tS" uemng Iteralft OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NXWIPAPim , OP KLAMATH FALL! OF KLAMATH wvwfl" frelfth Yosr ' MM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1018 Price) Fir Ogata ankees Raid Hun Trenches Successfully NEMY IS OUTED IN AIDS ON QLAMB MURDER ATUROAY CANHOIIAIUIK FRONT LINK TWCVtHKH OK ENEMY, SWEEP rAft and route forces out Or SECOND LINE. itoiuioh made at same tink utcrday night, dugoutm mohs up, papers ami ma. imal secured. CASETOBE warn PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION TO iTAHT TOMORROW MORNING FOR WIDOW OF MURDERED MKK COUNTY NAN. MUCH IX. TKKKHT KNOWN. WITH TIIK AMERICAN AltUY, II, The Americans who are Mra. Ilertba Lamb who la being held In iJikevlew for the murder of her husband K. O, tamli of I'aUley recently, will be liven a preliminary hearing tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Many rumor bare been spread re gardlng tho cause of tho booting but nothing deflnlto will ae learned until the case Is brought 'into tho courts. It U generally admllcd lu the Paisley district that Mr. and Mrs. Unb had more or lets domestic trouble during the last two months or Mr. l-amb's lift, but no one dream ed that their differences would re sult In a tragedy. lamb was a man who won held In iilas with tlio French force high eateem abraout Southern Ore - I .. . I 7. i aide three rnlds In the sector n. He was a successful iocs man dt their own In tho Korralne na bad omer uusmess in.eresw. .... was wen Known in mamam ran whero be wns a member of tho Klka todge. Two o( tlic raids were executed nluaroualy on Saturday night. Tkt AmerlraiiH swept past three krsuu tnt line and penetrated to Mcond line U hundred yards k. Beaulnlng hero (or a period of ) quarters of an hour, they blew I the dugout and secured valuable i and other material. The en forces fled and left them with In la their "n hands. Ii the air righting on Friday as j at twelve lioMlle machines were according to reports from BrNUh Wnr Offices. Ten were aiewn out or control and others Ptrtbaet down by anti-aircraft gun n- .Three llrltlsh machines are W At noon Saturday llrltlsh Mes dropped ten bombs or aid- tad factories at Mains. All sat. lw returned safely. MARRIAGE SATURDAY em SECRETARY HAKKK ARRIVES IN PARIS I'AHIH, March 11 Secretary or War llsker arrived here to day. He was received by (Jen ernls Pershing and Bliss. Am basiudor Hharp and prominent French officials. i PACKAGES TO i THE SOLDIERS i NOW CENSORED n TAX MANFXPfCTED HERf AGAH I YIHIT AIIIIOAD TO HE VERY BRIEF PARIS, March 11. Secretary of Mr Baker will remain here Just ' Hough to inspect the military traction unrior way and review 1 fpopt. Ill visit Is nut a dlplo- ! me but purely military. He loa Februury 11th. accomnanled r NUer William Dlack, LleuteMHt 1 Dratt mid his urlvata aecre- Ralph Hayes. IR RAID MADE ON NAPLES fOMK. Mar.1, 1 1 Tk. ...m. ""tori have again attacked Naples. 'Sly bombs wnrn ilrmmaH I.. Mia lr4Bl nnnrlnr Tl. ul.il.n I,.. ,,... - ... g tv fivillllli III' MtRIV HlfH - ""oven occupant of a hospital. I other causes. ina Will Enter KLAMATH FALLS COUPLE WED DEI) BY PRESBYTERIAN PAS. TOM. WILL KTAIIT HOUSE KEEPING ON OAK NEAR HIXTH. The marriage of Thomas Hardy of this city to Miss Molllo l.ano was performed Saturday night at the borne of Mrs. Alice llaldwln on 6th and .Oak streets by Reverend K. 1. Lawrence of the Presbyterian Church. The groom la an employee of the Chelsea Box Factory wlillo the brldo ha been employed as a night opera tor for the Pacific Telephono Com pany. The young couple will reside lu a cottage on Oak Street near Sixth. CASUALTIES REPORTED WASHINGTON, D. C. March 11. aeneral Pershing's casualty list re porta four prlvatea killed In action, four severely woundod and 'twenty one sllahtly wounded. Four men have died from wounda and two from Siberia With Japan SPECIAL REQUEST MADE FOR HOME ONK TO AID RESIDENTS IN MAKING OUT INCOMK TAX RETURNS. In responKu to a request made by Cashier Leslie Rogers of the First National Rank, word haa been recelv. ed hero today that J. 8. Hogg the la come tax officer who was bare la January furnishing Information re garding the Income tat, will be Beat again for this work byCellecfor Msy ton A. Miller for three days from March 27th to March 30tb. Many of those who will come under this tax, are still at a loss aa to how to make their returns out properly and It Is believed that a short, visit again from Mr. Hogg will be of ma terial help In this way. The Treasury Department haa ex tended the time for filing Income tax returns to April 1, 1918. After April first an extensive drive will be made, taking In the entire state, and heavy imnalllrs will attach where persons liable to the tax have failed to dis close their liability and to make re-' turn on or before April 1, 191e ' SOCIALIST SOLDIERS ARE CONVICTED IIY OOURTMARTIAL CAMP DO 1X1 B, Iowa, March 11. Eight National Army men from St. Paul, who are all professed socialists, have been found guilty by Court Mar. tlal of refusing to obey ordera and 'have been sentenced to twenty aad 'twtuty-flve year terms la the Federal prison at Fort Lavenworth. KISS AND FINNS ARE NOW FIOMTLNQ STOCKHOLM, March U. Heavily righting now continues lalaad be tween the Finnish White Guard aad the Russian Rod Ouard. The Rue slans despite their heavily losses coa tlnue to throw la fresh troope ac cording to a Finnish statement. v m ' HTEAMEK SINKS PASSENGERS SAVED SEATTLE, March 11. All of the 176 passengers on board the Alaska pasenger steamer "Admiral awaae. which was sunk near J unsay, neve been landed safely. BRITISH ADVANCE IN BAST HEAVY FLNK AND IMPRISONMENT ATTACHED To) SENDING EX. PLOMVB OR INFLAMMABLE AIU TIciKM TO roBCKH IN FRANCE. Persona who have occasion to aend mall packages to tke Expeditionary forces la France are cautloaed by the postal authorities to guard agalait seadlag uamallable articles such aa matches, alcohol, explosives and la- flammable subetaaces, which era la strict vlolatloa of be regulations, Authorities reaert that such ar ticles oMtlatte to be found la part agee regardless ot'Jlbe flee of 15,060 aad Imprleoameat preKribed aa a peaalty for such ytolatloa. The yef aetata are directed to exclude all each amattare from traas traasport aad tuv be held jolatly reepoaalble for Irie or accldeau re sulting from sue! aubstaacee that they raay, have partaked to paae, aad are Instructed UiHamlaa paekaea tt arUelee pinklbbjaj at their: assetf , Ilea: " asaajeeaalaetsaeMevejajatrte Al'STRMNS ATTEMPT TO CROSS PIAVE ROME, March 11. The Aus trian troops In attempting to cross the Plave River were pre vented from reaching the Ital ian aide by the Italian batteries which tank the rafts and boats before they could reach shore. tiAorn ninurrn il DIES IN WOOD i RIVERVAlLEY e n JsHktVr ev-jHx m cross :i WORKERSWW mm BIO BeTJFMBNT OF PANAMA SUITS . OUVMS FOR HOSPITAL AT TJIB FRONT. MORE COMPLETED .TO BBRCNT THIS WEEK; . - That the corps of Red Cross work are who have been on the -Job at the york rooma In the Orpheus Bulldlag. lace the-last reports have not been Idle shown by the fact that two boxes, each contalalng eighty pajama suits have Just been sent for the use of patients in the field hospitals. It Is also reported that one huadred mora suits are completed on the helves' In the headquarters. These will be seat some time this week. a DISTRIBUTION OOMMiTTKK COMMENCKSWORK TODAY GETSUPNEW "MOVE" DEA CAN RUN "NO WAIT" SHOW WITH ONK MACHLNE WHERE TWO WKRK FORMERLY REgVlRED, PATENT APPUED FOR. By thinking of a comparatively lmple Icea, but tMtHn u It at seout the right t an-l al-. ti: the rt'iit thlag, Prau L. Tei'::lRor. movie operator at the Star Theatre, haa veefcad oat a method by which eight or teer"tkousaid"feel of" film caa be run ol by one machine, with out a atop aad haa applied for a pat eat an the Improvement which h feels euro will be allowed. So successful has the Improvement worked out, that after getting the ap paratus la order Mr. Terwllllger was able to run off over thirty miles of film without a single break. A large circular metal box has been Installed over the machine at the 8tar which holds the entire program for the evening In one roll. A reel of a tegular slse Is put In position be low the lens differing only from the standard reels in the method of catching the 81m. in the' former style of reel a spring catch was mud by which the string of film was caught and attached, but the lime required for the operation was oi such length that it would have noen Impossible to change the lower reels while the big one above continued to run. Inatead of the catch therefore MAN WHO CAME TO OREGON TEN YEARS BEFORE CIVIL WAR, PASSES AT FORT KLAMATH. Sl'llVIVED UV MOTHEII-IN-LAW FOIIT KLAMATH, March 11. Jacob Stouder, who died here Satur day at 5:30 p. m. of Brlght's disease at the one of ninety-one years, was one of Oregon'e early pioneers, hav ing come to Washington County In 18S2. After residing there twelve years he removed to Umatilla County and later to Daker County where he remained twenty-seven years. He bad resided in the Wood River Val ley for about two years. For the past aix years be had been an Invalid, He followed the stock raising lndus try. The funeral wa held here this afternoon. Mr. Stouder was born July 20, 1827. He la survived by bis wife, sged sixty-five years, his mother-In law, sged ninety-eight years and an adopted daughter, aged twelve years. BIG STORM DEVASTATES NORTHWEST BAKFRMfN Will HELP FARMERS MEMBERS OF HOME GUARD WILL ASSIST FARMERS IN NEIGH BORHOOD TO PliANT AND HAR. VEST CHOI'S THIS YEAR. T 'WIN, March u. The Chinese Mat lor this work from China, It Ii ilaalaMd. Japan la to hear M. 'pase.oi thu .njiuia candlic the cofcwle- tUaVof the proposed 'Amerleaa loan to at has girnifui iitiM 8Prats With Jan.. fc..A...... a W WV ,jwvM"fal ""d Interests HiUi.... !!... . T wmmm muris Two divisions will be The committee on, the distribution of the Individual quotaa of the Third Liberty Loan commeaced work, this morning according to Captain caas J. Ferguson. Judge D. V. Kuyksn- dayy la chairman of tale Important committee. Other membera are Lee lie Rogers, John Siemens, Jr.. frank Ward. D. W. Ryaa, J. A. Qordoa, J. 8. Kent. Charlee J. Martin, Fred Bchaltock, B. M. Bubb, D. O. Mora and William Tlngley. o ' RBTVRNH FROM SOUTH Mrs. Will Houston returned; Satur day night from a Ave week'O vtat at Lea AaaelM. San" Dtoge -an other Callfernla points. She report a,'Iaa time.- : " (Continued on page 4) BANK CALL ISSUED FROM WASHINGTON LONDON, March W Thorn -hli been further retirement of the Turka .. ..-i- ml TiirkUh ear rlaonwilchwaa drive 4utharat. BOYTB JfOTKltJ ..... WArh Brltta advajsee. haa ' ... i ciWueW;to.rttri WMar.b., m .- fwp ""Wgflji BrlUalr w1r efFy-'aBfmsm5 eira.; tW 'KTUST ZFZ.1 ulles above their former paeltleJk ' l..Wrlgh Ja-aa la'atlitlianis WASHINQTON, D. C. March 11. The Comptroller of the Currency has Issued a bank call for the close or business on March 4th. The first National Bank of this city reports a receipt of this order and declares that similar notice haa been sent to all the smaller banks of, the county. BABY DAUGHTER BORN A ten pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. Songulnettl yesterday at the Klamath Hospital. Dr. Warren Hunt was la attendance. SHERIFF'S BOOKS AUDITED B. M. Wilson the expert account ant, who la going over the booka In the different departments of the Court House haa completed his work on the Sheriff's hooka and commenced this morning to audit those In the County Clerk's office. AIK RAJM I ON PABtf ' niia'lfaiea 11. German AYlaN U ilrtUrtUnU4 Pari Friday ajge1..wlth aoaejacraew- wao'wt , t n arty.- - . ! BAKER, Ore., March 11. At a meeting of Company B, Home Quards IambIaiI Iiam avavv man tt thA tTlfjIA than ninety present voted In favor of,ora day 1'two giving two days' time to work on the OHIO PARTS CYCLONE SATURDAY NIGHT KILL AND INJURE MANY'. COMMUNI CATION LINKS DOWN, TRAFFIC INTERVPTED. SOME SMALL TOWNS SAID TO HAVE BEEN PRACTICALLY' DK. STROYKD. APPEALS FOR HELP TO OUTSIDE SECTIONS MADK. COLUMBUS. March 11 Eight person are known to be dead, many ore reported injured and thousands of dollars of property dsmage was done Saturday night by a cyclone which cut u swath thru northwestern Ohio. The center of the cyclone seemed to have been In Van Wert County, altbo serious damage haa been report ed between Lima and Findlay. Continental, Ohio la reported lb have been almost wiped out by the high wind, and 'the towns of Van Wert, Defiance, Mlddlepolnt, Convoy, and Lima are reported to have suf fered heavily. Jantorla, Bluffton, Ottawa and other towns between Lima and Findlay are reported to have been hit hard. v Telephone and telegraph lines are down and railroad and Interurban traffic has been so interfered with that Indications are that the loss Of life probably will not become known The cyclone, n quarter of a mile t ,.a . W.MMA kan 9A mlfa lAllff. J..iL,JKWrtlat towiship. in Van Wert the proposal and asked volunteers to right shoulder arms." every man in the company brought his rifle to po sition at once, County. Conditions west of Van Wert are said to be critical. Farmere are re- I a. j k. etaeUA nil t hunt A almllnr piopoaal will be made to . p- '" -" '"- .... whlch were blown down. It la reported that the towna of Hols-ate and Halmer, Ohio, west of the members of Company A of the guards. Should this company decide to give the time, from one hundred and flfty to two hundred home guards- Zl'Z'U, wnmn novnm saris nnvtt phimi iui - - stroyed by a tornado. Appeals for men would devote two days each tq assisting farmers In this vicinity In putting in and harvesting crops. Some employes of men In the com panies have offered to pay the men for their time given to this work. NOTICES The Eastern Star will hold Its reg ular meeting tomorrow night at 7:30. In addition to the regular buslnesa a program will be given. Immediate help have gone out to ad jacent cities. NEW STOCKMAN ARRIVES A baby boy weighing seven pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs. Luke Walk er of this city yesterdoy at the Klam ath Hospital. Dr. E. D. Johnson was In attendance. Mother and child are reported doing nicely. American Engineers Captured In China PEKING. March It. Two Amort 'n engineers two eea robbed and pti)d by bandits nenrfYehilon in tbf Province, of Hour..- ' ' , . , The men war atticked'.whlle ear ly ing money to pay survey partita, und were taken after a bard right. It Is lelleved that R..J, rareoU-tor roerly of St. Pu and Oedrge A. JtyU wjio was fomerty'a,HiMne aa. giueet la Portland were the men ! i'1'inled In the report - i - 3 t ' ; i ' nj? ; China. . Ahv