rwi 7", 1?"v -T Vin '$ rtfClAL NEWBrnr OFFICIAL NSWIPAFn KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FAlXt 2? '2r$ '""' ll,JM" r iiiijfa i in mi.,,, Ci iw- ww KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1918 Price Ft Osat 'TTOj OVEMENT OF DRAFTED MEN ORDERED - "" jvuwinnnnnnnvuwr.- - -.-. .-. . jvuj-ruw , jj. --rvTnjmmaran vinrAnAiruxuwinAruvuuuuinnAnnnAnni n PUD TEAM AND FlKKHBvP''ZlEXIEHSK lf!MIRT K ALL ECTI0NS KWt'ALL WILL PROBABLV CM. llr.Tr: WIST lill.MT giUTl AND TAKi: NOME I.N HEI.OMI H)WA AMI MINNESOTA AUK MCKITtl. UN'S Ali'Ol.TIOXMENT IH 7KREK IIV.MIRED AND SIXTY. .MSB, WASHINGTON'S NEARLY RMRLE, TOTAL NINETY-KIVE TWRMXI). WABHINOTON. I). C. March 13. t aottmnit of 9.1,000 drafted men iIsbIok on March 3V and contlnu for Are ilsya haa been ordered lo ir if r;ovoit Marshal Crowder,! kh call troop from all stale I Iowa ami .Minnesota. Tat new mil Include men remain- from tho first draft and those lift. I to tall In tho second. It will vlr. ally 'contipti tlm flrat draft and It iiknown ax yet how many men In Mcond draft will bo affected. i't apportionment la 309 In thla taunt anil Washington' 63. Crawdtr declared In connection Elbe announcement that the draft to ordered aa noon aa Congrese tho law to compute the baala apportionment among tha atataa Rlatatunber nf reals) rants In Claaa i. Bight hundred thouaand men in to be considered aa composing the draft, although no auch num- t lll be called at any one time. Ha aild that there would be no o withdrawal of great number Industry or agriculture. Tim III go In amall nurabera thru Prt Ik year and will probably com- ( to leave In April. Fllll GET RANGE O.N CANIIRAI BCRLIN, March 13. Cambria baa bombardoil liv Inn illilinM Wis gun. Several ahota of the what calibre fell In tho town to. IK RAID OX PARIS LAST XIOIIT PAR 18, March 11 Tin n..rmnn.i l four air plnncs In an attack on rrii lut nlKht. Nine aouadrona par- "Wed In tho raid. ROM Yankees Successfully ITH THR luniniu abuv I --- "arnvwi ana. i wtn 13. An America ral'ilng par. ' JWerday morning Kect4 ao ea. Into t& aor',.reliM . : th To"l etor about o'eteek', "wing ,avy artlllary bombard-- ECALLtU UBERTY B0NDS1I NINE PUPILS IN KI.AM.tTII OIUA. TV SCHOOI.S ARE MEMBERS OK RAINBOW REGIMENT.. MANY BUYING WAR HAVING HTAMIS. Mm- puplla In Klumutli County have tucureil inoiiiborahlps In tho Flrtt Italnbow Regiment In Oregon according to u report Just made by County Hrhool Hiiporlntondeiit Kiln a Well Kuril of these Hold ut loast llfty dollar worth or tho Thrift Slump and War Having Slumps. Fortyonr teacher In the school of Dm coiinly own Mborty bond and l)2 uro oAiiud by puplla. Tho am ount IntttMcd by the former la $2700 and by Ilia latter $ War Certificate owned by teachnra total ninety-one anil by puplla 439. Tim amounts Inverted are respective ly 4:.7.r.(i and 11195.00. The num. her of pupils owning Thrift Stamps la Hi) and the amount Invested la f.".4r.t. t Muny puplla are devoting three hours per day to the different branch ia of home Industry, Including food production, gardening, poultry rais ing, tc Tho Interest In theso linns Is fast Increasing according to Miss Well and many pupils have written theme on thrift and havn participate ed In Thrift programs of different kinds U. S. TO AID E PRESIDENT BENDS MESSAGE OF ASSURANCE TO COXGHKH Or SOIIKTH. DECLARES EVI'.HV OPPORTUNITY TO lfl'.ll Will. UK TAKEN. WASHINGTON, D. C. Miu-cli 12. President Wilson In u message to tho Congican of Soviets In lluaaia made public today unsure them that the United States will talta ever oppoi tiiull." to secure the Iu1cpeinletcti of ItuiKla and the restoration or IU torn. .kti sovereignity. lllHa CAPITAL MAV MOVB KABT WASHINGTON, D. C, March 12. The Ruaslnn revolutionary govern ment la now ready to move from Mo, cow to a point farther east If tha German continue to advance, accord Ins to an official dispatch. RUSK TO MD m. Raid Trenches Alone at. The msa brought back considerable material and soae valuable Informa tion', but teeured no prisoners, Thia la the Brit raid that haa been male by the Amarleaaa without' the ald"6f ths French, WAKIIINOTON, I), C, March 12.- -Tho government control will probably bo extended to In rlutlf) tho leading express com pn.iti'-, tlm administration Inti mated today. FffTY-nFTY E OIIUKH AXXOt.VCKO AHKAO OP 1IMK t-Oll OIXM)X OX MARCH FOIIHTH WKXT INTO KPPHCT II Kill: YraiTKItDAY AKTt:BXOOX Tin lirty-nfty flour baala went Into riled here yesterday afternoon ac cording to K. It. Jefferaon, local rep rcKontntlve of the Mason Ehrman Co. In corroboration with tbe Infor unilinn given out by Mr. Jefferson, tho following announcement was made today by George T. SaMwla, Count Chairman of the Federal Pood Commlsvlon. To all Dealers In Flour, March 11. 'IS Owing to the abaolute necessity that this county furnish wheat for shipment to our Army abroad and to tho I'eopto of Prance positive Instruc tions Ikivk been Issued that no aalea of Tour made without an equal (inutility of substitute; Tiili. i rdor la now In effect and must bu obeyed. OEO. T. IIA1.DWIN. County Chairman Federal Food Com mlsflon. It wo announced on March 4th Mint the State of Oregon had been placed with other states b" the food n-Milnlatratlon on a half and half b.'isls na regards the c.iMumptlon of n heat flour, but It was discovered the njxt day that the order uai pot au thentic The food administration aaks every v-liolexalo and 'retail grocer to re nt) Id his satca of wheat flour by tc juiilng every purchaser of sarao to buy and use an equal amount of a iclven list of substitute cereals, Is finding corn meal, corn flour, edible com atarch, hominy, corn grits bar Iny flour, potato flour, sweet 'poUto flout, soya bean flour, fetonta rout and meals, rice, rice flour, oat meal, rolled oat and buckwheat floun MAUHIAUK CKRKMOXV LAHT KVBNINO The wedding of Charles Vernon Campbell and Mlsa Traney Burkshlre was eolemnlied last evening at :I0 at the home of Mrs. Vines, BIB Klam ath Avenue. Reverend W. H. Cox of the Emmanuel Baptist Church united the young couple In the pres ence of a large group of friends and relatives. A brother of the groom and Mrs, Vines, stood up with tha couple during the ceremony. Following the wedding a supper was served to the party which waa greatly enjoyed by all the guests. i m BUSINESS ME BANQUET TONMIT The Klamath Palls Builaeas Maae' Association ' will -hold iU'rtf)ar monthly bullae meettag aid quei thls.avMlag at tha WMaa,MaU. Af mUra of 'laaorW.r.A't M brought Mf,it ls)lre4,a.',W attentates he promt- Aiaistw Ingdllraerwlll be aerved as usiiaM FL OUR RtJLE NOW EFFFCTfV OfCtfM ENGINEERS HTATK DEPARTMKXT ItEgUBSTS CHIXKMK OOVKRXMKXT TO GET ACTIVE IN RESCUIXG MEN WHO WERE TAKEN MY BANDITS. WABHINOTON, II. C, March 13. The Chines Government has been asked by the Stat Department to do whstevsr was possible to effect tbe rolesae of tb twb engineers, wbo are reported to have been captured by bandits and to punish their assail ants. Kyle was aa engineer employ ed In constructing Uie Oregon Trunk Road Into DeserutM County. He has two sons la the service of tbe OoYern ment, oa of them , being an aviator. The dispatch received gave tb same aa Nyl but the company declare there Is no such nam s tb booka and that tho man mast's Kyi. i UPERIYHBIE WORDKX l'KOl'KRTY INCLUDING ORPHKVM BUII.DIXG NEAR THE WHITE I'EUCAN HOTEL IS TRADED FOR PORTLAND REAL ESTATE, A dal whereby th extensive prop erty ar tbe White Pelican Hotel on Mala 8trt owned by Major Chas. E. Worden formerly of Klamath Palls and aow of Portland, Is glvsn la part exchange for Portland downtown property Is outlined la the last Issue received of tbe "Orogonlan." Th trad was made with Colonel Hoary S. Doscb. la return for his property her and a cash consideration, Major Words becomes owner of a quarter block, at the corner of Taylor and Weat Park strests. The property adjoins the Masonic Temple on th south and Is Improved with frame buildings. Th Klamath Palls property which lnclud- ee th Orepheus Building was taken In at $46,000 the property secured being valued at $88,000. Th article recites that Major Wor den haa Invested a total of $100,000 la Portland property durlag th last year. m AUTO REPAIR COURSE OFFERED AT O. A. O. CORVALLIB. Ore.. March IS. i new course la automobile malat aac. repair and operation will 0 nffered this semester. by th Mho) if eaglneerlng at th Oregoa Agrl utinnl rvilUia. Dean Cavall save that tha demand for thla pa laiiateat. Studeata of engineer-in-, laduatrlal arte aid other llaee hav asked that an auUmobll court a given. , ' r- k wilt ha staaiaaaasl taf ln ceat wk wait aa laUmaU kaovl 'U at tka. ilraraaa'aa MwhaHlMc "a're'palrlUiuwmobUea; ,ciltj,' iMa attaatlea will aaatv tTinfia typrtafatrVctloi'aa, atf0 If maeatne e vanona s - MWW m HANDS P LONDON. March 13. Japan ' haa as yet resched no decision as to dispatching troops Into Siberia, according to latest ad- ) vice received here. . PROPRIETORS OF BILLIARD PAR. LOBS AND BOWLING ALLEYS EVIDENCE PATRIOTIC DESIRE TO AID IN INCREASING SALES. A decided atlmulatlou among the business men here for the sale of the Thrift and War Saving Sumps la aoted and while the total sale here have been Increasing rapidly during th past moath, It la probable that a greater lacroase will be made from thla Urn ea. . Taopmrlsta t th billiard, ball aad bawltag alleys la Klamath Falls, reallalai that large possibilities are ppra to thorn to .help this matter aloag hav been meeting together with th Idea of working up aome original stunts to help It forward. Several met yesterday with tho general committee at the County 8u perlntendenta office to discuss sev eral plana. The total salca for Klamath County to date are $8,888.84 according to Chairman J. W. Slemena who has charge of the campaign In Klamath County. The quota to be raised be tween this and January 1, 1919 la $340,000. PRESBYTERIAN MEN WILL FORM CLUB THIS EVENING The men membera of the Presby terian Church and their frienda will meet thla evening at the home of C. C. Hogue, 015 High atreet, for the purpose of forming an association of a social and civic nature. At a pre vious meeting held by a large group of business aud professional men the need of such an association was unan imously admitted. Preliminary moves ere made and It is expected that a constitution and by-laws will bo adopted this evening. o RED CROSS MEMBERS DOING SPLENDID WORK The weekly shipment of knitted goods from the local Red Cross work rooms aa raoorted by Mrs. Addle Walker, who Is In charge of thla de uartment, consist of thirty-four sweaters, forty-nine pslrs of aocka, one afghan and one pair of wristlets. Thla shipment Is declared to be tne aaaat lot sent thus far. Mrs. Walker asserts that the whole county Is now doing splendid work. Tha Bly district today sent In six teen suits of pajamas, six sweaters an afgaaa aid tftei pairs of socks. LUXBURG ESCAPES FROM ARGENTINA AIRSf'. March It Count in'rit this fermsr Qermasi mtn fMrtefto have. H4 from "aal'laVhalleved to b es- Vpiag U ChlH. - TF STAMP HUM TO MB HON ORHflN STATE ENGINEER WORKS OUT PLANS WHICH WILL SAVE PROSPECTIVE WATER USERS ABOUT SEVEN DOLLARS. PER ACRE. SALEM, Ore., March 13 State Engineer Lewis, on his return from Jackson County where he made an inspection trip, reported finding a aeriou conflict In water right and un necessary expenditures In the propos ed plans of the Medford and Talent Irrigation districts, which will Irri gate 31,500 acres and 8,S0O acreit -respectively. The state engineer outlined plans for joint construction by which the same canal will serve both tracts, resulting In an estimated saving of seven dollars per acre to the Medford project and tour dollars per acre to the Talent district. Water can be secured from Johnson Prairie, accord lag to LewVptgn. - . Construction work on the Talent project was approved for the Mc Donald Creek unit only, which will not he affected by the consolidation of plans. The Oranta Paas and Gold Hill districts' plan are nearlng com pletlon and they will proceed short ly If their bonds jan he disposed of. Mr. Lewis declared. IN FAR EAST ASSISTED BY LIBERATED GEll MAN PRISONERS, THEY ARE PIRbUING ANTI - IIOLSIIKVIKI FORCES INTO MANCHURIA. PARDIN, Manchuria, March 13. General Semenoff the antl-Dolahivlkl leader in Siberia has retreated Into Manchuria before the advance of the superior Bolahevlkl forces, according to advices received here. The accuracy of the Bolshevik! Are during the fighting indicates the co operation of former German prison ers. Bemenoff'a munitions are now ex hausted and his funds are declared gone. Upper Lake Service The earliest Spring mall boat trip from. Klamath Palls to Upper Lake Points since the transportation was Ktorted. was mad today- with th steamer Spray uider th direction of papt.ain.H. c. caiuns.r ; L . A',' number of trips oa tb Upper take have been made thla wlater'and niN AREWNNMG COURT IS DIVIDED OVER NEW BUILDING COMMISSIONER SHORT IN EXTEX- SIVE STATEMENT DEFINES HIS POSITION IX ADVOCATING COM. PLETION OF THE UNFINISHED STRUCTURE. DECLARES HE BELIEVES WISHES OF COUNTY VOTERS EXnumU ED BY ELECTION AND PETITlbx SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. To the Tax Payers and Cltltens or Klnmth Ceunty: "There appeared In the Issue of Ihe Evening Herald of Saturday, March 9th, a statement relative to Court House matters purporting to speak' for the County Court of Klamath County, and signed by only two mem bers of the Court, namely Marlon Hanks, County Judge, and F. H. Mc Cornack, County Commissioner. I was requested to sign the said state ment but did not and could not do so. Judge Hanks and Mr. McCornack assume to speak for the County Court and to say In advance what the Court will do. As your County Commissioner and a member of tbe County Court it be comes by duty to you and to myself to go en record at tb'la time and state fact and -make public why I refused to sign tbe statement of March 9, 1918. It Is the most disagreeable duty that can be laid upon mo as a public Jofllclal to be obliged to. publicly dis agree with my fellow gacr and col. I league In the CounttVCourt. I am Mule for the statements made In the communication of Judge Hanks and Mr. McCornack. I can not admit' the correctness of their publlahed state ments and I have opposed and do em phatically oppose their policy In this Court House matter. In the first place, the letter of Judge Hatika and Mr. McCoraack la In no tense an answer to the repeated and proper requests of a large body of our rltlsen tax payers. The County Court entered Into a Contract of Jan. uary 23, 1918, with certain architects, tho Intent of which was amblguoua to tay the least. The present County Judge publicly Concluded on Pag 3 Mail Boat Starts Today owing to the unusual mildness of th eason th Ice has not interfere seriously with tbe regular mat. but th mall service waa dlscpptla4 last tall. His not crUlatbat.p4 4. ul will coatlau fram.-Mw,; al terupted durlag the next iwojauptka but ft la belleved.prohaWe tbaljt wW. p. i" . .. & .: ?&? we