$Pp? iTCm. u V5 mffi ,' I i 1 ' 1 L ' i I . ", mrFlClAL NEWSPAPER ' OF KLAMATH wunu OFFICIAL N1WIPAPE1 OP KLAMATH PALLS Twelfth Year'. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON) THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918 Pries Fit e Oh ROTZKY TO OPPOSE SOVIET CONGRESS WW..W,W..... .... ., , ,,., uillliiFAnHNSPUN HILL IILflU DIO OTDiir nm H00VER1S MMMMAMMNMMWWWMWWVMVWWV I REVOLT OPPOSING HUN PEACE FHOfiy LABOR AGITATORS AMI HOtiAl, IHTM PREPARING FOR llltl MOVEMENT OVER EMPIRE. GOVERNMENT WILL TAKE STRONG MEASURES. llMOMTION.UIV COMMITTEE OF 1KX 18 OIUUMXED AT PKTltO- chad, nmtral legations rkmaiv. typhus epidemic wreaking. THE IIAIIUH, March 14. Ubur agltatore mill rnillrnl mhIuIIhIh are planning to rail widespread ntrlkra lliniiiKlioiit Orrmauy on May day (Mny .1), occordliiK to liifornmllon from ilia German border. May day tin always boon I lie date of Sorlallntlc nctlvltlcit In Europe, mid oi en In peacetlmo was usuully the occ-ilon of disorders, That the Ormiin novtrnuioiil. tbru Itrt elaborate system of uxplouaKe. Llltiwa nf fllin nluna fit a tintl'tunl MUfAXH ADVANCING ON ODE. ,,,, r,gftrjC(, , ,.,, M MKKTI.NG WITH DETKHMIN. ol"' "'ru ' n0 llnlll,t '"t strong; nllllnry nicnsurc will be taken to KD RKKIHTANt'E. At'MTIIIA I pre out tliotn. WOUTKH PRISONER OK WAlJ The HwMitt M"e '" ' 0mnn f lii'li'lutiiK U aKiiln becoming reatlve, ntANCIHAT VOLOGDA. ji!epjtc tbo rosy rlulniH of the gov- trnmrnt regarding the situation In I no r.iini. BITTERLY CRIMED SENATOR HEED OF MISSOURI OK. CLARES THAT PRICK FIXING WHICH ADMINISTRATOR DE- (TARED WAH IMPOSSIBLE IM MAINTAINED UY BHARI. '''''VfrvirrrivriYWfywuwuw Wants 20,000 British Soldiers frtim America tCH. HORTHWfST LOSES BY mm WA8IIIN0TON, I. C March 14. I Tl,n majority parllos Intend to In rtrlhir Indication, that lin Trot- "Ul ,lpon M"mv " regarding l in ... .. ..m 4, . uv imiun in iiiw mi nivr iililitll i uii mo muncauon qy lricr gtt( im soriet Council of the tierman ttra, and advorate at reorganisation ' ui tha ue of an army In defeasing m.1. I. -!.. u luuiaiiiBu id message re wives' today from Ambassador Fran. (M at Voloxila. PCTROOItAD, March II. In con- quaes of the departure tit the gov- naeat cbmnilsslonere to Moicow, imlal I'etrograd military revolu Usjuy cotnmlttoo of seven member an bstn formed, with Leon Trotiky - pMeldcnt. Another committee of ItBMDbtri. rriirruintlnv tka oniinrll ----- ..-.... ..-..,..,. , ..,..... ma KCOBBlMloncra. alio will be formed! if""""" " '"'"" "" Ka M. Inovlcff, Unlne adhrreat. - arMldtnt. Tke neutral leiatlona have decided to rtaafh In I'etrograd. The dcr- advinrlnc on Odaiu ara mit. tog With determined rmlilinn nil totf the Blnbodka.TiiiMmiinkk linn . . - - - w ., " imu epidemic In I'etrograd la wrtuing. Tbt anathema anlniit ih nnUha. k pronounced by Dr. Tlkbon, patrl J of all Ituula and metropolitan Moicow. waa read In all the "wcbm Hunday. Iteporti received uy llial Allltrla I. lanUllti nit rtner of war who liavo returned ordtr to prevent propaganda. NKXaKH nATKH KAKT VIA TIIK NOKTHWKHT IUHTRH WITH HOUTIIKHN HVMTKM, fi:FVHKI. 8ALEM, Ore., March H Tho "tliaila Differential" raM Iihi bion Uclited agalmt fit Nortlment hy ivi Irveatlgator for tlio Intuit into commerce Cunimlnl'in. WlL HKIIVICK KXAMINATIOX The Civil RCrVlea Nimtalulnn ail. JWm nn examination at Klamath ". on April 13th to fill a content nnti vacancy far th imaitiA. nr JJW.r at Malln, Ore., the com wtlon for which laat year amount. fc?....t ?" The M"n "" Jfthctae. odlce. In handing In n iIo'Ik'.oi' ycntrr-lny, tho Commlwlon ndvlnod aottlnir mldo ,nd the country la beginning to un WA8IIINOTON, D. C. March 14. ftfimlor Ttuvd of Mlmourl, Democrat, Iiiik renewed liln attack on Food Ad inlnlhtrator Hoover In the Senate. II cliuiucd that never In the country'! Iilnlnry Ima there bcrn aucb waite fulncvi In the eipendlture of money un Hint of the food administration ntiil liu damnnded that a complete nci'oitntltiK ho mado before another dollar U appropriated for Ita uae. In n three hour apcech mad In connection with an amendment, la tri'di ccd by the Mlmourl aenator and lnlir rejected, providing for tha ell ml.'Ktlon from the 'urgent deBcleacy Mil or an appropriation of 11,760,000 for Hip food and fuel administration ho mado aerloua accuaattoas. Attr.tklna; what he termed the price flilna policy of the food administra tion. Henator Reed MldMr. Hoover Holcranly nMiired the'membera of the PRrlrultural committee whan It waa coiihldorlng the control bill, that price lixliic under Ita provlalona would be luipcixrlblp. An noon as the bill wai putfd, he declared Mr. Hoover, sur rounded by tils "board of tradi Klwirpa." picked out an obscure phrase iiiitliorlslng voluntary agreements nn.l "proceeded to conceive. plan for fixing prices." The business methods of the ad nlirttiatlon also wcro crS'.icv.M b? Bonator Heed, who said he wanted to know what hod beconio of $13,000, 000 received as Income from tba grain corporation and from othar sources. Since the hdmlnlitratlon was established on August 10, last, he added, $r.,r. 15,000 has been ap proprlated, of which fl,8S,4I9 has been oxiiended, reports show, Tho senator read a telegram re ceived by him from F. W. Kellogg, publlshor of tho Ban Francisco Call, which dnelared that the growers of tho western states are at tha mercy of the California Packers' corpora tion, from which Charles Bentley, a member of Mr. Hoover's ataff, Is drawing un anuual salary of 116,000. "Now I can understand," Senator Iteod remsrked, "why men work for II a yenr under this circumstance, i '!.His9i M aB''IJSaaVSBBBSEair W; iujggggggHi ggggggH Hg)ggggggggt ggggggH WSWyWWWWWW,W),W ------L-L-TJJ-U1.VLULLI COMPLETE CANVASS ORDER ED the ruling making tho same fttio earn via Seattle and Portland as vlu Nun Orleans. It Is expocted that the state will file objections Within the next two months 20,000 Urltlshers In the United States must enlist In the British army, saya (ie-n eral W. A. White of the Dritlsh and CaBsdlaa recruiting mission. There are soma 100,000 British and Cana dian subjects In the United States. Americans ure busy now handling their own national army. The British mission Is capable of relieving Uncle Bam of the trouble of handling the British and Canadians who want to go to the front. WELLKNOWN PAIfi WEDM 0 LASTEVEMNG HOl'BK TO HOfHK CANVAH8 FOH . WAR SAVf.XOH A.Xd'tHIUFT HTAMI-H TO UK MADK OVKH COU.VTHV NEXT WKKK. Our Government must raise by the war aavlng campaign a sum equal (o approximately twenty dollars per capita all over the Nation. This means that the sales for the year of War Savings Bumps muat equal that In each county. Klamath County Is no exception. To raise our quota we must start at once and every home In the county as well as every Individual wage earner must be a regular con tributor with bla savings to this loan. A' bouse to home canvas has been ordered by the State Director to be made between March 19th and 23d to see that every home has made a atart by purchasing at least a Thrift stamp. If you have not yet started buying these atampa get busy and do your duty at once. It will save the county management much lubor and trouble. This la not a drive but just the begMalag ol a campaign that must continue all year. Save your small change buy stamps regularly. If each Individual would buy but one 26 cent atamp per week, Uncle Sam would have $26,000,000 a week com ing in to his Treasury, Remember you are not giving your money,' you are loaning It and If you want it back you can cash In your certificates with accrued Interest at the postofflce anytime on ten day's notice Don't get the Idea that this Is a child's af fair, it'a a real man's game. .You can Invest in any'.amount from 25 cents to $1000 a five dollar certi ficate costs $4.14 this month. Do your duty. J. W. Siemens, Chairman. Edna Walla. H. D. Mortenson. R. II. Dunbar. H. N. Moe. W. A. Delielt. Fred Fleet. WAR SECRETARY Ep L A N S TO luuurran m n in ii n DLUfi ur SHIPYARD REVEALED RAID 1 PARIS BAKKIl IHX'MIIKtt DAMAGE TO I'ltOI'KKTV IIY KAIHEH'B RAID 18 IXMIOMFICAXT AND SUCH WORK IIOl'HEB PEOPLE TO GREATER EFFORT. PARIS, March 14. Secretary ISuKor made the following statement concerning Monday night's air' raid on Paris: "It was my first experience or the actualities of war and a revelation of the methods Inaugurated by an enemy who wages the same war against women and children as again st soldiers. "If his objects are to damage prop erty, the results- are trifling when compared with his efforts. If his ob Juts nre to weaken the people's mor ale the reply Is given by tbe superb conduct of the people of Paris. "Moreover, aerial raids on towns, which are counterpart of the pitiless submarine war and tbe attacks against Amerlcsn right, are the very explanation of the reason why Amer ica entered the war. We are sending our soldiers to Europe to fight until the world Is delivered from these horrors." SCHOOL as NOW WORKING This Is a case which has bom in litigation for au oxtvmled period. The northwest has maintained that a discrimination has been niiido In favor of jthe southern railroad rou'.en from the east in allowing lower pns senger ratea In that territory, thereby enabling the south to gain a largor lortlon of the tourist travel. Uerstand It." Senator Underwood of Alabama, who was in charge of the bill, ex plained that tho money appropriated by the measure was to be used In extondlng the administration's work In the states and suggested that If the sonate waa dlasatbuled with the food law It should repeal It. Many Citizens Are Now Paying Taxes a ahsriK". - , ... . 5 torn .Cu0Urt H0U" . U si tZ uumoar or osenaars UaW.. ,ncrc. but became tha tu i "" " nactusa Z.f '" th,ir " The taxes have been payable since the first of tha. month and represen tatives at tha office declare that there la apparently a greater riuh to the enies thla season than In previous yaars. Tm WW become delinquent on April Iftb. EASTERN OREGON JUDGE COMPLETES FIRST BWEATBR DAKKR, Ore., March 14. County Judge Duby claims the honor of be ing the first masculine knitter of Baker to complete a sweater, a com pleted garment knitted by hlra be ing proudly exhibited at tha court house. Some of his skeptical frlenda thought Mrs. Douby probably could tell more, about It and called ber on the phone, but sha conirmed tha Judgo'a story that ha alona had done the work. YOUNG BTOCKMAN OF KLAMATH MAH8H TAKEN HHIDE FROM 'M'RAfiUE RIVER DISTRICT. HONEYMOON IN CALIFORNIA. GERMANY PRCFARM FOR NEW WAIf LOAV LONDON, March H. A Mf r. man loan of $16,000,000,000 Mirks, will be Issued seoa. an afecUu tal- egrapb dtspate (rea CopaftlfM savs. Tba Oeman war im Hi Utuounts to 100,000,000,000 auVaa. Two well known and respected young people of Klamath County were united In tha bonds of matri mony laat evening when Charles L. Lens, Jr., son of a promnleat stock man ot the Klamath Marsh wedded Miss Agnes Pankey of tbe Sprague River taction. The ceremony was performed here by Justice E. W. Oowen at his home on Pine street at I o'clock. Tbe uroora Is a partner with his father In the cattle business on tbe Marsh end Is numbered among the enterprising men of that section. His bride Is the daughter ot Louts Pan key, a stockman residing on Sprague River. The couple left for Southern Cali fornia on a bridal trip this morning, expectlcg to retura March Sltb. They lava tbe best wishes of many lamath friends. CAMPAIGN LEADER HERE TOMORROW All liberty loan workers aro urged to be on band at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Elks building, when Blaine Hallock, one of the state lead ers ot the coming campaign will be hero from Portland to discuss mat ters ot Importance to all. Mr. Hullock'a Ideas and suggestions will prove valuable to all those who expect to assist In this great work. He Is expected to arrive on the late train this evening. FOR SOLDIERS HEWING CLA8MEH AND OTHER CHILDREN OF CITY GRADE HCHOOLB NOW I1U8Y MAKING ARTICLES NEEDED AT FRONT 19S&8 HOUSE NOW AGREED ON RAIL ROAD CONTROL BILL, WHICH GOES TO PRESIDENT. FLEET OF "EAGLES" IS ANNOUNCED. AMERICAN TROOPS WHO DROVE DACK ENEMY IN RECENT AT TACK ARE CONGRATULATED UY FRENCH COMMANDER O.V THEIR BEHAVIOUR. The girls of the sewing classes in the grades are now working busily on twenty laetes for the refugees. Tho girls of the four different wards, numberliiK about 190, from the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades, all meeting at the Central Domestic Science building under the direction of Miss Clara Elme, are making tbe Itiyottes, and the children In the sec ond, tlilid and fourth snipping the tilling for pillows. WASniNOTOK, D. C, March 14. Tbe United States and England have presented final notice to Holland that unless the pending agreement tor the allied use of' Dutch ships Is ac cepted by March.l8tb, tbe ships wilt be taken over tor allied use. Manager Dudley Kennedy or tba Industrial relations department told the Senate Committee today that enough dynamite to blow up halt the shipyard at Hog Island was round thore during February. The House has agreed to the Con ference report on tbe Railroad Con trol Bill, which now goes to the Pres ident tor signature. The American troops which repuls ed the German raids on March 5th were from tbe Forty-second or Rain bow Division, composed or National (J turd men. Oeneral Pershing hu re. ported that the French commander congratulated the Americans on their conduct. Henry Ford's submarine chasers are to be known as tbe "Eagles" end It Is announced by the department that an "Eagle" class or boats will be established. being also In charge of Miss Elmer, wro will superintend the buying or the materials to be used. The boys will purchase the bags of sundries, which Include soap, talcum, safety, pins and washcloths, etc. The cooking classes will meet only grades are .twice a month until the layettes are completed. The girls are showing A fund of f ISO has been subscribed a very great amount ot Interest In by the school-children to buy the this work, and all are eager to do materials tor the layettes, the fund I their share. UNCLE BAM MAKES LOAN TO CUBA RsKOVBIM FROM OPHUJIOK Mrs. H. Crane wh was oparateg uaea reeeatly at tba Idamttlt See MU), HiMlir raeoTarad aa M able ta leave that taatitvUm aid return to bar heme at Chlloquln. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 14. Another ally became a borrower from the United States Tuesday when the treasury extended a credit of $15, 000,000 to the Cuban government to assist it In war preparation. PATRIOTIC JUDGE BELLS THRIFT STAMPS IN COURT CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., March 14 Jurors and witnesses appearing before Judge Karl W. Farr, of the county court, bare are being paid war savlags or thrift stamps, unless ttof object. Tha payments In stamps ware ordered by tbo Judge, who re- aagtlyjoM a quantity ot tha (lamps la,', kia court room. Tba Judge ex Meia to dlaaose of a large amount of thrift stamps la this way. New Stunts to Aid Sale ot Thrift Stamps J. M. Watklns of the Mecca Bit- evening wins tbe game. All tbe Hard Room js the first of the Klamath Falls pool room proprietors to start a contest for the sale of the war savings and thrift stamps.. Tomorrow night a special game will be put "on In this establishment in which tbe pool balls will be raok el up and a "break" sold for teu cents. Each individual can have as ra.ny breaks as he wishes at this prica Tha number on tha ball which roll Into tbo pockets wll be totolsd at each break and thVpersom getting the biggest total during the money taken In tor this game goes Into thrift atampa and when four dollars and fourteen cents la received a war certificate la purchased and given to the man who makes tba high score. It Is pointed out that in this game the most unskilled player will have an aqual chance with the ex part. ProprUtora ot several other place will adopt this schema to 111 Uacla taaVa pocket aid will specify dlf. iarant night of tha weak far tha r. pose. Other stunts are being worlt ed out to help til cause V 58 &4?jM &m ma i v- 'a.w . v,..