order has Just been received by Major Sargent, de tailing, him to the war college tn Washington with the prospect of be Ing sent later to Prance. Major Bar gent will probably leave at tho end of thla week or the beginning of next week, but, in the' meantime, wltl con. tlnue bis duties aa comandant of the Princeton R. O. T. C. "Major Sargent has for n long tlmo been recognised aa one of America's foremost strategists, and an order detailing him to some Important posi tion haa been expected by many. Well-known for hla military books and particularly for hi work on tho campaign of Napoleon. Major Sar gent haa a reputation thruout the country aa an authority on strategy and tactlca. In fact, an article ap peared In one of the Chicago paper laat fall auggeatlng him aa the man able possible to solve the allied prob. lew." Major Sargent Is well known by many of the older residents of Klam ath County, having been stationed for a time at Fort Klamath. Ho married a sister of. Ivan D Luclan B., and Captain O. C. Applegnto. SPRING LAKK HAS 1I1G THRIFT STAMP MEKTIXG Two car. loads of Klamath Palls Thrift Stamp enthusiast attended the Thrift Btanfp meeting held at tha Spring Lake school house Satur day evening. fine oatrlotlc program was pro vided by the atudanta and talks on J tba Thrift Stamps were made by Mlis .... m - j nf A I saaa wens, n. n. vunuar i . . Deltsti, It la reported that the peo pla In that dutrict ire unuauauy m- niaiif la tha ''babyc bonds'! of Uncle lals and that tha sale of tba stamp will be pusbad vigorously in that section. 1 MAJOR SARGENT MAY SOON GO TO FRANCE M-WfWVWWWW5WW KIAMATH M BUYS SHI H SYSTEM RLHIDKXTH OF FORT KL.1MATII TAKK .OVKIt LITTLK SHASTA IKLKI'HONK (XIMPANY. XlJtV - TOLL LINK IIKTWK1..N IIOIIUIH AND MT. HKIIIIO.V. fcAN FRANCISCO, Mj-vIi 18. Ti.r railroad commlsclou lias author ized the Llttlo Slinsta Tel'inliour Com- ptmy, nldo known a tli-j M(.r,taitu; Utilto Valley Telophone Ct.iupuny. to ce'.l 10 J, H. Hewlg, Josepli V. Hisslg 'mU Augusta M. HcshIr, win in the Klamath . Telephone, nr.il Telegrmi'i Company, the former compsiiy's tel tll.ono line from MonUsuo to Ho Iih.i.. Siskiyou county. Tho Klam ath company Is alio DJti-oiUed to hi r.d and operate a lo'w Ihtnnco line batwoen Dorrb auJ Mount lie 1-f'n for toll service. IT Tl'RXKR GRAXGK ALLEGES UN. FAIR TREATMENT TO FARM. KRH IN RULINGS ON COMMOIK ITIES. AGAINST HIGH BALAH I ED OFFICIALS. SALUM, Or., March 18. Objec tions to the treatment being accord ed the farming 'classes In government rulings relative to commodities were voiced at the last meeting of the Turner'Grange. The grangers agreed that the farmers have not been fulrly dealt with, particularly relative to tho potato market and hold that rul ings of this year will not encourage a big crop next year. A resolution was adopted disap proving tbe high price of farm ma chinery, binding twine and other farm necessities. Among other reso. lutlons adopted was one favoring the lowering of tho price of wheat flour substitutes as far as consistent with the welfare of the country. A reso lution to oppose high salaries for of ficial was adopted. The grangers decided to oppose the appointment of u county ngrlcul turlst for tho coming cnr. It waa decided the money could better be spent for good loads and community welfare. GOVLH RULWGSARE BED Local Draff Call Is Made By Board A call for. fourteen men haa been Issued by the Local Exemption Board to answer tbe last, call made for the Army from the Selective Draft. It is expected that from the fourteen men summoned, a total of seven will be secured with which to All tha local quota. This quota la to All the call made recently for 95,000 men. The summons went forward today and the men were, notified to appear on March j9th. T CAPTURE E NEW YORK FASHIONABLE MEN AND WOMK.V ARK ARRESTED FOR COXXEO TION WITH SUSPICIOUS DEAL INGS WITH FOREIGN DIPLO. MATH. HAVK IIKKN TURNED OVER TO IMMIGRATION OFFICERS. HAD SECURED "LOAN" OP THRKK THOUSAND DOLLARS PROM IIERXHTORFF. NEW YORK, March 18. Two men and two women or foreign blrtbx Baron Henri Debelhllle, Madam De. ulna.Pavldovltich Btorch. Mrs. Elisa beth Nox, Count Robert Clalrman, living In a fashionable quarter here have been arrested and turned over to tbe immigration authorities for deKrtatton. They are alleged to have had a code correspondence with diplomatic and high officials In tbe foreign gov ernment and are apparently connect ed with activities in behalf of the onemy. Mrs. Nox has already admitted get ting 3,000 from Count BernstoraT aa n loan." ENGINEERS WILL UK EXCHANGED FOR GUNS PEKING, March 18. Engineers George Kyle of Portland and Puraell en pt n rod recently are safe and well and are being held In northern Hon nn for a ransom of seventy rifles. Government representatlvea are ne fgotlatlng thru missionaries with the I bandits and It U believed that the re- le&se or tne men win ne eneciea soon. 1 OPERATES THIS MORNING Gust Suderlund underwent an op eration this morning at the Klamath Hospital for appendicitis at the handa of Dr. Warren Hunt. He is reported .to have rallied splendidly from the ordeal. The mem called are: Clarence V. Mustard, Sacramento, C. V, Moody, Malta, N. D. Mlllalogsonlos, Klam ath Palls, M, Madison, Klamath Palla, Earl Richards, Chatfleld. Minn, Frank Beck, Ashland, Jama Arejcl, Merrill. O. B, Cornish, KUmath Falls, Peter Borlch, Klamath PeUi. Dvld, O, Bllia, Mountain Home. Idaho. A-D-Huff, Qutnton, OkU.,.CarBvPer son. DodgervWe, Mich., 0. M..UwU, 'jJV Chlloquln, K.'M. unrra.'AiavBM, MO AN MAD N t. fl J Sv&l ? At i ,0 'hi 1ft ?m ' .! 5 V 'tfoi r iP ':- fi i.i