MAIM Hi " THE EVENING HERALD; KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON itiiii j Germans Sweeping On To Petrograd ri-r-"--.'. f IWRKOt $110 A?Vr-' SP VCttNUCftt NARVA I "- --t'l MtIANMVIK VW I - J IwwMoV l L-'SM0illl ! lout&t'ilf I QMJpCLWVHt KICFf 8 County Court Proceedings Friday, January 20, 1918, Nunnlo M. Cunlrnll, widow's ,. . .. pension, Februtiry, 1918. mil n ".. 7,1UJ",1 . at"'"'"- Mury K. Pearson, widow' nil. II !., briii ; .,,,w, , Fol)rm.y 198f ...... 11.0 l..lolnv prmcudhm,, ,., ,,,, accd,( f,, ,.. hIoii, February, 1918 I Mi iiki cement tniiilu uml fiilcroJ nertlio K. French, widow's Into IIiIh 25th duy of Junuary. 1918,1 p0u0n, Fobriinry, IUI8.. i.) iiiui win county court or ury ., Wllll-inu, widow' , lUiiiuiitli f.'ouiily. OtvKUN, imity of tti. i.ibIoii. February. I'JIK.. i. -i . ...i...... .. ----, , , -- in ni iniri, nun rc. rc. Mtuaran, Hnugh- tiillug uml DoiiKiin, imrtlc!) of tlie ice. I uml wrl, I WlliicMCftli: Tlmt V flrat putty jliicln, for uml In iiiimldiiriitlon of lie norvlioH rendered and to bo rcn ", Irrwil iiimn tho pint of the second pailles and thu iniKiiiil promises and covenant herein contained. doei.Mary Kucera, aid tounty Imrdliy umidoy hiiooiiiI imrtlnit to I poor, Kolirnnry, 1!H8 ,,,, piiiI'ii. xiriiln und. iIiikIkii pIiiiih nndi Kiito Taylor, nlil rounty rpiii intntlotiH for a rourl lioimo, work poor, Fobruury, lflis 'done for Klamath County, OrcRon, to'.Miiry M. Mborty, vld county ; ln lonitcc! In Kliiinntli KiiIIm, OruKon; I ioor, February, 1918 .... , to Miirvln tlio ciitinlrii(.lloii of tlio niznliutti Hcanloii, aid county ' Kiimi! and m- .that tlio truo In I cut of poor, February, 1!ll8 ,.,, , llm lilium and Hroclllcatlonii Ix currlod Kuzlah Oooddll, nld county UMO n.r.o ID.OfJ 2R.U0 32.r,0 Mndollnn Cook, wldow'H kjii hIoii, Ffbtuary, I ill 8 Myrtio Palmer, wldow'H pon- hIoii, February, littH 32.00 Mary I.. Oerruo, wldow'H pen- hIoii, February, 1!H8 Iliildnh flmlth, aid county poor, February, 1018 . ... Cbai, F, DLip'iilarjr dep uty clerk, January, 11 l.nyd H'. UeLap, ala.ry deputy clerk, .January,' 1918 .,,. Vera Houiton, salary depuiy clerk, Junuary 1918 .... Helen Houston, ttnlary war draft clcrkt January, 11)18 Worden Merc. (.',, mde. "MrB. (,'niddock," county (ioor, January, 1018 T. M, Durham, mdflo "John fon" tounty poor, January, I'JIS Tim J. K. mil Co., offlco sup pltcM, Junuary, 1918 lOoldeii Hule Store, mdHe. county Jail, January, 1918 . . Western Union Tel Co., orv 25.00U Icos Mhoriff, January, 1918 1 1 The arrows In this may show tho lot poult lomi of the Oerman armies Kirchlmc thru ItunNla on to the rap lure of IVtroKrnd. Onneral von Klch born, who has been on the enstorn front ilnre thu boRlnnlng of tho war, It lesilltiK a host alone the south cotit to the (lulf of Finland, and ho out, mid tlio Hvroud purlieu contract tmid iiKreii to do and perform tlio vafl. oiih matturs and thliiRs hereinbefore file fount cil, and In this behalf the recond psrtliM shall exerclmi In said ' innttciM and thltiRn, their aicliltectu i ml ability fur tl.o bent Intel esttt of tlio II rut party. It 1 1 further understood and agreed that tint Hcrond parties shall have full iliarxe of tl.e elect loii'and construe tlnti of raid structure, but In such en paclty shall act only as agents of the II i hi party. In toniilderatlon thereof? tho first inn ty contracts and agrees to pay the ncroiid purlieu for such employment the sum of sovon and one-half (7Vs) .... !.. .if ! nnn.olMtn nnul tnm itlA may strlko tho mplm. first. Another t''""':rZ::7.VZ Livonia, liur- " " """""" ,", (lenernl von '""U'ensnllon to bo paid In tho fol lowing manner, ui-wii Men at Camp Lewis In Fine Condition army Is on Its way thru Mvonlu, bur- r lriK east and north l.lnxcngoii has Joined forces with tho isitt IfLrtslstss 'iiIiIji'm s-jilili litln nPtttlnd at Novo llradvolwynsk on thu soutj. ,;r""1 ""' K',,"1bo ,nld who(n lfho lo drive the bol.huvlkl out. A fourth ''"n" n"J H,""clflcl "" nro rC'd' f.r army hi., taken Minsk an K.n. on lo H' ' "rtow and bids are received. . ' and forly per cent additional srjall be (paid when the building Is throo-quar. ters completed, and the balance shall I bo paid when tho building Is fully i completed. It Is further agreed that I tho party of the first part shall par J to thu said parties of the second part lull traveling expenses necessary In ! connection with the construction of said building, In witness whereof, Tho first par ty has caused these presents to bo ex ecuted by Its commissioners and . county Judgo by n resolution of tho i County Court duly mado and entered f?AMI I. i:VIB. Wnuli Mnrrh 14 tho men. Btnokern am clven In the ... .!. -.,. i .,..-11... hum WholtMiimo food, woll served audi barracks and the best In motion pic- jiereunto attached their hands and pltntltul; heallhful exexrcUe, rlgr- lures and other eiiterlulument pro- t(,ag this 2ftth diy of January. 1918. COUNTY COURT OF KLAMATH COUNTY. OKKdON, Of Marlon Hanks, County Judge, r. II. MeCornaek, Commissioner, Durrell Short, Commissioner. K. K. MtClaran. Haughlallng k Ougan, C. A. Haughtallng. Architects. In presence of C. II. Do Lap, Fred E. Fleet. Whereupon Court adjourned un til Saturday, January 15th, 1918. Marion lianas, county juoit, F. II. MeCornaek, Commlasloatr, Durrell Short, Commissioner. 20.00 2C.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 poor, February, 1918 ., Kllznhcth Oray. aid county poor, Fobruury, 1918 .... 10. 00 H. F. Wilson, aid county poor, February, 1918 10.00 "Nellie Woll, nld county poor, February, 1918 25.00 T. J. Oden, aid county poor, February. 1918 1S.00 Tbu following claims wero allowed by thu high school board, and tho clerk was Instructed to draw war rants on the high school fund for their respective ameunts: C. It. Howm'an, salury, Jan- nary, 1918 '. . . 1CC.67 I. iid lie Marshall, salary, Jan uary, N18 120.93 Mabel Mears, salary, January, Ilex Cafo. moils Jury circuit ' court, January, 1918 .... (Jen I.. Humphrey, cash ad vanced postage, etc., Jan i.biy, 1918 Molso Kllnkcr Co., office sup plies, January, 1918 K. D. Johnson, ex. Insance Chns.Kiicorn, Janunry.1918 (linen ft I'rudhommo Co., offlco supplies, Jnnuary, 1918 W. O. Smith Printing Co., prliitlngcoiinty offices, Jan uary, 1918 W. O. Smith I'rlntlng Co., printing county offices, Jan nary, 1918 Cluiii Taylor, birth and death reports, third quarter .... J. T. Dradley, birth and death reports, third quarter . . . J. M. Rubb, birth and death reports, third quarter . . . H.Snowgoose, birth and death reports, third quarter .... II. I.. Velt, birth and death reports, third quarter .... Thoo. D. Young, birth and I death roports, third quarter. 1918 12G.93 Miss Ada Rice, birth and Itnchel Applegate, salary, I death reports, third quarter January, idis Flvn per cent of tho amount due K. EJstelle Carrier, salary, Jan out training, and clean entortnln- vlded nt the Btnt have put the mon here In tho nominal cost. Liberty Theater at a A great majority of Wit of condition. Btallstlca from division hoilth offloor compared with ilmllar rgiirc- from civilian life show thro Is less sickness In the army than 111 civil life. And tho men have grown to like irroy life. "It Is tho greatest vaca tion I ever had In my Ufa," one mnn aid whrn asked what was his great est Impression of the army. "It's different than I thot It would bo. I enjoy it," another aald. Everything to make the environ His of the soldier at camp of tho tost , being done by tho Red Crois, tb war camp recreation committee, the Y. M. C. A.. Y. W. C. A., Knights of Columbus and Jewish organisation-. Hollglous sorvdees are offered the men but are not forced upon them. Twenty one different blanches of athletics are open to NOTKD HTATK ATTORNKV IMHHKM IN CALIFORNIA I'OUTI.AND.March U Word has been received that W. W. Cotton, lnersl counsel for tho Oregon Washington Railroad and Navlgn Mob Company, n well-known north wt lawyer, passed away In Los Angeles yesterday. He had gone to California for his health. tho tn en are free to leave ramp on Wodneidny afternoons, Saturday afternoon- and Sundays and visit Tiirnma, Seattle and other cities not far from camp. WHY? iHC2gB f Goes Further V I Delicious Flavor 1 XVacuumPacJud 1 LGuaranteeaf VggtgtggtggtttttgtgtgtgtBs BUCKMECHT i a. u.! ARMY Mde on the famous. M union Uit speci fic by, U.S. Army. A practical, evtryday wallt.of life. fimlnsM , farmers, auoris "j outdoor workers Hi hv ia1i a. ,. Bnckhecht Army She Rtsullf foot troubles an no longer o"a to them. HZ. '"" nuexnecht Army lot ire put tl (iml miir 7 wm ffiatfi' PAT. OPS. mt m $6.50 to f7.5U SHOE Ask for the Buck hecht Army Shoa by name look for our registered trade mark stamped on every pair. It Is more tbaa a mere trade mark. It Is a guarantee, a nooi of service. protection, a symb - Lu,,1,?'0,kn""'hlp poHlble. It's cW'sTnuS ! ym csn depend on for C&setsY Slid comfort nil urvlra. tu..,. BUCKINGHAM i Back of It itandi more than a half century of honeit shot manufactuilng. You can gel the Buckhecht Army bhoe In your town. II your desler does not carry It, write ui direct. ata rtsacliie Court met pursuant to adjourn ment, all members being present, when tho following proceedings were had: ' . Tho mntter of the construction of a now court house wus discussed by the County Couit and tho architects hero toforo employed, and there being no further buslnoss, court adjourned un til Friday, Februury 1, 1918 Marlon Hanks, County Judge, F. II. MeCornaek, Commissioner. Durrell Short, Commissioner. Court met pursuant to adjourn ment, when tho following proceed ings were had: The following claims were allowed and tho clork was Instructed to draw warrants on the general fund for their respective ameunts: Nettle" Wallnn, widow's pen sion, February, 1918 15.00 Mary McLane, widow's pen sion, February, 1918 85.00 lloitha C. Donelson, widow's ponslon, Fobruury, 1918.. 10,00 Althn Daniel, widow' pen sion, February, 1918 If .50 Rose K. Keeseg, wldow'a pen sion, February, 1918 10.00 Ella D. Durkhart, wldow'a pension, February, 1918.. 10.00 Tona Hilton, widows' pen sion, February, 1918 10.00 Catherine Tull, widow's pen sion, February, 1918 10.00 Rose Goddard, wldow'a pen sion, February, 1918 85.00 Laura E. Madison, wldow'a .pension, February, 1918.. 10.00 Carrie M. Maler, wldow'a pen sion, February, 1818 10,00 Leona O. Ady, wldow'a pen sion, February, 1818 1T.80 uory, 1918 I.'. J, Mayer, salary, January, 1918 133.33 M. S. Taylor, salary;, Jan uary, 1918 125.93 J. II. Koch, salary, January 1918 n... 111.11 l.nura Hummer, salary, Jan uary, 1918 118.52 Edith Rees, salary, January 1918 111.11 J. II. rices, satary, January, 1918 111.11 Maysel Sanderson, salary, January. 1918 111.11 Rose K. Keesee, salary, Jan uary, 1918 40.00 W. H. Ketsilevor, salary, Jan- uury, 1918 80.00 Whereupon Court adjourned until Friday, February 8, 1918. . Marlon Hanks, County Judge, F. II. MeCornaek, Commissioner, Durrell Short, Commissioner. ' 83.33 23.00 60.00 24.00 7.3R 33 Court met pursuant to adjourn ment, when wero present Marlon Hanks, county Judge, and F. II. Me Cornaek, county commissioner, when the following proceedings were had: The followlng.ctaluis were allowed and the clerk waa Instructed to draw warrants on mo gcnorai tuna lor their respective ameunts: Marlon Hanks, salary county Judge, January, 1918 .... Maud M. Carleton, salary deputy school superintend ent, January, 1918 J. M. Fountain, salary Jan itor, January, 1918 Uso. L. Humphrey, ex. trans fer of "Mlllett" to I'enn. January, 1918 14.93 (leo. L. Humphrey, board of prisoners, January, 1918.. 120.80 C. A. Hayden, salary deputy sheriff, Junuary, 1918 . . . D. T. Law ton, salary stato sealer, January 1 to 22, 17 IB eeeeeeeeeeoasese D. T. Lawton, salary stato sealer, December 21 to Jan. uary 1, 1918 J. F. Morloy, salary assisting district attorney, January, 1918 ...i 100.00 M. 8. Taylor, salary Inspect ing potatoes, January, 1918 13.50 Ooo. A. Haydon, aaiary coun ty, treasurer, Januury,1918 83.33 Meta Chastaln, salary deputy clerk circuit court, Janu ary, 1918 .' 40.00 Ceo. Chastaln, salary clerk circuit court, Jnnuary,1918 150.00 Edna Wells, salary school superintendent, January, 1918 Warren Hunt, salary health officer, January, 1918 .... Warren Hunt, exUmlnation Chas. Kucera, Insane, Jan uary, 1918 .t Qeo. L. Humphrey, salary sheriff, January, 1918 ... 850.00 Durt B. Hawkins, salary dep uty sheriff, January, 1918. 185,00 T. B, Qrintb, salary deputy sheriff, January, 1918 ,-,. 100.00 Oscar Shlve, aaiary deputy sheriff, January, 1918 . . . O, R. DeLap, aaiary county clsrk, January, 1918 .... 150,00 58.33 5.00 78.00 Mies Nettle Voso, birth and death reports, third quarter llarbafa Drown, salary nurse poor farm, January, 1918 . K. II. l4twrcnco, supplies poor farm, January, 1918 flolden Rule Store, supplies poor farm, January, 1918 . Geo. L. Humphrey, cash adv. services out of State "Sweeney" 0. J. Eskclion, Jail supplies. 1. O. O. F. Hall Assn., rent dVtrlct attorney, February, 1918 Mrs. J. L. Davidson, rent Ir rigation election Cal.-Ore. Power Co., services court house 12-28 to 1-81, 1918 Maud M. Carleton, cash adv. postage, etc., school super intendent, January, 19,18. . Geo. L. Humphrey, cash adv. postage, etc., January, 1918 Underwood's Pharmacy, office acuppllcs, January, 1918 . . V. O. Smith Printing Co., offlco suppllos, January, 1918 W. O. Smith Printing Co., offlco suppllos, January, 191S Kllham Stationery Co., office supplies, January, 1918 . . Woitern Union Tel Co., serv ices county clerk, January, 1918 C. R. DeLap, cash adv. express etc., January, 1918 & Hayden, bond road master, 1918 . , Wostcrn Union Tel. Co., serv ices school superintendent, January. 1918 - . . Klamath Fuel Co., wood for court house, contract .... Glass & Prudhomme Co., sup plies for Irrigation districts January, 1918 Klamath Fuel Co., wood for court, house, contract .... K. K. K. Store, rodse, Jail Doreraber, 1917 Glass & Prudhomme Co., sup plies Irrigation districts, Jnmury, 1918 Glass ft Prudhomme Co., of fice supplies, January, lfl8 Geo. Chastaln, cash adv. post age , . . . . II. P. Lewis, witness circuit couit Mrs. D. P. Lewis, witness circuit court J. W. Hilton, witness circuit court Homer Roberts, witness cir cuit court Wrs. W, L. Francis, witness circuit court Claude Lewln, witness circuit - court .' Esther Anderson, witness cir cuit court Mrs. Chas. Hammond, witness circuit court ....... O. B. Hammond, wltnsas cir cuit court J. M." Howard, witness circuit court .....,... Charley Inman, witness cir cuit court Nelson Hall, witness circuit , court i T. B. Butts, witness circuit court 126.00 100,00 100.00 85.00 20.00 34.85 2.69 4.50 6.35 16.60 15.00 7.86 5.00 i 30.63 33.85 1.00 .75 1.85 1.26 .60 .76 1.00 4.60 .60 60.00 10.00 62.93 7.50 4.00 80.00 5.00 60.95 5.80 1.29 17.15 7.00 6.00 45.23 1.09 9.48 3.00 1.77 115.05 117.25 144.65 7.50 17.75 1.58 5.55 1.80 8.10 2.10 2.30 8.40 8.00 8.00 15.00 1IL00 4.30 10.60 3.30 10.00 Dora Butt.' wltieet , circuit ' 'court ........."... 10.00 Art, Dodenhamer, witness clr- cult court .'... 4.20 C. W. Francis, witness Circuit court 6.20 Mrs. Bodenbamer, witness cir cuit court 4.20 Mrs. Tom' Howell, witness cir cuit court 6.20 Ma Asklns, witness circuit court 107.60 Theresa Olson, witness circuit court 60:00 .Mrs. W. II. Barnes, witness circuit court 6.20 Alfred Turpln, witness circuit I court 4.20 Fred Orennon, witness circuit court 4.20 Mrs. R. K. Ltfne, witness cir cuit court 4.20 James Henley, witness circuit court 6.00 Warren Bennett, witness cir cuit court 2.60 W. C. Bennett, witness circuit court 4.60 M. F. Parker! witness circuit court 4.60 M. F. Pjrker, witness circuit court 2.60 Walt Turner, witness circuit court 4.40 Joe Wright, witness circuit court - 3.00 Mrs. Joe Wright, witness cir cuit court 3.00 Albert Sffemore, witness cir cuit court , 4.30 R. 8. Van Campen, witness ' circuit court 4.30 J. P. Morley, witness circuit , court ' 4.30 Viola Hines, witness circuit court - 3.30 John Blade, witness' circuit court 3.30 II. 8. Wilson, witness circuit court 3.20 A. M. Jamison, witness cir cuit court 3.20 May Powers, witness circuit court -. . 10.00 Effle Dlnsmore, witness cir cuit court 10.00 J. M. Groth, witness circuit court 75.00- Mrs. P. A. Erlckson, witness circuit court 76.00 S'AGB TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK IT'S GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO nRINO RACK COLOR AND LUS TRE TO HAIR That beautiful, even shade' of dark, glossv hair can only be bad by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair Is your, ebarcs. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an application or two of Sago and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dred fold. Don't bother to prepare) the mix ture; you can get'tbls famous, old recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients for 60 cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It Is called Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lus tre of your hair. Everybody usee "Wyetb's" Sage and Sulphur Compound nova, because It darkens so naturally and evenly that, nobody can tell it has been ap plied. You simply dampen a sponge oh soft brush with it and draw this wrougn mo nair, laiuua .una mni strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after an- Afhaa .nillllultni. I KiWiniA lua 41 UIUSI afflfWA.IWU t WV-.WM.VS v-f- . fully dark and appears glossy ana lus trous. This ready-to-use preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who destre dsrk hair and a youthful appearance. It la not In tended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. rfrK i BBa.B8J8J8J8JTCMgsspj , sgsBC G&Slilii H The Family Laxative -------M--JM-VM--VMV For constipation and general bowel Irrcgulnrlllos Klipen Is beat for children anil grown up. .Because It's easy to take and because It so promptly pro ilucen desired rcanlts Klgssm Is the most drslrablo 'laxative tablet that we handle. It doesn't purge or gripe but la smooth and gentle In action. loo and 2.1c Boxes You'll get best results from Fifteen llrWooftPairmvY tz!: ,,KIJVUTtl TALIS ORTGOrlinjTWI w;,w"lfv!i.", pjL,. seByBPEpjPyrwy jVaT gTlP4F8F PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN C. CLKGHOKN County Barvetor Civil Engineer City ft County Abstract Co. AltTIICB R. WILSON 517 Msla St. FARM LOANS AT 8 PER CKST FLAT HOUGHTALING DOTJGAN Architects and Engineers 607-8 Henry Building, WE FINANCE YOU Phone Main 8733. Portland, Ore. DR. EARL G. WI8ECARVKR DENTIST Ogfce, Rooms 7 and S, White Building DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteonatulc Pbyslclaa Bsu-feoa Suite ail, 1. e. O. F. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone Ml . . Res. Phone, BUR (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon la KUmatav Falls.) W. D. MILLER Roofing Contractor , Malthoid, Tar and Gravel Roof , lag. Roof Coating. Repair Work a Specialty. 383 8. Sixth Street. Pbone 398. LEGAL NOTICES' Notice to Contractors Plans and specifications for tho re modeling and completion of tho pres ent court house In Hot Springs Addi tion, for Klamath County, Klamath Falls, Oregon,-can be seen at the oSce of the county clerk of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, and at Architect S3. B. McClaran'a offlco at Portland, Oregon, for which bids will be received until noon, March. 30th, 1918.- Bids will also be received on an alternate plan for a new building, plans are oa flle at county clerk's ollce, Ktamath.County, Oregon. Each bidder bidding must btd on both tho remodeling and the alternate. A certified cheek of 10 per cent of bid to accompany bid, guaranteeing a construction contract will be signed and bond given, the County Court re urves'ths right to reject nay and all bids, and to let the work to the best Interests of the county. h o. r;dblap, Il-I0t Clerk of County Court DR. J. G. COBLE Well known OptoaaeUet Optician, Is Pemuwlly Located it 126 3d Street e Opposite Elks Temple Pbone MM Make engagements, and he wjll call at your home and examine your eyes for glasses, if yon can i not call at his oHce. i " caO WOOD Block, slab, limb and body, a length. BsnnU or large qwtjr ties. Prompt service. Terns Cash. Oflce Fifth and Mala p Phone 11SN C KltuMth Futl Ctrwpiuny n. FBVTON.Mssr.' (";: -, , --wr ' .vi,i I $ v tJ -.'l 3k k"-j"y a U''.'J . . J:Jf 1 Trs VtT . ' . -v " ' f, f Vi-Av-r.y fr, .! l'S7;'VV ' ,v';l