'Hi frg JEmmmg Herald -4 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NIWtPAPMI OP KLAMATH PALLS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY; MARCH 16, 1918 Prlca Five Oaae . ... - ij Tirm Ver u. .-" 'in I Declaration of Russian Policy Expected rycuwcTft.'! -JMMB SUPPLYBF LOCALAGENT I""- luni I AMn ENEMY'S IMS ARE YET RATIFIED MO BTLIT IX COXGRFSft OF SOV URt. IIOLMIKVIKI ENDORSE. War OF TERMS ROUSES HKV. otmoxiHTH opposition. NT W., ?&$4.-'j4mmammm 1AYEITES EXHIBnTD OUTFITS FOR BELGIAN RABIES made iiv Htcjn school oirlh SHOWN IN IlltV GOOD STOKES. IINIOH RED CROSS BUSY. Comiilctcd Infant layettes made by the klrls of the Klamath County High School are now on exhibition at th Golden Itulo Store and at Moe and Con.i'pny. The layette are xhtblt n( tc show what tbo ulrls are doing nml Hint many from the ou tilde din. tiiiiM may get the Idea of what la wonted. These layeltea are complete fJCANCI R.OARVAH , - outfit for the Belgian babies. They Frond. P. Garvin, who mmln l.l. co:itnin dream, snirtH, little uooteee, namo na a pronecutor under Ult.trtcl"'0"" ""' mM 0,her ranulr. Attorney Jerome of New York fouii-'"1 ,or ,he f"re of ,n'nt, riio junior tiea urota aocieiies have been aiked to furnish aa many ROMIVIKI RETORTED TO HAVE, X. ' now In charm of tho search for I enemy alien property In tho United aiiuir.ur.irfrar."i. i w.. 8nte. Many million of dollar are fHlRIA. WILSON KXIWCTKU 'owned by tltUen. of Main, nt war I with the I'nltod Htale. Under the tO MAKE HTAXU ON RUSSIAN, present law thl must bo Inveited In It.li.i ua-.... a .....a. aa- .. - aiTt'ATlnV I n,,r" oiaien uonai.'.tW nan em 1'iui-u mr ill wurtt uj a, mii-ncii I'almvr, former representative In con- are from -Pennsylvania, and now federal ciihioillaii of enemy alien property. JkMSTKIItiAM, March 14. Con tnuy to the dispatches I4:elrtil yu. ktitj from the Host. It uow appinr Ml fail arllnn m the tlermaii n?ari' traty hit nut yet been lakei by i.ll lt Russian Conirei of Soviets at MtKow, Report coming In today ItdUate that there haa been it tlvl- Im la the Council of Urn reo,ilt'n CMBlssarle and It hat apparently Kt committed Itaelf to tho terma of th Central Power. It would seem that tho Rolhovl,.l NeroTsI of tho terma baa urouted It toclal revolutionist wlm ham Muted to ratify them. Reprriontn Urn or the revolntlonlat havo throat tie! to rattan an noon m tho term it rattled by the Council. K)BCOW, March 14. WIlM-na i it sympathy waa read at Ihe ftilng session of tht Kovlet Cou mat aad a rcnolutlon of apprecl.v Ute adopted. WASHINGTON. D. C., MarcU 16. tUti art now Intlmatloni that l':e:. Meat Wltion Will make an oarlv den. "Wllon recardlng the United Btatea 2HIob on the Ruaalan altuatlon. Ta fera or manner In which tho Mia win be delivered have not M Indicated. Ntvsptpcr reporta from Toklo are Ike avert that ISO Japaneae have "a murdored by the Bolahevlkl at Hleitrhenk, COO mllea north of W'Mo In Mnnrhurla. Another re- JJrt ya that only three Japaneae been killed and aevea wounded. i JO BfCLIXIATION TO MAUN t0 lad crowd of Klamath J"? attended the dance lait nt at Unlln All ....... . an. . -- etii wive hwv " KLAMATHIS CflMfWNlEO ONTOK TKI.MillAM RKCKIVKIl FROM TIIK HTATK K.XKtHTIVK K-XI'RKHHKH ADMIRATION OF KFFORT RK. IXO I'fT FORTH IN WIUXTV. rvfiiReo nhawli aa poailble. Tbete may bo made of any dark all-wool matorlnl, forty-five Inchea aquare and bound around the edgea with tape. I'eraun willing to furnlah material for at leant one of theae are naked f reHirt to any teacher or to County fkhool Superintendent Kda. Welle. The Chapter School Committee aitknowledgea with tbankn the re ceipt of one hundred dollara for the (leneral Fund tendered by K. B. Hall chairman In charge of the- recent Surgcant Wella lecturea In thin city. It In announced by membera of the Committee that more money la need ed badly Mo carry on the work nchciluled ahead. About thirty achooln are now or ganlied na working auilllarlea to the Junior Red Cront. In Klamath County and completed materlala have com nirnred to como In from the outalde illotrlrln. mum GBTISSLOW FORFARW LOAN BONDS to the Kaiser The following mcnnaKo received yentorday by Ulalno llnllock from Edward Cooklnghnni, oxoiutlvo chair man of the Stuto Central Liberty loan Committee hIiowh how the aplondld work for tho coming cam paign In Klamath County In recog nlied and appreciated by tho State Isadora. "Kxtcnd to chairman and membera Klamath County Committee my con-gratulatlona-and alnccro admiration on behalf of tholr patriotic aplrlt and the devotion they' are luanlfeat Ing In thin Jour of national peril you can nay to them that the entire atate U working aa a unit toward the namo goal. Splendid renpoiiae from every Quarter and Indications point to over whelming auccenn. It In only by auch Concrete And file Plant Started Here MANY IIIDK8 ARK IIROI'GHT FOR BOUNTY ' crdnr to extend hie concrete (rack of the Enpee, where they can " ana m 1....1...'. . . H? cop w,lh frowiBf ae. r- u. Miner of tola dt yea- a llxth a,.... :--.""'T """"" Jen . ' D,'w wum 'wig Mill, which hi. bin rft. ttto laduitry. ha oiled from the cara, The new plant will handle roofing ad manufacture newer tile In addi tion to the linen prevloualy under taken. Mr. Miller baa taken poeieulon of nla new property and vlll commence I ... I ........ a. I. .1.11 ttl. t, '-'"v- ,. I k imaaeoiaieiy n - Ub limb... . . . -,lr'. a mh..j..i .. 4a thru mm "l be built mens the anurltbe agency of J; T. Ward Company. A total of aeventy-aeven ' dollnra han been paid out within the laet few days by County Clark C. R. De tap for bountlea on predatory ant- main. Tho following have been preeent ed at the clerk'a oS'co here: J. ,W Hanta, Ualry, I bob cata; Bam Rid- dlo, Ynlnax, three coyetea: George Cook. Talnax. four bob cata; J. Foe- er. Yalnax. two coyotea; J. Hall houncr, Olene, one coyote; C J. Rwlft Klamath Fnlla, 1 coyote; W. A. Myaop, one coyote; J. W. Adklne, Klumath Falln. one coyote; Walt Jucnbnon, one coyote; Thomaa Bar clay, Yalnax, one coyote; L. D. IVirke, Bonnnia, one coyote; Bd Croan, Bonania, two coyotea; Oecar Morian. Klamath Fnlla, three boh cata; Harvey Clugaon, Bonnnia, one coyote. a aplrlt and aelf-aacrllce that we will crunh the Kalier under the weight of American bllllona." Mr. Hallock left thla morning. m MAHONH MKKT MONDAY Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. A A. M. will hold n aneclal noclal meeting on Monday evening nt 7:80. The committee Invitee all Maater Maaoaa to, attend and promleea aome lively entertainment. It la honed to make thla n monthly ntalr, ao come out nd make the first meeting avauc- cou. A apelllng-bee for the cham pionship of Klamath County will be the main event of the evening. ... .- am ' '' 'j'v ' AVIATION ftfnmrt JBUSD. ; w4JHrN.0T'0VV?..KM! Roger. 'Ceinf ''ITklni,.'.nyvVmerlt -r - .' . .. . aeT -li nnvil aviftien iiugMi'via unreal a fnll her.e today, TWKNTY MllXlbx BVBHKIA LK8H ON HAND THAN YEAR AGO. DKPARTMBNT. CON8IDKRH A PLAN TO TDB OVER UNTIL ARvnrr. . WABHINQTON) D. Ci, March 16. The wheat holdings at the country mills aad elevators on the first of March are eattmated by the Depart ment of Agriculture today to be 68, 171.000 buahele. Thla la 11,000,000 lata than laat year at thla time and 86,000,000 leea than' In 1916. A further, limitation of wheat con. aumptlon In tbo United Btatee In now ueder conalderatlon by the food ad ministration to tide over until the next harvest. The aenaelena hoard tag by unthinking stMsb people la terlously deplored by the Department n LKCTURB PROCKKWf FORTUNED A total of 8886.80 'la reported 'by Cbnlrmaa E. B. Hall 'an the Klamath FalU ahare of tbeproceeda otUaJ aawgeaatDec'v Wef lecturea grvea the Brat of the month. Two huridred end Ifty-lve dollara and eighty centa 01 thla amount waa turned over to the Red Croaa orgaalxatton here and the remaining 8100 given to the Jun- lor Red Croan. HROUOHT FOR. MEDICAL AID Minn Dorothy Baker waa brought In from Medford yesterday for medl cal treatment at the Klamath Hoe- Dltal. m BECRETARY OF KLAMATH FALIaM NATIONAL FARM LOAN AHHO CIATION IK AI'POIXTKD At.KXT FOR RONDM HERE. IHWT STAMPS CANVASS m B METED WORKKRA HEI.ECTRD WHO WILL MAKE THORO CANVAS NEXT WEEK TO SECURE MORS BUY. EM 'FOR UNCLE BAN'S BABY BONDS. The lists have now been completed by the Central Committee for the houee to house caavaae for the aale of War Savlaga and Thrift Stamps next week. A detegatlea of active worker haa been eelected who will make a eanvaa of' the hemee of tlm county where the atampe have now already been purchased ,1a order' to latere! the people laatartlng to aid the lOTframeat la thla way. While aeveral thousand dollara worth of tr-e atampa nave already beea taken here, the county la falling below the quoU preacrlbed by the government and It ia hoped to attmulate a gret deal of Interest during nest week'a campaign.. The eanvaa' la to-be made all ever the nation. Namee of the workera selected for Klamath Couaty are: Preelact No. t Maul Baldwin, chalrmaa; Mrs. Will Baldwla, Mr. Jack Kimball. Ida B. Momyer, Mr. W. O. Smith' aad Mr. Garrett Van Wpar. ' , Predict No. 8 Arthur WHaon. Chjilraua; Bert Thernae, Mn.. Caa. Itoomwiv.W.S, Blita;er.iL'4D;uP: Hlvu4 Mre.' Carm;MUn:' Tpreat-.Ne; Tr-ittri aTamna -..1 JL 'lLaii''V: .IL'iJTL:7' In order that tbo farmers, nicr- chanta and cltlxenn of Klamath Coun ty may show their appreciation or what the Government baa dono and la doing for them In meeting their financial nceda and asnlntlng them to produce the lucreascd acreage of crop' that wo are told will bo vbboii tlal to winning thin war, the Treas ury Department In Washington has appointed Mrs. L. B. Hague, .secre tary of the Klamath Falls National Farm Loan Association aa agent for the aale of the Federal Farm Loan Bonds, the proceeds of which are used to lend to farmers throughout the country. These bonda bear interest at the rate of four' aad one-half per cent, have the United Btatea Government behind them; with Interest payable In May aad November, and are ex empt team all forma of Federal, State, Couaty and Municipal taxa tion. Mrav Hague will be glad to furnlah further Information to nil enqulrora at Room 801 Willlta Bids.. Klamath Falls. The Government aska cltlxenn to help the farmer by buying these bonda. Denominations are from $25 up. TROOPS ARRIVE AT HT. MARIES ST. MARIES. Idaho, March 16. Armed cltlxenn patrolled the ntrects here laat night and arrested lx al leged I. W. W. who refused to atop rutting up ntlckern advocating I. W. W. princlplea. Detachments of Fed eral aoldlera and 'State Ouarda are now on tbalr way. LATER Twenty-live United States army aoldlera from Spokane and fifty. Ave membera from the guard from Band Point, Idaho, arrived at noon and commenced patrolling the streets and guarding the jail. It la feared that the I..W- W. may attempt to release the six who were arrested by the cltlxens, some time tonight. ir avl bSV ik J St ! ' 1 B J sjp IbljH Q BmmmraaV " 'flmmramS mmmmaVL M'LvBI 9 amTSmamramamBmBTaCaJuSaaA F SET """TW.-MMi 'Aj&f?j.s imsasy frZiAXJHVK H. 0AVI5 Ur. Arthur N. DavU of Plqua, O., American dentist to Kaiser Wllhelm, has just come back to the United States, and Is now at his home In Plqua, O. He got out of Oermany on a pan atgned by the emperor himself, He has had enough or Germany, and he nays the whole empire la praying for peace. NEW MOVIE HTAIt ARRIVES If the 'patrons at -the Orpheus Theatre And that the pictures shown these days are run upsldo down or If 1 eel four Is run In place or act two. they must not be discouraged. Tho fuel In that a new nine-pound baby glr arrived at the home or Manager Ciay Powers on Thursday and or rotirse most anything la to be expect ed from him for the next few days. Mrs. Powers and the little one are rr ported doing nicely. Dr. Wnrrcn Hunt waa In attendance. chairman,- .FfeteJfeM ' (CfeaUauideaaate O ' SWEDISH BOATS CAPTURED ' AND BEND TO GERMANY LONDON, March 17 A number of Swedish trawlers and one dothon burg steamer were captured by a German submarine off Bkaw near, Denmark and forced to go to Ger many according to a report received today. OTCNWN 0N KM BILL SEVEN BURNED IN NOVA SCOTIA TRUTO NOVA SCOTIA. March 17. Twenty persons Including the wife and slschildren of a lumbermen were burned to death when a lumber camp tt Altbln Biding waa destroyed by Are here today. TWO AIRMAN KILLED .FORT WORTHVTexes. March 17. Lieutenant Hirold Andere of New 'Ik. ; Cadet' Joseph Laoagan of KlU were '.kilted when their air laa'f. fll ' today. Andere wan in structing Lanagan, GERMAN FORCES MAY NOW BE INVADED AT CLOSE RANGE BY LOCAL PUBLIC. IF YOUR BUL LET MISS, YOUR MO.VEY WILL Htl.P WIN. Every time you get around tho forces of Illndenburg and Von Her tllng and pick off the Kaiser you win a thrift stump and the money that you spend In shooting at him all goes toward bringing In hln scalp, In the new stunt arranged by Dun Dale In tho Bowling Alley below the K. K. K. Store In thin city. This patriotic innovation in the bowling game In open to the public m follews: lllndenburg stands at the front or the forces on the npot or the kjng pin. Von llertllng Is lined up directly back and Kaiser BUI stands hidden from view on tho rear row, where Don alleges he Is always round. Any one knocklug down the three men In three consecutive shots wins a thrift Btomp or any one who will TB-ACCEPT OFFER OF THE ALLIES REPORTS FROM AUTHOR1T1VB SOURCES INDICATE THAT TAB DUTCH GOVERNMENT WILL ACCEPT DEMANDS REGARDING SHIPS BY U. 8. AND ENGLAND. ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR FAIR COMPENSATION FOR USB OF SHIPS. 1NTERUPTED TRADE WITH HOLLAND TO RE Rt KTORED. AMSTERDAM, March 13. Thp Associated Press hears on excellent authority that the Dutch Government han accepted the allied govirnhmit dcimindu aa to the Dutch ships to bi used In the danger xone. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 16. Etery arrangement baa been made ttr tl.o compensation of The Nether lands for the ships. They will be Insured and armed, and If any be lost they will bo repine: cd, beside material compensation for tholr use, tho United States will per. mlt the export of breadstuff and cat,- tlo foods which Holland needa sorely for her own people, end In addition will restore the Interrupted trade of Holland with her colonies by guar antielng bunker for her ship lit that trade. Under thin arrangement HollnnJ yjtlll.lf left enough ships for her Ovvu reedi. and has been notified that plcn tlfu' supplleagfpfood await her It slir, Binds bottoms to carry it. By thl arrangement officials point out further responsibility for food short ni,o lb The Netherlands, If thsre be one, will rest on Germany, it continu ed threats coerce Holland Into Heap lug her shipping in harbor. , American and allied officials have r.o fear that the omve will forco rlo!. laud Into the war. curve n ball behind the other two aud pick out the Kaiser gets similar recompense. Tho revenue derived from this source will all be turned Into the purchase of the stamps. The new game opens this evening at the alleys. Water To Be Turned Over Lost River Dam ' In response to continued requests from the farmers of the Klamath Basin, representatives of the U. 8," Reclamation service today announce that water will be 'turned .oyer the' Lost River Diversion Dam' tor' three 'd.ye,.commenclng Friday th 88d,- to allow '" the mulleta waeV'a'rev-low, held, below the riffle at Adam Paint to run up. , ' Many ton of these fltb are caught each year by the farmer in the water below the dam, but thte year jtaaload watere are, not flowing evertae-dam anja'inejro is not enough water below to allow the fish to, come, 1x9s s ' With the wattf.turae on Friday, It tf ifrllevedy-vb;.-. nation oflelale that the. fUhlngl will be line on Saturday ' v " ..$ !i Ft'fcl